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By John Martin and Dan Wideman
Prince Ethelimar of Lothern stood proud Still, this moment of liability worried the
upon the prow of his eagle ship. Before him Prince. Whilst their great warships stood
a mist-shrouded riverbank was alive with ghostlike in the morning mist, the army
the myriad sounds of jungle life. The calls of itself was vulnerable to being overrun by
exotic birds mixed in a symphony of any of the Lizardmen, which inhabited
discord with the croaking of frogs and the these lands. The only shelter they were
occasional outraged cry of a small arboreal afforded were the ruins of an old human
mammal disturbed by the disembarking colony they were using as a makeshift port.
army. Assailed by the tropical heat, the Prince Ethelimar desperately wished he
young prince constantly found himself could dismount some of the ships
needing to wipe the sweat dripping from complement of Reaper bolt throwers. When
his furrowed brow. This steamy used to support the Lothern Sea Guard they
warmth created a misty fog bank could make a defensive stand against
that covered the approach of the almost any foe. This was no defensive
High Elven expeditionary mission though. The Prince s force had
force as they rowed ashore sailed from Ulthuan with orders from the
from their ships. Phoenix Court to secure the mythical Staff
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Beyond the Game
of Jade. The Court feared that the primitive Do you refer to yourself, Theli? she said
Lizardmen would misuse the artefact and smiling.
destroy the delicate balance that
Of course not, he replied in irritation.
maintained the flow of magic being
constantly redirected by the standing The young maiden returned to her
stones of his homeland. That mission bodyguards, her sense of adventure quelled
brought his force here to this ruined coastal by her brother s stoicism.
castle. This place would serve as a base for
In the reeds along the shoreline several
the raid to capture the staff, as well as a
small reptilian shapes moved silently
place of defence to fall back upon if the
through the bush. The only bits of them
reptilian defenders proved overwhelming. A
visible above the surface were two yellow
gentle hand on his shoulder broke his
slit pupil eyes and a small crest. The group
communicated with hand signals and
Brother, do you daydream again? a dispersed to bring warning of this invasion
beautiful female Elf asked, stepping to his of the homeland to the great priests. One by
side. She wore robes of white silk gilded in one they emerged from the water dripping
ancient runes of protection, put there as a among the jungle plants. The first made it
gift upon her departure from the two steps. The last made it five.
Loremasters school at Hoeth. Her long
Inform the Prince that we have
blonde tresses were bound back in a braid
encountered and dispatched their
hanging to her waist, and her green eyes
local scouts, we attack
sparkled with delight at the sight of such a
undetected, the Shadow
strange land before her. Several steps back,
Warrior leader said to a
two of her bodyguards - Swordmasters from
waiting messenger.
the Tower of Hoeth, stood in watchful
The Shadow Warriors
began gathering what bits
Daydream? No. Worry? Yes. This is a task
of equipment they could
not to be taken lightly, Larithlanna. We
from the slain scouts
must be cautious, and you most of all must
that might provide
take care. The Mage-priests our enemies
useful intelligence on
worship are powerful sorcerers, more
the enemy. Behind
ancient and learned than even the lords of
them the host
the White Tower they say. It is said they do
of Ulthuan
terrible things to trespassing mages. I do
not like having to leave half my force
for war.
behind, but the jungle is no place for war
machines. We must act quickly and those
elements upon which I have learned to rely
are too slow in this dense terrain.
What have we to fear from nearly illiterate
beasts that still make use of pictographs,
have only crude weapons and live in fetid
reeking swamps?
Indeed, sister, so said the defenders of
Antoch when these very beasts stole that
which we came for. Look around you,
Larith, this colony did not last, nor have
many other human colonies not far from
here. Our own expeditions to these jungles
have disappeared. That is why we come
now with an army, and why you will
remain here and use your
powers to strengthen these
walls. Evil these reptiles may
be since they work openly
with the Dark Kin, but I would not
underestimate their strengths. A lack of
intelligence is not always a bad thing
among rank and file soldiers as long as they
are properly led.
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The War of the Staff
addition, most scenarios escalate army size
so players can build their armies between
This is a linked tree campaign that consists
campaign games. When selecting an army,
of three battles; the first battle is Scenario A
keep in mind that the troops you select will
Jungle Ambush that continues the story
take part in the next battle (it is assumed
with the High Elf attack on the Lizardmen
that reinforcements replace any casualties
caravan that is transporting the Staff of Jade.
and stragglers return to the ranks) so you
For the second battle, the campaign story
might want to select a balanced army lest
branches with a scenario based on the
you get caught with mostly cavalry in a siege!
outcome of the first battle. In the final battle,
Because many units will fight from game to
players will again follow the proper branch
game, players are encouraged to use the
based on the result of the second game. This
Battle Honours rules given in the Warmaster
is shown best with the chart below.
rulebook to develop some character in their
Some scenarios may have special army
veteran units.
restrictions for the upcoming game. In
High Elf Victory Lizardman Victory
High Elf High Elf Lizardman Lizardman
Major Minor Minor Major
versatile troops able to fight with both spear
and bow, making them expert in both
Lothern Sea Guard
defence and attack. For the purposes of this
Much of Prince Ethelimar s army is made up
campaign, the Elf player may add them to
of the crew from the ships that sailed from
their Army Selector as shown below:
Ulthuan. Elven crews are comprised of
Lothern Sea Guard, which are highly
Lothern Sea Guard Infantry 3/1 3 5+ 3 85 0/2 *
* This unit adds +1 to their dice roll when making shooting attacks like Archers.
Wizard only& & & & & & 25 Points
The campaign revolves around the Staff of Jade, so it is only fitting to give it some abilities. In
certain scenarios during the campaign, the side that possesses the staff may use it.
The Staff of Jade allows the bearer to control the winds of magic. Consequently, the staff can
be used as either a Scroll of Dispelling or a Ring of Magic. Note that the Staff is still one use
only. Taking the Staff of Jade does not prevent other characters from having a Scroll of
Dispelling or Ring of Magic.
oints per unit
Unit size
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The War of the Staff
occupied by a unit, displace the unit to the
side of the road as necessary to allow room
The Time of Destruction had passed and the
for the wagon. If a wagon would move into
Slann Mage-Priest, Lord Mazdamundi,
an enemy unit, halt the wagon 1cm from the
ordered that the Staff of Jade be transported
enemy. Note that wagons must move and
from the temple city of Hexoatl to greater
they may only be moved forward along the
safety deep within the jungle of Lustria. As
road; you cannot turn a wagon train around
the caravan set off they were blissfully
on narrow jungle paths! The player moving a
unaware of the Elven army that lay in wait to
wagon can decide which path the wagons
ambush them.
will take and it is not necessary for all
High Elf Army
wagons to follow the same fork in the road.
The Elven army consists of 1,000 points
Uncontrolled wagons count as enemy for the
chosen from the High Elf army list. The only
purposes of Command penalty and Initiative
restrictions are that the Elves may not take
charges. Wagons can be charged in order to
any chariots or artillery in the army.
make contact even though there is no
Lizardman Army
combat or result. Wagons cannot be shot at
The Lizardman army consists of 1,000 points
nor are they affected by magic. If necessary,
chosen from the Lizardman army list. The
wagons are treated as impassable terrain
army also contains three wagons; the
during drive backs and retreats. If a player
Lizardman player must secretly note down
has a unit touching a wagon at the end of
which wagon is carrying the Staff of Jade.
their turn, the wagon comes under their
control. When the High Elves take control of
a wagon, the Lizardman player must reveal if
Players should set-up the battlefield using
it is the correct wagon. If it is not, the wagon
the map on page 86 of the Warmaster
is plundered and removed from the game.
rulebook as in the scenario The Flight of
Countess Heugenloewd. The defending
To represent the element of sudden
Lizardman army is deployed first along the
surprise, the Lizardman General counts his
road as described in the scenario. The
Command value as 7 in his first turn.
attacking High Elf army is then deployed as
Special Victory Conditions
shown on the map and takes the first turn.
Victory points are not used in this scenario.
Special Rules
If a side is forced to withdraw, the other side
The wagons must move 20cm along the road
is automatically declared the winner. If the
in the Command phase of the side that
game is played for the specified number of
controls the wagon. They do not need to be
turns (rolled for as normal) or both sides
given an order to do this and cannot be
withdraw in the same turn, then the side
moved further by orders or Initiative. As a
controlling the wagon with the Staff of Jade
wagon moves along the road, friendly units
is the winner. If the wagon is moved off the
will move aside to allow the wagon to pass,
board, the side controlling it is immediately
so a wagon can move through friendly units
declared the winner.
on the road. If a wagon stops at a location
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The War of the Staff
Lizardman Army
The Lizardman army consists of the 1,000
points army from the last battle, plus an
The High Elves have captured the Staff of
additional 500 points selected as normal
Jade and are currently making good their
with no restrictions. This means the army
escape through the jungle and back to their
will be 1,500 points in total.
ships. Loaded with the plunder of their raid,
the march home has been slow. The Elves
finally manage to break through to the
Players should set-up the map as shown on
relative safety of the open coastal plains
the map on page 85 of the Warmaster
before the Lizardmen are able to launch a
rulebook from the scenario Wagon Train
counter strike.
Over Axe Bite Pass. To represent the
transition of terrain from the Lustrian jungle
High Elf Army
to open plains near the sea, substitute three
The Elven army consists of the 1,000 points
areas of wood for the three right-most hills.
army from the last battle, plus an additional
The High Elves deploy as the defenders as
500 points selected as normal with no
described in the scenario, and the
restrictions. This means the army will be
Lizardmen are the attackers.
1,500 points in total. The army also contains
a number of wagons equal to its breakpoint;
Special Rules
the High Elf player must secretly note down
This scenario uses the wagon rules found in
which wagon carries the Staff of Jade.
the Jungle Ambush scenario.
Victory Conditions
Since only the possession of the Staff
matters, this scenario has the same victory
conditions as the Jungle Ambush scenario.
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The War of the Staff
The Elves surprise attack against the The High Elves have lost many great warriors
Lizardmen has failed. Not only do the but are nearing the end of their quest. All that
Lizardmen still possess the Staff of Jade but remains is to secure the Staff of Jade within
also the sound of war drums can be heard in the ancient stone circle near the coast and
every direction Lizardmen reinforcements! stabilize the flow of magic around Ulthuan.
The Elves have decided to make a stand The Lizardmen however, have darker plans
along the banks of the River Quei to give the for the Staff of Jade and seek to retrieve it
coastal garrison a chance to prepare from the Elven interlopers.
High Elf Army
High Elf Army The Elven army consists of the 1,500 points
The Elven army consists of the 1,000 points army from the last battle, plus an additional
army from the last battle, plus an additional 500 points selected as normal with no
500 points selected as normal with no restrictions. This means, the army will be
restrictions. This means the army will be 2,000 points i total. The High Elf player must
1,500 points in total. give one of his wizards the Staff of Jade as
their magic item. Therefore, the army must
Lizardman Army
contain at least one wizard.
The Lizardman army consists of the 1,000
point army from the last battles plus an Lizardman Army
additional 500 points selected as normal The Lizardman army consists of the 1,500
with no restrictions. This means the army point army from the last battle, plus an
will be 1,500 points in total. additional 500 points selected as normal with
no restrictions. This means the army will be
2,000 points in total. The army must be split
Players should set-up as shown on the map
into a main force and a reserve force of at
on page 80 of the Warmaster rulebook from
least 1,000 points.
the scenario The Battle of the Little Big
Bash. The High Elves deploy as the Set-up
defenders as described in the scenario and Players should set-up the map as shown on
the Lizardmen are the attackers. page 81 of the Warmaster rulebook from the
scenario The Battle of Nobhill. On top of
Special Rules
the hill, place a stone circle that is about 25-
Any troops can cross the river using the
30cm in diameter. The Lizardmen main force
bridge but only infantry can attempt to wade
deploys as the defenders as described in the
across. A unit/brigade reaching the river
scenario and the High Elves are the attackers.
automatically halts. A further order must
At the beginning of each of the Lizardman
then be given to move across the river.
player s turns, roll a D6 to determine if the
Troops will not use their Initiative to cross
reserve force appears. On the first turn, the
the river unless they are infantry obliged to
reserve force arrives on the score of a 6; on
charge enemy they can reach, in which case
the second and third turns on a 5 or 6. The
they must do so.
reserve force automatically arrives at the
beginning of the fourth turn if it has not
Infantry units can fight in the river but stands
already done so. Place the arriving reserve
which retreat into or through the river are
force as described in the rulebook.
destroyed. Note that this is the only special
rule for the river; it does not affect line of
Special Rules
sight, confer defended status, etc.
The stone circle rules are found on page 27
of the Warmaster Annual.
Victory Conditions
This scenario does not use victory points. If
Victory Conditions
either side is forced to withdraw, the other
This scenario does not use Victory points. If
side is automatically the winner. If neither
either side is forced to withdraw, the other
side withdraws before the game ends (rolled
side is automatically the winner. If neither
for as normal) or both sides withdraw in the
side withdraws before the game ends (rolled
same turn, the Lizardmen win as long as they
for as normal) or both sides withdraw in the
have one unit of infantry on the opposite
same turn, the High Elves win if the Staff of
side of the river. Units of one stand do not
Jade is inside the stone circle when the game
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The War of the Staff
the High Elf player is in possession of the
Staff he must give it to one of his wizards as
It has been a bloody conflict with neither
their magic item. Therefore, the army must
side gaining the upper hand. A High Elf
contain at least one wizard.
victory now will blunt the Lizardman
counter-attack and stall their advance
Lizardman Army
against the newly established Elven trading
The Lizardman army consists of the 1,500
port. Conversely, a Lizardman victory will
point army from the last battle, plus an
stop the High Elves expanding in Lustria
additional 500 points selected as normal
and contain them in their half-built
with no restrictions. This means the army
coastal fort.
will be 2,000 points in total. The army must
be split into a main force and a reserve force
High Elf Army
of at least 1,000 points. If the Lizardman
The Elven army consists of the 1,500
player is in possession of the Staff, he must
points army from the last battle,
give it to one of his wizards (or the General
plus an additional 500 points
if preferred) as their magic item.
selected as normal with
no restrictions. This
means, the army
The players should set-up using the map
will be 2,000
shown on page 79 of the Warmaster
points in total. If
rulebook. Scenery should be set-up by the
side that lost the last battle. The player who
won the last battle then chooses on which
edge they will deploy.
Victory Conditions
This scenario uses the standard victory
conditions and Victory points.
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The War of the Staff
Set-up the battlefield using the map below.
The important terrain features are the sea
The actions of the trespassing High Elves
and the castle walls. The battlefield within
have awakened a great serpent. The
the High Elves shooting range (40cm)
depleted High Elf expeditionary force is
should be level and clear. The Lizardman
holed up in their makeshift fortress,
deployment area is 40cm from the castle.
desperately waiting for reinforcements to
arrive by sea. The wrath of the Lizardmen
Special Rules
will fall upon the High Elf force but they
This battle uses the siege rules from pages
must assail the fortress and take it quickly
90-95 of the Warmaster rulebook. Players
before more of them arrive from across the
can also use the expanded siege rules in the
Into the Breach article from issue 9 of
Warmaster magazine (also on the Fanatic
High Elf Army
web site).
The Elven army consists of the 1,000 points
army from the last battle, plus an additional
Victory Conditions
500 points selected as normal with no
This scenario does not use standard victory
restrictions. In addition, they have enough
points. If either side is forced to withdraw,
boiling oil to cover nine 40mm wall sections.
the other side is automatically the winner. If
neither side withdraws before the game
Lizardman Army
ends (after eight turns) or both sides
The Lizardman army consists of the 1,500
withdraw in the same turn, each player
points army from the last battle, plus an
computes the total number of victory points
additional 500 points selected as normal
they have based on which parts of the castle
with no restrictions. This means, the army
they control.
will be 2,000 points in total. There are no
Section Points
restrictions on the types of troops you can
Wall (per 40mm section) 50
take. The Lizardman player may also take the
Tower 150
Staff of Jade and he must give it to one of his
Gateway 100
wizards (or the General if preferred) as their
Courtyard 250
magic item. In addition, the Lizardmen have
two siege towers, a battering ram, and
Control is determined by which side has
enough mantlets to protect two units plus
more stands in the area. If the number of
sufficient ladders for all of the remaining
stands is equal, or the section is destroyed,
then neither side gains any Victory points.
For the Lizardmen to win, they must have
more Victory points than the High Elves.
Elf Fortress
40 cm
Lizardman deployment
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