
Documentation IBILL BROKER News CGI Scripts Become A Member Contact Us Support Download Area   Documentation IBILL BROKER:  V4.0 Copyright 2001 Psybercore, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Selling redistributing or modifying any or all of the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. You must obtain written permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header information must remain intact. System Requirements Unix, NT, Linux Apache, IIS3.0, IIS4.0, Enterprise Perl 5 or Perl 5 exe (NT) NT requires installation of DAF Requires prior installation of Agents of Fortune and IBILL Processor If you are installing this on an NT Server you MUST have a program called DAF installed.  Your ISP should either already HAVE this installed or be willing to install it since it is IMPOSSIBLE to run a password site without it.   The guy that created DAF is really cool and very helpful if you are installing this yourself.  Visit his website or email him for assistance with DAF. Upgrading from previous versions Download the new IBILL PROCESSOR tarball and replace search.cgi and delete.cgi, and remove restore.cgi Download the new IBILL BROKER tarball and replace accountcreate.cgi Preliminary Installations Required Download and install IBILL PROCESSOR on your webserver Download and install AGENTS OF FORTUNE on your webserver Preliminaries Determine the path to PERL 5 on your web server host.  Note that some web hosting companies run both PERL 4 and PERL 5.  Make ABSOLUTELY sure you are not setting this up under PERL 4.  Ask your administrator if you are not sure. If you need to review or learn the basics of CGI and Perl check out the superscripts tutorial archives. Download the tarfile for this program and save it to your desktop. Unpack the tar archive on your desktop using a program that unpacks UNIX TAR ARCHIVES. If you don't have such a program then download WINZIP FREE from SHAREWARE.COM.  After you have unpacked the TAR archive you will have a collection of folders and files on your desktop.  Now you have to do some basic editing of each of these files (or at least some of them).  Use a text editor such as wordpad, notepad, BBEdit, simpletext, or teachtext to edit the files.  These are NOT WORD PROCESSOR DOCUMENTS they are just simple TEXT files so don't save them as word processor documents or save them with extentions such as .txt or they will NOT WORK.   Note that there may be a some files inside of folders which are "blank".   This is normal. Preparing the CGI scripts Define Path To PERL 5 The first step is to open up each and every file that has a .cgi extention and edit line number one of each script.  Each of the cgi scripts is written in perl 5. For your scripts to run they must know where perl 5 is installed on your web server. The path to perl 5 is defined to a cgi script in the first line of the file. In each of the cgi scripts the first line of code looks something like this: #!/usr/bin/perl If the path to perl 5 on your web server is different from /usr/bin/perl you must edit the first line of each cgi script to reflect the correct path. If the path to perl 5 is the same no changes are necessary. If you do not know the path to perl 5 ask the webmaster or system administrator at your server site.   Configure the .cgi files edit path to /cgi-bin/agents/configure.cgi in accountcreate.cgi Find the line near the beginning of the accountcreate.cgi file that reads: require "/path/to/cgi-bin/agents/payout.cgi"; Make sure this maps correctly to the path of ../cgi-bin/agents/configure.cgi edit path to /cgi-bin/agents/configure.cgi in payout.cgi Find the line near the beginning of the payout.cgi file that reads: require "/path/to/cgi-bin/agents/payout.cgi"; Make sure this maps correctly to the path of ../cgi-bin/agents/configure.cgi Upload payout.cgi and accountcreate.cgi After you have unpacked the mbill.tar file simply upload payout.cgi over the /cgi-bin/agents/payout.cgi file and upload accountcreate.cgi over /cgi-bin/mastergate/accountcreate.cgi Editing mastergate/index.html - THE MEMBER SIGN UP PAGE The index.html file in the top level mastergate directory must be edited to supply correct information for each of your credit card account, web 900 account or dedicated 900 account buttons.   Credit Card Buttons Review the following lines of code from the credit card section and edit them according to the instructions given. <input type="hidden"  name="ref1" value="/path/to/cgi-bin/mastergate/8050100"> The field ref1 has it's value field set to 8050100. The value field is the account masteraccount-sub account number of this button and must be changed to contain one of your IBILL account numbers. In the example above I use masteraccount 8050 and subaccount 100 (8050100) <input type="hidden"  name="ref2" value="30"> The field ref2 is the number of days this account is good for. In this example I have set it to 30 days.  You must set the value field of ref2 to the correct number of days that corresponds to the sub account referred to by ref1 (for recurring set to 9999999)   (99999999 is a LONG TIME). <input type="hidden"  name="ref3" value="5.43"> The field ref3 is the VALUE of the COMMISSION you are paying out to advertisers.   Thus if an advertisers sends you a signup on this particular account he/she would be earning a commission of $5.43.  Do not put a dollar sign in here - JUST A NUMBER. <input type="hidden"  name="ref4" value="1.43"> The field ref3 is the VALUE of the COMMISSION you are paying out to second level affiliates.  Remeber that a second level affiliate is the affiliate that refered the affiliate that refered the sale :)  This is optional and can be set to zero. <input type="hidden" name="account" value="1234567"> The value field of this line refers to the same account referred to by ref1. Set this value field to the same value as you set the account number earlier. <input type="submit" value="$9.95 for 30 days by credit card"> This line contains the price and expire information as displayed to your client. Change the value field to indicate whatever number of dollars per time this sub account purchases. Web 900 or Dedicated 900 Buttons Review the following lines of code from the web 900 section and edit them according to the instructions given. <input type="hidden" name="account" value="1234567"> The field account has it's value field set to 1234567. This corresponds to the particular web 900 account. <input type="hidden" name="return" value="">> The value field should be changed to contain the path of the redeem page for your 900 pincodes.  There is an example page in the unpack.  I will explain how to create these later. <input type="submit" value="$9.95 for 30 days by credit card"> This line contains the price and expire information as displayed to your client. Change the value field to indicate whatever number of dollars per time this sub account purchases.   Editing webgood pages for web 900 - stored on YOUR SERVER The webgood (or redeem) pages used for web 900 numbers are stored inside   Each web 900 account will have a unique page for redeeming pincodes.  For this example we will use the FICTICIOUS account number 8050500.  Use the template provided for you (8050500.html) and edit as described below. You must create ONE WEBGOOD PAGE PER ACCOUNT. Edit Form Action <form action=""> Edit to point to accountcreate.cgi on your system Edit ref1,ref2 and ref3 HIDDEN FORM FIELDS <input type="hidden" name="ref1" value="/path/to/cgi-bin/mastergate/8050500"> Edit to point to the location of the PINCODE file for this account <input type="hidden" name="ref2" value="30"> Edit to be the NUMBER OF DAYS this account is for (example is 30 days) <input type="hidden"  name="ref3" value="5.43"> The field ref3 is the VALUE of the COMMISSION you are paying out to advertisers.   Thus if an advertisers sends you a signup on this particular account he/she would be earning a commission of $5.43.  Do not put a dollar sign in here - JUST A NUMBER. <input type="hidden"  name="ref4" value="1.43"> The field ref3 is the VALUE of the COMMISSION you are paying out to second level affiliates.  Remeber that a second level affiliate is the affiliate that refered the affiliate that refered the sale :)  This is optional and can be set to zero. Use the agents version of the webgood page Notice that the g1234567.hmf file from this tar archive has the hidden ref3 and ref4 fields.  You must use this template instead of the file from the IBILL PROCESSOR tar archive  


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