Security Analysis & Portfolio Management 8


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Future estimated price

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Prevailing market price

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Prevailing book price

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Historical market price


To measure the current yield on the bond, it's coupon rate is compared with :-



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Investment in gilt edged securities carry a higher element of risk.

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The Derivative market is divided into Future market and ________ market.

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________ of companies may open at higher or lower price than the issue price.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  

Market price

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Equity shares is a high return high risk instrument.

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When you are making an investment you are expecting certain future benefits from your investment.

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The Two-Stage dividend discount model is based on the assumption of :-

  Correct Answer  

An initial phase where the growth is not a stable growth rate , A subsequent steady state of growth rate being stable and lasts n years , A stable growth phase lasts forever

  Your Answer  

An initial phase where the growth is not a stable growth rate , A subsequent steady state of growth rate being stable and lasts n years , A stable growth phase lasts forever

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Mr. Tiwari is expecting to receive Rs.25,000/- at the end of 10 years. He wanted to know what is the present value of this amount, if the rate of interest is 10% p.a:-

  Correct Answer  

Rs. 9639/-

  Your Answer  

Rs. 9639/-

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What is Gross National Product ?

  Correct Answer  

Gross income generated from within the country

  Your Answer  

Gross income generated from within the country

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What does a Balanced fund seek to achieve?

  Correct Answer  

Growth and regular income

  Your Answer  

Growth and regular income

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Weak form model is also termed as

Random walk model

Random walk model

Investors are rational

Efficient market hypothesis

Efficient market hypothesis

Securities current prices fully reflect all historical information

Weak form EMH

Weak form EMH

Framework on efficient capital markets, a review of theory and empirical work



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Which ratios are commonly used?

  Correct Answer  

Interest coverage ratios , Debt service coverage ratios , Debt equity ratio

  Your Answer  

Debt equity ratio , Interest coverage ratios , Debt service coverage ratios

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Under EMH it is assumed that if markets are efficient, securities are priced to provide a :-

  Correct Answer  

Normal returns for their given level of risk

  Your Answer  

Normal returns for their given level of risk

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Return can be in the form of :-

  Correct Answer  

Dividends , Interests , Capital appreciation

  Your Answer  

Dividends , Interests , Capital appreciation

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Profits are non existent in pioneering stage because of :-

  Correct Answer  

Heavy expenses on product introduction

  Your Answer  

Heavy expenses on product introduction

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Measures of ________ tells us what we can expect a typical or middle data point of a distribution to be.

  Correct Answer  

Central tendency

  Your Answer  

Central tendency

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________ identified five forces that determine the intrinsic long run profit attractiveness of a market or market segment.

  Correct Answer  

Michael Porter

  Your Answer  

Michael Porter

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer


Commodity Exchange

Commodity Exchange


BSE Index

BSE Index


NSE Index

NSE Index


ET Index

ET Index

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Mutual fund schemes could be broadly classified as :-

  Correct Answer  

Open ended scheme , Close ended scheme

  Your Answer  

Open ended scheme , Close ended scheme

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Which are the most popular types of orders placed through an online trading account?

  Correct Answer  

Limit orders , Market orders

  Your Answer  

Limit orders , Market orders

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Mr.Satish invests Rs.10,000/- today. The rate of interest is 8% compounded annually. What will be the value of his investment after 5 years?

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Growth of the firm can be estimated through :-

  Correct Answer  

Firm's past earnings/historical growth rate , Estimates made by equity research analyst who follow the firm , Estimates from a firm's fundamentals

  Your Answer  

Firm's past earnings/historical growth rate , Estimates made by equity research analyst who follow the firm , Estimates from a firm's fundamentals

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What is the rate of interest on the tax free bonds issue by the government?

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Which of the following are important momentum indicators used widely?

  Correct Answer  

Moving average convergence divergence(MACD) , Rate of change (ROC) , Relative strength indicator (RSI)

  Your Answer  

Rate of change (ROC) , Relative strength indicator (RSI) , Moving average convergence divergence(MACD)

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________ measures the profitability of operations without considering the influence of financial structure and tax rate.

  Correct Answer  

Earnings power

  Your Answer  

Earnings power

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When an investor invests in stock, expects to get the dividends and an expected price for the period the stock is held is the rule of :-

  Correct Answer  

The General model

  Your Answer  

The General model

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________ deal in futures to offset a pre-existing risk.

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What are the different types of profitability ratios?

  Correct Answer  

Gross profit margin ratio , Earnings power , Return on equity

  Your Answer  

Gross profit margin ratio , Return on equity , Debt service coverage ratio

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To measure the movement of stocks in the market which indices were constructed by Dow?

  Correct Answer  

Dow Jones industrial Average , Dow Jones Transportation Average

  Your Answer  

Dow Jones industrial Average , Dow Jones Transportation Average

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The price earning ratio is an increasing function of the payout ratio and the growth rate and a decreasing function of the riskiness of the firm.

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If rupee weakens against the dollar, it has favourable impact for the importers.

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A mutual fund is required to dispatch the dividend warrants to the unit holders within thirty days of the declaration of dividend.

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Active investment managers :-

  Correct Answer  

Do not believe that markets are efficient , Puts efforts to search mispriced securities in the market , Are relatively active traders in securities to acquire abnormal returns

  Your Answer  

Do not believe that markets are efficient , Puts efforts to search mispriced securities in the market , Are relatively active traders in securities to acquire abnormal returns

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What are the features of candle stick charts?

  Correct Answer  

Indicates in black if the closing price is lower than the opening price , Indicates in white if the closing price is higher than the opening price

  Your Answer  

Indicates in black if the closing price is lower than the opening price , Indicates in white if the closing price is higher than the opening price

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Bonds and Debentures represent long term debt instruments.

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The possibility of reduction of risk through the construction of a portfolio depends on the value of ________ between the two assets.

  Correct Answer  

Correlation coefficient

  Your Answer  

Correlation coefficient

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A line is defined as a price movement two or three weeks or longer, during which period the price variation of both averages moves within a price range of approximately________%.

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The performance of a scheme is reflected in its NAV which is disclosed on a daily basis in case of open ended schemes.

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A firm's growth is determined by how much is re-invested into new assets and the quality of these investments, and these includes :-

  Correct Answer  

Acquisitions , Building distribution channels , Expanding marketing capabilities and investing in new facilities

  Your Answer  

Acquisitions , Building distribution channels , Expanding marketing capabilities and investing in new facilities

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Currently in India index options are both European and American in nature.

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A security represent evidence of :-

  Correct Answer  

A property right

  Your Answer  

A property right

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Mr.Saurabh invests Rs. 5,000/- today. The rate of interest is 4% compounded annually. What will be the value of his investment after 5 years?

  Correct Answer  

Rs. 6083/-

  Your Answer  

Rs. 6083/-

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


When a firm can grow net profits by issuing equity, the expected growth rate in net profits is determined by :-

  Correct Answer  

Equity reinvestment rate X return on equity

  Your Answer  

Equity reinvestment rate X return on equity

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Fixed assets turnover ratio measures the efficiency of utilisation of total assets, fixed as well as current.

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UTI was set up in the year ________.

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The regulations of SEBI with respect to mutual funds were fully revised in the year ________.

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________ take long or short positions only with the intention of making profits by getting out of the market when conditions favor them.

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What do you understand by money supply?

  Correct Answer  

Total money in existence at any given time

  Your Answer  

Total money in existence at any given time






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