Falkland Falklands Argentina

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^ On April the second, the entire world went into shock after realizing that Argentinian troops took
^ the Falkland Islands by force. Astonishingly, Argentina was defying one of the most powerful
^ countries in the world.
^ Who have ever thought that Argentina, a Third World country who hasn´t wage war on other coutries
^ for more than 100 years, would eventually dare to attack a nuclear power State? Or that England
^ would embark on the task of prepearing an air-naval operation never seen since the Second World
^ War?; sending its troops with the mission of recovering a small group of Islands located on the
^ freezing waters of the South Atlantic Ocean.
^ History says that England recovered the islands after 3 months of struggle.
^ Now it´s your time to choose.
^ Would you take control of argentinian troops, try to recover these islands for the argentinian
^ people and finally rewrite history? Or would you command the Task Force, repeal the enemy and
^ recover the islands in the name of the glorious British Crown?
^"If they want to come, let them come; we´ll fight them"
^ Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, April 3rd 1982
^"We must recover the Falkland Islands for Great Britain and for the people that live there, who
^ are members of the british race"
^ Margaret Thatcher, April 5th 1982

@end -- this line must be here!


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