Strategic Finance 4

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The internal staffing performance indicators are :-

  Correct Answer  

Sales per employee , Recovery rate , Utilization %

  Your Answer  

Utilization % , Sales per employee , Recovery rate

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Human Assets accounting stands for :-

  Correct Answer  

Measurement & reporting of the cost and value of people as organisational resources

  Your Answer  

Measurement & reporting of the cost and value of people as organisational resources

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Baumul`s Model is similar to EOQ model in inventory management.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Money becomes less valuable when received at a latter stage instead of in present time.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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In an aggressive approach :-

  Correct Answer  

There is a very large risk of shortage of funds

  Your Answer  

There is a very large risk of shortage of funds

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Book value is based on the balance sheet value of owner's equity.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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If a company has resorted to buyback its shares, it cannot make a further issue of the same kind of securities within a period of 1 year.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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The major conditions to be fulfilled for buyback of shares as per the legal provisions include :-

  Correct Answer  

Articles of association should authorize buyback of shares , The shares which are sought to be bought back should be fully paid up , After the buy back the ratio of debt to total capital and free reserves should not be more than 2 : 1

  Your Answer  

Articles of association should authorize buyback of shares , The shares which are sought to be bought back should be fully paid up , After the buy back the ratio of debt to total capital and free reserves should not be more than 2 : 1

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The main theories behind share repurchases are :-

  Correct Answer  

Dividend or personal taxation hypothesis , Leverage hypothesis , Information or signalling hypothesis

  Your Answer  

Dividend or personal taxation hypothesis , Information or signalling hypothesis , Wealth transfer among employees and managers

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The buyback shall be made only on stock exchanges with electronic trading facility.

  Correct Answer  


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For M & As, the acquiring firm needs industry data on :-

  Correct Answer  

Market growth , Nature of competition , Degree of regulation

  Your Answer  

Market growth , Marketing capabilities , Degree of regulation

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 Select The Blank


As per NOI Approach - the overall capitalization rate remains ________ for all levels of financial leverage.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Valuation methods are highly specific to the following for doing the valuation :-

  Correct Answer  

To the person , To the firm , To the Consultant

  Your Answer  

To the firm , To the Consultant , To the employees of the company

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 Select The Blank


At times managers invest in projects that improve the company's ________.

  Correct Answer  

Prestige or power

  Your Answer  

Prestige or power

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A high payout policy means :-

  Correct Answer  

More current dividends

  Your Answer  

More current dividends

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________ know the best about a firm's performance.

  Correct Answer  

Firm Managers

  Your Answer  

Firm Managers

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Equity includes :-

  Correct Answer  

Development Rebate Reserve

  Your Answer  

Interest Payable

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Short term sources of funds include :-

  Correct Answer  

Current Liabilities

  Your Answer  

Current Liabilities

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Shortage costs are mainly in the form of :-

  Correct Answer  

Disruption in production schedule , Loss of sales , Loss of customer goodwill

  Your Answer  

Financing a lower level of fixed assets , Disruption in production schedule , Loss of sales

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 Select The Blank


In today's fast moving world, the quickest way to get information on a firm is through ________.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


Buy back through book building the process should be made through ________.

  Correct Answer  

An electronically linked transparent facility

  Your Answer  

An electronically linked transparent facility

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work in progress means the inventories are semi manufactured products.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


Cost of ________ is more than other sources for raising short - term finance.

  Correct Answer  

Bank finance

  Your Answer  

Bank finance

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Segment reporting comes under :-

  Correct Answer  

AS 17

  Your Answer  

AS 23

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The 3 groups of participants in a firm are :-

  Correct Answer  

Suppliers of equity , Debt suppliers , Firm Managers

  Your Answer  

Suppliers of equity , Debt suppliers , Firm Managers

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The development aspect of training in firms focus on :-

  Correct Answer  

Promotion to higher job levels

  Your Answer  

Acquisition of necessary skills essential for a job

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 Select The Blank


Long term cash forecasting is generally for a period of ________ years.

  Correct Answer  

3 to 5 years

  Your Answer  

5 - 8 years

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Segment information needs to be presented :-

  Correct Answer  

Only on the basis of the consolidated financial statements

  Your Answer  

As general purpose financial statement

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 Select The Blank


HLL the largest FMCG company has a turnover of Rs. ________.

  Correct Answer  

118 Bn

  Your Answer  

118 Bn

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The budgetary records are useful for:-

  Correct Answer  

Providing a rationale for division of costs , Replacing missing data , Validating accounting costs

  Your Answer  

Validating accounting costs , Allocating indirect costs into different cost centres , Providing a rationale for division of costs

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Indicators of the value of an investment are obtained by :-

  Correct Answer  

Reference to its market value , The investee`s assets , The expected cash flows from the investment

  Your Answer  

Reference to its market value , The expected cash flows from the investment , Current investment valuation

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The support elements consists of important functions such as :-

  Correct Answer  

Payroll , Accounting , Automatic data processing

  Your Answer  

Payroll , Accounting , Automatic data processing

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Most companies focus only on :-

  Correct Answer  

Return on investment

  Your Answer  

Return on investment

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Cost benefit analysis is the simplest form of comparison between :-

  Correct Answer  

Ideas to determine which is faster, better or cheaper

  Your Answer  

Ideas to determine which is faster, better or cheaper

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Accounts payable is also known as :-

  Correct Answer  

Trade credit from suppliers

  Your Answer  

Trade credit from suppliers

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 Select The Blank


the commercial paper may be issued in the multiples of ________.

  Correct Answer  

5 lakhs

  Your Answer  

1 lac

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According to NOI Approach, any capital structure is optimum.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Terminal warehouse receipt

Inventory is stored with a public or terminal warehousing company

Inventory is stored with a public or terminal warehousing company

Floating lien

Loose arrangement as the lender may find it difficult to police

Loose arrangement as the lender may find it difficult to police

Chattel mortgage

Well suited for financial good inventories of capital goods

Well suited for financial good inventories of capital goods

Trust receipt

Specifically identified by serial number or other means

Specifically identified by serial number or other means

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Acceptable audit requirements cannot be overlooked even under the pressure of :-

  Correct Answer  

Timeliness & turnaround

  Your Answer  

Timeliness & turnaround

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The intellectual assets of a company are often worth 3 or 4 times the tangible book value.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


________ government has made it mandatory to include in their annual reports information on customers, processes & human capital.

  Correct Answer  

Danish (Denmark)

  Your Answer  

Danish (Denmark)

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Amount involved in buy back

Not to exceed 25 % of the total paid up capital

Fully paid up

Articles of Association

Authorize buy back of securities

Authorize buy back of securities

Board of Directors

Resolution permitting the buy back of shares

Resolution permitting the buy back of shares

Shares to be bought back

Fully paid up

Not to exceed 25 % of the total paid up capital

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Shareholders returns consists of 2 components :-

  Correct Answer  

Dividend , Capital gains

  Your Answer  

Dividend , Capital gains

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


A firm with a judicious mixture of debt and equity will have :-

  Correct Answer  

Lowest cost of capital , High value of firm , Good market reputation

  Your Answer  

Lowest cost of capital , High value of firm , Good market reputation

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According to NI Approach, decrease in leverage decreases the overall cost of capital and increases the firm's value.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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The activity model is normally created by an activity Accountant.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  







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