2 Wynajmowanie, kupno i sprzedaż mieszkania

2. Wynajmowanie, kupno i sprzedaż mieszkania

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How toRent a Flat

If you're not aware of your rights as a renter you are an easy prey for the few dishonest letting agents and landlords. Whatever your reasons for choosing to rent a property it simply makes sense to ensure that you're getting your money's worth.

Finding a Property perty. You might end up living in a rental

Why and what type of place you choose to property for as long as someone lives in

rent can depend entirely on your circum- a house they've bought, so you should set

stances. Perhaps you're a 'Young Profession- similar standards. Visit the property at least

al' looking for a self-contained flat with all twice at different times of the day, including

the mod cons. Or perhaps you're a student rush hour. The earth tremors caused by

with little money to spare and no need for a cleverly hidden rail track could ruin your

a fully fitted kitchen. life! Whilst looking around the property

If you're looking for a self-contained flat remember to ask yourself and the agent these

or the cheaper option of simply renting key questions. Write them down if you have

a room, it's important to make sure the place to, the excitement of finding a decent flat

is right for you before committing. Make the can often cause the most rational person to

same checks as if you were buying the pro- go giddy.

Student Accommodation

The most common form of student 'self-catering': you buy and prepare your

accommodation is in halls of own food, sharing a kitchen with other

residence and many institutions students.

guarantee accommodation in halls for Some institutions also have houses

first-year international students. In for small groups of students or flats for

halls, you live in a study bedroom, couples or families. Other options

either by yourself or with another include private flats or houses (where you

student. Bathrooms are usually shared share the cost of renting with other

but many institutions have en-suite students), lodgings (where you rent

rooms for postgraduate and mature a room in someone's home) and bed-sits

students. Some halls provide breakfast (single rented rooms with living, sleeping

and evening meals and others are and sometimes cooking facilities).

Selling tips

Before putting a house on the market, take the time to assess the property

objectively - look at it first from outside, then move from room to room making notes on which areas need improving. It's a good idea to ask a friend or family member for their opinions, as it's easy to overlook problem areas when you've been living in a space for a long time.

Whatever the size and value of the property, there are some basic rules to follow that will help to maximise sale potential:


  1. What three pieces of advice about renting in How to Rent a Flat do you find particularly useful? Give reasons for your choice.

  2. Discuss the possible disadvantages of living in a student flat rather than a hall of residence.

  3. To what extent are first impressions important to you? If you were to help your parents buy a new house or flat what would be the most important features of the property for you? Justify your choice.


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