This glossary is a guide to the meaning of certain legal expressions as used in these rules.



account monitoring order

an order requiring certain types of financial institution to provide certain information held by them relating to a customer for the purposes of an investigation;

action plan order

a type of community sentence requiring a child or young person to comply with a three month plan relating to his actions and whereabouts and to comply with the directions of a responsible officer (e.g. probation officer);

to adduce

to put forward (in evidence);

to adjourn

to suspend or delay the hearing of a case until another day;

admission of evidence

acceptance by the court of the evidence into proceedings (not all evidence tendered by the parties may be allowable in court);

advance information

information about the case against an accused, to which the accused may be entitled before he or she enters a plea;


a written, sworn statement of evidence;


a non-religious alternative to the oath sworn by someone about to give evidence in court or swearing a statement;


person who is appealing against a decision of the court;

to arraign

to put charges to the defendant in open court in the Crown Court;


the formal process of putting charges to the defendant in the Crown Court which consists of three parts: (1) calling him to the bar by name, (2) putting the charges to him by reading from the indictment and (3) asking him whether he pleads guilty or not guilty;


judicial decisions or opinions of authors of repute used as grounds of statements of law;

bill of indictment

a written accusation of a crime against one or more persons - a criminal trial in the Crown Court cannot start without a valid indictment;

in camera (trial)

proceedings which are held in private;

case stated

an appeal to the High Court against the decision of a magistrates court on the basis that the decision was wrong in law or in excess of the magistrates' jurisdiction;

in chambers

proceedings which may be held in private;

child safety order

an order made by a magistrates' court placing a child under the supervision of a responsible officer where the child has committed acts which could, had he been over 10 years old at the time, have constituted an offence, or which have or are likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress;


sending someone to a court (usually from a magistrates' court to the Crown court) or to prison;

committal for sentence

procedure whereby a person convicted in a magistrates' court is sent to the Crown Court for sentencing when the sentencing powers of the magistrates' court are not considered sufficient;

committal proceedings

preliminary hearing in a magistrates' court before a case is sent to be tried before a jury in the Crown Court;

compellable witness

a witness who can be forced to give evidence against an accused (not all witnesses are compellable);

compensation order

an order that a convicted person must pay compensation for loss or damage caused by the convicted person;


a person who makes a formal complaint. In relation to an offence of rape or other sexual offences the complainant is the person against whom the offence is alleged to have been committed;


document used to start certain types of proceedings in a magistrates' court, or the process of using such a document to start proceedings;

conditional discharge

an order which does not impose any immediate punishment on a person convicted of an offence, subject to the condition that he does not commit an offence in a specified period;

confiscation order

an order that private property be taken into possession by the state;

Convention right

a right under the European Convention on Human Rights;


the expenses involved in a court case, including the fees of the solicitors and barristers and of the court;


a barrister;

cross examination

questioning of a witness by a party other than the party who called the witness;

custody time limit

the maximum period, as set down in statute, for which a person may be kept in custody before being brought to trial - these maximum periods may only be extended by an order of the judge;

customer information order

an order requiring a financial institution to provide certain information held by them relating to a customer for the purposes of an investigation into the proceeds of crime;

declaration of incompatibility

a declaration by a court that a piece of UK legislation is incompatible with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights;

deferred sentence

a sentence which is determined after a delay to allow the court to assess any change in the person's conduct or circumstances after his or her conviction;


written record of a witness' written evidence;

estreatment (of recognizance)


evidence in chief

the evidence given by a witness for the party who called him;

examining justice

a magistrate carrying out his or her function of checking that a case appears on the face of the prosecution case papers to exist against an accused before the case is put forward for trial in the Crown Court - see committal and sending for trial;


a document or thing presented as evidence in court;

ex parte

a hearing where only one party is allowed to attend and make submissions;

forfeiture by peaceable re-entry

the re-possession by a landlord of premises occupied by tenants;

guardianship order

an order appointing someone to take charge of a child's affairs and property;

hearsay evidence

oral or written statements made by someone who is not a witness in the case but which the court is asked to accept as proving what they say. This expression is defined further by rule 34.1 for the purposes of Part 34, and by rule 57.1 for the purposes of Parts 57 - 61;

hospital order

an order that an offender be admitted to and detained in a specified hospital;


the document containing the formal charges against a defendant - a trial in the Crown Court cannot start without this;


someone who lays an information;


statement by which a magistrate is informed of the offence for which a summons or warrant is required - the procedure by which this statement is brought to the magistrates' attention is known as laying an information;

inter partes

a hearing where both parties attend and can make submissions;

interested party

a person or organisation who is not the prosecutor or defendant, but who has some other legal interest in a criminal case. This expression is defined further in rule 66.1, for the purposes of Part 66 only.


a person who asks a witness (particularly a child) questions posed by the cross-examining legal representative;

justice of the peace

a lay magistrate or District Judge (Magistrates' Courts);

justices' clerk

post in the magistrates' court of person who has various powers and duties in a magistrates' court, including giving advice to the magistrates on law and procedure;

leave of the court

permission granted by the court;

leave to appeal

permission granted to appeal the decision of a court;

letter of request

letter issued to a foreign court asking a judge to take the evidence of some person within that court's jurisdiction;

to levy distress

to seize property from a debtor or a wrongdoer;

live link

audio and/or video equipment set up in order to enable evidence to be given from outside the court room in which a case is being heard;

local justice area

an area established for the purposes of the administration of magistrates' courts;

mandatory order

order from the divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division ordering a body (such as a magistrates' court) to do something (such as rehear a case);

nominated court

a court nominated to take evidence pursuant to a request by a foreign court;

notice of transfer

procedure used in cases of serious and complex fraud, and in certain cases involving child witnesses, whereby the prosecution can, without seeking judicial approval, have the case sent direct to the Crown Court without the need to have the accused committed for trial;

offence triable either way

an offence which may be tried either in the magistrates' court or in the Crown Court;

offence triable only on indictment

an offence which can be tried only in the Crown Court;

offence triable only summarily

an offence which can be tried only in a magistrates' court;

in open court

in a courtroom which is open to the public;

order of committal

an order sending someone to prison for contempt of court;

order restricting discharge

an order restricting the discharge from hospital of patients who have been sent there for psychiatric treatment;

parenting order

an order which can be made in certain circumstances where a child has been convicted of an offence which may require parents of the offender to comply with certain requirements including attendance of counselling or guidance sessions;


a person or organisation directly involved in a criminal case, either as prosecutor or defendant;

practice direction

direction relating to the practice and procedure of the courts;

to prefer, preferment

to bring or lay a charge or indictment;

preparatory hearing

a hearing forming part of the trial sometimes used in long and complex cases to settle various issues without requiring the jury to attend;

prima facie case

a prosecution case which is strong enough to require the defendant to answer it;

primary legislation

Acts of Parliament;

realisable property

property which can be sold for money.


a person appointed with certain powers in respect of the property and affairs of a person who has obtained such property in the course of criminal conduct and who has been convicted of an offence - there are various types or receiver (management receiver, director's receiver, enforcement receiver);

receivership order

an order that a person's assets be put into the hands of an official with certain powers and duties to deal with that property;


formal undertaking to pay the crown a specified sum if an accused fails to surrender to custody;


the formal records kept by a magistrates' court;

to remand

to send a person away when a case is adjourned until another date - the person may be remanded on bail (when he can leave, subject to conditions) or in custody;

reparation order

an order made against a child or young person who has been convicted of an offence, requiring him or her to make specific reparations to the victim or to the community at large;

representation order

an order authorising payment of legal aid for a defendant;


the other party (to the appellant) in a case which is the subject of an appeal;

restraint order

an order prohibiting a person from dealing with any realisable property held by him;


a formal mark which the court puts on a document to indicate that the document has been issued by the court;


money deposited to ensure that the defendant attends court;

sending for trial

procedure whereby indictable offences are transferred to the Crown Court without the need for a committal hearing in the magistrates' court;

skeleton argument

a document prepared by a party or their legal representative, setting out the basis of the party's argument, including any arguments based on law - the court may require such documents to be served on the court and on the other party prior to a trial;

special measures

measures which can be put in place to provide protection and/or anonymity to a witness (e.g. a screen separating witness from the accused);

statutory declaration

a declaration made before a Commissioner for Oaths in a prescribed form;

to stay

to halt proceedings, apart from taking any steps allowed by the Rules or the terms of the stay - proceedings may be continued if a stay is lifted;


a document signed by a magistrate after an information is laid before a him which sets out the basis of the accusation against the accused and the time and place when he must appear;

supervision order

an order placing a person who has been given a suspended sentence under the supervision of a local officer;


a person who guarantees that a defendant will attend court;

suspended sentence

sentence which takes effect only if the offender commits another offence punishable with imprisonment within the specified period;

tainted acquittal

an acquittal affected by interference with a witness or a juror;

taxation of costs

the assessment of the expenses involved in a court case;

taxing authority

a body which assesses costs;

Taxing Master

a judge who assesses costs;

territorial authority

the UK authority which has power to do certain things in connection with co-operation with other countries and international organisations in relation to the collection of or hearing of evidence etc;

transfer direction (mental health)

a direction that a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment who is suffering from a mental disorder be transferred to a hospital and be detained there for treatment;

warrant of arrest

court order to arrest a person;

warrant of commitment

court order sending someone to prison;

warrant of detention

a court order authorising someone's detention;

warrant of distress

court order giving the power to seize goods from a debtor to pay his debts;

wasted costs order

an order that a barrister or solicitor is not to be paid fees that they would normally be paid by the Legal Services Commission;


a person who gives evidence, either by way of a written statement or orally in court;

witness summons

a document served on a witness requiring him or her to attend court to give evidence;

writ of venire de novo

an order directing a new trial, after a mistrial involving a fundamental irregularity;

youth court

magistrates' courts exercising jurisdiction over offences committed by and other matters related to, children and young persons.

CIVIL Proceedings


Affidavit A written, sworn statement of evidence.

Alternative dispute resolution Collective description of methods of resolving disputes

otherwise than through the normal trial process.

Base rate The interest rate set by the Bank of England which is used as

the basis for other banks' rates.

Contribution A right of someone to recover from a third person all or

part of the amount which he himself is liable to pay.

Counterclaim A claim brought by a defendant in response to the claimant's

claim, which is included in the same proceedings as the

claimant's claim.


(and see `evidence in chief')

Questioning of a witness by a party other than the party who

called the witness.

Damages A sum of money awarded by the court as compensation to

the claimant.

. aggravated damages Additional damages which the court may award as

compensation for the defendant's objectionable behaviour.

. exemplary damages Damages which go beyond compensating for actual loss and

are awarded to show the court's disapproval of the

defendant's behaviour.

Defence of tender before claim A defence that, before the claimant started proceedings, the

defendant unconditionally offered to the claimant the

amount due or, if no specified amount is claimed, an

amount sufficient to satisfy the claim.

Evidence in chief

(and see `cross-examination')

The evidence given by a witness for the party who called


Indemnity A right of someone to recover from a third party the whole

amount which he himself is liable to pay.

Injunction A court order prohibiting a person from doing something or

requiring a person to do something.

Joint liability

(and see `several liability')

Parties who are jointly liable share a single liability and each

party can be held liable for the whole of it.

Limitation period The period within which a person who has a right to claim

against another person must start court proceedings to

establish that right. The expiry of the period may be a

defence to the claim.

List Cases are allocated to different lists depending on the subject

matter of the case. The lists are used for administrative

purposes and may also have their own procedures and


Official copy A copy of an official document, supplied and marked as

such by the office which issued the original.

Practice form Form to be used for a particular purpose in proceedings, the

form and purpose being specified by a practice direction.

Pre-action protocol Statements of understanding between legal practitioners and

others about pre-action practice and which are approved by

a relevant practice direction.

Privilege The right of a party to refuse to disclose a document or

produce a document or to refuse to answer questions on the

ground of some special interest recognised by law.

Seal A seal is a mark which the court puts on a document to

indicate that the document has been issued by the court.

Service Steps required by rules of court to bring documents used in

court proceedings to a person's attention.

Set aside Cancelling a judgment or order or a step taken by a party in

the proceedings.

Several liability

(and see `joint liability')

A person who is severally liable with others may remain

liable for the whole claim even where judgment has been

obtained against the others.

Stay A stay imposes a halt on proceedings, apart from taking any

steps allowed by the Rules or the terms of the stay.

Proceedings can be continued if a stay is lifted.

Strike out Striking out means the court ordering written material to be

deleted so that it may no longer be relied upon.

Without prejudice Negotiations with a view to a settlement are usually

conducted `without prejudice', which means that the

circumstances in which the content of those negotiations

may be revealed to the court are very restricted.

Act - The written law of a country, also called a statute. An Act sets out legal rules, and has normally been passed by both Houses of Parliament in the form of a Bill and agreed to by the Crown.

Adjournment - A temporary postponement of legal proceedings.

ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution. Methods of resolving disputes which do not involve the normal trial process.

Advocates - A lawyer, appearing in a court of law.

Aggravating - Factors making a situation worse. For example, burglary is aggravated in the eyes of a court if the burglar is armed, or injures someone while committing the offence.

Alibi - A defence that someone accused of a crime was not there at the time and could not have committed the offence.

Appeal - A formal request to a higher court that the verdict or ruling of a court be changed.

ASBO - Anti-social Behaviour Orders. These are court orders which prohibit specific anti-social behaviours. An ASBO is issued for a minimum of two years, and can ban an offender from visiting certain areas, mixing with certain people or carrying on the offending behaviour. Despite being issued by a court, an ASBO is a civil order, not a criminal penalty - this means it won't appear on an individual's criminal record. However, breaching an ASBO is a criminal offence punishable by a fine or up to five years in prison.

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BAILII - The British and Irish Legal Information Institute, which provides free access to the British and Irish primary legal materials on the internet, including a wide variety of court judgments.

The Bar - Barristers are "called to the Bar" when they have finished their training, and as a result are then allowed to represent clients. The Bar is also a collective term for all barristers, represented by the General Council of the Bar.

Barrister - A barrister is a legal practitioner in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The name comes from the process of being called to the Bar during their training. Barristers represent individuals in court, and provide them with specialist legal advice. Barristers must usually be instructed (hired) through a solicitor, but a change to the rules in 2004 means that members of the public may now approach a barrister direct in certain circumstances.

The Bench - Judges or magistrates sitting in court are collectively known as "the Bench".

Bill - A draft of a proposed law presented to Parliament. Once agreed by Parliament and given Royal Assent by the ruling monarch, Bills become law and are known as Acts.

Binding/bound over - Being placed under a legal obligation, for example being "bound over" to keep the peace. Failure to observe a binding order may result in a penalty.

Bail - Release of a defendant from custody until their next appearance in court. This can be subject to security being given and/or compliance with certain conditions, such as a curfew.

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CAFCASS - The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. CAFCASS looks after the interests of children involved in proceedings in the family courts in England and Wales and works with children and their families to advise the courts on children's best interests in family cases, be that in divorce and separation, adoption, or child care and supervision proceedings.

Case law - The body of law created by judges' decisions on individual cases.

Circuit judge - A judge who normally sits in the county court and/or Crown Court.

Civil court - A court that deals with matters concerning private rights and not offences against the state.

Chambers - This has two meanings: a private room or courtroom from which the public are excluded, in which a judge may conduct certain sorts of hearings, for example family cases; or offices used by a barrister.

Compensation - A sum of money paid to make amends for loss, breakage, hardship, inconvenience or personal injury caused by another.

Contempt of court - An offence that can lead to a fine and even imprisonment because of a lack of respect or obedience by an individual in a court of law. You are also in contempt of court if you disobey an injunction or court order.

Constitutional Reform Act - The Constitutional Reform Act, which was granted Royal Assent on March 24, 2005, reformed the office of Lord Chancellor, established the Lord Chief Justice as head of the judiciary of England and Wales and President of the Courts of England and Wales, and created the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. In addition the Act also made provision for the creation of a Judicial Appointments Commission, an Office of Judicial Complaints, and a Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman.

Counsel - A barrister.

The Crown - The institution of the monarchy, or the historical power of the monarchy, usually exercised today through government and courts. It is the Crown which brings all criminal cases to court, via the Crown Prosecution Service.

Crown Court - The Crown Court deals with all crime committed for trial by magistrates' courts. Cases for trial are heard before a judge and jury. The Crown Court also acts as an appeal court for cases heard and dealt with by magistrates.

Culpability - Blame.

Curfew - A legal order confining someone to their home, sometimes for set times of the day.

Custodial sentence - Where an offender is confined to a prison or young offenders' institution for a set period of time.

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DCA - The Department for Constitutional Affairs. The Department is responsible for running the courts and improving the justice system, human rights and information rights law, and law and policy on running elections and modernising the constitution.

Defendant - A person who appears in court because they are being sued, standing trial or appearing for sentence.

Disclosure - A three-tiered system in criminal proceedings which ensures vital information on both sides of a court case can be seen by all parties:

In civil proceedings, all relevant documents have to be disclosed unless they are governed by privilege (see below).

District Judge (Magistrate) - Known as stipendiary magistrates before 2000, district judges are full-time members of the judiciary and deal with a broad range of cases appearing before magistrates' courts - especially the lengthier and more complex criminal cases and care cases relating to children. They may sit with lay magistrates or alone.

District judges - Formerly known as County Court Registrars, district judges sit in the county courts or district registries in a specific region. Much of the work of district judges is in chambers, and they have the power to try actions in a county court below a specified financial limit which is reviewed from time to time. Cases above that limit are generally heard by a circuit judge. District judges also act as arbitrators in the county courts, hear matrimonial cases and deal with nearly all the preliminary stages in civil and family proceedings and pre-trial reviews. Some also determine cases involving children.

Draft Bill - An early version of a proposed Bill before it is introduced into Parliament.

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Gavel - A small mallet used to signal for attention. One of the most famous symbols of the judiciary, but ironically, they are not actually used in English or Welsh courtrooms.

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Hearing - Proceedings held before a court.

High Court - A civil court consisting of three divisions: the Queen's Bench, which deals with civil disputes including breach of contract, personal injuries, commercial and building cases, libel or slander; Family, which is concerned with matrimonial matters and proceedings relating to children or adults who cannot make decisions for themselves; and Chancery, which deals with property matters including fraud and bankruptcy.

Home Office - The government department responsible for internal affairs, including crime, in England and Wales.

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JCO - The Judicial Communications Office, which exists to enhance public confidence in the judiciary for England and Wales, advises members of the judiciary on media matters and helps them communicate with each other.

Judicial - Of the judiciary (see below).

Judiciary - Collective term for the 43,000 judges, magistrates and tribunal members who deal with legal matters in England and Wales.

JP - Justice of the Peace. The official title of a magistrate.

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Law Commission - Independent body set up by Parliament to review and recommend reform of the law in England and Wales.

Law Lord - The unofficial title of the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary. The Law Lords have been promoted from the Court of Appeal to sit in the House of Lords, the highest court for England and Wales.

Lawyer - General term for someone practicing law, such as a solicitor or barrister.

Lay justice member - Another term for a magistrate.

Lord Chief Justice - Head of the judiciary of England and Wales and President of the Courts of England and Wales. Scotland's most senior judge is the Lord President, although the holder of this post does not take responsibility for the entire judiciary, and Northern Ireland has its own Lord Chief Justice.

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Magistrate - Magistrates are members of the public who voluntarily give up their time to preside over magistrates' courts. They need have no formal legal qualifications, although they are trained in court procedures.

Magistrates' court - A court where criminal proceedings are commenced before justices of the peace, who examine the evidence/statements and either deal with the case themselves or commit to the Crown Court for trial or sentence. Some magistrates also have jurisdiction in the youth court, family matters (known as the family proceedings court) and limited civil cases.

Mediation - Process taking place outside a court to resolve a dispute.

Mitigating - Arguments made on behalf of a defendant who has admitted or been found guilty of an offence, in order to excuse or partly excuse the offence committed and attempt to minimise the sentence.

Mr/Mrs Justice - The correct form of address for a High Court judge.

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Open court - The vast majority of hearings in England and Wales are held in open court, with members of the public free to enter the courtroom and observe proceedings. Some sensitive cases, such as family matters, may be held "in camera", which means 'in the chamber' or in private.

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Plea and case management hearings - A preliminary hearing, before a judge at a Crown Court, where the accused may indicate whether or not they plan to plead guilty and have the chance to argue that there is insufficient evidence for the case to go before a jury. Directions are also given on matters such as what evidence will be admitted.

Policy -The Government sets out its policy on a wide range of issues, for example through manifesto pledges and in response to events or changes in society. In a lot of cases, after consultation, they will then look to make this policy law by placing a Bill before Parliament.

Preferment - Advancing to a higher rank; another term for promotion.

Pre-trial hearing - A short court hearing at which a judge considers how ready all parties in a case may be for the trial and fixes a timetable where necessary.

Privilege - The right of a party to refuse to disclose a document or produce a document or to refuse to answer questions on the ground of some special interest recognised by law.

Probate - The legal recognition of the validity of a will.

Prosecution - The beginning or conduct of criminal proceedings against a person.

Pupillage - Pupillage is the final stage of training to be a barrister. It usually takes a year to complete, with the year divided into two six-month periods spent in a set of chambers.

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QC - Barristers and solicitors with sufficient experience and knowledge can apply to become Queen's Counsel. QCs undertake work of an important nature and are referred to as 'silks', a name derived from the black court gown that is worn. QCs will, of course, be known as King's Counsel if a king assumes the throne.

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Recorder - A Recordership appointment, which carries almost the same powers as a circuit judge, is made by The Queen, and lasts for five years. Recorders generally sit for between four and six weeks a year, and normally spend the rest of the time in private practice as barristers or solicitors.

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Statutory law - A law that has been passed by an Act of Parliament.

Summary trial - Trial taking place in a magistrates court.

Supreme Court - The Supreme Court was created under the terms of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, and completes the separation of the UK's legal and judicial systems. Justices of the Supreme Court will no longer be able to sit or vote in the House of Lords. Slightly confusingly, the High Court and Court of Appeal have up to now been referred to as the Supreme Court - when the new Supreme Court comes into being they will in future be known as the Senior Courts of England and Wales.

Suspended sentence - A custodial sentence, but one which will not result in time spent in custody unless another offence is committed within a specified period.

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Tort - A civil wrong committed against a person for which compensation may be sought through a civil Court, eg personal injury, negligent driving or libel.

Tribunal - Tribunals are an important part of the judicial system, but function outside of courtrooms. There are almost 100 different tribunals in England and Wales, each dedicated to a specific area - from pensions appeals to asylum and VAT matters. It is an extremely diverse system - the largest tribunal hears over 300,000 cases a year, while some rarely sit. Some are based on a presidential structure, while some are regional; some panels are legally qualified, some are not. Some tribunals are very formal, with legal representation common, but many are not.

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Uphold/upheld - Where an appeal against a judicial decision ends with the original ruling being maintained.

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Ward of court - A minor (under 18) who is the subject of a wardship order. The order ensures that the court has custody, with day-to-day care carried out by an individual(s) or local authority. As long as the minor remains a ward of court, all decisions regarding the minor's upbringing must be approved by the court, e.g. transfer to a different school, or medical treatment.

Wardship - A High Court action making a minor a ward of court.

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YJB - The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales oversees the youth justice system and works to prevent offending and reoffending by children and young people under the age of 18, to ensure that custody for them is safe, secure, and to address the causes of their offending behaviour.


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