Strategic Finance 1

traditionally avails are provided by 0x01 graphic



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government has made it mandatory to include in their annual reports information on customers, processes & human capital.



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Deferred Payment Liabilities

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Development Rebate Reserve

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Loans from other Corporates

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Interest Payable


Equity includes :-



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 1. Fiscal advantage, the interest of financing with debt   

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 1.  Employees & trade unions increase their demands0x01 graphic

 2. Financing with a high percentage of debt   

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 2.  Is deductible from the profit0x01 graphic

 3. Firms must repay debts   

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 3.  Shows the illusion of financial problems0x01 graphic

 4. A highly leveraged firm   

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 4.  Not necessary to have discussions regarding the sell out of assets0x01 graphic



 5.  Prevents firms from investing too much0x01 graphic



 6.  Discussions about the sell out of assets must be made0x01 graphic


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Capital gains are taxed at 0x01 graphic



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know the best about a firm's performance.



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When a firm invests in human resources by acquisition & training, it anticipates a 0x01 graphic



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Investment decisions are mainly concerned with :-



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Secured debt

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Unsecured debt

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Equity Shares

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Preference Shares


As per Pecking order theory, which is the costliest means of funding :-



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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Any addition or extension to an existing asset which retains a separate identify & is capable of being used after the existing asset is disposed of :-

  Correct Answer  

Is depreciated independently

  Your Answer  

Is depreciated along with the existing asset

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In market value approach, interested parties never manipulate the stock markets.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


For accounting standard (AS) 27, Significant influence may be gained by :-

  Correct Answer  

Share ownership , Statute , Agreement

  Your Answer  

Share ownership , Statute , Agreement

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Accounts payable is also known as :-

  Correct Answer  

Trade credit from suppliers

  Your Answer  

Trade credit from suppliers

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 Select The Blank


Earning power of the company approach tries to value the ________.

  Correct Answer  

Current value of the assets

  Your Answer  

Current value of the assets

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Free cash flow theory

Enormous conflicts of interest between Stakeholders and shareholders

Enormous conflicts of interest between Stakeholders and shareholders

Net income approach

Cost of debt & equity do not change with a change in leverage ratio

Cost of debt & equity do not change with a change in leverage ratio

Net operating income approach

The overall capitalization rate remains constant for all levels of financial leverages

The overall capitalization rate remains constant for all levels of financial leverages

Modigliani - Miller Theory

weighted average cost of capital does not change with a change in the proportion of debt to equity in the capital structure

weighted average cost of capital does not change with a change in the proportion of debt to equity in the capital structure

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Where the management's estimate of the useful life of an asset of the enterprise is shorter than that envisaged under the provisions of the relevant statute, the depreciation provision is approximately computed :-

  Correct Answer  

By applying a higher rate

  Your Answer  

By applying a lower rate

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


What is a very important factor in any kind of merger?

  Correct Answer  

Exchange ratio

  Your Answer  

Post merger price

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 Select The Blank


Segment expense includes ________.

  Correct Answer  

The relevant portion of enterprise revenue that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to a segment

  Your Answer  

General administrative expenses

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The depreciable assets are assets which are expected to be used :-

  Correct Answer  

During more than 1 accounting period

  Your Answer  

During more than 1 accounting period

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Arbitrage process implies that security cannot sell at different prices.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which is an example out of the following to which special consideration apply for depreciation :-

  Correct Answer  

Regenerative natural resources

  Your Answer  

Regenerative natural resources

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Baumul`s Model is similar to EOQ model in inventory management.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Financial evaluation involves :-

  Correct Answer  

Determining the earnings , Areas of risk , Best way to finance a merger

  Your Answer  

Determining the earnings , Areas of risk , Best way to finance a merger

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The difference between current assets & current liabilities is known as :-

  Correct Answer  

Net working capital

  Your Answer  

Net working capital

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 Select The Blank


Stock repurchases ________ the debt / equity ratio.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which of the following systems identifies each of the organizational elements of the traditional bureaucratic structure and applies the identifiable costs of that element accordingly?

  Correct Answer  

Organization element accounting

  Your Answer  

Organization element accounting

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The major conditions to be fulfilled for buyback of shares as per the legal provisions include :-

  Correct Answer  

Articles of association should authorize buyback of shares , The shares which are sought to be bought back should be fully paid up , After the buy back the ratio of debt to total capital and free reserves should not be more than 2 : 1

  Your Answer  

After the buy back the ratio of debt to total capital and free reserves should not be more than 2 : 1 , Articles of association should authorize buyback of shares , The shares which are sought to be bought back should be fully paid up

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Determination of residual value of an asset is normally a difficult matter.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Free Reserves is a component of :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Short term sources of funds include :-

  Correct Answer  

Current Liabilities

  Your Answer  


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To `gather costs', means capturing all relevant expenses that pertain to the selected model and processes.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


When a company has resorted to buyback of its shares it cannot make a further issue of the same kind of securities within a period of how many months?

  Correct Answer  

6 months

  Your Answer  

6 months

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 Select The Blank


At times managers invest in projects that improve the company's ________.

  Correct Answer  

Prestige or power

  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


It is the activity accountant's job to do the following for the existing organisational structure :-

  Correct Answer  

To define the costs , To refine the costs , To document the costs

  Your Answer  

To define the costs , To document the costs , Support the costing of the activities

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


One of the important assumptions for capital structure theories is :-

  Correct Answer  

Debt and equity are the 2 kinds of funds used by the firm

  Your Answer  

Debt and equity are the 2 kinds of funds used by the firm

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Assets held as stock - in - trade are also investments.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


As per residual theory of dividends the focus is on ________.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  

Payout of dividends even if the funds are unavailable

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Profitability of a company depends upon :-

  Correct Answer  

Cost of capital

  Your Answer  

Earning per share

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 Select The Blank


HLL the largest FMCG company has a turnover of Rs. ________.

  Correct Answer  

118 Bn

  Your Answer  

1000 crores

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The characteristics of working capital are :-

  Correct Answer  

It is continually required for a going concern , Quantum of working capital fluctuates depending on the level of activity , It is impacted by numerous transactions on a continuous basis

  Your Answer  

It is continually required for a going concern , Quantum of working capital fluctuates depending on the level of activity , It is impacted by numerous transactions on a continuous basis

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


If a firm diversifies managerial teams formed can be shifted from unproductive activities to productive ones which leads to :-

  Correct Answer  

Improved profitability , Continuity , Growth of the firm

  Your Answer  

Improved profitability , Continuity , Growth of the firm

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


In the tender offer, the purchaser approaches :-

  Correct Answer  

The shareholder

  Your Answer  

The shareholder

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


To overcome the problems of matching data the actions can be taken as follows :-

  Correct Answer  

Keep extensive records of the process , Maintain detailed procedures , Keep records of assumptions as an audit trail

  Your Answer  

Keep extensive records of the process , Maintain detailed procedures , Keep records of assumptions as an audit trail

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 Select The Blank


In the shareholding pattern of a company, the promoter's holding includes________.

  Correct Answer  

Foreign Promoters

  Your Answer  

Foreign Promoters

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


A current investment is an investment that is by nature :-

  Correct Answer  

Readily realisable , Intended to be held for not more than 1year from the date on which investment is made

  Your Answer  

Readily realisable , Intended to be held for not more than 1year from the date on which investment is made

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Trade credit creates book debts which the firm is expected to collect in the near future.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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The chance of bankruptcy is small when the leverage of a firm is small.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The 3 groups of participants in a firm are :-

  Correct Answer  

Suppliers of equity , Debt suppliers , Firm Managers

  Your Answer  

Suppliers of equity , Debt suppliers , Firm Managers

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The financial managers of a company consume a great deal of their time in activities like :-

  Correct Answer  

Monitoring the investment in inventories , Negotiating favourable credit terms , Administrating Accounts receivables

  Your Answer  

Monitoring the investment in inventories , Negotiating favourable credit terms , Defining a proper strategy for product promotion

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Appraisal value of a firm can be acquired from an independent appraisal agency.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The following categories of personnel are taken into account to calculate the actual manpower strength :-

  Correct Answer  

Full time equivalents , Temporary staff , Part time personnel

  Your Answer  

Full time equivalents , Temporary staff , Casual workers

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Accrued expenses represent :-

  Correct Answer  

Costless financing , An interest free source of financing

  Your Answer  

Costless financing , An interest free source of financing , Truly discretionary financing

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 Select The Blank


There is a ________ relationship between the number of employees & the use of operating supplies.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer


Performs or provides energy to an activity

Performs or provides energy to an activity


Information or material used to produce the output of an activity

Information or material used to produce the output of an activity


Information or material that constrains an activity

Information or material that constrains an activity


Information or material produced by an activity

Information or material produced by an activity

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Value added analysis :-

  Correct Answer  

Helps to identify potential activities that may be omitted immediately

  Your Answer  

Does not assist the planners & project teams

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Notes payable means the buyer signs a note that evidences a debt to the seller.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  







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   Manpreet Malhotra


   Strategic Finance

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 68 Out of 100.





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