snow white

Opracowała Maria Ulatowska, na podstawie bajki Walt Disney's Classic „Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”


W ramach prowadzonego kółka języka angielskiego prowadzono próby z dziećmi przygotowujące je do wystawienia sztuki w języku angielskim pt „Królewna Śnieżka”. Obsadę stanowi 15 uczniów, którzy zaprezentowali przedstawienie na spotkaniu z rodzicami z okazji Dnia Matki oraz z okazji Dnia Święta Szkoły

Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy scenariusz przedstawienia Królewny Śnieżki rozpisanej na role oraz zamieszczone zostały zdjęcia zrobione w czasie przedstawienia. Efektowne przedstawienie, które umożliwia zaangażowanie rodziców do wymyślania i wykonania scenografii. Polecam!









D1 - DOC









N1: One snowy night in a castle far away, a little princess was born. Her parents named her Snow White. As the years passed, the child grew up to be a lovely young woman. Her beauty and gentle nature won the hearts of all who knew her.

N2: After Snow White's father died, she lived in the castle with her stepmother, the queen. The queen was very beautiful, but she was cold and heartless. She was also jealous of Snow White's beauty.

(the queen gives orders to snow white)

Q: clean that floor faster!

(SW dressed in rags is cleaning the floor)

N1: the queen had a magic mirror. Everyday she would stand in front of it and ask:

Q: mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful one of all?

M: You , O queen are the most beautiful in the land

(queen admires herself in the mirror, SW works in the castle)

N2: while the queen spent her time admiring herself in the mirror, Snow white worked long hours in the castle, but she was always happy.

N1: next evening the queen asked the mirror again:

Q: mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful one of all?

N2:But this time her mirror replied:

M: Her lips blood-red, her hair like night. Her skin like snow, her name Snow White.

(The queen gets very angry)

Q: She will not be the most beautiful one in the kingdom for long. Huntsman! Come here!

HU: Yes, your Highness.

Q: Take SW far into the woods. Then kill her there and run away.

HU: Yhmmm (?) …Yes, your Highness


(the scene in the woods)

SW: What are you doing?

HU; Oh, SW, your stepmother told me to kill you, but I cannot do it! She hates you because you are more beautiful than she is!!!!!!!! Oh, my poor SW, run away and do not come back!

SW: What about you?

HU: Don't worry and never come back to your stepmother!

N1: After much wandering, SW came upon a small house. She knocked at the door, but no one answered.

SW:(Knock, knock) I'm so hungry and tired!

N2: SW was cold and tired, so she let herself in, saw 7 small beds, and went to sleep. She didn't hear the dwarfs coming back home.

ALL (They sing “1 little, 2 little , 3 little diamonds, 4 little etc.)


N1: The dwarfs were very surprised to see SW on their beds.

D1: Who is she?

B: Why is she here?

G: What is she doing here?

D2: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Be quiet!

N2: SW opened her eyes and was a little scared looking at them.

SW: Who are you?

ALL D: We live here. It's our house!

SW: I can see you smile at me. I think we will be good friend. Can I stay here, please?

N1: SW told them about her father, bad stepmother and the huntsman. She promised to take good care of the dwarfs and help them in the house, and they said:

ALL: Yes, you can stay with us!

SW: Thank you all so much!


N2: Now let's look what is happening in the castle?

Q: mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful one of all?

M: SW is the most beautiful! She lives with 7 dwarfs in the woods.

N1: With her magical powers, the Q put an evil spell on an apple. Then she changed into an old woman and went to the little house in the woods.

Q: (Knock, knock) Good afternoon. Have a look at my apples! They are very tasty!

SW: I love apples! I'm a bit hungry. Can I take one?

Q: Of course, help yourself.

N2: The apple was poisoned and when SW tried it, she fell on the floor.

N1: Soon, the dwarfs came.

SN: (podniósłszy jej głowę) SW, please, open your eyes, please!

SL: What can we do?

D2: It's the end. She will never wake again!

N1: The dwarfs placed SW in a beautiful glass box filled with snow-white flowers.

ALL Good bye, our dear SW.

N2: Just a prince on a white horse stopped to see what was happening

P: Ohhhhh, she is so beautiful. I must kiss her!. (Śnieżka się podnosi)

SW: Who are you?

P: I'm a prince. You are the most beautiful girl in the world! I want to be with you forever! Will you marry me???????

SW. Oh, my prince. With pleasure!

N1: the prince and SW rode away to his castle and lived happily ever after.

ALL-7 Hip, hip, hurray!!!!!!!!!!!

H: All the best for you!!!!!!!!!


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