Whys and Why Nots for Being Mobile upper multiple matching

Whys and Why Nots for Being Mobile

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Whys and Why Nots for Being Mobile

You are going to read extracts from a newspaper article about mobile phones. For questions 1 - 10 choose from the extracts A-F.Then press "Check" to check your answers.

Mary Ellen Mc Gregor asked a number of people about their experiences with mobile phones.A. Tim (Window cleaner)It's been a godsend for me. You see, I don't do neighbourhood rounds; I've got contracts on multistorey office blocks and sometimes I can feel pretty isolated dangling in a cradle sixteen floors up. People seem to think that we spend our time having conversations with the women in the offices, but that's not the case. So when I get a bit fed up, I give my wife or one of my mates a buzz. It also comes in handy for giving my bookmaker a call, as I like to have a flutter on the horses now and again.B. Mike (Company director)The reason I have it is mostly because of peer pressure. I mean, just about everyone in my social sphere goes around clutching one. Before they became a must, I used to be on a beeper system - and it worked very well, as, apart from the time when I am on holiday, I am never far from a phone anyway. I've also had a car phone for years now. The only person who seems to find my having a mobile useful is my wife and she is usually just keeping tabs on me!C. Jane (Beautician)Well, at first I thought they were silly and just for show. Then a friend of mine convinced me to get one and she was right. I work freelance, travelling around from customer to customer and you won't believe how much my business has increased since I got it. I mean, people couldn't get in touch with me during the day, as I'd be moving around a lot. It's great for checking up on the kids, too. I really used to worry about them especially in the time between their finishing school and my getting home, but that's all in the past.D. Madeleine (French teacher)My boyfriend gave it to me last Christmas. I thought it was a little bit extravagant, but I must say it has come in useful, like the time some friends and I were at a ski resort last winter. On our way back the car broke down on a quiet mountain road. Having the mobile was a blessing, as we were able to call the breakdown service. Otherwise, who knows, we could have been there all night. It also comes in handy with regard to my private lessons. People who are interested in learning French can easily track me down, so the number of my students has considerably increased.E. Joseph (Actor)Well, there was so much hype surrounding them that I was determined not to get one. Then one of my flatmates who owed me money moved out, leaving me his instead of the cash. It's been a bit of a white elephant, as I thought it would. I mean, when I'm working, I don't need a phone and when I'm not working, I'm sitting at home by the phone waiting for calls about work. So, the only time it might be of any use is when I am off somewhere taking a break, but then I don't usually want to be found.F. Jill (Journalist)I don't know how we managed without them. I mean, I was always running around looking for phones to call in my copy, and in places like war zones that could prove very difficult. I sometimes still have trouble because the facilities are not fully developed yet, but hopefully they'll improve as time goes by. It's also a godsend as far as family is concerned. My children call me every couple of days when I'm away, and no matter where I am, they can get through. This was not the case a few years ago. I used to get all worked up when I was on an assignment and couldn't talk to them.

Which of the people A-F:1. uses it for placing bets? 2. believes the service needs improvement? 3. received it as a gift? 4. thinks it is useful for working mothers? 5. feels he/she doesn't really need it? 6. found it useful in an emergency? 7. feels he/she was forced into having one? 8. uses it from high above the city? 9. feels it is used for checking up on him/her? 10. believes it has improved his/her working opportunities?




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