EAiE word formation

Word formation. For each sentence form a new word so that it fits the context.

  1. If your CV has an interesting range of activities it can often make you more …………….(employ)

  1. It may just be your personal ………………………….……………..(manage) that needs improving.

  1. A gap year offers something for young people and for older people reaching …………………..…….(retire)

  1. There are thousands of ……………………………….(conserve) projects running globally.

  1. We recommend ………………………………….(follow) some basic rules.

  1. Would you like to be different? More interesting, exciting or ………………………….(attract)?

  1. How many steps you can take in the right ………………………………(direct) will be up to you.

  1. Avoid…………………….(file) a task you've finished working on without writing a date when you can throw it away.

  1. A gap year can also be a chance to gain new ……………………….(qualify) and learn new skills.

  1. Sky trains, space travel for the masses, food pills? Future………………………….(predict) haven't always been accurate.

  1. As soon as the pipeline is……………………….………..(attack), energy ……………..………..(supply) will drop by 40%.

  1. If we covered just part of the Sahara Desert with solar panels, it would provide all the world's……………………….. (electric).

  1. The UK government has set a target of 30% …………………………..(renew) sources such as solar energy and wind power.

  1. The pipelines that carry oil and gas will be at risk of …………………..(terror) attack as well as mechanical………………………(fail).

  1. The…………………………………….(develop) world is definitely getting older.

  1. Before the strike is a week old, the transport and ………………….(finance) systems will collapse.

  1. The world will be a more …………………………..……..(peace) and co-operative place.

  1. First of all, check you have plugged in all the………………………(connect) in the correct colour-coded socket.

  1. On my first day at work I was ……………………………………….(complete) lost.

  1. I started giving my…………………………(present), but suddenly I broke off when I realized that I didn't have my notes.

  1. Opinions are …………………………….…..…(division), but what do our listeners think?

  1. Will young people move away from the ………………………….(parent) home earlier and earlier?

  1. If life………………………….(expect) in the West continues to rise, there will be more older people.


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