db slovakia

# HoI - Slovakian Events
# written by Henrik Fåhraeus

# The End of Czechoslovakia
event = {
id = 2300
random = no
country = SLO
trigger = {
# German event 2006 for the End of Czecho-Slovakia
name = "EVT_2300_NAME"
desc = "EVT_2300_DESC"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "OK" # Bohemia and Moravia to Germany

command = { type = leave_alliance }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = GER value = 612 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = GER value = 615 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = GER value = 619 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HUN value = 726 }
command = { type = trigger which = 2500 }#HUN
command = { type = alliance which = GER }
command = { type = alignment which = fascist value = 200 }
command = { type = headofstate which = 31001 }
command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31002 }
command = { type = foreignminister which = 31003 }
command = { type = armamentminister which = 31004 }
command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31005 }
command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31006 }
command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 31007 }
command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 31008 }
command = { type = chiefofnavy which = 31009 }
command = { type = chiefofair which = 31010 }
command = { type = dissent value = -30 }


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