skills testK

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Skills Test 4B Units 7-8


1 Match descriptions 1-8 to sports holidays A-F. There are two extra descriptions that you do not need.

1 On this holiday you can enjoy the countryside whether you are fit or not. *

2 Families who want to do something different could try this winter holiday. *

3 This is a great romantic holiday for couples who like sports. *

4 You can take a special form of transport to get to the places where you can do this sport. *

5 You can try a new sport on this holiday - it's expensive, but it's worth it. *

6 If you're experienced and have your own equipment, you can do this exciting sport on your own. *

7 If you want to visit remote areas you could try this water adventure holiday. *

8 You don't need experience to do this because there are lots of places to learn. *

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Ontario - a sports holidays paradise!

Adventure sports fans love variety, excitement and the natural world and Ontario in Canada is a great place to find all of these. Not only that, heavy snowfalls in winter and sunny skies in summer mean it's an all-year-round place to go. So, if you're looking for a great sports holiday, check these ideas out.

A White water rafting

There are 1,200 km of Ottawa River to raft, although most rafting takes place on a 12 km stretch. If you are an expert and have your own raft, you can go where you want. However, most people choose one of the many companies that organise days out or short trips. You go with guides who know the river very well and who will make sure your experience is safe and enjoyable as well as fast and thrilling. Hold tight!

B Kayaking and canoeing

Ontario is a province of rivers and lakes and kayaking or canoeing gives you the chance to reach areas you couldn't reach otherwise. There are thousands of lakes with islands you can camp on and 1,600 km of routes. Using these you can get to remote areas of Ontario's national parks such as Algonquin or if you don't fancy that, you could go on a trip round the Mink Islands. You can camp or stay in luxury lodges (small hotels). This is one of the most popular adventure sports on offer and perhaps the most rewarding.

C Diving

If you thought Australia was the best place for scuba diving, then think again! The Thousand Islands region has warm crystal water and there's lots to see - from shipwreck to great marine life. You can do dives from the beach or go out further and try deep water diving down to 30 metres. There are plenty of diving schools so both beginners and qualified divers can enjoy diving.

D Ice climbing

Ice climbing is different from rock climbing, but it's just as challenging. Batchawana Bay is a great area and there are more than 300 climbs to do. You can try smaller climbs or the higher mountain peaks. It's a great winter sport, especially for families who're looking for exciting days out and something new - and you get great views too.

E Mountain biking

There are so many routes for mountain biking in Ontario that there is a special `Bike Train'! It's not just for bikes, but it stops at the start of the best rides and routes. You can take the train too and try one of the trails or just explore the countryside. Huntsville has many superb trails around the lakes and through its forests - if you want a more remote route, try the 100 km Powassan Circle Route.

F Hiking

If biking isn't your thing, you can try hiking. There are 800 km of trails to explore. You'll find routes for every level of fitness, so it doesn't matter if you're a bit out of shape. Spring or autumn are the ideal times to try walks through the 275 km Grand Valley Trail. Another great route to try is the Waterfront Trail which follows the St Lawrence River and the shores of Lake Ontario - great if you want to enjoy the water without going in it!

2 Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 There are no sports holidays in Ontario in summer. *

2 There are different kinds of accommodation on offer if you go kayaking. *

3 The scenery is great when you go ice climbing. *

4 The best time to walk along the Grand Valley Trail is during summer. *

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1 Track 5 Listen to a radio show and match speakers 1-5 to statements A-G. There are two extra statements that you do not need.

1 Sarah *

2 Mike *

3 John *

4 Carolyn *

5 Thomas *

A `I'm planning to go to university next year.'

B `I might go to university, but I'm going to work and travel first.'

C `I think more young people go to university now than before.'

D `I got a good job and career without having to go to university.'

E `I teach at university and I don't think the students work hard.'

F `There are better career opportunities for university graduates.'

G `I've got a university degree, but it didn't help me get a job.'

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2 Track 5 Listen again and choose the correct answers.

1 Sarah says that

a she doesn't think people learn life skills at university.

b she hasn't learned anything at university.

c students also learn important life skills at university, in addition to studying.

2 Mike

a is happy about his job and career choices.

b is hoping he'll get promotion soon.

c doesn't think his salary is high enough.

3 John explains that he

a is looking for a permanent job.

b is quite happy to do odd jobs.

c will only take a job with a high salary.

4 Carolyn says that

a she is out of work at the moment.

b it isn't a good time to be applying for jobs.

c she wants to work full-time in the future.

5 Thomas

a has already got a new job.

b had a good relationship with his old boss.

c didn't enjoy his job at all.

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1 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

Both these photos show people travelling by plane, but they don't have much in 1 c_____. In the first photo you can see a lot of people waiting to board the plane. They 2 l_____ as if they've been waiting a long time, 3 p_____ the plane has been delayed. There's a man in the 4 f_____. I think he's complaining to the cabin crew. 5 T_____ to the second photo, it shows a plane arriving at an exotic destination. I wish I was there!

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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.



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