SHSpec 30 6407C15 Organizational Operation

6407C15 SHSpec-30 Organizational Operation

Your practice as a scientologist can carry you into the fields of
organization and business. Your perimeter of action goes out wider than just
processing people. It includes the economic woof and warp that makes the trap
that keeps civilizations interiorized into themselves. It includes
relationships on dynamics beyond the first dynamic. We don't evaluate for the
PC. However, outside of an auditing session, advice can be valuable and
non-evaluative. The individual has eight dynamics. You can handle his first
dynamic in auditing, but he has stresses and impacts reaching him from the
second, third, and other dynamics.

Only two things give you trouble:

1. Significance.

2. Mass.

When someone can't confront mass, he goes into significance, figure-figure,
etc. And sometimes, but not necessarily, handling mass is a substitute
activity for one unable to handle significances. Also, some people who can
handle mass very well can't think. But there is no reason why someone can't do both. Occupationally, a person could be in a position where he mainly handles one or the other and considers that he mustn't do the other, or that he can't. Society tells you that you mustn't confront certain things. If you accept this dictum, you can find yourself up some blind alley someplace.

When life offers a person no reward, he will lose interest in playing the
game anymore. Destruction of a reward factor is more contributive to a
psychosis than punishment.

You could have conflict between fourth dynamics, if Terrans came into
conflict with another race of beings. The fifth dynamic tends to be out of
comm with people. So does the sixth. Man finds the seventh dynamic unreal.
One this planet, the eighth dynamic is the subject of nuttiness.

Up the line, the common denominator is understanding and communication.
The only reason why you have trouble inside a dynamic or one dynamic against
another, is lack of communication and understanding, with it or of it. The
less communication and understanding is feasible, the more trouble you would
have in doing something with it. The reward and punishment factors are out to
the degree that the communication or understanding is out. The English and
Germans keep having wars because of differences in culture, slight those these
differences are.

Understanding can exist, even in the absence of significant
communication, on the fifth dynamic or at least between men and the fifth
dynamic. There is not much mutual understanding within the fifth dynamic.
There is a lot of mutual warfare. This doesn't mean that the "Law of the
Jungle" is senior or the only one operating. There are also assistive factors
in the fifth dynamic: points of high understanding, as in symbiosis.

We are in the field of looking over the dynamics and finding out how far
communication is out and how far understanding is out. The easiest way to
square somebody around in life is to process him. However, sometimes you have
to start out by approaching a person with advice, before he will even get
processing. You can advise someone who is going to get processed to move out
of his normal environment for a week, and so on. You may have to give him
very complicated advice, to match the complexity of his problems.

As you move up into dynamics besides the first, you may find that you
have things to handle that you can't handle by getting all involved into
processing. When you depart from handling a first dynamic, practically
speaking, you have advice or instruction as the main activity. Instruction is
more directed advice. You use this on the upper seven dynamics. So training,
instilling cultural patterns, etc., becomes part of a scientologist's
activities. Advice is casual, undirected instruction. Basically, it is what
you use everywhere but on the first dynamic. When people ask for advice, go
ahead and evaluate, if advice is all you can get them to have. It would be
irresponsible not to give advice, if the person can't get some processing.
Within the reality you've got and the data you've got, give the best and least
partisan advice you can. You only get into trouble when you move away from
being pan-determined in the advice you give, or, for that matter, in whom you
will process. Remember, though, that advice that isn't partisan is
unacceptable. Do give advice, but don't spend a whole lot of time mulling it
over. Just don't pretend to be completely detached. If a guy wants you to
get mad at his mother-in-law, you don't have to, but you don't have to pretend that you are detached and no part of the conflict, either. Bleaugh!! Look interested and give advice. You can offer advice urging communication. If that is not accepted, realize that you don't know much about the situation and you might as well give the person something that he can and will apply and do. Estimate the degree of understanding that can occur in the situation and advise that. [Presumably, this would also apply to communication.] Don't assume that you know very much about the situation or that you can give him the perfect
solution. If you had the perfect solution, the person wouldn't take it. He
would only take as much as he could apply. So give him what he can apply and
do. The equation is: What is the best advice you can give him that will be
taken? When you know that a person will take a particular piece of advice,
put pressure on and put in the hope factor. Advice is anything that you can
deal off the cuff that the person can do, that is more beneficial to him than
what he is doing. The point is: Handle it! You can do a lot besides
processing a person. Hunt and punch around for what he will accept.

Don't assume that everything you are told is true. And don't get
partisan. The advice you give can be slightly destructive. Just don't give
advice that is widely destructive.

1. Try to bring about auditing.

2. If you can't bring about auditing, try to bring about communication.

3. If you can't bring about communication, try to bring about

Give the individual something practical. Give him something to do. In this
way, you will lessen the amount of people's troubles that you listen to. Even
if people don't do what you say, you will have catalyzed the situation, and it
will have smoothed out. If they don't want to handle it, they will stop
talking to you, anyway. The fact that you are helping the people in your
vicinity handle life does put you kingpin and aces up, and you actually occupy
a role that you will increasingly occupy as scientology rolls along.


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