Osho guides group leaders

Osho guides group leaders
The Encounter Group are at darshan. The leader says that every group is different.
Mm, it has to be so because the group depends on the people. It should depend more on the people who participate...and no rigid structure should be given to it--so it remains loose, flexible. So whatsoever the need of the people, the group moves that way.
The leader is just to facilitate the process. He is not really to lead. He is just to help--wherever they are going, helping them totally to go that way. So each group is going to be different because it is created by the consciousness of the participants. Each group will have a different soul, an individuality--and it is good that it should be so.
Don't try to force it to fall into any pattern, mm? Just move with the flow. wobble10
Osho advises the Primal Therapy group-leader:
When you work with people, you can work as a duty or you can work with them as a love. There is a lot of difference between these two. Duty is lukewarm, love is passionate. Duty can help, but love can transform. Duty can touch only the surface of the other person because it comes from your head. Love can transform because it comes from your heart.
Whenever you are working with people, remember that each person is unique. You will never find such a person again; it happens only once. Each person is historic because he will never be repeated again. So each moment of contact will also be historical because it is unrepeatable; it is tremendously valuable. So whenever you are helping, help out of love. Flow, and forget helping. Start caring--that is the difference.
If you help, you will be at the most a nurse. If you care, you become a mother. Help is a quantitative thing. Care is qualitative, and it shows an intensity; it is a flame. So be deeply in passion.
Each individual is representative of the divine. Love him, worship him, respect him, and whatsoever you do, do in deep humbleness. Then you will be helped more than you are helping. Then you will grow more than the person can grow through your help.
And there is no other way in the world to learn something than to become a teacher. But take it as a very very sacred and holy affair. Be really sincere and authentic about it. I'm not saying be serious. I'm saying be sincere, because once you become serious you cannot help. Be sincere but non-serious, playful. Take it as a fun--but don't forget the sacredness of it. When fun and sacredness meet, there arises a quality in you that can help. This is the alchemy of help: fun and sacredness meeting in you. hammer14
The Aum Marathon group is an energy experiment to bring up your negative and positive, to help all sorts of energies to surface. For the first time you can face yourself as an energy system.
The first thing is to face all your problems, naked, and the Aum will help you to do this. It is almost hell because the whole basement has to be opened and all the nightmares brought to your consciousness, but it is a great discipline. After five days you will feel so relieved because once you have understood where your problem is, you have almost solved it in a way. myhart05
Osho recommended including a positive workshop with the Aum marathon group. Veeresh*, the leader reports: This group is amazing. The first part was the positive, and as you said, and the second part, the negative, was much stronger. All of a sudden I started to fall in love with the people.
Good. That's how it happens. That's the polarity and one of the very basic, fundamental laws of life.
If somebody is crying, help him to cry well, and soon he will laugh. If somebody is miserable don't try to bring him out of it; help him to sink in. Soon he will come out of it completely freed. If somebody is dying, help him die. He will resurrect. Just let life work. Simply understand the law and don't go against it, that's all. This is the law: never enforce and don't be bothered about the opposite. The opposite is coming on its own. It is just like a swinging pendulum.
And the circle has to be complete--both yin and yang--and then a person is at peace. One should be capable of being negative totally, of being positive totally.
Ordinarily the whole humanity has been taught to be positive and not to be negative. The result is that humanity has become negative. People don't know what joy is. They have forgotten the very language. You talk about bliss, and they simply listen to the word; they don't have any experience of it. And they have been taught continuously to be blissful, joyful. They only know what anger and sadness is. They have been taught to cling to just one polarity and have not been allowed to move to the other polarity. Life exists between these two poles...in the movement is life. And a real life implies both.
A real life is so comprehensive that day and night, summer and winter, god and devil, all are in it. A god who is without the devil is not much of a god; he will be a very poor god. And a devil who has no divinity in him will simply be worth nothing. The day is rich because you have rested deeply in the night...the darkness allowed you rest. There are joys of work, but if you have worked hard, only then is the night beautiful. Otherwise you just go on changing from side to side the whole night and there is no sleep.
This is what I mean when I say be a whole person. Nothing should be excluded...nothing should be excluded. Everything should be included, and in that inclusion of everything, you start soaring. Otherwise every human being is crippled because something has been excluded. Somebody has excluded his anger, somebody has excluded his sex, somebody has excluded something else
No human being seems to be whole, but wounded, cut, fragmented. Let this be your whole work in the West. Help people to become whole. Just tell them that whatsoever is in you has to be included in your higher synthesis...it has its role to play. In the higher orchestra of your being, nothing should be left behind. All notes have to fall in tune, in harmony. Then something arises which is more than the total of all--and that is the whole. The whole is more than the total. Whole and total do not mean the same thing.
Total is the way towards the whole, but the whole is more that the total. If all your parts are added together it will be total. If all your parts fall into a symphony, then it will be whole....
And I am going to help you continuously wherever you are--now space will not make any difference. Just go on working as if you are working here. Go on calling me and I will be there. Much has to be done.... getout19
*Note: Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity in Holland, with affliliated centres around the world. Osho often speaks about him with love and encouragement. 
Veeresh says: Last year when I was in Europe and working, I introduced a lot of people to you. I find that people get turned on to me and think they're related to me rather than you.
Whenever people think that, just tell them that you are part of me. Drop the division. Somebody turned on to you is turned on to me. Drop the duality from the mind and then work becomes easier.
Allow me to work through you. And many more people will be coming through you, mm? I am not going anywhere, I will be sitting here, so you all have to go and work and spread me as far as you can. getout19
Vipassana is a Buddhist technique in witnessing, which Osho recommends after participation in cathartic groups. The Vipassana group leader says: I have done groups like this before with Buddhists who have been meditating a long time, and they were so much more restless, and fidgety. I don't understand it at all! You said something about it being like a lizard basking in the sun...and because I'd always found it very very voluptuous, I felt guilty about it, as though.... It is such a pleasant meditation!
Everything has been good. Buddhist monks have made something ugly out of it. No meditation should be a strain, because then it isn't going to help. It should be a play.
Old religions depend on guilt, and they create it. Once they have created guilt in you, you are caught, and then you need their help. First they make you ill, so then you need their help.
But this is my whole point--that you are to learn how to be happy, how to be more playful. You are to learn how to be more ecstatic--and ecstatic in very ordinary ways. Life should be absolutely ordinary, and silent, and playful. All pressure should be removed from life so that the fountain flows freely.
We will create a totally different thing out of Vipassana. So many people want to go into it, so we can have another group.... hammer27
A sannyasin says: I started as a behavioural therapist...I got fed up with it so I just did what I thought was right, relaxation exercises, psychodrama.
That's better--continue. And when you come next time, go through all the therapies here. Then try to develop something of your own. You have the potential.
And this is my understanding--that any technique developed by anybody else cannot make you a real therapist. You can borrow it, but it is almost as if somebody is copying a painting of Picasso. You can copy it--you can copy it perfectly well. You can be such a perfectionist that even the original may look a little faulty compared to the carbon copy, but then too the carbon copy is a carbon copy and there is no life in it. Truth has always to be discovered--you cannot borrow it.
That's why it happens that when somebody invents, discovers a technique, in the hands of that man the technique has a magic. For example, Gestalt therapy: it was a magical thing in the hands of Fritz Perls...a really magical thing. The magic comes from the discovery, because the man and his technique are not two things. He has grown up with the method. The method is almost like blood and bones. It is part of him; the method is not separate. The originator has grown, and the method has grown out of so many life situations, observations--pain and suffering and pleasure. It has grown; it has seasoned through experiences. It is not a hot-house plant. It has really grown in the rains, in the hot sun, in the winter, in the cold, in the snow, it has grown. It has encountered life, and out of that total encounter, it has a conclusion. The same is true about Psychodrama: to Moreno it was an insight. The same is true about Psychoanalysis: to Freud, it was his own experience. It was something authentic that was rooted in him. It is true about everything.
Now a problem arises. When a method has been successful--Gestalt has succeeded and it has been helping many people--many other people will start imitating it, they will start borrowing. It will not be in their being. It will not be connected to their roots. Their own core will remain aloof. Then the magic is lost. This is something very significant to be understood. People are surprised at what has happened and why it used to work.
For example, Mesmerism worked tremendously in the hands of Mesmer. It was his life work. And once Mesmer was gone, Mesmerism was gone--many people tried--it became very ordinary. It had no miraculous power in it. It lost its spirit...just a dead corpse. Then people start condemning it because it didn't work any more. It happened like that with Freud's Psychoanalysis. By and by it has become antique, by and by it has become a museum piece. People talk about it, people read about it--now it is academic. But the charm, the thrill, the sense of discovery is no more there--cannot be there.
Always remember it. Each therapist, if he is really a therapist, has to develop his own technique, his own methodology, his own philosophy, his own view. Learn from everybody--nothing is wrong in learning--but never depend on that learning alone. Otherwise you will always go on missing something. It has to be your life work, and it has to have your total energy in it, flowing. That is possible only when it is your own growth. sale20
A sannyasin therapist asks about leading a group in the ashram.
I will work with you--don't be worried. I will work through you. Everything is perfectly good.
It happens to every groupleader when he starts working, because to work with me is totally different from working anywhere else. When you are working in the West, you are working on your own; you are the sole and the whole. When you work here you have to become a non-entity. You have to disappear completely to give way to me. You have to put yourself aside--you have to become just a vehicle.
That's why in the beginning every therapist who starts working here goes through a few deep changes. But once those changes have happened, for the first time you will know what real work is. Because then it will not be a burden on your head; it will be just play. The responsibility goes totally to me. You can remain there only available, instrumental. You have only to allow me. And when the ego does not function, then the work becomes a meditation in itself.
If the therapy groups help only the people who participate in them, that will not be good for the therapist. The therapist has also to grow. He has not yet arrived--he has to go a long way. So my way of working is such that it helps the participants, certainly, but it goes on helping the therapist too.
So the therapist is just a representation of me there: his hands are my hands and his heart is my heart. And soon the knack is learned so that you can simply allow yourself to be possessed by me. Then it is a totally different kind of work. The quality is different and the quality simply soars high. What you have not done before you will see happening. Your touch becomes magical, because you are not alone in your touch. Slowly slowly it attains the quality of miraculousness; the more you disappear, the more miraculous it becomes.
You start--you are ready. Just for a few days it will be difficult because you will have to change the whole pattern of the work. leap29
A sannyasin who is returning to his job as a therapist in the west says: I fear giving a lot of energy and never getting any of that love back. Since I've been here, I realize that is something I really need.... What do I do?
Go with this new understanding and try to live in the new way. Don't fall back into the old pattern. And don't be worried about whether anybody is responding to your love or not; go on loving. It will not be long before people start responding; love cannot go in vain. But don't think of returns at all. If you think of returns from the very beginning, then you become hesitant, you become miserly. You start thinking, 'What is the point? I will give love and nothing will be returned, there will be no response and it will be lost.'
Nothing is lost...never! All that you give is bound to come to you, is bound to rebound, sooner or later. Remember that, it is one of the most fundamental laws of life, it can't be otherwise. Maybe it takes a little time: if people are very insensitive it takes a little time for them to understand your love, to respond to it, to be loving. Or maybe people are very afraid of love, so when you give love rather than opening up towards you, they close, they become afraid. They are afraid because in love they will be vulnerable; they don't want to come that close to anybody. They have learned in life that whenever you come close to somebody you are being cheated, deceived.
But don't be worried--go on giving love, and soon you will see that things have started happening: one response, then another, and then more and more responses start coming; then all explodes on you.
I know that one needs the feedback, mm? otherwise one feels as if one is alone, just shouting in a wilderness. But wherever people are, they can't be so insensitive that they can go on being non-responsive to love forever; no, that is not possible. Nobody has a heart of a stone. Even stones don't have that kind of a heart. If you go on pouring love on a rock, sooner or later the rock also responds, starts singing a song to you, becomes soft towards you. It shows its heart to you, it has a different vibe and a different texture for you. Try it!
Never be hopeless about love, because love is the only hope. And make it a point to go on giving whether the feedback comes or not, and you will be surprised that it does come...delayed, maybe, but it comes. Sometimes when it is delayed it is a surprise because you had completely forgotten about it; you had thought that it is lost. But one day suddenly it knocks on the door: it is there. It is a surprise; you cannot find from where it is coming because you have completely forgotten what you have done.
So let this situation be a challenge to your love, and whenever you feel too depleted, come back; just be here for a few weeks and go. And finally you have to be here permanently, mm?--this is just for the time being, coming and going.
Keep this (a box) with you. And when nobody responds, just put it on your heart: it will respond! bite23
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