semestr VI


Johnatan Edwards - very well educated man, he was a pastor, very good speaker, famous for his sermons: “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” (wszyscy sa skazania na piekło)

People are always exposed to destruction, this is the sadden, people can fall in it anytime and God decides when, people are going to fall. People are sinful, they deserved punishment. God decides whether people go to hell or not. In this sermon author uses very strong words, his sermons invoked a lot of emotions. Edwards refers many times to devil. He contrasts great power of God with insignificant (mało znacząca) power of man, uses image of people sinking, people can't fell safe, everybody is commited sin and devil is waiting for us. God is supreme infinite and strict, he is not a friendly being. Conclusion: he tries persuaded people to change their lifes.

Puritan myth - American thought of themselves as of nation with mission. They believed the concept of improving of themselves and the power of money, they are chosen, special people.

Functions of Puritans' literature:

-it didn't have much literary value

-written in plain language, didactive language

-literature was of utilitary character to show, to instruct.


Crèvecoeur -very well educated, came to America from Canada, with his family. He have to leave America, he was expected of being monarchist, when he returned to America he found his wife killed, house burn, children adopted. He wrote “Letter from an American farmer”, he describe America and he wanted to show it as a chosen country. He work presents America in exaggerated style too positive to be true. He describe 3 major region of America: seaside, in land, great woods. He wanted to show how living in particular place influences somebody character. He believed that our personality depends on place, air, climate, government, religious, atmosphere of our work influence. He describe those people who live at the seaside as: are more courageous (odważny), not afraid, not tied to the land, good businessman. In land: they depend on the farming, are proud, obstinate (uparty), careful, hardworking, tied to the land. Live in great woods: were like an animals, were savages (dziki), barbarous, driven by primary instincts. They lived close to nature. The author wanted to show difference between Europe and America. Europe is a closed society, land is controlled, you can get land by heritage. People don't work for themselves, but for their lord. In America situation is difference, there no social classes, there is no aristocracy, no dominated religious. Land is easily available, government is democratic, there are 3 major rights:

-right to life

-right to freedom

-right to property

He raises several question in his work:

1. Who is an American? - American is any European who has came to America and had left behind him all his habits. This is the first mention about “melting pot


- why do people come to America - because of economical reason in search of bread.

There are 3 conditions to be successful in America

1 hard work

2 saving money

3 being honest

America is benefitial for everybody.

There are 3 conditions for happiness

1 natural resources

2 working for ourselves

3 competition that should be related to production

-the problem of American frontier which is great woods because in these territory isn't proper low. There aren't principle regulations, people's behavior is based on survival instinct, they are similar to animals.

Creveceour also notices that Indians are better than those living in woods, Indians have got their own rules. People living in woods are the embodiment of American cowboys. He also built up he idea of good American who is hardworking, honest and sober.

Mary Rowlandson - she wrote down some autobiographical memories, she was kidnapped by Indians and she wrote down her experiences. She was kept by Indians for 11 weeks and she was extremely puritan. She was very religious so she compares Indians to the devil. In her diary she presents the fight between good and evil. Her work is symbolic. She doesn't complain, she just suffers silently. She accepts it because it was God's decision. She also quotes the Bible. In her work there are several adjectives describing Indians: inhumane creatures, savages, barbarous creatures. There is one moment when she tells good thing, when they buried her dead child. Finally she was exchanged by 20 pounds by her husband. She thought that God made her free. She completely relies on God.


The age of reason that's the second name of Enlightenment.

John Lock

Isaac Newton

Lock didn't believed in inborn knowledge. He said that all knowledge comes from our senses. It's called empiricism. He also emphasizes natural, basic rights of man.

He also rejects the power of the King and refers to the democracy. He created the principles of modern democracy.

Newton - rationalism. He thought that you get the knowledge without outside world. According to him universe is seem as a harmonic system, God is helpful so people should help each other. A man is in harmony with universe. His assumptions led to the development of deism according to which God is like a clockmaker, who sets the machine and observes us. Man is good by nature, by its spoiled by evil institutions.


J.J. Rousseau and Voltaire - they mainly underline freedom of thought, feelings, conscious.

Native roots of Enlightenment:

Their aims were to instruct, enlighten and to make people think.

Slow disintegration of Puritanism.

Benjamin Franklin - he was born in Boston in very big family as the 15th child. He worked in his brother's shop then he left for Philadelphia. He used to read a lot of books, he became a Deist, a politician and he participated in drawing a Declaration of Independence. He represented USA abroad. He was also a scientist and he was involved in scientific research. He established the first public library. He was a Democrat , thought that the best government should be controlled by people.

His two major purposes in life are; to do good for people and to develop himself.

His major work is ”Autobiography”. The first part was written when he was 65 and he wanted to show what life he used to lead. He described his ups and downs. Part 2 was written when he was 78, part 3 when he was 82.

In part 2 he established tabulation of system values:

He made a little book and one page was for one virtue. On the pages he marked how many times he didn't follow them. He also used to plan his day. In the morning he sked himself: What good shall I do today?

In the evening he asked: What good have I done today?

Puritan elements of his plan:

Franklin is the embodiment of American myth.

Points of American myth:

….to już na następnych zajęciach


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