gramatyka 28

V-고 있다

  • Present Progressive

  • ongoing state

저는 한국어 수업을 가르치고 있어요.

I am teaching the Korean class.

빨간 색 넥타이를 매고 있는 사람이 다나카 씨에요
The person who is wearing a red neck-tie is Tanaka.

V-고 가다

V-고 오다

V-고 다니다

데리고 가다

데리고 오다

to take (someone)

bring someone with one

  • 데리고 가다is a combination of two verbs 데리다 (to attend or accompany) and 가다 (to go)and it means “to take a person.”

  • 데려다 is never used by itself as a verb. It has to be used with a connective, such as -다가 and -고. 데려다가 means "after bringing (someone)," 데리고 가다 "to take (someone) along," and 데리고 오다 "to bring (someone)." The honorific form of 데려다가 is 모셔다가 "after accompanying (someone)," and the honorific form of 데리고 is 모시고 "accompanying." 데려다가 and 데리고 are not used for bringing or taking an inanimate object, such as a book, a lunch, or a car. 가져다가 and 가지고 are used for inanimate objects, as in 점심을 가지고 오세요 "Please bring your lunch." 

장난이 심하다

(be) mischievous; prankish

아이를 보다

집을 보다

to tend (a baby)

to baby-sit

to watch a house

내가 없는 동안 아이를 보아주시오

Please look after my son in my absence.

내가 없는 동안 가게를 잘 보아라 Keep an eye on the store while I am away.

그렇지 않아도

even without you saying so;

as it happens;

even if you hadn't mentioned that

With this form the speaker says that even if the proceeding action or statement had not taken place (s)he had just been thinking about doing it.

V-(으)ㄹ까 하다

to be planning to~,

to be thinking of

  • When used with an action verb this form shows one's intent to perform the action.

  • It is used with a first person subject.

  • It's never used in a question form

  • It indicates speaker's consideration or indecisiveness about a matter

  • The meaning of `-(으)ㄹ까 하다' is similar to the pattern `-(으)려고 하다', but `-(으)려고 하다' expresses stronger intention of the speaker.

내일 그 남자를 만날까 합니다.

I'm thinking of meeting him tomorrow.

오늘은 책상을 정리할까 합니다.

I am planning to adjust the table today

V-(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다

can't even think of~

집이 너무 비싸서 살 생갈도 못 하겠어요.

The house is so expensive so I can't even think of buy it it in the future.

하도 A/V-아/어서

so much, too much ~ that ~

어제 저녁을 하도 많이 먹어서 아침은 굶을 생각이에요

I ate too much last night, so I think of skipping my breakfast

V-(으) ㄹ 까 말까 하다

to do or not (hesitation)

하숙집을 옮길까 말까 해요.

I wonder to move to Hasukchip or not

V-(으)ㄹ 걸 (그랬다)

had I known, I would have ~

I should have~

  • This short form of -ㄹ/을 것을 그랬다 indicates mild regret or sorrow for not having performed a certain action in the past. As in "I should have done . . ."

  • It's attached directly to the stem of action verb

같이 가자고 할 걸 그랬다. 
I should have asked her/him to go with me.

점심을 미리 먹을 걸 그랬다. 
I should have eaten lunch earlier.

N때만 되면


점심 때만 되면 친구가 놀러 와요

friends come to play whenever I'm having lunch

V(으)ㄹ 때만 되면


저는 시험 볼 때만 되면 떨려요

I am nervous during the exam!

밥 먹을 때만 되면 전화가 와요

the phone rings whenever I'm heating

V-게 하다

to make someone (do something)

cause something to happen

  • This causative construction makes or causes someone to do something or makes something happen.

  • Putting -게 하다 right before the 다 in a verb makes it transitive, i.e. changes it from 'to hurt (to feel pain)' to 'to hurt (someone else)'

학생들에게 한국어로만 말하게 해요. 
I make the students speak only in Korean.

에디슨은 전깃불을 발명해 사람들을 놀라게 했어요. 
Edison surprised people by inventing the light bulb.

의사들은 당뇨병 환자에게 사탕을 못 먹게 한다. 
Doctors make diabetic patients stop eating candy.

V-(으)ㄹ 생각이다

I'm thinking about doing

  • it's used only with action verbs

  • it indicates speaker's consideration about a matter, or careful weighing a problem

  • The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb 이다

  • Negation is Expressed usually in the main verb, not in the final 이다

V-(으)ㄹ 계획이다

V-(으)ㄹ 예정이다

to plan to do

  • prearrangement, schedule

  • it's used only with action verbs

  • it indicates a speaker's plan, project or program

주말에 부산에서 열리는 국제 영화제에 참석할 예정입나다

I am planning to attend the international movie festival that will be held in Busan this weekend

이럴 수(가) 있어(요)?

그럴 수(가) 있어(요)?

저럴 수(가) 있어(요)?

A/V-다는 게 말이 돼(요)?

-다는 것이 or -다는 the alleged fact that

N(이)라는 게 말이 돼(요)?

A/V-았/었어야 하는데

A/V-았/었어야 했는데


dont you know that~

"right?" "doesn't it?"

"right?" "didn't it?"

This informal ending is a short form of -지 않아(요) and is often like a tag question. The listener may respond with 그래(요) "That's right," 맞아(요) "You're right," "글쎄(요) "Maybe," or 아니(오) "Not really." The listener may also respond with 그래(요)? "Really?/Is that right?" or 왜(요)? "Why?"

나가지 맙시다. 밖에 아주 춥잖아요.

Don't go out! You don't know that it's too cold outside!

V-던 N

used to

  • ~던" is used to express an action or state that was frequently being carried out or was continuous in the past. It can also mean an action that was stopped halfway previously.

  • "읽은 책" has the same as meaning as "읽었던 책"

~어쩔 수(가) 없다

cannot help;

to be inevitable;

there's no other way

1. [불가피하다] unavoidable; inevitable; necessary; imperative; [긴급하다] urgent; pressing.

2. [다툴 수 없다] incontestable; indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable; unmistakable.

  • 어쩔 수 없이inavoidably; inevitably; reluctantly; unwillingly

  • 어쩔 수 없이…하다 be obliged[compelled] to 《do》

  • 나이는 어쩔수없다 Age will tell

  • 핏줄은 어쩔 수 없다 Blood will tell

어쩔 수 없는 용무가 있어 찾아 뵙지 못했습니다

I was prevented from coming by an unavoidable business

그렇다면 어쩔 수 없군

Well, it can't be helped.

그 사실은 어쩔수없다

We cannot deny the fact

A/V-기는 틀렸다

become[be] wrong

[erroneous / incorrect]

you had mistakenly thought so, but now you see its not possible

성공하기는 틀렸어.
There is no hope of my success.

그가 회복되기는 틀렸어.
He has no chance whatever of recovery

N은/는 왜요?

dlaczego N?

몇 N [누구, 어디, 무엇]





어디에 쓰다

무엇에 쓰다

V-지 그래요?

Suggestion (but beware of the tone with which this phrase is said, so as not to appear rude.)

좀 더 먹지 그래?

Eat some more ?

물 마시지 그래 ?

Drink some water ?


but, even, so, nevertheless (even if it is that way)

N이/가 (N보다) 낫다

to be better

Surpass : ~보다 낫다

He surpasses me in knowledge.
  (그가 지식에 있어서 나보다 낫다.)

건강은 재산보다 낫다.

Health is better than wealth.

네가 나보다 낫다

You are better than me.

V-는 게 [것이] V-는 것보다 낫다

사진이 나오다

come out

사진 왔다

여자사진 온다

V-(으)ㄹ 뻔하다



a close call

When used with 하마터면, this construction intensifies the near occurrence of an event that could have happened.

못 알아볼 뻔했다.
I almost didn't recognize you

하마터면 비행기를 놓칠 뻔했다.
I almost missed the airplane.

차 사고가 나서 하마터면 죽을 뻔했다.
I almost died because of the car accident.

N(이)라고 그랬다

N(이)냐고 그랬다

A-다고 그랬다

A-(으)냐고 그랬다

그것 보세요

I told you so!

Didn't I tell you so?

그것 봐

I told you so.

그것 봐, 내가 말한 그대로지!

I told you!

그것 봐, 내가 뭐라고 했니!

There you go! What did I tell you!

V-다고 그렸다

V-느냐고 그렸다

V-(으)라고 그렸다

V-자고 그렸다


since, and now, and then

I recall that...

  • -더니 is not used with I or we. This restriction doesn't apply to -었/았더니

  • The speaker talks about the past from an objective position; the first sentences has a statement about the truth gotten through experience. The second part of the sentences is about a related event which comes after that and which was caused by that.

  • Note that the subjects of the -었/았더니 connective are usually not the same. For example, 톰은 책방에 갔더니 책을 샀다 is not correct, but 톰은 책방에 가더니 책을 샀다 or 톰이 책방에 갔더니 민수가 와 있었다 is fine.

`-더-' expresses an act of recollection and `-니' a sense of explanation. The meaning varies depending upon the context of its usage.

  • 1)The first clause describes the reason or the base of the second clause: the second clause describes a result of what has been taking place in the first clause. Usually, the subject is the third person and the subject of the first clause is same as the second one.

  • 2) The first clause describes how it was previously: the second how it is now or changed
    since the time of the first clause.

수잔이 한국에 가더니 소식이 없네. 
Since Susan went to Korea, there has been no news.

인류학을 공부하더니 지금은 사회학을 공부한다.
She was studying anthropology, and now he has changed to sociology.

아침 일찍 학교에 갔더니 교실이 텅 비어 있었다.
Because I went to school early in the morning, the classroom was completely empty.

마이클이 공부를 열심히 하더니 시험에 합격했어요.

Michael studied hard and then he passed the exam.
(Since Michael studied hard, he passed the exam.)

어제는 날씨가 춥더니 오늘은 따뜻해요.

It was cold yesterday, but it's warm today.


내가 듣기에(는)

내가 보기에(는)

내가 생각하기에(는)

내가 알기에(는)

N 같은

N손(을) 보다

to repair, mend

V-(으)려면 멀었다

to be far from ~ing


verb forms of some adjectives


moreover, in addition, besides

V - ㄴ/은/는 데다가

"in addition to,"

"not only . . . but also,"

"and also"

This connective is composed of the -는데 connective followed by -다가.

책도 많이 읽는 데다가 운동도 열심히 한다. 
Not only does she read many books, but she exercises diligently.

재주도 많은 데다가 성격도 좋다. 
Not only is he talented, but he has a good personality.

눈이 높다

to have high standards

A/V-다고 하던데요

It is said that

~N(이)라고 하던데요

만약(에) A/V-ㄴ/는다면

만일(에) A/V-ㄴ/는다면

만약 (에) N(이)라면

만일(에) N(이)라면

N이/가 생기다

to get, to happen, to look

V-지(요), 뭐

There is no equivalent expression in English for 뭐. It is a colloquial sentence-ending expression meaning something like "what else?" in 나 학교에 갔지 뭐 "I went to school, what else?" or "I went to school, you know." It is used only in intimate and informal conversation and follows the -지(요) or -나(요) sentence ending.

일종의 스포츠로 하는 거지 뭐. 
They are doing it as a kind of sport, nothing more.

오늘 안 오려나 보지 뭐. 
I guess he's not coming today, you know.

학교에나 가지요 뭐. 
I'll just go to school, nowhere else.

제가 어디 가나요 뭐. 
I don't go anywhere, you know.

그만 V

that much and no more

V-고 말다

to end up (doing), finally (do)

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