Security Analysis & Portfolio Management 3

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Following a decline, heavy volume with little price change is indicative of accumulation and is normally a bearish factor.

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________are good benchmark to compare the ratios for a firm.

  Correct Answer  

Industry averages

  Your Answer  

Industry averages

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A market that is trading at a Price earning ratio that is much higher than its historical norms is considered to be :-

  Correct Answer  

Over valued

  Your Answer  

Over valued

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What are short term trends?

  Correct Answer  

Trends which interrupt the course of the intermediate cycle

  Your Answer  

Trends which interrupt the course of the intermediate cycle

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UTI was set up in the year ________.

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European style options are more expensive than American style because they offer greater flexibility to the buyer.

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  Your Answer  


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More than half the variation in stock price could be attributed to which factor?

  Correct Answer  

Market influence

  Your Answer  

Market influence

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A ________ rally for stocks generally takes place because of an improved outlook for business conditions over what was anticipated.

  Correct Answer  

Bear market

  Your Answer  

Bear market

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What are the features of Kisan Vikas Patra?

  Correct Answer  

Term is for 8 years seven months , Provision of premature withdrawal , Interest rate is 8.4% compounded annually

  Your Answer  

Term is for 8 years seven months , Provision of premature withdrawal , Interest rate is 8.4% compounded annually

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What is Gross National Product ?

  Correct Answer  

Gross income generated from within the country

  Your Answer  

Gross income generated from within the country

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Capital expenditure -depreciation +change in working capital -(new debt issued - debt repaid) =

  Correct Answer  

Equity reinvested in business

  Your Answer  

Equity reinvested in business

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What levels if increased will have unfavourable impact on the stock market?

  Correct Answer  

Higher levels of taxation

  Your Answer  

Low levels of interest rates

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The Two-Stage dividend discount model is based on the assumption of :-

  Correct Answer  

An initial phase where the growth is not a stable growth rate , A subsequent steady state of growth rate being stable and lasts n years , A stable growth phase lasts forever

  Your Answer  

An initial phase where the growth is not a stable growth rate , A subsequent steady state of growth rate being stable and lasts n years , A stable growth phase lasts forever

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________ refers to the possibility that there may not be a readily available market for the particular bond.

  Correct Answer  

Liquidity risk

  Your Answer  

Liquidity risk

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The Derivative market is divided into Future market and ________ market.

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The features of bond are :-

  Correct Answer  

Collateral , Call provision , Sinking fund and protective covenants

  Your Answer  

Collateral , Call provision , Sinking fund and protective covenants

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In India futures on individual securities have been introduced by :-

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The expected price of the stock at the end of the holding period is determined by future dividends and the value of the stock is the present value of dividends through infinity are the underlying assumptions of :-

  Correct Answer  

The General model

  Your Answer  

The Dividend Capitalisation model

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Sensex is the index of Calcutta Stock Exchange.

  Correct Answer  


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In case of assured returns, A scheme cannot promise returns unless such returns are fully guaranteed by sponsor or AMC.

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What is GDP at factor cost ?

  Correct Answer  

Excludes net income received from abroad

  Your Answer  

Excludes net income received from abroad

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Quick assets consist of current assets less inventories.

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The Gordon growth model is best suited for firms :-

  Correct Answer  

Growing at a rate equal to or lower that the growth in the economy , Which have well established dividend payout ratio policy , Whose earnings are steady and perpetual

  Your Answer  

Growing at a rate equal to or lower that the growth in the economy , Which have well established dividend payout ratio policy , Whose earnings are steady and perpetual

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Mutual fund is to be registered with ________ before raising funds from public.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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What does lower level of unemployment indicates?

  Correct Answer  

Positive economic conditions

  Your Answer  

Positive economic conditions

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The GDP growth rate in the economy in real terms has fluctuated between :-

  Correct Answer  

4% and 5%

  Your Answer  

4% and 5%

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An investor with a higher tolerance of risk should tilt his portfolio in favour of ________.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Avenues can be broadly classified into the which type of assets?

  Correct Answer  

Financial and Real

  Your Answer  

Financial and Real

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Mutual fund schemes could be broadly classified as :-

  Correct Answer  

Open ended scheme , Close ended scheme

  Your Answer  

Open ended scheme , Close ended scheme

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Development of Dow's principles

William Peter Hamilton

William Peter Hamilton

Breadth Indicator

Advance/decline line

Advance/decline line

Momentum indicator



Trend lines

Useful tool in technical analysis

Useful tool in technical analysis

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The bond issuing firm enjoys the flexibility of being able to call the bonds if :-

  Correct Answer  

Interest rates are falling

  Your Answer  

Interest rates are falling

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The issuing firm enjoys the flexibility to call the bonds if the interest rates fall significantly and it can issue :-

  Correct Answer  

New bonds at a lower rates

  Your Answer  

New bonds at a lower rates

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If a rupee weakens against the dollars it has favourable impact for the exporters.

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What is the percentage of variation the market and industry influence account for?

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Which of the following are important momentum indicators used widely?

  Correct Answer  

Rate of change (ROC) , Relative strength indicator (RSI) , Moving average convergence divergence(MACD)

  Your Answer  

Rate of change (ROC) , Relative strength indicator (RSI) , Moving average convergence divergence(MACD)

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Turnover ratios

Help measure the efficiency of utilisation of assets

Help measure the efficiency of utilisation of assets

Debt Equity ratio

Debt / Equity

Debt / Equity

Quick assets

Highly liquid assets

Highly liquid assets

Average collection period

Similar to debtors turnover

Similar to debtors turnover

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What are the features of candle stick charts?

  Correct Answer  

Indicates in black if the closing price is lower than the opening price , Indicates in white if the closing price is higher than the opening price

  Your Answer  

Indicates in black if the closing price is lower than the opening price , Indicates in white if the closing price is higher than the opening price

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Policies of the government and the attitude of the government towards the industry have a considerable influence on the industry.

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What do you understand by money supply?

  Correct Answer  

Total money in existence at any given time

  Your Answer  

Total money in existence at any given time

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What are the features of short-term trends?

  Correct Answer  

They last from 1 to 3 or 4 weeks , They interrupt the course of the intermediate cycle , They are usually influenced by random news events

  Your Answer  

They last from 1 to 3 or 4 weeks , They interrupt the course of the intermediate cycle , They are usually influenced by random news events

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What is net national product also known as?

  Correct Answer  

National income

  Your Answer  

National income

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Risk can be referred as the ________ in the return with respect to the expected return.

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  Your Answer  


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Currently in India index options are both European and American in nature.

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What is balance of payments?

  Correct Answer  

Credit and debit transactions of a country

  Your Answer  

Credit and debit transactions of a country

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Under ________ EMH investors cannot earn abnormal/superior profits on securities on a consistent basis.

  Correct Answer  

Semi-strong form

  Your Answer  

Semi-strong form

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The returns of sector specific funds are solely dependant on the performance of the respective sectors / industries.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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The security market is the market for :-

  Correct Answer  

Equity , Debt , Derivatives

  Your Answer  

Equity , Debt , Derivatives






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