classsf 1 1String

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::String sf::String Class ReferenceString defines a graphical 2D text, that can be drawn on screen. More... #include <String.hpp> Inheritance diagram for sf::String: List of all members. Public Types enum  Style {   Regular = 0,   Bold = 1 << 0,   Italic = 1 << 1,   Underlined = 1 << 2 }  Enumerate the string drawing styles. More... Public Member Functions  String ()  Default constructor.  String (const Unicode::Text &Text, const Font &CharFont=Font::GetDefaultFont(), float Size=30.f)  Construct the string from any kind of text. void SetText (const Unicode::Text &Text)  Set the text (from any kind of string). void SetFont (const Font &CharFont)  Set the font of the string. void SetSize (float Size)  Set the size of the string The default size is 30. void SetStyle (unsigned long TextStyle)  Set the style of the text The default style is Regular. const Unicode::Text & GetText () const  Get the text (the returned text can be converted implicitely to any kind of string). const Font & GetFont () const  Get the font used by the string. float GetSize () const  Get the size of the characters. unsigned long GetStyle () const  Get the style of the text. sf::Vector2f GetCharacterPos (std::size_t Index) const  Return the visual position of the Index-th character of the string, in coordinates relative to the string (note : translation, center, rotation and scale are not applied). FloatRect GetRect () const  Get the string rectangle on screen. void SetPosition (float X, float Y)  Set the position of the object (take 2 values). void SetPosition (const Vector2f &Position)  Set the position of the object (take a 2D vector). void SetX (float X)  Set the X position of the object. void SetY (float Y)  Set the Y position of the object. void SetScale (float ScaleX, float ScaleY)  Set the scale of the object (take 2 values). void SetScale (const Vector2f &Scale)  Set the scale of the object (take a 2D vector). void SetScaleX (float FactorX)  Set the X scale factor of the object. void SetScaleY (float FactorY)  Set the Y scale factor of the object. void SetCenter (float CenterX, float CenterY)  Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take 2 values). void SetCenter (const Vector2f &Center)  Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take a 2D vector). void SetRotation (float Rotation)  Set the orientation of the object. void SetColor (const Color &Col)  Set the color of the object. void SetBlendMode (Blend::Mode Mode)  Set the blending mode for the object. const Vector2f & GetPosition () const  Get the position of the object. const Vector2f & GetScale () const  Get the current scale of the object. const Vector2f & GetCenter () const  Get the center of the object. float GetRotation () const  Get the orientation of the object. const Color & GetColor () const  Get the color of the object. Blend::Mode GetBlendMode () const  Get the current blending mode. void Move (float OffsetX, float OffsetY)  Move the object of a given offset (take 2 values). void Move (const Vector2f &Offset)  Move the object of a given offset (take a 2D vector). void Scale (float FactorX, float FactorY)  Scale the object (take 2 values). void Scale (const Vector2f &Factor)  Scale the object (take a 2D vector). void Rotate (float Angle)  Rotate the object. sf::Vector2f TransformToLocal (const sf::Vector2f &Point) const  Transform a point from global coordinates into local coordinates (ie it applies the inverse of object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). sf::Vector2f TransformToGlobal (const sf::Vector2f &Point) const  Transform a point from local coordinates into global coordinates (ie it applies the object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). Protected Member Functions virtual void Render (RenderTarget &Target) const  /see Drawable::Render const Matrix3 & GetMatrix () const  Get the transform matrix of the drawable. const Matrix3 & GetInverseMatrix () const  Get the inverse transform matrix of the drawable. Detailed Description String defines a graphical 2D text, that can be drawn on screen. Definition at line 44 of file String.hpp. Member Enumeration Documentation enum sf::String::Style Enumerate the string drawing styles. Enumerator: Regular  Regular characters, no style. Bold  Characters are bold. Italic  Characters are in italic. Underlined  Characters are underlined. Definition at line 51 of file String.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation sf::String::String (  )  Default constructor. Definition at line 39 of file String.cpp. sf::String::String ( const Unicode::Text &  Text, const Font &  CharFont = Font::GetDefaultFont(), float  Size = 30.f  ) [explicit] Construct the string from any kind of text. Parameters: Text : Text assigned to the string Font : Font used to draw the string (SFML built-in font by default) Size : Characters size (30 by default) Definition at line 52 of file String.cpp. Member Function Documentation Blend::Mode sf::Drawable::GetBlendMode (  )  const [inherited] Get the current blending mode. Returns:Current blending mode Definition at line 258 of file Drawable.cpp. const Vector2f & sf::Drawable::GetCenter (  )  const [inherited] Get the center of the object. Returns:Current position of the center Definition at line 231 of file Drawable.cpp. sf::Vector2f sf::String::GetCharacterPos ( std::size_t  Index  )  const Return the visual position of the Index-th character of the string, in coordinates relative to the string (note : translation, center, rotation and scale are not applied). Return the visual position of the Index-th character of the string, in coordinates relative to the string (note : translation, center, rotation and scale are not applied). Parameters: Index : Index of the character Returns:Position of the Index-th character (end of string if Index is out of range) Definition at line 153 of file String.cpp. const Color & sf::Drawable::GetColor (  )  const [inherited] Get the color of the object. Returns:Current color Definition at line 249 of file Drawable.cpp. const Font & sf::String::GetFont (  )  const Get the font used by the string. Returns:Font used Definition at line 124 of file String.cpp. const Matrix3 & sf::Drawable::GetInverseMatrix (  )  const [protected, inherited] Get the inverse transform matrix of the drawable. Returns:Inverse transform matrix Definition at line 350 of file Drawable.cpp. const Matrix3 & sf::Drawable::GetMatrix (  )  const [protected, inherited] Get the transform matrix of the drawable. Returns:Transform matrix Definition at line 334 of file Drawable.cpp. const Vector2f & sf::Drawable::GetPosition (  )  const [inherited] Get the position of the object. Returns:Current position Definition at line 213 of file Drawable.cpp. FloatRect sf::String::GetRect (  )  const Get the string rectangle on screen. Returns:Rectangle contaning the string in screen coordinates Definition at line 195 of file String.cpp. float sf::Drawable::GetRotation (  )  const [inherited] Get the orientation of the object. Rotation is always in the range [0, 360] Returns:Current rotation, in degrees Definition at line 240 of file Drawable.cpp. const Vector2f & sf::Drawable::GetScale (  )  const [inherited] Get the current scale of the object. Returns:Current scale factor (always positive) Definition at line 222 of file Drawable.cpp. float sf::String::GetSize (  )  const Get the size of the characters. Returns:Size of the characters Definition at line 133 of file String.cpp. unsigned long sf::String::GetStyle (  )  const Get the style of the text. Returns:Current string style (combination of Style enum values) Definition at line 142 of file String.cpp. const Unicode::Text & sf::String::GetText (  )  const Get the text (the returned text can be converted implicitely to any kind of string). Returns:String's text Definition at line 115 of file String.cpp. void sf::Drawable::Move ( const Vector2f &  Offset  )  [inherited] Move the object of a given offset (take a 2D vector). Parameters: Offset : Amount of units to move the object of Definition at line 278 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::Move ( float  OffsetX, float  OffsetY  ) [inherited] Move the object of a given offset (take 2 values). Parameters: OffsetX : X offset OffsetY : Y offset Definition at line 268 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::String::Render ( RenderTarget &  Target  )  const [protected, virtual] /see Drawable::Render /see sfDrawable::Render Implements sf::Drawable. Definition at line 213 of file String.cpp. void sf::Drawable::Rotate ( float  Angle  )  [inherited] Rotate the object. Parameters: Angle : Angle of rotation, in degrees Definition at line 306 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::Scale ( const Vector2f &  Factor  )  [inherited] Scale the object (take a 2D vector). Parameters: Factor : Scaling factors (both values must be strictly positive) Definition at line 297 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::Scale ( float  FactorX, float  FactorY  ) [inherited] Scale the object (take 2 values). Parameters: FactorX : Scaling factor on X (must be strictly positive) FactorY : Scaling factor on Y (must be strictly positive) Definition at line 287 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetBlendMode ( Blend::Mode  Mode  )  [inherited] Set the blending mode for the object. The default blend mode is Blend::Alpha Parameters: Mode : New blending mode The default blend mode is Blend::Alpha Definition at line 204 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetCenter ( const Vector2f &  Center  )  [inherited] Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take a 2D vector). Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take a 2D vector). The default center is (0, 0) Parameters: Center : New center The default center is (0, 0) Definition at line 171 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetCenter ( float  CenterX, float  CenterY  ) [inherited] Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take 2 values). Set the center of the object, in coordinates relative to the top-left of the object (take 2 values). The default center is (0, 0) Parameters: CenterX : X coordinate of the center CenterY : Y coordinate of the center The default center is (0, 0) Definition at line 157 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetColor ( const Color &  Col  )  [inherited] Set the color of the object. The default color is white Parameters: Col : New color The default color is white Definition at line 194 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::String::SetFont ( const Font &  CharFont  )  Set the font of the string. Parameters: Font : Font to use Definition at line 75 of file String.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetPosition ( const Vector2f &  Position  )  [inherited] Set the position of the object (take a 2D vector). Parameters: Position : New position Definition at line 75 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetPosition ( float  X, float  Y  ) [inherited] Set the position of the object (take 2 values). Parameters: X : New X coordinate Y : New Y coordinate Definition at line 65 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetRotation ( float  Rotation  )  [inherited] Set the orientation of the object. Parameters: Rotation : Angle of rotation, in degrees Definition at line 180 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetScale ( const Vector2f &  Scale  )  [inherited] Set the scale of the object (take a 2D vector). Parameters: Scale : New scale (both values must be strictly positive) Definition at line 117 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetScale ( float  ScaleX, float  ScaleY  ) [inherited] Set the scale of the object (take 2 values). Parameters: ScaleX : New horizontal scale (must be strictly positive) ScaleY : New vertical scale (must be strictly positive) Definition at line 107 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetScaleX ( float  FactorX  )  [inherited] Set the X scale factor of the object. Parameters: X : New X scale factor Definition at line 127 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetScaleY ( float  FactorY  )  [inherited] Set the Y scale factor of the object. Parameters: Y : New Y scale factor Definition at line 141 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::String::SetSize ( float  Size  )  Set the size of the string The default size is 30. Set the size of the string. Parameters: Size : New size, in pixels Definition at line 88 of file String.cpp. void sf::String::SetStyle ( unsigned long  TextStyle  )  Set the style of the text The default style is Regular. Set the style of the text The default style is Regular. Parameters: TextStyle : New text style, (combination of Style enum values) Definition at line 102 of file String.cpp. void sf::String::SetText ( const Unicode::Text &  Text  )  Set the text (from any kind of string). Parameters: Text : New text Definition at line 65 of file String.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetX ( float  X  )  [inherited] Set the X position of the object. Parameters: X : New X coordinate Definition at line 85 of file Drawable.cpp. void sf::Drawable::SetY ( float  Y  )  [inherited] Set the Y position of the object. Parameters: Y : New Y coordinate Definition at line 96 of file Drawable.cpp. sf::Vector2f sf::Drawable::TransformToGlobal ( const sf::Vector2f &  Point  )  const [inherited] Transform a point from local coordinates into global coordinates (ie it applies the object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). Transform a point from local coordinates into global coordinates (ie it applies the object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). Parameters: Point : Point to transform Returns:Transformed point Definition at line 325 of file Drawable.cpp. sf::Vector2f sf::Drawable::TransformToLocal ( const sf::Vector2f &  Point  )  const [inherited] Transform a point from global coordinates into local coordinates (ie it applies the inverse of object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). Transform a point from global coordinates into local coordinates (ie it applies the inverse of object's center, translation, rotation and scale to the point). Parameters: Point : Point to transform Returns:Transformed point Definition at line 316 of file Drawable.cpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: String.hppString.cpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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