Konspekt II A i C lekcja 4 i 1 i 2 + Praktyka II

Name: Barbara Fiedor


Topic: I remember the first time when I… - reading comprehension

Level/ Grade: Pre-Intermediate/ 2C

Lesson aim(s):

By the end of the lesson, learners will have revised Past Simple, will have practiced using the tense

Teaching aids: Flashcards, Student's Book








T greets Ss and takes attendance

T informs Ss about objective(s) of the lesson




T checks homework from the previous classes.

T distributes previously prepared slips of paper.

Ss are supposed to join the names of teenage stars with their “firsts” (i.e. first big dream, first time they played in a movie etc.)

T checks the results with Ss.

T asks Ss to say what word is in every sentence concerning a teen star (“first”)


T asks Ss to look at the picture in their books and try to describe it and say who is in it (popular singers, a great director).

T asks Ss if they know anything about Martin Scorsese and his movies and what influenced them.

Before reading T asks Ss to take a look at phrases they will have to insert into gaps and prompts what can be useful for them while guessing (personal pronouns, proper nouns)

T asks Ss to read the text about Martin Scorsese, and underline all new words.

T checks with Ss the proper sequence of phrases and asks some Ss to explain their choices.

T divides Ss into tree groups. Each group is supposed to find some synonyms for the words in the text (synonyms are given in the next exercises).

T monitors.

T picks one Ss to give one synonym.

T divides Ss into pairs and asks them to interview their partner about their first time.

T puts verb “to be” in all forms in Present Simple on the blackboard, and reminds Ss that in Past Simple there is only one form for singular and one for plural.

T asks Ss to fill in the gaps with correct form of the verb “to be”.

T monitors.

T checks the exercise with Ss.

T: Did you like the exercise? Was the exercise funny?

T puts both questions on the blackboard, and on the basis pf them explains how is the question formed in Past Simple.

T asks Ss to the exercise 5 on page 11.

T monitors.

T checks the exercise with Ss.

T: We have heard what Mel did yesterday. I would like you now to take a look at exercise number 7 and in pairs asks questions about Mel's activities and give answers. Please remember to give answers in full sentences, not only “Yes” or “No”.

T divides Ss into pairs and on the basis on the previous exercise (listening) asks them to do the Speaking exercise.

T checks whether Ss use the correct forms.

T picks four Ss and asks them to say what they have revised today.

T asks Ss randomly to correct sentences T provides.

Reserve task(s):

Student's Book p.11 ex.10.


Write five sentences about your previous day using the correct tense.

Workbook p.4 ex 1,2,3 p.5 ex.4




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