NLP Sales Letter Sampler

The Terrifying Truth About Your Staff

Dear [contact name],

Would you like your sales team to have a greater impact on potential customers that will result in results unlike anything you have experienced?

I have been working with companies just like yours for the past x years who also understand the importance of staff development to maximise sales and profit. Some of the people I have worked with such as company x and company y have seen incredible results from my training.

My name is Mr x and I have mastered the psychology of selling and the triggers that cause your clients to buy. I want to share that information with you.

Are you interested in making these changes, if you are I would love to send you some more information. Give me a call and I will send you my promotional pack that contains testimonials as well as full details of my mind blowing one day training course.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Mr X

Sales Transformations Inc

P.S. I am only taking bookings for this course until the end of this week so do call me right now.

Do You Want To Increase Your Sales 10 Fold?

Dear [contact name],

Last week I wrote to you to let you know about a fantastic opportunity for you to transform your sales results. The reason I am writing to you once again is because I feel I didn't make a few things explicitly clear. If you take a moment to read this whole letter you will discover something you might not believe.

I am not in the business of generating more enquiries, I am not going to teach you how to generate any more useless time wasting phone calls. What I AM going to share with you in my one day NLP training seminar is a way of closing more sales. That's not weak leads, we're talking people actually parting with their money.

If you would like to have your sales team be part of this incredible enrichment experience that will boost your income through the roof then please do contact my office by Friday this week and we will send you a full information pack.

Call me right now on 0800 1234 1234

Mr X

Sales Transformations LTD

Wish You Could Read Your Customer's Minds?

I'll Show You How

Dear [contact name],

If you knew what your customers were thinking, would it make a huge difference to your company?

In my one of a kind, one day seminar I will share with you the underground secrets of how to get in to their heads and sell to them in a way that practically teleports their cash from their pocket in to yours.

I'd love to deliver this full day intensive NLP Sales Seminar to your sales team and show you how to leave traditional selling behind only to find customers who can't wait to part with their cash.

If you would like to know how some of the best sales people in the world transformed more prospects in to million pound clients then please call my office and we'll try to squeeze you in to our diary. We have only a limited number of dates remaining and I'd hate for you to miss out.

Mr X

Sales Transformations Inc.

P.S. Call us by close of business this Friday and we'll give you a stunning 10% discount on my usual rate.

“We'd never dream of a sales conference without Kennedy”


Dear [contact name],

This is your final chance to book a date in for me to have the same effect on your income as I have for blue chip companies around the world.

Using psychology and an understanding of what your customers want there will be ZERO RESISTANCE when it comes to selling your products.

But [contact first name] I want to prove to you that I am not all talk, but I can deliver on my promise so I would LOVE to send you a full pack of testimonials and all details of exactly what I am going to share with you during the one day intensive seminar.

If you don't book the seminar by this Friday that is fine, but I will warn you that I will be offering this to your competitors. So you can choose to be on level pegging with them or you can prepare yourself to hit the wall like the other thousands of companies who will this year.

It is survival of the fittest and I'd love to show you how to get your selling in shape so contact me right now and we can organise an appointment to begin the transformation.

Mr X

Sales Transformations Inc.

[NLP seminar sales letter 1]


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