L27 Speaking Roleplay Job



You are at an employment agency.

  • want / job

  • your last job - soldier

  • any job offers?

  • get this job now - possible?

  • ask about the course (how long, how much, when start?)

  • decide / take / job

The examiner begins by saying: “Hello. Can I help you?”



You are a clerk at an employment agency.

You are talking to a client.

  • ask for personal information

  • ask about their last job (what, where, how long, duties)

  • job offer: security coordinator at a mall

  • need to attend a management course (it's free, starts next month, lasts 2 weeks)

You begin by saying: “Hello. Can I help you?”


1 What do you like / dislike about your job? Why?

2 What did you want to be when you were a teenager? What about your friends?

3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of often changing jobs?

4 What do you think about unemployment in Poland?


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