define a candidate architecture A3651DA3

Activity: Define a Candidate Architecture

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Activity: Define a Candidate Architecture

This activity creates an initial sketch of the software architecture.

DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage

Work Product Breakdown = {
title: "Work Product Breakdown", summary: "Work Product Breakdown",
columns: [
["presentation_name", "Breakdown Element"],
["model_info", "Model Info"],
["entry_state", "Entry State"],
["exit_state", "Exit State"],
["deliverable", "Deliverable"],
["type", "Type"],
["is_planned", "Planned"],
["has_multiple_occurrences", "Multiple Occurrences"],
["is_optional", "Optional"]],
rows: [

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index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_analysis_class", title: "Analysis Class", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_analysis_class_9780EEDF.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "false", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
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predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input, Output", type: "Artifact",
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index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_architectural_proof_of_concept", title: "Architectural Proof-of-Concept", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_architectural_proof_of_concept_326B3CF7.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input", type: "Artifact",
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "5be82238", parentId: "", relPath: ",_Pu3DBUocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_deployment_model", title: "Deployment Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_deployment_model_9F8A353B.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Output", type: "Artifact",
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "b4bf9228", parentId: "", relPath: ",_Pu3DBEocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_model", title: "Design Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_model_94EC552B.html",
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{id: "ed16eefe", parentId: "", relPath: ",_COQSFBi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_glossary", title: "Glossary", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_glossary_EECE8ADF.html",
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "250e05c4", parentId: "", relPath: ",_Pu3DAkocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_reference_architecture", title: "Reference Architecture", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_reference_architecture_C9916732.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
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{id: "96f6b76e", parentId: "", relPath: ",_Pu3DAEocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_risk_list", title: "Risk List", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_risk_list_D05A730C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "350f5490", parentId: "", relPath: ",_Pu3DAUocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_software_architecture_document", title: "Software Architecture Document", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_software_architecture_document_DAF8531C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input, Optional Input, Output", type: "Artifact",
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "12a2bc52", parentId: "", relPath: ",_COQSHBi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_supplementary_specification", title: "Supplementary Specifications", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_supplementary_specification_77F24F1D.html",
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{id: "dd601c98", parentId: "", relPath: ",_COQSGhi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_usecase_model", title: "Use-Case Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_usecase_model_AC976124.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input, Optional Input, Output", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "93df38fe", parentId: "dd601c98", relPath: ",_COQSGhi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g,_jmFcYL9dEdqBwpaAk4N49g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_usecase", title: "Use Case", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_usecase_D92A3E83.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e20e5216", parentId: "dd601c98", relPath: ",_COQSGhi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g,_i0b9AL9dEdqBwpaAk4N49g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "5ab0aa3c", parentId: "", relPath: ",_QaBf4UocEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_use_case_realization", title: "Use-Case Realization", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_use_case_realization_4D3EEF47.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input, Output", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2d4b17f0", parentId: "", relPath: ",_COQSExi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_vision", title: "Vision", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_vision_2E117CF6.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},


©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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