Diagram( ) <>< <>< By Erik Bjur <>< <><
This program is for analyzing simple beams for shear and moment.
This is the first program out put. The dimensions of the beam are entered here.
The different load types are then listed. The program allows up to five (5) of each kind of load.
This is the output for the point load choice. All distances are from the left side of the beam. Positive for the load is down.
This is the distributed load output. Two distances are needed for this load case.
This is the moment output. Once again the distance is measured from the left.
The info choice will take you here. This choice has information on the variables, author and Jesus Christ.
Here is an example of the variable information window.
When all the loads have been entered, chose calculate and the reactions will be displayed. Positive is up for the reactions.
The choice for the different diagrams and an analyze feature will be shown.
The shear diagram is shown. This graph took approximately 15 to 20 seconds to draw.
If you would like to zoom in or out or just chance the size of the graphing area chose zoom otherwise chose continue.
Here is the moment diagram.
To analyze either graph chose 3.
Here are the choices for analysis, shear, moment, find max moment.
The shear at the point 6 ft from the left is -3.766
The max moment is found by choosing a value on both sides of the max or min.
This program took a considerable chunk of time to design and create. Please respect the author by asking for permission before changing. You can email me at bjur@powernet.net
I hope this program will help you studies. In what ever you do, do it for the Lord.
Soon there will be functions for deflections and rotations at any point along the beam.