egyptian dialect

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*Mesh Ma3ool kidah...3eib!' meaning ~
This is incredible...shame on you...

*teheb a'mellak eih alal 'ghada' a' el nahardah ~ ya habibi?
What would you like me to prepare for 'lunch' today, darling?

*Shay men fadlek ( Tea please) or
Qahwa ~ if you like Turkish coffee very sugary you say;
Qahwa sokar ziyada...
if you prefer with less sugar you say
Qahwa mazboot...shokran
if you prefer no sugar
Qahwa sada....
haga saa a ...

*Girls, if you are meeting your mother in law or sister in law or in laws in general, or even family of friends, here are some nice appreciated sentences within the Egyptian culture:
When you hug your mother in law/or a woman friend... you look at her and say:
Eih el halawa deeh?
What is all this beauty?...
and to your sister in law you can say:

Ezayek ya gameela?
how are you, beautiful?...

And if it is your father in law you just say 'Ahlan ya Uncle!' ..or 'Ahlan ya Ammy' ...(no hugging)

Always in respect to older people, as an example meeting the mother of an Egyptian friend you can call her: Tante...or Ya khalty....(meaning auntie)

And to an older man : Uncle or Ya Ammy!

If you are taking a taxi, you say to the driver: sabah el kheir ya Ostah...el Maadi men fadlak...
Or Al salam Aleikum ya Ostah Masr el gedeedah men fadlak ( to Heliopolis please)
salam Ya ostah, el Mohandeseen men fadlak...
and when paying you say: Motshakereen ya ostah ~ many thanks driver...

*In arabic, Happy Birthday:

Kol sana wenta taieb...we o'bal meet sana...

Which means: wishing you a happy year - to a man- and wishing you live 100 years!! can sing him a song:

'sana helwa ya gameel' 'sana helwa ya gameel'...sana helwa ya habibi /or....the name/.... sana helwa ya Gameel!!!

*If you are in a situation with your Egyptian Man and things start to get a bit out of hands, he is upset, you misunderstood each other etc..etc... the best 'Egyptian' way to handle this situation is by saying:

habibi ~ netkalem ba'dein...
darling let's discuss it later...

And even if you are boiling with rage...control yourself and ask him if he wants something to drink!

A'mellak shay ~ habibi?

Most kind Egyptian men will calm down, after these few words!

*The situation...
Some kids are screaming around you and driving you I suggest the following:

You clap your hands and say:

Ya welad ( children)
aiza aollokom haga mohema ( I want to tell you something important)~

And you say:
Alashan entom shotar khalless ya helween, kol wahed feekom hay saedny fi haga ~

Because you are so efficient my beautiful ones, each one of you will help me in doing something...

This way you distract them ~ in Arabic ~ which will amaze them...probably stun them...and also you will make them feel good about themselves by giving them a task...

If things get very out of hands, and you want to reprimand them you can say:

'Eli mesh ha yo od saket, ha yet'aqeb' ...

The one who is not going to stop will be punished...( and be ready to do so of course1)

And always a good word:

Khaleekom helween ya habayby ya shatreen ~
Be nice, my loving smart ones...
On an individual basis:
Khaleek helw ya habibi...enta shater ( for a boy)
Khaleeky helwa, ya habebty, enty shatra ( for a girl)

*Sabah El Kheir ya Banaat: (Good morning girls)
Sabah El Kheir ya welad (Good morning guys)

Hata'amel eih el naharda [OR] el yom? ( what are you going to do today ~ masculin)
hata'mely eih el naharda (feminin)

Ana harooh el shoghl (I am going to work)

Akhbarak eih? (what are your news)
Akhbarek eih? ( feminin)

Feeh moshkela? ( Is there a problem?)
olli fee eih? ( Tell me what is it? ~ to a man)
Ana ma andeesh moshkela (I have no problem)
Ana andy Moshkela (I have a problem)
Kolo tamam (everything is alright)

And you can also say it with a question mark:

Kolo tamam ? ( is everything ok?)

Allah yikhaleek ( God bless you ~ or also could be translated as May God keep you alive) (m)
Allah yikhaleeky (f)

*Man says "Esmik eih?" "What's your name?"
You say "Wenta mal omak!" "How's it any of your ma's buisness."

He says "Momken net3araf?" "Can we get to know each other?"
You say "Roo7 ya wala el3ab be3eed." "Go play in the backyard little boy."

He says "sada2eeny ana 7a3gebik aktar men sa7bik." "Believe me, you'll like me more than your boyfriend."
You say "Censored. See Monica's alternative below."

And if he's really sticky just say "Ana ragel 3amel 3amaleyya!" "I am a man who's had an operation!"

*Ya habibty ya aghla haga aendy fel donia
My love, my most precious thing in this world

*Enty Banoota Shatoora ~ You are a very efficient girl

Ana fakhoora beeky ~ I am proud of you
You can also say: Ana fakhoora Beek ( to a man)

*If you need to dismiss someone and dismiss him/her badly you can say:

Warrena Ard Ketafak (for males)
Warrena Ard Ketafek (for females)
... transaltion: show us how wide your shoulders are? 0x01 graphic

You can also be harder if you say:

Warrena Ard Afak (for males)
Warrena Ard Afaky (for females) transaltion: show us how wide your scruf is ... 0x01 graphic

If you want to be kinedr but still dismissing him/her is a bad way .. use this:

Faragna khatwetak ..... (for males)
Faragena khatwetek ... (for females)
... Show us how you walk?

*Hasawat wallem 3alek el-nass
I am gonna scream and gather people around.

Eb3ed 3anni
Stay away of me

Ghour fi dahya
Beat it

Ana bakrahak (to masculine)
Ana bakrahik (to feminine)
I hate you

Ana ma ba7ebbaksh (to masculine)
Ana ma ba7ebbikish (to feminine)
I don't love you

Enta magnoun? (to masculine)
Enti magnouna? (to feminine)
Are you mad?

*Egyptians love it...

ana bamout feeky ...
I love you to death

You can say to him:
wana kaman bamout feek!!!

Which means I love you to death too!!! Also tell him:

Amal hayati (you are the hope of my life/ reason for living)
Enta Omri (you are my life)
Enta el hob ( you are love)

*Alf Leila we leila ~ One thousand and one night:
Lyrics by: Morsi Gamil Aziz

Ezay awsseflak ya habibi abl ma ahebak kont ezay ~ How can I describe to you my love how I was before loving you

kont wala embarehh fakraaah ~ I could not remember yesterday

Wala andy bokra astanaaah ~ and I had no tomorow to wait for

Yallah naeesh fi eeyoon el leil ~ let's live in the eyes of the night [but meant to mean let's live only at night)

Wa neool lel shamss ta'aly baad sanah ~ And let's tell the sun to come back in a year

Mesh abl sanah ~ Not before a year

*Shukran ana batfarag we bass....
Thanks I am ONLY looking that's all......

*The passport
El passport

Etfadal el passport
here is the passport

Shukran ~ thanks

El shonat
The luggage


Anything to declare.
Someone will ask:
feeh hhaga electroneya, computer hhaga kida?
Do you have electrical stuff, a computer or stuff like that?
you say
aywa and show

If your habibi/friend is at the airport:

Ahlan ahlan ya habibi wahashteny khalless (m)
ahlan ahlan ya habebty wahashteeny khalless (f)

Ana aiza asterayahh
I want to rest

Bass enta shaklak haayelll (m)
But you look greaaat

bass enty shaklek haayelll (f)

El safar kan taweel awy
the trip was very long

If he/she will take you to the hotel and you have to part

Ashufak bokra habibi
see you tomorrow my love
ashufak ba'ad shwaya habibi
I'll see you in a bit my love
Ashufak kaman sa'a
I'll see you in one hour

hatewhashny awy
I will miss you a lot
hatewhasheeny awy (f)

*ana asfah (i'm sorry)
are you sure (anta mota'aked)
it's too late (el waqt mat'aher)
may i come in (momken adkwl)
dont keep me wating (ma tsebnesh astana keteer)
it's my firest viset (de aweel zearah laeeh)
sure (akeed)
forgive me (samehne)


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