Maybe I'm Amazed

Maybe, I'm Amazed

What if Severus hadn't called Lily a Mudblood? What if Potter never managed to break them up? What if they got married and had kids?

Chapter 1

It was Thursday and Severus Snape had just finished his practical Defense OWL and felt very pleased. He was certain he had achieved an O on both his written and practical exams. He walked slowly, looking over his Defense class notes when suddenly he heard someone calling his name and looked up to see his girlfriend, Lily Evans, their close friends, Alice Downing, and Alice's boyfriend, Frank Longbottom, sitting in the sun by the Black Lake.

"Sev, we're down here!" Lily called, waving her hand frantically to catch his attention.

No matter how many times he saw her, she never failed to astound him with her beauty, her shoulder-length deep, auburn red hair, almond-shaped, emerald green eyes, luminous skin, and lithe body. She could have chosen any of the handsome boys, such as her fellow Gryffindors James Potter and Sirius Black, or Hufflepuff's Amos Diggory, as her boyfriend, but she had chosen him. They had grown up together in a lower income area of Manchester two blocks away from one another and had been best friends since they were nine.

Severus was lanky and pale with eyes so dark they appeared obsidian and shoulder-length thick, raven black hair. His face was thin with high cheekbones, and a full mouth. He had a beautiful smile when Lily got him to smile, but his nose was permanently misshapen, the result of one breakage too many by his father, Tobias. He smiled widened as returned Lily's wave and started down towards her.

"Look, Prongs, it's Snivellus!" He suddenly heard a mocking voice say.

He turned and saw his three most hated enemies, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. Remus Lupin, the fourth member of the self-named Marauders, sat against a tree studying. He, as usual, was ignoring the actions of his three friends even though he was the one of Gryffindor's Prefects. Severus reached for his wand in the pocket of his robe, but before he could even get his hand on it, he saw Black jab his wand at him and yell, "Silencio!" then Potter yelled, "Levicorpus!"

Severus was suddenly hanging upside down, his robe over his head, unable to speak, and his arms and legs flailing. He felt his wand fall out of his inner pocket. The worst thing about it was they were using a spell, he'd invented, Levicorpus, against him. He, being the inventor of the jinx, knew the counter-jinx, but he could not do it without his wand and it was lying somewhere below him. He tried summoning his wand with non-verbal "Accio!", but he could not concentrate enough to make it work.

"Good one, Padfoot!" James congratulated him. He was of average height, handsome, well built with messy black hair that stuck up all over and hazel eyes behind round, wire-rim glasses. He was very popular, loud, noisy and very competitive.

"You, too, Prongs!" Sirius returned the compliment. Sirius was model handsome with longish curly, dark hair and brown eyes. He attracted girls easily and changed girlfriends frequently.

"You two are amazing!" Peter exclaimed his normal hero-worshipping tone. He was short and dumpy with mousey blond/brown hair and blue eyes. He was their follower and main worshipper, and was willing to put up with second-class treatment from James and Sirius in order to be part of the Marauders.

A crowd had gathered, laughing and pointing at Severus. James ran his hand through his messy hair and bowed. Sirius winked at the girls who were present while Peter grinned at their antics.

"What should we do next?" Sirius wondered aloud.

"We could be polite and ask him how he thinks he did on his OWLs, but you used the silencing charm on him," James pointed out.

"True, but he probably flunked all the written exams because he dripped grease all over his papers and smeared all his answers," Sirius said as Peter chortled.

"Hey! I've got an idea," Peter said. "Why don't we hit him with the tickling charm?"

"Good one, Wormtail!" James replied with a small bow in Peter's direction. "Be my guest."

The crowd began hooting and yelling their encouragement as Peter raised his wand in Severus' direction when there was a sudden blur of red as Lily slammed into Peter, knocking him off balance, his wand flying out of his hand. She turned and gave James and Sirius a hard shove. Alice and Frank had followed her from the lake and now stood by, wands at ready, to help Lily and Severus if they needed it.

"You arrogant toerags, leave Sev alone!" She shouted. "What's he ever done to you?"

Despite the fact that he was hanging upside down, couldn't speak, his robes completely covering him, and feeling totally humiliated, Severus felt a small smile crack his lips. His Lily had a fiery temper and woe be tide anyone on the receiving end of it!

"Only pull out his wand and try to hex us anytime he sees us!" Sirius complained. "We have the right to get the greasy git before he gets us!" The crowd cheered his answer.

"What I can't understand, Evans, is why you're dating this Slytherin slimeball anyway," James argued. "He's not only greasy, but hangs around with all these followers of You-Know-Who." He shrugged carelessly. "Of course all of Slytherin are nothing more than Death Eaters-in-training!"

There was a loud murmur of agreement from the crowd watching. Many of them had been hexed by Avery, Rosier, Wilkes, or the Lestrange brothers because they were considered unworthy by the pureblood fanatics.

"You know nothing about Sev and you know nothing about me, Potter!" Lily yelled shoving her finger into James' chest as she spoke. "Now let Sev down!"

"I'll make you a deal, Evans." James proposed with a smile. "Go out with me and I'll let old Snivellus down and I'll never hex him again." Of course his promise didn't mean Padfoot and Wormtail couldn't still hex Snivellus should the opportunity present itself. He took a snitch out of his robe pocket and let it fly into the air than grabbed it, showing off his fast reflexes. "I should be our Seeker, Padfoot; I've got better reflexes than our current Seeker. What do you think?"

Lily gave James a disgusted look and said flatly, "I wouldn't go out with you, Potter, if you were the last wizard on earth and thank Merlin, you're not! You're nothing but a conceited, immature, spoiled toerag who thinks he can have whatever he wants and thinks every witch should fall in a dead faint at his feet!"

Frank also gave James a disgusted look. Both he and James were Chasers on the Gryffindor house Quidditch team and he was fed up with James's overblown ego. "You're a complete arse, Potter! Quit showing off with that bloody Snitch and let Sev down!" He was generally mild mannered and rarely used profanity, but he was sick of the self-named Marauders bullying Sev, and fed up with James thinking he was the most important person on their team.

James ignored Frank and said to Lily, "Okay, have it your way, Evans!" He turned to the crowd and said, "Who wants to see me strip Snivilly naked?" The crowd cheered, urging him on.

Severus began to struggle fiercely, hoping he could get himself down, but all it did was make him dizzy to the point of nearly passing out. He suddenly heard a soft, but angry voice order,

"That's enough, James, Sirius!" Remus Lupin stood behind them with his wand drawn. He was shorter than James or Sirius and thin with longish light brown hair in the back, shorter on the top and sides and had gray eyes. He was quiet and much more studious than his friends were.

James whirled around, his mouth hanging open in shock. He shook his head in disbelief. "What's with you, Moony? How come you're defending Snivellus?"

"Yeah, are you becoming a Snivellus fan, Moony?" Sirius demanded.

"Yeah, are you a fan of greasy gits, Moony?" Peter echoed Sirius.

Remus ignored their taunts and snapped, "You've all gone too far this time. Sirius, take the silencing charm off Snape and James let him down right now!" Sirius shocked at Moony's unexpected anger quickly removed the silencing charm.

"Okay, Moony, don't get your tail in a twist!" James muttered then said the counter-spell, "Liberacorpus!" and waved his wand at Severus who crashed to the ground. Unfortunately he hadn't had a chance to prepare himself and came down head first, hitting a rock.

"Sev!" Lily cried and ran over to him. Alice and Frank hurriedly followed her over to where Severus lay in a heap, unmoving. She lifted his head then gave a cry when she saw her hand was covered in blood. "Merlin! He's bleeding!"

"Don't worry, Lily, Sev will be fine." Frank reassured her. "We'll get him to Madam Pomfrey and she'll get him fixed up in no time." He looked around and spotted a fallen tree branch lying near them and quickly transfigured it into a stretcher. Alice immobilized Severus and carefully levitated him onto it. Frank pointed his wand at the stretcher and said "Mobilicorpus." The stretcher began to float in front of him as he walked. Alice walked along side of him.

"Wait a minute," Lily called to them. She turned to Potter, Black, and Pettigrew and said in a threatening tone, "I've told you to leave Sev alone and you promised you would. As a Prefect I didn't turn you in because I assumed as fellow Gryffindors you'd keep your word, but since you haven't, I'm going to turn you three over to McGonagall and Dumbledore. Furthermore, you ever come near Sev or me again and I will hex you so bad that the possibility of any future Potters, Blacks, or Pettigrew's will be nil!" She then turned to the crowd surrounding them and demanded, "Why didn't any of you help Sev instead of encouraging these three toerags to continue tormenting him?"

Somebody, a boy from Ravenclaw Lily thought, answered sullenly, "Because it's like Potter said; he's a greasy git and a follower of You-Know-Who!"

"You're all as pathetic as those three!" Lily snapped. She quickly gathered up Sev's scattered papers with a wave of her wand and placed them inside his book bag. She snatched up his wand from where it had fallen then caught hold of Sev's hand and walked beside him as Frank quickly, but carefully steered the stretcher towards the castle.

Chapter 2

Severus woke up suddenly. He stared at the pale green walls and realized he was in the hospital wing, but he couldn't remember why he was here. He didn't recall having any kind of accident severe enough to require hospitalization. He glanced at the tall windows, deciding from the brightness that it must be morning. He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in his head and the nausea that followed let him know that it wasn't a good idea. He winced as he lay back, feeling achy and sore, like he used to after one of Tobias's beatings. He glanced around, but it appeared he was the only one in the hospital wing. He heard a door open then Madam Pomfrey was at his side. She appeared so fast that he assumed she must have put some kind of a charm on him that would alert her immediately when he regained consciousness.

"Mr. Snape, it's good to see you're awake. You've been unconsciousness since Miss Evans, Miss Downing, and Mr. Longbottom brought you in yesterday afternoon." As she spoke the Medi-Witch waved her wand over Severus, to assess his current condition. A piece of parchment appeared with the results, but she didn't tell him what they were.

"What happened to me?" Severus asked.

"You don't remember?"

"No …" He jerked up suddenly and tried to get out of bed, but Madam Pomfrey forced him back down. "What do you think you're doing, Mr. Snape?" She demanded.

"My OWLs, I can't miss my OWLs!" Severus groaned.

"You finished your OWLs yesterday so there's nothing to be concerned about. You sustained a bad concussion and a nasty gash on the back of your head when you hit the ground yesterday so I'm not surprised you can't remember much." She gave him two potions, one for pain and the other for nausea and watched to make sure he drank them.

"Where's Lily?"

"I'm going to send Tippy to get her once breakfast is over. She demanded that she be allowed to stay with you all night. I had to threaten to get Professor McGonagall in order to get her to leave." Madam Pomfrey smiled. "I promised her I'd let her know immediately when you were conscious.

Severus knew Tippy was one of the Hogwarts house-elves who helped Madam Pomfrey and whom Madam Pomfrey considered invaluable. He lay back, trying to remember what had occurred yesterday. He looked up as she brought a tray with a bowl of broth and a spoon and set it down in front of him. "If you can keep this broth down then I think you can probably handle solid food for lunch.

"You said I hit the ground. Did I fall down the stairs?" Severus asked as he picked up his spoon, dipped it into the broth, and began to eat slowly.

Madam Pomfrey sighed then replied, "No. Mr. Potter used the Levicorpus jinx on you, but I'm afraid his counter-jinx needs a lot more work. You don't just cancel a spell and leave a person crashing to the ground." She shook her head.

At that moment the doors burst open and Lily came running over to him. She threw her arms around him, holding him tightly. "Sev, I was so scared!" She wept. "Those horrible toerags hurt you so badly!"

"It's okay, Lily, I'm okay." Severus murmured with his cheek resting on Lily's soft hair, surrounded by the scent of the herbal shampoo she used.

"Careful, Lily," Madam Pomfrey cautioned her then added waspishly, "Those so-called Marauders already did enough damage to be going on with!" She looked at Severus and said sternly. "I want to see you eat all of that broth, too, Mr. Snape. Severus picked up his spoon again and began eating the broth though he wasn't hungry. Once he'd finished, Madam Pomfrey vanished his bowl and spoon.

Alice and Frank had come with Lily to visit Sev. Frank grinned and said, "You should have seen, Lily, Sev! She was mad as a dragon and threatened to … to end Potter's, Black's and Pettigrew's family lines if they didn't stay away from you and her!"

"Emasculate is the word I believe you're looking for, Mr. Longbottom," The Medi-Witch commented as she passed them going back to her office.

There was a shocked silence then Alice put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter as Frank turned red. "I didn't realize she was listening," He said.

"Is there a spell for that?" Alice asked Lily in a whisper.

"I don't know," Lily answered with a shrug, "But as long as Potter and his cronies are convinced I'll do it, maybe they'll leave us alone."

"Does mum know what happened to me?" Severus asked. His mum, Eileen, was a Potions Mistress and worked at St. Mungo's.

Lily nodded. "They had to notify her because you'd been seriously injured. She was here briefly last night to make sure you were okay and asked me to tell you she'd be back later this afternoon." Lily dropped her voice to a whisper. "She was very angry when Madam Pomfrey told her what had happened to you."

Severus nodded. He knew his mum had a temper; one he'd inherited from her and had to work hard to control it.

"I think she's meeting with Dumbledore today. I know she demanded to see him last night, but he was at a meeting of the Wizengamot." Lily added.

Severus shrugged. "It doesn't matter what mum says. He won't do anything to Potter, Black, or Pettigrew anyway. He never did before," He said bitterly, thinking back to what had almost happened to him the previous fall; the night Black had tricked him into going down the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack to meet a fully transformed Werewolf. True, Potter had saved him, but it was only because he was worried about his own skin if he'd been injured or killed by Lupin. None of them had seemed concerned that they had placed Lupin in possible jeopardy, too. Dumbledore had made him swear he'd never reveal what he saw there or risk expulsion, but Potter, Black, and Pettigrew had gotten away without any punishment.

"You should know that Remus and Lily turned them in to both Dumbledore and McGonagall," Frank said then continued, "Remus is really a good guy. I don't know why he hangs around with the rest of those prats."

"He's been friends with them since first year," Alice pointed out. "Fifth year is kind of late to be making new friends and he seems to be sickly, too. He's gone at least two days every month so that doesn't help with trying to make new friends," She said in a sympathetic tone.

Both Lily and Severus knew about Remus's "furry little problem," as Potter always referred to it, and she wondered if he may have feared the other Marauders would turn on him if he tried to correct their behavior or quit associating with them and, in revenge, spread word of his condition around the school.

They visited until lunchtime and Alice and Frank excused themselves to go to the Great Hall, promising to visit later. "Do you want us to bring you and Sev lunch, Lily?" Alice called, but just there was a pop and Tippy appeared. "Does Miss Lily or Mr. Severus require anything from Tippy?"

"Never mind, Alice, I'll ask Tippy if she can bring Sev and I some lunch." Lily called. She turned back to Tippy. "Tippy, if you could bring us some sandwiches, Pumpkin juice, and some dessert that would be great." Lily said smiling at the tiny female elf. Like the other house elves, she was dressed in a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest on it.

"Right away, Miss Lily!" Tippy squeaked happily, bowing. She left with a pop and within minutes another pop announced her return. She was carrying a tray containing a plate loaded with sandwiches, a pitcher of Pumpkin juice, and two pieces of apple cobbler.

Thank you, Tippy." Lily said taking the tray from her. "This looks delicious!"

Yes, thank you, Tippy. Your service is excellent." Sev added

Tippy gave a huge grin and squeaked excitedly, "Miss Lily and Mr. Severus is welcome. Tippy is always glad to serve Miss Lily and Mr. Severus!" She bowed and disappeared again with another pop.

The sandwiches were chicken salad and egg salad. Lily took a chicken salad and Severus an egg salad and Lily poured them each a glass of Pumpkin juice. The pitcher quickly refilled.

Severus took a bite of his sandwich, chewing thoughtfully. "Avery would be on my arse if he heard me thank Tippy." He commented.

"Why? They perform all kinds of services for us and they're always so happy to do them so why shouldn't we thank them?"

"He says it's the duty of house elves to serve wizards and they don't need to be thanked because that gives them ideas above their station."

Lily sighed. "Sev, why do you talk to those Death Eater wanabees? They're pure evil and they give me the absolute willies! I know you don't support any of their pureblood ideas or their enthusiasm for You-Know-Who."

"Things aren't always what they seem, Lily," Severus began. 'You're right I don't accept their pureblood dogma and I despise You-Know-Who and they've been pressuring me to support him. However, I'm a Prefect so I've got to be aware of what they're saying and doing; who they're trying to recruit, and what recruiting methods they're using so that requires me to talk to them despite my personal dislikes. I'm trying to protect and prevent them from recruiting the younger children, but I think I've already lost Regulus to them."

"He's Black's younger brother?" Severus nodded. "Can't Slughorn stop them from doing it?"

"I doubt Slughorn even knows what's going on in his own house!" Severus replied scornfully.

"It's hard when I hear people attacking you and calling you a Death Eater," Lily whispered, thinking of the Ravenclaw boy from yesterday.

Severus squeezed her hand. "I know, Lily, but I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing if everybody in school knew I was only listening to their crap to protect the younger children. I am sorry though that you're getting tarred with the same brush."

"I don't care about that, Sev; I can stand anything they want to throw at me." She smiled at him and held his hand tightly.

They heard the doors open and to their shock saw Remus coming towards them. He appeared nervous and uneasy. He stopped beside the bed and nodded at both of them. "Lily, can I have a few minutes alone with Severus?"

She brushed her hand through Severus' hair and said, "I'll just be outside, okay?"

Severus nodded then turned to Lupin and said coolly, "What do you want, Lupin?"

Remus cleared his throat nervously and replied, "I want to apologize for what happened yesterday. I should have stopped James and Sirius before it went so far. I want you to know that Lily and I did turn them in to Professor McGonagall and to Professor Dumbledore."

"It's not likely they'll receive any punishment since they never have before," Severus commented with a shrug.

"They're getting detention this time. Not only for the last two weeks of the term, but they're being required to come back here during the summer, and work with Mr. Filch. Since they've pranked him numerous times I don't expect it'll be pleasant for them." Remus said as he sat down in the chair Lily had vacated. 'I also want you to know that I had nothing to do with what they did to you last fall. I don't remember what happens when I'm transformed and of course neither James nor Sirius told me what they had done. I just found out about it because they were laughing about it last night. If I had had any idea they were planning to expose you to me when I was fully transformed I want you to know I would have gone to Professor Dumbledore immediately."

As much as he hated the Marauders, he found himself wanting to believe Remus. "Well, you know now those three aren't above using your condition as a weapon against somebody they dislike."

Remus sighed softly. "They were the first friends I've had since I received the bite at five so I guess I've been a little too willing to overlook their worst flaws, but in truth I don't have a lot in common with them."

"Lily is the first real friend I've ever had," Severus admitted. "You don't make friends easily when everybody knows your father's a drunk and beats the crap out of you and your mum every chance he got and the Muggle Police Constables are at your door at least once a week." He dropped his head, allowing his hair to hide his face. "Lily knew about my home life, but she never looked at me as an odd freak as the rest of the neighborhood did."

"Well, I guess we have something in common," Remus remarked. "Why don't we be friends instead of enemies, Severus?"

Severus smiled and replied, "My friends call me, Sev." He extended his hand.

Remus took it and they shook. "My friends call me Moony, but I prefer Remus."

"Remus, it is," Severus agreed.

Lily came back in and Remus vacated the chair he'd been sitting in. "Have you had lunch, Remus?" Lily asked. She pointed at the sandwich-filled plate. "Tippy brought a lot of lunch so help yourself if you're hungry."

"Thanks, Lily. I didn't have lunch. I've been avoiding James, Sirius, and Peter. I've heard rumors through the Hogwarts grapevine that they're none too pleased with my defending Sev. I half-expected to wake up this morning and find my bed curtains permanently jinxed together." He conjured a chair to sit on and took some sandwiches off the plate and conjured a glass into which Lily poured Pumpkin juice.

"I'm sorry …" Severus began, but stopped when Remus raised his hand. "This is in no way your fault, Sev," He said sternly. "James and Sirius have had this coming for a long time."

"It's too bad Gryffindor Prefects don't have their own quarters like we do in Slytherin," Severus remarked. "I keep mine warded so nobody with bad intentions can enter and do any kind of mischief."

They heard the doors open and turned to see Alice and Frank coming in. Both were hooting with laughter. They hurried over to Sev's bed. "Guys, you'll never believe what happened at lunch!" Alice said.

"Let me guess," Lily said. "Potter tried to hex somebody; his hex backfired and turned him into a toad!"

"It's almost as good!" Alice replied. "He got a Howler from his father. His dad yelled at him for disgracing the family name."

"I think he was raised to think he could have, say, or do whatever he wanted," Frank said.

"James once told us that he was a late-in-life baby and his parents never expected to have any children." Remus added.

"So they spoiled the sole heir to the Potter fortune rotten." Severus concluded.

"Well, I don't think James is going to have a very good summer," Remus chuckled. "Besides doing detention here with Mr. Filch, his dad will probably ground him for the whole summer and take away his broom."

"He deserves it, the arrogant prick!" Lily added.

By the time Eileen arrived, it was late afternoon. She swept through the doors, up to Severus' bed and gave him a hug. "How are you feeling, Sev." She also gave Lily a hug.

"I feel much better, Mum. Madam Pomfrey says I can get out of here tomorrow," Severus replied. He looked at his mother. Eileen was tall, at least 5'8 and it was obvious that Severus had inherited his height and coloring from her. Although she was only in her late thirties, Eileen looked older, the cruel, stressful years with Tobias marking her permanently. "You looked tired, Mum. I hope you aren't overdoing things."

Eileen sighed and sat down next to Lily. "We, that is, the staff of St. Mungo's, have been helping out with the victims of the explosion at that Muggle manufacturing plant two nights ago. The Muggle Prime Minister contacted Minister Bagnold and requested our help."

Lily nodded. "I heard about it from mum and dad. It was a plant where they build Muggle cars. They said there was something like three hundred people seriously injured and so far the police and fire inspectors can't find any reason for the explosion. Dad says generally they can find the cause within a couple of days." Lily's parents were Muggles, and her dad was a professor who taught economics at the University of Manchester.

"Some of the injuries are horrendous," Eileen said sadly. "They have ghastly burns and skeletal damage mostly."

"Are people at St. Mungo's thinking that You-Know-Who had something to do with this?" Severus asked shrewdly.

"There are always rumors about You-Know-Who flying around when anything like this happens. I suspect that's what he counts on to increase his power and the fear of him." She looked at her watch and sighed then complained, "I'm supposed to be meeting with Dumbledore, but I swear as powerful as that man's supposed to be, he has no sense of time."

Dumbledore came into the ward ten minutes later and over to where Eileen sat. "Eileen, how are you? Please accept my apologies for being unavailable when you were here last night." As usual he was dressed garishly in a bright blue robe patterned with gold stars and silver unicorns with a matching pointed hat. His white hair was very long and his beard almost as long as his hair. His half-moon glasses sat at the edge of his crooked nose and his blue eyes twinkled behind them.

"Headmaster," Eileen nodded and stood up.

"Severus, my boy, how are you feeling?"

"Much better, Professor," Severus answered politely

"I have no doubt Madam Pomfrey and Miss Evans are taking good care of you."

"Yes, Sir," Lily said with a blush.

"Eileen, shall we adjourn to my office?" Dumbledore asked politely, offering her his arm in a courtly fashion.

She nodded then turned back to Severus for a moment. "Sev, I'll stop in and see you before I leave."

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Dumbledore and Eileen went into his office. He transfigured one of the chairs in front of his desk into a cushy armchair, much like those in the Gryffindor common room. "Please be seated, Eileen, and I'll have the elves bring us some refreshments." Cissy, the head elf at Hogwarts, popped into the room at his summons. "Yes, Headmaster Professor Dumbledore. What can Cissy get for you?"

"Cissy, would you bring us tea and some cookies, please," Dumbledore requested.

"Cissy will be glad to do that right away, Headmaster Professor Dumbledore." She popped out of the office, but came back in a few minutes, carrying a tray containing a teapot wrapped in a colorful cozy, two cup and saucers, and a plate of cookies.

"Thank you very much, Cissy," Dumbledore said taking the tea tray from her. He poured a cup of tea for Eileen and himself and offered her the plate of cookies.

Eileen took a cookie to be polite and waited until Dumbledore was seated again. "Headmaster, the reason I wanted to talk with you is because of this continued bullying of Sev by Potter, Black, and Pettigrew. It started the very first time he met them with them calling him Snivellus and testing their spell work on him. They've put him in the hospital several times for incorrectly cast spells alone!"

"Come, Eileen, those were just boyish pranks or young wizards testing their powers. I'm sure they've never met to deliberately hurt Severus …"

Eileen slammed down her cup, the tea sloshing violently over the edge of the cup. "They never met to hurt him! Merlin, give me patience! Is that what you call hanging Sev upside down and then dropping him on his head? He could have snapped his neck if he'd fallen wrong!"

"They've been given detention for the entire summer, Eileen. I'm leaving them in Mr. Filch's capable hands and they will be doing whatever he decides needs to be done without magic."

"And they have to practically kill my son before they get detention! They've been bullying him for the last five years, it's only gotten worse since Sev, and Lily started going out as a couple. The things they do to him now are meant to hurt and humiliate him as much as possible. Sev says he's tried to avoid these bullies by going to class early or else coming in just before the bell; he says he tried going a different way to class, but no matter what he does, they're always waiting for him with their wands out." Eileen got up. "I'm giving you fair warning, Headmaster. Either this stops right now or I'm going to the Board of Governors and lodge a complaint!" She left the room in a righteous anger.

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Severus watched until his mother and Dumbledore leave then back to Lily. "She's probably going to give Dumbledore hell."

"I don't blame her at all!" Lily exclaimed. "Families like the Potters, Blacks and the Malfoy's think because they're purebloods, rich and powerful they can get away with anything!"

"I know, but that's the way it's always been," Severus replied then changed the subject. "I was thinking maybe we could help mum with her brewing this summer. You know she does a lot of private brewing at home for people and they've come to rely on her for her potions and salves." This was how his mother had kept food on the table when Tobias was frequently out of work or off on a drunk, but Lily knew that.

"That's a great idea, Sev," Lily replied enthusiastically. Eileen was an excellent teacher and she had learned a lot from her in the past. "She does look awfully tired; I imagine she's been brewing practically non-stop after this Muggle disaster."

When Eileen returned from her meeting with Dumbledore, Severus told her about what he and Lily had discussed. Her eyes filled with tears as she gave him a hug and a kiss. He was truly the best that had come out of her marriage with Tobias. "On one condition," Eileen held up a finger. "You two don't spend the entire summer helping me brew and that you make time to relax and have fun because that's the whole point of summer."

"Okay," Severus agreed for him and Lily.

"Okay then," She agreed. "Now be sure and owl me so I know how you're doing and owl me right away when you get your OWL results. Professor Dumbledore thinks you might get them before school is out." She kissed him. "Love you, Sev."

Severus turned red and muttered, "Love you, too, Mum."

Chapter 3

The last two weeks of school seem to fly by but, for Severus, it was the most enjoyable time he'd spent so far at Hogwarts. He could walk in the halls freely with Lily at his side without constantly checking to make sure Potter, Black, and Pettigrew weren't waiting to hex him. Avery, Rosier, and Lestrange brothers had also left off pressuring him about You-Know-Who, but he continued to monitor their activities without them being aware of what he was doing. On the next to the last morning, during breakfast, the Great Hall was suddenly filled with hooting owls; more owls than Severus had seen in his entire five years of mail delivery.

"Aah!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "Unless I'm mistaken these will be your OWL scores."

An owl flew over Severus and dropped a perfect square of sealed parchment with his name scribed on the front on the table in front of him. Severus carefully broke the seal, unfolded the parchment, and took a deep breath. This was a decisive moment. He glanced down and saw with sheer joy all those O's. He'd gotten Outstanding in Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, and History of Magic.

"How did you do, Snape?" He suddenly heard the oily voice of Evan Rosier who was attempting to get a look at his scores. Severus quickly folded the parchment and placed it in a pocket inside his robe. "Well enough." He glanced across the room at the Gryffindor table, caught Lily's eyes, and nodded towards the doors. She nodded back.

"If you'll excuse me, Rosier, I need to get back to the dorm and finishing packing." Severus said getting up from the table. Several other students were getting up at the same time and Lily blended in with them and was waiting for Severus near the front entrance. "Do you want to go for a walk around the lake?" It was the best place to out of sight and hearing of anybody else.

She nodded and they went outside. They held hands as they walked down to the lake. When they finally stopped at the lake's edge, Lily was about ready to burst with excitement. "How did you do, Sev?"

"Ten Outstandings," Severus said proudly. "I'll bet you got ten Outstandings, too."

"I did!" Lily confirmed. She took his hand and tugged him towards a grove of trees near the lake which had been their favorite snogging place since fourth year. The grove was shady and hid their view of Hogwarts which meant they were hidden from Hogwarts as well. Lily framed Severus' face with her hands and kissed him. The kiss, light at first, deepened as Severus put his arms around Lily and pulled her closer. She responded by wrapping her arms tightly around him. They spent several minutes kissing before breaking apart. Severus leaned back against a tree, feeling breathless and a bit lightheaded. "Merlin, Lily that was fantastic!"

"I agree," Lily said who stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.

After several more minutes of intense kissing, Severus broke it off. "Lily, I could do this all day with you, but I think we should owl our parents and let them know our test results."

"Oh, right!" Lily said then blushed, "I kind of forgot about it just now."

They started towards the Owlry, walking hand in hand. They were unaware that Lily's roommate, Mary McDonald, looking for Lily, had seen them kissing. "Isn't it nice that we can walk together without Potter and his cronies dogging our every step?" Lily remarked.

"It's like paradise!"

When they reached the Owlry, Severus took out a piece of parchment and his 'Always Filled' quill and wrote a quick note to his mum then whistled for his eagle owl, Aesculapius. He attached the note to the leg his owl stuck out and watched as he flew from the window. He waited while Lily finished her note to her parents then attached it to leg of her Great Grey owl, Morgana, who made a graceful exit out of the window.

The next day morning at breakfast Severus got his reply from Eileen. She congratulated him on his scores and predicted a bright future ahead for him. She also asked him to convey her congratulations to Lily on her high scores. After the Leaving Feast, he went back to his room to get his trunk. He had packed last night so he would be ready to roll once the feast was over. He did a quick check to make sure he had not forgotten to pack anything and took down the wards he'd placed on his room at the beginning of the school year, and then went to meet Lily at the front entrance. The majority of the students were dressed in Muggle clothing, but some still wore their robes. Severus was wearing slim black jeans and a green T-shirt, and trainers. Lily was dressed in blue jeans and a light, rose-colored sweater, and trainers. As they came out they saw Alice waving from one of the carriages. "Lily, Sev, over here!" They got their trunks stowed and Severus helped Lily into the carriage and got in after her. Remus was also sharing their carriage. There was one spot left and when Alice spotted hers and Lily's roommate, Mary McDonald, she waved at her and called, "Mary, over here!"

Mary stopped and regarded Alice coldly, "No thank you. You can ride with a Death Eater if you want, but I certainly won't!" She moved on and got into another carriage.

"What's her problem?" Alice asked in confusion. Lily remained silent, but she was angry at Mary's judgmental attitude. Sev was talking to Frank and Remus and she was thankful he didn't hear Mary's nasty comment.

When they arrived at the Hogwarts Express they quickly boarded and found a compartment in the last carriage. They stowed their luggage and got their animals settled; in addition to Lily's and Severus' owls, Alice had a cat and Remus and Frank each had an owl.

Alice held Lily back while the boys arranged things in their compartment. "Why on earth was Mary so nasty when I asked her if she wanted to share our carriage?" She asked in a whisper.

"Mary and I had a fight yesterday. She saw Sev and me snogging …" Lily blushed then continued, "…rather intensely."

"Ooh!" Alice exclaimed.

"I'll send you an owl about that later," Lily promised. "Anyway, she got on me again about seeing Sev, calling him a greasy git, Death Eater etc. I told her it was none of her business; that she should stop listening to Potter and think for herself. She didn't take that too kindly, but if she's going to keep on being just a mouthpiece for Potter I think I'm going to request a different roommate next year."

"I'm going with you," Alice declared. "I don't want to share a room with the president of the James Potter fan club! Frank says it's bad enough that Remus and him have to share a room with Potter and his two cronies." She added as they walked into their compartment.

As Prefects, Severus, Lily, and Remus were required to patrol the corridors and make sure there weren't any problems. The other Slytherin Prefect was a girl by the name of Chea Chedewick.

"She isn't part of You-Know-Who's fan club," Severus whispered to Lily and Remus.

They finished their patrol just as the food trolley was coming by. Well supplied with cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties, everybody sat down to enjoy their food and the ride home. Lily put a charm on the door to keep out unwanted visitors.

"Mum sent me an owl this morning and asked me to extend her congratulations to you on your OWL scores." Severus said to Lily.

"I got an owl from my parents last night and they're going to have a party on Sunday to celebrate my OWL scores and they asked me to invite you and Eileen."

"Will Tuney be there?" Severus asked. Her sour disposition would ruin any party.

"No, mum said she'll be gone until late evening. She going over to Vernon's parents for dinner and then they're going to some outdoor band concert."

Severus knew Vernon was Vernon Dursley; Petunia's steady boyfriend whom Severus thought looked like a beached whale.

"Will you be able to come on Sunday, Sev?" Lily asked.

"I'll ask Mum tonight and let you know tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," She agreed. She settled back in her seat and Severus put his arm around her.

"So, how did everybody do on their OWLs?" Alice asked

"Sev and I each got ten Outstandings," Lily said. "What about you, Frank and Remus?"

"I got an Outstanding in Herbology, Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration and Charms, but only got an E in History of Magic, and Astronomy, and an A in Care of Magical Creatures because Kettleburn is so boring," Alice said. "Not to mention Potter, Black, Pettigrew distracting everybody with their stupid stunts."

Frank nodded. "I got the same as Alice. Kettleburn's an arse! I'm glad we'll be able to drop it next year."

What about you, Remus?" Alice asked.

"I got Outstandings in Defense, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration, and Charms, but I got an E in Potions, Astronomy, and History of Magic."

"Slughorn accepts an E for his NEWT classes," Severus said. "And if you need any other help, I'd be glad to tutor you."

"Thanks, Sev, I'll let you know."

Frank pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket. "Anybody for a game of Exploding Snap?"

They played several games and Alice kept score. Severus was in the lead; Lily was in second place and she was in third. Frank and Remus were vying for fourth place. There many explosions and much laughter.

Outside in the corridor James, Sirius, and Peter stood listening. "I can't believe Moony turned on us and made friends with Snivellus!" Sirius complained

"I can't believe the way Lily looks at him! She looks as if she's actually crazy about him or something!" James said in disbelief.

"He's probably got her under some dark spell," Peter guessed.

"I think it's about time Snivellus is shown where his proper place is - in the gutter!" Sirius announced. "He's gotten way above his station, I'd say, and it's his fault we're in detention all summer! Wouldn't you agree, Prongs?"

"You're right, Padfoot, he definitely needs to be knocked down a peg or two, but we can't get him now because we certainly don't want to risk more detention!"

"We can get him at King's Cross," Peter suggested. "There'll be so many people there he won't know who or what hit him!"

"Great idea, Wormtail!" James congratulated him. Peter looked as if he'd just been awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class at James' compliment.

"Let's go back to our compartment and plan out what we're going to do then, shall we?" James said.

"Lead the way, Prongs," Sirius replied.

After they had played several games of Exploding Snap and Severus was declared the winner, it was time for the Prefects to patrol the corridors one last time before the train pulled into platform nine and three-quarters. They came back shortly and reported everything was quiet. Even the Marauders seem to be behaving themselves. Severus sat down next to Lily who yawned. "If you're tired, Lily, why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you when it's time."

Lily nodded and curled up at Sev's side. She was tired because she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Between her fight with Mary and wanting to kiss Sev again at the first opportunity, sleep had been slow in coming. He put his arm around her and watched her as she slept. His mind kept circling back to their kiss and how it made him feel. He realized he was in love with her and probably had been since the first time he'd seen her playing in the park.

"Aren't they the cutest couple," Alice whispered to Frank who replied, "After us, of course."

"Of course," Alice replied, giving Frank a hug and a kiss.

In a half-hour Severus woke Lily. She rubbed her eyes, sat up and smiled at him. The train pulled slowly to a stop and as soon as it came to a complete halt, students began to immediately emerge from their compartments. Severus grabbed a couple of trolleys for his and Lily's trunks and owls. They waited until the attendant indicated it was safe for them to pass through. They went through. Lily spotted her parents and ran ahead to greet them. He started after Lily not paying any attention to who had come through the barrier after him until both his arms were grabbed. "Going somewhere, Snivvy?" Black's mocking voice inquired on one side of him.

"Yeah, Snivellus, what's your rush? You weren't thinking about leaving without saying goodbye, were you?" James added on the other side of him.

Severus struggled, but Potter and Black held his arms so tightly he knew they'd probably leave bruises. "It's your fault our entire summer is ruined, you greasy git, and we need to punish you for that," Black whispered menacingly.

Suddenly something slammed into him so hard, sending him smashing into his trolley which tipped over as he fell on top of it. He heard Aesculapius screech loudly as his cage hit the ground and rolled.

Hal Evans, seeing what had happened to Severus, quickly grabbed James and Sirius as they tried to melt into the crowd. Peter who had rammed his trolley into Severus tried to beat a hasty retreat, but his ear was grabbed by an older woman who pinched it tightly and said in a stern voice, "Where do you think you're going, boy?"

"Geroff me, you old bat!" Peter squealed.

"Excuse me, Sir, I'm Charles Potter, and I want to know what you're doing manhandling my son and his friend," said a cool voice from Hal's right. He turned to find an imperious looking man who was perhaps twenty years his senior.

"Your son and his friends deliberately attacked my daughter's boyfriend and our neighbor," Hal answered. He nodded to where his wife, Rose, and Lily were helping Severus get to his feet and Frank, Alice, and Remus were helping stack his trunk and owl back on his trolley. He let go of the boys, figuring they weren't going to be escaping with one of their parent's present.

Augusta Longbottom frog marched Peter over to where Hal was standing, still holding tightly on to his ear. She nodded at Mr. Potter, "Charles, I trust you're in good health."

He nodded back at her. "I'm fine, Augusta, and yourself?" The pleasantries must be maintained.

"I'm doing fine, thank you." Augusta gave Peter a shove over to where James and Sirius were standing. "I saw this boy deliberately ram his trolley into that other boy." She extended her hand to Hal and said, "Augusta Longbottom."

Hal shook the offered hand and replied, "Hal Evans, Mrs. Longbottom. I believe my daughter and your son are in the same house." Hal thought she was one of the most strangely dressed women he'd ever encountered. She wore a long green dress, with a short fox fur around her neck, carried a bright red handbag, and was wore a tall pointed hat decorated with a dead, stuffed vulture.

"Your daughter must be Lily. I've heard Frank talk about her often. He says she's the best witch in their year."

Lily and her mother came over, steadying Severus between them. When she saw James she dropped Severus arm, rushed over to James and slapped him across his face then whispered fiercely, "I told you what I would do if you bothered Sev or me again, Potter! You'd better be thankful we're not allowed to do magic outside of school."

"Ooh, poor little Snivellus can't fight his own battles, Evans?" Sirius said sarcastically.

Lily turned around and kicked Sirius in his shin then gave him a shove. "He can fight just fine, Black, but not when it's three against one."

"James, Sirius, Peter, come with me," Charles commanded. He would not allow his son to be reprimanded by a Muggle even though he fancied the Muggle's daughter.

"Sev, are you alright, son?" Hal asked. He was in his early forties, under six-feet in height with blond hair that was showing some grey and blue eyes. He had a thin face with a kind smile.

"I'm fine, Sir," Severus answered. He just wanted to get out of here and get home. He should have realized Potter and his cronies wouldn't let him go without one last humiliation. He cursed himself for letting his guard down.

"No, he's not, Dad!" Lily intervened. "I think we should take him to St. Mungo's."

Hal, I agree with, Lily. I think Sev should see a doctor." Rose said. She was short about 5'4, with the same vibrant red hair Lily had, but had blue eyes. She had a kind face and a ready laugh.

"Thank you, but I'm fine. I just have a few bruises and scrapes I can take care of them when I get home." He turned and thanked Frank, Alice, and Remus for their help and wished them a good summer. He started out of the terminal, pushing his trolley. Hal looked at his wife who shrugged and shook her head then they followed Severus outside. Hal unlocked the boot of the car and he and Severus loaded the two trunks inside. He got into the backseat, holding his owl's cage on his lap.

"Are you sure you're alright, Sev?" Lily asked. She knew his penchant for playing down things.

"I'm fine, Lily, just a few bruises, and scrapes." He answered and added silently and massive body aches. It took three to four hours to drive from London to Manchester and Severus was hoping he wouldn't stiffen up totally by the time he got home. When Mr. Evans finally turned into Spinner's End and parked in front of Severus' home he was relieved. Hal got out of the car and unloaded Sev's trunk. Lily got out, too.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Sev?" Rose called. "You're welcome to stay at our house until Eileen returns."

"Thanks, Mrs. Evans, but I'll be okay."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sev!" Lily said giving him a gentle hug. "Owl me tonight, okay?"

Chapter 4

Severus sighed and walked through the strong wards his mum had cast around the house after she threw Tobias out two years ago. He unlocked the front door with his key, dragged his trunk, and carried his owl's cage inside. He relocked the door than took his things upstairs to his bedroom. He put Aesculapius's cage on his desk and let his owl out, then opened the window in front of his desk. After a quick check to make sure he hadn't been injured when his cage fell, he allowed him to fly out the window. He went into the bathroom, stripped off his shirt in front of the mirror. Big reddish purplish bruises were already blossoming over both sides of his ribcage. He turned on the shower, stripped off the rest of his clothes and stepped into it. He spent about half-hour showering with as hottest water he could stand then dried off. He looked through the medicine cabinet and found the jar of bruise salve and a pain reliever potion. His mum always kept them on hand for treating minor injuries. He swallowed the potion, opened the jar of bruise salve rubbing it on the bruises on his arms, ribs and on his legs where Pettigrew had rammed into him with his trolley. He got dressed in fresh clothes and went down to kitchen and opened the refrigerator to find something to eat. Unlike most magical households, the Snape household had electricity and Muggle appliances; they even owned a television set. Severus made himself a sandwich and poured himself a glass of Pumpkin juice and took them back upstairs. After he'd eaten, he got his potions textbook, parchment, and quills out of his trunk with the intention of starting his homework; he wasn't one to leave off doing it until the last week in August, but he couldn't concentrate. Although the pain potion had relieved the sharpest of his pain, the bruises on his body still throbbed uncomfortably. He gave up and lay down on his bed, hoping a short nap would make him feel better. Suddenly, he heard the front door open and his mum's voice calling, "Sev?"

Severus looked at his watch. It was only four o'clock. His mum usually wasn't home until six. He got up slowly, opened his door, and called back, "Upstairs, Mum." He heard her footsteps hurrying up the stairs then she pulled him into a tight hug that made him wince and bite his lip.

"It's okay, Mum," Severus reassured her. He assumed she'd gotten an owl from the Evans detailing what had happened at King's Cross.

"No, it's not okay, Sev!" She straightened up. "I'm taking you to St. Mungo's and I'm having Healer Saxon check you out."

"Mum, I'm fine. I don't need a healer. I just have a few scrapes and bruises," Severus protested.

"Never mind, young man!" Eileen said sharply. "This is the second serious injury you've had in less than a month and I want you to see a healer." Any further protests from Severus went unspoken as Eileen quickly apparated Severus to St. Mungo's.

The welcome witch looked up as they approached the desk. "Hi, Eileen."

"This is my son, Severus, and he needs to see a healer" Eileen replied then asked, "Is Healer Saxon still here, Griselda?"

"Yes, he's still on duty," She replied. "I'll let him know you would like to see him."

"Thanks Griselda," Eileen said. She turned to Severus and motioned towards the chairs behind them. "Sit down, Sev; if he's with a patient, he might be awhile."

Severus sat down uneasily on the edge of a chair next to his mum. There were a few patients waiting to see healers. He wondered how long it would be before Healer Saxon could see them. He hoped he would be able to stand up by that time.

However, within a few minutes a healer came striding out the doors behind Griselda's desk and directly over to Eileen. He took her hands in his. He was probably Eileen's age, tall with dark, wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses, and had a pleasant smile. The emblem on his robe indicated that he was a Master Healer. He held out his hand to Eileen and asked in a soothing tone, "How can I help you, Eileen?"

"Rob …" Eileen started to say then blushed and reverted to a more formal address. "Healer Saxon, this is my son, Severus. He took a bad fall getting off the train at Kings Cross this afternoon and I want him checked for possible injuries."

"It's nice to meet you, Severus, Eileen talks about you all the time." He commented as he examined Severus visually. The young man definitely looked like he was in pain although he was trying not to let it show. He nodded at them "If you'll follow me." He led them into an exam room and said to Severus, "Please lay down, Severus," He requested.

Groaning inwardly, Severus lay down on the bed. He hoped the exam would be short and he'd be out of here with a few prescriptions for potions and salves.

"Now, lie still for a few minutes," He scanned his wand slowly over Severus, starting at his head and slowly moving down to his feet. A piece of parchment suddenly appeared in front of him. "Hmm, I see you've suffered a recent concussion."

"Madam Pomfrey said my concussion was healed."

"It is, but a recent one still shows up on a medical scan." He continued scanning the parchment. "Bruises, a lot of them, some minor scrapes, bruised ribs on both sides, bruised calves on both legs, and some torn ligaments." He gave Eileen a reassuring smile and said, "He's fine, Eileen, no serious injuries." He nodded at Severus, "I'll heal your bruises and torn ligaments, and you'll be good as new." His scan had revealed the scars on Severus' back, and the bones that had been broken over the years, the legacy of Tobias beating him with his belt, but he said nothing. Eileen had told him a great deal about her ex-husband, including the beatings delivered by Tobias to her and her son. He pointed his wand at Severus and chanted a spell in Latin. Severus felt a wave of warmth, starting at his head and washing through his entire body down to his feet. Once it had faded, he felt completely normal again; the pain and stiffness was gone. He lifted up his T-shirt a bit and saw the bad bruising on his ribcage had completely disappeared. Healer Saxon helped him off the bed and to his feet.

"Thanks, Healer Saxon, I do feel as good as new," Severus said, smiling.

"You're most welcome, young man," Healer Saxon replied with a smile.

"Sev, can you wait for me outside, please?" Eileen asked.

Sure, Mum," Severus replied. He was glad now his mum had forced him to see a healer. He hadn't realized how bad he'd felt.

When Eileen came out, they walked to the apparition point and she disapparated them home. Once there, she went into the kitchen. Severus followed her out and gave her a hug. "Thanks, Mum for making me see a healer. I know how bloody stubborn I can be sometimes."

I know, Sev," She replied, returning his hug. "Now, what would you like for dinner? It doesn't matter what since we're celebrating you OWLs. How does Forty Clove Garlic Chicken sound?" She offered as she knew it was one of his favorite meals."

"Sure, Mum, that sounds delicious!" Severus replied. It was his favorite meal. His mum collected Muggle cookbooks and she had found a book with recipes from a garlic restaurant in San Francisco, California in a Muggle second-hand shop. "Can I help you with anything, Mum?" He usually helped her with the meals. Cooking wasn't that much different from brewing potions. Both took certain ingredients in certain amounts, in a certain order with a certain amounts of stirring and cooking time to turn out a perfect.

"No, Sev, this is your night so just relax," Eileen replied. "I'd say you should invite Lily, but dinner's later than normal tonight and the Evans's have probably already eaten."

"Mum that reminds me. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are having a party for Lily to celebrate her OWL scores on Sunday and they've invited us to come."

"I'll owl them tonight and let them know we accept their invitation."

Once the food was done, Eileen set the dining room table with an elegant tablecloth, her best china, silverware, and crystal and lit two candles. She set the platter of chicken, a big bowl of salad, and a plate of rolls on the table then called Severus to the table.

He pulled out his mother's chair and seated her then slid into his own chair. "Mom, thanks for the wonderful meal." Severus said.

"Ten Outstandings certainly deserves a reward so …" She got up, opened a drawer of the buffet, pulled out a long, thin, brightly wrapped box, and handed it to him.

Severus carefully took the wrapping paper off and set it aside; he opened the box and found a beautiful and expensive peacock quill. "Mum, thanks! It's beautiful! But how did you know I wanted it?"

"Lily told me you were admiring it when you were in Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop so I sent her the money and she purchased it for me."

"I need to thank Lily then, too."

Eileen dished up the food and they started to eat. "I've decided I'm going to make an appointment to see the Potters, the Black's, and the Pettigrew's." Eileen announced. "It's about time they learned what it means to make an enemy of the Prince family." She paused then continued, "The Prince's are a very powerful and ancient family; we can trace our roots back to Merlin."

Severus listened with fascination. His mother had never said much about her family. All he knew was that she had broken a betrothal, and run away from the family estate in Yorkshire. Her parents had disowned her when she'd married Tobias Snape. "I remember something Slughorn said to me first year after he found out I was Eileen Prince's son. He said my grandmother and great-grandmother were very powerful witches."

Eileen nodded, "Yes, that's true."

"I know your parents disowned you when you married a Muggle …"

"Actually they disowned me even before I meant Tobias. I was disowned me when I broke my betrothal to a cousin of Abraxas Malfoy's."

His mouth dropped open in shock. "You were actually betrothed to a Malfoy?"

She nodded. "In pureblood families, children were betrothed at birth to make families more wealthy and powerful by alliances through marriage. The children had no say in the arrangement and are expected to dutifully follow through. I knew that once I graduated from Hogwarts, I would be expected to wed him. I thought he was very cold and cruel, much like Abraxas is, and I wanted to be my own person so I ran away on graduation day."

"So when did you meet …" Severus couldn't force himself to refer to Tobias as his father.

"After I was disowned by my parents, Professor Slughorn arranged for me to get a scholarship so I could continue with my plans to study to be a Potion Mistress. I was in my first year of training when I met Tobias," She smiled sadly. "He was still a Royal Marine then very dashing, daring, and he quite swept me off my feet."

Severus decided a change in subject was in order. "So, Mum, what's going on with you and Healer Saxon?"

"What makes you think anything's going on, Sev?" Eileen asked, but Severus could see she was blushing.

"Well, you're blushing and you almost called him by his first name which I'm assuming is Robert."

"We're just friends. He's a very nice man."

"Whom you obviously like and who likes you in return. Has he asked to out yet?"

"Yes, we've been out to dinner once, but he knows about Tobias and knows I don't want to rush into anything. Rushing into things was what got me into trouble last time, but if I hadn't met Tobias I wouldn't have you now and you are definitely the best thing that came out of my marriage."

"Thanks Mum."

"Then it's okay with you if Robert and I go out occasionally?" Eileen asked gently.

"As long as he treats you right, and you're having a good time, it's okay with me."

"I think I'll ask him to have dinner with us so you can get to know him better, Sev." Eileen decided.

"I'd like that, Mum."

After dessert, which was another Muggle recipe called Red Velvet Cake, and was also a favorite of Severus,' he helped his mum clean up the kitchen then went upstairs to owl Lily as he promised her he would. Aesculapius was sitting in his cage, feasting on a frog he'd caught. He sat down at his desk and wrote a quick note to Lily saying he had some things to tell her when he saw her next. He waited until Aesculapius had finished his frog, then attached the note to his leg and said, "Take this to Lily and wait for a reply, okay?" His owl flew off, but was back in ten minutes. Severus took the note from him and gave him a treat. He opened the note and read:


Meet me in our spot tomorrow at ten. Love, Lily

Severus smiled as he got ready for bed. He couldn't wait to see Lily tomorrow! He was up by 8:30 the next morning and after showering and dressing, he went down to breakfast. Eileen was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea, reading the Daily Prophet.She put down the paper as Severus came into the room. "Good morning, Sev, how did you sleep?"

"Real good, Mum," He answered pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "Is there any news worth reading in there?" He nodded at the paper.

"As a matter of fact, there is. Minister Bagnold is sending Aurors to investigate the explosion at that Muggle plant since the Muggle investigators weren't able to find any reason for it. Alastor Moody is going to be in charge of the investigation." Eileen replied, pointing to the article.

Severus knew that if dark magic had been used to cause the explosion, the Aurors would be able to find traces of it and Moody was the best Auror the Ministry had. "If it was caused by dark magic, Moody will find it, but what are the chances Minister Bagnold will let the Wizarding public know if they do find evidence of You-Know-Who?"

"I doubt we'll hear anything," Eileen agreed. "They're too afraid of panicking the public."

As his mother got up to start breakfast, he picked up the paper and scanned the article his mother had pointed out. "If that was You-Know-Who's doing then he must be feeling confident that he's powerful enough to show his hand." He commented.

"That's certainly my impression," Eileen replied as she place two plates of rashers, bangers, eggs, and toast on the table. They both sat down and began to eat. "What are your plans for today, Sev?"

He shrugged. "I guess Lily and I are just going to hang out. We didn't make any particular plans. Do you need me to do something for you?"

"No. I'm going to be brewing this afternoon if you and Lily want to join me."

"Great! I'll let Lily know." He finished breakfast, went upstairs, brushed his teeth, and then went outside. The park was about a three-block walk from his house. It was a nice morning, cool with a slight breeze which lifted his hair off his shoulders. When he reached the park, he sat down on one of the swings to wait for Lily. He pushed the swing gently back and forth with his long legs, and looked around him. What had once been a nice little neighborhood park was now neglected with weeds, bare patches in the grass, and overgrown bushes. He glanced at the bush he used to hide behind and watch Lily playing. It was also where he and Lily would hide from Tuney and talk about magic. Suddenly his vision went dark, and Severus had a moment of panic until he heard Lily's voice asking, "Guess who?"

"Let me see … I know! You're the Glinda the Good Witch of the South." Both Severus and Lily had read the Oz series by the American Muggle writer, L. Frank Baum and loved them.

"Wrong! Try again."

"Well, if you're not Glinda then you must be Professor McGonagall."

"Professor McGonagall!" Lily screeched, taking her hands off his eyes. That gave Severus his chance to grab her hand and swing her around and down into his lap. Lily gave a mock scream as she tumbled into his lap. The swing creaked ominously, making Severus wonder if his impulsive romantic gesture was going to land them on their arses. When the chain ceased creaking and appeared it was going to hold both their weights, Severus teased Lily saying,
"It looks as if I've got you right where I want you."

"And where might that be, Mr. Snape?" She teased him back, tossing her hair back. She was dressed in nice fitting khaki shorts, a light blue T-shirt, and sandals.

In answer Severus pulled her close and began kissing her. They did a few seconds of intense kissing then Severus stole a wary look over his shoulder and suggested, "Why don't we move to a more secluded spot, Lily? It'd be like Tuney to be sneaking around, see us kissing, and tattle on us to your mum and dad."

"Our parents didn't say we couldn't kiss, Sev; they only made us promise we wouldn't have sex before we were seventeen," Lily said, referring to the memorable, if embarrassing, talk his mum and her parents had had with them when they first started going together.

"Well, I think she'd make it sound like we were doing more than just kissing."

Lily got off Severus' lap and he got up off the swing. He put his arm around Lily as they walked further into the park. Lily frowned, "Tuney's been acting weird anyway. She's all flighty and acting like she knows some big secret. I think she believes Vernon is going to propose to her."

Severus stuck his finger in his mouth and made a gagging sound. "Merlin! If I was a woman I'd rather marry a Black then him and that's saying something! There's something sneaky about him. I feel the same way about him as I do Pettigrew. I wouldn't turn my back to either of them."

"I wouldn't either plus I think he's very controlling."

They walked along in silence for a few minutes then Severus said, "Mum's going to be brewing this afternoon if you're able to come over."

"Yes, I left this afternoon free for lessons with your mum." They sat down under a shady tree surrounded on one side by bushes. Severus kissed Lily's cheek and said, "That's for telling mum about the peacock quill I liked in Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and buying it for her."

Lily laughed and teased, "Well, you were gazing at it so rapturously I was feeling a bit jealous."

"I did spot it first thing when I walked into the shop," Severus admitted. "They're the best for writing."

"So, Sev, you said last night you had some things to tell me."

"Yes, mum's been seeing the healer I saw yesterday. He's a Master Healer and is name is Robert Saxon. They've been out to dinner, but mum says their taking things slow. She's told him about … what went on before. She asked if I minded her seeing him. I told her as long as he treats her right and she's having a good time that was fine with me."

Lily clapped her hands together. "Sev, that's fantastic! I'm so happy for her."

"I am, too. I used to worry about her being alone once I left home permanently, but now she'll have somebody."

"What's he like?"

Severus frowned for a moment recalling, "Well, he seemed really nice. He was friendly and smiled a lot. He appears to have a calm demeanor. Mum's going to invite him over for dinner so I can get to know him better. I'll ask mum if I can invite you over, too, then you can meet him and we can ask him about being a Master Healer."

"He's sounds like a nice guy so I hope things work out okay for your mum and him."

"Me, too," Severus replied fervently. He stretched out and laid his head in Lily's lap. "She also told me a real shocker. She was once betrothed to a Malfoy; they were betrothed as children. That's why her parents disowned her because she ran away, breaking her betrothal, not because she married a Muggle although I'm sure they would have disowned her for that, too."

"Imagine being forced to marry someone your parents chose!" Lily said shuddering. "Eww! Suppose I had to marry James Potter or Sirius Black!"

"I would never let that happen, Lily," Severus promised. "I'd sneak into the church and rescue you like Benjamin did Elaine in The Graduate." That was one of Severus and Lily's favorite books. "Speaking of those two gits; mum's going to speak with their families and the Pettigrew's. She said it's about time they learned who they're messing with. She said the Prince family is very powerful and can trace its roots back to Merlin."

"I hope she gives them hell!" Lily spat.

"I'm sure she will," Severus replied, sitting up again and taking Lily into his arms again and kissing her. "I'm so lucky to have you, Lily Evans!"

"We're so lucky to have each other, Sev," Lily replied, kissing him back. She'd no idea that he was such a great kisser. She felt him push the neck of her T-shirt down a bit and kiss her neck. She gasped a bit as her whole body tingled. His kisses worked their way back up her neck and to her mouth again. She pushed him back flat on the ground and lay on top of him, kissing him, running her hands through his silky hair.

Severus loved the scent of her hair and the feel of her body although he didn't allow his hands to roam too freely. Lily stretched out beside him, her head on Severus' chest. He stroked her hair gently. "Are you going to busy Monday night, Lily?"

"No, I don't have any plans and I don't think we have any family plans. Why?"

"I wondered if you'd like to go to a movie with me. There are some good ones showing right now."

"I'd love to, Sev, but let me check with mum and dad just to make sure they don't have any plans."

"Especially since they're going to have to drive us into town and pick us up," Severus joked. "It'd be nice if we could Apparate, or drive, but we have to be seventeen before we can do either." He got to his feet and helped Lily up. They walked around the park, stopping occasionally to kiss, and then Severus walked Lily to her house. "I'll be back in an hour to get you for our potion lesson, okay?"

"Okay, see you in a bit then," Lily replied, giving him another quick kiss before she went in.

Severus was smiling as he entered his house. "Mum, I'm home," He called. He looked up as he saw his mum coming from the area of the house where she had her lab.

"I was just thinking about what to have for lunch. How does tuna salad sandwich with a salad sound, Sev?"

"It sounds delicious, Mum." His mum always insisted on fresh greens with every meal. "Do you want me to get some vegetables from the garden?"

"No, Sev, I gathered them this morning," Eileen replied.

Severus looked out the kitchen window. Most of the back yard was garden. Eileen had a big vegetable garden and a big garden for the herbs and magical plants she used in her potions. He bet she knew as much about Herbology as Professor Sprout. Surveying the gardens he also noticed they were in need of weeding. He made a mental note to get up early tomorrow and do it.

Eileen set their lunch on the table then asked casually as he sat down, "What did you and Lily do this morning?"

Severus shrugged as he took a bite of his sandwich, "We talked and walked around, nothing in particular."

"Did a little kissing, too?" Eileen added. She got up, lifted Severus head, and wiped off the lipstick that was on his neck. She sat back down. "Maybe I should show you and Lily how to brew contraceptive potions just in case. There are two of them, one you'd take and one Lily would take."

"Mum!" Severus exclaimed in embarrassment. "You know we promised you and Lily's parents we wouldn't … do anything before we're seventeen."

"I know, Sev, and we appreciate it, but we all know, too, sometimes things work out differently." Eileen replied calmly. "I can't understand why Hogwarts doesn't have some sort of sex education classes like the Muggle schools do. I mean they have a school full of teenagers with raging hormones! I'll bet Madam Pomfrey doesn't have any contraceptive potions available to her. I know she didn't when I was there.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to learn it," Severus admitted. His mother was wise witch and she knew his and Lily's feeling toward one another were growing stronger. "Mum, did you have any plans for Monday night?"

"No. Why?"

"I asked Lily to a movie. There are a lot of good movies at the cinema right now."

"No, that's fine, Sev."

He finished his lunch. "I'm going to go get Lily if you're ready to start our lessons."

"Yes, just come to the lab." Eileen replied. She pointed her wand at the dishes and said "Scourgify." The dishes began washing themselves.

Severus walked the two blocks to Lily house. The rang the doorbell and Petunia, Lily's eighteen year-old sister, answered the door and seeing it was Severus shouted, "Lily, your fellow freak is here!" Petunia was tall and bony with blond hair, blue eyes in an angular face with a sour expression to match her generally sour disposition. He heard Lily running down the stairs then she quickly pushed past Petunia. She had her book bag with her. "I thought we could work on our homework after the lesson," She explained as they walked.

"Good idea," Severus replied, putting his arm around Lily. "Lily, my mum mentioned that she was thinking about teaching us how to brew contraceptive potions."

"It wouldn't hurt to learn them, Sev," Lily said. "It doesn't mean we have to have sex."

"I know and I guess if I were a parent I'd want my son or daughter to know about protection."

"Oh! I asked mum and dad about Monday and they said it was okay. We just need to let them know what time the movie starts and ends."

"You'll have to call the cinema and find out, Lily. I would, but we don't have a telephone."

"What movie do we want to see?"

"You can pick it since we both like the same sort of movies."

"Okay, I'll check and owl you."

Severus walked Lily through the wards and into the house. They went down a hall to the back of the house where Eileen had her lab. Lily gave Eileen a hug and said, "Thanks for teaching us, Eileen."

"Well, you're really helping me out so I should be thanking you and Sev."

"What are we going to be learning, Mum?"

"I'm going to show you how to brew basic medicinal potions and salves that every wizarding household should have on hand such as wound-cleaning potion, rash, and bruise salves, a stomach soother, and a calming draft, decongestant and lung elixirs, and a fever reducer. Today I'll teach you how to brew the bruise salve."

Eileen was a good teacher and Sev and Lily quickly learned how to brew the bruise salve with her supervising them and offering suggestions. Once the potion was brewed they poured into containers and left it alone to set which took about eight hours. After they cleaned the lab up, Severus and Lily went into the dining room and started their homework. Lily stayed over for supper which was interrupted by an owl flying out of the fireplace. It dropped a note in front of Eileen and waited for her reply. Severus fed it a bit of bacon off his bacon and tomato sandwich. "Who's it from, Mum?"

Eileen smiled. "It seems Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Black, and Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew will be happy to meet with me at Potter Manor on Wednesday at two o'clock for afternoon tea." Eileen got up and went to her desk, wrote a quick reply and gave it the owl to take back.

Severus shrugged and said bitterly. "Mum, how much good does it due to talk to them? They'll probably just deny their sons did anything wrong or say it was all in good clean fun and can't I take a joke."

But, Sev, dad, mum, and Mrs. Longbottom all witnessed what they did to you at King's Cross," Lily pointed out. "Maybe they won't believe dad and mum because they're Muggles, but I'm sure they wouldn't dare doubt Mrs. Longbottom."

"Lily's right, Sev, Augusta Longbottom is a powerful witch who's well respected and very influential," Eileen said.

Severus smiled slightly and said, "Mum, you're a powerful witch, too."

"Yes and I promise you on Merlin's beard the Potters, Blacks and Pettigrew's are going to find that out." Eileen said emphatically. She paused then said, "Since I don't think my talking to them will stop their sons from bothering you at school, Sev, I'm going to teach you a defensive hex my father taught me. It's a burning and itching hex and it makes the person you hex itch and burn simultaneously non-stop for three hours if the counter-spell isn't cast. My father taught it to me as a means of discouraging overly aggressive wizards. Lily, you should learn this, too. It's a very good defensive hex and I think every witch should be taught it."

"It would be good not only as protection against overly aggressive wizards, but against both wizard and Muggle rapists and muggers, too." Lily said.

"I hadn't thought about Muggle criminals, but your generation has much more interaction with Muggle society than mine did, and yes, it would be good protection against them also."

Lily helped Eileen clear the table. "I hope you don't mind, but Sev told me about your betrothal to Mr. Malfoy cousin and I just wanted to say I don't blame you for running away. If I was being forced to marry James Potter or Sirius Black, I'd run away, too, but Sev said he wouldn't let that happen; he'd sneak into the church and rescue me like Benjamin Braddock did Elaine Robinson in the book, 'The Graduate'."

"What is the graduate?" Eileen asked curiously.

"Oh! It's one of Sev's and my favorite books. It was written by an American Muggle writer named Charles Webb about twelve years ago. It's about this guy, Benjamin Braddock, who's just graduated from college, has an affair with an older woman, Mrs. Robinson, and then falls in love with her daughter, Elaine. He breaks off the affair with her mother and in revenge, she tries to marry off Elaine to another man, but Benjamin sneaks into the wedding and rescues her."

"Merlin! That sounds like a convoluted plot." Eileen stated.

"It is, but it's so romantic!"

Severus and Lily worked on their homework until it was time for Lily to go home. He walked her home with his arm placed comfortably around her waist. "We've gotten at least half of our homework done," Severus remarked. He carried Lily's book bag for her in his other hand.

"It's a nice feeling," Lily agreed. She laughed suddenly. "I wonder how Potter, Black, and Pettigrew are enjoying their summer. I hope Mr. Filch is giving them the most horrible and gross jobs possible!"

"And I'm sure they have to do them without magic, too."

On the front porch of her home, they kissed with a long and lingering kiss. "See you tomorrow, Sev," Lily whispered. As he walked home, Severus found Paul McCartney's song 'Maybe I'm Amazed,' running through his head. He wondered what his life might be like now if he'd never plucked up the courage to talk to Lily in the park five years ago. Probably not as good as it is now he concluded.

Chapter 5

Severus got up Sunday morning as soon as it was light, went out to the backyard and started to weed the gardens. He was thankful they didn't have any garden gnomes, just regular old weeds. It took him about an hour to weed both gardens and when he finished he picked some of the ripened vegetables and took them inside. His mum was having her usual early morning cup of tea and reading the Daily Prophet. She put down the paper. "What on earth are you doing up this early, Sev?"

"I noticed yesterday that the gardens needed weeding so I decided to get up early and do it. I picked some of the vegetables that were ready, too."

She gave him a kiss on his cheek and a hug then said, "Thank you, darling; you're always so thoughtful."

"You're welcome, Mum," Severus replied. "I'm going to take a shower before breakfast." He went upstairs, stripped off his clothing, and quickly showered. He was hungry, having worked up an appetite weeding. Eileen was just putting breakfast on the table as he came into the kitchen. Severus stopped in his tracks when he saw what she'd made for breakfast: Eggs Benedict plus she'd made extra bacon, bangers and toast with some of Mrs. Evans's homemade raspberry preserves. "Mum! This is great!"

"It's all for my smart and sensitive son. You're going to make Lily an excellent husband, Sev." Eileen predicted.

"Mum, are you predicting the future now?" Severus teased.

"Well, I don't have to be Cassandra Trelawney to know that you and Lily are meant to be together."

Severus spent the rest of the day doing more of his homework. Aesculapius was sleeping in his cage with his head tucked under his wing. Severus' homework was interrupted suddenly by an owl flying through his open window and landing directly on his homework. He recognized the owl as belonging to Remus. He gave the owl a treat and opened the message. Remus wrote that he had decided to take him up on his offer to tutor him. Severus went downstairs to his mother's lab. "Mum, would you mind if another of our friends joined us for potion lessons? His name is Remus Lupin and he's in Gryffindor with Lily." Severus hesitated, wondering if he should tell his mum that Remus was also a werewolf. "Mum, he does have an illness, Lycanthropy …"

"He's a werewolf?"

Severus nodded. "He got bitten when he was five."

"Poor boy," Eileen said in a compassionate tone. "It's hard enough when you're bitten as an adult, but as a small child and having to go through all the horrible pain of transforming …" She shook her head then nodded. "Of course he's welcome to join us, Sev."

Severus smiled. "Thanks, Mum, you're the greatest!" He went back to his room, wrote Remus about the potion lessons his mum was giving him and Lily and that he was welcome to join them. He attached his note to the owl's leg and it took off out the window. He finished his Herbology homework and straightened up his room. Severus showered and changed for Lily's dinner party. He and his mum were supposed to be at the Evans house at four. He wore a mint green shirt, black slacks, with a matching jacket. Eileen called up the stairs. "Sev, are you about ready?"

"Be right down, Mum," Severus called back. He took one last look at himself in the mirror then went downstairs. His mother was dressed in her best Muggle dress since she couldn't wear robes in a mostly Muggle neighborhood. They walked to Lily's house. Eileen shook her head. "I don't understand how Muggle women can stand to wear shoes like these," She said, indicating her high heels. "They're hideously uncomfortable!"

Severus shook his head. "They look very painful." He rang the Evans doorbell and Lily opened the door. She was wearing an green silk dress and matching heels. Her hair was loose and she had small diamond studs in her ears. "Sev, Eileen, come on in." She opened the door for them and they walked into the living room where Hal and Rose Evans waited. The inviting smells of baked ham, scalloped potatoes, and broccoli with hollandaise sauce, homemade rolls, and apple pie filled the air. Severus suddenly realized how hungry he was and Rose Evans was as good of a cook as his mum was.

They sat down to dinner at five. Severus helped himself to everything on the table. "This is the second time today I've had hollandaise sauce," He remarked. "Mum made Eggs Benedict for breakfast."

Eileen smiled, "Well, I think my young man deserved something special for getting up very early and weeding my gardens for me."

Hal offered a toast, "To Lily and Severus for getting top marks in all their exams!" The three adults toasted them.

Severus smiled across the table at Lily who smiled back. He looked at Rose Evans and said, "This is a meal fit for a king, Mrs. Evans!"

"Thank you, Sev. How are you feeling?"

"Much better than the last time you saw me. I was being stubborn, but mum insisted I see a healer and I'm glad she did."

"I hope those boys are being punished for what they did to you, but I suspect Mr. Potter doesn't have the slightest idea what his son gets up to," Hal remarked.

Eileen chuckled. "I heard you met Augusta Longbottom, Hal."

Hal shook his head as recalled his meeting with her. "Seemed like a nice woman, but was that really a dead vulture on her hat?"

Lily and Severus burst into laughter. "Frank's always talking about that hat. It's apparently her favorite hat," Lily explained. "He admits his mum's a bit on the eccentric side."

"Has there been any more news about the explosion at the Bentley plant?" Rose asked.

"It said in the Daily Prophet yesterday that the police and fire inspectors couldn't find a cause for it so the Ministry of Magic is assigning Aurors, dark wizard catchers, to check the premises for traces of dark magic and they've assigned Alastor Moody to head the investigation. He's the best Auror we've ever had so if he's on the job, you can bet the Ministry is worried You-Know-Who might be behind it," Eileen explained.

"Why does he want to kill us?" Rose asked. "Certainly we're no threat to him."

"Because he's evil and he's only interested in showing how powerful he is any way he can," Severus answered her. "They say he's so far gone into dark magic that he doesn't even look human anymore." He made a face. "And thanks to him the reputation of my house is ruined. Many people at Hogwarts seem to think that all Slytherin's are followers and supporters of You-Know-Who when actually the majority of us aren't. Sure there are the obvious ones like, Avery, Rosier, the Lestrange brothers, Crabbe, and Goyle, but those two are thick as a couple of paving stones! They'd follow flies to a pile of crap!"

"Severus! Please watch your language," Eileen reminded him.

"Sorry, Mum, but it is true."

After dessert was eaten, Sev and Lily offered to wash and dry the dishes.

"I'd offer to clean up magically, but Lily would end up getting a warning from the Ministry of Magic about using magic outside of school." Eileen said.

"It's okay, Mum, Lily and I don't mind doing it." They decided he would wash and Lily would dry since she knew where everything went. Severus took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Lily peeked around the doorframe and could see her parents and Eileen were sitting in the living room talking. She put her arms around Severus' neck and kissed him. "I didn't get a chance to tell you how sexy I think you look today."

"And I didn't get a chance to tell you how beautiful and elegant you look in that dress." He stepped away from her and muttered, "We'd better get to work before our parents realize there's not any appropriate noise coming from the kitchen and come out to see what we're really doing." He filled the sink with hot soapy water and began washing the dishes. He didn't mind doing them and actually found it relaxing. "I got an owl from Remus today and he wants me to tutor him in potions. I invited him to join our potion lessons with Mum." Severus paused then said, "I did tell mum about his condition and she said he was welcome to join us."

"I'm glad because I don't think Potter and company are good friends for him or to him."

"I know you're right about that." Severus said again thinking of how his "friends" had used Remus' condition to bully him. They finished straightening up the kitchen then walked into the living room and sat down with their parents.

"How are the people, injured in that explosion, doing?" Hal asked Eileen.

"They're doing really good. Some of them have even been dismissed and so far we haven't had to do any memory modification." She shook her head. "It's really a shame our healers and your doctors can't work together because our healers have skills your doctors don't and your doctors have skills our healers don't such as your plastic surgeons for instance; they can do reconstructive surgery that's really amazing."

Their conversation was interrupted by the slamming of car doors. Rose looked up. "Is that Petunia? I didn't expect her home until later."

"Merlin!" Lily muttered to Severus. "I hope she and the elephant man haven't had a quarrel or we'll all be miserable until they make up."

Severus had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at her description of Vernon.

Petunia burst into the room with Vernon lumbering along at her heels. "Mummy! Daddy! Guess what?" She squealed and held out her left hand adorned with a diamond practically as big as a light bulb. "Vernon asked me to marry him!"

"Congratulations, darling!" Rose said, giving her a hug.

Petunia flounced over to her sister and stuck the engagement ring in her face. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Very nice, Tuney, congratulations," Lily replied. "When's the wedding?"

"I'm thinking next June," Petunia said. "Vernon's expecting to be promoted to vice president of Grunnings by the end of the year."

Severus knew Grunnings was the factory Vernon's family owned and where Vernon worked.

Hal motioned to Vernon. "Vernon, I'd like to speak to you privately if you don't mind." The two of them went into Hal's study, but not before Vernon's piggy eyes swept over Lily, Severus, and Eileen and they heard him mutter, "Freaks!"

Eileen got up and motioned to Severus then turned to Rose "Thank you for the lovely and delicious dinner, Rose. Congratulations, Petunia, on your engagement."

Petunia looked as if she wasn't sure how to respond to Eileen's congratulations then said in a grudging tone, "Thanks."

Severus gave Lily a hug then whispered, "I'll owl you later, okay."

She nodded and watched him leave with Eileen. She turned her attention back to Petunia and her mother. Petunia was going on about wedding colors. She couldn't believe that two-legged pig was going to be her brother-in-law!

Severus and his mum walked home. Severus shook his head suddenly and said, "Love must be really blind. Petunia's not as beautiful as Lily, but she doesn't look like a hag either so why is she in such a hurry to marry Dursley?"

"She's probably convinced herself it's the only marriage proposal she'll get," Eileen answered then shook her head. "He's rich, too, so she's probably figuring even if he doesn't turn out to be the ideal husband, having a lot of money and prestige will make up for it. It doesn't." They arrived home and Severus yawned widely then said, "Think I'll go to bed, Mum, since I got up so early." He started upstairs when Eileen called to him, "Say goodnight to Lily for me, Sev."

"I …" Severus stopped and looked around at his mum. How did she know he was going to owl Lily? Sometimes his mum was scary! He sat down at his desk, wrote a note to Lily, gave it to Aesculapius with instructions to wait for Lily's reply. "When you get back with Lil's reply then you can fly out and hunt," Severus said, scratching the owl's head. He watched it fly the short distance to Lily's home. He sat down and wrote out a thank you note to Evans for having him to dinner. He'd send that off tomorrow. His owl came back in a few minutes with Lily's reply. He smiled as he read it. She wished him sweet dreams. His dreams were anything but sweet these days! Randy would be a much better description.

Severus rose early the next morning because he wanted to discuss something with his mum before she went to work. She placed a bowl of whole grain oatmeal with a topping of raspberries and nuts before him then asked, "You're up early so I'm assuming there's something you'd like to discuss with me."

"Mum, are you sure we don't have any seers in the family?" Severus laughed then toyed with his oatmeal for a moment. "Yes, there is. Remember last night when you were talking about the Muggle plastic surgeons?" Eileen nodded. "Well I got to wondering if they could do anything for this conk of mine."

Eileen studied Severus. Tobias had broken his nose more than once. He had never let on that it bothered him. "I'll ask Robert if he or any of the other healers are in contact with any Muggle doctors. Maybe we can get a recommendation that way. "

"Thanks Mum." Severus replied and started to eat his oatmeal.

Before she Apparated to work Eileen said, "Sev, I'm going to be brewing tomorrow night after dinner so let Lily know and owl your friend Remus to come at six. I also left you a note with a list of herbs I'll need for the brewing I'm doing tonight if you wouldn't mind picking them for me."

"Will do, Mum. Have a good day."

"You, too, Sev," She replied, giving him a kiss on his cheek. She went out into the backyard and with a sharp crack she was gone. Severus grabbed a couple of his mum's potion books and took them upstairs. He sprawled on his bed reading them for a couple of hours. He checked the calendar and noted it was a couple of weeks before the full moon so Remus would be able to get in some solid potion practice before then. He wrote Remus a note about tomorrow night's potion lesson and waited for Aesculapius to come back from hunting. When his owl flew in the window Severus gave him an owl treat and said, "Sorry, champ, but I need you to deliver this note to Remus for me and this other one to the Evans then you can sleep the rest of the day." Aesculapius nipped his finger in an affectionate gesture then flew out the window again. His owl returned shortly with a note from Remus saying he would floo in a little before six the next evening. Severus went downstairs and outside. He was going to meet Lily at their usual place. He sat down on the swing and contemplated having a different nose. He couldn't recall what his nose had actually looked like before Tobias broke it for the first time when he was seven, and again when he was nine, and the final time was when he was thirteen. That was when his mum threw him out and put the strongest wards possible around the house so he couldn't return.

"Sev?" Lily called. She sat down on the swing beside him. "You're deep in thought."

"I decided last night I want to see if one of those Muggle plastic surgeons can fix this," He pointed to his nose. "I mean I know it takes a lot longer to recover from Muggle surgery, but healers can't do anything for me." He shrugged. "Mum's going to ask Robert if he or any of the healers have contact with a Muggle doctor and see if she can get a recommendation that way."

"I can ask mum and dad if they can recommend any plastic surgeons," Lily offered.

"That would probably be the easiest way," Severus said, smiling. He took Lily's hand. "How's Tuney this morning?"

"Still walking on air," Lily shuddered. "Imagine having to face that whale on your wedding night!"

"I think I just got nauseous!"

"I know Tuney and I aren't close anymore, but I still want what's best for her and that two-legged pig definitely isn't. I have a suspicion my parents are thinking the same thing. I think dad's upset because Vernon didn't bother to ask for his blessing before he proposed to Tuney."

"Maybe she'll change her mind. The wedding's not for a year and a lot can happen in a year." He answered, swinging slowly. "Oh! Before I forget, mum said she was going to be brewing tomorrow night after dinner, about six, and Remus is going to floo over a bit before six."

"I'm free that night, but I do have a hot date tonight."

"Did you decide on a movie for us to see?"

"Yes. The Pink Panther Strikes Again since we liked the previous Pink Panther movies. It starts at 7:30."

"I'll come over to your house about seven then or will you need more time to get ready?"

"No, that's fine for me. I don't like walking into movies after they've already started."

"No, you get hissed at and complained about," Severus said. He got up and helped Lily to her feet. "Let's take a walk."

"To our private kissing spot," Lily teased her green eyes sparkling.

Severus smiled. Merlin, but he loved her and always would. "It sounds like a good idea to me," He teased her back. He let her to pull him along with her. As soon as they were out of sight of anybody coming across them, he pulled her close and kissed her. He let one of his hands slide down and cup her bum.

"Oh!" Lily gave a surprise squeak, but didn't tell him to remove his hand.

When they finally came up for air, Severus slumped down under the tree. Lily sat down beside him. She lifted one of his hands and said, "You have such beautiful hands, Sev." His hands were slender with long fingers. "I wish my fingers were longer," She sighed.

You have very feminine hands," Severus corrected her, kissing one of them. "And a very nice bum I might add."

"You were giving it quite a good feel, too!" Lily teased. She looked him over. "I can't get over how tall you've gotten the last couple of years."

"Mum says her father and grandfather were tall and she thinks I'll be over six feet by the time I quit growing."

Lily giggled and said, "That's one of Potter's biggest gripes that you're taller than him now and I think he's already reached his full height."

Severus chuckled. "I remember he was taller than me first year. Well, that one thing daddy can't buy for him." He got up and helped Lily up. It was almost noon so he figured he'd better get her home for lunch. He walked her to the door and she asked, "Do you want to stay for lunch?"

Thanks, Lily, but I promised mum I'd pick the herbs and plants she needs for tonight."

"I wish I could help." Both her parents and Eileen had forbidden them to be in either house together without adult supervision.

"I know." He gave her a quick kiss. "I'll see you later."

When he fixed himself a sandwich then found the list of herbs his mother had left for him, grabbed a basket off the back porch, and then went out into the backyard. It took him about a half hour to harvest the needed herbs and plants because he had to be careful to cut or pluck them correctly so they weren't damaged. Damage would render them useless. He brought them inside and sorted them into jars. When he was done he went upstairs to his room and opened his closet trying to decide what to wear tonight. He decided on black jeans and then chose a lightweight summer pullover with long sleeves. He always got cold in the cinema because the owners seem to think the air conditioning could only be run at full blast. He showered, changed, and then went down to dinner. Eileen saw him she smiled and kidded him, "Are you going Gryffindor on me, Sev?" She pointed at his pullover which was a crimson color.

"It's the only summer thing I have with long sleeves and the cinema is always so cold."

"And you look very handsome in it."

"Thanks mum," He said flushing a bit.

"What time does the movie start?"

"It starts at 7:30 and ends at around 9:00." Severus added before she asked. "I know you have to be up early so we won't be out late."

He ate dinner then went back upstairs to brush his teeth then came downstairs again. He stopped at the front door and called, "I'm leaving, mum."

Have a nice time, Sev." Eileen called from her lab.

Severus walked quickly to the Evans house and rang the doorbell. Lily opened it and invited him in. She was wearing a pretty sundress of pale blue with spaghetti straps and high heels. "You look gorgeous tonight," Severus complimented her.

"And you look absolutely sexy in that sweater," She whispered back.

"Are you two ready to go?" Hal called from the kitchen.

"Yes dad," Lily called back.

They went outside and got into the car. As they were driving to the theater Hal said, "Lily tells me you want the name of a good plastic surgeon, Sev?"

"Yes, sir. Do you know of someone?"

"As a matter of fact I do. His name is Sir Thomas Lockwood. I can call him and make an appointment for you if you like."

"That would be great." Severus paused for a moment then asked, "Sir, if you wouldn't mind, could you give mum a crash course on using the national health plan? I think she only used once, maybe." Severus said. He remembered the occasion because Tobias had fractured his arm so badly the bone was sticking through and he had no choice but to let his mum take him to the doctor. He still had a pin in his left arm and a scar from the surgery.

"I can do that, son." Hal pulled up in front of the cinema. "You two have a good time,"

"The movie gets out at about nine, dad." Lily said before she got out.

"Why don't I pick you up at nine-thirty then you'll have time to do something else after the movie." He nodded at the ice cream shop.

"Thanks daddy!" She kissed his cheek then got out. They waved at Hal as he drove off then went into the cinema. As they settled into their seats in the last row, Severus slipped his arm around Lily's shoulder and she laid her head on his shoulder. They enjoyed the movie; Peter Sellers was very funny as Inspector Clouseau. They did some light kissing during the movie, but Severus was content just to have Lily snuggled up against him. The movie was over at nine and Severus stood up and stretched then helped Lily to her feet. They walked outside holding hands. "Do you want to stop for a sundae, Lily?"

"That would be nice, but I'm buying."

Her tone booked no argument so Severus stowed his objections. They sat down and leisurely ate their sundaes. It was one thing he liked about Lily; she wasn't intimidated by silence. Many girls seem to think the air had to be filled with constant empty chatter. "Lily? If I'm able to see Dr. Lockwood, would you go with me?" He asked then smiled. "Mum and I will probably need some help negotiating the curves of Muggle medicine."

"Of course," Lily put her hand over his and said, "Sev, you do know I don't have a problem with the way your nose is now."

"I know that, but if we ever have kids I don't want to have to listen to people constantly saying it's a good thing he didn't get his father's beak." He shrugged. "I realized I can't remember what my nose originally looked like since he broke it the first time when I was only seven." Severus looked down into his melting ice cream. "He was beating mum and I tried to stop him. The second time was for accidental magic, and the third time was for pulling my wand on him when he was beating the crap out of me."

"I can't imagine what it must have been like," Lily said squeezing his hand.

"I think they must have been happy at one time. Mum has a picture in her bedroom of the three of us. I was probably about one when it was taken." He smiled slightly and shook his head. "Sorry, I don't know what led me down this morbid path all of a sudden."

Lily didn't say anything, just continued to hold his hand tightly. There was a honk outside and they saw Lily's dad was waiting for them. They left the shop and got into the car. "How was the movie?"

"Really good, Dad."

"Maybe, I should take your mother out to a movie sometime before she gets so involved in Petunia's wedding plans." He dropped Severus off at his house. Lily gave her dad a pleading look. He smiled and nodded. "Try not to scandalize the neighborhood you two."

Severus gave Lily a chaste kiss and a hug. "See you tomorrow, Lily."

"Night, Sev."

"Thanks for driving us, Mr. Evans," Severus said.

"You're welcome, son."

Eileen was sitting in the living room when Sev came in. "Did you have a good time, Sev?"

He nodded. "I always have a good time with Lily even if we're just studying." He sat for a minute and told her what Hal had said. "He's going to call and make an appointment for me."

"I'm so happy," Eileen said giving him a hug.

"Me, too, Mum." He said goodnight than went up to his room. He owled Lily and Aesculapius was back in a few minutes with her reply. He read it then went to bed and stared at the ceiling thinking how lucky he was to have Lily in his life.

Chapter 6

Severus was waiting in the living room for Remus when he flooed in just before six. He brushed off the ash and then stepped out of the fireplace. He shook hands with Severus and said, "Thanks for helping me, Sev."

"You're welcome, Remus." Severus paused then said. "I told mum about your illness and she doesn't have a problem with it."

"I was going to tell her if you hadn't already." He looked around. "Where's Lily?"

"She's in the lab talking to mum." Severus answered leading Remus down the hall to the lab. Eileen and Lily turned as the boys entered the room.

"Mum, this is Remus Lupin. Remus, this is my mum, Eileen Snape."

"It's nice to meet you, Remus."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Snape."

"Call me Eileen, Remus. Mrs. Snape makes me feel as if I'm ancient."

Remus smiled and said, "Okay, Eileen."

"We're going to be brewing a fever reducer potion tonight," Eileen said. As before she first showed them how it was done and then allowed them brew it on their own. She walked around answering questions and offering suggestions. She stopped to watch Remus and said, "You know, Remus, I just read in my potions journal that they are working on a potion for your condition. Not a cure, but a potion that would make transforming much less painful and exhausting, more like an Animagus transformation. Unfortunately, it's quite a bit down the road yet."

"And the Ministry's not helping with all their anti-werewolf legislation." Severus added. "They act like it's a voluntary condition not an illness."

"Most of that legislation is the product of one woman … Delores somebody." Lily said vehemently. "She must be a first-class bitch!"

"Unfortunately, people will always be afraid of what they don't understand," Remus said sadly.

When the potions were done brewing they were poured into vials and sealed then cleaned the lab. Eileen told them the next lesson would be at the same time the next evening. Remus thanked her and flooed home.

"Mum, I'm going to walk Lily home," Severus called. They walked the three blocks to Lily's home holding hands. Since there were no parents watching, Severus abandoned the chaste kissing. Lily sighed and leaned against him. "I wish we could have more time alone."

"Well, we can when we get back to school." He chuckled. "I guess we'll have to find some place private since we can't be doing this in the library. Madam Pince would throw us out on our arses if she caught us kissing."

"Some place where Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris aren't lurking not to mention Potter and his crowd of toerags."

Also the would-be Death Eaters' crowd," Severus added. "We'll have to figure something out."

They kissed again and Lily went inside. Severus walked home slowly thinking where at Hogwarts they could be alone, but nothing came to him. His mum was just heading up to bed when he came in the door. "I really enjoyed meeting Remus. He's a smart young man and should have a bright future ahead of him, but for his Lycanthropes."

"Why should you be discriminated against for something you can't help?" Severus shook his head.

"I don't know, Sev, but that's always been the way it is." She kissed him goodnight and went upstairs. Severus went into the lab, borrowed one of his mum's potion books, shut off the lights, and went upstairs. As was his usual custom he sent Aesculapius off with a note to Lily and waited for his owl to return with Lily's answer so of course he was quite surprised when Aesculapius returned with his note still attached. He took it off the owl then gave him a treat. "It's not your fault. I know you tried your best to deliver it, but Lily must be asleep and didn't hear you." He stroked his feathers then let him fly off to hunt. It continued to bug him and he slept restlessly because of it. He got up early, showered, and dressed then went downstairs to the kitchen. He took a bowl out of the cupboard and poured some of the dry cereal his mum kept on hand into the bowl. It was a mixture of whole grains, raisins, and nuts with maple flavoring. He poured milk over it, grabbed a spoon out of the drawer, and sat down opposite his mum. "If you need me to pick more herbs or plants just leave me a list."

"Thank you, Sev. I'll leave the list for you in the lab." She looked at him and said, "Now you want to tell me why you're up this early."

He shrugged. "Maybe I'm making too much out of it, but I owled Lily last night like I always do, but Aesculapius came back with my note still attached and it's never happened before. If she wasn't in her room, he would have waited for her. I don't know, but it isn't like her." He shrugged again. "Maybe she was sleeping and didn't hear him at the window."

"That could be, Sev, but you'll see her this morning, and I'm sure she'll have an explanation."

Severus slapped his forehead. "Today's Wednesday and you have your tea with the Potters, Blacks and Pettigrew's." He grinned. "I'll be waiting anxiously to hear how it turned out."

"Well, I don't intend to blow up the Potter's mansion or anything," She joked as and with a wave of her wand she and the breakfast dishes began washing themselves. "Oh! I had owled Mrs. Longbottom to thank her for her assistance at King's Cross, and I got an owl from her this morning inviting me to tea next week." She smiled mischievously. "I wonder if she's going to be wearing her hat with the vulture on it."

"It wouldn't surprise me, Mum," Severus, answered with a grin. After Eileen had left for work, Severus went back upstairs. He straightened up his room and made his bed. He tried not to worry about Lily, but he couldn't help it. He decided to walk over to the park early and wait to see if she was going to come or not. If she didn't he'd try owling her again. He walked quickly to the park and stopped short in surprise when he saw Lily seated on one of the swings. He approached quietly and sat down beside her. "Lily?" She looked at him then looked away again quickly, but not before he saw her eyes were red. "Lily, you've been crying. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Sev."

"If you're crying then there's something wrong." He pulled her to her feet and into his arms. "Come on and tell Uncle Sev what the matter is," He said in a soothing voice.

Lily burst into tears. "Tuney said she doesn't want me at her wedding!" She sobbed for a few minutes then said, "She told mum and dad she doesn't want me to come because she doesn't want Vernon's family to know she has a freak for a sister and she's afraid I'll do something to spoil her day."

"What did your parents say?"

"They told her she was being unfair to me, but she said it was her wedding and she had the right to decide who can come and who can't. I don't want them to have to choose between us so I told them this morning I wouldn't go." She sniffled and leaned against Severus.

He kissed the top of her head and said, "I'm so sorry, Lily. I knew something was wrong when Aesculapius came back with my note."

"I'm sorry." Lily apologized. "I was so upset I guess I didn't hear him at my window."

"Understandable," Severus replied. He walked her over to their private spot, sat down and pulled Lily down into his lap. "Dad and mum told Tuney last night that they didn't want her to get married for two years."

"I'll bet Tuney was mad enough to spit fire!"

"That's an understatement, but she knows if she wants her big dream wedding she has to abide by their decision. I think they're hoping in two years time Vernon will have moved on." Lily's bottom lip trembled. "That's when she said she didn't want me at her wedding."

"Tell you what if she hasn't changed her mind by then we'll do something special on that day. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like fun," Lily replied, smiling slightly. "What will we do?"

"We could go to the beach or go into Muggle London and sightsee, or we could just hang out in Diagon Alley."

"And rent a room at the Leaky Cauldron and spend the whole day making wild, passionate love," Lily suggested.

"I don't think Tom would rent us a room for that. I suspect he would frown on premarital sex of any kind, wild or otherwise."

"Sev!" Lily complained. "You're raining on my favorite fantasy!"

"It's a great fantasy for after we get to know each other, but the first time should be special, really romantic," Severus said.

"And I'm guessing you have a fantasy that fits the bill," Lily teased.

"I do," He nodded. "I'm imagining I'm in a high class restaurant in a high end hotel. It's probably going to be Muggle, French maybe, the kind where they don't print the prices on the menus and have a maitre de."

Ooh! I think I like this fantasy, Sev!"

"So I'm sitting at a table when all of sudden this beautiful witch walks in. Every man in the room has his eye on her and their tongues hanging out, but the maitre de escorts her to my table. You're wearing … well I haven't decided whether you're wearing in a black or a green dress, but it's one of those that clings in all the right places, but doesn't look tight or tacky and it has those thin straps like the dress you wore Monday and you're wearing matching heels and …Oh! You're wearing a gold ankle bracelet." He smiled. His planned Christmas present for her was going to be a gold ankle bracelet.

"You've got me quite decked out." Lily said. "How is my hair styled?"

"It's curled and you're wearing it on top of your head, but some tendrils have slipped out and are around your face." He paused then added, "And I haven't decided whether you're wearing any underwear."

"Sev!" Lily said shocked. "Of course I'm wearing underwear! Mum wouldn't let me out of the house without it. I think mums must have built-in radar about that sort of thing."

"Now who's raining on my fantasy?" Severus asked. "In my fantasy you're a healer-in-training and you don't live with mum and dad anymore so if you don't want to wear underwear, you don't have to. I think it's sexier if I assume you are and then I discover you aren't."

"And of course while you're attempting to discover if I'm wearing underwear, every woman in the room is staring at my sexy Potion Master-in-training."

"With his new nose," Severus joked.

"So the evening going to be a seduction ending in us making love?" Lily teased. "I'm going to be looking forward to this!"

I'm rather looking forward to us making wild, passionate love at the Leaky Cauldron."

Lily realized with a start that she had forgotten all about Petunia's refusal to let her come to her wedding and, while it still hurt, it didn't hurt as much anymore. She gave Severus a hug and kissed him. "Thanks for taking my mind off of Tuney, Sev."

"I know she really hurt you. I think this is her way of getting back at you for being a witch and going off to Hogwarts." He shook his head. "She knows you wouldn't do anything to spoil her day." He chuckled. "I, on the other hand, might be too tempted to turn Dursley into a walrus. It probably wouldn't take much magic - he's practically one already!"

Lily giggled until she was out of breath. "Can you imagine Tuney's face when she turns to give her beloved a kiss and there's a big blubbery walrus sitting there?"

Severus got to his feet and pulled Lily up and they started to walk back to Lily's house. "Mum has her tea with the Potters, Blacks, and Pettigrew today. Wish I could be a fly on the wall!" Severus grinned.

"I hope she gives them all hell!" Lily said vehemently.

Rose Evans, a worried expression on her face, was standing on the front porch. Her expression relaxed as she saw Lily with Severus. Lily ran to her mother and gave her a hug. "Mum, I'm sorry for running off this morning without a word."

"It's okay, Lily, as long as I know you're all right." She looked at him and smiled her thanks then asked, "Would you like to stay for lunch, Sev?"

Yes, thanks Mrs. Evans," Severus replied. When he stepped inside the house smelled of freshly baked cookies.

"Where's Tuney, Mum?" Lily asked. She didn't want her sister spending the entire lunch insulting Severus.

"In her room." Rose sighed. "I expect she's burning up the phone lines complaining to her girlfriends and Vernon how mean your father and I are to stand in the way of true love." By way of explanation to Severus, Rose said, "We told Petunia last night that she and Vernon couldn't get married for two years and she isn't taking it well." They followed her into the kitchen where she made them sandwiches of melted cheddar over roast beef, topped with grilled onions, with a side of crisps, and poured them each a tall glass of milk."

They suddenly heard a door slam upstairs then feet stopping down the stairs and Petunia burst into the kitchen her mood contaminating the air like an effluvia.

"Do you want some lunch, Petunia?" Rose asked pleasantly.

"I'm not hungry!" She snapped. "And I certainly don't want to eat with a couple of freaks!"

"Petunia," Her mother warned. "Just because you're mad at me and dad, there's no reason to take your anger out on Lily and Sev."

"You always take her side in everything just because she's your precious little witch and goes to that freaky school of hers!" Petunia yelled. "You never let me do what I want to do!"

Severus quickly finished his lunch and got up. "Thanks for lunch, Mrs. Evans. It was delicious."

"You're welcome, Sev." Rose replied fixing her oldest daughter with a glare.

"I'll walk you out, Sev." Lily said. She walked him to the door. Through the kitchen door they could hear both Petunia and Rose's voices raised in anger then heard a loud sob as Petunia rushed out of the kitchen, back upstairs followed by the loud slam of her bedroom door. "I'm sorry about Tuney, Sev. She's really in a temper."

"It's okay. Just don't let her get to you." Severus gave her a quick kiss. "I'll see you tonight."

When he got home he got the list from the lab, took the basket off the back porch, and began gathering the herbs and magical plants that were needed for tonight's lesson. From the list of ingredients he was gathering he assumed they were going to be brewing the wound-cleaning potion. He was interrupted by the arrival of Morgana, Lily's owl. He took the note from her and read it. Lily explained that her dad had called earlier this morning about Dr. Lockwood and wanted to talk to Eileen when she got home. Her mother was going to tell him at lunch, but Tuney's tantrum had distracted her. Sev went inside, and wrote a reply, saying he would let his mum know when she came home so she could take the wards down temporarily. He gave Morgana a treat and sent her back to Lily.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Eileen apparated at Potter Manor promptly at two o'clock. She had gone home and changed into formal blue dress robes. She glanced at the huge sprawling manor house, mentally comparing it to her former home, Prince Manor. It was obvious to her that the Potter's had built this solely to impress, rather than for any aesthetic value. The inside was probably as gaudy as the outside. She shook her head and knocked on the front door. A tiny elf opened the front door.

Eileen smiled down at the elf. "Hello, I'm Eileen Snape and I have an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Potter."

The tiny elf stepped aside. "Master and Mistress Potter told Dazzy they is expecting you and Dazzy is to bring you to the main receiving room."

"Lead the way, Dazzy." She followed the elf down a hall into a large room where Charles and Althea Potter and Orion and Walburga were already present. The other couple in the room, Eileen assumed were Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew. Eileen sat down across from them. Dazzy poured tea and walked to each of them, carrying a plate of biscuits. The niceties must be maintained. Eileen took one and smiled at the elf. "Thank you, Dazzy."

"Now, what is it you wish to speak with us about, Mrs. Snape?" Charles asked. His whole attitude said he was a busy man and this was an obvious encroachment of his important time.

"I came here to talk with you about your sons continued bullying of my son. They've attacked him and put him in the hospital wing as they have many times, and attacking him at King's Cross when he was getting off the train. I want it to stop immediately."

"My son, Sirius, and Peter have said that your son is constantly attacking them with dark curses and hexes. They have a right to defend themselves," Charles Potter stated. "It not right that they have detention the entire summer for defending themselves against dark curses and hexes

"You're son keeps attacking Sev because Lily is his girlfriend and I know your son is jealous of their relationship, and because he has some twisted notion that all Slytherins are followers of You-Know-Who." Eileen replied coldly. "Neither my son or myself support him or anything he believes!" She looked over at Orion and Walburga Black. "Your family has been in Slytherin for generations as has mine. Why are you allowing your son to behave like a barbarian? Isn't your younger son in Slytherin? Do you feel it's right for your other son to attack students just because they were sorted into Slytherin?"

"Sirius has voluntarily exiled himself our house and while we do not approve of his behavior, we have no control over it. Sirius is a disgrace to the Most Noble House of Black." Walburga stated coldly. Orion looked as though he was going to say something, but apparently changed his mind at Walburga's glare.

"And what business is it of yours to criticize our son's behavior?" Mrs. Pettigrew demanded. "You should worry about that Death-Eater-in-training you have for a son. Peter is terrified of him and if it wasn't for James and Sirius, he'd be the one in the hospital wing continually."

Sev is not a Death-Eater-in-training," Eileen said coolly. "And your son is a sneaky little git who hides behind Potter and Black and does their bidding just so he can hang with these bullies!"

"Now wait just a moment!" Althea Potter snapped. "You have no right to criticize our children. You're nobody as your parents disowned you."

Eileen carefully put down her teacup and stood up straight. "It's true I was disowned, but that does not make me any less of a Prince. Anymore attacks on Sev by your sons and the next visit you'll have will be from Magical Law Enforcement and I promise you will experience the full power and displeasure of the Prince family!" She looked around and called, "Dazzy?"

The little elf appeared. "Yes, Mum?"

"Please show me out."

When Eileen apparated back home from her meeting, Severus told her about Mr. Evans wanting to see her so she went outside and immediately took down all the protective wards around the house. She would replace them after Hal left. A short time later there was a knock on the door. Eileen invited Hal to come in. Lily was with her dad.

"Good news, Eileen, when I spoke to Thomas, he had an opening in his appointment calendar early next Monday at nine." Hal said. "If that's okay with you I'll call him back tomorrow and confirm it."

Eileen looked at Sev. "Is that alright with you, Sev?"

"That's great, Mum. The sooner, the better."

Eileen nodded at Hal that he could call and confirm their appointment. "Thank you so much for your help with this Hal," Eileen said. "I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it."

"It's okay, Eileen. I'm happy to do it," Hal assured her. He turned to his daughter. "Lily, do you want to come back home with me or stay here?"

"Lily's welcome to stay for dinner Hal," Eileen offered.

"I think I'll stay if you and mum don't mind, dad."

"I can't say I blame you." Hal shook his head and explained to Eileen. "Petunia throwing a major tantrum because Rose and I told her she couldn't marry Vernon for another two years."

"If it's any consolation to you and Rose, I think you're doing the right thing." Eileen replied, "There's something very off about that Dursley boy."

"We agree and we're hoping if we make them wait, Petunia will have the opportunity to meet somebody else." He sighed. "We only want what's best for her, but I'm afraid she doesn't want to understand that right now." He got up. "I'll see you later, Lily."

"Okay, dad." Lily said giving him a kiss. After Mr. Evans left, Eileen went outside to restore the wards around the house. When she came back in she went into the kitchen and began to prepare supper. Severus and Lily followed her out into kitchen and set the table for her. She set a platter of pork chops cooked in tomato sauce and topped with onions, mushrooms, and garlic. She also had baked potatoes and salad with a cherry cobbler for dessert. "So, mum, how did your tea go today?" Severus asked.

Eileen shook her head. "Orion and Walburga Black had their noses stuck so high it's a wonder they didn't scrap the ceiling. The Potters weren't much better or the Pettigrew's. It was obvious they think their darling sons have the right to do whatever they bloody well please!"

Severus shrugged. "I didn't expect them to agree with you, Mum."

"That's so wrong!" Lily snapped. "What gives them the right to decide who they'll treat nice and whom they won't?"

"They're purebloods and in my book, Potter and Black, with their hatred of anything Slytherin, aren't any better than Avery and Lestrange with their hatred of half-bloods and Muggleborns. The hatreds the same only the targets are different." Severus said somewhat bitterly as he started to eat his cobbler."

"I warned them if their sons attacked you again, they would not only receive a visit from Magical Law Enforcement, but would experience the full power and displeasure of the Prince family!"

Lily laughed and clapped her hands. "You go, Eileen!"

They suddenly heard the floo and then heard Remus's voice calling, "Hello?"

"In the kitchen, Remus," Lily called back.

Remus walked into the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Mrs. … Eileen. Am I too early?"

"No, dear, we're just running a bit late. Sit down." She motioned towards an empty chair at the table. "Have you had dinner?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't say no to a piece of that cherry cobbler."

Eileen cut him a large piece of the cobbler and set it in front of him with a glass of pumpkin juice. "Tonight we're going to be brewing a wound-cleansing potion and then afterwards, I think I'll teach you three the itching and burning hex. I'll show it to you and give you the hex and counter-spell, but none of you will actually be trying it.

The brewing went very well and Eileen was pleased and proud of her three students. They learned quickly and asked questions if they didn't understand rather than just bashing on and brewing the potion wrong. Once they had the lab cleaned and straightened up, they went into the living room. Eileen waved her wand, temporarily making the furniture disappear so there was more room. "Okay, I need a volunteer. Sev?"

"You're sure you remember the counter-spell for this, Mum?" Severus joked.

"Perfectly," Eileen assured him. "Okay, to cast the spell you say Comburoirrito! The counter-spell is Relevo! She demonstrated by saying, "Comburoirrito!" and flicking her wand at Severus. The effect was immediate. Severus felt his entire body began to itch horribly as if he rolled starkers in a patch of poison ivy and felt a strong impulse to start screaming and madly scratching himself, but at the same time felt his every square inch of him burn as if he was being stuck by millions of tiny, very sharp needles. He wasn't sure which effect was the worst.

"Relevo!" Eileen said and again flicked her wand at Severus who collapsed on the floor. He quickly got to his feet again. "Merlin, Mum that will stop somebody in their tracks better than a freezing charm would!"

"I can't have you actually practice it, but it's not difficult. Just remember to flick your wand rather than point it as you say the words." Eileen instructed then stressed, "This is only to be used for defense and not for any other reason."

When the lesson was over Remus flooed back to his home and Severus walked Lily back to her house. "I've been thinking about how we could find somewhere at Hogwarts we can be alone and I decided I'll ask the house elves. After all, they know a lot more about the castle than any student or staff member I'll wager."

Lily knew that over the years, Sev had been down to the kitchen many times and he knew the house-elves a lot better than she did. She remembered in their second year him trying to convince her to sneak down with him, but she was too afraid of being caught and receiving detention. "That's a good idea, Sev. Hopefully, they will know somewhere we can be alone and free from everybody."

Severus and Lily spent a few minutes kissing in a way that would have scandalized the neighborhood should any of the neighbors have chosen to look out their windows.

Chapter 7

The rest of the week flew quickly by as did the weekend and at eight-thirty Monday morning Severus, his mum, and Lily stepped out of the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron and walked slowly into Muggle London where Lily started trying to hail a taxicab. She noticed that Eileen kept looking around and seemed tense.

"Mum, what do we tell Dr. Lockwood when he asks how my nose got in this shape?" Severus asked worriedly.

"What…" Eileen looked at Severus blankly for a moment then seemed to understand what he had asked. "We'll tell him the truth, Sev." She saw Lily had managed to hail a cab and they got into it. "Royal London Hospital," Eileen politely directed the driver. The cab dropped them off at the front entrance on Whitechapel Road. Eileen had given Lily the Muggle money she carried and allowed her to pay the driver. Life would be so much easier if everybody used Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. They walked inside and up to admittance desk to ask for direction to Dr. Lockwood's office. They were given warm and polite directions to where they needed to go by the young admitting clerk. "I think Griselda could take lesson from her, Mum. " Severus joked.

"I agree," Eileen said. "Griselda tends to be rude, sarcastic, and impatient with the patients."

They entered Dr. Lockwood's office and checked in at the desk and Eileen was given forms to fill out regarding Severus' medical history. Unlike many witches and wizards, she was completely familiar with Muggle pens. She was amazed at the information the forms requested, but filled them out to the best of her knowledge.

Severus and Lily held hands and talked quietly. He teased her because she had brought along one of her 'clothes ripping' novels as he always called them because the heroes were always tearing off the heroines' gowns prior to making love to them.

His name was called by a Muggle nurse. Lily gave him a kiss on his cheek and wished him good luck. He and his mum followed the nurse into an exam room. She introduced herself as Claudia and said to Eileen, "Your son's never had a physical before?"

"He's very healthy and has never needed one," Eileen replied.

"Most schools require a physical before a child starts school," Claudia said.

"Severus was home schooled until he was eleven and the boarding school he attends now doesn't require one." Behind Claudia's back, Severus grinned. It was true. Hogwarts didn't require a physical although Severus, but sometimes he thought it should if for no other reason then to detect children who were being abused.

"I see he had emergency surgery at eight for a compound fracture of his left arm."

"Yes," Eileen said, nodding.

Claudia did all the preliminary medical stuff she apparently needed to do, including drawing blood out of his arm with a needle than produced a cup with a lid and announced she needed a urine sample and pointed him in the direction of the bathroom. Severus had to bite his tongue to keep from shouting you want a sample of what! The whole thing was hideously embarrassing! Claudia left the room advising him that Dr. Lockwood would be in to see them in a few minutes.

"Mum, don't you dare laugh!" Severus hissed as he left the room.

"I wouldn't think of it, Sev," Eileen replied, but the corners of her mouth twitched as if she were trying to keep from doing exactly that.

He was back in a few minutes, his face flushing in embarrassment. The door to the exam room opened and Dr. Lockwood came in. He introduced himself to Eileen and Severus then sat down on a rolling stool and studied the chart in his hand. "Well, Mr. Snape, you appear to be a remarkably healthy teenager. Hmm … you're a bit underweight for your height, but better to be under than over is what I think." He got up and said to Severus, "If you'd just jump up on that table for me, young man."

Severus did as he requested and he began a detailed examination of Severus nose. "How many times did your father break your nose, son?"

"Three times," Severus muttered. "First time when I was seven, again when I was nine and, the third time was two years ago."

"And I'm assuming from the shape your nose is in that you never saw a doctor?"

"No, he would never let mum take me."

"I'm assuming, Mrs. Snape, that Mr. Snape no longer resides in your home."

"Yes, Dr. Lockwood. He's gone and he won't be back." Eileen said quietly, but vehemently.

"Good. Now Severus, if you don't mind, I'll need to take some pictures."

"Okay, sir."

Dr. Lockwood took three pictures: one full frontal, one of him facing right, and one facing left. He sat down again, "Well, Severus, how you feel about having a different nose?"

Severus smiled widely and said, "It would be great! Lily says she doesn't have a problem with the way it is now, but I'd really like to have one that isn't quite so misshapen."

"We can certainly do that for you, young man." Dr. Lockwood assured him. "I would advise you to have surgical intervention even if you were happy with your present nose. I'm assuming with the shape your nose is in currently that you snore."

Severus looked at Eileen and asked, "Do I, Mum?"

"Yes, Sev, I'm afraid you're quite the window rattler."

"Although you currently don't present any of the symptoms of sleep deprivation caused by sleep apnea, there is a high degree of probability that you could have problems with it later on."

"What's sleep apnea?" Severus asked.

"It means that you stop breathing for a few seconds while you're sleeping. You may experience more than one episode during a night's sleep. The danger lies in that you may not start breathing again and suffocate."

"When is the earliest date Sev can have the surgery done, Doctor?" Eileen asked

"I can do it Friday if you feel ready, Severus."

Severus nodded. "Okay. I guess the sooner the better."

"Where do we need to be and what do we need to know before the surgery." Eileen asked

"He's going to do the surgery on Friday." Severus announced to Lily as they came back into the waiting room. "I have to be at the hospital at six in the morning."

As they walked out he and Lily held hands. "I'm coming with you on Friday," She announced.

"Lily, you don't …" Severus began, but Lily stuck her finger in his chest and said, "Severus Tiberius Snape, I know I don't have to do it. I want to do it. Besides Eileen will need company while you're in surgery."

"You're right," Severus nodded in apology.

Once they flooed home, Severus went upstairs. He heard his mum and Lily giggling suspiciously.

"What's so funny?" He asked as he came back downstairs.

"Sev, I was just telling Lily the urine sample story. You should have seen the expression on Sev's face, Lily. It was definitely worse a thousand words!"

"A thousand curse words I imagine," Lily, teased

Severus shook his head and chuckled. It was a rather funny story. "I had to bite my tongue, to keep from shouting, you want what?"

Lily and Sev spent as much time together as they could manage for the rest of the week. They were sitting under their favorite tree in the park on Thursday morning. Severus had his arm around Lily's shoulder and she was resting against him. She put her hand up and brushed Severus' cheek to get his attention and he looked down at her. "Are you scared about your surgery tomorrow?"

"A little," He admitted then asked in an injured tone, "Lily, how come you never told me I snored? All those times I fell asleep while we were watching television and you never told me."

"Well, because I just turn you a bit and you'd stop. You don't snore unless you're laying flat on your back," She pointed out, giving him a kiss on his chin.

"Mum described me as a 'window rattler' and when I asked her why she never told me, she said she just used a silencing charm." Severus shrugged. "None of my roommates ever said anything either, but now I shudder to think what they must have had to put up with. It's a wonder they didn't throw me in the Black Lake!"

"Well, you won't have to worry about it anymore after tomorrow."

He kissed her hand. "I don't know what I'd ever do without you, Lily."

"I'm not ever going to let you find out, Mr. Snape."

"And that suits me just fine, Ms. Evans."

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"Master James, wake up. You has to be at Hogwarts soon!" An insistent little voice said as he was being shaken awake."

"It's summer and I don't have to be anywhere, Tansy," James mumbled, burying his head back into his pillow.

"Master and Mistress sent Tansy to wake up Master James," She insisted. "Master is waiting to take Master James and Mr. Sirius to Hogwarts."

James lifted his head and groaned loudly as he remembered they were due at Hogwarts for another day of detention and it was only their third week and they had at least four weeks left to go! Filch was enjoying finding the grossest, filthiest jobs for them to do. Bathrooms that hadn't been cleaned in eons were some of Filch's worst punishments. He cackled merrily as he ordered them around. They weren't allowed to use magic either. As soon as they came through the door, Dumbledore was waiting to take their wands away to make sure they didn't use magic to make their detention easier. He couldn't believe the abuse being heaped on them, the handsome, popular Marauders, just for dropping Snivellus on his head! He was so ugly anyway! Who would even notice if he ended up with a misshapen skull?

"Wait, until school starts again, Padfoot, we're going to get Snivellus for this!" James swore after Mr. Potter apparated them to Hogwarts and they started up to the gates where Hagrid would be waiting to let them inside.

"We owe that greasy git!" Peter stated vehemently.

"Right you are, Wormtail!" James replied. Sirius just shook his head and remained silent.

Hagrid opened the gate and let them in. "James, Sirus, Peter, Mr. Filch is loaning me your services today."

James gave a sigh of relief as he imagined a much easier day. Hagrid liked them and wouldn't work them hard at all, but his relief turned into dismay as he heard Hagrid say, "Sorry fellows, but Prfesser Dumbledore says I gotta have your wands."

"Why, Hagrid?" James whined. "We promise we won't use them."

"Sorry, James, but it's Prfesser Dumbledore's orders." He held out one large hand and James, Sirius, and Peter reluctantly surrendered their wands.

"Now fellows, today you're going to be spreading a special kind of dragon dung over my gardens. It's gotta be done by hand and without gloves. Bare hands warm the dung better and make it easier to spread. It's a kinda smelly, but not so bad."

James groaned. He hated handling dragon dung even with his dragonhide gloves on; and even in small amounts, it stunk clear to Hogsmeade! He swore was going to spend his evenings thinking up the worst hexes and jinxes he could to use on Snivellus next year!

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The same morning, Severus, Lily and Eileen once again flooed from the Snape home to the Leaky Cauldron and took a taxicab to Royal London Hospital. Once again, Lily noticed how tense Eileen seemed until they were actually inside the hospital. After she got Severus checked in, they didn't see him again until just before he was taken into surgery. Severus gave them a kind of lop-sided grin and said, "Well, I'm off to see the wizard to a request a new nose. Think he'll give it to me or make me Avada Kedavra the Wicked Witch of the West first?" Severus frowned. "I mean the Wizard of Oz is more reasonable than the Minister of Magic, isn't he?"

"Sev, you're babbling," Eileen said gently.

"The male nurse who was accompanying his stretcher grinned, "He's not bad at all. Believe me I've heard much worse. Eileen kissed his cheek and Lily squeezed his hand then whispered, "I'll see you later, Sev."

"Of course you will, my fair lady!" Severus said sounding like Sir Cadogan, a rather loony occupant of a picture, hanging on the seventh floor at Hogwarts. As they wheeled him into the elevator, he was singing a very off-key version of the theme from The Wizard of Oz movie.

"Merlin!" Eileen exclaimed once she and Lily had stopped laughing. "It's a good thing they thought it was just nonsensical stuff."

"I've never seen him like that before!" Lily giggled.

"Nor I," Eileen replied. "He's going to die of embarrassment when we tell him."

They settled down to wait. Eileen read the Muggle magazines lying out. Lily had brought along a copy of Hogwarts: A History, concealed behind a Muggle textbook cover. She was researching it to see if it mentioned some place, she and Sev could be alone, free of the Death Eater wanabees, Potter and his cronies, and Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris.

After about two hours, they saw Dr. Lockwood coming down the hall towards them. He was smiling, leaving Lily to assume the surgery had gone well. He sat down opposite them "The surgery was successful and Severus came through it just fine. He's in recovery now, but as soon as he's moved back to his room, you and Lily may see him. I straightened the bridge of his nose and altered the tip so it matches the rest of his nose. By the time, the swelling goes down; your young man will have movie star good looks. We'll keep him overnight just to make sure there aren't any side effects from the anesthesia and he can go home tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Doctor, for taking such good care of my son." Eileen said.

"My pleasure, Mrs. Snape." He stopped then said, "I should mention when you see him, he might be somewhat disorientated."

"Thank you, but he was he was kind of disorientated before he went into surgery," Eileen laughed.

Dr. Lockwood laughed, too. "Yes, valium tends to affect people that way. I'll send someone to bring you to his room when we move him out of recovery."

It seemed like an incessant wait, but finally a nurse came into the waiting room and led them to Severus' room. He was awake, but appeared to be very groggy.

"Sev, how are you feeling?" Eileen asked.

"Feel like I got broadsided by that loon drives the Knight's Bus." Severus had once ridden on that particular bus and swore he'd never do it again. His voice sounded thick, like he was suffering from a bad cold. "Feel like my stomach's doing cartwheels."

"Are you feeling nauseous, Sev?" Eileen asked

He nodded and Eileen said to Lily, "Watch the door for a moment, Lily, please?" Lily nodded. Eileen quickly took a vial out of her purse and handed it to Severus. "Drink this quickly. It's an anti-nausea potion."

Severus drank the vial and handed it back to his mother. Within minutes, he was feeling a lot better. "Thanks Mum." His eyes focused on Lily and he held out his hand to her. She took it and squeezed it. "Glad you're here, Lily."

"Are you in any pain, Sev?" She asked gently pushing his hair out of his face.

"My nose hurts, but that's to be expected."

"Dr. Lockwood said you can go home tomorrow, but I'll miss having you owl me tonight.

Severus smiled. "Don't think they'd be too happy if Aesculapius was here. Probably worried about owl crap on the floor." He grinned, still was feeling a bit wonky.

"You look tired," Lily said. "Why don't you go back to sleep for awhile?"

Severus nodded. "Good idea, Lily. Think I'll do that." He closed his eyes and was immediately asleep.

While he was sleeping, Eileen and Lily had lunch at the Leaky Cauldron then they stopped at Slug and Jiggers Apothecary so Eileen could refill some of her potion ingredients. Generally, she preferred fresh ingredients, but there were things she needed that she couldn't grow in her garden. They went back to the hospital and stayed until visiting hours were over then flooed back to Eileen's house. "Would you like to stay the night, Lily?" Eileen asked. "You can stay in Sev's room and I'll owl you parents so they don't worry."

"I'd like that, Eileen." She wrote out a brief note and gave it to Eileen's Great Horned owl, Horatio. He was back in a few minutes with a note which he dropped in front of Eileen. She read it and smiled. "Your dad and mum are going to pick us up at eight and drive us to the hospital. He says he doesn't think any of our means of travel would be good for Sev's nose right now." Eileen nodded "He's right, both apparition and floo travel would be too rough."

"Dad's always thinking ahead," Lily commented. Eileen made them a light dinner and then they went upstairs, "I don't know what shape Sev's room is in, but he's usually very neat except for the books piled everywhere. That was an understatement Lily saw when she entered his room. There were piles of books covering every flat surface! She also noticed the rock posters on the walls: the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple, a big poster of the American Muggle actress, Marilyn Monroe, and one of Cher that was tacked to his closet door. She got undressed and slipped under the dark green comforter with its silver edging. She giggled a bit about what her friends would say if she told them she'd slept in Sev's bed. She woke early, went home to shower and change, and then had breakfast with her family. They picked Eileen up a little after eight and arrived at the hospital around eleven. Severus was dressed and waiting for them. His entire nose was covered by a bandage and both his eyes were beginning to blacken even his eyelids looked bruised and his face looked swollen.

Dr. Lockwood came in and visited with Hal for a few moments then talked to Eileen. He gave her a list of instructions for Severus and then turned to him and said, "I'll see you, young man, in three days and we'll take the packing out of your nose and make sure everything's looking good." He was happy to hear that as he felt as if he had a mile of gauze stuck up each nostril.

Severus nodded. Hal went out to bring the car to the entrance. The same male nurse who had taken Severus into surgery wheeled him out. "I hope Sev was a good patient," Eileen said to the nurse. She knew her son could become easily frustrated and impatient.

"He was one of the best patients I've had in awhile," The nurse assured her. "Quite entertaining," he added with a laugh.

Outside he helped Severus get into Hal's car. Lily and Eileen got in after him and Hal opened the passenger side for Rose. Once they pulled away from the hospital, Severus asked suspiciously, "What did he mean I was quite entertaining?"

Lily and Eileen both burst out laughing. "Well, Sev, you were quite happy before you went into surgery. Let me see you mentioned the Avada Kedavra curse and the Minister of Magic then serenaded us with the theme from the Wizard of Oz movie." Eileen teased.

As Hal and Rose joined in the laughter, Severus groaned and put his hand on his forehead. "Please tell me you're joking, Mum, that I really didn't do that."

"You even did a passable imitation of Sir Cadogan," Lily teased him.

"Merlin! Remind me never to take whatever it is they gave me again!" He directed a question at Hal. "How did you meet Dr. Lockwood, Mr. Evans?"

"We both share a love of bridge and that's how we met." He noticed Severus' confused expression. "It's a Muggle card game. Thomas has been my partner in several bridge tournaments."

When they arrived at home, Eileen said to Lily, "Lily, would you please take Sev into the house and get him settled. I took the wards down so you can go right in. I want to talk to your mum for a moment."

"Sure Eileen," Lily nodded. She led Severus into the house then asked, "Do you want to go upstairs?"

Severus looked at the staircase. "No." Lily led him over to the couch and sat him down. "I'm going to run upstairs for a moment. Don't move an inch!" She came back down carrying two pillows and a light blanket. She fluffed up the pillows than helped him lay back and covered him with the blanket.

Eileen came back in. "I asked Rose if she and Lily to look in on you during the week and she said they would." She suddenly remembered something else. "I invited Robert over for dinner tonight last week, but I can owl him and reschedule it if you don't feel up to having company."

"No, that's fine, Mum. Is it okay if Lily stays for dinner?"

"Yes, of course it is." She took the list of instructions out of her purse and looked them over. "He doesn't want you wearing any item of clothing you have to pull over your head, avoid extreme facial expressions, eat soft foods, brush your teeth gently, and sleep with your head elevated." Eileen read then asked, "Are you hungry, Sev? I can make you some soup if you are."

"That would be nice, Mum," Severus replied. He shifted slightly, reached over, and picked up the book Lily had left on the coffee table the night before. "How come you're reading this?"

"I thought I'd do some research in this book to see if it mentions any secret places, but so far it hasn't." Lily whispered.

Eileen came back in levitating two trays in front of her and maneuvered them so they set down in front of Lily and Severus. He took a sip of the soup. It was thick, spicy and tasted good. There were also a couple slices of buttered toast, cut into triangles and a leaf salad with tomatoes. "Sev, here's the antibiotic tablets the doctor gave me for you to take. He said to take them three times a day with a meal."

"This is delicious, Eileen," Lily complimented her. Severus nodded even though he could barely taste it. "You should see the stuff that passes for broth in the hospital, Mum." He made a face.

"Thanks, you two," Eileen replied modestly. "I'll be in my lab, if you need anything, Sev."

After they were finished with lunch, Lily took their dishes back to the kitchen. As she came back in, Severus asked, "Lily, could you do me a favor and bring Aesculapius downstairs. He knows I'm home and he'll start fussing and making a lot of noise if I don't go up and see him.

"Sure, Sev." She was back down in a few minutes, carrying his owl's cage. She set it on the coffee table opposite him. He reached over and scratched Aesculapius's head. "Hi there, boy, miss me?" The owl nipped his finger affectionately. Severus settled himself. "Do you mind if I sleep for awhile? Merlin! Last night it seems like every time I'd just fallen asleep last night, they were waking me up for some reason."

"No, go ahead," Lily, replied. "You do look tired." Severus fell asleep immediately and Lily bent and gave him a light kiss on his forehead.

Chapter 8

Severus woke up suddenly and without thinking, put up his hand to rub his face, but his hand was caught in Lily's grasp before he could. He noticed that she must have gone home at some point and changed because she was now wearing a thin T-shirt of a deep rose color and blue jeans. Severus couldn't help but notice the light fabric definitely showed off her breasts very nicely.

Eileen came into the room. He noticed she had changed and was wearing a new summer robe of a mint green color and she looked very attractive. "Oh good, you're awake, Sev. Supper's ready and Robert should be arriving anytime now."

Severus nodded slightly. "I think I'll go up and change my shirt. This one looks pretty lived in," He said ruefully.

"I'll go with you, Sev," Lily said. "I don't want you to get dizzy and maybe, fall."

Severus did feel a bit weak, but his managed to get upstairs without getting dizzy. He went into his room and changed his shirt while Lily waited outside. When he came out again, she pulled him into the bathroom and sat him down on the edge of the tub. She ran a soft cloth under warm water then daubed, gently and carefully, at his face. "You've got quite a bit of dried blood on your face,"

"Plus two black eyes," Severus joked. "But hey, at least they're for a good cause this time." Her breasts were right at his eye level and they were, he thought, quite magnificent to behold.

"There!" Lily exclaimed. "You look a lot better now."

They heard a knock at the front door then Eileen's voice calling, "Sev? Lily? Robert's here."

They came down the stairs. Robert Saxon was standing in the living room talking to Eileen. He was holding three books in his arm. He turned to look at them as they came down the stairs. He shook Severus' hand. "Hello, Severus. Eileen told me that you came through the surgery with flying colors."

"Yes sir, it wasn't too bad."

He shifted the books in his arm and handed them to Severus. "I bought these books to keep you busy while you're recovering. You're mum mentioned once that you were interested in learning Occlumency and Legilimency." He studied Severus' nose with an air of professional interest. "My, it's amazing the things Muggles can do without magic."

Severus took the books from him and said, "Thank you for the books, sir, I do need something to keep me busy while I'm recovering." There were three books, The Ancient Art of Occlumency, Beginning Occlumency, and Legilimency for the Beginner. He put his arm around Lily who standing beside him. "This is my girlfriend, Lily Evans. Lily, this is Master Healer Robert Saxon."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Evans."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Healer Saxon." Lily replied shyly, shaking his hand.

"Lily's the brightest witch in our year," Severus proclaimed proudly. "She's going to be a Pediatric Master Healer after she graduates from Hogwarts."

"Sev …" Lily said, blushing.

"It's certainly a worthy goal, Lily."

They sat down to dinner. Eileen had fixed a rainbow trout. "Sev, I took all of the bones out of this and it's tender so you won't have to chew it very much." She looked at Robert and explained, "He isn't supposed to eat anything that requires a lot of chewing." In addition there were garlic mashed potatoes, a salad, and rolls.

"So, we know Lily wants to be a Master Healer." Robert said. "What do you want to be, Severus?"

Severus thought for a moment. "I want to be a Potions Master because I want to be able to research and invent new potions. I know You-Know-Who has invented some terrible potions and I'd like to be able to find antidotes for them."

"Potion Master is a four year study so by the time you get your certification; Lily will also have her certification as a master healer." Robert said.

"It's great we'll both be certified at the same time," Severus replied then changed the subject. "Are you able to do both Occlumency and Ligilimency?" Severus asked curiously.

"I have that honor," Robert replied. "I feel both should be offered at Hogwarts as optional study, especially in these times as I've heard He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a skilled Legilimens, but they aren't being considered by the board of governors, and that is strange as Professor Dumbledore is a skilled Legilimens and could testify to the advantage."

"It's like if you were interested in becoming an Animagus. They don't teach that as a full course either. If you want to learn how to do it right now, you'd have to have private lessons with Professor McGonagall, or learn it on your own which is very dangerous."

"What are Occlumency and Legilimency?" Lily asked. She had been quietly listening to their discussion.

"Occlumency is the art of magically defending the mind against external invasion," Severus explained. "It's not about keeping them completely out, but rather letting them see only what you want them to see."

"And Legilimency is an ability to extract memories and emotions from another person's mind." Robert said. "Some Aurors, for instance, will use Legilimency to verify whether a person is telling the truth."

"Is it hard to learn?"

"It takes a disciplined person to master it and that's where most people fail."

Lily smiled and teased. "Discipline is Sev's middle name."

Severus smiled then muttered, "Disciplined, not anal." He knew she teased him about being anal because he'd told her that he matched and folded his socks. He'd pointed out that when you were in a hurry it was easier than having to dig through an entire drawer of loose socks looking for matches.

They finished dinner with a rich chocolate pudding topped with whipped cream. Lily asked Robert some question about Healer training. "You've said it's a four years, but how is it set up?"

"The first year is strictly a classroom situation. The classes are held at the College of Potions, which is a block from St. Mungo's, so you and Severus might even be in some classes together."

Lily smiled at Severus and squeezed his hand under the tablecloth. He smiled back, remembering not to smile too widely.

"The next two years you'll be at St. Mungo's and assigned to a healer, in your case a Pediatric healer, and work exclusively with them. After that, you can be certified as a healer. In your last year you'll be assigned to a Master Healer and as before, you'll work with them learning more advanced healing spells and doing hands-on healing to receive your certification." It would be a challenging four years, Lily thought. But the fact that Sev was not going to be very far away, made it seem a lot easier.

Robert left about nine, saying he needed to be at St. Mungo's early the next morning. "Severus if you have any questions about anything in those books, you can owl me. Once you're finished reading the books then we can begin lessons."

"Okay Sir. I'll do that. Thank you."

After Robert left, Severus walked Lily home. It was a warm summer night so they walked slowly and he had his arm around Lily's shoulder. "Thanks for inviting me to supper with Robert. He's a very nice man and I think Eileen's in good hands this time."

"Me, too." Severus said. They reached Lily's front porch and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered. "I'll sure be glad when we can start really kissing again."

"It shouldn't be too long, I hope," Severus replied, thinking he might ask Dr. Lockwood when his mum wasn't present.

Severus went back to see Dr. Lockwood on Tuesday and he took the gaze packing out of his nose and examined his nose. "Everything looks good and you're starting to heal already. Your recovery may be quicker than I estimated." He checked the splint on the bridge of Severus' nose then put a new bandage over his nose. "You may have slight, occasional nosebleeds and clots when you blow your nose, but anything more serious than that, heavy nosebleeds, pain or any sign of an infection, you're to call me immediately. I'm going to give your mum another dosage of the antibiotic and I want you to take it until it's gone."

"Yes, sir."

He turned to Eileen. "I'd like to see Severus back in another two weeks and we'll take the bandages off then."

Severus had also started Occlumency and Legilimency lessons with Robert and was quickly able to excel at both of them. "I swear, Sev, you are a natural at both of these and that's very rare."

In another two weeks, the bandages were removed. Severus couldn't yet judge what the final shape of his nose was going to be because it was still swollen, but he knew there was a lot less of his nose than he had before the surgery. Dr. Lockwood replaced the splint and used two strips of surgical tape to keep it in place. "I'd like you to keep this on all the time for the next two weeks then only at night until I judge otherwise. By the time school starts again, there will still be some swelling, but you won't need a splint anymore. You can ice the swelling to reduce it."

When they were back home Severus asked, "Mum, how are we going to manage the doctor visits once I'm back at Hogwarts?"

"I'm going to talk to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Slughorn before school starts and let them know about your surgery and I'll need to take you out of school for a morning or afternoon appointment with Dr. Lockwood until he releases you."

"I'm going over to Lily's for a few minutes, Mum, if that's okay."

"Certainly, Sev. I'm sure Lily's anxious to see you without all those bandages."

Severus hurried over to Lily's house and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Evans answered, invited him in, and called up the stairs, "Lily, Sev's here."

A door slammed upstairs then Lily came hurrying down the staircase. "Sev!" She gave him a hug then stepped back to examine his nose. "Oh Sev! Your nose is going to be perfect."

Rose smiled. "I agree, Sev. Sir Thomas did a wonderful job."

"He did. I can't quite tell what it's going to look like because it's still swollen, but I can see there's a lot less of my nose than before."

The second to the last week of August, Severus' Hogwarts letter arrived. He opened it to find two letters. He scanned the first one which was the list of books he'd need. He figured he'd need new school robes and a new dress robe also since his robes from last year were short when school ended. The second letter informed he'd been made a sixth-year Prefect. He walked outside and started down to Lily's house.

"Sev!" He heard her call. He looked up just in time to catch her in his arms. She whirled him around. "Guess what, Sev!"

"What?" Severus smiled.

"I made sixth-year Prefect!"

"Me, too."

"That's fantastic, Sev, so we can patrol on the train together. I wonder if Remus made Prefect again, too. I hope so because I don't want either of those toerags Potter or Black to have gotten it!"

"They've had way too many detentions for anybody to make them Prefects," Severus said.

"Dad and mum are taking me to Diagon Alley next week. Do you want to come with us?"

Severus nodded. "That would be fun even if we can't rent a room at the Leaky Cauldron and make wild, passionate love." He teased as Lily blushed. "But I have to say the idea's growing on me more and more."

Lily frowned. "I want to go into Muggle London and look at dresses for the Yule Ball. I wonder if I can do both."

"Speaking of which; Miss Evans, may I have the pleasure of your company for the Yule Ball?"

"You may, Mr. Snape," Lily replied in a haughty tone. They both cracked up.

The next week Hal, Rose, Lily, Severus, and surprisingly, Petunia took the Floo to the Leaky Cauldron. They went out in the courtyard and Severus tapped on the correct bricks with his wand, opening the passageway to Diagon Alley.

"I think I'll stop at Madam Malkin's first," Severus decided. He had more than enough money this year due to the fact of his mum receiving payments from her private potion clients and she'd had four potions she'd invented published in school textbooks and other regular potion books. He ordered four school robes and a winter robe for outdoors plus new Oxford shirts and new Slytherin ties. Madam Malkin took his measurements and promised they'd be done in two hours. He looked at new dress robes but couldn't decide on the color. Lily and Rose were more than happy to help him with that. Rose had been trying for years to get him out of his dark clothes and so far had only partially succeeded. "What about this sapphire blue robe, Sev?" Rose said holding the robe up to him. "It looks marvelous on you."

"I agree with Rose, Sev," Hal spoke up. He'd been watching with amusement while his wife and daughter tried to manage Severus' wardrobe. Petunia stood next to him, but so far, to everyone's surprise, she'd had nothing derogatory to say.

"It does, Sev. I'll have to beat the other girls off with a stick," Lily declared.

"Okay, I'll take it, but not to impress any other girls." Severus teased. He gave it to Madam Malkin to lengthen and paid her for the lot.

They went to Flourish & Blotts next door so Lily and Severus could get their textbooks. Hal loved visiting Diagon Alley and since he was a professor, he especially loved Flourish & Blotts and oftentimes had bought books so he and Rose could better understand their daughter's world.

He was standing perusing a book when somebody next to him cleared his throat. He glanced up and saw Charles Potter. He closed the book, nodded, and said, "Mr. Potter."

"Mr. Evans …"

"It's Professor Evans," Hal corrected him.

Charles ignored that and continued, "If I were you, sir, I would not allow my daughter to keep company with that Snape boy. It's well known around the school that he's a Death-Eater-in-training and my son's friend, Sirius, tells me he knew more dark magic coming into Hogwarts than most seventh years."

Sev's not anything like that," Hal replied coldly. "He told me he hates this You-Know-Who fellow and his followers. He hates how they've destroyed the reputation of his house. As to dark magic, I suspect he might have known some hexes because his mother probably taught them to him as a way to protect himself from his father who was extremely violent."

"James and Sirius told me these things and they don't lie," Charles said in an imperious tone.

"And neither does Sev," Hal said calmly. "Your son is the one who refuses to leave my daughter alone even though she's repeatedly spurned his advances and told him that she's dating Sev. He's and his friends continually harass and hurt Sev just because Lily chose him. If he continues to bother my daughter and Sev I'm going to be forced to talk with Headmaster Dumbledore."

"If she follows Snape onto the dark path, do not complain that you weren't warned," Potter huffed and strode off.

"Nosey old bastard!" Hal muttered then looked around guiltily hoping Rose was not anywhere close. He kept his eyes on Lily as she paid for her textbooks.

Severus had found a new potion's manual and was avidly looking through it when he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find a seventh-year Ravenclaw whom he'd briefly tutored a year ago. "I don't know if you remember me, Severus." Liam was tall, blond, blue-eyed and very good looking. Severus knew from listening to the Ravenclaw girls talking in class that he was considered quite the catch.

"I do; you're Liam Hollywell."

"I wanted to ask you if you could introduce me to Lily's friend. I find her very attractive, but she might be offended were I to just start talking to her without a proper introduction."

Severus looked over at Petunia. She was looking over Lily's shoulder and actually laughing at something Lily was showing her. She didn't look at all like her usual dour self.

"First off, Liam, Petunia's Lily older sister and she isn't a witch. Lily's Muggleborn. Second, Petunia's engaged, but if you still want to meet her, I'll be happy to introduce you."

"Well, I'll take your offer and if she tells me she's engaged and to shove off, I'll accept it, but I won't know unless I try." He laughed. "I'm Muggleborn, too." He shrugged. "I'm the only magical one in my family also."

"Good man," Severus encouragingly, clapping his shoulder. He walked over to where Lily and Petunia were standing. "Lily, Petunia, this is Liam Hollywell. He's in Ravenclaw house …"

"Actually I badgered Severus for an introduction," Liam interrupted. "Because I saw you and I find you very attractive and wanted to get to know you better."

Petunia looked shocked, but pleased. Liam was very good looking and he actually was interested in her and not just because he was using her just to get closer to Lily. She covertly slipped off her engagement ring and put it in her purse.

"Would you like to have an ice cream sundae with me at Fortescue's? You can tell me about yourself."

"That would be lovely," Petunia said, taking his arm. She turned back to Lily.

"I'll let mum and dad know where you're going, Tuney." Lily offered.

Petunia smiled and continued on her way. Severus smiled and continued reading the potions book he was holding while Lily went in search of her parents.

"Mr. Snape," He heard an imperious voice of Lucius Malfoy.

"Malfoy," Severus said not bothering to look up.

"Congratulations, I understand you got ten Outstandings in your OWLs …"

"How do you know what my grades are," Severus snapped, looking up at him.

"I have my sources as does the Dark Lord. As his right-hand man I can tell you he's very interested in you and when you do join with him you will have a very powerful and lucrative future." He looked over at Lily with an expression of extreme disgust. "Of course you'd have to get rid of the Mudblood or we can do it for you," He added with a shrug as if he was talking about squashing a bug.

Severus' wand was out and at Malfoy's throat in a flash as he said in a low, threatening voice, "I'm not interested in brewing potions to torture and kill people, Malfoy. You come near me or Lily ever again and you won't live to regret it!"

Malfoy looked shaken, but snapped, "You're going to regret your decision when the Dark Lord reigns and he will reign."

Severus sneered, "Not if I have anything to say about it, Malfoy!" He watched until Malfoy had stalked out the store before he put his wand away again.

Lily rushed over to him looking pale. "What did Malfoy want?"

"Nothing good as you can imagine," Severus muttered, as he went to pay for his textbooks and the potion book he'd been reading. He refused to say anything further on the subject. They went to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks for quills, ink, and parchment, Slug & Jiggers Apothecary to replenish their potion supplies then to Eeylops Owl Emporium to get some treats for their owls. Severus stopped to pick up his robes then they went to Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to pick up Petunia. They found her and Liam talking avidly.

"Tuney, do you want to help me find a dress for the Yule Ball?" Lily asked.

Petunia hesitated and Liam said, "Go along and help your sister. I'll send you an owl later." He promised as he stood up and introduced himself to Mr. and Mrs. Evans then said, "I've enjoyed talking with Petunia and I'm hoping we can do this again very soon."

Petunia blushed and smiled, "I'd enjoy that very much, Liam." He gave her a kiss on the cheek, grabbed his bags, and headed in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Sev and I will wait for you in the Leaky Cauldron," Hal said. As they settled at a table, Tom came over Hal ordered two Butterbeers. When they arrived, he took a sip of his and looked at Severus who was frowning at his untouched bottle. "What's gotten you upset, son?" He asked in a kindly voice. "Does it have anything to do with that fellow you pulled your wand on?

Severus nodded. "I feel like I need to take a shower!" He spat.

"Who is he?"

"Lucius Malfoy. The Malfoy's are one of the wealthiest wizarding families in Britain; they're very powerful and also big supporters of You-Know-Who." Severus paused. "He was the Slytherin Seventh year Prefect during my first year and he knew I was good at potions." He paused again with a pained look on his face. "He claims to be You-Know-Who's right hand man."

"Do you think he really is or he just wants you to think he is?" Hal asked

"I'd heard some of the would-be Death Eaters in my house bragging that Lucius had taken the Dark Mark and I have no reason not to believe them or him." Severus paused again then continued, "He knew what my OWL scores were and said You-Know-Who was very interested in me, but I'd need to get rid of Lily or they could do it for me." His eyes turned even darker with anger. "I told the motherfucker if he ever came near Lily or me again, he wouldn't live to regret it."

Hal took a deep breath. "Are you kids in any danger?"

"We'll be okay at Hogwarts. He can't get us there, but I am worried about mum, your family, and Robert

"What can we do to protect ourselves?"

"I can ask mum to put strong wards around your house."

Hal was quiet for a moment then Severus spoke softly, "I could break up with Lily to protect her. It'd be a knife in my heart, but I'd do it if it meant she'd be safe."

Hal shook his head. "It'd break her heart, Sev. She loves you and it's very obvious to me that you love her or this wouldn't be tearing at you as much as it is."

"I do love Lily, Mr. Evans, but it'd kill me if anything happened to her and I could have prevented it."

"I think you should discuss this with Lily and make this decision together." Hal advised.

"I know you're right," Severus replied taking a small sip of his butterbeer.

"I had a discussion in the bookstore with Mr. Potter and told him if his son didn't stop bothering Lily and you, I was going to have a talk with Headmaster Dumbledore."

Severus smiled slightly. "Bet he didn't take that well."

"No. He stalked off in a huff as if I'd implied his ancestors were Muggles." Hal said with a laugh.

Just then, Lily, Rose, and Petunia came into the Leaky Cauldron. Lily was carrying something encased in a zippered vinyl bag over her left arm.

"So, do I get a peek at your dress or do I have to wait until the Yule Ball?" Severus joked.

"Tuney helped me pick it out, but you'll have to wait," Lily teased. "Besides Christmas is only four months away."

Severus sighed. "I guess it'll be something to look forward to."

"Definitely!" Lily assured him. She was glad to see his mood had lightened considerably, but she was still worried about what had gone on between him and Lucius Malfoy. Whatever it was, it wasn't good if Sev had had to pull his wand out.

They flooed home and Severus took his things upstairs. He got out his trunk and neatly packed his new robes and books into it. He also carefully packed his quills, especially the peacock quill his mum had given him, so there was no danger of them being damaged. He finished fitting all the stuff into the trunk, and left it open for last minute stuff. He picked up the potion book he bought. It was called The Almanac of Medicinal Potions 1977. He was planning to ask Professor Slughorn if he and Lily could try brewing some of them. He put down the book and got up, worry about Lucius Malfoy still chewing at him. He cursed himself for losing his temper. Wouldn't the better course have been to give Malfoy the impression he was interested in what he had to say? Severus flopped down on his bed. Sometimes life really sucked!

Chapter 9

When Eileen got home from St. Mungo's Severus explained what had happened with Lucius Malfoy. "I didn't handle it well at all, Mum. Instead of using my common sense I let my stupid temper get the best of me, but when he threatened Lily …" He shook his head. "I lost it."

"I'll have to wait until it's dark to put up the wards, but we'll go over right now and explain them," Eileen assured him.

"Maybe you should owl Robert and tell him to do the same, just in case," Severus suggested.

Eileen nodded. "I'll do that." She wrote a short note, summoned Horatio, gave him the note, and sent him off with it."

"Mum, I need to go with you to see Professor Dumbledore. He needs to know You-Know-Who has a spy either in Hogwarts or on the board of governors. How else would Malfoy know my exact OWL scores? Nobody saw them except Lily and I had wards on my room so nobody could get in there except me or Slughorn."

"Yes, I agree you need to talk to Professor Dumbledore, Sev." Eileen said. They walked over to Lily's home. Hal, Rose, and Petunia were waiting for her. She sat down with them and explained what she would do and how it would affect them. "Anybody currently in this house will be able to get through the wards, as will owls, and people such as the postman, milkman and so forth, but anybody else will have to be taken through by a family member or they will be unable to get in."

Lily stood beside Severus as Eileen explained about the wards. She pulled on his hand and nodded towards the kitchen. He followed her. "Sev, why does my home suddenly need wards?" Lily demanded.

Severus dropped into a chair and ducked his head so that his hair was covering his face. "This is my fault. I thoroughly pissed Malfoy off."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Severus realized he couldn't hide what had happened with Malfoy from her or lie about it so he told her the entire scenario. "If I'd just kept my temper and played along with him, it would have been fine, but when he threatened you, I blew a gasket."

"Sev, I'm so sorry."

Severus took a deep breath then said, "Lily, maybe we should break up … we could have a big fight in the Great Hall. You could yell at me that you're fed up with my Death Eater sympathies. Avery, Rosier or the Lestranges will sure to take the news back to Malfoy …"

Lily suddenly exploded yelling, "Severus Tiberius Snape! You-Know-Who's destroyed enough lives and I'm not going to let him destroy ours, too!" She buried her face in his shoulder, crying heartbrokenly.

Severus' felt his eyes starting to water and buried his face in Lily's hair. "I'm sorry, Lily," He whispered. "I don't want to do it either, but it'd be a knife in my heart me if anything happened to you or your family. I don't mean to hurt you. I just want you to be safe. I love you!"

Lily lifted her head and looked him straight in the eyes. "And I love you! How do you think I'd feel if something happened to you, Sev? I'm not leaving you and I don't want to hear anymore about it!"

"Okay," Severus agreed. He smiled slightly. His Lily was a fighter and when she got her back up about something - watch out!

They were interrupted by an owl tapping at the closed kitchen window. Lily opened it and the owl flew in. It headed straight for the living room where Petunia was. Severus and Lily followed it in. It landed beside Petunia, who gave a frightened squeak, then stuck out its leg. "Lily, how do I get the note off?"

Lily showed her how to detach the note from the owl's leg without hurting him. While Petunia read her note, the owl sat patiently waiting. "Why doesn't …" She looked at the note again. "Aries fly away again?"

"He's been told to wait for a reply," Severus explained.

"Oh!" Petunia smiled. "I guess I'd better get him his answer so he can be on his way." She rushed upstairs with Lily at her heels.

Eileen looked questioningly at Severus who shook his head, indicating he'd tell her about it when they got home again. Petunia and Lily came back downstairs, talking, and giggling; Lily showed her how to attach the note to Aries's leg. He took off out the kitchen window.

"Dad and Mum, can we please go back to Diagon Alley tomorrow so we can get Tuney her own owl?" Lily pleaded.

"I don't think that will be a problem," Hal said with a smile.

Rose and Hal invited Severus and Eileen to stay for dinner. They accepted and after dinner as soon as it got dark, Eileen put up strong wards around the Evan's home. Severus felt more relaxed as he and his mother walked home that night. At least Lily and her family would be protected from any Death Eaters.

Horatio was waiting for Eileen with a note when they got home. She took the note from him and read it quickly. "Robert said he already has wards around his home because he's a registered Occlumens and Legilimens and not to worry about him." She assured Severus.

"Yeah, I'm sure You-Know-Who had one of his spies at the Ministry check that list."

"Now what's going on with Petunia? I noticed she wasn't wearing her engagement ring."

Severus chuckled and explained about Liam Hollywell. "He's a seventh year Ravenclaw I tutored in Potions last year. I did tell him Petunia wasn't a witch and that she was engaged, but he wanted to meet her anyway. I noticed Petunia ditched her engagement ring in her purse. She seems interested in Liam and he seems like a nice guy."

"Well, I couldn't help but notice she looked like a different person all of a sudden, and then when the owl came I couldn't believe she was interested in a wizard."

"I hope things work out there," Severus said. "Even though Tuney is sometimes mean to Lily and makes her cry, and Merlin knows I don't always get along with her, but I wouldn't want to see her hurt."

"It's good she may have an opportunity for a different life rather than the miserable one she'd most likely have with that Dursley boy." Eileen said.

Severus yawned and decided to go to bed. He gave his mum a kiss and thanked for putting up the wards to protect Lily and her family. He went upstairs to his bedroom and wrote out a short note to Lily telling her he was going with his mum to see Dumbledore then sent Aesculapius off with it. Lily sent a note back, inviting him to go with them to Diagon Alley tomorrow to help Petunia buy an owl. He wrote back accepting her invitation and gave it to his owl. "Take this to Lily and you needn't wait for a reply." He scratched the owl's head and he flew out the window.

The next morning after breakfast, Severus accompanied Lily and her family to Diagon Alley. He scanned the area around them. He'd stopped briefly at Ollivander's and purchased a wand holster that he wore on his left arm so he could now have his wand out in seconds. No more being caught without it or having it falling out of his pocket and out of his reach.

It didn't take Petunia long to find an owl she liked at Eeylops. She was a female barn owl that seemed to have a placid personality. "What are you going to call her, Tuney?" Lily asked.

"I think I'll call her Cassiopeia," Petunia decided.

"That's a good name for her," Severus said. They brought some owl treats for her. "They hunt their own food so there's no need to buy that, but it's good to give her a treat for delivering the mail." Severus explained

"Now you'll be able to owl me at school and I can owl you back," Lily said excitedly.

They flooed home and Severus was relieved that he'd had no more run-ins with Death Eaters. He and his mother went to Hogwarts, later in the week, to see Professor Dumbledore. Hagrid met them at the gate. "Mrs. Snape, Sevrus," He said and nodded. "Prfessor Dumbledore asked me to meet ya and escort ya up to his office."

"Thank you, Hagrid." Eileen said. They followed him upstairs. He gave the password to the Gargoyle and they swung out of the way. He knocked on the door of Dumbledore's office.

"Enter," Dumbledore called.

"Prfessor Dumbledore, Mrs. Snape and Sevrus to see ya."

"Thank you, Hagrid."

He motioned for them to it in the chairs in front of his desk. "Lemon drop?" He offered. They both politely refused his offer. Dumbledore was as usual garishly dressed in a bright purple robe decorated with magical symbols in emerald green. Severus had to wonder who his tailor was. They both must be color-blind.

Eileen spoke first and told Dumbledore about Severus' rhinoplasty.

"I did notice there was something different about you, my boy," He replied, his twinkling blue eyes closely examining Severus' face. "It looks good."

"Professor Dumbledore, I do not want to see Severus' new nose damaged by Potter and his cronies. I spoke with the Potters, Blacks and Pettigrew's this summer, but I don't believe they plan to do anything to control their sons."

"I'll keep a close eye on things, Eileen. There are going to be some major changes this year and I believe Professor Slughorn has some changes planned for Slytherin house also."

"What kind of changes, Professor?" Severus asked curiously.

Dumbledore smiled broadly. "Those, Severus, will be announced at the Welcoming Feast."

"Also, Professor, I'm going to need to take Severus to see Dr. Lockwood at least once a month which means he might be gone for a morning or an afternoon, depending. I don't know when he'll finally release Severus from his care, but it may not be until December at the earliest."

That's fine, Eileen. You can owl Professor Slughorn and I to let us know when Severus will need to be gone."

"There's something I need to tell you, Sir," Severus said speaking up. Dumbledore nodded and Severus explained about what had happened with Lucius Malfoy. "I don't know how he knew what my scores were because I was very careful not to let anybody of that persuasion know and I had wards on my room so nobody can get in except me and Professor Slughorn."

"So Mr. Malfoy tried to recruit you? We do have information that Voldemort is interested in you as you are the brightest potion student we've had in years and Tom Riddle, as I recall, was only average in Potions in spite of being Head Boy." Dumbledore did not explain who the "we" he mentioned was.

"Tom Riddle?"

"Yes, Severus, before he styled himself as Lord Voldemort, his name was Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"I guess not very many people know that," Severus ventured.

"I think a lot of people who did know have forgotten it in the wake of all the notoriety of Lord Voldemort. I will make sure none of his spies have any further access to student records."

"Sir, not to change the subject, but what do you know about Liam Hollywell? I know he's a Ravenclaw because I tutored him last year in Potions, but I don't really know anything about him. He's taken a fancy to Lily's sister, Petunia, and I just want to make sure he's okay … not a follower of Lord Voldemort's."

You don't have to worry. Liam's Muggleborn and I believe his father is a barrister and they live in London. In fact, I'm guessing you'll be having a lot more interaction with Mr. Hollywell this year, Severus." Dumbledore replied, popping a lemon drop into his mouth.

Eileen and Severus left and apparated home. "Why the hell does he have to be so mysterious all the time?" Severus complained.

"I'm upset that he knew You-Know-Who might be interested in you and didn't tell us," Eileen snapped.

"Me, too," Severus admitted with a shiver. The thought was not pleasant at all.

Before he went to bed that night, Eileen gave him three potion vials. "Sev, these are contraceptive potions. The one with the pink stopper is Lily's and the other is yours." She handed him a book entitled The Modern Wizard and Witches Guide to Contraceptive Potions. "The brewing instructions are in here and also how to take it."

"Okay, so what's this third vial for?"

"This is a morning-after potion should you forget these," Eileen replied. "Lily would need to take it. The brewing instructions for that are in there also."

"Mum, you know we're not planning …" Severus began.

"I know, Sev, but I also remember what being almost-seventeen is like." She smiled.

"Thanks Mum for looking out for us. A lot of parents would stick their heads in sand and not even bring the subject up until it was too late."

Sunday morning Severus was up early. He made sure all the last things minute things were packed into his trunk and put his school robes on the very top because he would need to change into them as soon as he got on the train and checked to make sure the Prefect's badge was pinned on it. He straightened up his room then took his trunk downstairs. He went back upstairs to get Aesculapius and set him on top of his trunk.

"Are you ready, Sev? The Evans will be here any minute." She gave her tall son an admiring glance then hugged him. "I'm going to miss you dreadfully, Sev."

"I'm going to miss you, too, Mum." He smiled then said. "You know I was thinking last night that you should take Robert to the cinema. I'll bet he's never seen a movie and he'd probably enjoy it."

"I may do that," Eileen replied as they heard a honk outside.

Hal was parked at the curb. He helped Severus load his trunk into the boot then got back in the front seat. Eileen surveyed the car. Both Petunia and Lily were sitting in the backseat and Lily had her owl cage on her lap. There was simply no room for two more people and another owl cage. "Hal, would you mind if I changed the inside of your car a bit?"

"No, because we're going to be packed like sardines otherwise and it's a long drive."

Eileen looked around to make sure no other Muggles were present then quickly cast an enlarging spell over the car. Although it looked no different on the outside, it was now roomier and would fit her, Severus, and his owl cage comfortably. They climbed into the backseat and Hal pulled away from the curb. They arrived at King's Cross and Hal parked the car while Severus and Lily went to get trolleys for their trunks. When everyone was ready, they went through the barrier onto Platform 9 and three quarters. Petunia looked around for Liam while Severus and Lily got on the train, found a compartment, stowed their trunks and owls then changed into their robes. They got off again into the melee of shouting students, squawking owls, meowing cats, and parents calling to their children. They spotted Lily's parents with Eileen and saw the back of Liam who was talking to Petunia. As Lily and Severus approached, Liam turned around to greet them and they saw the Head Boy badge pinned to his robe. "So that's why Dumbledore told me I'd be having a lot more interaction with Liam," Severus muttered to Lily.

"I see you've already changed and are ready for your assignments," Liam remarked crisply. "We'll be meeting in the Head carriage as soon as we get underway."

"Okay," Severus nodded. He wrapped his arm around Lily. "Let's see if we can find Remus, Frank, or Alice." The smoke from the engine made it hard to see, but they heard somebody shout, "Sev, Lily, back here." They turned and saw Remus, Alice, and Frank pushing their trolleys.

"We were just looking for you guys," Lily said. She gave a squeal and hugged Remus as she caught sight of the Prefect badge pinned to his robe. "I was hoping you'd get sixth year Prefect and not Potter or Black!"

"The Head Boy is a Ravenclaw, Liam Hollywell, but we don't know who the Head Girl is yet." Severus said. "We're meeting in the Head's compartment once we're underway."

Remus nodded. "I'll just get my trunk stowed."

"Lily, why don't you take them to our compartment and I'll wait out here," Severus said. He went to stand by his mum and Lily's parents. He saw Liam give Petunia a brief kiss then hurry over to the first carriage and get in. Petunia came over to where her parents stood. "Liam wants me to owl him," She said, her eyes sparkling. Severus couldn't recall her eyes ever sparkling like that with Dursley. She'd just looked manic with him.

Lily came up to him and took his hand. "We'd better get on the train, Sev."

Severus gave his mother a kiss and said goodbye to Lily's parents. Lily kissed her parents, Eileen and lastly Petunia and made her promise to owl her. Severus helped her get on the train then got on himself. As the train started moving out of the station, Severus and Lily waved until everybody was out of sight then they settled into the first carriage. Chea Chedewick, the other sixth year Slytherin Prefect came into the carriage. She nodded at Severus then suddenly she looked at him more closely. Remus came into the carriage and sat down. "Better watch yourself, Sev. James, Sirius, and Peter are on the warpath."

Severus sighed. "When are they not, Remus? What are they mad about now?"

"They think James should have been made a Prefect this year and captain of the Gryffindor team."

"They obviously forgot about that stack of detention cards in McGonagall's office," Severus remarked.

Remus studied him and commented, "Your nose looks pretty good today."

"Yeah, I must've slept right last night. It's hardly swollen today. Dr. Lockwood said it would probably be December before I'll be able to see what it's going to look like permanently."

Chea looked up and said, "I knew there was something different about you, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was."

Soon the carriage was full of both fifth, sixth, and seventh year Perfects. Liam called everybody to attention and introduced himself and the Head Girl, Julie Harris of Hufflepuff. He gave out their assignments and reminded them that they could always come to either him or Julie if they had any problems or questions.

Once they were done with their assigned patrolling, Severus, Lily and Remus went back to their compartment where Alice and Frank were waiting. Severus flopped down on the seat and stretched out his long legs, loosening his tie.

Lily slid down into the seat next Severus and kicked off her shoes with a groan then put her feet up into his lap. He reached down and picked up one of her shoes. "Why on earth would you want to wear these …what do you call this style?"

"Platform," Alice supplied.

"Right. They must be hideously uncomfortable." Severus began massaging her feet and Lily gave a deep sigh. "I wear them because they make me taller." She sighed again. "That feels really good, Sev."

Frank grinned and said to Severus, "You know mum really enjoyed having your mum over for tea. She thinks your mum is outstanding."

"Mum enjoyed it, too. She said she thought your mum was intelligent and her own person. She enjoyed being able to discuss current events with her."

"Well she's definitely her own person," Frank laughed. "I wonder who we'll have for Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. The teachers never last more than a year for some strange reason and it's a wonder we've been able to learn what were supposed to learn with a different teacher every year."

"No idea, but I expect Professor Dumbledore will announce it at the feast tonight along with his other planned changes."

"What other changes?" Remus asked.

Severus explained what Dumbledore had said to him earlier in the week. "He said Professor Slughorn had some changes for Slytherin house, too."

"Maybe he's finally going to do something about those Death Eater wanabees," Frank said.

"Possibly, but I'm not holding my breath," Severus replied.

"Did you buy your dress for the Yule Ball?" Alice said to Lily.

"Yup, it's right there," Lily said, pointing to the vinyl zippered bag hanging underneath her trunk.

"I got mine, too. Mum shrunk it for me so I could fit it inside my trunk."

Severus pointed at Lily's shoes. "I think I'd put on different shoes were I you, Lily, not that I mind massaging your feet and all."

"You're probably right, Sev," Lily said frowning at her shoes. "Will you get my trunk down for me?"

"Sure," Severus said. Although Lily's trunk looked the same size as all the trunks on the outside, Severus knew she'd had his mum cast an enlarging spell over it so she could fit all her shoes into it. "Accio Lily's trunk." He floated it down on the seat.

"Thanks, Sev." She smiled, unlocked it, and dug around until she found a pair of low-heeled pumps. She put them on then smiled. "Definitely more comfortable." She put the other shoes back in then shrank the vinyl zippered bag, containing her Yule Ball dress, and put that in her trunk. "Okay, Sev, you can put it back on the rack."

"Mobilitrunk," Severus said maneuvering her trunk back on top of the rack then said, "Accio Severus' trunk." He floated his down, opened it, and got out the new potions book he's bought then relocked and floated his trunk back up to the rack.

"What's that, Sev?" Lily asked pointing at his book.

"It's a new potion's book I bought in Flourish & Blotts last week. I wonder if Slughorn might let us brew some of these potions. It'd be good practice for us."

"The Almanac of Medicinal Potions 1977," Lily read aloud. "I'm sure he'd let us. We are his best potions student after all and it would be good practice for after Hogwarts."

"It's got all the newest potions. Mum buys a copy of this every year."

"You mean good practice for Potions College and healer training?" Alice asked.

"Yes," Severus replied with a nod of his head. "I've decided after I'm a certified Potions Master I want to work in the Potion's Research department at St. Mungo's."

"Eileen friend, Robert Saxon who's a Master Healer at St. Mungo's was telling me about the course of studies to become a Master Healer," Lily said.

"Is he a romantic friend?" Alice asked.

"No, they're more like companion friends for now. Mum wants to take it slow and be careful …"

"She'd better be," Potter's voice said. He, Black and Pettigrew crowded into the compartment. "We certainly don't want any other greasy little Snivellus' running around!" Black and Pettigrew crowed with laughter.

"Damn!" Lily muttered. "I forgot to charm the door so they couldn't get in."

"You're lucky I'm a Prefect and have to set an example for the younger students or else you'd be a smelly pile of crap right now." Severus sneered. "Of course it wouldn't take much, you're halfway there already."

"Well, I'm not a Prefect so there's nothing stopping me from turning the three of you into piles of crap. The only problem is you'd stink so bad we'd probably all die from the smell!" Frank said, pulling out his wand. He grinned at Severus. "Consider yourself lucky you're in Slytherin and have never been in the middle of one of their fart letting contests."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Whew! I thought I was going to throw up that last time!"

"Eww! Gross!" Lily and Alice both exclaimed.

James cast an angry look at Frank. "Did Snivellus introduce you to You-Know-Who over the summer? Maybe, you're ready to join up with him, too."

"Going to try hexing me, Frank?" Sirius sneered.

"And me," Peter peeked out from behind Sirius.

"I don't know You-Know-Who so I can't very well introduce him to anybody, Potter," Severus said in a bored tone, glancing up from his book. "Why don't you go find somebody else to bother?"

Lily stormed past them to the door and threw it open. "Get out of here and leave us alone, Potter!"

"See you later, Evans!" James smirked, slouching out with Sirius and Peter following him.

"Not if I can help it!" Lily snapped angrily and slammed the door shut so hard the glass shook. She cast a charm on the door so they'd be unable to come back in. "Stupid arrogant toerags!" She sat down again close to Severus.

"Don't let them wind you up, Lily, they're not worth it," Severus said, pulling her close to him and gently rubbing her shoulders.

"I know," She said then grinned. "I wish I'd thought to ask them how they liked cleaning toilets all summer without magic."

They spent the rest of the journey, between patrols, playing exploding snap, eating chocolate frogs and trading the cards. It had been raining when they got off the train at the Hogsmeade station and was chilly, drippy, and windy.

"First yrs!" Hagrid's voice called out of the gloom. "All first yrs over here to me!"

"Let's find a carriage, Sev." Lily said, shivering a bit in the wind. "I pity those poor first years having to come across by boats in this weather."

As they looked for an empty carriage, James Potter stuck his head out the window of one and yelled, "Hey Evans, you're welcome to share this carriage, but Snivellus can share a carriage with his Death Eater buddies."

"I'd rather swim across the lake to Hogwarts than share a carriage with you, Potter!" Lily snapped. They found a carriage two up from Potter's that was empty and scrambled into it and were joined shortly by Frank, Alice and Remus and Missy LeClair, the sixth year Ravenclaw Prefect, Remus' friend, and his partner in Potions.

Lily was so glad when they arrived at the castle. She kissed Severus at the door of the Great Hall then she, Remus, Frank, and Alice headed to the Gryffindor table while Severus went to the Slytherin table and Missy headed to the Ravenclaw table.

Severus sat down at a place at the end of the table nearest the High Table. He had a good view of Lily from where she sat at the Gryffindor table. He opened his potions book and began to read. Suddenly he felt someone shove him hard in the back and Avery leaned down and whispered menacingly, "Lucius sends his regards."

"I'm shaking in my boots," Severus sneered.

"You will be!" Avery threatened. He noticed Professor Dumbledore had seated himself at the High Table and might overhear him so he left and seated him by Rosier, Lestrange, Crabbe, and Goyle. Great! Not only did he have to deal with the three stooges this year, but a bunch of arsehole would-be Death Eaters, too!

"No Potter I will not go to Hogsmeade, the Yule Ball or anywhere else with you!" Lily yelled suddenly. The whole room quieted down. "I like my men tall, dark, sexy, and intelligent and you don't qualify on any of those four counts!"

Severus quickly ducked his head so nobody could see he was laughing. Lily had just humiliated Potter in front of the entire school!

Luckily, the doors to the Great Hall swung open at that moment, providing a distraction, as the first years, led by McGonagall, walked in. Hagrid came in behind them and took his place at the High Table.

Severus estimated there were at least sixty first-years. He listened as Professor McGonagall explained how they would be sorted into their houses then she began calling their names. By the time the sorting was done, Slytherin house had gained fifteen new members. He didn't recognize any of the names so they weren't from pureblood families or families that publicly followed Voldemort. He reasoned that most of them were probably Half-bloods or Muggleborns. While that would a crimp in the Voldemort recruitment attempts, it would mean a lot of possible hexing by Avery and his buddies.

His attention was turned back to the High Table when Dumbledore said, "Now that you're all happily sorted in to your houses; let the feast began!"

Mountains of food appeared on each table and Severus suspected Madam Pomfrey would be administering a lot of stomach soothers later on to first-years who had over-eaten. He remembered his first feast and he'd done exactly that. He filled his plate and returned to reading his potions book, one hand propped under his chin. When the desserts appeared on the table, he took a slice of chocolate cake.

Once the desserts had disappeared, Professor Dumbledore stepped up to a podium that had suddenly appeared in front of the High Table. "Now that we're all adequately fed and watered I have a few announces to make."

All the talking in hall ceased and the majority of the students gave their full attention to Professor Dumbledore.

"First off I'd like to welcome our newest students. You are beginning one of the most exciting adventures in your lives and we wish you all good luck!" Everybody clapped. "I'd also like to welcome back our returning students and hope they've made room in their heads this summer for all the things they'll be learning this year." He paused then continued. "I'd like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Gregory Gorshawk."

Professor Gorshawk stood up and gave a slight bow then seated himself again. Everybody clapped to welcome him.

Next I liked to introduce our Head Boy and Head Girl for this school year, Mr. Liam Hollywell of Ravenclaw, and Miss Julie Harris of Hufflepuff." There was a spate of polite clapping as they both stood up.

"I have some beginning of term notices. The Dark Forest is banned to all students. The only exception will be sixth and seventh year potion students, but only if their accompanied by Professor Slughorn, Professor Gorshawk, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, or myself." Professor Dumbledore paused then continued, "All products from Zonko's Joke Shop are banned. Mr. Filch, our caretaker, has a list of banned objects on his office door should you wish to know what they are." He paused again then muttered, "Evanesco," and the podium vanished. Dumbledore walked down and stood directly in front of the four house tables. "Over the summer I've decided on some new policies. In light of the wizard who styles himself as Lord Voldemort …"

There were frightened gasps and exclamations from the students and some very loud, threatening hisses from the Slytherin table. Dumbledore held up his hand and continued, "He styles himself as Lord Voldemort, but his real name is Tom Riddle and from now on when I speak of him that is how I will refer to him!" Again, there was loud chatter, exclamations and hissing and again Dumbledore held up his hand for silence. When the hall quieted down again he said, "Riddle has gift for splitting people up, for turning them against one another and I will not allow that to happen at Hogwarts. Starting tomorrow morning, there will no longer be house tables. Students may sit wherever they please." There were gasps, exclamations, hisses and some loud boos which appeared to be coming from the Gryffindor table. "In addition," Dumbledore said loudly, "We've never had a Parents Day and the parents of the Muggleborn students have never been able to visit Hogwarts. This is going to change this year. I haven't worked out all the details, but I will let you know when I have. There were loud hisses at that announcement that came from the Slytherin table. "Finally, in previous year's, students who were dating people outside of Hogwarts have asked me if they could be invited to the Yule Ball and I have had to regretfully refuse their requests, but this year they will be able to invite them, and speaking of the Yule Ball, it will be held on December 18th this year." He looked around then said, "Now, it's time for everybody to slip into their warm beds, and get a good night's sleep so you're ready to work hard tomorrow. Mr. Snape, Miss Evans, if you would stay for moment, please."

Lily looked across the room at Severus who shrugged. She noticed Potter was walking very slowly as he left the hall. It was obvious he wanted to know what Dumbledore wanted with them. They both walked up front and waited for Dumbledore to finish talking to Professor Slughorn and Professor McGonagall. Dumbledore escorted them into an antechamber off the Great Hall.

"Are we in trouble, Professor?" Lily asked worriedly.

"Nothing of the sort, Miss Evans. I have an assignment for you and Mr. Snape. Madam Pomfrey is constantly complaining to me that she's short of the medicinal potions and salves that she needs to properly care for the students. Professor Slughorn does not like to brew them as often as she feels he should. You two are our top Potion students and what I'm proposing is that under Professor Slughorn's supervision, you will brew whatever salves and potions Madam Pomfrey requires. You will get extra credit for it and will be paid for it; how does two gallons each a week sound?"

"Sounds fine to me," Severus said. "Lily?" She nodded.

"I'll tell Madam Pomfrey to expect you tomorrow. She'll provide you with the list of her medicinal requirements."

Severus and Lily walked down the hall to the main staircase. "This isn't going to leave us a lot of time to be together," Severus said.

"I know, Sev." Lily replied, squeezing his hand. "We'll just have make time is all."

At the bottom of the staircase, they kissed passionately for a moment then broke apart as they heard someone coming. "See you tomorrow, Lily." He headed down to the dungeon, wondering if Slughorn's meeting was about the changes Dumbledore mentioned. All the rest of house was sitting in the common room when Severus came through the entrance.

"Severus, my boy," Slughorn called jollily. "We can get started now." Slughorn began to explain about the new policy he'd devised where sixth and seventh year Slytherin's were going to be mentoring the first year members. Slughorn called out one first year name then a sixth or seventh year name. Severus got a first year named Paul Reisdorph. He couldn't help but notice none of the Death Eater wanabees were assigned a first year.

"No political discussions of any kind will be permitted in the common room. No name-calling will be permitted. Anybody having a discussion or bothering anybody else about their politics will be given detention, and unless you enjoy scrubbing out cauldrons, I suggest you heed these new rules. You may, however, still discuss them among yourselves in your dorm rooms." Slughorn explained. Severus glanced around the common room and noticed for the first time that it had been redecorated. It was now painted a lighter green, the skulls, formerly decorating the room, were gone, and the lighting had been vastly improved so that it no longer seemed dark and forbidding. Severus abruptly realized Slughorn had finished talking.

"Professor, if you don't mind, could have the Prefects and the first years stay for a few minutes more, please." Marc Taylor, the seventh year Prefect requested.

"Certainly, my boy; the floor is yours." He turned. "Everybody else may go."

"Okay, thanks Professor." Marc said. He turned to the first years. "I'm Marc Taylor and this is Sarah Clarke. We're your seventh year Prefects. On my right are Severus Snape and Chea Chedewick, your sixth year Prefects. On my left are Edwin Bathe and Gwendolyn Ainsworth who are your fifth year Prefects. If you have any problems at all you can come to any of us for assistance or if you feel more comfortable going to Professor Slughorn, that fine, too. You don't have to put up with anybody bullying you, or threatening you. There are, unfortunately, older students who think it's funny to hex first years. If anybody's doing that to you don't try to handle yourself, let us know and we'll put a stop to it." He dismissed them so they could find their rooms, get unpacked, and get to bed.

Severus was pleased to see he had the same room he'd had the previous year. Paul was already there, unpacking his trunk. He was blond with blue eyes, fair skin with pink cheeks and a bit on the chubby side. He reminded Severus of a picture of cherubs he'd once seen. "So where are you from, Paul?"

"Southampton, Severus," He replied.

"Call me, Sev. Only the professors call me Severus. I'm from around Manchester. My mum's a witch, but my father was a Muggle."

"My parents are both non-magical. My dad's a postman and my mum's a teacher. They were ever so surprised when Professor Flitwick delivered my Hogwarts letter, but they always knew I could do unusual things."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"I'm the oldest, but I have two younger sisters who are six and seven. What about you, Sev?"

"I'm an only child." Severus answered as he got up. "Paul, I'm putting wards up in this room to keep certain kinds of people out, but you'll be able to get through them without any problems."

"You mean like those five guys who were sitting in the back of the room during the meeting; the ones that hissed at Professor Dumbledore?"

"Those would be the ones," Severus replied. "They took offense at me because I don't want to join in with their big buddy, Tom Riddle."

They're dangerous, huh?" Paul asked wide-eyed. "And they probably don't like Muggleborns."

"Yes to both. I'd stay as far away from them as possible."

They got ready for bed. "Nox," Severus said using his wand to extinguish the lights. He fell asleep, but suddenly he was awake and he didn't know why. He looked around the room, but didn't see anything. It was then he heard sniffling coming from the other bed. "Lumos," He said and waved his wand to bring up the lights, got out of bed, drawing on his robe as he did so.

"Paul, are you okay?" He was worried that he might be suffering from an upset stomach from overeating. "Are you feeling sick?"

"No … I'm not sick, Sev."

"Ah! Homesick, I'll bet."

"A little," He admitted shamefully.

"Don't worry. I think probably every first year that's ever gone here has suffered from homesickness the first weeks." He never had; he'd just felt relieved that his father couldn't beat the crap out of him with his belt whenever the mood struck him.

"Sev, what if I can't find my way to my classes. What if I can't learn what they're teaching me?"

"You'll be fine, Paul. The teachers know the castle's huge and it takes time to learn your way around it. They won't take away house points or give you detention for being late to class and everybody gets lost at least once during the first weeks. If you do get lost, you can always ask one of the ghosts for help. Sir Nicholas, the Gryffindor ghost and the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost are particularly helpful to first years. Our ghost, the Bloody Baron, spends most of his time moaning and rattling his chains around the Astronomy Tower. Bit of a bloody bore that one. Don't ask Peeves for anything. Even for a poltergeist he's a complete arse." Severus said with a laugh. "As for classes, if you're having problems with any subjects, let me know and I'll be happy to help you or I'll find somebody who can."

Paul took a deep breath and smiled then said, "I feel a lot better, Sev, thanks."

You're welcome, Paul. Goodnight." Severus replied then whispered, "Nox," to extinguished the lights with his wand and quickly fell asleep again.

Chapter 10

The sound of his alarm clock woke him at 7:00 am. He looked over at Paul's bed and saw he was already gone. He felt like somebody had hexed his eyelids shut. He stumbled into the bathroom and took a cold shower than got dressed. It was after eight when he finally emerged from his room, carrying his book bag. He entered the common room and stopped short when he saw Paul was sitting on the couch, reading one of his textbooks. "What time did you get up?"

I got up at six. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time."

"Come along then. I'll show you the shortest way to get to the Great Hall." By the time they arrived in the hall, breakfast was just getting underway.

"Sev," Lily called. "Over here!" Severus smiled and headed towards the Gryffindor table. He'd forgotten about Dumbledore's new policy.

"Can I sit with you, Sev?" Paul asked. "I don't want to sit over there with them." Severus knew he meant Avery, Rosier, Lestrange brothers, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Sure, don't blame you. They're a pretty ugly lot mornings, afternoons, or evenings!" Severus sat down next to Lily. There was a loud gagging noise from further down the table which Severus figured was from Potter or one of his cronies. He ignored it.

"Who's your friend, Sev?" Lily asked.

"Oh sorry, rude of me," Severus apologized. "This is my roommate Paul Reisdorph. He's a first-year. Paul this is my girlfriend, Lily Evans."

"Gosh! You're pretty!" Paul said then turned bright red.

"It's okay, Paul, I happen to think she's pretty, too." Severus said with a smile.

Lily smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Paul. Good luck on your first day."

"Nice to meet you, Lily, and thanks," He said, turning red again. He concentrated on eating his breakfast.

They were soon joined by Alice, Frank, and Remus. Severus couldn't help but notice that he and Paul were the only silver and green ties in a sea of red and gold ones. After breakfast, Paul went to his first class. "Good luck," Severus called.

"Thanks, Sev."

"Poor kid woke up in the middle of the night panicking he wouldn't be able to find his way to his classes and that he was going to fail them all."

"What did you do?"

"I told him the teachers know the castle's huge and they don't expect first years to know their way around. I told him everybody gets lost at least once during the first week …"

"We did," Lily giggled.

"I remember," Severus laughed. "I thought we were going to be lost forever!"

"Fortunately, the Fat Friar found us and showed us where to go."

"Anyway, I told him if he did get lost, the ghosts were always around to help him. I told him Sir Nicholas and the Fat Friar were particularly helpful to first years, but not to ask Peeves anything. I told him I'd help him if didn't understand something or I'd find him somebody who could."

He looked up as Professor Slughorn came over. "Mr. Snape, since you received ten Outstandings, you're cleared to continue at NEWT levels for all ten subjects."

"Professor, I want to continue at NEWT levels for everything except Astronomy, History of Magic, and Care of Magical Creatures."

"Good choices, my boy." Slughorn tapped his wand on a piece of parchment then gave Severus his class schedule.

Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall was sorting out Lily's classes. She also had gotten ten Outstandings and she was cleared to continue in all ten subjects, but like Severus, chose to continue in seven. McGonagall tapped a piece of parchment then handed it to Lily. "There you go, Lily."

Severus and Lily walked past James and Sirius who were still waiting for McGonagall. "Can't believe Snivellus got ten Outstandings, Padfoot," James said in a loud voice.

"Yeah, Prongs, smarmy git must have cheated someway."

Severus stopped, looked at James and Sirius. "No, Potter, I got ten Outstandings because I'm intelligent and I studied hard." He took Lily's hand and they walked out into the entranceway and stopped to compare schedules. As it turned out, they had exactly the same schedules and even had the same free periods. "This is great, Lily. We can spend a lot of time together."

"I'm so happy, Sev, I was worried we wouldn't ever see each other except when we're doing our elective brewing."

"Me, too! I had nightmares I was going to be stuck in class with only Potter, Black, and Pettigrew for company," He laughed. "We need to stop by the hospital wing during our free period and get the list of the medicinals Madam Pomfrey needs us to brew for her. After that we can go by the kitchen and talk to the elves."

Severus and Lily's first four classes were Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Arithmancy followed by their free period then lunch. Madam Pomfrey saw them as they walked in and raised her hands in thanks. She gave them a long list of potions and salves she needed them to brew. Severus looked over the list and saw that the majority of them were ones his mum had taught them over the summer. "You're in luck, Madam Pomfrey, mum's already taught Lily, Remus, and me how to brew most of these."

"Good! Professor Slughorn seems more interested in brewing his social life than my medicinal potions." The Medi-Witch complained.

"We'll get them to you as soon as were done brewing them," Lily promised.

Madam Pomfrey sighed. "That's all I ask."

They entered the entrance hall; Severus took hold of Lily's hand and turned right, went through a door and into a long hallway then stopped in front of a huge picture of a fruit bowl. He tickled the pear in the picture and it giggled then turned into a door handle. Severus pulled it open. "After you, Milady," He said bowing.

Lily laughed and did a pretend courtesy. "Thank you, Milord."

As they walked in, the elves squealed with pleasure and crowded around Severus legs. He stooped down so he didn't appear so tall to them.

"Mr. Severus, we has missed you and we is glad you is back!" One of the elves said. Severus looked up at Lily. "Lily, this is Cissy, she's the head elf here. Cissy, this is my girlfriend, Lily."

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Lily," Cissy said shyly.

Lily bent down and took Sissy's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Cissy. It's so nice to meet the ones who cook us such wonderful meals."

Sissy's ears flapped excitedly. "Thank you, Miss Lily. We is the luckiest elves of all because we gets to work at Hogwarts!"

"Cissy, I have a question for you," Severus said. "Lily and I need somewhere to study where it's quiet because our common rooms are too noisy and the library's too crowded sometimes. Would you know of any room in Hogwarts we could use where we wouldn't be bothered by other people?"

Again, Sissy's ears flapped excitedly. "Yes, Mr. Severus. Cissy knows of a room. Cissy has heard it called the Come and Go room because the room is there then not there, but it is also called the Room of Requirement."

Severus looked at Lily. "Where's this room located, Cissy?"

"I can show Mr. Severus and Miss Lily," She offered.

"That would be fantastic, Cissy." He got up.

"Is you coming back, Mr. Severus?" A tiny elf asked in a hopeful tone.

"I'll probably be back before curfew, Blinky. You know me. I have hollow legs and I'm always hungry."

The elves all laughed and said goodbye as Cissy took hold of Lily's hand and Severus' hand. Suddenly they were no longer in the kitchen, but in another part of the castle. "Where we are we?" Severus asked.

We is on the seventh floor, Mr. Severus."

"The Fat Lady is right around the corner," Lily said.

Cissy pointed to the wall opposite them. "Cissy has heard the room is right here. Mr. Severus and Miss Lily needs to walk back and forth three times and think about what they wants it for and it appears."

"So we just walk back and forth three times thinking we want a place to study," Severus said looking at Lily. "Let's try it shall we?" Severus and Lily walked back and forth three times when suddenly a door appeared. Cissy squeaked excitedly then said, "Mr. Severus and Miss Lily has found the room so Cissy will return to the kitchen where she is needed."

"Thanks for your help, Cissy," Severus called. He pulled open the door and went in. "Wow, this is nice." Lily peeked underneath his arm. The room was good sized and was decorated like a suburban living room with a plush looking couch with a coffee table in front of it and two comfortable looking armchairs. There was even a working fireplace. Severus flopped down on the couch and stretched out. "Wow! This is really comfy!"

"Move over, Sev," Lily said prodding him. He sat up and she sat down beside him. "Boy this is nice."

He put his arm, pulled her close, and kissed her. Lily kissed him back. They kissed intently for a few minutes then Severus looked at his watch and said, "Crap! It's nearly lunch time."

"We could skip it," Lily suggested.

"Only if you don't mind listening to my stomach growl all through Ancient Runes and Potions." Severus joked. He got up and pulled Lily to her feet. "We can always come back here now that we know about it. It sounds like very few people ever run across it." He frowned. "I wonder if it shows up on that damn map of Potter's."

Lily shook her head. "I think since you have to request it to appear, it's probably unplottable. I suspect once we go inside, the door disappears again. Even if he did know of its existence he probably couldn't get in because we'd be using it."

Severus chuckled. "Yeah I can see Potter marching back and forth thinking show me a place where Snivellus and Lily are having sex because you know that's what he'd be thinking!"

"Hopeless git!" Lily snapped.

"By the way, I liked how you embarrassed him last night. I had to duck my head so he wouldn't catch me laughing and hex the crap out of me."

Well, what I said was true. I do like my men tall, dark, sexy, and intelligent." She teased, running her hand through his thick raven black hair."

As they walked out into the hall, they turned and watched as the door to the room faded from view. Lily stopped at Gryffindor Tower to exchange her books for the books she'd need for afternoon classes. When she came out again they walked downstairs to the Great Hall.

"You never told me what changes Slughorn made in your house," Lily remarked.

"Well, he set up a mentoring program. The sixth and seventh years will be mentoring the first-years. Paul is my first year."

"He didn't give Avery and them anybody did he?"

"No. He told us we're forbidden to discuss politics, code word for Tom Riddle, in the common room and anybody who discussed politics or threatened, or pressured another person about their beliefs, would get detention. Avery, Lestrange, Rosier, Crabbe, and Goyle are all sharing a dorm. He's got them pretty isolated."

"That's how you contain an infection," Lily remarked.

"Slughorn redecorated our common room, too. Remember how I described it to you?"

Lily shuddered. "I remember you said there were skulls decorating the fireplace mantle and on the walls."

"Those are gone. He painted the room a lighter green and the lighting's much brighter than previously. He replaced the black leather furniture with comfortable furniture, in a shade of green, of course. It looks much more inviting now."

"It sounds as if he really making an effort to let the Death Eaters know they aren't welcome."

"Yeah, and I really didn't think he had the balls to do it."

They entered the hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. There was a loud, pronounced gagging sound from father down the table. "Sounds like Potter has something caught in his throat," Severus said mischievously. He looked around the hall.

"Who are you looking for, Sev?"

"I was just wondering where Paul … there he is sitting at the Ravenclaw table. I'm going over for a minute and ask how his morning went."

Lily watched as Severus strode over to the Ravenclaw table where Paul was sitting and stoop down next to him, chatting with him for a few moments then he came back and sat down again next to Lily.

"How's he doing?"

"Good. He said he got lost once, but he remembered what I'd told him and asked Sir Nicholas for help and he showed him the way." Severus said. "He's made some friends with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff first years so that's good."

Lily leaned a close to him and whispered, "Sev, I think you're going to make a wonderful father."

Severus laughed then said, "Lily, this is an eleven year-old kid not a baby."

"Don't sell yourself short, Sev," Lily said.

They finished lunch and before, he left the hall, Severus stopped to talk to Professor Dumbledore then came back to where Lily stood waiting for him. "I asked Dumbledore if it was alright if Remus helped with our brewing. I told him mum had been teaching the three of us this summer. He said it was fine with him." Remus was in their next class, Ancient Runes, but Potter, Black and Pettigrew weren't. He only had two classes where he was free of them. Remus was sitting on the other side of Lily so Severus leaned across her to explain what Dumbledore had asked them to do. "I asked Dumbledore if you could help us and he said it was fine. Most of the list Madam Pomfrey gave us are potions my mum taught us this summer."

Remus seemed overwhelmed by Severus' gesture. "I'd be glad to help you and Lily out."

"Great! If Lily and you don't have any other plans, maybe we can start tonight. I'll check with Slughorn to see if the potions lab is free. No detentions or anything."

During their last free period, Severus and Lily decided to go to the library and do their homework so they could start brewing that night. A return visit to the secret room would have to wait.

Lily, Remus, Alice, and Frank walked back to Gryffindor tower after their last class, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked.

"Golden Goddess," Lily supplied.

"Thank you for the compliment, my dear," the Fat Lady said and swung open, allowing them entrance.

"Who thought up such a dumb password?" Frank complained, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know since we get them from the Head Boy and Girl, but I don't know where they get them." Remus said. "Probably from Dumbledore, I imagine."

They settled on the comfy couch and squishy armchairs in the Gryffindor common room. "It's too bad Dumbledore didn't open up all the common rooms to other houses then Sev could study with us." Frank remarked.

"I don't think there's an actual rule against it," Alice said. "It's just that nobody's ever tried it."

"Sev wouldn't be comfortable here. Potter and his cronies would make sure of that. You saw how they booed last night when Dumbledore made the announcement about the house tables. At breakfast and lunch they made those disgusting gagging noises when Sev sat down." Lily stated bitterly.

"I don't understand why they don't like him and he's not a Death Eater so why do they keep saying he is?" Frank asked.

"Because Potter's jealous that Sev and Lily are together. He jealous because Sev is much more intelligent than he is. He jealous because he looks like a runt next to Sev and since Sev's had that nose surgery, he looks absolutely gorgeous, and now he has that deep sexy voice, too," Alice explained.

"You figured all that out, Alice?" Remus said with a smile.

Lily was sitting in an armchair facing away from the portrait hole, reading her Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook assignment, a chapter on casting nonverbal spells. Suddenly her eyes were covered by somebody's hands and a voice said, "Guess who, Evans?"

"Get your hands off me, Potter, you toerag!" Lily snapped. His hands slid off her eyes, and down to her shoulders. "Awe, come on, Evans, you let that greasy Death Eater, get his hands all over you!" His hands slid lower until they were actually on her breasts.

"I'm warning you, Potter, take your hands off me, or suffer the consequences!" He made no move to comply so Lily twisted out of his grasp, pulled out her wand, and said, "Comburoirrito!" and flicked it at Potter. Suddenly James started shrieking, running around the room madly trying to scratch his back with one arm and his bum with the other arm.

"What did you do to James, you little bitch!" Sirius demanded, attempting to grab hold of Lily's wand hand. "Take that curse off him!"

"Wrong move, Padfoot," Remus muttered.

Lily pulled her hand away from Sirius. "Comburoirrito!" She flicked her wand at Sirius. He started running around the room howling, one hand frantically scratching at his crotch, the other his bum.

"Eww! Gross!" Alice exclaimed loudly.

Frank and Remus were laughing so hard they were practically in tears. Suddenly a stern voice said. "What in Merlin's beard is going on in here, Miss Evans? I can hear the ruckus out in the hallway, and what on earth is wrong with Potter and Black?" Professor McGonagall stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at Lily, Frank, Alice, and Remus.

"I'm sorry, Professor, Potter had his hands on me and I told him twice to remove them and he wouldn't so I had to defend myself. Black tried to grab my wand so he got the same, Professor. I was taught that spell this summer."

McGonagall looked as if she were trying to hide a smile. "Oh yes, I thought I recognized it. I believe Eileen used it once or twice as a student. Please do the counter-spell and let me deal with them, Miss Evans."

Lily nodded. "Relevo!" She flicked her wand at both James and Sirius and they fell in a heap on the floor. "If I have to serve detention, Professor, that's fine, but I won't allow anybody to manhandle me!"

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, my office immediately," She ordered them. They followed her out, both shooting nasty glares at Lily.

Lily flopped down into one of the squishy armchairs again and sighed worriedly. "I suppose they'll take out their anger at me on Sev." She got up. "I'd better warn him."

"Except you won't be able to get into Slytherin because you don't know their password," Remus pointed out.

"Damn! I forgot that." She slumped back down into the chair. "Well, it's almost time for dinner so I can warn Sev then." A thought struck her and she turned to Remus and Frank. "Do you know where Potter keeps that damn map of his? I know he's uses it to track Sev so he can attack him easier. If I could get it and hide it somewhere he wouldn't have that advantage."

He usually keeps it in his trunk, I think," Frank answered.

Lily's green eyes sparkled. "Let's find out!"

They all ran upstairs to Frank and Remus's dorm room. "Okay, James's bed is over there." Remus said. "And there's his trunk."

Lily went over to his trunk and tried to open it and to her surprise, it was unlocked. She rummaged around inside it and finally found the map. "I got it!" She closed James trunk again.

"Where are you going to hide it?" Alice asked.

"I'll hide it under my mattress," Lily decided.

"But won't the house elves find it when they make your bed and return it to Potter?" Alice said.

"That map's a complete secret so they won't know it belongs to James," Remus said.

"I'll tell Cissy anyway and ask her to tell the elves that clean Gryffindor tower to leave it where it is."

"Cissy? Who's Cissy?" Remus asked.

"She's the head house elf here. Sev introduced me to her this morning. He knows all the elves."

Lily quickly went into her and Alice's room and stuffed the map between her mattresses. "There! Now I can have the pleasure of watching Potter go ape-shit when he can't find it!"

"I suggest we go down to dinner now," Frank said. "Before you get any other ideas, Lily."

"You know what I should really do is give it to Sev to hide in the Slytherin dorm somewhere especially since he's been the victim of it so many times."

They went into the Great Hall and sat down. Lily watched for Severus to come in. She saw him as soon as her walked in because he was so tall now. She waved at him and he came over. She noticed that tonight Paul was sitting at the Hufflepuff table. As Severus sat down, she nodded at Paul and said, "He's really getting around. Ravenclaw at lunch and Hufflepuff tonight."

"Well, I'm glad to see he's making all kinds of friends."

Frank leaned across the table. "You should have been in our common room an hour ago, Sev, You'd have been proud of Lily. She took on Black and Potter."

Severus looked at Lily. "What did you do?" He glanced down the table, but didn't see either of them. "You didn't put them in the hospital I hope."

Lily blushed and shook her head. "Potter had his hands all over me and I asked him twice to remove them and he refused so I hit him with the Comburoirrito spell. Black tried to grab my wand so I hit him with it next"

Alice was giggling so hard her face was red. Remus was laughing, too. "You should have seen James shrieking and dancing around, scratching his back and his arse at the same time."

"Black was worse! He was howling …dancing around … trying to scratch …his crotch and his arse at the same time." Frank was laughing so hard he was gasping for breath.

Severus was snickering. "I would have loved to have seen it. Too bad somebody didn't have one of those Muggle …video cameras, I think they're called. The moment could've been preserved forever."

Lily leaned over and whispered to Severus, "They're really angry with me so I hope they don't take it out on you."

"I'm not worried," He assured her.

"Do you mind if I stop in the kitchen and see Cissy before we head to the dungeon? There's something I need to talk to her about."

"Sure. I was going to grab some food for later anyway."

"Excuse me? May I sit with you and Severus, Lily?" Liam Hollywell inquired.

"Of course," Lily said and Severus moved over so he could sit down.

"I say I do think Professor Dumbledore's idea of getting rid of the house tables is a splendid one and also his idea of opening up the Yule Ball."

"Are you going to ask Tuney, then? Severus asked.

"I already have and she sent me back an owl accepting."

"That will be so much fun!" Lily declared. "Tuney can stay overnight with me and Alice then floo back in the morning."

My mum can floo over with Tuney and maybe Dumbledore will let her ride home on the train," Severus added.

"Petunia asked me to tell you, Lily, that she hasn't forgotten you and she has a lot to tell you."

"She's probably still getting use to using owl post, too." Severus said. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Paul with a very serious look on his face. "Hey, Paul, what's going on?"

"Today in Potions Professor Slughorn had our class brew a potion and a couple of kids melted their cauldrons so he told us to write a foot of parchment on why it's important to add potion ingredients in the correct order. I wrote it and I wondered if you could check it over for me?"

"Sure, if you don't mind coming to the potions lab. Lily, Remus, and I are going to be brewing a medicinal potion for Madam Pomfrey tonight."

"Gosh no! That would be great, Sev. Thanks!" Paul said, and returned to his place at the Hufflepuff table.

"I'll bet it was the boil cure potion they were brewing. Slughorn always starts off the first years with that," Lily said.

"He's lucky, too, that Slughorn doesn't like correcting homework so he's never going to give them anymore than a foot of parchment to write."

As they left the Great Hall and were walking to the kitchen, Severus asked quietly, "Exactly where did Potter have his hands on you?"

Lily blushed. "It doesn't matter, Sev. I took care of them and I think McGonagall gave them detention since I didn't see them at dinner. I don't think Potter will be bothering me again."

"Damn it, Lily! I don't want him thinking he can maul you because you're my girlfriend," Severus snapped.

"Sev, I don't want you going after Potter. You have a perfect record, no detentions, and he's not worth ruining it."

Severus took a deep breath and counted to ten. He knew she was right, but Potter was an arrogant git who thought he could have any girl he wanted regardless. "Okay, Lily, I won't do anything this time, but if he bothers you again I swear I'll hex his arse so far into next week he'll have to pay a sack of gallons to get it shipped back to him!"

"Fair enough, Sev," She smiled as they reached the picture of the bowl of fruit. Severus tickled the pear; it giggled then turned into a handle. He pulled the door open and they entered the kitchen.

"Mr. Severus, you is back again!" Blinky said, racing over. "What does you wish Blinky to do for you?"

"If you could bring me something to eat after curfew, that would be great, Blinky,"

"Blinky is happy to serve Mr. Severus. Blinky served Mr. Severus all last year." He was wiggling happily and flapping his ears excitedly.

"Yes and you did very well, too," Severus said smiling. "Can you fetch Cissy, Blinky? Miss Lily would like to talk to her."

"Blinky will find Cissy for Miss Lily. He knows where she is." He raced away and was back in a few seconds with Cissy.

"Thanks, Blinky," Severus said. Again, Blinky wiggled happily and flapped his ears.

"How can Cissy serve Miss Lily?"

"Cissy, would you please tell the elves that clean Gryffindor tower when they make my bed there's something between the mattresses that needs to stay there."

"Cissy will let them know, Miss Lily," Cissy assured her.

They said goodbye to the elves and headed back to the entrance hall. Severus smirked and asked Lily, "So what is it you don't want the elves to find under your mattress? A sexy nightie, maybe?"

"Maybe someday, Sev," Lily teased him. "I nicked Potter's stupid map and he's not getting back until the end of the year. He can't track you and hex you if he doesn't have it." She giggled again, "He's going to go ape-shit when he finds its missing!"

"You never cease to surprise me, Lily Evans," Severus complimented her while shaking his head. At the entrance hall Severus said, "If you want to run up and change, I'll wait for you here."

"Why don't you come up with me?"

"What and have the Fat Lady glaring at me the whole time," Severus joked.

"No, I meant you could wait in our common room."

"Thanks, Lily, but I don't think Professor McGonagall wants to come in and break up a full-fledged fire fight. I'll just wait for you here."

Lily huffed in frustration, but conceded he had a point. She ran up the stairs, but was back down in five minutes. She had changed into jeans and a sweatshirt because the dungeons were always cold. They went down into dungeon. "If you want to wait in the lab, I'll go change and be right there.

Lily looked at him, a stubborn expression on her face. "Why don't I come with you?"

"Because I don't want you running into any members of Riddle's fan club. Bunch of arseholes!"

"Maybe, they won't be in the common room. Come on, Sev, I'll be all right for a few minutes while you change clothes."

Severus sighed, but gave in. "Okay, but it's against my better judgment."

Lily stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. He walked up to the door and gave the gargoyle doorknocker the password, "Crystallized pineapple."

"Your password is almost as dumb as ours," Lily remarked as the door opened. Severus stepped in and gave a quick look around, but there were only a few first years occupying the common room now. He motioned for Lily to come in. She came in, looking around curiously. While it didn't have the coziness of the Gryffindor common room, it seemed pleasant and comfortable.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Severus said.

"Lily nodded. "I'll be fine, Sev."

He hurried to his room. He saw Paul and said, "Paul, Lily's waiting in the common room. Would you mind keeping her company while I change clothes then we can head for the potions lab and I'll take a look at your essay?"

"Sure, Sev." Paul said and left the room.

Severus quickly changed into black jeans, pulled a Led Zeppelin concert T-shirt over his head; it had the Swan Song logo on the front and 1974 tour dates on the back. Over that, he put on a black sweatshirt and zipped it up halfway then pulled on black trainers. He ran a comb through his hair then headed back to the common room. Lily was chatting with Paul and the other first years studying in the common room. He smiled. Lily had the gift of being able to make people feel comfortable around her. He came up and put his arm around her. "Ready?"

Lily bade farewell to the first years and they left the common room heading for the potions lab.

"The man in black," Lily teased, looking over his outfit.

"The man who doesn't want to freeze his arse off down here, you mean," Severus joked.

Remus was already waiting for them when they came into the lab. Professor Slughorn came out of his office when he heard them. "Ready to start, Severus, Lily, and Remus? Good job! I'll be in my office if you have any questions or problems."

Severus introduced Remus and Paul to each other then they started to gather the ingredients. "What we're going to be brewing tonight is a basic pain relieving potion," Severus explained for Paul's benefit. They lit a fire under three cauldrons and began to chop up the ingredients. He continued to explain systematically what they were doing and why. Once the cauldrons were bubbling with Lily and Remus keeping an eye on them, he read Paul essay, pronounced it good, but suggested a couple of changes. When the potions were done, they poured them into bottles. They were ten bottles and Severus decided he would take them up to Madam Pomfrey on his way to breakfast tomorrow. He cast a protective spell around the bottles so nobody could break them or add anything extra then they cleaned the lab and left.

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"I never thought one romance could cause such havoc in my house, Albus," Minerva McGonagall complained raising a teacup to her lips. She and the Headmaster were having tea and freshly baked cookies. She had informed him of what had occurred earlier with the Comburoirrito spell Lily had cast on James and Sirius.

"Minerva, it's certainly not Mr. Snape's or Miss Evans's fault that Mr. Potter can't accept that they are a couple as I believe the young people call it today. I know we both held high hopes that Miss Evans and Mr. Potter would get together, but I don't believe that will ever happen especially since Mr. Potter deliberately caused serious injury to Mr. Snape last spring."

"Yes, we did, but I've accepted that it's no longer a possibility."

"As I have, Minerva. I'm thankful Severus did not go over to the other side and I believe it's due to Lily's love. He's one of the most brilliant Potion's students I've seen probably since Horace was a student and he's also powerfully magical, and I shudder to think what we would be facing had he decided to join Riddle." Albus sighed. "I'm afraid I've failed Severus in so many ways."

"What do you mean, Albus?"

"I've known since his first year that he was being badly beaten by his father. Poppy discovered it the very first time one of Mr. Potter's, Black's, and Pettigrew's hex attempts went array and put Severus in the hospital. She came to me immediately, demanding that I have him removed from his home, but I did nothing. I also did nothing when Mr. Potter and his friends continued to hex him, humiliate, and injure him. I did nothing when Mr. Black tricked him into going into the Shrieking Shack last fall and if Mr. Potter hadn't panicked, gone after him, and saved him the consequences could have been tragic for both Severus and Remus. I made Severus to swear a vow he would never tell what he'd seen and did nothing else."

"Well, Albus, as I recall, he'd never reveal who caused him those injuries at home or here at school."

"Yes, that's true. I think Lily is the only one he really trusts because she's always loved him and she always been there for him." Albus frowned. "He's made himself a very powerful enemy in Lucius Malfoy, I'm afraid. I fear Riddle's intentions may be to force Severus to work for him by threatening Eileen, Lily or Lily's family so I've asked Alastor to enforce the wards around both Severus' home and Lily's home, and make them as strong as he can possibly make them. I've also owled Eileen and the Evans so they know what to expect."

Chapter 11

Remus was sitting in the common room when he heard James come suddenly thundering down the stairs from their dorm. He looked extremely upset. "Mooney, did you borrow our map and forget to put it back?" James whispered. "I can't find it and without it I can't find where Snivellus is and hex him!" He said throwing his arms up in the air in frustration.

"No. Did you ask Sirius or Peter if they had it? You know how they're always sneaking down to the kitchen after curfew."

"No, but I will. Half the fun of a new school year is finding new ways to get Snivvy and show him what a looser he is so I gotta have the map to do that!" James grabbed his book bag and went out the portrait hold in search of Sirius and Peter.

Remus told Lily and Severus about James' reaction over his missing map in Arithmancy class and they both smirked.

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Severus made it a practice every morning to stop by the lab and take the potions they had brewed the night before to Madam Pomfrey on his way to breakfast in the Great Hall. Today he brought in the bottles of headache remedy they had brewed the previous night.

"Thank you, Severus," Madam Pomfrey said. "You don't know how much I appreciate this."

"No problem," Severus replied. "We brewed some bruise salve last night also, but it won't be ready until this afternoon so I'll bring it to you later."

"That will be fine," Madam Pomfrey replied with a smile. She'd always had a soft spot for Severus.

Severus was walking from the hospital when suddenly he thought he heard a noise behind him and whirled around, his wand at ready. He scanned the corridor behind him and listened carefully, but there was nothing. He exhaled, realizing he'd been holding his breath. It was windy outside and he'd probably just heard a tree branch scraping against one of the windows, he told himself. He started to walk again and disappeared down the main staircase.

James and Sirius exhaled and collapsed against a wall. James pulled his invisibility cloak off them. "I told you not to hurry, Padfoot!" He scolded Sirius. "You stumbled and Snivvy almost caught us."

"Well he didn't Prongs! And we found out what he's been doing."

"Dumbledore must be getting senile letting a Death Eater brew potions that the entire school uses! Merlin knows what he might be putting in them! Wait until I owl my dad about this!"

"Yeah and there's a lot of other parents who will be right upset about it, too," Sirius confirmed.

Severus stopped to pick up the books he'd need for class that morning then continued on his way to the Great Hall for breakfast. He sat down next Lily. "Good morning, Sev!" Lily greeted him than gave him a kiss.

There was loud gagging noise from further down the table. Lily looked down the table at James and Sirius and replied to their rude noises with a rude hand gesture of her own.

"Miss Evans, I'm so shocked at you!" Severus teased her then whispered in her ear. "We're mostly caught up with the brewing for Madam Pomfrey so why don't we meet in our secret place tonight?"

"What time?"

"Why don't we meet there right after dinner? That will give us plenty of time before curfew."

"I can't wait!" Lily whispered back.

Suddenly the hall was filled with owls, dropping packages and landing on the tables to deliver their messages. Petunia's barn owl, Cassiopeia landed in front of Lily and Horatio landed in front of Severus. He took the letter off him and fed him some rashers from his plate. He opened the letter and read what his mother had written, a frown deepening his features.

Lily meanwhile was reading Petunia's letter and let out a shriek of laughter. She jiggled Severus' arm to get his attention. "Listen to this, Sev. Tuney writes that she broke off her engagement to Vernon; she sent him back his ring by special messenger. Apparently Vernon wasn't going to accept it without a fight, came roaring over in his fancy convertible, got out of his car, ran straight into the wards and knocked himself out cold. She said he was lying on the curb looking like a beached whale so mum had to call an ambulance and he was hauled off to the hospital." Lily was still laughing. "I would have loved to have seen that!" She read the rest of the letter. "She also writes that she's taken a job at the university and she's thinking about taking some classes."

"Tuney seems to have gotten herself sorted out nicely," Severus remarked. He was still frowning at the news Eileen had written him.

"Tuney says she can't wait for the Yule Ball. She and mum are going Saturday to buy a dress." Lily looked at Severus, noticing his frown for the first time. "What did Eileen write?

"Alastor Moody, at Dumbledore's request, came by the house and re-enforced the wards on both my house and yours. That worries me." He glanced at his watch. "We'd better be getting to class," He gathered up his books and walked off, ignoring the hostile glares he received from James and Sirius. They were the least of his worries right now.

"Sev!" He turned and waited until Lily caught up to him. To his surprise, she grabbed hold of his green and silver tie and pulled his face level with hers. "Severus Snape! Don't you even dare think about being noble and us breaking up to protect me," She hissed angrily.

"I'm not, but if Dumbledore has Moody putting up stronger wards that means he's worried, and if he's worried then I'm scared." He shook his head. "If I'd just kept my temper under control and found away to cozen Malfoy instead outright pissing him off …" Severus muttered, turning into the direction of their classroom.

"And how were you going to cozen him, Sev, by agreeing to go to one of his little Death Eater parties?" Lily demanded.

"No." Severus shook his head. "Never that."

Lily took his hand. "Stop blaming yourself, Sev, you're not an Auror. How could you know how to best to handle Malfoy?"

"I know you're right," Severus said squeezing her hand. "But I still feel responsible."

They walked into the Charms and sat down at their usual desks in the front of the room. James and Sirius slouched in and instead of taking seats in the back of the room as they usually did; they sat down behind Severus and Lily. "Doing all right, Snivvy?" James said loudly.

Lily raised her wand, but Severus grabbed her wand hand and said in a loud voice. "Lily as much I'd love to see Potter and Black, dancing around the classroom, howling, shrieking, and trying to scratch their crotches and arses at the same time I don't thinks Professor Flitwick would enjoy the show." There were loud snorts of laughter from Frank, Alice, and Remus who had all witnessed the original performance, and titters from the rest of the class. James flushed and contented himself with glaring at Severus' back.

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Albus was sitting in his office reading when he heard the fireplace floo then heard Charles Potter's voice, "Dumbledore, may I come through?"

Albus sighed. "Yes, come through, but if this is complaint that I should have made James a Prefect, Quidditch Captain or a complaint about the house tables, you may as well know I stand firm on my decisions."

Mr. Potter came through the fireplace, stopping first to brush himself off before he stepped into the room. "This is much more important."

"Sit down while I ask Cissy to bring us tea," He summoned the head house-elf, made his request and within a few minutes she was back with a large tray of tea plus a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that she knew were the Headmaster's favorite. He thanked her and she bowed and left again. He poured tea, handed Mr. Potter a cup, and offered him the plate of cookies which he refused. Dumbledore sat back with his cup of tea and a cookie. "Now, how may I assist you, Charles?"

"Aren't you out of your mind, Headmaster? I understand from James that you have a Death Eater brewing medicinal potions and salves the entire school uses!"

"If you're referring to Severus Snape, he isn't a Death Eater and he's the brightest potion's student Hogwarts has seen in many years. Professor Slughorn does not wish to spend his spare time brewing potions for Madam Pomfrey so I asked Mr. Snape and Miss Evans, also another very bright potion's student, if they would be interested in doing it and they agreed. Mr. Snape recruited Mr. Lupin, whom I believe you already know, to help them."

"You say he isn't a Death Eater, but do you know that for sure."

"Yes, I know that for sure," Albus said calmly, sipping his tea and eating a second cookie. "However, if you're not convinced, I'll allow you to take samples of each of the potions and salves that have been recently brewed and have them tested." Albus put up his hand. "I know what you're going to say Charles, but if he is putting poison or something else in to make people more willing to listen and be convinced by Riddle's propaganda, he'd have to do it to every one of them because he wouldn't know which one Madam Pomfrey might use. And no, she doesn't have a special stock set aside for purebloods."

Charles Potter flushed at that remark.

"In addition, were he a Death Eater, I seriously doubt that either Miss Evans or Mr. Lupin would stand idly by and allow him to deliberately tamper with the potions."

"They would if he put them under the Imperius Curse," Charles snapped.

"Neither of them shows any signs of being under the Imperius Curse, Charles," Albus replied wearily. "Now do you want to take the samples or not?"

Where would I have them tested? I can't at St. Mungo's. That Snape boy's mother works there and I'm sure she's probably a Death Eater, too.

Dumbledore sighed loudly. "There are potion laboratories across the continent where you could have them tested, but I believe you don't want to do it because you know you'll find nothing wrong with them. You also know this is just another ploy by James to get Mr. Snape in trouble because his girlfriend is Miss Evans who your son also has a romantic interest in."

"So I assume this means you're not going to listen to my concerns and you're going to keep allowing Snape to brew these potions.

"What it means is I've listened to your concerns and found them without validation, Charles, and yes, I'm going to allow Mr. Snape to continue to brew the potions."

"We'll see about this, Headmaster. I have a great deal of influence and I'm sure there are a lot of parents who would object to having a Death Eater brewing their children's medicinal potions," Charles snapped as he stepped into the fireplace and flooed out again.

Dumbledore sighed. James Potter was bent on causing trouble for Severus Snape anyway he could.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Severus came down to breakfast a couple of days later and walked into the Great Hall, stopping short when he saw all the copies of The Daily Prophet being read by the students. He noticed some students giving him wary, frightened, or in some cases, definitely hostile glances.

He walked over to Lily, noticing how quiet the hall had gotten; saw James and Sirius smirking at him and his friends looking enraged. What in hell was going on? He was going to sit down next to Lily when James yelled. "Go back to your own table, Snivellus! We don't allow Death Eaters at our table!"

"Congratulations, Snape! You're one of us!" Avery strolled over to where he was standing, clapping his shoulder, and tossing a copy of the Prophet at him.

Severus caught it and glanced at the headline which literally screamed: Hogwarts Headmaster Allows Slytherin Death Eater to Brew School Potions! The article's byline was by Rita Skeeter whose school sources corroborated that sixth year Slytherin, Severus Snape is a confirmed Death Eater. He scanned the rest of the article quickly and then threw the paper down. "Well, looks like I've been tried and convicted without the benefit of a trial or a barrister." He picked up his books and muttered, "See you guys in class." He walked out of the Great Hall, head held high and rather than head for class he headed back to the dungeon. He threw his books angrily down on his bed then flopped down next to them. A few days ago he had the possibility of an almost certain acceptance to the College of Potions and a good future. Now that was probably dust in the wind. He knew the way Potter and Black were smirking at him; they had something to do with it. He thought back to the morning when he'd been coming back from taking potions to Madam Pomfrey and thought he'd heard a noise behind him. Of course it must have been Potter and Black following him under that stupid cloak of Potter's. No doubt Potter told daddy who he was sure must have gone to Dumbledore and then somebody decided to spill their guts to Rita Skeeter. He glanced at his watch. He should go to class, but he had an idea and needed to act on it quickly. He waited until he knew everybody would be in class then changed out of his school clothes and into Muggle clothes, threw on his leather bomber jacket and headed back upstairs. He went out the front entrance and started walking quickly to Hogsmeade. He went into the Hog's Head and flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. He went out into the courtyard and tapped on the bricks to open the entrance to Diagon Alley. He walked to the offices of The Daily Prophet, opened the door, and went in. He approached a witch whose desk was near the front. "Excuse me?" Severus said.

The witch looked up. "Can I help you, young man?"

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Mr. Cuffe, please."

"I'll see if he's available. Your name, please?"

"Severus Snape."

The woman looked him over, got up and went over to an office, knocked on the door and stuck her head inside. Within seconds a younger man, in his early thirties, and a bit on the heavy side followed her out. He shook hands with Severus then said, "Why don't we go into my office, young man?"

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Lily looked at the empty desk next to her in Arithmancy where Severus usually sat. He had been missing from all their morning classes so far. She looked over at Remus, who knew what she was thinking. He shrugged, and shook his head. That awful article must have devastated him!

Once the class was over they met Alice and Frank. "Any sign of Sev?" Alice asked sympathetically.

Lily shook her head. Alice and Frank were in all the same classes as she and Sev with the exceptions of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

"We can check for him in some of his usual hangouts," Frank suggested. "Alice and I can check down by the lake."

"He's been known to hang out on the Astronomy Tower," Lily said.

"I can check up there," Remus volunteered.

She spotted Paul coming into the Great Hall. "Paul?"

He came over to her, blushing a bit. "What can I do for you, Lily?"

"Have you seen Sev at all this morning?"

"Not since before breakfast. I was just down in our room and he wasn't there. His books from his morning classes are lying on his bed and so are his robes and stuff. I figured he maybe had a doctor's appointment because it looked like he changed into his Muggle clothes."

Lily shook her head. "No, he would have told me if he did." She thought of their secret room and wondered if he might be there? She could check it right now. She turned, "Thanks, Paul."

"If I do see Sev I'll tell him you're looking for him."

"Thanks, Paul," She called over her shoulder. She hurried up the stairs to the seventh floor to the corridor where the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy hung and walked three times up and down in front of the opposite wall concentrating on a place to study. The door appeared and she pulled it open and went in. Much to her disappointment it was empty. She walked in and sat down on the couch where last night they had been doing some heavy necking. She was worried because he'd told her that Riddle was very interested in him and was it possible if he gone off school grounds he could have unknowingly walked into a trap set by Riddle. She left the room and went back downstairs to the Great Hall. Frank, Alice, and Remus were back and all shook their heads. "He wasn't where I thought he might be either," Lily said. She noticed that Professor Dumbledore was talking to Professors Flitwick, McGonagall, Sprout, and Vector, and he looked worried, too.

"Miss Evans," Dumbledore called. "Would you be so kind as to come here, please?"

Lily came over. "Sir, I haven't seen Sev since breakfast. I think he was really upset and hurt by that article in the Prophet. How did Rita Skeeter find out Sev was brewing anyway?"

"I have my suspicions," Dumbledore replied, watching James and Sirius, whispering and snickering.

"Professor, there's a possibility Sev might have left school grounds. His roommate said his school clothes were on his bed along with his books."

Dumbledore nodded. "I'll check with the owner of the Hog's Head. His fireplace is the only one in Hogsmeade connected to the Floo Network."

Is…is there any possibility that when Sev left school grounds, Death Eaters could have kidnapped him and took him to Riddle?" Lily's voice quavered.

I hope not, Miss Evans, I sincerely hope not, but unfortunately we cannot discount that possibility." Dumbledore said. If that was what had happened Severus was dead. Riddle would kill him not only for refusing to work for him, but so he could not work for the Order either. "I need to contact Eileen at St. Mungo's. She needs to know her son is missing." Dumbledore wasn't looking forward to that call. He'll consider himself lucky if she doesn't use the Comburoirrito spell on him!

Dumbledore left the room and Lily wandered back over to her friends. "What did Dumbledore say?" Remus asked.

"He's going to contact Eileen and tell her Sev's missing."

James, Sirius, and Peter strolled over to them smirking, "I hear Snivellus is missing. Maybe he realized we were on to him and ran off to declare his allegiance to You-Know-Who," James bragged. "If we're lucky You-Know-Who will do something decent for once and just Avada Kedavra him!"

Only Remus holding down her wand hand prevented Lily from casting the Comburoirrito spell at all three of them. Unable to do that she slapped James soundly across his face and hissed, "I find out you had anything to do with that article in the Prophet, Potter, and I will hex your stupid arse so far into next week that you'll have to pay a sack of gallons to have it shipped back to you!"

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Severus was walked back into the Leaky Cauldron, trying to figure out where he should floo back to Hogsmeade or Hogwarts. He decided he'd better face the music and get it over with so he stepped into the fireplace, threw down the green powder, and said clearly, "Professor Dumbledore's office, Hogwarts."

Dumbledore was talking quietly to Eileen. "I know he did floo from the Hog's Head, but the bartender was too far away to hear what his destination was."

Suddenly fireplace in Dumbledore's office flooed and Severus stepped into the room after brushing off his clothes. "Sev!" Eileen sprang up and grabbed her son into a tight hug. "I was so worried!"

"Mum, I'm okay."

Eileen gave her tall son a shake then brushed his hair out of his face. "If you weren't sixteen and so tall, young man, I'd take you over my knee!" She gave him another hug.

"Where did you go, Severus?" Dumbledore asked. "You had us quite worried,"

"I'm sorry, sir, I was so mad I didn't stop and think. I went to paper and asked to see the editor. I told him my side of the story and he promised to run it in tomorrow's paper. I'm sorry I know I should have asked permission, but I couldn't stand watching my entire future blow up in my face and not try to save it." He paused then said, "I know I deserve detention and I'll gladly serve it."

Dumbledore shook his head. "No. Severus, I know that story was cruel and hurtful, and we'll forego detention this time as long as you promise you won't ever do a foolish stunt like this again. You do realize you could have easily been captured by Death Eaters?"

Severus paled and shook his head. "I didn't and I'm really sorry for scaring everybody."

"You're here safe now and that's what's important. I think you'd better go get ready for your next class."

"Thank you, Sir," Severus said. He gave his mum a farewell hug and left Dumbledore's office. He quickly walked to the dungeon, changed into his school robes, and grabbed his books for his afternoon classes. He'd need to get the notes and homework for his morning classes from Lily. He slowed as he remembered that Lily was probably frantic about him, too. She was probably still in the Great Hall and he should go and see her except she'd probably be furious with him and he didn't relish being hit with the Comburoirrito curse. He went to the Ancient Runes classroom and started reading the next day's lesson, his head tilted and resting on his hand as he read. He suddenly heard voices in the hallway; they definitely belonged to Lily and Remus.

Lily walked into the classroom, saw Severus, and let her book bag fall to the floor with a crash. "Sev!" She ran to him and jumped into his lap almost sending his desk over backwards.

Whoa!" Remus said, steadying the desk with both hands.

"Sev, I was so worried!" Lily exclaimed. She pulled him to her and gave him a passionate kiss.

Remus looked a bit embarrassed as he sat down at his desk. He pulled out his textbook and started to read.

"I'm sorry, Lily, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wasn't thinking clearly that's all."

"Where were you this morning?"

The class was starting to file in so Severus shook his head and whispered, "I'll tell you about it later."

The three of them walked to the dungeon together. Severus explained about his trip to The Daily Prophet and his interview with Barnabas Cuffe. "I couldn't just let my future blow up in my face so I thought this was the best way to handle things. He's supposed to publish my response in tomorrow morning's paper so I hope he does and I hope it's fair." They walked into Potions and heard James say in a loud voice, "Shit, Padfoot! It looks like our hopes are dashed! You-Know-Who didn't Avada Kedavra Snivellus after all."

Severus looked over at James and replied dryly, "Well if he had at least it'd be because I'm intelligent, Potter. The only reason anybody would kill you or Black is because you're bloody annoying."

Professor Slughorn came in then preventing James from replying. When he saw Severus he gave an exclamation of delight. "Glad your back, my boy."

"Thank you, sir." Severus said. He opened his textbook, Advance Potion Making as Slughorn wrote the name of the potion they'd be brewing today on the board. It was called the Draught of Living Death. He asked questions which Severus easily knew the answers to, but decided to keep a low profile. He studied the ingredients to the potion and thought about how he could improve it; shorten the steps it took to brew it or the brew time.

Lily got the ingredients they would need. She usually chopped because her hands were smaller while Severus generally stirred because his long fingers didn't tire as easily. Occasionally he would suggest a change in either the chopping or the stirring and he always scribbled the changes he'd made in the margin of his textbook. This time he suggested rather than cutting the sophorous bean, she try crushing it with the flat side of her knife. To both their surprise, it yielded much more juice than cutting it did which when added to the potion turned it the color it was supposed to be at that stage. Severus wrote it in the margin of his textbook then experimented with adding a clockwise stir after the number of counter-clockwise stirs indicated by the textbook.

There was a sudden loud crackle and hiss from the back of the room then a putrid smell drifted up to the front of the room. There was a bark of laughter from Sirius. "Looks like you shouldn't have put that in first, Prongs!" Slughorn hurried to the back of the room to see what had happened and huffed. "Evanesco," He said waving his wand over the cauldron. The contents vanished.

Severus wrinkled his nose and muttered to Lily, "I can't believe those two arseholes got a high enough OWL to get into this class."

"I think they do on purpose," Lily muttered back, "Just to show off and be disruptive."

"I can't figure why," Severus replied with a shrug. "All they're going to get for the class is a zero."

Slughorn came over to Severus and Lily. "Will you be using the lab tonight?"

Severus nodded. "Madam Pomfrey needs more Pepperup potion so we were going to brew that tonight."

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, you will come in tomorrow to redo that potion and let's see if you can do it correctly this time." Professor Slughorn ordered.

Severus grinned and whispered to Lily, "That will get rid of them for at least part of the day."

James looked dumfounded and protested, "But sir I have Quidditch practice tomorrow."

Slughorn appeared unimpressed. "Well, Mr. Potter, if you and Mr. Black don't want a zero for this class, I suggest you forego practice." He went around the classroom checking the other potions. Severus and Lily's potion received top grades as did Frank and Alice's, and Remus and Missy's. Chea and her partner, Amos Diggory also received a top grade from Slughorn.

As Severus and Lily walked out of class, with Remus, Missy, Frank, and Alice, he kept his eyes on Potter and Black walking ahead of them. They all had a free period before their last class of the day and we're planning to meet in the library. "I'm going to get my books from this morning and I'll meet you in the library," He told Lily.

"I got all the assignments for you and I can show you what we learned in Charms and Transfiguration," Lily said.

"Great!" He gave her a quick kiss then disappeared down the corridor leading to Slytherin House entrance. He quickly gathered up the books strewn across his bed and left his room. As he passed the dorm where Avery and his friends were housed, he heard loud voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying. "Probably complaining about all the Muggleborns sorted into Slytherin." Severus muttered. "Bunch of arseholes!" He found the others at a table in the back of the library and sat down next to Lily. He noticed Potter, Black, and Pettigrew sitting a couple of tables away from them.

Lily showed him the spell, called Salvio Hexia, which they had learned that morning. It was a spell cast to strengthen the other spells that had already been cast. Severus suspected it was probably used in casting wards. He studied the wand movements needed to cast the spell. He'd have to wait and try it later. He read with one hand propped under his chin and the other hand lying beside his book. He felt Lily's hand cover his; he looked up and smiled at her.

"Merlin's bloody underwear!" James swore. "I can't stand to see Snivellus with his greasy hands on Lily."

Sirius glanced over at the table and it looked the reverse to him "I think you ought to give Evans up as a bad job. I mean what are you going to do when they start shagging. I hope you have more pride, Prongs, than to accept Snivellus' sloppy seconds."

"Lily wouldn't let greasy Slytherin slimeball shag her!" James hissed.

"Don't know about that, Prongs, but if you recall Mary saw them snogging down by the lake last year and said they were going at it pretty good. Who knows what they might be getting up to when they're at home?"

"I don't believe you. She wouldn't do that!"

"He's probably got her under some dark spell or a love potion," Wormtail piped up, siding with James.

"Doesn't matter, Wormtail. If she shags Snivellus she's ruined," Sirius replied authoritatively.

Lily and Remus were brewing the Pepperup potion that night while Severus did his Arithmancy homework. Suddenly James and Sirius burst into the lab. "I can't believe Dumbledore and Slughorn are still letting this Slytherin snake still brew potions. Can you, Padfoot?"

"Do you need your glasses changed, Potter? Lily and Remus are brewing. I merely came along to keep Lily and Remus' company." Severus remarked without bothering to look up from the essay he was writing.

"We're just here to keep you in line, Snivellus." James said. "Make sure you're not adding a little extra to those potions."

"Potter, get the hell out of here!" Lily snapped. "You're a complete arse!"

"I suggest you listen to her, James," Remus added. "I already stopped Lily from casting the Comburoirrito spell on you once today. I'm not sure I could stop her a second time."

"I heard you and Black put on a really good show, too," Severus smirked. "Sorry I missed it."

Professor Slughorn suddenly appeared in the doorway of his office. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, is there a particular reason you're down here? Perhaps you'd like to try your luck with the potion you messed up today?"

No, were just here to make sure Snivellus doesn't add anything extra ingredients to this potion." James said. 'We're protecting this school from Death Eaters!"

Severus snorted. "Yeah, and I imagine Rita Skeeter's been bugging you for an update, too."

"You gentleman have absolutely no business down here so I suggest you return to Gryffindor Tower unless you prefer cleaning cauldrons without magic." Slughorn replied.

Sirius took James's arm and shoved him out the door. "Look, Prongs, Saturday is pretty much shot as it is and I, for one, don't want to spend the rest of the weekend in detention."

"Wankers!" Severus muttered to himself.

Chapter 12

"Sev! Sev!" Paul shook him awake on Saturday morning. "Lily wants you up in the Great Hall as soon as you can come."

Severus stared groggily at the clock on his nightstand and realized it was almost 8:30. He rubbed his face and slowly sat up. "Okay, Paul, would you mind telling her I'll be up in about twenty minutes?"

"Sure Sev, I'll tell her right now," Paul promised and streaked off.

Severus smiled. He suspected Paul had a bit of a crush on Lily. He got out of bed and made his way into the bathroom, showered and used a drying charm to dry his hair, got dressed and went upstairs, stopping first in the lab to collect the bottles of Pepperup potion that Lily and Remus had brewed last night. He took them up to the hospital wing and gave them to Madam Pomfrey.

"Thank you, Severus," Madam Pomfrey said. "I'm sorry for the trouble this has caused you."

"You didn't cause the trouble. Potter and Black did. I suspect Potter's father was the one that gave the story to Rita Skeeter. Speaking of which; do you have a copy of this morning's Prophet?"

"Over there on my desk. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet." She said, nodding. "Help yourself, Severus."

He grabbed up the paper, unfolded it, and read the lead story entitled: Slytherin Student Denies Death Eater Accusations. He scanned the article, written by Cuffe, and was pleased to see it gave a true accounting of his basic points: that he was not and never would be a Death Eater. He wanted to be a Potions Master and a Master Healer so he could help people hurt by You-Know-Who, and despite the claims were made, the overall majority of Slytherin House did not support You-Know-Who. He was surprised to see statements from Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Slughorn also. Dumbledore stated that Severus had his complete trust. One parent in particular had expressed concerns about Mr. Snape brewing and he had offered to let him take samples of the brewed potions and salves to be tested to verify they contained nothing harmful, but the parent in question, refused. Professor McGonagall stated had Miss Skeeter turned in an essay to her as bad as the article she wrote, she would have received a T. Professor Slughorn stated that Severus was one of the most brilliant potion students he'd ever taught and would sooner cut off his wand hand than brew a harmful potion.

"Well, it's about time Professor Dumbledore did something positive for you!" Madam Pomfrey snorted.

"Well, it's nice of him to do that." Severus replied only to hear her give another loud snort. He left the hospital and went downstairs to the Great Hall. He looked around the hall, noticing again that many people were again reading the paper. He went over to the Gryffindor table where Lily was sitting and sat down beside her. "Good morning," He said and kissed her. There was a loud gagging noise from further down the table. "You know, Potter, you should really have Madam Pomfrey check that out," Severus suggested loudly.

"Toerag!" Lily muttered, but threw her arms around Severus. "Sev, I'm so proud of you! The article in the Prophet is wonderful!" She shoved a copy of the paper over to him but did not remove her arms from around his neck. "I like the way Mr. Cuffe describes you."

"I guess I missed that part. What does he say?"

"Severus Snape is tall, and thin with dark, piercing eyes, soft spoken, well-mannered, and intelligent," Lily read.

"Well, that isn't too bad," Severus, grinned. "It's nice that Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Slughorn were gracious enough to add positive comments." He grabbed some rashers, bangers, and eggs off the food platters when they appeared on the table. "Why don't we go outside after breakfast while we still have some nice weather to enjoy?"

"That sounds great," Lily said. "And Potter won't be bugging us because he has Quidditch practice all morning."

"Speaking of him, here he comes,"

"Hey Evans, want to come and watch me at Quidditch practice," James strutted over dressed in his red and gold Quidditch robes with his chest puffed out."

"No, I don't, Potter. Sev and I have other plans." Lily said. She got up and took Severus' hand. "Let's go. The longer I'm around Potter the more nauseated I get!"

"We should race brooms sometimes, Snape, and see who's the best man," James challenged him.

"No thanks, Potter, I can't fly on a broom worth shit that's why I stay off them." Severus replied knowing that James's intention in bringing it up was to embarrass him.

"So, you admit I'm better on a broom than you, Snape?"

"Don't take it personally, Potter. Mr. Filch is probably better on a broom than I am." He walked out of the Great Hall with his arm around Lily. "What an arse!"

"I agree. Did he really think I wanted to spend my Saturday watching him flying around and showing off?"

"He does seem to have a problem understanding the definition of no."

They walked down to the lake and Severus stretched out under their favorite tree. Lily sat between Severus' bent legs, leaning back against him with his arms around her. Neither of them noticed the brown rat hiding in the tall grass nearby watching them intently. Lily put her hand on his thigh and turned around slightly. "Sev, do you realize the first Hogsmeade weekend is coming up pretty soon?"

"So, it is," Severus asked. He a little too conscious of how Lily had positioned herself. "I suppose Potter has already asked you to go with him about fifty times?"

"At least," Lily replied rolling her eyes. She made no move to adjust her current position. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me, Lily?"

"I'd love to, Sev."

"You know though this won't stop Potter from asking you fifty times more." Severus laughed. "He'll tell you he's ten times the man I am …" He stopped talking suddenly as Lily began tickling him. "Don't Lily! Aah! … Don't! You know I hate being tickled!" Severus was laughing so hard he couldn't defend himself and ended up stretched out on the ground with Lily on top of him.

"Well, now I've got you where I want you," Lily said and started kissing him. He put his arms around her and pulled her closer. One hand caressed her lower back and the other slid down to caress her bum.

Peter's eye widened as he watched them. Merlin! Prongs' was not going to like it when he heard Snivellus had his hands all over Lily again. He backed away slowly then sped off into the direction of the Quidditch stadium.

At lunch, Severus was reading a potion magazine his mum had sent him along with a note praising his interview with Barnabas Cuffe. He nudged Lily and pointed to an advertisement he'd been looking at for a forthcoming book called Moste Ancient Potions. "It's supposed to be in the bookstores in November and it says they're potions translated from scrolls found two years ago in a cave in Wales by a wizarding archeology team and they think they may be potions Merlin invented."

"I wonder what kinds of potions are included," Lily remarked leaning across Severus and reading the add

"Doesn't give any hints, but that would be the book to have," Severus declared.

"Only Snivellus could get a hard-on over a book! Of course, that's probably the only thing he does get a hard-on over! That and kissing You-Know-Who's bum!" A sneering voice behind him said.

Severus ignored James. It was pointless to argue with an idiot.

"Didn't I warn you to stay away from my girl, Snivellus?" James demanded.

"Did you get in hit in the head by a bludger during practice, Potter? I don't recall that Lily ever was your girl." Severus replied turning his attention back to his magazine.

Lily looked alarmed when she saw James had pulled out his wand and she nudged Severus worriedly. He looked up and noticed James's wand and the angry look in his eyes. Just then, Professor McGonagall seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Mr. Potter, what do you mean raising your wand in a roomful of people? Put it away this instant! Detention and fifty points from Gryffindor!" She snapped. "Go to the common room and wait for me, Mr. Potter!"

Sirius and Peter stood in the doorway of the Great Hall. Sirius shook his head. "I'm telling you, Wormtail, Prongs has gone round the twist over Evans, and I've had it! You can hang with him if you want to, but if I want to get into the Auror Academy I've have to get top grades and I won't get them hanging around with Prongs. He's a bubbling cauldron waiting to explode!"

"So you're just going to lift your leg and pee on him the way Remus did, Padfoot?" Peter said, sickened by what he viewed was Sirius's betrayal of James.

Sirius gave him a disgusted look. "If that's the way you want to look at things, fine. I'm heading down to the dungeon. I've got a Potion lesson to make up."

After an ugly look at Severus, James left the hall. Severus shook his head. "He's crazier than a shithouse bat!" He squeezed Lily's hand. "Promise me you won't ever be alone with him. I think he'd try to harm you if he gets the chance."

"I'm worried about you, too, Sev." She shivered. "Please be sure to watch out for him."

"I will," He promised her.

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Sirius was down in the potions lab, redoing the Draught of Peace he and James had messed up in class yesterday. He found it very frustrating that even when he followed the textbook directions exactly he couldn't get it to turn out as the book's author claimed it should turn out.

"How are we doing, Mr. Black?" Slughorn asked coming out of his office.

Sirius shook his head. "I want to be an Auror, but I just don't think I'm cut out to brew potions. How does Sniv …Snape do it so perfectly every time?"

Mr. Snape has a very rare quality. He's naturally intuitive when it comes to brewing potions and he's willing to experiment."

"I think I'm going to need some tutoring to get a top grade in potions for my NEWTs," Sirius admitted.

"Well, I would suggest you ask Mr. Snape or Miss Evans as they are the top two students in this class, but I also know with all the history between you, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Snape he would probably refuse to do it as would Miss Evans so I might suggest you ask Mr. Lupin. He's doing O level work this semester."

Sirius brightened. "Yeah, I'm sure Moony would be willing to help me."

"What about Mr. Potter?"

"I've had it with him. I need a new partner in potions. If I keep partnering with him, I'll flunk and I won't be able to get into the Auror program. They only accept about one or two people a year into the program as is."

"Very wise, Mr. Black. Let me see what I can do for you."

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

When Sirius finished his make-up work in Potions, he went to the library. He figured Snape and Lily might be there. He looked around the library and spotted them at their usual table in the back, sitting side-by-side and holding hands as they studied. Sirius walked up to the table and cleared his throat. Severus and Lily looked up at the same time and he noticed how they both immediately tensed up. "Look, I'm not here to cause you any trouble. I figure Prongs is causing you enough all by himself.

"So what do you want, Black?" Severus asked warily.

"May I?" He pointed at the chair next to Lily. They both nodded and he pulled it out and sat down. "I want to apologize for the things I've done to you, Snape. I realize now how horrible some of them were and I'm really sorry."

Inside Severus felt like the injuries and humiliation he received at the hands of Potter and Black could never be forgiven, especially the werewolf incident, but hanging onto old grudges wasn't an answer either. "Okay, I accept your apology for those if you'll accept mine."

"Well, whatever hexes you threw at us were in self-defense so there's no reason to apologize. I'm fed up with Prongs. I think he's gone round the twist and should be locked up in St. Mungo's." Sirius said. He got up. "Lily, would you happen to know where Moony is?"

"I think he was going to study in the common room."

"I'll look for him there. Thanks, Lily."

Severus exhaled. "Well, of all the reasons I could think of when he came over that was definitely not on the list!"

"If Sirius thinks James is cracking up then he must really be," Lily said.

"I wonder if you shouldn't owl your dad. Maybe, he can get you out of Gryffindor tower. There have to be other places at Hogwarts you can stay where you'll be safe from Potter."

"I'm not helpless, Sev," Lily replied tartly.

"I'm sorry I guess I'm being over protective. I know you're not helpless; far from it actually. I'd bet on you against that bitch Bellatrix Black anytime."

Lily smiled and teased, "I think I may want some help with Bellatrix."

"Milord Snape will gladly assist Milady Lily," Severus teased in return.

The weeks flew by and suddenly it was Halloween and time for the first Hogsmeade visit. Severus, Lily, Frank, Alice, Remus, and Missy walked down to the village together. They wore coats because the last week had been cold and rainy and the weather today was still damp and chilly.

"I never could understand why they've always had the first Hogsmeade visit and the Halloween feast on the same day. By the time everybody gets back we're all too stuffed to really enjoy the feast." Frank complained.

Severus shrugged. "Tradition, I suppose. It doesn't make much sense to me either."

"You think too much, Sev," Lily teased pulling him into Gladrags Wizardwear after her. She spent an hour trying on clothes and soliciting his opinion how she looked in them. He shook his head; he wasn't much help because he thought she looked fantastic in everything. In fact, he thought she'd look smashing in a potato sack! She finally decided on two outfits. Severus was looking through the men's shirts and had pulled out a black silk shirt when Lily caught his hand. "No more black, Sev."

"Okay, no black," He agreed putting back the black shirt. "No green either," She added.

"But this one matches your eyes, Lily," He pointed out.

"That's nice, but you already have more than enough green in your wardrobe, Sev." She searched through the shirts as she talked. "Mum and I were talking and we realized that we can't suddenly switch you to wearing bright colors; that we have to ease you into it." She pulled a silver shirt off the rack and held it up to him. "This one looks good on you," She held another shirt of pale yellow shirt up to him. "This one looks good also." She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. "And they both look very sexy on you."

Severus smiled and replied. "Well, in that case I'll just have to buy both of them." One they stepped outside they decided to go to Honeydukes. Lily adored their chocolate bars and so did Severus' mum so he decided to buy her a big bar of Honeydukes Finest Chocolate that weighed at least a pound. He noticed Honeydukes was giving out samples of their newest chocolate creation called the Butterbeer Chocolate Bar. It was a chocolate bar with a butterbeer filling. He pointed it out to Lily. "Why don't you get a sample that for your dad? He seems to really enjoy butterbeer and I'll bet he'd like that."

"Good idea, Sev, and if he does like it I can get him a couple of big bars of it for Christmas."

They looked in some other shops before they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks where they were meeting up with Alice, Frank, Remus, and Missy before heading back to school. The place was packed as usual, but Remus and Missy were already there and had saved a table. Severus looked around and spotted Potter, Pettigrew, and Mary McDonald at a table in the back of the room, but did not see Sirius. As long as Potter and McDonald were together, Severus figured Potter wouldn't be bothering Lily. He spotted Sirius hanging out at the bar flirting with Rosmerta, the bar owner's niece who was in Hufflepuff. Alice and Frank came in, talking animatedly. They spotted the others, waved and made their way over to the table.

"Looks like somebody's been shopping," Alice commented noticing the bags around Severus and Lily.

"Yes, I bought two new outfits and Sev bought a couple of new shirts."

"Lily picked out the colors," Severus grinned. "She's trying to wean me off dark colors."

"Let's me see," Alice requested. Severus opened the bag for her and she glanced in it. "Oh yeah, those will look really good on you. Too bad you're not a bit tanner though."

"I don't tan; I burn and end up looking like a lobster." Severus joked.

"Me, too," Lily said. "Thank goodness for the Muggle invention of sun-bloc!"

The girls all decided to visit the loo together. Severus had to wonder why women always had to visit the bathroom in groups. They probably compared notes.

"So, Remus, are you going to ask Missy to the Yule Ball?" Frank asked.

"I'd like to. I really enjoy being partners with her in Potions. She very intelligent; she's quiet, but she has this great sense of humor, but not the sick kind like James has though."

"I'd ask her as soon as possible before somebody else does," Severus advised.

In the bathroom, the three girls were chatting. "Have you decided what to get Sev for Christmas, Lily?" Alice asked.

Lily sighed. "Well, I really want to get him that new book, Moste Ancient Potions. In fact, I have pre-ordered it from Flourish & Blotts. The problem is how do I keep Sev from buying it before I can give it to him for Christmas?"

"Yeah, that a toughie," Alice replied.

"I imagine the staff at Flourish & Blotts probably knows Severus so maybe you can suggest they tell him they're sold out and won't have any more copies until after Christmas." Missy suggested.

"That's a good idea, Missy, thanks!" Lily said.

"Okay, one problem solved," Alice declared. "Now for the next one; how do we convince Remus he should ask you to the Yule Ball, Missy?"

At that moment, Mary McDonald entered the bathroom. She turned up her nose at Lily. "Oh, it's the Slytherin whore!"

"Lily can't be, McDonald. Narcissa Black still holds that title," Alice pointed out.

"I'd rather be that than Potter's whore!" Lily replied sweetly.

"Come on Lily and Alice, let's get back to our guys," Missy suggested. They left the bathroom.

"That bitch!" Lily exclaimed angrily. "What the hell gives her the right to look down her nose at Sev and me?"

"Don't pay her any mind. She's just jealous because Sev's gorgeous and she's stuck with a looser like Potter," Alice comforted Lily.

"She doesn't seem to have the brains to realize Potter's just using her hoping to make you jealous," Missy added.

They went back to their table. Rosmerta brought over their order of butterbeers. Severus had to stifle his laugh when Potter slowly sauntered by with his hand practically shoved all the way down the back of McDonald's jeans. Did he really think his action would make Lily so jealous that she immediately grab him and shag him on the nearest table? Potter was obviously more stupid than he looked. Once they were out the door, everybody burst into laughter. Sirius who had been watching joined in with his barking laugh.

"I can't believe he thought he was going to make you jealous!" Severus said finally catching his breath.

"What an idiot!" Frank declared.

They decided to return to the school. On the walk back, Severus said to Lily, "Don't be surprised if Potter's putting on a major snog-fest with McDonald when you walk into your common room."

"What an arse!" Lily laughed. "I'll just tell them if their planning to shag to use second floor girl's bathroom because Myrtle always enjoys a good laugh."

"Poor Potty will be devastated that you're not impressed with his shagging abilities," Severus joked.

"Poor Potty will find himself in permanent detention if he's doing it in front of any first years." Lily sneered.

They both were laughing as they entered the school. At the main staircase, Severus gave Lily a quick kiss. "See you at the feast," He said.

"Okay," Lily waved as she, Alice, Frank and Remus headed up to the seventh floor while Missy was headed up to the fifth floor. Severus quickly walked down to the dungeon and gave the password to the gargoyle on the door. He stepped inside. Paul and some other first years were sitting in the common room. "Hi Sev! How was Hogsmeade?"

"I had a really good time. There's a lot to see and do as you guys will find out in two years."

"We're all looking forward to going to Honeydukes," Paul enthused.

"That's definitely worth the wait. They have every kind of sweet imaginable." Severus said. He headed for his room. He hung up his two new shirts, deciding he'd wear the silver one to the feast.

The Halloween feast that night would be remembered as one of the best. Paul and two other Slytherin first years sat next to Severus. Across from them sat Remus, Missy, and Liam Hollywell. The house-elves did themselves proud as they turned out all manner of meat, drink, and desserts. Severus found a platter of barbecued ribs. He grinned. It was a favorite at home and he had given the recipe to Cissy a couple of years ago. She usually made them for him for special feasts.

"Here try these," Severus offering the ribs. "It's an American Muggle recipe and really tastes good."

Lily had them before at Sev's house and loved them. "American Muggles usually cook these outside on a grill in the summer," She explained. "Sev's mum has all these American cookbooks with all kinds of food we don't get over here." They all took some of the ribs and agreed that they were quite tasty. Among the desserts was Southern Pecan pie.

The feast was concluded with Professor Dumbledore praising the students for their continuing support of the new policies instituted at the beginning of the school year. Severus and Lily walked to the staircase and waited until everyone had passed, including James with his smirky grin and his hand still shoved down the back of Mary McDonald's jeans. Severus looked around to make sure there were no teachers hanging around either then kissed Lily deeply. She returned his kisses and it was a few minutes before they parted.

Chapter 13

Severus made it back from his appointment with Dr. Lockwood just in time for lunch. He had changed out of his Muggle clothes; he'd worn black jeans and the pale yellow shirt he bought on Saturday, and into his school robes. He sat down beside Lily. "Sev!" She gave him a hug. "How was your appointment?"

"He said everything looks fine and he wants me to come back next month and then not until June." Severus filled his plate with food and started eating. "By the way mum approves of the shirts you picked out for me. I wore the yellow one this morning."

Lily smiled pleased. "You do look really good in those colors, Sev."

He flushed a bit than changed the subject, "I gave mum the chocolate you got for your dad."

"I hope he likes it," Lily said. "I guess I could get him a book for Christmas, too. He enjoys reading about our world."

"I remember you saying he enjoyed reading your History of Magic textbook." Severus shrugged. "It's really not a bad book. It's just that Binns's makes the whole thing so incredibly boring always blathering on about the Goblin wars." He snorted. "Binns's could make the Rolling Stones sound boring!"

"Maybe, I should buy Tuney a book about our world, too." Lily said thoughtfully.

"Might not be a bad idea. If Liam and she are going to get serious then she would probably want to know what living in our world will be like although since he's a Muggleborn it won't be a huge shock like it would be if he were a pureblood." Severus got up and helped Lily up. They held hands as they walked to Ancient Runes. Severus laughed suddenly. "This weekend's the first Quidditch match Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Are we going to go or not?"

Lily made a face and sighed. "I know Frank wants us to come."

I heard the Weather Witch predict cold and windy for the weekend when I was with mum in the Leaky Cauldron," Severus grimaced. He hated cold weather. He shrugged. "Maybe we can go and watch for an hour." When they'd gone to other games, they'd always watched them from the front gate because they knew they wouldn't be welcome to sit together with either of their houses.

"That sounds like a good compromise and Frank's feelings won't be hurt then either," Lily replied with a smile.

The miserable weather continued all week with Saturday morning dawning wind, cold with dark grey clouds hanging over the castle. Severus waited for Lily by the main staircase. She came down wearing a short, lavender colored winter jacket that zipped up the front. On her head, she wore a white knitted hat, but she wore no gloves or a scarf. "Lily, where's your scarf and gloves? It's really cold out there."

Lily frowned. "I couldn't find them although I know I packed them."

Severus was wearing a knee length black wool coat and had his Slytherin scarf wrapped around his neck and wore gloves and dragon skin boots on his feet. He took off his scarf and gently wrapped it around Lily's neck. "Sev …" She began to protest, but he silenced her with a kiss. "Hey, I don't want you to get sick, okay? If for no other reason than Slughorn might give me Potter for a partner."

She laughed. "Well, that would certainly be a fate worse than death!"

"Tell me about it. I'll bet he's destroyed more cauldrons than any other student in the history of the school." He smirked. "They'll have to add a footnote to Hogwarts: A History that says Potter holds the student record for blowing up or melting the most cauldrons. They may even give him a chocolate frog card for it."

As they walked towards the Quidditch Pitch, Severus held Lily's hand in his. Suddenly a sharp pain exploded in the side of his head, bringing him to his knees. He looked up through watering eyes and saw James, broom over one shoulder, smirking at him. "It's windier than I thought. Guess I should hold onto my broom tighter, Snivellus."

"You did that on purpose, Potter!" Lily yelled angrily as she helped Severus get up again. "You're getting detention! You're going to write the phrase, I must not swing my broom around like a bumbling baboon, a hundred times and I want it by Monday morning at the latest."

James raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "I said it was an accident, Evans."

"Either you write the lines, Potter or I'll turn you over to McGonagall; she'll make you write them."

He glared at Lily, noticing the scarf wrapped around her neck. "Going Slytherin on us, Evans?"

"No she isn't, Potter. I just don't want my girlfriend to get sick because of stupid house rivalries." Severus sneered.

"And there is no us," Lily snapped coldly. "Not now. Not ever. Never!"

"We'll see, Evans, we'll see," James replied confidently as he strutted off in the direction of the locker room.

Severus probed the side of his head where the broom handle had hit him and almost yelped. There was no blood thankfully, but he probably had one hell of a bad bruise developing.

"Maybe I should take you to Madam Pomfrey," Lily said worriedly.

"No I'm okay," Severus replied. "I'm just thankful I had my back to him and he didn't hit me directly in my face or he probably would have broken my nose."

"He was probably aiming to do exactly that, the rotten git!" Lily swore.

Severus took Lily's hand again and they walked to the front entrance. He glanced around and it looked as if all of the seats were filled. The Professors usually sat in the section behind the commentator's podium. He grinned. Gryffindor and Slytherin were probably the main rivals and that usually guaranteed an exciting game. "I wonder why Dumbledore didn't change the seating arrangements here like he did with the house tables."

"Maybe he never thought about it or it would have been too many changes all at once," Lily replied.

"I suppose." Severus grimaced as they were buffeted by strong winds. He took out his wand and muttered, "Protego," and put up a shield in front of them to protect them from the cold winds coming from off the pitch, but they were still being hit by winds coming from the back and sides. He cast a warming spell on himself and Lily.

"Thanks, Sev," Lily said snuggling against him. She had her hands shoved into the pockets of her jacket. Severus placed his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. They watched and after an hour the score was 10 to 0 in Slytherin's favor. The wind seemed to be creating problems for the chasers on both teams. He couldn't imagine that either of the seekers would be able to catch the snitch easily.

Severus leaned down and said to Lily, "Ready to go back inside?"

Lily nodded. He got rid of the shield and they started back towards the school. He was glad to be getting out of the wind because his feet were freezing. As they walked into the entrance Lily took Severus arm and steered him up the stairs to the first floor and to the hospital. "I just want Madam Pomfrey to check you and make sure Potter didn't hurt you."

"Lily I'm fine," Severus protested.

"I don't care, Sev, you're going even if I have to stun you to get you there."

They walked into the hospital. Madam Pomfrey saw them and came over immediately. Lily explained what happened. "I just want to make sure that git didn't do any serious injury to Sev."

Madam Pomfrey sighed at hearing it was another injury in a long list of injuries caused by James Potter or one of his friends. "Did you pass out at all, Severus?" She asked as she ran her wand over the side of his head.

"No, but it felt like the side of my head exploded." Severus replied. He winced as she gently probed the side of his head. "You have quite a bad bruise and some swelling where he hit you, but there's not a more serious injury, thank Merlin." She quickly healed the bruise.

"Thank Merlin is right," Severus growled. "If the arse had hit me in my face with his stupid broom he probably would have broken my nose and that would not please Dr. Lockwood." He thanked Madam Pomfrey and they left. "Let's go to our seventh floor retreat," Severus suggested.

"That sounds good," Lily said nodding. She was cold and just wanted to get warm. They got to the seventh floor, walked back and forth three times, and stopped as the door appeared. They disappeared inside. "Incendio," Severus pointed his wand at the fireplace and flames appeared, crackling merrily. He shrugged off his coat and threw it over one of the armchairs. "I wonder how the fireplace works. When you light it does another chimney suddenly sprout somewhere on the roof?"

Lily shrugged and tossed her coat over Severus'. She sat down on the couch, rubbing her arms.

Severus wondered if he called Blinky would he be able to hear him. He decided to try. "Blinky?"

No sooner had the word left his mouth then there was a pop and Blinky appeared. "What can Blinky do for Mr. Severus?"

"Blinky, can you bring us some hot chocolate?"

"Blinky can do that, Mr. Severus," Blinky replied, his ears flapping and his body wiggly eagerly.

"Thanks, Blinky." Blinky popped out again. Severus picked up a sheet of parchment from the coffee table and transfigured it into a blanket then cast a warming spell on it. Blinky popped back in carrying a tray with a pot of hot chocolate, mugs, and a plate of éclairs. "Cissy said to bring Mr. Severus and Miss Lily something to eat so Blinky chose these."

"And a very good choice it was, too, Blinky," Severus complimented him.

Blinky bowed. "We is cooking lunch so Blinky must get back."

"Okay Blinky, thanks for bringing this and thank Cissy for me, too."

"Blinky will tell Cissy for Mr. Severus." He bowed again and popped out.

Severus poured the hot chocolate and handed one of the mugs to Lily then pulled off his boots. Lily giggled as she noticed his silver and green striped socks. Severus chuckled, too. "Sorry, but they were my last pair of clean socks." Lily pulled off her trainers, revealing her red and gold striped socks. "Mine, too."

Severus stretched out on the couch and Lily stretched out on top of him. He covered them both with the warmed blanket. Lily sighed and took a sip of hot chocolate. "This is so much better than standing outside freezing our arses off." She set the mug down.

"Much better," Severus agreed. He had his arm resting across Lily's waist. She snuggled up to him and kissed him, her tongue sliding in between his lips. As she was kissing him her hands slid under his sweater. Severus jumped a bit because he wasn't expecting it and her hands were still a bit cold, but he quickly relaxed and allowed her to explore. He slid his hands underneath the back of her sweater and encountered the back of her bra, but found no way to unfasten it.

"Front," Lily muttered taking her mouth away from his for a second.

"Huh?" Severus said feeling a bit bemused. He also became aware of the fact that he was quickly becoming aroused.

"My bra unfastens in the front," She whispered then went back to kissing him.

He struggled some trying to get the clasp unfastened. Lily's breasts were full and that made it harder to unfasten her bra when he was unable to see what he was doing.

Lily seemed to realize he was having a problem. She sat up, pulled her sweater over her head, and tossed it aside. He quickly undid the catch, pushed her bra off her shoulders and Lily tossed it away. "You have beautiful breasts, Lily," Severus said softly.

"Okay, now you, Sev," Lily replied trying to remove his sweater, but he resisted her pulling at the bottom of his sweater. The more she tried, the more resistant he became. "She sat back then and said, "Why won't you let me take your sweater off?"

"I'd just rather leave it on. Why does it matter?"

"It matters because I'm willing to share myself fully," She motioned at her exposed breasts. "And you apparently aren't."

"It's not like that at all," Severus argued.

"What exactly is it like then, Sev, because it feels like I'm being used."

Severus frowned. How could he explain that he didn't want to take off his sweater because his back was so badly scarred it'd probably gross her out completely or even worse start her on a pitying jag? "It's hard to explain …" He began.

"Well, when you think of a way to explain it, Severus, you can let me know," Lily snapped fastening her bra again and pulling her sweater over her head. She picked up her trainers and her coat.

"Lily …" Severus called, but Lily ignored him and disappeared out the door.

Severus fell back on the couch with a groan and said aloud, "Well, you handled that one with a great sensitivity, Snape!" He felt bad because he knew he'd hurt Lily, but didn't know how to make it right again. He pulled his boots on, grabbed up his coat and scarf, and vanished the remaining food and drink with his wand. He made his way downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to get something to eat for lunch then went directly back to his room. He surmised the Quidditch match must still be going on because there seemed to be nobody else around. Even Avery and his cronies appeared to be gone. He sat at his desk and opened his Ancient Runes book, intent on reading ahead. He suddenly heard noise and voices, and figured the game must finally be over. Paul came into the room looking very cheerful. "Hi Sev. Did you watch the match?"

"Only the first hour. Who won?"

"We did. The final score was 160 to 20."

"It was a long match," Severus surmised. "I'm not surprised. The wind must have made it hard for the Chasers to get the Quaffle through the hoops and I imagine the Snitch was damn near impossible to catch."

"I'm going to lunch. Are you coming, Sev?"

"Severus shook his head. "I got something from the kitchen earlier; I've got studying I want to do."

"Okay. I'll see you later." Paul said. He left the room.

Severus sighed and rested his head on his folded arms.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Alice, Frank, and Remus came through the portrait hole after lunch. "I wonder why Lily and Sev weren't at lunch." Alice said.

Frank frowned. "Potter was bragging to Watson that he hit Sev with his broom before the match. He claims it was an accident. He claims he wasn't holding his broom tightly enough and the wind caught it and whacked Sev. He's furious because Lily doesn't believe it was an accident and gave him lines to write." Frank laughed.

"Yeah, right," Alice replied. "I'll believe it was an accident the day I see Hagrid flying on a broom!" She started up the stairs towards the dormitories. "Maybe Lily's in our room and I can ask her what happened."

Lily was lying on her bed studying or at least trying to study. She was hurt by Severus' actions. She always shared herself with him fully, but he always held back and it seemed as if he didn't trust her. Her eyes were red from crying and she didn't know what to do to make things better between them.

"Lily?" Alice called.

"In here, Alice," Lily called back. She made an effort to sit up as Alice came into the room.

Alice noticed right away that Lily had been crying. "Lily, what's wrong? Is it Sev? We heard Potter hit him with his broom."

"Sev's okay. He had a bad bruise on the side of his head, but Madam Pomfrey healed it," She replied.

"Well, you've obviously been crying so what happened. Did you and Sev have a fight?"

Lily cast a Muffliato spell over the room so if anybody else came in they couldn't hear her and Alice talking. "We had a disagreement I guess," Lily sighed. "He makes me so mad sometimes! I always have to drag things out of him. He won't share himself. I feel as if he doesn't trust me and that's why he keeps himself so closed off."

Alice frowned. "Well, I know you've told me that his home life wasn't good; that his dad drank and beat his mother and him. Right there isn't a good basis for developing trust, Lily. Not to mention all the crap he's had to take from Potter, Black, and Pettigrew from the first moment they saw him."

"But, I've been his friend since we were nine and I share everything with him."

"Just because you do doesn't mean he will. I mean maybe he feels more comfortable keeping some things to himself. Maybe you just have to be patient until he feels comfortable enough to share them."

"Maybe," Lily conceded.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Severus gave up trying to study and decided to go to the lab and brew. He noticed the other morning that Madam Pomfrey was getting low on Lung and Flu elixirs and she would probably need those very soon. He took his book along even though he knew the formulas by heart. He entered the lab then knocked on the door of Professor Slughorn's office. "Come in," Slughorn called. Severus stuck his head in the door. "It's me, Professor. I wanted to let you know I'm going to be brewing."

"Fine, my boy, fine." Slughorn smiled then said, "I'm planning to have a little party next Saturday night and of course I expect to see you and Miss Evans there."

"I'll let her know," Severus said. He didn't like to go, but Lily never wanted to hurt Slughorn's feelings by not showing up so he allowed Lily to drag him to them. He got the ingredients for the Lung elixir out of the cupboard, and set up his cauldrons. He got completely involved in the brewing process and it took his mind off Lily. It took him a couple of hours to complete the brewing. Slughorn was just coming out of his office intent on going upstairs to the Great Hall for dinner. "I'm just going to pour this into bottles, Professor. I'll lock the door when I'm done," Severus said.

"Very good, my boy," Slughorn replied jovially.

Severus poured the potion into bottle, cast a protective ward over the bottles then cleaned up lab and left, locking the door behind him. He didn't go into the Great Hall, but stopped again in the kitchen and picked up some food to take back to his room. He looked around the room and decided to take all his books out of his trunk and put them on the shelves over his desk. The only ones he left in his trunk were the books on Occlumency and Ligilimency. He didn't want to take a chance that the Death Eaters might find out he was studying both disciplines. He also left the one his mum had given him on contraceptive potions. He locked and warded his trunk. When he was finished with that, he started writing the essay Slughorn had assigned them on Friday and eating his dinner. With the completion of that he had all of his homework done so he decided to read ahead in Charms and practice some of the wrist movements for the spells.

Paul came in at nine and started to get ready for bed. "Night, Sev," He called.

"Night, Paul," Severus replied. He shut his bed curtains so the light from his reading would not disturb Paul. It was almost midnight before he went to bed. He thought about Lily and worried about the argument they'd had. How mad was she and how could he make it up to her? He woke up at eight, feeling heavy headed as if he'd slept too deeply. He got up and dragged himself out of bed, showered, dried his hair and got dressed. He went to the lab, picked up the potions he'd brewed yesterday and took them to Madam Pomfrey.

"Thank you, dear," She said. "I'll need this before too long."

"I'm going to brew you some more Flu elixir this afternoon."

"Yes. I'll need that, too. It does seem after Christmas everybody gets sick with colds and flu."

"Madam Pomfrey?" Severus asked.

"Yes, dear?"

"I know you've seen how badly scarred my back is. Can you give me your honest opinion about something?"

"Certainly, dear," She sat down at her desk while Severus leaned against it. "Do you think Lily would be totally grossed out seeing it for the first time?"

"You mean Lily's never seen your back, not even when you were children?"

Severus shook his head. "No. We used to go swimming but I always kept my shirt on."

Madam Pomfrey studied Severus closely for a moment. She could tell he was very uncomfortable. "Well, I don't think Lily would be, as you say, grossed out by your back because it's obvious to me that she loves you so that's not going to change her mind."

Severus nodded. "Thanks, Madam Pomfrey. I'll bring the Flu elixir tomorrow morning before class."

"Thank you, dear. I appreciate it."

Severus walked of the hospital, thanking Merlin Madam Pomfrey hadn't asked him why the subject had suddenly come up. He did feel as if he'd short changed Lily and owed her a huge apology. He walked back down to the dungeon and was surprised to find Remus standing in the hallway by the Slytherin entrance. "Hi Remus, what brings you down here?"

"We haven't seen you since yesterday morning and we were just wondering what's going on." Remus said.

Severus shrugged, "Nothing much." He gave the password to the gargoyle and the door opened. Remus followed Severus inside, looking around the common room curiously. "It doesn't look anything like I expected."

"If you'd come in here last year it would've, but Slughorn decided to redecorate over the summer." Severus answered. "He got rid of all the skulls and other crap like that. I never could figure out why Slytherin had all that dark kind of crap anyway, given its already not too great reputation." Severus went to his room with Remus following him. He took down his wards so Remus could get through. "I have wards up to prevent people like Avery and his friends coming into my room in the middle of the night with less than sterling intentions. I don't fancy waking up with my throat cut. They know I won't give Lily up, and that I threatened Malfoy this summer, and they definitely know I'm not in their camp. Needless to say they're none too pleased with me."

Remus grimaced. "From what Lily told me, it sounds as if Slughorn has them pretty well isolated."

Severus nodded. "For now, but the problem is pond scum always comes to the surface." He looked at Remus. "So, why are you really here, Remus? Did Lily send you?"

"No. She has no idea I'm down here. She looks so sad I assumed that you and she had a disagreement of some kind." Remus held up his hand at the expression on Severus' face. "I'm not being nosy I just want to see if I can help."

Severus frowned, chewing on his lip briefly before he said, "Okay, but this doesn't go any further than this room." Remus nodded and Severus continued, "Lily and I were snogging and we've gotten to the point where there's been some … umm … clothing removal." He could feel himself flushing. "Well, I didn't want to take off my sweater and that's when Lily got upset."

"How come you didn't want to remove your sweater?"

"Tobias, otherwise known as my father, used to beat the crap out of me with his belt. Lily's never seen how badly scarred my back is, not even when we were kids. We used to go swimming but I always kept my shirt on." He smiled at the memory. "She used to tease me because she thought it was because I didn't want to get sun burnt. The real reason was that my back was always either raw or in various stages of healing." He ducked his head allowing his hair to curtain his face. "I know I hurt her though."

I think you need to talk to her and tell her what you told me," Remus advised. "Lily's a very compassionate person. I know when I told her about my problem I expected her to run the other way because that what people normally did when they found out, but instead she told me that the werewolf wasn't who I was, it was something I became because I didn't have a choice, but it wasn't my soul."

Severus nodded. "I'll talk to her tomorrow. I've got to think about what to say so I don't sound like an arse and make things worse." He held out his hand. "Thanks, Remus, for caring enough to help."

Remus shook his hand. "Hey, that's what friends do."

Severus went to the potions lab after he ate lunch to brew the Lung elixir for Madam Pomfrey. Professor Slughorn was sitting in his office, reading a potion journal and munching on crystallized pineapple. Severus let him know he was going to brew then started to work gathering the ingredients. He opened his potions book to the formula and began to chop up the ingredients. He lit a fire under three cauldrons with his wand and slowly added the ingredients, stopping to add a clockwise or counter-clockwise stir. As he watched the potion brewing, he thought about what he was going to say to Lily tomorrow. How could he ask for her forgiveness for being such an insensitive arse? He kept a careful eye on cauldrons as they brewed. He finished shortly before dinner. He poured the elixir into bottles then warded them, cleaned up the lab, and bade Professor Slughorn goodnight. When he got back to his room he saw Blinky had left him dinner and a bowl of apples. Severus cast a chilling charm over the bowl. He liked his apples cold and crisp. He grabbed one up and took a bite out of it. Before he fell asleep that night he reviewed what he was going to say to Lily and hoped she would forgive him. He hated being estranged from her.

Chapter 14

Severus rose at eight o'clock Monday morning. He took a shower, got dressed, stopped by the lab and picked up the bottles of Lung elixir he'd brewed yesterday.

"Thank you, Severus," Madam Pomfrey said. "You don't know how nice it is not to have to chase after and nag Horace constantly about brewing the potions I need."

"No problem. I enjoy doing it."

"There's no hurry, but I'm going to need more Strengthening Solution. I use a lot of that when the Wizard's Flu hits."

"Okay," Severus said. He wrote it on a scrap of parchment and stuck it in his robe pocket. He made his way to the Charms classroom. Professor Flitwick was already there. "Good morning, Severus," He called in his squeaky voice.

"Good morning, Professor," Severus called back. He sat down in his usual spot. He didn't know if Lily would sit beside him, but he hoped she would. He opened his textbook, reviewing the lesson for today, with his head tilted and resting on one hand. He heard voices and they definitely belonged to Lily, Frank, Alice, Remus, and Missy. As Lily sat down beside him, he looked up and gave her a smile, but didn't say anything. He loved the smell of the herbal shampoo she used on her hair. He heard Potter and Black come in and could feel Potter glaring a hole in his back. He wondered briefly if he'd done the lines Lily had given him on Saturday and that was the reason for his glare. Professor Flitwick, as usual, climbed up on top of his desk so everyone could see him, called the class to order, and began the lesson. At one point when Professor Flitwick's back was to the class, Severus felt Lily squeeze his hand. He glanced over at her quickly and saw her smile. He didn't really get a chance to talk to her during Transfiguration because Professor McGonagall was very strict about whispering or note passing while she was teaching.

Herbology was even worse. Professor Sprout always had her sixth year class harvest Snargaluff pods which involved using protective goggles and their dragonhide gloves. The Snargaluff stump looked dead until Severus touched it then it puts out several thorny vines in protection. He struggled with the vines that kept getting tangled in his hair and scratching his face, but finally got the stump to open and Remus was able to extract a pulsating green pod the size of a grapefruit. He put it in a bowl and handed it to Lily who had volunteered to juice the pods. She cut it open, squeezed it, and filled the bowl with pale green, wiggling tubers. The three of them managed to harvest a second pod which pleased Professor Sprout greatly. "Excellent work, Mr. Snape, Miss Evans and Mr. Lupin; take twenty points for Gryffindor and Slytherin!"

"Ugh! To think that's going to be an ongoing project," Severus griped. He knew the tubers were vital to some potions, but he'd rather just buy them at Slug and Jiggers Apothecary than go through all this. He ducked into the bathroom on the way to Arithmancy to heal the scratches on his face from struggling with the vines. He sat down next to Lily and seeing that Professor Huburis was not yet in the classroom, he asked softly, "Can you meet me on the Seventh floor after class?"

Lily nodded. "Of course, Sev

"I want to apologize and explain about Saturday. I'm sorry I acted like such an idiot."

"I have some things I need to say, too," Lily admitted.

The class seemed to drag, but finally it was over. Severus and Lily hurried up to the seventh floor. They walked quickly back and forth in front of the blank wall and saw the door appear. Severus pulled it open for Lily and she ducked under his arm and went in. She sat down on the couch looking at Severus expectedly.

"First thing I want to say is I'm sorry for misjudging you and not trusting you." He sat down beside her. "I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry for that."

"Sev, I want to apologize, too, for acting like a spoiled brat." Lily said, squeezing his hand.

"Well, I acted like a bloody arse so we're even." He got up. "The second thing I want you to know is why I didn't want to take off my sweater." He took off his robe and threw it over a chair then unknotted his tie and tossed it aside. He pulled his shirt out of his pants, took off his cufflinks which were green jade with a silver snake on them. Lily had given them to him for Christmas last year. He started unbuttoning his shirt and laughed nervously. "Feels a bit like I'm doing a striptease here." He finally undid the last button and shrugged his shirt off his shoulders. "This is what I didn't want you to see." He turned around and showed Lily his back.

Lily gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. His back was crisscrossed with scar tissue. There was not a space anywhere on it that didn't have some degree of scaring. Some of the scars were raised and looked as if they were caused by wounds that were inflicted repeatedly. "Oh Sev!" Lily exclaimed. "I had no idea things were so bad." She gently touched his back.

He pulled his shirt back up, sat down on the couch, and shook his head. "Madam Pomfrey saw the scarring the first time I was in the hospital and I'm sure she went straight to Dumbledore because that's the kind of person she is, but he never did anything.

Lily leaned her head against his shoulder. "Sev, I'm so sorry!"

"It's not anybody's fault." He shrugged. "The first time it happened I was five and he was beating mum. I tried to protect her, if you can imagine that."

"I can," Lily said softly.

"Tobias hated me anyway. Mum said I started showing magic when I was one. She said I used to summon my toys and she'd have to grab them because she didn't want him to know I was magical, but of course, he found out eventually. Anyway, he was furious at me for interfering so he took off his belt and used the buckle end to beat me. I remember mum tried to stop him but he shoved her against a wall so hard he knocked her out cold. Tobias wasn't as tall as I am now, but he was muscular because he was working loading and unloading ships. I was certain he'd killed her." A tear ran down Severus' face. "After he was done beating me he threw me in a closet and locked the door. I started screaming, pounding on the door and he gave me another beating for disturbing him. I learned fast not to make any more noise after the second beating. Mum let me out once he'd passed out which was probably several hours later. She took me to my room and the thing I remember most clearly was how she held her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake him with my screams because my shirt was stuck to the dried blood on my back."

Lily was horrified when she heard this description. "I don't understand why your mum would stay with him."

"Mum said he threatened to kill us if she left or if we told anybody, but he probably would have killed me eventually. He'd beat me anytime I did accidental magic, if he had a bad day at work, if the bar or store was out of his favorite liquor, or even if it he didn't like the weather outside. It didn't matter. Things got worse once his livelihood disappeared. He'd use any excuse or no excuse to beat the crap out of me and always with the buckle end of his belt because he knew that was what caused the most pain and damage. He quit beating mum so much because he discovered it caused her more pain to see me getting beaten." Lily could see that the tears were dripping freely from both his eyes and his voice had become choked. He suddenly buried his face in Lily's shoulder.

"Sev, I'm so sorry," Lily repeated. She was crying herself as she held him tightly. All the abuse he'd taken from Potter, Black, and Pettigrew on top of the terrible abuse he'd gotten at home! She felt his shoulders shaking as ten years worth of pain, fear, and misery came pouring out. "It will be all right, Sev," She whispered softly, stroking his hair, and ignoring that her robe and blouse were becoming soaked with his tears. No wonder people always thought of him as cold, distant, and unfeeling. He'd obviously learned at an early age to suppress any show of emotion to avoid a beating.

Finally, he calmed down enough, lifted his head off her shoulder, and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Lily."

Lily gave him a gentle shake. "Severus Snape, don't you dare ever apologize for your emotions." She pulled him close to her again. "Do you remember when we were kids; how dad nicknamed you Lily's Shadow?"

Severus smiled slightly. "Yes, because I always followed you, but I hardly ever said anything."

"Well, I talked enough for both of us," Lily joked. She was silent for a moment then said, "Mum and dad always suspected you might be abused. I overheard them talking one time and mum was remarking on how you jumped at any loud noise, and dad said that he noticed you always tensed up at loud voices even if they weren't raised in anger."

"That was because loud noises and loud voices in my house meant Tobias was on a drunken rage and that always translated into a beating for me." He shrugged. "I had no other frame of reference. I just thought all parents beat the crap out of their kids."

"I don't know if my parents ever reported their suspicions to Social Services."

Severus shook his head. "Even if your parents had and Social Services had come to our house, we would have lied and said nothing was wrong."

Lily glanced at her watch. "It's almost lunch time. Do you want to go downstairs to lunch or stay up here and ask Blinky if he can bring us something?"

"I want to stay here." He stood up, buttoned his shirt and tucked it back in, then put his cufflinks back in. He looked around for his tie, spotted it, and grabbed it up from the floor. After several attempts to knot it, he gave up.

"Here, let me," Lily offered. She quickly tied a perfect Windsor knot for him, straightened his tie, and made sure it was tucked under his collar.

"Thanks, Lily." He picked up his robe and put it back on then sat down again. Lily gave him a hug then called out, "Blinky?"

There was a pop and Blinky appeared. "What can Blinky do for Mr. Severus and Miss Lily?"

"Blinky, can you bring us some lunch?"

"Blinky can do that, Miss Lily. He will be right back." He left with a pop, but was back in five minutes balancing a tray containing two steak and vegetable Cornish Pasties, two slices of chocolate gateau and a pitcher of cold pumpkin juice and two glasses. Lily took the tray from him and said, "Thank you so much, Blinky," Blinky flapped his ears and wiggled at Lily's praise then with a pop he was gone again. Lily fixed a plate for Severus and said sternly, "I want to see you eat all of this."

Severus smiled. "You sound like Madam Pomfrey."

"Well, you know that's what she'd say if she were here and your mum, too."

"I know," He answered and started to eat. He felt strange, but in a good way. He felt lighter as if a huge weight had fallen off him.

"You don't have any idea where Tobias went after your mum forced him to leave?" Lily asked suddenly.

Severus shrugged. "We've always thought if he hasn't been killed in a drunken bar fight or hasn't yet managed to drink himself to death, he's probably in London. I don't know if you recall, but he worked unloading ships for years until the ships got too big to fit in the canal and the jobs vanished. That's the only kind of work he knows and London obviously has the biggest docks so we figured he's probably working there somewhere."

"I noticed Eileen seemed really tense whenever we went into Muggle London," Lily said. "She never really relaxed until we were inside the hospital."

"That's why. She's always been afraid Tobias might see us." He paused then added. "Sometimes I'm afraid of that, too. Not because he'd hurt me again, but because of what want I'd want to do to him for all the agony he caused mum and I."

Lily shivered at the tone of his voice.

Chapter 15

They finished lunch then Lily left Severus to get her textbooks for her afternoon classes while Severus returned to the dungeon to exchange his books. Before he left his room, he cast a glamour charm to hide his red and swollen eyes. He met Lily at the staircase and they continued on to Ancient Runes. He found himself distracted all afternoon and not really paying attention to what he was doing, even in Potions. Fortunately, Lily was keeping a close eye on him and was able to prevent him from making any serious mistakes. They had a test in Defense Against the Dark Arts and, even in his current distracted state, he was certain he would get a high grade. He and Lily went to dinner together. He didn't say much, mostly listened.

"Hey Evans?" James called down the table. "Want to go flying with me on my broom tomorrow since Snivellus is afraid of brooms."

Severus shook his head and rolled his eyes. Potter had to be the stupidest gits on the planet. Did he not remember that Lily didn't fly brooms because she was terrified of heights? That she used to be in tears whenever they had a flying lesson their first year?

"No, Potter! I do not want to go flying with you tomorrow or any other time!" She yelled.

He jogged her arm and nodded towards the entrance. She nodded in return and they got up and left the hall together. "Merlin!" Severus swore. "I swear I'm going to transfigure that stupid, insensitive git into a broom before the years out!"

Lily took his arm. "Don't bother. He'd loved being a broom and having a female riding him."

Severus grinned. "Well, that's certainly true so I'll turn him into a broom for sweeping the floor."

Lily giggled then asked, "Do you want to study in the library or upstairs?"

"Let's go upstairs, but let me get my book bag first."

"I'll go with you," Lily said, taking his arm.

"Okay. I guess it'll be all right. I haven't seen the Idiots for Riddle in the common room since the first night."

He walked up to the Slytherin entrance, gave the password to the gargoyle who opened the door. They walked in, but unfortunately, for Severus and Lily, the Idiots for Riddle were all seated in the common room. Avery rose to his feet snarling, "How dare you bring a Mudblood into our common room, Snape!"

Severus' wand appeared so fast in Avery's face that he stepped back glaring. He quickly pulled Lily behind him. "You ever use that name again in this common room and I will curse your sorry arse so far into next week you'll have to pay a sack of gallons to get it shipped back to you!" He stepped back. "But since I am a Prefect I can give you detention. I'll inform Professor Slughorn that you'll be happy to scrub out cauldrons for a week."

Avery glared at him. "You're a blood traitor, Snape, and the Dark Lord's going to get rid of all of the blood traitors and all the other undesirables like you're Mudblood girlfriend there!"

"Well, if he's smart he'll start with you and your buddies. You're about as undesirable as they come." Severus sneered then added, "By the way I'm a Half-blood traitor." He looked at Rodolphus Lestrange and said, "Hey, I hear Bella's big ambition is to become Riddle's mistress, but you'd better warn her before she dives into bed with him to make sure he still has his equipment. I've heard he's hardly human anymore so maybe he figured he didn't need it because it might sap his power." He pushed Lily in front him as he left the common room so if one of them threw a hex or curse at them, it would hit him and not Lily. "Morons!" He muttered. He entered his room, grabbed up his book bag then stopped and dug another book out of his trunk and slipped it in his book bag. "Let's go." He took Lily's arm and led her out, but when they entered the common room, it was empty. Severus smirked. "The meeting must have adjourned."

"You made them really angry, Sev," Lily said worriedly.

"I probably shouldn't have said that about Bellatrix, but she's such a bitch I couldn't resist." On the way out of the dungeon, they stopped in Professor Slughorn's office and Severus told him what had happened. "Avery called Lily that awful name so I gave him detention because he was in violation of the house rules."

"Thank you for informing me, Severus. I will take it from here." Slughorn said nodding.

They made their way to the seventh floor. Severus waited around the corner for her. He really didn't want to wait outside Gryffindor tower and risk running into Potter or have the Fat Lady giving him nasty looks and muttering about how a Gryffindor should not be dating a Slytherin. He figured she probably gave Lily a lecture every time she went into the tower.

Lily came at last, carrying her book bag. She was frowning and muttering, "Nosy old bat! What business is it of hers who I date?"

"The Fat Lady does enjoy scolding," Severus said. "And I'll bet you have to listen to her every time you go in."

"She refuses to open so I don't have a choice."

As they went into room, Severus chuckled and asked, "I'll bet, too, she thinks the perfect boyfriend is Potter or Black?"

"How did you guess?" Lily asked.

"It just figures. Frank already has a girlfriend; Remus is suspect now because he's friendly with me. Pettigrew's too short for you and most of the rest of the guys in your year are already taken so the only ones left she'd consider appropriate for you would be Potter or Black."

"The old bat! I'd love to be able to cast the Comburoirrito spell on her."

"Well, if you ever do find a way to do it, let me know so I can watch." Severus chuckled. "That would definitely be something I'd want to see."

They spent the evening practicing casting non-verbal spells which they were learning this year in DADA. Severus and Lily had been able to do it almost on their first try, but most people had problems learning it. They laughed after both their wands flew out of their hands as they both had cast a silent Expelliarmus. Severus was especially interested in becoming proficient at this particular spell, as it was Potter's trademark spell.

"I don't know why they don't start teaching non-verbal spells the first year, especially with the war coming. By sixth year, most people are so dependent on verbal spells that it's more difficult for them to learn than it should be."

"I noticed Potter was having a hard time." Lily giggled. "He was red in the face from trying not to shout out the spells like he usually does. He looked as if he were badly constipated."

"Great!" Severus grimaced. "Now that's something I want to think about."

They took a break and sat down on the couch. Severus looked at his book bag, pointed his hand at it, and thought, "Accio Contraceptive Potion book!" To his surprise, the book came floating out of his bag and into his hand.

Lily's eyes widened as she saw him do it. "I didn't know you could do wandless magic!"

He shook his head. "I can't do it all the time. It's fluctuates at best, but I'd like to be able to do it better." He shook his head. "That's another thing I think they should teach here. Wandless magic is actually what we did as kids, but once we get wands we get so dependent on them I think we forget how to channel our magic any other way."

"What's the book you're holding?" He handed it to her. "The Modern Wizard's and Witches' Guide to Contraceptive Potions." Lily read aloud.

"Mum gave it to me." Severus shrugged. "I told her we weren't planning on doing anything, but she said it was just in case." He took two vials out of a pocket in his robes. "She even brewed us a couple of potions just in case." He handed her the vial with the pink stopper. "That's yours and this one's mine. She also gave me a morning-after potion in case we slipped up and forgot. She said all three potions were in this book."

"I don't know how we can brew them," Lily remarked looking over some of the potions. "I suppose we could brew them up here and I'm sure the student supply cupboard has all the ingredients, but I wouldn't feel comfortable using school supplies for this."

"Me either," Severus said then thought for a moment. "We could find the most effective potion and buy the ingredients for it during Christmas vacation and keep them up here until we need to brew it."

"Would it be safe?" Lily asked. "I wouldn't want somebody finding it."

"Yes, because I'm pretty sure that if somebody did find this room and wanted to use it to study; it would look different for each person." He nodded at the three books lying on the coffee table. "This is where I keep my books Robert gave me on Occlumency and Ligilimency."

"How is that coming, Sev?" Lily asked.

"I've been able to shield my mind strongly within a short time. Robert says I'm a natural Occlumens. The Ligilimency is going slower mainly because I don't have anybody to practice it on."

"I can help you," She offered. "You can practice on me."

Severus shook his head. "Thanks, Lily, I appreciate your offer and if you were able to shield your mind I'd take you up on it, but it wouldn't be ethical to perform it on an unshielded mind."

"Sev, you're way too protective of me," Lily pouted.

"And I always will be, Lily," He reminded her. "Do you want to practice non-verbal spells some more?"

She nodded and they stood up. At their first attempt, Lily got Severus with a Jelly-Legs Jinx, but Severus got her with the Impedimenta Curse on their second attempt.

"Sev?" Lily asked as they left the room.

Severus looked at her, his eyebrows raised.

Lily was biting her lip, looking uncomfortable. "I just wondered if you've ever considered seeing a Mind Healer to help you with the memories … like the ones you told me about today."

"No, because I didn't really remember anything specific until this morning. I don't know the memory just seemed to pop into my head. I mean I've always known I was a battered child, but I was never able to remember any specific acts of abuse." He frowned. "I wonder if mum could have used some sort of memory charm to protect me from remembering and saying anything because Tobias threatened to kill us."

"I suppose it's possible," Lily replied.

"Your idea of a Mind Healer has worth, but I probably couldn't do it until summer because he or she might want to see me a lot at first. I'm taking a dreamless sleep potion tonight so I don't wake up the entire house screaming, but I know it can't be taken indefinitely either."

"If you decide to see a Mind Healer, I'll go with you if you want me to," Lily volunteered.

"I might take you up on that," Severus warned her with a smile. They reached Gryffindor's entrance and Severus, much to the Fat Lady's annoyance, pulled Lily into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. "See you in the morning, Lily."

"Be really careful, Sev," Lily cautioned worriedly. "I know you made Avery and his friends angry tonight and they scare me. They'll want to retaliate somehow."

Severus comforted her and promised, "I'll keep my guard up." He gave her another kiss much to the Fat Lady's disgust then headed downstairs to the dungeon. Once he got there, he gave the Gargoyle the password and was allowed inside. It was a few minutes before nine. Professor Slughorn was standing in the middle of the common room and so was all of Slytherin house.

"What's going on?" Severus whispered to Chea.

"Slughorn caught Avery and his creepy buddies having a discussion about You-Know-Who and they were bothering some firsties who are Muggleborns and calling them Mudbloods."

"Arseholes!" He muttered. "I gave Avery detention earlier because he called Lily that name."

Professor Slughorn cleared his throat then said, "More than a month ago I explained the new rules for Slytherin House. Apparently some of you chose not to listen or perhaps you thought fear of retaliation by Mr. Riddle would prevent any punishment if you so chose to blatantly break the rules. Well, that is not true. Mr. Avery, Mr. Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, Mr. Rosier, Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle, you are to serve two weeks detention for discussing You-Know-Who in the common room, for frightening our first years by implying you had the power to hurt them or their families and calling them nasty names. Mr. Avery will serve an additional week of detention for calling Miss Evans a nasty name. You will all also be banned from the common room for a month and banned from the next visit to Hogsmeade." He looked around at the crowd of students. "I hope I've made myself extremely clear. Behavior such as this will not be tolerated and will be punished."

The crowd of students began leaving the room. Severus walked past Avery who muttered angrily, "You're dead, Snape!"

He swung around and glared at Avery, Rosier, the Lestrange brothers, Crabbe and Goyle. "You think Moldy-Shorts is going to reward you for this fuck-up tonight? I'd say you're all looking at a nice long Cruciatus session at your next little gathering at Malfoy Manor." He caught Crabbe and Goyle exchanging frightened looks.

"Shut up, Snape!" Rosier growled.

"Yeah, I hear he doesn't like screw-ups especially when they tip his hand to Dumbledore. I hear he really enjoys using the Cruciatus curse, or maybe he'll let Bellatrix perform it. I've heard that's her specialty second only to Avada Kedavra. Don't expect Bella to go easy on you either Roddy. After all she's looking to replace Malfoy as Riddle's first lieutenant." He smirked as he left the room. Possibly he gave at least some of those dunderheads something to think about, provided of course Crabbe and Goyle were actually able to think. He got undressed, downed the Dreamless Sleep potion and, just in case it wore off before he woke up, he cast a silencing spell around his bed.

Severus woke up the next morning with a headache. That was the only problem with a Dreamless Sleep potion; it made him sleep so heavy he woke up groggy and with a headache. He got out of bed somewhat unwillingly, took a shower, washed his hair then dried off and got dressed. He gathered up his textbooks for his morning classes and put them in his book bag. Before he left his room he swallowed a Headache Remedy potion then made a face. Too bad flavors in potions rendered most of them useless. He started down the hall when he heard somebody call out his name. He backed up and saw Vance Crabbe peeking out of the Potions classroom. He drew his wand and carefully entered the classroom. The only other person there was Garron Goyle who held up his hands and said, "Peace, Snape, we're not here going to hurt you."

"Can I shut the door?" Crabbe asked. "We don't want Avery, Rosier, or the Lestranges to know what we're up to."

Severus nodded then as an additional precaution cast a Muffliato spell. "What is it you're up to, Crabbe?"

"We don't want anything to do with the Dark Lord!" Crabbe said. "Look, we got scared, Gar and me, because we're not brilliant like you are, Snape. Avery's always talking about how the Muggleborns are going to get all the best jobs and that's what the Dark Lord was going to stop. He was going to make sure average guys like us could always find employment. We went to one meeting at Malfoy's with the Dark Lord and he treated us like house elves. My dad's a blacksmith so he's willing for me to learn the trade and Gar's father raises sheep so his dad's planning for him to take it over when he wants to retire so why do we need the Dark Lord anyway?"

"And I don't want the Cruciatus cursebecause Avery talked us into doing a dumb thing!" Goyle whined.

"We'll both be seventeen this summer and we'll be expected to take the mark," Crabbe said.

"Let me check with some people and get back to you," Severus said. "Let's meet in here in two days."

"Can we trust you not to let Avery know we want out, Snape?" Crabbe demanded.

Yes, just as I have to trust that you're not working with Avery to set me up for a major Cruciatus session."

They nodded and left the room. Severus waited several minutes before he left the room and made his way upstairs to the Great Hall. He sat down next to Lily just as the food appeared on the table. She kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning, Sev."

"Good morning, Lily."

Frank leaned across the table and said in a whisper, "There's a rumor going around this morning that there was some kind of an explosion in your common room last night so what happened?"

Severus figured the first years must have been talking. "Slughorn got after the Idiots for Riddle. He caught them talking about Riddle, threatening first years, and calling them nasty names. He gave them two weeks of detention, banned them from the common room for a month, and from the next Hogsmeade's visit. Avery got three weeks because I gave him a week of detention for calling Lily the M-word."

"I'll bet that lot hates your guts, Sev." Alice stated.

"That's putting it mildly, Alice," Severus replied. He continued to eat his breakfast, but stopped when he noticed Lily's frightened look. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "I'll be all right, Lily."

"I know, but they scare me, Sev, especially Avery."

At that moment James strutted over. "Hey, Evans when are you going to dump Snivy here? You know we're fated to be together so why not cut him loose now and avoid all the trouble later?"

"If we're fated to be together, Potter, I'll Avada Kedavra myself!" Lily replied as the people around them chuckled loudly.

"Potter, why don't you find someone else to pester?" Severus sneered getting up. He helped Lily up then whispered, "I've got to talk to Dumbledore about something. Will you wait for me?"

She nodded and gathered up her books. "Go away, Potter, unless you want me to cast the Burnitchio spell on you again and where everybody can see it this time."

Severus caught Professor Dumbledore as he was leaving the High Table. He glanced over at the Slytherin table, but it was empty. "Can I have a word with you, Sir?"

"You may, Severus," Dumbledore said nodding. He led him into the antechamber off the Great Hall. He closed the door. "Now what may I do for you, Severus."

Severus quickly told him about Crabbe and Goyle's wish not to become Death Eaters, and told him what Avery had said to get them involved. "I really think they didn't realize what they were getting into."

"That's very possible," Dumbledore agreed.

"I've heard rumors that you've either put together a group or will be putting together a group to fight Riddle," Severus said. "Is there any way you can protect them and their families should they need protection?"

Dumbledore didn't admit or deny Severus' statement. The fewer people who knew about the Order of the Phoenix, the more effective it could be. "That can be arranged should they need it."

"Professor Slughorn needs to get them out of the dorm they're in now also."

"I'll speak to Horace about it."

"Thank you, Professor," Severus replied nodding.

"Thank you for bringing my attention to these facts, Severus. Should you come across anymore facts or information you feel might be useful, my door is always open."

Severus nodded as he left.

Severus went over to Lily and they hurried to Charms. Severus told her he would explain later about his meeting with Dumbledore. They made it

before Professor Flitwick could mark them late. He looked at them in surprise because they were normally the earliest students in the class. Unfortunately, Potter was sitting where Lily and Severus usually sat. "Have a seat, Evans," James said, motioning to the chair beside him, with a big stupid grin. Mary McDonald looked hurt. Remus who was sitting beside Missy quickly got up and offered Lily his seat then sat down beside James. Severus, who was sitting beside Chea, snorted. The look on Potter's face was priceless! He was still chuckling about it as they walked to Transfigurations holding hands. Lily was unable to see James's face from where she was seated

"Potter looked as if he wanted to strangle Remus with a short cord," Severus laughed then said, "I can't believe McDonald doesn't realize he's just using her, trying to make you jealous."

"Well, she's had a crush on Potter since first year. In a way I feel sorry for her because she doesn't seem to value herself enough to tell Potter to go fuck himself."

"Lily Elizabeth Evans!" Severus said in shocked tone.

Lily giggled. "You sound like the Fat Lady, Sev."

"Aww, now you hurt my feelings!"

She gave him a quick kiss before they entered the Transfiguration classroom. Severus always enjoyed the class. Professor McGonagall didn't favor the Gryffindors in spite of being their House Head. She awarded points fairly although she did like awarding them to her house.

After Arithmancy, Severus went down to dungeon to collect his books for his afternoon classes while Lily went up to Gryffindor tower to get hers. She gave the Fat Lady the password, but the she refused to open the tower entrance.

"I just don't why you insist on dating that Slytherin when there are young men you could date in your own house!" The Fat Lady scolded.

Lily rolled her eyes. "I gave you the password so just open the entrance, please." She was aware of the Gryffindors behind her who wanted inside.

"You certainly never get anywhere with him. He's a Death Eater!"

"She's right, Evans," James said behind her. "You should listen to her. Snivellus will always be a hindrance to you. He is and will always be dark. All Slytherins are."

Lily turned on him furiously. "You're an idiot, too, Potter! If you're going to be an Auror, you'd best remember Rufus Scrimgeour, who's currently the Chief Auror, was a Slytherin."

"You should marry Mr. Potter. He's a much better match than that Slytherin boy." The Fat Lady continued unaffected by the groans coming from Frank, Alice, and Remus.

She's right, Evans. Besides I'm rich and you wouldn't have to work ever."

"I'm going to be a Master Healer, Potter, not some idiot's trophy wife," Lily snapped. "Besides as I said before I like my men tall, dark, sexy, and brilliant and you don't qualify on any of those counts!" She turned back to the Fat Lady and ordered, "Now open this up, and let us in!"

"All right," The Fat Lady huffed sulkily and swung open so the Gryffindors could enter their tower.

"I'm just about ready to demand that McGonagall find another guardian for our entrance," Lily complained to Alice. "I'm sick of her lecturing me about dating Sev."

Alice shook her head. "What business is it of hers anyway?"

"None!" Lily snapped. "She's lucky I can't use the Comburoirrito spell on her is all I can say!" She went up to her dorm room and threw her afternoon books into her book bag then returned downstairs. Potter grinned at her from the squishy armchair he was sitting in. "See, Evans, even the Fat Lady knows we're destined to be together."

"That's because she has about as many brains as you, Potter, which means she has none," Lily replied curtly. She went quickly out the portrait hole and down the hallway where she found Severus reading while leaning against the wall. He straightened up when he saw Lily. "Did you get another lecture from the Fat Lady?" He asked sympathetically.

"Of course and to make matters worse, idiot Potter was there and had to contribute his two Knuts worth."

Severus opened the door when it appeared. They went in and Lily dumped her book bag on the floor and sat down on the couch in a huff. Severus sat down beside her, put his arm around her. Lily allowed herself to relax against him. "What did you and Professor Dumbledore talk about, Sev?"

Severus described his meeting with Crabbe and Goyle that morning and his meeting with Dumbledore. "He wouldn't say whether or not he's formed a group that's fighting Riddle, but he did tell me if I had any other facts or information, his door was always open."

Do you think Crabbe and Goyle are being honest?"

He told Lily what he'd said to the Death Eaters the night before, but left out Avery's death threat. "I think I scared them both pretty bad, enough to start thinking for probably the first time in their lives. Granted they're one sandwich short of a picnic basket, but I think they've finally realized once they take the mark, their lives would be owned by Riddle and since they'll both turn seventeen this summer, they'll be expected to take the mark." He shrugged. "The more people I can convince to either drop out or not join at all, the better it will be for our side."

"I suppose," Lily said doubtfully. "Sev, I don't want you putting yourself in unnecessary danger."

"I won't. I know my limitations all too well. Besides the other four Death Eaters are hardcore so I'm not going to bother with them. I don't for a minute believe Slytherin is the only house with Riddle sympathizers." He shrugged. "But that's what everybody's comfortable believing. I doubt McGonagall, Flitwick, or Sprout would even consider for a moment that there might be people who side with Riddle in their houses, and that's what's going to eventually bite them in the arse, too."

"You mean Riddle might recruit a spy from another house and they'd never realize it because they weren't looking there?"

"That's what I'd do were I Riddle. They won't because they all think Gryffindors are too noble to join Riddle, Ravenclaws are too smart, and Hufflepuffs are too nice." Severus said then added bitterly, "But of course all Slytherins are evil and crazy for power so we'll all join him in a flash."

"You obviously aren't power crazy, and neither is Chea. She told me she wants to be an Auror."

"Yes, and I think there's many good possibilities for the Auror program from this class. I don't think they've taken anybody since Kingsley Shacklebolt and that was four years ago. If they take anybody from this year, it will probably be Frank, Alice, or Chea. I know Black has apparently realized he has to get top grades to get into the Auror program and is making an effort. I know Remus is tutoring him in potions."

"At least he's making an effort. Potter, on the other hand, is still the same lazy, goof-off he's always been."

"That is because Potter's convinced if he fails to get in on his own, daddy can buy him in. He has another thing coming. Rufus Scrimgeour would sooner cut off his wand hand than take a bribe. His honor and the honor of the Auror program would be compromised not to mention Potter's incompetence would put other Aurors he might work with in grave danger."

"In a way Potter's arrogance is not any different than Lucius Malfoy's arrogance that he's a pureblood and better than the rest of us." Lily said thoughtfully.

"You're right about that," Severus said. He reached over for his Charms textbook, intending on reading the assignment for tomorrow.

Lily looked at him. "Sev, from what you said, it sounds as if Dumbledore wants you to spy for him."

"I don't think he wants me to actually spy, just to pass along important things I might overhear." Severus shook his head. "Believe me, I'm no hero, and I do not intend to put my ear to the keyhole of Avery's door."

Lily stretched out on the couch, her head in Severus' lap and her Transfiguration book opened to the assigned reading. Severus gently stroked her hair as he read.

"So when is the next Hogsmeade visit?" Severus asked suddenly.

"It's the December eleventh. The week before the Yule Ball. Don't you ever read the announcements on the bulletin boards, Sev?"

He smiled and replied dryly, "Rarely."

"We can do some of our Christmas shopping, too."

"Wish Flourish & Blotts had a branch in Hogsmeade then I could buy that new potions book I want."

Lily smiled smugly. She already gotten the book he wanted by owl order and wrapped it for Christmas. "It's strange they don't, given the fact that Hogwarts is so close. Maybe you should suggest it to them sometime."

"Maybe," Severus mumbled involved in his reading.

"Dad owled me and said he really liked the Butterbeer Chocolate from Honeydukes so I think I'm going to get him a couple of big bars of it for one of his Christmas presents."

"I think I might get mum a copy of Moste Ancient Potions," Severus said.

Damn! Lily thought. "We can go shopping in Diagon Alley when we get home. Term break starts on the nineteenth, doesn't it? We'll have plenty of time to finish Christmas shopping.

"I hope we don't run into Lucius Malfoy doing his Christmas shopping."

"Or Potter doing his," Lily added.

"But we do have the Yule Ball to look forward to, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you in that dress you've been so secretive about."

"And I'm looking forward to seeing you in your new sapphire dress robe." Lily smiled up at him. "I'm also looking forward to seeing Tuney. What time is it?" Lily asked sitting up again.

"Almost lunch time."

Severus got to his feet and helped Lily up. They left the room and started downstairs to the Great Hall. Severus smirked and asked Lily, "So how many times do you think Potter will ask you to go to Hogsmeade with him?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "At least fifty, I'm sure."

Severus laughed. "Why don't we have a bet on how many times Potter will ask you to go to Hogsmeade with him? The looser has to pay a Sickle and snog the other at The Three Broomsticks."

"That sounds fair," Lily said. "How many times do you think he'll ask me?"

Severus grinned. "Okay I think one hundred fifty."

Lily raised her eyebrows then said, "I'm going to say a hundred." When they got to the Gryffindor table, Lily took out a piece of parchment and quill from her bag and wrote down the terms of their wager and the payment as well as the number of time each of them had bet. She had Severus sign it then signed it herself. She rolled it up and put it in her bag.

"What was that about?" Alice asked.

"Sev and I have a bet about how many times Potter's going to ask me to go to Hogsmeade with him." Lily whispered. "The looser has to pay a Sickle and snog the other at The Three Broomsticks."

"Sounds interesting." Frank laughed.

"Are we going to be brewing tonight, Sev?" Remus asked.

"Yes. Madam Pomfrey told me she needs more Strengthening Solution. She uses a lot of that when the Wizard's flu hits."

"What about Avery and them? You said they have three weeks of detention. They'll be using the lab won't they?" Lily asked alarmed.

"No. Slughorn's having them scrub out cauldrons, but they'll be using the classroom and he'll be there overseeing them." Severus nodded. "They can't see us because the classroom's on one side of Slughorn's office and the lab's on the other side, but I'll ask him if we can shut the doors to the lab while we're there."

Lily seemed to relax. She took his hand and held it tightly as they ate. The moment was interrupted by James yelling down the table. "Hey Evans, you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

"No Potter, she doesn't," Severus answered not even bothering to look up from the book he was reading.

"I didn't ask you, Snivellus!" James snapped.

"Good thing, I don't want to go with you either." Severus sneered.

"Why don't you mind your own business, Snivellus?" James yelled loudly.

"Lily is my business, Potter."

Lily noticed how mad James was getting and said firmly, "I don't want to go with you, Potter so leave me alone."

As she and Severus left the Hall to go to Ancient Runes, James gave Severus a nasty look and fingered his wand. Sirius shook his head. "Prongs, Evans is taken so find another girl. Merlin! The schools full of them in case you haven't noticed." He gathered up his books for his next class. "Besides, you're certainly not going to get her attention by continually insulting Snape."

Peter spoke up. "So what, Padfoot? You've already sided with Snivellus against Prongs. I heard you even apologized to Snivy!"

"I did because I suddenly realized what we did last fall when we tricked him in going down the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack where Remus was transforming was horrible. What if Remus had bitten him or killed him? What do you think the Ministry would have done to Remus? Dumbledore wouldn't have been able to protect him. We didn't care about Remus at all! We just wanted to get Snape." Sirius shook his head in disgust, picked up his books, and left the Great Hall.

"I'm going to get that bastard!" James muttered to Peter. "He's going to be sorry he ever stole Lily away from me!"

"I'll help you with whatever you decide to do to Snivellus," Peter pledged.

On Friday morning, Severus found Crabbe and Goyle again waiting in the Potions classroom. As before, he closed the door and threw a Muffliato charm over the room to prevent anyone from overhearing their conversation. He explained that they need not take the mark and Dumbledore would protect them and their families should the need arise. He told them that Dumbledore was going to ask Slughorn to assign them new quarters so they could avoid daily contact with Avery and his cronies.

Crabbe breathed in relief. "Thanks, Snape. We took a chance talking to you, but it paid off so I'll return the favor by telling you to watch your back because Avery really hates your guts!"

Chapter 17

November passed quickly and before anybody realized it was December 1. It had snowed the night before and the castle grounds were covered in a blanket of quiet white. Lily got to Charms early and sat down. She knew Sev had an appointment with Dr. Lockwood this morning so she probably wouldn't see him until lunchtime. Somebody plopped into the chair next to her and she looked up to find James Potter grinning at her. "Hey Evans, I didn't see anybody sitting here so I thought I'd give you the pleasure of my company."

Sirius who was seated next to Chea rolled his eyes. Why didn't Lily just haul off and kick Prongs' arse? Maybe then he would get it through his thick head that Lily wasn't interested in him.

Lily turned around and looked at Remus. "Remus, would you mind switching seats with me again?"

"Not at all, Lily," Remus replied as he got up. Lily went and sat next to Missy while Remus slid into the seat next to James. "Good morning, Prongs," He said casually, nodding at James who looked as if he couldn't believe Lily didn't want to sit next to him.

After his appointment with Dr. Lockwood, Severus stopped at a jewelry store to buy Lily an ankle bracelet for Christmas. The salesclerk assured him it was 'diamond cut,' 18-karat gold and very chic, and complimented Severus on his good taste. It was delicately made and sparkled beautifully when he held it up to the light. At Severus' direction the clerk wrapped it in gold paper tied with a red bow. He got back to Hogwarts just before lunch. He put Lily's gift in his trunk, changed into his robes, grabbed his book bag, and went upstairs to the Great Hall.

"Hi Sev!" Lily called excitedly when she saw him. He quickly made his way over to the Gryffindor table. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss and he sat down beside her.

"How was your appointment?" She asked.

"Dr. Lockwood took some pictures of me today and compared them to the ones he took in June. Merlin! I can't believe the difference!" Severus said shaking his head. "Did anything exciting happen in classes this morning?"

It was obvious to Lily that he was very happy with his nose. She shook her head. "Potter tried to sit next to me in Charms, but Remus switched with me."

"I'll bet that put a dent in his big ego," Severus remarked.

Frank, Alice, and Remus all grinned then Remus said, "He just couldn't believe Lily didn't want to sit next to him and sulked about it the entire class."

"I've got notes and assignments for all our morning classes and I turned in your homework for you, Sev"

"Thanks Lily. I appreciate your help." Severus kissed the top of her head.

"Do you guys realize that the next weekend is the second Hogsmeade's visit, and the weekend after that is the Yule Ball?" Alice asked excitedly.

Lily and Severus both grinned at the mention of Hogsmeade. Severus had no idea who was ahead in their little bet. He figured whatever way it went he came out on top. Either he got to snog Lily or she got to snog him.

They finished lunch then left the Hall for their afternoon classes. James shot Severus a hate-filled look. He was coming to despise him even more than he'd ever thought possible. He couldn't stand to see him with his creepy hands all over Lily. He wanted to curse the greasy slimeball Death Eater into the next century! Wormtail was right. Snivellus had to have Lily under some kind of spell, probably something only Death Eaters knew.

Slughorn was cheerful when they came into Potions. Severus groaned when he saw him because that usually meant that he was having a party, most probably a Christmas party. He wouldn't let them know until after class. "All right settle down, everyone!" He called. When everybody was in their seats and quiet he continued, "Today we'll be brewing an extremely volatile potion called the Battle Mage Potion. Strict adherence must be paid to the order of the ingredients added, the stirring of it, and the brewing time. Please open your books to page 62 and begin."

"Crap!" Lily heard Severus mutter under his breath as his long fingers shifted through the pages of his book. She knew he was unhappy because he couldn't tweak it in any way. She went to the student cupboard to get the ingredients they needed while Severus lit a fire under their cauldron with his wand. The entire class was bent over their cauldrons, whispering, carefully adding ingredients, or stirring. Slughorn stepped into his office for a moment. James looked around the room and saw everybody was concentrating intently on their potions and Slughorn was not present. He took his invisibility cloak out of his pocket and disappeared under it. It crept up to the front, saw Snivellus was reading directions while Lily was chopping ingredients. He tossed a couple of Hippogriff claws into their bubbling potion and went back to his table, took off his cloak, and stuffed in back into his pocket.

Severus' attention was suddenly pulled back to their cauldron which for some reason was starting to bubble and froth ominously. "Get down, everybody!" Severus shouted suddenly. James jumped over his table, grabbed Lily, and pushed her to the floor. Severus knocked his and Lily's textbooks off the table and instinctively thought, Protego, throwing up a shield in front of him. Slughorn saw what was happening and quickly ducked under his desk. The ensuing explosion was so forceful it blew a hole in the ceiling. Even though he was protected by his shield, the force of the explosion still knocked Severus to the ground and he was covered in small rocks coming down from the hole in the ceiling.

"Get off me, Potter!" Lily yelled, shoving James away from her. She got free of him and crawled over to Severus who was just starting to pull himself up into a sitting position. "Lily, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Sev. What about you?"

"I'm okay. What the hell happened?"

"You greasy git!" James yelled. "You could have gotten Lily killed with your insane experimenting!" He went to throw a punch at Severus but missed as Lily shoved him aside.

"Stuff it, Potter and go back to your seat," Lily snapped.

"But I saved you, Lily. You might have been killed if I hadn't pulled you away."

"I'm grateful, Potter," Lily replied. "Now get the hell out of here."

Slughorn looked up at the ceiling where there were now several students staring down into the hole.

"All right, all right, everyone back to their class. Hopefully the excitement's over." Professor Flitwick's voice could be heard through the hole in the ceiling.

"Mr. Snape, Miss Evans, what in Merlin's name happened?"

Severus rubbed his forehead. "I don't know, Sir. Our potion was fine then suddenly started to bubble, froth, and then it exploded."

"We were following the directions exactly, Professor." Lily added.

"You weren't trying to do anything differently, Mr. Snape?"

Severus shook his head. "No. Certainly not with a potion this volatile."

Slughorn sighed. "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore's still going to want an explanation as to why there's now a big hole in the ground floor." He turned to the rest of the class. "Class is dismissed for today."

Severus sighed, too. It wasn't looking good for either Lily or him. What could they say to Dumbledore when they had absolutely no idea as to why the potion had blown up? "Bollocks!" Severus muttered to himself as he and Lily made their way up to the Headmaster's office.

"Lemon drops," Lily said to the Gargoyle who moved aside for them. They stepped on the revolving stone staircase which began to rise. Severus put his arms around Lily, knowing how frightened she was of heights, and held her close to him until the staircase stopped moving.

"Thanks, Sev." Lily said, squeezing his hand.

They walked down the corridor and knocked on the ancient cherry wood door. "Come in, Mr. Snape and Miss Evans," Dumbledore's voice called cheerfully. They came into his office. He motioned to the two chairs sitting in front of his desk. "Please sit down."

Severus and Lily sat down. Lily appeared calm, but Severus eyed Dumbledore uneasily. "I understand I have you two to thank for the new skylight in the Potions classroom," He joked as his blue eyes twinkled merrily.

"Sir, we don't have any idea what happened." Severus said. "One moment our potion was fine then the next moment it was bubbling and frothing crazily, and then it blew a hole in the ceiling."

"We did it exactly the way the book said," Lily added.

There was a sudden knock on the door. "Come in, Horace," Dumbledore called. Professor Slughorn came in carrying what Severus recognized as the remains of the cauldron he and Lily had been using. "Did either of you have a reason for using Hippogriff claws in this potion?"

Lily shook her head. "No! Hippogriff claws are volatile enough on their own."

"We'd have to be suicidal to do a stupid thing like that," Severus added.

"Well, I found the remains of two Hippogriff claws in this cauldron. Great Scott! It's a wonder the entire classroom didn't blow up!"

"Somebody must have thrown them in there then," Lily said angrily. "And I want to know who!"

"I don't want to sound as if I'm bragging, but Lily and I are the best in Potions and we would never do something that idiotic." Severus stressed.

"I'll just put it down as an accident of unknown origin and I'll have the elves repair the hole." Dumbledore said. "You may go, Mr. Snape, Miss Evans."

"By the way Severus, Lily," Professor Slughorn called. "I'm having a little gathering Saturday night and I hope you both can come."

"Of course, Professor," Lily answered. "What time?"

"Eight o'clock will be just fine, Miss Evans."

"We'll be there with bells on then," Lily called back cheekily. They could hear Slughorn laughing merrily as they left the room.

"Bugger!" Severus muttered. "I was so hoping I could get through the rest of the year without going to anymore Slug Club parties."

"Aww come on, Sev, it'll be fun. The food's always first rate and he does have interesting guests, too."

"True," Severus admitted. His mind kept circling back to the Hippogriff claws found in their potion. "Somebody must have dumped those claws into our potion, but I didn't see anybody anywhere near us so I don't see how they could have done it."

"I don't know either, Sev, but we didn't do it so therefore somebody else had to. There's no other explanation."

"Hippogriff claws are too light to heave across the room and into a potion like Black did that time with the rats head first year," Severus went on thoughtfully. He sighed. "I suppose Slughorn will have us redo the Battle Mage Potion tomorrow."

"I imagine," Lily replied. They went down to the library, took a table at the back of the room, and started to do their homework from their morning classes. Severus was glad he didn't have to go back to see Dr. Lockwood again until school was out. It took out his Arithmancy textbook and began reading the assignment. He felt Lily jog his arm and turned to look at her.

"What are you thinking about?" Lily whispered. "You've been staring at that same page for several minutes now.

"I guess I'm still thinking about that bloody explosion. Potter's thrown stuff in my potions in the past and so have Black and Pettigrew, and had it happened to me alone he's the first person I'd suspect, but he wouldn't take the chance you might have been seriously injured so I don't think it was him this time. Unfortunately that leaves the question of whom it actually was."

"Well, we're probably never going to find out what happened," Lily said. She rested her hand on Severus' thigh as she studied. He was acutely conscious of where her hand was resting and that he was enjoying it very much. Soon they packed up their books and walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Gorshawk had them partner up and practice doing their non-verbal spell casting. He seemed disappointed that so few students had managed to successfully do it every time. Severus and Remus were partners this time. Severus realized he'd been a partnered with everybody at least once with the exception of Potter. He smiled to himself. Professor Gorshawk must have realized that was not a good idea. Severus glanced over at Potter and almost lost his focus so tempted was he to start laughing hysterically at Potters' expression. As Lily had described, Potter was red in the face from straining not to cast the spells verbally. Remus looked at him strangely, but he shook his head.

"Okay, what was so funny in Defense, Sev?" Remus asked that night at supper. "I could see you were about to break up."

"Sorry, Remus, I made the mistake of looking at Potter." He turned to Lily. "You're right. He does look as if he's been constipated for six months."

Alice started laughing then Frank. "Thanks, you two! I'll never be able to look Potter in the face again without laughing," Frank said.

Saturday night Severus waited by the main staircase for Lily and their other friends to come down. He was dressed in a forest green shirt, black dress slacks, black shoes, and a matching jacket. When she finally appeared he figured she was well worth the wait. She was wearing a dusty rose skirt which fell to the top of her knees, a matching jumper with alternate dusty rose and white stripes, and low-heeled cream-colored pumps. Her hair was left loose and she wore diamond posts in her ears. Alice, Frank, Remus, and Missy were behind her, all happily talking and laughing excitedly.

"You're looking gorgeous tonight, Lily," Severus whispered.

"And you look absolutely sexy, Sev," Lily said. She took hold of his hand. The party was being held in Slughorn's private quarters which were part of Slytherin house. Slughorn had a fire roaring in the fireplace so it quite warm. He saw Potter and Black talking to Rufus Scrimgeour. Potter's chest was puffed out importantly. Frank and Alice joined them as did Chea. They were all interested in knowing more about the Auror program.

Severus had to admit the party was fun, in spite of Potter's presence, and the food was certainly worth the while. He found himself drawn into a discussion about Tom Riddle's growing influence with Barnabas Cuffe and Rufus Scrimgeour. He knew Scrimgeour had been in Slytherin when he was at Hogwarts so he wasn't surprised to see him at Slughorn's party. To his surprise, Scrimgeour started to question him about his interest in possibly becoming an Auror and mentioned that he was one of the top students they were interested in recruiting for the program. Severus had to stifle his urge to start laughing when he spotted the look on Potter's face at hearing this!

Lily found Severus, and indicated she desired to leave. They thanked Professor Slughorn and said goodnight then made their way back upstairs. Outside a brown rat was waiting in the shadows and began following them at a distance, being careful not to make any noise that would attract their attention. When they got to the Entrance Hall, Lily took his hand and pulled him along behind her.

"Lily, where are we going?" Severus laughed.

"I found this place I want to show you." Lily stopped in front of a huge tapestry hanging on the wall about halfway between the Great Hall and the Entrance Hall. She pushed the tapestry aside and led Severus into a darkened antechamber. She pulled him close to her, stood on her tiptoes, kissing him passionately, her tongue caressing the inside of his mouth. Severus returned her kiss deeply, his tongue slipping inside her mouth, tasting cherry as he caressed her mouth and lips. He slid his hands underneath her jumper and pushed it up, unfastened her bra, and caressed her breasts. Her nipples grew hard as he stroked them. Lily pulled his shirt out of his trousers, unbuttoned his shirt, nearly tearing off some of the buttons in her haste and wrapped her arms around him. Severus felt her bare breasts against his skin. He could feel himself getting hard.

Peter watched greedily. He wondered if they were going to shag right then and there. Wait until he told James what Snivellus was doing to Lily. James was guaranteed to have a Hippogriff!

Severus slid his hand under Lily short skirt and pushed it along with it and the silky half-slip she wore aside. She was wearing panty hose, but nothing else. Lily gave an excited squeak as he pulled her to him and she felt his erection pressing against her. He felt Lily's hand touching his erection tentatively. He caressed her bottom and her thigh than his long fingers started to explore the area between her legs. He could feel how wet she was. Suddenly he remembered his promise to her parents and fell back against the wall, panting heavily. "Lily, we have to stop."

Peter was frustrated that he wasn't going to be able to watch them shagging, but he still had plenty to tell James. He scurried underneath the tapestry, heading towards Gryffindor tower.

Lily fell against Severus. "I know, Sev, but I wish we didn't have to."

He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry, Lily, I should have stopped. I know it might not make sense, but your parents have always been really good to me and I just don't want to disappoint them."

"It's okay, Sev," Lily reassured him. "Not many guys would have that much respect for their girlfriend's parents."

They made sure their clothes were straightened. Lily redid her lipstick and then Severus escorted her upstairs to the entrance to Gryffindor tower. She gave him a chaste kiss and whispered, "See you at breakfast." She gave the password and the Fat Lady swung open without a lecture. Lily wondered if she'd finally gotten it through her head that she and Sev were permanent. She saw James and Sirius had returned from the party and were arguing about something. James looked at her and said, "I'm surprised Scrimgeour didn't arrest Snivellus the first thing he walked in the room. He can't be that smart if he doesn't recognize a Death Eater in the making!" James sneered.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "You're just pissed because Scrimgeour told Snape he was one of the top students they were looking at for the Auror program."

"Why don't you shut up, Potter, and go fuck a fence post!" Lily snapped, storming upstairs to her dorm just as Frank, Alice, and Remus entered the common room.

"Whoa! Lily's really pissed!" Alice exclaimed. "She never uses the F-bomb unless she is."

"What'd I say?" James asked in confusion.

Sirius gave his trademark bark of laughter and asked, "Can you say celibacy, Prongs?"

"Shut up, Padfoot!" James growled.

Lily got up earlier than usual the next morning and went down to breakfast. Usually she slept in on the weekends. Severus was just coming up from the dungeons as she was coming down the last flight of stairs to the Entrance Hall.

"Good morning, Lily," Severus called.

"Good morning, Sev," She answered, hurrying down the steps. She put her arms around him, stood on her tiptoes, and gave him a kiss. They walked to the Great Hall holding hands. As they passed the tapestry Lily stopped suddenly. "Sev, I want to apologize for last night. I know you were … were …" Lily blushed, searching for the right word.

Severus saved her from her predicament. "It's okay, Lily." He chuckled slightly. "I guess you could say that … er … appendage has a mind of its own. Besides we were both involved with what we were doing and it was me who decided to stop."

Lily smiled, too. He was always so sensitive to her feelings, saving her from embarrassing herself. "Some guys would have thought I was a tease regardless."

"Yeah, if they're idiots or clods," He answered. He put his arm around her and they continued into the Great Hall and sat down. Several minutes later Remus stumbled up to the table and managed to sit without falling down first. He looked up bleary eyed at Severus and Lily. "You two look disgustingly wide eyed and bushy tailed." He looked around the table. "I need some caffeine. I need some Earl Grey tea." No sooner had he spoke then a teapot wrapped in a colorful tea cozy and a cup appeared in front of him. He grinned and said happily, "Now that's what I call service."

Breakfast appeared and Severus filled his plate with pancakes, bacon, and bangers. Lily decided on eggs and bacon. Remus chose a cinnamon streusel muffin to eat with his tea. He looked up as Alice and Frank, holding hands, sat down beside him. "Why is everybody up so early?" He asked.

"I woke up and saw that Lily, of all people, was up already so I decided to get up," Alice said.

"I really need to straighten up my side of the room before Tuney arrives. It's a mess." She shrugged and laughed. "Tuney's so neat, it's hard to believe we're sisters. Sev is, too."

"Slughorn did some rearranging this morning. It was so noisy I couldn't sleep anyway."

"Rearranging how?" Frank asked.

"He broke up the Death Eaters. He put Avery, Rosier, and the Lestrange brothers in with non-Death Eater roommates and their rooms aren't close to each other either. Crabbe and Goyle he left alone except to separate them from their buddies."

"Sounds as if he's trying to make it difficult to have their little gatherings anywhere," Lily said.

"I think that's probably his intention," Severus said though he knew Crabbe and Goyle had been moved for their own safety and the other moves were a cover to protect them.

"We had a little excitement in our house last night, too," Alice said, smirking at Lily.

"What happened?" Severus asked, looking at Lily. "If that arse Potter …"

"I told him to go fuck a fence post," Lily interrupted.

Everybody burst out laughing including Lily. Severus grinned and commented, "Well, I could say something nasty, but I won't."

"I hear Scrimgeour was doing a little recruiting last night," Frank said. He rolled his eyes. "I had to listen to Potter complaining about it for two hours before he finally figured out nobody except Pettigrew was listening to him and quit whining."

"He's tried and I listened to what he had to say, but told him I intended to become a Potion Master," Severus replied. "I was listening to him and Barnabas Cuffe talking. Cuffe was trying to find out the results of that investigation into that automobile plant explosion, but Scrimgeour wasn't talking."

"The Aurors must have found traces of dark magic or else there would have been an announcement saying there was nothing to worry about," Remus commented.

"I know it strikes me as strange they wouldn't announce what they've found even if it is bad news. Isn't it worse to have people's imaginations running wild?" Severus said.

"Minister Bagnold obviously prefers we remain ignorant," Lily remarked sarcastically.

They finished breakfast then broke up to go their different ways. "What are your plans for this morning, Sev?" Lily asked.

"I'm going to the lab. Madam Pomfrey told me she's running low on Pepperup Potion."

"I'll help you," Lily said. "I've got all my assignments done."

"Great!" Severus smiled. He held her hand as they walked out of the Great Hall almost running into James, Sirius, and Peter. Sirius nodded at Severus and Lily, and cut around his two companions. James glared hatefully at Severus then continued walking. Peter followed him and scowled at Severus.

"Whoa!" Severus said. "He's in a jolly good mood this morning."

"Lily giggled and punched his arm to get his attention. "What was it you didn't say when you heard what I told him last night."

Severus smirked. "I was thinking that he'd have to go a fair distance to find a fence post with a small enough hole."

Lily started giggling hysterically, leaning against Severus for support. He was laughing, too.

"Come on, Lily, all those antics he gets up to; he's got to be overcompensating for something."

Lily stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "What I felt when I touched you last night I'm sure he would have good reason to feel inadequate."

Severus turned bright red at her comment. "Umm …thanks, Lily." He took her hand and they walked down to the potion's lab. Severus felt as if his head was spinning a bit. He stuck his head into Professor Slughorn's office and said, "Lily and I are going to be brewing. Madam Pomfrey said she's getting low on Pepperup Potion."

"Fine, Severus," Slughorn answered. "Did you and Miss Evans have a good time at my party last night?"

"Yes. I talked with Barnabas Cuffe and Rufus Scrimgeour and it was very interesting. The food was also delicious."

"Oho! Glad you had a good time, my boy." Severus turned to go, but Slughorn called him back. Lily was standing behind him. "Severus, are you feeling ill? Your face is awfully flushed looking."

"No. I'm fine Professor." He glared at Lily who was trying to stifle a giggle that was threatening to escape. "I was just standing too close to the fireplace in the common room."

Slughorn waved him off with a smile. Lily grabbed him, pulling him out of sight of Professor Slughorn, and kissed him. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, Sev."

"You didn't, Lily." He flushed a bit deeper. "That's the kind of compliment guys like to receive and I'm happy you liked what you found."

They set up three cauldrons, gathered their ingredients, lit fires under the three cauldrons, and started to chop up the ingredients adding them to the cauldrons. Lily kept an eye on the brewing cauldron and stirring them when it was called for. Severus set up a forth cauldron, gathered his ingredients out of the cupboard, lit a fire under the cauldron and started chopping ingredients.

Lily noticed that he had his textbook open to the Pain Reliever potion instructions, but she saw there were, as usual, many scribbled notes on the boarders of the pages. "Are you creating an extra-strength pain reliever potion?" She asked as she read his notes.

"I already did and I tested it on mum and myself. It works much better than the standard pain reliever potion. Mum took some for a migraine, and I used it a couple of times after my surgery. They're testing it now at St. Mungo's." Severus spoke softly. "I brewed this for Remus. He's probably in a great deal of pain when he transforms back."

"You're the best, Sev." Lily said giving him a kiss and went back to watching the cauldrons.

When they were finished, they cleaned up the lab. Severus gave Lily six vials of the extra-strength pain potion for Remus with instructions to take one as soon as he transformed back and the other five as needed. "Let me know if he needs anymore."

"I think Remus is planning on resting today and most of tomorrow."

"It's probably better for him that he does." He put the vials in a lower cabinet that he knew Slughorn never used because it was too difficult for him to bend down, and warded them. He put the bottles of Pepperup potion on top of the cabinets, warded them then he and Lily left the lab, and went up to the Great Hall for lunch. Severus saw Potter and noticed immediately the look of pure loathing on his face.

Chapter 18

Monday dawned arctic cold and snowy. Severus pulled on a knitted, grey, V-neck jumper outlined with green and silver around the neck, and bottom, donned a grey blazer with his house emblem on the pocket, over which he pulled on his robe. Generally most Hogwarts students didn't wear the sweater or the blazer until winter when the castle got cold and the classrooms occasionally felt frigid. He grabbed his book bag and stopped in the potions lab to collect the Pepperup Potion he and Lily had brewed the day before. He gave them to Madam Pomfrey then headed downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast. Paul waved at him as he came in and Severus waved back. He was pleased at how well Paul was doing academically. Like Lily and himself, he seemed to have a natural affinity for Potions, but Severus helped him with his other classes also when he asked for his help. Severus sat down next to Lily who smiled up at him. "Good morning, Sev."

"Good morning, Lily," He said, kissing the top of her head. "Could I ask a favor of you?"

"You know you can, Sev," Lily replied with another dazzling smile.

"Paul's having some problems in Charms and I wondered if you could help him out? I would, but I'm not as good as you are."

"Sev, you're just as good as me otherwise you could never have invented spells like Levicorpus, Muffliato, or Langlock."

"Believe me Levicorpus is one spell I wish I hadn't invented," Severus grumbled. "It's pretty humiliating to have your own spell used against you. It's like being stabbed in the back by your own kid." He put his index finger to his lips and said thoughtfully, "Maybe I should help him though. He thinks you're so pretty that all he'll be doing is gazing at you with his mouth hanging open and won't hear a thing you say."

Lily laughed. "We'll see, Sev. Tell Paul to let me know when he has some free time and I'll work out a schedule to help him."

"Thanks, Lily," Severus said giving her a quick kiss. They left the Great Hall and walked to Charms. He stopped for a moment in the Entrance Hall at the point where their potion had blown a hole through the floor. "The elves really did a good repair job. I can't even tell anything happened." Severus sat down in his seat in Charms, slouching down slightly. He hoped the week would go fast as he was looking forward to the Hogsmeade weekend. When Professor Flitwick had his back turned from the class, a crumpled sheet of parchment landed on Lily's desk. She straightened it out and read: Meet you in the Entrance Hall at ten on Saturday to go to Hogsmeade. Love, James. She turned around and quickly flipped him off. There were some chuckles and Professor Flitwick turned around, but saw nothing.

"Hey Evans," James whined. "Why don't you go with me to Hogsmeade instead of Snivellus? You know you're just fighting fate because we're destined to end up together." He proclaimed as Lily and Severus were walking to Transfiguration.

Lily rolled her eyes then suddenly stopped, pulled Severus to her and kissed him passionately. She looked over at James with an innocent smile on her face and asked, "Any other questions, Potter?"

Severus looked a little dazed by her action, but smiled and put his arm around her. He doubted Lily's attempt at discouraging Potter would work, but it was nice to be the recipient of said attempt.

"Today you will be transforming kittens into teapots," Professor McGonagall announced as the class settled down. "If you read the homework assignment you should have little difficulty doing this so if you'll each come up and get a kitten to transform." Since this was a NEWT level class there were only ten students. "Please treat the kittens humanely and with respect." McGonagall added. "They are Hagrid's kittens and he would be most upset if any of them were hurt."

Severus chose a grey kitten and, not surprisingly, Lily chose a yellow one from the box where McGonagall had them confined. Severus focused on his kitten and could clearly see in his mind the grey teapot he would change it into, whispered the words, and waved his wand. He was shocked when the kitten morphed into a teapot on his first try. Usually it took him two or three attempts before he could do it.

"Excellent work, Mr. Snape," Professor McGonagall congratulated him although she did appear a bit dismayed that a Slytherin had been the first to do it rather than one of her cubs. "Twenty points to Slytherin."

Lily was having a little harder time than Severus had changing her kitten into a teapot, but finally did it on her second attempt. "Well done, Miss Evans," Professor McGonagall said. "Twenty points to Gryffindor."

As she walked around the room Severus quickly scribbled a note to Lily that read: Do you think your action before class will convince Potter? He slid it over to Lily. She read it, scribbled an answer then, looking to see where McGonagall was slid it back over to Severus. She'd written: No, but I enjoyed kissing you! He smiled and wrote: Thanks! Anytime you need help with him, I'm available. He gave the note to Lily who smiled and stuck it inside her textbook.

"Good attempt, Mr. Potter, but your teapot still has ears and a tail." Professor McGonagall said. She walked up to Missy whose teapot was strangely patterned and said, "Excellent work, Miss LeClair. Twenty points to Ravenclaw." She also praised Frank, Alice, and Chea's work and awarded points. She looked at Sirius's teapot which was purring loudly much to his disgust. "Nice attempt, Mr. Black, aside from the purring that is." She walked over to Amos Diggory's desk. "Good attempt, Mr. Diggory, but your teapot has feet."

Once everybody's teapots had been transformed back to kittens and they were once again safely confined to their box, Professor McGonagall assigned the homework reading for the next lesson on Animagus transformation.

"How did you transform your kitten so fast, Sev?" Lily asked as they were walking to Herbology.

"I don't really know, Lily, but I think those two subjects I'm studying with Robert have helped me focus better and that's helped me with Charms and Transfiguration." Severus never mentioned Occlumency or Ligilimency aloud unless he was alone with Lily. He didn't want anyone to know he was studying the two disciplines.

They hurried through the freezing cold and blowing snow to the greenhouses and went inside. Severus hated walking outside in bad weather, but the inside of the greenhouse was very warm because of the wood stoves Professor Sprout had going in each greenhouse to keep the plants from freezing.

"Today, we're starting a new project. In addition to harvesting Snargaluff pods, you're going to be repotting baby Venomous Tentacula plants, raising them, taking care of them, and keeping a journal on what you observe about their growth." Severus was elated that at least for today they didn't have struggle with the bloody Snargaluff pods. He grabbed a baby plant, a pot and set to work. At least it was easier than repotting Mandrakes. One of its tiny vines wrapped around his finger. "No," He said firmly to the plant. "I'm almost finished with you and if you behave I'll have a reward for you."

"You think that thing's going to answer you, Snivellus?" James said, smirking.

Severus ignored him and watched as the plant withdrew its vine and seemed to be waiting to see what happened. Severus finished covering it with dragon dung then transfigured its pot into a green china pot with silver snakes on it. He watered it good then set it back on the matching drainage plate. He then took a clump of dragon dung and transfigured it into a tiny teddy bear and put it in the pot. A vine wrapped around it holding it tightly.

"Rather an unorthodox method of growing Venomous Tentacula, Mr. Snape," Professor Sprout remarked, standing beside him.

Severus shrugged. "Well, it's alive and sentient so I thought I'd try treating it that way, Professor."

"Aww, isn't that cute? Snivellus gave his plant a teddy bear," James sneered.

"Mr. Potter, quit talking so much. All the other students are done or mostly done and it looks as if you've barely started." Professor Sprout said in a sharp tone then addressed the entire class. "You will want to know that at least half your grade is going to depend on whether this plant is still alive and thriving by the final day of class."

Severus warded his plant so nobody could mess with it and put it on a table where it could receive a lot of light. He and Lily hurried back to the castle. "Merlin! I don't know why they can't make a tunnel from the castle to the greenhouses instead of making us walk outside in the freezing cold," Severus complained. They entered and stood shivering in the Entrance Hall before going to Arithmancy. After their class was over they decided to go to the library. Lily took hold of Severus' hand. They entered the library. Madam Pince was sitting in her usual place looking like a dragon guarding its keep. She glared at Severus and Lily when she saw they were holding hands. They quickly let go of each other's hand. "Great, now the old biddy's going to be hanging around, making sure we aren't snogging or having sex on one of her precious tables," Severus muttered causing Lily to giggle. They sat at their usual table in the library. Severus took out a piece of parchment and wrote down his observations about his Venomous Tentacula. He opened his Transfiguration textbook and began to read about Animagus transformations, his hair hiding his face.

Lily leaned across the table and whispered, "There she is, Sev, right on schedule."

He glanced around to see Madam Pince straightening a shelf of books opposite their table. There was suddenly a great deal of noise in the front of the library and Madam Pince rushed up to scold whoever was daring to violate the library rules. A few minutes later James, Peter, and Sirius came walking back, their faces red from Madam Pince's scolding. They sat a couple of tables away from where Lily and Severus were seated and started whispering.

"I wonder what they're up to," Lily remarked.

Severus glanced over and shrugged. "As long as it doesn't involve me I don't care."

James noticed Lily staring, grinned and waved. Lily gave him a disgusted look and turned back to her studying. Sirius rolled his eyes. "Why don't you leave Evans alone, Prongs, before you get us all in trouble?"

"Trouble?" James said airily. "What are you talking about, Padfoot?"

"I mean having Wormtail spying on Snape and Lily when their together." Sirius looked from James to Peter. "Oh yes, I overheard him telling you how he watched Snape and Lily practically shagging last Saturday night. You're lucky Frank and Remus are such sound sleepers." He leaned towards James and whispered, "You do realize our being Animagus is illegal because we're not registered, and if Wormtail gets caught they'll find out about us, too, and we'll all be in big trouble."

"Well, you should have seen him Padfoot. It was disgusting! Snivellus had his hand up Lily's skirt and under her jumper." Peter hissed.

"So what, Wormtail? He probably wasn't doing anything Lily didn't want him to do or she would have slapped him silly." Sirius waved his hand. "Forget it. What about our plans for tonight?"

Lily leaned over and said to Severus, "By the way I gave Remus the potions. He asked me to thank you for him in case he forgot."

Severus replied. "I'm glad the full moon's early this month so he doesn't have to miss out on Hogsmeade or the Yule Ball. Did he ever ask Missy to go with him?"

"Yes, finally and she said yes."

"Good, Frank and I were trying to convince him to ask her. Did Black ask anybody?"

"I think he asked Rosmerta."

"Yeah, I've seen him flirting with her a lot."

Just then Madam Pince appeared again. She gave the table at which the Marauders were sitting and still whispering a baneful glance then began straightening the shelves nearest Severus and Lily. Severus looked at his watch and saw it was almost lunchtime. "Should we head to the Great Hall?"

"Let's wait until they leave," Lily suggested, nodding towards the Marauders.

"Good idea," Severus replied. They studied until they heard James, Peter, and Sirius get up and leave still arguing about something. They waited a few minutes than got up, pushed in their chairs and left. Once outside the library they held hands again as they walked into the Great Hall.

Lunch appeared on the table. Severus filled his plate and continued the reading on Animagus.

As he and Lily walked to Ancient Runes, Severus found himself musing more about Animagus transformation. It might actually be interesting to do it. He didn't have a doubt in the world he could do it if he wanted to. Once class started he put aside his musing and concentrated on what Professor Fineheart had to say. When that class was over, they headed to the dungeons for Potions. Severus and Lily settled at their usual table up front. It was noisy as the other students filed in, some talking animatedly.

"Hey Snivy, are you planning on blowing up the classroom again today?" James yelled from the back of the class.

Severus raised his eyebrows and looked back at James. "Are you planning on melting your… what is it now… your sixth cauldron, Potter?" There were plenty of chuckles and snickers from the class at Severus' inquiry. James's face flushed angrily.

Professor Slughorn came out of his office, shutting the door behind him. "All right class, let's settle down and get to work. Today we are going to be brewing the Elixir to Induce Euphoria. It's on page 83 of your textbook. When you're finished with it and if you did it correctly, it should be a sunshine yellow color." He smiled then added, "I would not advise sampling this potion as it can lead to excessive singing and nose tweaking."

Severus and Lily quickly gathered their ingredients and set to work on the potion, chopping and adding ingredients, stirring it. Severus added a couple of counter-clockwise stirs to the clockwise stirs recommended by the book. Their potion quickly became the sunshine yellow described by Slughorn.

"Do you think adding a sprig of peppermint could counteract some of the more excessive side-effects, Sev?" Lily questioned.

"Good idea, Lily," Severus complimented her. Peppermint was known for its calming abilities and it was the main ingredient in a calming draught. He quickly chopped up a sprig of peppermint, tossed it into the potion, and gave it a quick stir. He scribbled a note in the margin of his textbook.

"Times up, let's see what you've all done." Slughorn said. "Everybody step away from their cauldrons, please." Slughorn walked around the room looking into cauldrons and awarding points if the potion was correctly done. He stopped at James's cauldron barely able to hide his dismay at the congealed mess in the bottom of it. "You're going to have to work harder, Mr. Potter, to achieve a grade high enough for Auror training."

He finally reached Severus and Lily's cauldron and exclaimed, "Oho! Excellent work, Mr. Snape and Miss Evans!" He leaned forward and took a sniff. "Is that peppermint I smell?"

Severus nodded. "It's Lily's idea. She suggested adding peppermint to help counteract some of the potions known side effects."

"Oho! Brilliant, Miss Evans, absolutely brilliant!" Professor Slughorn congratulated her. "Ten points to Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"Thank you, Professor," Lily replied.

The students cleaned up then left the classroom. Severus and Lily went to their seventh floor retreat. They practiced their non-verbal spells for a short time. Severus tried practicing wandless magic and was able to summon one of his books, but when he tried summoning Lily's wand from her, he couldn't get it to work. "Damn!" He swore. "That's the one thing I want to be able to do with wandless magic. If I'm able to summon a Death Eater's wand it would be a big advantage."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to keep practicing until you can do it, Sev and with your ability to focus it shouldn't take too long."

"Except when I get easily frustrated," Severus laughed.

"You and Eileen are still planning to come over for Christmas Eve dinner?" Lily asked changing the subject. She really didn't want to think about Severus facing Death Eaters.

"Yes. Mum's probably going to ask Robert to come so your mum might want to set an extra plate."

"That won't be a problem. As you know, mum bakes enough to feed an army."

"Your family is still going to come over for Christmas dinner?" Severus asked. "Mum's been fretting over the Christmas pudding because she's not using magic to make it."

"Yes, we're still planning to come over, and I'm sure Eileen's Christmas pudding will be perfect."

"Well, she always gets nervous when we have guests since she's not all that familiar with entertaining. We never had company while Tobias was there or even had Christmas or any other holiday for that matter. Merlin forbade, we might have been happy one day out of the year." Severus replied somewhat bitterly.

"Well, I have a feeling this is going to be the best Christmas ever, Sev," Lily said giving him a passionate kiss.

"It's a good thing it's time to go to class or I might not want to stop," Severus said sounding rather breathless.

"We'd better get going then," Lily said picking up her book bag with a smile at Severus.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class they were still working on non-verbal spells. This time much his dismay, Severus was paired with James which meant that he had to stare James in the face while trying not to think about Lily's comment about James, and trying to cast non-verbal spells. He stood with his arms crossed over his midriff waiting for James to cast a spell. Finally, he thought Expelliarmus, flicked his wand, and James's wand flew over into the other side of the room. James looked dumbfounded. "You know, Potter, you should change your spell occasionally." Severus said dryly. "I think the whole of Hogwarts knows Expelliarmus is your trademark spell. You'd be at a distinct disadvantage if you were facing Death Eaters who knew you always used that spell first, and they're not going to give you time to use Levicorpus."

"Yeah, Snivellus, you'd know all about being a Death Eater, wouldn't you?" James sneered in a loud voice.

"All right, Mr. Potter, you're supposed to be working on your non-verbal spell casting not insulting people," Professor Gorshawk said sternly.

"I want a different partner, Professor," James said. "I refuse to work with a supporter of You-Know-Who!"

"Fine, Mr. Potter," Professor Gorshawk said with a sigh. "Miss Evans, will partner with Mr. Potter while Mr. Snape partners with Miss Chedewick."

James burst into a big grin as Lily came over. Severus grinned as he watched James fall stiffly to the floor a few minutes later the obvious victim to a Petrificus Totalus spell silently cast by Lily.

"What a jerk!" Severus muttered to Chea. "He must have thought he could best Lily easier or else he thought she'd go easy on him because he's so charming." Chea snickered at Severus' comment.

"What a git!" Lily complained to Severus as they left class. "Being his partner isn't even a challenge. He's a complete moron!"

"I know, Lily." Severus smiled pulling her close to him. They split up at the main staircase. Lily going upstairs and Severus going down to the dungeon. They met again in a few minutes and walked into the Great Hall.

"Hey Evans, I'll bet you enjoyed being my partner much more than being Snivellus's partner. At least I don't get grease all over you," James called.

"Potter, I just have to stifle my intense urge to vomit is all," Lily replied sweetly. Severus almost cracked up. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. He sat down next to Lily and whispered, "Good one, Lily."

"I just wish he'd stop thinking he's Merlin's gift to witches and leave me alone," Lily said.

"I can pound him into the ground if you want," Severus offered.

Lily smiled and squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Sev, but he'd just be convinced you did it because you were jealous of him. His ego's bigger than the planet Jupiter!"

Severus and Lily spent the evening in the library until almost curfew. Severus walked Lily to the main staircase and kissed her goodnight. He headed back down to the dungeon and entered his room. He saw Paul and said, "I asked Lily if she could help you with Charms because she's brilliant at it and she said for you to let her know what time would work for you."

"Really?" Paul exclaimed. "Thanks, Sev."

Severus got ready for bed. He wondered how Remus was doing. Since Slytherin house was located under the lake they could not hear anything that went outside on the grounds.

Remus didn't come back to class until Wednesday. He appeared pale and drawn still, but didn't seem to be in any pain at least. He sat in the library with Severus and Lily, copying their class notes and getting caught up on his assignments from the previous two days. By Friday night, everybody was more than ready for the Hogsmeade weekend. Their professors seem to be piling on the homework even though their NEWTs weren't until the end of next year.

Severus waited at the bottom of the main staircase for Lily on Saturday morning. He was wore a green cable-knit sweater over black jeans with his dragon skin boots. Over that he wore his knee-length black wool coat with his Slytherin scarf, and black gloves. He heard voices and footsteps then saw Lily, Frank, and Alice, and Sirius Black coming down the stairs. He was relieved to see Lily had apparently found her scarf and gloves since it was very cold today. He nodded at Black warily.

"Hi Sev," Lily said giving him a hug and a kiss. "We have to wait for Remus. He went to Ravenclaw tower to pick up Missy and Sirius is going to walk down with us. He's meeting Rosmerta at the Three Broomsticks. She's helping out her uncle today."

Severus nodded and smiled, but he was going to damn well make sure Black stayed in front of him where he could see him during the walk to Hogsmeade. Remus and Missy appeared talking animatedly. Lily held onto Severus' arm as they walked. Remus, Missy, and Sirius walked in front of them, and Frank and Alice behind them.

"Where should we go first?" Severus asked when they reached the village. "I imagine you probably want to go to Gladrags again?" He teased.

"Well, I asked Tuney for ideas of what to get mum for Christmas and she suggested a scarf. I recall they had some lovely ones there."

"We'll need to stop at Honeydukes, too." Severus said and pulled out a small roll of parchment out of his pocket. "The first years besieged me with requests for candy and I agreed to get it for them."

"That's very nice of you, Sev," Lily said giving him a hug.

They went into Gladrags where Lily looked at the silk scarves. She frowned as she looked over the selection. "There's so many different ones that I can't make up my mind. What do you think, Sev?"

Severus looked over the scarves and pointed a one with a lot of different colors. "Why don't you get that one, Lily then your mum can wear it with more than one dress."

"It is very striking and catches your eye," Lily replied looking at it closely. She nodded at the clerk. "I'll take it."

Another of the scarves caught Severus' eye and he decided to buy it for Petunia.

They left Gladrags and went to Honeydukes where Severus purchased all the requested candy for the first years then brought a big bar of Honeydukes Finest Chocolate for his mum. Lily brought two big bars of Honeydukes Butterbeer Chocolate for her dad. They were meeting Remus, Missy, Alice, and Frank at the Three Broomsticks.

"What did you get mum for Christmas?"

"Your dad's probably going to kill me, but I got her a plant. It's called an Amaryllis and it has from two to twelve lily-type flowers when it blooms. Professor Sprout got some bulbs from a herbologist friend in South Africa and gave me one which I've been growing in the greenhouse for your mum. Remind me to get it out of the greenhouse before we leave next Sunday." He frowned. "I haven't gotten your dad's gift yet, but I saw a new book in Flourish & Blotts he might like."

"What is it?"

"It a history of Gringotts. I thought your dad might be interested in it because he teaches economics."

"I think that would be perfect for him, Sev."

Severus opened the door of the Three Broomsticks for Lily. Alice yelled at them and waved from a table close to the bar. They sat down and Alice asked in an excited tone, "Okay, so who won your bet?"

"Oh!" Lily exclaimed looking at Severus. "We almost forgot about it." She took out the parchment that had the term of their bet written on it and counted the slash marks at the bottom. "Okay, I've counted 130 times that Potter asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him."

"One hundred thirty times," Missy repeated. "Merlin! Most guys would give up after one or two rejections."

"One hundred thirty so it's a draw," Severus said.

"No, it isn't, Sev. You won because it's closer to your prediction than mine." She slid a silver Sickle over to him then grabbed him and kissed him passionately. The customers in the bar started hooting and clapping. Severus face flushed, but he was smiling. James, seated in the back of the room with Mary McDonald and Peter, glared at Severus.

"I think I'll cool things off and get us some butterbeers," Frank said. He went up to the bar and ordered the butterbeers and Rosmerta brought them to the table.

"Quite a show you two put on there," She remarked as she handed the butterbeers around.

"Just fulfilling the terms of a bet Sev and I had," Lily said smiling at Severus whose face was still a bit flushed. She held his hand while they drank their butterbeers. They decided to stay at the Three Broomsticks for lunch rather than go back to the castle. Everybody ordered the Broomstick's famous grilled cheese sandwiches that came with a generous side of homemade crisps.

"Can you believe we'll be going home next Sunday for Christmas break?" Alice asked.

"It will be nice to be home again," Lily remarked squeezing Severus' hand.

"And the Yule Ball is a week from today," Alice added, her tone excited. "What time is your sister coming, Lily?"

"I think she's going to floo in after lunch on Saturday. Sev's mum is going to be bringing her here and then she's going home on the train with us. I asked Dumbledore if she could and he gave me permission."

They stayed at the Three Broomsticks until 4:30 chatting, laughing and relaxing then decided to head back to the castle. James, Mary, and Peter got up and followed them out. When they arrived Severus gave Lily a brief kiss and turned to go, but Lily pulled him back. "Not so fast, Mister." She gave him a passionate kiss which he returned. They were suddenly interrupted by a loud gagging noise. Severus looked up. "I really think you should have Madam Pomfrey check that out, Potter." He kissed the top of Lily's head and headed down to the dungeon. The moment he came through the door he was mobbed by first years. He handed out their candy and a warning, "Now don't eat everything at once. I don't want Madam Pomfrey hexing me because I have to take you all to the hospital for stomach soothers." He smiled as he watched them eat and trade chocolate frog cards.

Chapter 19

After a long and arduous week which included semester tests, Saturday finally arrived and with it, the Yule Ball that evening. After breakfast Severus and Lily went to the greenhouse to retrieve Rose's Christmas present. While there he checked on his Venomous Tentacula plant that was flourishing and growing at an astonishing rate. He cast an Engorgio charm on the pot to enlarge it, added more dragon dung, watered it, and cast another Engorgio charm on the teddy bear to enlarge it. "There you're set until I come back, but Professor Sprout will be looking after you while I'm gone."

Lily carried the plant, over which he had cast a shielding spell to keep it from getting damaged by the weather or by handling, as she and Severus walked back to the castle. "I think mum's really going to enjoy this plant, Sev."

"I hope so. Professor Sprout was thrilled to get the bulbs from her friend and was nice enough to let me have one of them."

"You have a pretty good relationship with Professor Sprout," Lily remarked.

Severus shrugged. "Well, I've always liked Herbology. Mum said it's because many of her family, in addition to being Potion Masters and Healers, were Herbologists, so I suppose I come by it naturally." He took the plant from Lily. "I'll let mum take this back home with her when she brings Tuney."

"Okay," Lily gave him a kiss then went upstairs. Severus went back down to the dungeon. He did his homework until lunchtime then went upstairs to lunch, taking the Amaryllis plant with him. Severus, Lily, and Liam waited in the Great Hall after lunch. Dumbledore had hooked the fireplace in the Great Hall up to the Floo Network temporarily so the Muggles coming to the Ball could floo in through there rather than his office. Eileen flooed in with Petunia at one o'clock. She was carrying a small suitcase and had a dress bag slug over on arm.

"Tuney!" Lily cried giving Petunia a big hug. Liam stepped forward, gave Petunia a hug, and kissed her cheek. Liam took her case and Lily took her hand. "Come on, Tuney. You're going to be staying with me in my dorm in Gryffindor Tower."

"Be sure to take a lot of pictures tonight, Lily so I can see how everybody looked." Eileen said.

"I will, Eileen; thanks for bringing Tuney."

Petunia turned to Eileen and said, "Thank you, Eileen. I appreciate you taking the time to do this."

"You're welcome, Petunia. Have a good time tonight, everybody."

Severus remained behind after Lily, Liam and Petunia had left. He gave his mum the plant for Rose. "Could you take this home for me, Mum? It's for Lily's mum and I don't want her to see it when they pick us up tomorrow." He also gave her the Honeydukes Finest Chocolate bar. "That's for being the best mum."

Eileen's eyes watered a bit as she gave him a hug. "You were definitely the best that came out of my marriage." She gave him a kiss. "Have a good time tonight, Sev, okay."

"I will, mum," He promised her. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He watched as she flooed back then went down to dungeon to make sure he had everything in preparation for tonight. The Yule Ball started at seven o'clock and went until midnight. It was a dinner dance so he didn't need to eat beforehand. He did some of the assigned reading until it was time to start getting ready. He came out of the bathroom with his hair still wet and used a drying charm to dry it then got dressed, but used magic to tie his bow tie. He grabbed Lily's corsage and left his room. He ran into Chea as she was coming down the hall. She wore a long flowing dress of pale gold. "You look really gorgeous, Chea," Severus complimented her.

"You look very handsome, Severus." She said returning the compliment. They walked into the common room to applause and a few whistles from the Slytherins who were too young to go to the Ball. Severus bowed and Chea curtsied gracefully. They walked up the stairs and into the Entrance Hall where there were several guys waiting for their dates to come up or down. Amos Diggory stepped forward and offered Chea his arm. Severus stood by Liam who was waiting for Petunia. He spotted Potter and McDonald coming down the stairs with Peter tagging after them then spotted Frank and Alice who stopped by Severus and Liam and Alice said, "Lily said to tell you that she and Petunia will be right down."

Severus nodded and returned to watching the staircase. He saw Sirius and Rosmerta and Remus and Missy then suddenly saw Lily and Petunia coming down at last. Looking at them, he figured they were well worth the wait. Lily wore a gown of pale blue with thin straps and a modestly flared skirt and matching strapped heels. She wore her hair up in curls on top of her head and wore sapphire stud earrings that her parents had given Petunia for Christmas last year. Petunia wore an ivory gown in a halter-style with a slightly fuller skirt and matching heels. She also wore her blond hair up and in curls with Lily's diamond studs. Both wore silk shawls over their arms.

Lily and Petunia looked at each other. The awed expressions on Severus and Liam's face said it all.

Severus offered his arm to Lily and gave her the corsage. He knew it was a Muggle tradition, but he thought it was a nice one. The corsage was white roses. "I didn't know what color your dress was so I thought I'd go with white to be on the safe side."

"Thank you, Sev, its beautiful," Lily said. "Could you put it on for me?"

"Sure," He put the corsage on using a temporary sticking charm. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you, Sev. You look dangerously sexy in those new robes." She whispered.

"Thanks, Lily. I think I can live with that compliment," He joked.

They walked into the Great Hall which now had a lot of smaller tables that seated eight. The Christmas decorations were magnificent. Remus, Missy, Frank, and Alice had already staked out a table and waved at Severus and Lily. They came over, followed by Liam and Petunia. Severus seated Lily then sat down. Liam did the same for Petunia. There were menus lying by each place setting. Lily showed Petunia how to order her meal. Once they had their food, everybody ate appreciatively. "Cissy and the other elves outdid themselves tonight," Severus remarked. Once the food had disappeared the dance started. There was an orchestra and a special guest singer Celestina Warbeck. After her first song, Severus crossed his arms over his chest and muttered, "She's definitely no Cher!"

"If Dumbledore had gotten Cher, Sev, we girls wouldn't even get to dance because all the guys would be crammed up against the stage, drooling over her," Lily remarked.

"Who's Cher?" Remus asked curiously.

"She's an American Muggle singer," Severus explained, "Really good singer."

"Sev has a big poster of her on his closet door," Lily teased.

Severus flushed a bit, but said, "I also have posters of Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, and Deep Purple."

That statement also drew blanks from most of the table and he explained further, "They're British rock bands like the Beatles." Severus couldn't believe the wizarding world hadn't been aware of the Beatles or the Rolling Stones.

Liam nodded. "I do know the Beatles. My mum is quite batty about them and plays their records all the time."

"Most of the world was quite batty about them," Severus added.

The orchestra started to play and Severus looked at Lily, "Would you like to dance, Lily?"

"I'd love, Sev." She got up and they went out on the dance floor. They danced a couple of times then James tried to butt in. "I'm cutting in, Snivellus, get out of my way." Severus blocked his way. "Potter, when I'm finished dancing with Lily, then you can ask her to dance."

"And I can tell you right now what my answer's going to be - No!" Lily snapped. They danced away leaving James, looking gob-smacked, in the middle of the dance floor. Severus also danced with Petunia, Alice, Missy, his fellow housemate, Chea, and even had a dance with Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout. He flopped back down on his chair after his last dance and ran his finger under his collar. The Great Hall had become very warm with so many people in it. "Do you want to take a walk? Maybe go out into the courtyard for a few minutes?" Severus asked Lily.

"That would be fine, Sev, because it's really gotten warm in here," Lily answered. She turned to Petunia. "Tuney, Sev, and I will back in a few minutes." Petunia who had been talking to Frank nodded.

They walked out of the Great Hall. Nobody saw James catch Peter's eye and tilt his head towards the entrance. Peter sighed and excused himself, citing a need for the bathroom. Once outside he went into the broom closet outside the Great Hall, leaving the door enough ajar to get out again, and transformed. He scurried out, but didn't see either Severus or Lily and knew James would be extremely disappointed with him if he lost them. He quickly scurried across the Entrance Hall to the tapestry-covered antechamber and sure enough he heard Lily giggle. He went under the tapestry and into a dark corner, his whiskers twitching excitedly. Maybe they were planning to shag tonight.

Severus had one arm wrapped around Lily's bottom and the other around her back and she had both her arms around his waist. Her silk shawl lay discarded on the floor. They didn't seem to be doing anything except snogging like mad. Lily giggled again and said, "I've wanted to do this all evening. The last dance we had I was fantasizing about snogging you right on the dance floor."

Severus murmured something Peter didn't catch and went back to snogging Lily as if it were their last day on earth. Finally they broke apart; both breathing heavily. "We'd better get back since I told Tuney we'd only be gone for a few minutes." Lily gasped. They leaned back against the wall until they both were calm enough. "Are you going to visit the kitchen after the dance?" Lily asked.

"Yes, I always like to let the elves know I appreciate the extra effort they make on occasions like this."

Peter perked up. This was something James would want to know. Maybe they could set a trap for Snivellus and humiliate the hell out of him! He scurried out again and into the broom closet where he transformed and casually walked back into and sat down at the table again. "You're finally back, Peter. James and I were beginning to think you'd fallen in," Sirius said laughing with his trademark bark. Rosmerta giggled beside him. Peter sniffed. It was nice of James to laugh at him when he was the one that sent him off to spy on Snivellus and Lily, but now he had something really useful to tell him and maybe James would appreciate it so much, he'd replace Sirius as James' best friend.

Severus waited in the Entrance Hall while Lily refreshed her makeup in the bathroom. She walked over to him and took his arm. Severus didn't think he'd gotten any lipstick on him, but asked Lily to check. She looked him over then shook her head. "You're fine, Sev." They walked back in and sat down again at their table. They danced a couple more times then decided to call it an evening. It was about 11:45 when they left the dance. Severus gave Lily a goodnight kiss and watched her go up the stairs with Petunia and Liam. He saw Potter, McDonald, and Pettigrew going up the stairs behind them as he was heading back downstairs to the dungeon.

Severus went back to his room. Since Paul was asleep, he quietly changed out of his dress robes into jeans, T-shirt, a sweatshirt, and trainers then left again. Dumbledore had set the curfew at 12:15 for that night. Severus had enough time to go to the kitchen and tell the Cissy and the other elves what a great job they had done without breaking curfew. Severus walked quickly down the hallway to the kitchen, tickled the pear, pulled open the door when the handle appeared and went inside the kitchen.

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Sirius got back to Gryffindor Tower just past curfew and crept quietly up to his dorm. His stomach growled loudly as he changed out of his dress robes. He went over to James's bed, shook him, and whispered, "Prongs, can I borrow your cloak? I'm starving and I want to go down to the kitchen."

James woke up and looked at Sirius bleary-eyed. "Huh?"

"I want to borrow your cloak so I can go down to the kitchen."

"Can't you wait until breakfast, Padfoot?" James replied, obviously annoyed at being woken.

"Not unless you all want to listen to my stomach growling the rest of the night," Sirius replied.

"Go ahead since I really don't want to listen to your stomach the rest of the night," James replied, burying his face back into his pillow and pulling the covers over his head.

Sirius held up his wand and muttered, "Lumos," then dug in James's trunk until he found the cloak. "Nox," He said killing the light. "Wish you hadn't lost our map, Prongs." James mumbled something inaudible in reply. He threw the cloak over him and crept carefully out of the portrait hole. "Who's there?" The Fat lady demanded. "I know somebody is there!"

"Old bat," Sirius muttered. He crept down to the Entrance Hall and the down the staircase to the hall where the kitchen entrance was. He suddenly tripped over something and ended up face down on the carpet. "What the fuck?" Sirius muttered then pulled out his wand and whispered, "Lumos," and found he had tripped over Severus who laid sprawled unconscious in the hallway.

"Merlin's pants!" He exclaimed running his wand over Severus to see what had happened to him. He saw one of his arms was twisted at an odd angle and was probably broken and there was blood under his head. "Shit!" Sirius exclaimed. He was not going to be blamed for this and he sent off his Patronus dog to Madam Pomfrey, and waited by Severus until he heard her coming. He quickly stuffed James's cloak in his pocket. She was still dressed in her nightgown over which she'd thrown a robe, and her hair was down and tied back with a ribbon. "What happened, Mr. Black?"

Sirius shook his head. "I don't know. I came down here to the kitchen and tripped over him."

Madam Pomfrey gave him a hard stare, knowing how many injuries the Marauders had caused to Severus over the years, but he really did look shaken by his discovery. She sent off a Patronus to Dumbledore and Slughorn then turned back to Severus. She quickly healed his broken arm so it wouldn't suffer any more damage when she moved him then said softly, "Mobilicorpus." Severus body floated up. "Mr. Black, you'll have to come with me. Professor Dumbledore will want to speak with you."

Sirius followed her as she carefully steered Severus into the hospital wing and cautiously lowered him down on a bed. "Tippy?" Madam Pomfrey called. There was a pop then Tippy appeared. "Tippy, will you please go up to Gryffindor Tower and wake Miss Evans and tell her Mr. Snape has been seriously injured."

"I is going," Tippy squeaked then with a pop she was gone.

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Lily was woken out of a sound sleep by somebody prodding her and calling her name in a squeaky voice. She opened her eyes and saw Tippy. "Tippy, what's wrong?"

Petunia woke up with a start, saw the elf, and sat up, "Lily, what on earth?"

Tippy was dancing back and forth and wringing her hands. "Miss Lily, Madam says Tippy needs to fetch you. Mr. Severus has been bad hurt."

"Sev's been hurt?" Lily shot out of bed and began throwing on her clothes, cursing under her breath.

"Wait, Lily, I'll come with you," Petunia called. She tried not to stare at the strange creature still dancing from side to side, wringing its hands, its large ears flopping. She got dressed and they followed Tippy down to the hospital wing. The first person Lily on entering was Sirius. Without even thinking she whipped out her wand and was in his face. "If you're the one that hurt Sev, Black, I'm going to hex your fucking arse into next week!"

"Lily Elizabeth Evans," Petunia called in a scandalized voice. She sounded exactly like the old Petunia. "You're behaving like a barbarian!" She pulled Lily off of Sirius. "What would mum and dad say?"

"It wasn't me, Lily, I swear." Sirius held up his hands. "I'm the one that found Snape in the hallway by the kitchen and called for Madam Pomfrey."

They were interrupted by Dumbledore coming through the hospital doors. He was dressed in one of his more garish robes, bright red with green twinkling stars all over it. "I understand from your message that Mr. Snape's been seriously injured."

"Yes, Headmaster, he has," Madam Pomfrey said. "I've already healed his broken arm and the bad gash on the back of his head, and gave him a blood-replenishing potion. I was just about to summon a healer from St. Mungo's to examine and treat his other injuries. He has a severe concussion, several broken ribs, and a punctured lung."

Lily looked up alarmed. She must mean Sev's injuries were worst than she could handle. "Madam Pomfrey, please ask for Master Healer Saxon. He knows Sev because he's a friend of Sev's mum."

Madam Pomfrey went into her office to fire-call to St. Mungo's. Professor Slughorn, wearing emerald green silk pajamas, a robe and slippers, suddenly appeared through the hospital doors. "Albus, what happened to Mr. Snape?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "We don't know yet, Horace. Mr. Snape is unable to tell us. Poppy is summoning a healer from St. Mungo's."

In a few minutes she came back out of her office followed by Robert who immediately began examining Severus. "Has Eileen been notified?" He nodded at Dumbledore. "Good to see you, Albus."

Dumbledore nodded back at his greeting. "Good to see you, Robert, all though not under these circumstances. I fire-called Eileen immediately and she said she'd be here as soon as possible." He turned to Sirius. "Mr. Black, do you have any information at all about how Mr. Snape came to be in this condition?"

Sirius shook his head. "No. It wasn't me and it wasn't James because he was already asleep when I got back to the tower at curfew. In fact he was pissed I woke him up."

Dumbledore looked at Sirius and said, "You may go back to Gryffindor tower, Mr. Black, and please, for your own safety remain there until morning. Until we know what happened to Mr. Snape, I don't want any students wandering around the school at night."

Sirius nodded and left the hospital. He had a lot to tell the guys, but he did wonder who beat the shit out of Snape. Probably he pissed off the Death Eaters in his house and they did it.

"What time did you and Mr. Snape leave the dance, Miss Evans?"

"About 11:45, Professor."

"Do you have any idea what Mr. Snape would be doing where he was found?"

Lily frowned. "He always goes to the kitchen after a special occasion like tonight to tell the elves what a good job he thinks they do." She turned and went back to where Robert was working on healing Severus. "How's Sev?"

"I've healed the most serious of his injuries, but he's still going to have some side-effects from the concussion and he'll probably need to stay in bed for a couple of days. He won't be going home on the train tomorrow, but he should be recovered by Christmas Eve."

Eileen came hurrying into the hospital with Professor McGonagall in tow. Professor Dumbledore had asked Minerva to wait in his office for Eileen to floo in then escort her to the hospital. She looked relieved when she saw Robert. "What happened to Sev? Was it Potter, Black, and Pettigrew again?" She whirled around and stormed over to Dumbledore. "Headmaster, you promised me you'd keep an eye on them this year! I will go to the Board if this is not resolved and the person responsible expelled!

Lily watched her in amazement. She could see from whom Severus had inherited his temper. She sat down on a chair next to his bed and held his hand. She brushed her hand over his face and noticed that whoever had done this thankfully hadn't done any damage to his face.

"Eileen, it wasn't them this time. We won't know who has done this until Severus is able to tell us." Dumbledore said. "Mr. Black confirmed that Mr. Potter and Mr. Pettigrew were already in bed asleep when he came in at curfew."

"And of course Black would never lie for Potter and Pettigrew," Eileen remarked sarcastically. She turned to Robert. "How's my son?"

"He's going to be fine, Eileen," Robert said soothingly. "Madam Pomfrey and I healed the worst of his injuries and we just have to wait for Severus to regain consciousness now."

It was a long night for Lily. She finally gave up trying to stay awake and put her head down on the edge of Severus' bed and went to sleep. Professor McGonagall offered to escort Petunia back to Gryffindor Tower, but she wanted to stay with Lily. Eileen briefly flooed home to tell Hal and Rose what had happened so they wouldn't need to make the long drive into London to pick up Lily and Severus.

Severus woke up with a massive headache. He cracked his eyes open slightly and saw immediately he was in the hospital so that answered the where, but he didn't know how or why he was in the hospital. He closed his eyes against the light pouring in from the tall windows because it was making him feel nauseous. He knew Lily was close by him because he could smell her herbal shampoo and he could feel his hand in hers. His right arm ached dully and he moved it slightly trying to relieve the ache.

"Sev?" He opened his eyes and found himself staring into those beautiful emerald eyes of Lily's. "What … happened?" He croaked, feeling as if he spoke too loudly his head might split in half.

"We don't know. Sirius was sneaking down to the kitchen after curfew and found you lying in the hallway outside the kitchen. He summoned Madam Pomfrey and they brought you here." Lily explained. "How do you feel?"

Severus muttered something about Ogden's Old Fire Whiskey.

"I'll be right back. I'll tell your mum and Robert that you're awake."

Lily left, but was back in a few minutes with Eileen and Robert. Eileen sat down on his bed being careful not to jar him. "Sev, I was so worried!" She said, squeezing his hand.

He looked at Robert and seemed confused that he was there.

"Madam Pomfrey was going to call a healer and Lily suggested she call me," Robert explained.

"What time ..?"

"It's about seven o'clock, Sunday morning, Sev," Lily replied

"How are you feeling?" Eileen asked.

"Head …hurts …stomach …" He made a face. "Tired …too."

"Headache and nausea? We can fix those easily enough," Robert said handing Severus two potions, a pain reliever, and an anti-nausea potion. He downed them both then closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

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Frank and Alice looked up as Remus and Missy came back into the compartment. Since the train ride home was short two Prefects, Frank and Alice had volunteered to help patrol."

"Did you hear anything new about Sev?" Alice asked as they came back from patrolling different ends of the train.

"We heard a lot of rumors, but that's all, Alice." Missy replied.

"Even Sirius isn't saying anything," Remus said. "James has been trying to get it out of him, but Dumbledore must have told him not to talk about it."

"I wish we knew how Sev was and how Lily's holding up," Alice fretted. "She must be frantic."

"I'm sure we'll hear from her before too long and I'm sure she'll have good news, Alice," Frank said soothingly.

"Hopefully, Lily will have good news that the greasy git croaked," James said coming in, flopping down in a seat, and putting one leg over the arm. Peter followed him in. "Nobody would miss the slimy dungeon rat if he did croak. Whoever did this did the rest of us a big favor; one less future Death Eater to fight."

Missy got up, her wand out and said angrily, "I'm going to count to three, Potter and if you don't get out of here and take your friend with you, I'm going to hex your fat ego arse so far into the future even the Ghost-of-Christmas-Yet-to-Come won't be able to retrieve it!"

James looked shocked. "Surely, you joke, LeClair! Why would you defend that greasy snake?"

"Severus is a nice person and I happen to like him, Potter, which is a lot more than I can say about you. I don't like you at all!"

James got up with a huff and a warning, "Well, you're all going to regret your decisions when Snivellus finally reveals his true colors. When I'm Head Boy, things are going to change!"

"If you want to change policy, James, you'll have to be Headmaster," Remus advised as James, and Peter, slammed out of their compartment.

Missy cast a charm over the door to keep them from returning. "I swear to Merlin if Dumbledore does make that arse Head Boy next year I'm transferring to Beauxbatons!" Missy declared.

"I doubt he'll get it, Missy," Remus said. "James's grades aren't that good and he has spent far too much time in detention."

"I don't know, Remus. Potter, Black, and Pettigrew have bullied Sev for years without getting any kind of punishment until last spring when they dropped Sev on his head and gashed it open." Frank said. "He could decide to make Potter Head Boy despite all that."

"That was because Lily and I accepted their word as Gryffindors that they'd stop tormenting, Sev. We were, of course, naďve to think their word as Gryffindors meant anything." Remus said.

"Wouldn't Sev have a good chance at Head Boy?" Missy asked. "He gets top grades and I don't think he's ever been in detention."

"Dumbledore has to have the balls to nominate him," Frank said. "I don't think there's been a Slytherin Head Boy since You-Know-Who and he ruined it for any future Slytherins. You know James will throw a major tantrum if Lily's appointed Head Girl and he doesn't get to be Head Boy. He'll have his father on Dumbledore's arse like he did this year when I was made Quidditch captain and Remus made Prefect."

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Severus woke up later in the afternoon. Lily was sitting beside his bed and still holding his hand so she knew immediately when he woke. She brushed his hair out of his face. "Sev, how are you feeling now?"

"Better. What time is it?"

"It's about 3:15." She fluffed up his pillows and helped him sit up a bit higher.

Severus looked around the hospital. "Where's mum?"

"Robert finally convinced Eileen to get something to eat and lay down for awhile." Lily paused then asked, "Can you remember anything about last night, Sev?"

"I can remember us leaving the Ball, and I remember watching you and Tuney going upstairs. I remember going back down to my dorm and changing my clothes because I was trying not to wake up Paul, and I can remember tickling the pear to get into the kitchen, but that's it."

"If it was Potter, Black, or Pettigrew, I'll make sure they're expelled this time," Lily swore.

"I don't think it was them. I saw Potter, McDonald, and Pettigrew up after you. I don't think he'd have time to get back downstairs before I went to the kitchen."

"Do you think it could have been Avery, Rosier or any of that crowd?"

"I don't think so simply because unless Riddle ordered them to do it, it's the Cruciatus Curse for disobeying him."

"Maybe Riddle ordered it, Sev," Lily ventured.

"To what end? If he's interested in me, why have his thugs beat me up? That's certainly not going to inspire me to work for him."

Lily bit her lip. If it wasn't any of the usual suspects then that meant there was somebody else who hated Sev a great deal, but who was an unknown.

Eileen and Robert walked into the hospital wing. They were both happy to see Severus was awake and talking to Lily. He had a little color in his face and appeared to be less tired. Eileen gave Severus a hug and a kiss. "How are you feeling now, Sev?"

"Better, Mum." He looked at Robert who was studying him. "When can I go home?"

Robert smiled. It was always a good sign when the patient wanted to go home. "I think tomorrow morning, but I want you to stay in bed the rest of the day though."

Severus made a face. He hated being confined. "Why do I need to stay in bed?"

"I'm concerned because you had a very serious concussion and although I healed it, it's the second one you've had in less than a year. Some of the side effects can linger. Headaches, dizziness, and fatigue are usually present for a short time."

Severus agreed to Robert's terms as long as he was able to go home the next day. He talked some more with Lily, his mum and Robert, ate a light meal and went back to sleep. Lily told Eileen and Robert what Severus related to her about the attack.

"Well it is possible that he'll remember more when some of the trauma passes," Robert said.

Lily and Eileen worried about who his attacker was and what it might mean for Severus' future at Hogwarts.

Chapter 20

Severus came home on Monday morning with Robert helping him. When he stepped out of the fireplace a feeling of dizziness and sickness overcame him. "Excuse me," Severus muttered, quickly headed upstairs, and barely made it to the bathroom. Robert followed him upstairs, waited outside the bathroom, and when Severus came out, he helped him into bed. He ran his wand over him, checking out his condition. "I'm sorry, Sev, I should have warned you those are unfortunate side effect of flooing when you're not totally well."

Lily, Eileen, and Petunia came through the floo after Severus and Robert. Lily and Eileen each had a trunk while Petunia carried both owls. "I can take Sev's trunk and Aesculapius upstairs if you like, Eileen," Lily offered.

"Thank you, Lily," Eileen said.

"Mobilitrunk," Lily said casting the spell so Severus' trunk rose and floated in front of her. She set Aesculapius' cage on top and carefully steered them up the stairs and into his bedroom then lowered it down on the floor in front of his bed. She set Aesculapius on Severus' desk. "I'm going to take Morgana and my trunk home and see my family. I'll be back in about an hour, Sev."

"Okay, thanks for your help, Lily."

"No problem, Sev," She replied giving him a quick kiss.

When Lily and Petunia came in the door of her home, their parents were waiting for her to tell them about Severus' accident and how he was faring. She told them what she knew and that wasn't much.

"It wasn't that Potter kid again was it?" Hal asked. "He's a spoiled bully if I ever saw one."

Lily shook her head. "Sev said he doesn't think it was Potter, but he doesn't remember the attack at all."

"Well, he's been through a bad experience so it might take him awhile to recall fully." Hal replied.

Petunia helped Lily take her trunk and owl upstairs. "Thanks, Tuney for all the help you've given Sev and me the last couple of days."

Petunia blushed slightly then gave Lily a hug. "That's what sisters are for, Lily."

There was an owl waiting for her that she recognized as belonging to Alice. She took the letter from it, gave it a treat, opened her window and the owl took off. She sat down and read the letter; laughing at the fact that Potter was actually stupid enough to believe anybody would appoint him Head Boy. If she got to be Head Girl and he was Head Boy, she'd quit. She folded it and stuck it in the pocket of her jeans. She went downstairs into her father's study. "Dad, we have a copy of A Christmas Carol, don't we?"

"Yes, we do." Hal pulled the book off the shelf of his bookcase and handed it to Lily.

"I don't think Sev's ever read this and you know how bored and crabby he gets when he's stuck in bed. I thought maybe he'd like to read it."

"Will you give him our regards and tell him we hope he's feeling better."

"I will, dad." Lily promised. She laughed suddenly. "Tuney owled me about what happened with Dursley."

"That fat lump of suet!" Hal exclaimed. "He didn't know what hit him when he ran into that barrier Eileen and Mr. Moody put up for us; he ended up sprawled on the curb next to that fancy convertible of his. Your mum had to call an ambulance to haul him away."

"I'm glad Tuney decided not to marry him and he's out of our lives."

"Your mum and I are too, sweetheart."

Lily put her coat on and wrapped her Gryffindor scarf around her neck. She was secretly hoping they would have snow for Christmas. She quickly walked the two blocks to Severus' house. Eileen, knowing she was coming back, had left the wards down. Lily knocked on the door and then went inside.

Eileen and Robert were sitting in the kitchen having tea. The house smelled wonderfully like Christmas with the smells of nutmeg and cinnamon. She went out into the kitchen. "Is Sev awake? I don't want to disturb him if he's sleeping."

"He was as of a few minutes ago, Lily," Eileen answered.

Lily went upstairs. Severus looked up from the magazine he was reading and smiled as he saw her.

"Mum and dad asked me to tell you they hope you're feeling better soon."

"Tell them thanks for their good wishes."

"I will," She promised sitting down on the bed beside him. "What are you reading, Sev?" She tilted the magazine up so she could see the name which was The Potioneer's Journal. "I assume that's one of your mum's."

"Yeah, but reading it is making my eyes tired," He answered, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, I've got just the thing for you. Have you ever read Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol?"

Severus shook his head. "No. I did read one of his books. A Tale of Two Cities, I think it was called."

"I'll read it to you since your eyes are tired," Lily offered. "First though you've got to read the letter Alice sent me."

"I expect there's all manner of rumors flying around about what happened to me." Severus said taking the letter. He read it quickly chuckling as he read it. "I can't believe Missy said that to Potter. He must have really pissed her off!"

"Who doesn't he piss off? Just having to be in the same room with him pisses me off!" Lily stated then said in a teasing voice, "You know, Sev, Alice thinks you're gorgeous and you have a deep, sexy voice."

Severus rolled his eyes. "At least it's not cracking and squeaking anymore. Merlin! That was awful. The only advantage was that Potter couldn't make fun of me because his was doing the same thing."

Lily giggled. "And after all that he's still stuck with the same high, whiny voice." She stretched out on the bed next to Severus and began to read. He seemed to be enjoying it so she didn't see he was getting tired until his head fell against her shoulder and she noticed he had fallen asleep. She marked the page, closed the book, and placed it on Severus' nightstand. She stopped to admire her mum's Christmas present that was sitting on his desk. She was sure her mum would be thrilled with it. Before she left his room Lily pulled his comforter over Severus and kissed his forehead, murmuring that she loved him. She went back home for lunch. They were sitting in the kitchen talking after lunch when they heard tapping on the window. Lily recognized Liam's owl Aries so Petunia got up to let it in. She took the note and gave it a treat and he flew back out the window.

"Mum, dad, if you'll excuse me I'm going to answer Liam's note."

"You're excused, Petunia," Her dad said with a smile. He was so glad Petunia had decided on Liam. "Petunia was telling us how much she enjoyed the Ball and seeing Hogwarts."

"Liam's very well thought of so she's got the top boy," Lily replied. She toyed with her tea and looked up at her parents. "Mum, dad, do you remember when I was younger and you were talking about how you thought Sev might be an abused child?"

Her parents looked at one another before Rose said, "We did talk about it, but I don't recall you being there, Lily."

"I wasn't, but I was passing your bedroom when you were talking and I heard Sev's name so I stop to listen," Lily confessed then hurried on, "You were right. Stupid prat, Potter, did something to Sev that ripped the back of his shirt and that's when I saw the scars." Lily's eyes filled with tears briefly. "I was horrified when I saw how badly his back is scarred and I had to really press him before he'd admit his father was responsible for it. He used to beat Sev with the buckle end of his belt."

"We suspected it because of the way he used to jump at loud noises or if anybody raised their voice even if it wasn't in anger." Hal said sadly. "We wanted to call Children's Services, but we had no proof, just suspicions."

"Sev said even if you had, his mum and him would have lied because his father threatened to kill them if anybody found out or if Eileen tried to leave him." Lily responded then she grew angry. "Dumbledore knew, too. Madam Pomfrey saw Sev's back the first time he was in the hospital first year. She would have gone straight to him to report it because that's the kind of person she is, but he apparently did nothing just like he let Potter and his cronies bully Sev for the better part of five years without any punishment."

"It's a miracle he's turned out as well as he has." Rose said. "It seems like all the people you're supposed to trust to help you as a child all let him down."

Switching topics, Lily smiled. "Wait until you see Sev's nose now that's it's not swollen anymore. Dr. Lockwood did a wonderful job on it."

"We're looking forward to it," Rose said.

Lily went back over to Sev's house later in the afternoon. She found him working on his homework. He watched Lily as she removed her scarf, coat, hat, and gloves. Her cheeks were pink. "Is it cold outside?"

"Very cold," Lily replied. "Even walking two blocks made me cold. I'm hoping it snows for Christmas."

Severus smiled. "I was thinking about going to Diagon Alley tomorrow for a couple of hours. I still have some Christmas shopping I want to do. Would you like to come with me?"

"Did you ask Robert if you should?"

"I asked him and mum. Robert said as long as it's for a short time and I make sure I don't get overtired I can go. Mum said it was okay with her as long as I abide by the rules Robert set."

"Okay," Lily said nodding enthusiastically. "I think Tuney might like to come, too, if you don't mind. I think she wants to buy Liam a gift, but she's not sure what to get him."

"He's a Ravenclaw so anything that engages his mind would be a great gift. The good thing is he's Muggleborn so he'll be familiar with Muggle games and puzzles, too."

"That's a good idea, Sev," Lily said. "I'll let Tuney know." She sat down next to him. "Do you want to study or would you like me to continue reading to you."

"You can help me answer these if you wouldn't mind," Severus said pointing to the notes sitting beside him on the bed. "Just after you left all these owls started coming. These are from Frank, Alice, Missy, Remus, and Paul. Would you mind writing a reply? My vision is still a bit blurry and my handwriting isn't the best even when my vision's normal."

Lily looked at the notes he'd gotten. They were all contained messages of concern and good wishes. She nodded. "Just tell me what you want to say and I'll write it." They finished up the replies and sent them off with Aesculapius and Horatio then Lily read to him until dinner time. She went home to eat with her family, but came back afterwards to be with Severus. She continued reading to him until he had fallen asleep. She yawned and nudged Severus. "Move over, Sev."

"Huh?" Severus asked groggily.

"I'm tired and your room is cold so could you move over a bit and make room for me?"

Severus moved over and Lily slid under the covers next to him. Severus put his arm over Lily and closed his eyes. Lily lay awake, marveling how naturally their bodies fit together; like two pieces of a puzzle. She glared at the poster of Cher then elbowed Severus. "Sev, are you awake?"

"Huh?" He lifted his head and brushed his hair out of his face. "What, Lily?"

"Do you think she's pretty?"



"I think she's rather more exotic rather than pretty." Severus answered honestly.

"What about her?" Lily asked rolling over on her back and pointing to his Marilyn Monroe poster.

"I think I could say she's gorgeous, but she's been dead for fourteen years also."

Lily turned over on her right side again. Severus sensed that she was feeling a bit insecure maybe. "You do know, Lily, that I think you're more beautiful." He kissed the top of her head. "And I wouldn't be interested in either Cher or Marilyn Monroe even if they were to suddenly appear in my room right now."

"I know," Lily said with a smile. She cuddled against him and soon fell asleep.

Eileen came upstairs to go to bed and glanced into Severus room. She had sent off Horatio to the Evans's to let them know Lily was staying overnight. She debated whether she should wake them, but decided to let them sleep. However, she did leave the bedroom door wide open.

Severus woke up when his mother got up. He gently kissed Lily awake. She rolled over and smiled at him. "Hi Sev."

"Good morning, Lily. If you want to get up, I'll walk you home."

"Okay, but let me clean up a bit first." Lily got out of bed, put her shoes on then grabbed a comb out of her purse and ran it through her hair then put on her coat, scarf, hat, and gloves. Severus took his coat out of his closet and wrapped his Slytherin scarf around his neck. They went downstairs and walked out into the kitchen. "Mum, I'm going to walk Lily home and I'll be right back."

"Okay, Sev. What time are you leaving for Diagon Alley?"

Severus looked at Lily. "Does ten o'clock sound all right to you?"

"Yes. That will give Tuney and I plenty of time to get ready." They walked back into the living room and Lily pulled on Severus' arm. He looked at her questioningly. She pointed at the phone. "When did you get your phone, Sev?"

Severus looked at it blankly. "I didn't know mum had gotten it." He walked Lily outside. It was dark and cold in the early morning. "Does Eileen have to work today?"

"Yes. She's off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day though. Robert's going to help us decorate the tree tonight."

When they arrived at in front of Lily's home, Severus kissed her and watched until she went inside then went back home. His mum had made him breakfast and Severus found he was hungry and devoured the bacon, eggs and bangers she put in front of him. "Mum, why did you get a phone installed?" He asked curiously.

"I just thought it would be useful in case of an emergency."

Severus couldn't imagine what kind of an emergency that would be, but he shrugged and continued to eat. Before Eileen apparated to St. Mungo's, Eileen kissed his forehead and said, "Now promise me you'll be careful and not overdue things, Sev."

"I promise, Mum. I don't want to spend the entire holiday in bed."

After she was gone, Severus had another cup of tea and read the Daily Prophet. There wasn't much news in it. More reported sightings of either Riddle or one of his Death Eaters; few could be verified by Aurors. He went upstairs and took a shower which he hadn't been able to do since Saturday. He was shocked when he washed his hair and saw so much blood. His hair in back had obviously been caked with dried blood. He used a drying charm to dry his hair then got dressed. He went downstairs and took a quick look at the bookcase in the lab where Eileen kept all of her potion books to make sure she hadn't already brought Moste Ancient Potions.

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Once her family was done with breakfast, Rose cleaned up the kitchen then went and knocked on the door of Hal's study and stuck her head in the door. "Hal?"

"Wouldn't you think an eighteen year-old could write in complete sentences?" He complained looking up from the essay he was correcting.

"I would hope so," Rose smiled.

"Well, that doesn't seem to be the case here." He sighed and put down his red pen. "What did you need, Rose?"

"You know the girls and Sev are going to Diagon Alley this morning to do some Christmas shopping?" Her husband nodded. "I wondered if you might go with them. You know how Sev is? Even if he doesn't feel well he'll let Lily and Petunia drag him all over because he hates to disappoint Lily. I just want to make sure they don't run Sev ragged when he's only been out of the hospital a day and I certainly don't want him collapsing somewhere in Diagon Alley."

"I'll be glad to go with them, Rose. I always enjoy going to Diagon Alley and it will give me a break from correcting these tests and maybe I'll have a new perspective on them by then."

"That's the spirit, dear," Rose said giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Lily and Petunia talked excitedly about what they might buy in Diagon Alley. "If you don't find anything you like for Liam in Diagon Alley, we can go to Foyles, too. It's just a couple blocks down on Charing Cross from the Leaky Cauldron." Lily said.

Severus was waiting to escort them through the wards and into the house. He wore the same outfit he'd worn to Hogsmeade; a green cable-knit sweater and black jeans. Lily wondered if she could ever get him into regular blue jeans, but decided the black jeans complimented his lean figure. They flooed to the Leaky Cauldron then went out into the courtyard where Severus opened the passageway to Diagon Alley. They went to Flourish & Blotts first. "Why don't you sit down, Sev, and Lily can get what you want." Hal suggested.

Severus nodded. He was still feeling a bit dizzy from flooing. He sat down on one of the plush window seats. He whispered to Lily the names of the two books he wanted to purchase and gave her the money for them. He looked around and noticed that Hal was perusing a book about wizarding history. He grabbed the book about Gringotts from a display near him and started to read. His enjoyment was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice. "Well, if it isn't Snivellus!" Severus didn't bother to look up. Why the hell couldn't Potter just leave him in peace for once?

"I heard somebody bashed your head in good, Snivvy. Not that you don't deserve everything you got and if there was any fairness, you would have gotten worse!" He chuckled. "Maybe you should quit thanking the house elves since it only gets your wortless arse kicked hard!" James laughed nastily.

The book fell to the floor as Severus shot to his feet. "It was you who did this to me!" Severus hissed, but he was suddenly engulfed by a wave of dizziness.

Hal, who had been keeping an eye on him, rushed over and grabbed his arm. "Easy, Sev," He cautioned. "Here, sit down. You've gone very pale, son. What's happened?" He glared angrily at James.

"It was him that did this to me," Severus said weakly, motioning to James.

"Prove it, Snivilly," James replied sarcastically and smirked. "It's your word against mine and I don't have to tell you who everybody's going to believe." He turned around and arrogantly strutted off to the back of the store.

Lily and Petunia rushed up. "What did that brainless arse Potter want?" Lily said glaring angrily at James' back.

"He all but admitted he's the one who that beat the crap out of me."

"What!" Lily yelled, pulling out her wand. Hal, knowing his daughter's temper, grabbed her and held her fast. "Let me go, Dad!" Lily demanded. "I want to cast the Comburoirrito hex on him! I want to see him dancing around, yowling and trying to scratch his arse and crotch in public!"

Hal didn't know what the Comburoirrito hex was and though Potter deserved whatever it was, he didn't want Lily to get in trouble for using magic outside of school so he held her until she calmed down. "Lily, Sev's not feeling well and I think we should get him home," Hal said

"I'm all right," Severus protested. "I still have some things I need to get."

Lily immediately forgot her anger at James and sat down beside Severus. "You are pale. We probably should get you back home and to bed. Eileen isn't going to be too happy if you have a relapse."

"She not going to be real happy when I tell her it was Potter that attacked me," Severus muttered.

"Severus, we can finish your shopping for you while you wait here or in the Leaky Cauldron with dad," Petunia added.

"Severus and I will wait in the Leaky Cauldron for you girls." Hal decided.

Severus handed Lily his list. "Thank you both for doing this for me. I really appreciate it."

Lily gave him a kiss on his cheek. "It's absolutely no problem, Sev."

Hal guided Severus into the Leaky Cauldron and found a table for them. He ordered a pot of tea from Tom which arrived within a few minutes. Severus settled back in his chair and gratefully sipped his tea. "Potter knew I had gone to the kitchen to give the elves my regards for the dinner they prepared for the Ball. Nobody knows I do that with the exception of Lily. That's how I knew it was him. I dread having to tell mum though."

Hal frowned. "Eileen has to know, but I also realize she'll want to go straight to the Potter's and hex their son's arrogant arse off although she may have to stand in line behind Lily."

Severus smiled slightly. "That's certainly true." He shook his head. "But Potter was right. It is my word against his because I can't remember the attack so I have no proof he did it."

"But your memory will come back, Sev," Hal said. "It might take some time though."

"Yes, but in the meantime Potter gets away with it," Severus replied glumly. "And suppose my memory never does come back? He'll get away with it permanently."

At that moment Lily and Petunia came back into the Leaky Cauldron, They waved at Hal and Severus and came over to the table they were sitting in. Lily had a bag from Slug & Jiggers and Eeylops Owl Emporium. Petunia had one from Foyles. "I found a marvelous gift for Liam. He told me he and his dad play chess a lot when he's home. I found this chess set with three levels. It ought to be a real challenge for him."

"Well, if everybody's got everything they need, we'd better be getting back home so Sev can lie down." Hal said.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay, Sev?" Lily asked quietly. He looked paler than normal.

"I'm tired. I'll lay down for awhile when I get home."

They flooed home. Hal grabbed Severus' arm as they stepped out of his fireplace. "I'll help you upstairs and I'll ask Rose bring you over some lunch."

Severus nodded. He was worried what his mum's reaction would be when she found out it was Potter. He was sure she'd want to floo immediately to Potter Manor and hex the crap out of Potter before she called MLE. Lily would probably be right behind her.

"Can I stay with Sev until Eileen gets home, Dad?" Lily asked. She knew the rules as far as her and Sev being in either house without parental supervision, but thought her dad might be willing to waive the rule in this case.

"Yes, Lily," Her father nodded. "I don't think he should be alone." He got Severus upstairs and helped him into bed. "Don't worry about anything," Hal said, patting Severus' shoulder. "If you like, Rose and I can come over before you tell Eileen, and we can help calm her down."

"Severus nodded. "I know Robert is coming home with her. He having supper and helping decorate the tree, but you know mum's temper. It'll take all five of us to get her calm enough to see reason."

"Okay. Ask Lily to phone us before Eileen's due home and we'll come over."

"Don't worry, Sev, we're not going to let Eileen do anything foolish," Lily assured him.

Knowing his mum's temper, Severus hoped she was right.

Chapter 21

Rose came out of the kitchen as Hal and Petunia came in the door. The house smelled good from all the Christmas baking. "You're just in time, dears," Rose said, giving Hal a kiss. "I've got lunch all ready." She looked around. "Where are Lily and Sev?"

"Let's have lunch and I'll explain," Hal said, leading Rose out into the kitchen. Petunia followed. Rose served them toasted roast beef sandwiches with melted cheese, grilled onion, and a couple of slices of bacon, along with a side of crisps. She set the teapot on the table and poured them each a cup. "Now, what's going on Hal?"

Hal explained about what Severus suspected and why. "He is right. Neither the Headmaster nor the Board of Governors will accept Severus' accusation without proof."

"It not right," Petunia said. "I saw Potter and he was angry at Severus because he wouldn't let Potter cut in on him and Lily. Of course, Lily wouldn't have danced with that fool no matter how many times he asked her."

"No, it not, Petunia," Rose agreed. "I have a strong suspicion that Mr. Potter learned his prejudice towards Slytherins at his father's knee."

There was a tapping at the kitchen window and Aries, Liam's owl, was sitting patiently on the window ledge. Petunia got up and let him in. He held out his leg and she took the note off of him and gave him a treat before he took off again. "I'm going to answer Liam's note, if you'll excuse me."

"I told Sev you'd bring him over some lunch. Lily's going to stay with him until Eileen gets home. I thought it was all right to waive ours and Eileen's rule this one time."

"Of course, dear," Rose replied as she got up. "I wouldn't want Sev to be left entirely alone after what happened."

There was more tapping on the kitchen window and another owl sat outside, waiting to be let in. "This must be our day for owls," Rose remarked as she let it in. It flew over to Hal and stuck out its leg.

Hal carefully took the letter off it, but the owl didn't fly away again. "I guess he's been told to wait for a reply. He opened the letter and read it quickly. "Well, I'll be damned."

"Who's it from, Hal?" Rose asked curiously. The owls that came to them were always from Lily, Sev, or Eileen.

"It's from Charles Potter. He requesting a meeting with me and he's willing to meet me wherever it's convenient for me."

"Well isn't that so nice of him!" Rose exclaimed sarcastically as she poured some chicken noodle soup into a large thermos. "After that wretched juvenile delinquent he calls a son deliberately beat up, Sev."

"I'll ask him to meet me tomorrow at Corbin's at ten o'clock," Hal decided. Corbin's was Corbin's Campus Eatery, a diner near the University frequented by students, staff, and the public alike.

Rose finished packing a picnic hamper with soup, sandwiches, and dessert and went to get her coat. She came back and saw Hal was sending his note off with the Potter owl.

"I don't think we should mention this meeting to anybody until we know what Mr. Potter wants," Rose said. "Especially Lily as we know her temper."

"Yes, she had her wand out in Flourish & Blotts as soon as Sev told her. I had to grab her and hold or she would have hexed that little bast …right then and there!" Hal shook his head. "I hope Mr. Potter's intention isn't just to badmouth Sev some more or it's going to be a very short meeting."

"You'll find out tomorrow, dear." Rose replied. "I'm going to take this over to the kids and be right back."

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Lily was once again reading to Severus from A Christmas Carol when they heard a knock at the front door. "It's probably mum with lunch," Lily said putting down the book and getting up.

"Okay, but don't open the door without checking first," Severus cautioned.

Lily nodded and took her wand with her. She peeked out the blind on the front window and saw her mum standing on the front porch, carrying the Evans picnic hamper. She opened the door and Rose came in. "My, it's getting colder. Maybe we'll have snow for Christmas this year." She went out into the kitchen and set the hamper on the table. "How is Sev feeling, Lily?"

"He's feeling better, but I'm making him rest until Eileen comes home. Did dad tell you what happened?"

"Yes, and it's too bad wizarding society doesn't have some sort of a lock-up for juvenile delinquents," Rose stated as she poured the soup into bowls, arranged sandwiches, and the cookies and fudge she had brought over, on plates and placed them all on a tray. She carried the tray upstairs and set it down in front of Severus. "I want to see you eat every bit of that, young man." She placed her hand on his forehead, but he didn't feel unusually warm.

Lily dug into her soup with relish. Her mum made the best chicken noodle soup ever! After they finished lunch, Lily helped her mum pack up the hamper. Rose gave her a kiss and said, "Dad and I will see you later. Take good care of Sev."

"I will, Mum. Thanks for bringing us lunch."

When Eileen and Robert came through the floo later, they found not only Severus, but Lily and her parents waiting in the living room. Eileen looked around in alarm. "Has something happened?" She looked at Severus. "Sev …"

"Mum, I have something to tell you, but you best sit down first." Severus said.

"Sit down, Eileen, and we can hear what Sev has to say," Robert said, leading her over to the recliner by the couch. She seated herself and said, "All right, I'm sitting down so what's going on, Sev?"

"Mum, I ran into Potter in Flourish & Blotts today and remember how I told you that I didn't think Potter had done it? Well, I was wrong …"

Eileen immediately shot to her feet. "What!"

Robert put his hands on her shoulders and said soothingly, "Let's hear the rest of Sev's story before you decide on what action you should take." He coaxed her into sitting back down. "Did he admit it to you?" Robert asked.

"Not directly, but he did say I should stop thanking the elves because I only end up getting my head kicked hard. Lily is the only one that knows I visit the elves to compliment them on their cooking. I must have been saying something complimentary to the elves as I was leaving the kitchen that he overheard. I'm sure Potter and probably Pettigrew, were under that stupid invisibility cloak of Potter's," Severus said bitterly.

"I warned Dumbledore I'd go to the Board of Governors if anything else happened and I warned the Potter's and the Pettigrew's they were going to get a visit from MLE." Eileen yelled. "And I'm going to do exactly that!"

"Mum, Dumbledore probably didn't know about it. I suspect it might have been a spur-of-the-moment thing on Potter's part. He was really angry that I wouldn't allow him to cut in when Lily and I were dancing and then Lily refused to dance with him at all; he probably blamed me for that." Severus shook his head. "I know you want to do something, but since I can't remember what happened, we don't have any proof. I doubt they'll ever find what Potter hit me with. It was probably a beater's bat, but I imagine he got rid of it right quick."

"Well, maybe I should take you out of Hogwarts, Sev." Eileen said. "Dumbledore cannot seem to insure your safety."

"What!" Severus shouted. "I'm not going to allow Potter to drive me away and I don't want to attend either Durmstrang or Beauxbatons! I don't want to leave Lily!"

Lily grasped his arm, attempting to keep him calm. "Sev, calm down, please or you're going to end up back inbed for the entire holiday."

"I'm not talking about sending you to either of those schools. I can teach you at home."

Severus took a deep breath to calm himself. "Mum, I know you're really smart and you've taught me a lot of things over the years, but you work all day and I don't want you to come home and then have to teach me, too."

"I'd rather do that then have to attend your funeral. Do you realize that you might have died in that corridor if Black hadn't found you? And that incident last spring; you could have snapped your neck if you'd fallen differently."

"Mum, this is all supposition. I didn't die," Severus argued.

"And what about the next time those bullies attack you?"

"Eileen," Hal interrupted. "I know how you feel. Lord knows every time we read about something horrible this You-Know-Who fellow's done, Rose and I just want to pull Lily out of school and never let her out of our sight." He sighed. "But we also know that despite everything that's happens and as much as we want to protect her, we have to let Lily go, to live her own life."

Eileen sighed and slumped back into the recliner. "I know you're right, Hal."

"Eileen," Robert said soothingly. "What don't you give it a few days? Severus' memory may come back and you can decide then what to do."

"I suppose I must," Eileen agreed.

Severus nodded in agreement, but he was damned if he was going to let his mum pull him out of Hogwarts and away from Lily.

Hal, Rose, and Lily excused themselves to go home. Lily jiggled Severus' arm to get his attention and said, "Be sure to owl me tonight."

Severus nodded and squeezed her hand. He escorted the Evans family out and watched until they were out of sight.

Eileen went into the kitchen to start dinner. Severus followed her out and offered to help her. She smiled. "Thanks, Sev, but it won't take me long. Why don't you keep Robert company while I'm doing this?"

Okay, Mum," Severus nodded. He went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Robert was standing before the Christmas tree.

"That's a really nice tree," Severus commented. "I can't see any bare spots anywhere."

"Eileen picked it out." He chuckled. "I'll bet she dragged me to every Christmas tree lot in the surrounding area until she found just the right tree."

Robert sat down on the couch next to Severus. "So you're still feeling tired, Severus?"

"I get tired easier it seems and I get a bit dizzy when I floo." Severus paused and looked at Robert. "Is it normal not to be able to remember?"

"You had serious injuries including a head injury. Sometimes when the body is healing itself it will block traumatic memories that might be a detriment to healing." Robert explained. "What is your last memory of the night, Severus?"

"I remember tickling the pear and opening the door to the kitchen, but everything after that is a complete blank."

"Dumbledore did confirm with the elves that you had been to the kitchen at midnight and you spent several minutes praising them for their food preparation at the Yule Ball."

"So I must have been attacked when I left then?" Severus frowned. There was something not right about this. He had always had unusually sharp senses and they had saved him from many jinxes thrown by Potter and his friends, but they appeared to have utterly failed him that night.

"Dinner's ready," Eileen called from the dining room. Severus waited until Robert had seated his mum then sat down. She had made pork chops in tomato sauce with onions and garlic, garlic mashed potatoes, a salad, rolls, and treacle tart for dessert.

"Dinner is delicious, Mum. The salad tastes like you just picked the vegetables," Severus complimented her.

"That's because the vegetable are from my garden. I picked them last fall, cast a freshening charm over them, and I have the baskets stored down the basement."

"How long have you known Lily, Severus?" Robert asked.

"We met when we were both nine. We both hung out in the park three blocks from here. I saw her swinging one morning. She used to swing very high then jump off the swing when it was at the highest point and she'd just float back down to the ground. Tuney would be screaming in fright, but Lily never got hurt. That how I knew she was a witch. I kind of blurted it out to her and she got mad at me because she thought I was insulting her." Severus smiled remembering his first meeting with Lily. "Once I explained myself better, she understood and we became fast friends. I told her all about Hogwarts and the wizarding world in general." He frowned briefly. "I think I gave her nightmares when I told her about Azkaban and the Dementors. She thought she was going to be arrested for doing magic until I told her you would have to do something really bad to be thrown in Azkaban."

"Sev's and Lily's birthdays are only three weeks apart, too," Eileen added.

"I'm assuming that you plan to marry Lily at some point in the future?" Robert asked.

"Yes, but it probably won't be until I'm a certified Potion's Master. At least then maybe we'll have enough set aside not to have to scrimp all the time."

"What does Lily say?" Robert asked curiously.

"We've only talked about marriage in vague terms. We both assume we're going to be married, but we've never talked about when."

"After having met Lily I would think she wouldn't want you making plans without her input. She may have different views," Robert suggested.

Severus grinned. "She does have a temper and I know she's gotten angry at me in the past for assuming things and not talking to her about it."

Eileen brought dessert the table and handed the plates around. Severus added a dollop of clotted cream to his, thought about what Robert had said as he ate, and knew he was right. Lily might not want to wait and she would resent him making decisions that affected both their lives.

When they were done eating, Eileen put the food away, cleaned the dirty dishes and utensils with a wave of her wand and put them away in their proper place. "Shall we get started on the tree?"

Severus changed the colors of the ornaments while his mum and Robert decorated the tree with fairy lights. He changed the color of the ornaments in four boxes to green and silver then changed the fifth box of ornaments to blue and bronze as he knew Robert had been in Ravenclaw. The last box he changed the ornaments to red and gold for Lily. When tree was finished Eileen shut off all the lights with a wave of her wand then they stood back to admire it.

Severus gave his mum a hug. "It looks great, Mum. You did an excellent job of picking out the tree."

They left the lights off and the only light was the light from the fireplace.

Severus …" Robert began, but Severus held up his hand. "You can call me Sev, Robert. Nobody calls me Severus except the professors.

"All right, Sev. When you were talking earlier about having no memory of how you were injured, do you mean you have no memory at all or your memory is very foggy or fuzzy?"

Severus shook his head. "No. My last memory is tickling the pear and pulling open the kitchen door. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital, but there's nothing in between those two memories."

Hmm ..." Robert murmured pulling at his bottom lip. "Would you permit me to perform Legilimency on you, Sev?"

Severus hesitated for a moment. Normally when they practiced Ligilimency he was able to put some memories, such as his intimate ones with Lily and his childhood beatings, behind his shield, but now Robert was asking for full access to his memories which meant he would have to lower his shield completely. "Okay, I guess. I mean it's better to know what might be lurking in there than to have it come out unexpectedly and bite me in the arse." He knew what was expected of him. He lowered his shields completely and looked into Robert's eyes.

"Ligilimens!" Robert said softly. He entered Severus mind and got flashes of memories: the first beating Tobias had administered when he was five, his first meeting with Lily, his first day at Hogwarts, being hung upside down and humiliated by James, Sirius, and Peter then dropped on his head, the Yule Ball, he and Lily snogging, him tickling the pear and going into the kitchen, then waking up in the hospital. Where the memories of his attack should have been, there was a barrier. It didn't look very strong, but he didn't want to tamper with it. Robert disengaged himself from Severus' mind gently so as not to cause him any pain.

Severus fell back against Eileen with a groan rubbing his forehead. "Are you all right, Sev?" She asked.

"Yes, it's just a weird feeling." He sat up again and asked Robert. "Did you see anything useful?"

"Those memories are there, but they're hidden behind a barrier of some sort and that's why you aren't able to remember them," Robert explained. "Would you be able to come with Eileen to St. Mungo's tomorrow?"

Severus looked at his mother who nodded. "I can, but why?"

"I'd like you to see a colleague of mine, Master Healer Cromwell. He's a mind healer and I'd like him to have a look at that barrier. He would know how to safely remove it."

"Are you saying, Robert, that after hurting Sev, Potter tried to obliviate his memory to cover his crime?"

"That's what I suspect Eileen and that's why I want Sev to see Master Healer Cromwell. He's in charge of the Spell Damage Ward."

Severus absently nodded. "I guess it would be prudent to see an expert." He got up. "I'm going upstairs and get a start on my homework." He shook his head. "The professors are piling on the homework as if they think our NEWTs are this year."

"Eileen, I'll meet you and Sev at St. Mungo's tomorrow at seven." Robert said. He got up.

"Thanks, Robert, for your help," Severus said.

"You're welcome, Sev."

Severus went upstairs to his bedroom. He took a piece of parchment out of his desk drawer and wrote Lily, telling her what had occurred this evening and that on Robert's suggestion he was going to St. Mungo's tomorrow to see a mind healer. He tied the note to Aesculapius's leg. "Take this to Lily and wait for a reply," Severus instructed his familiar, scratching the Eagle Owl's head then opening the window so the he could fly out. While waiting for Aesculapius to return Severus opened his Arithmancy textbook to the assigned reading after which he started creating a number chart to solve the assigned problem. He heard tapping on his window, opened it, and Aesculapius flew in. Severus detached Lily's note and opened it. Lily wrote: Sev, Potter attacked you physically then attacked your mind, too? That's horrible! Do you want me to come with you to St. Mungo's? Love, Lily

Severus went downstairs and into the lab where his mother was brewing. "Mum, can Lily come with us tomorrow?"

"That's fine with me, Sev. I won't be able to leave when you're done so it will be good to have Lily with you when you leave St. Mungo's."

"Are we going to floo, Mum, because I'm not sure about apparating when flooing makes me dizzy?"

"We'll use the floo, Sev. Please tell Lily to come over before seven o'clock.

"I'll still walk over and pick Lily up," Severus decided. He went back upstairs, wrote her back and gave Aesculapius the note and instructed him to wait for Lily's reply. The owl flew out the window, but was back in a few minutes. Lily wrote: I'll look for you before seven then. I love you! Lily

Severus smiled, turned the parchment over, and scribbled: I love you, too, Lily! Sev. He gave the note to his owl and said. "You needn't wait for a reply," Severus said then gave the owl a treat before he flew out the window. He stared at the calendar hanging on the wall next to desk realizing with a start that he and Lily would be seventeen next month; they would be considered adults. They would be able to start Apparition lessons this year and could learn to drive should they choose. He idly wondered if Mr. Evans had the patience to teach both Lily and him.

He finished his Arithmancy assignment which by far was his most time-consuming of his assignments. There was a tapping on the window and he let in Aesculapius, who was carrying a dead vole. He decided to go to bed even though it was 9:30 because he had to be up earlier.

When his alarm went off at 5:30 the next morning it startled him until he remembered his appointment with Master Healer Cromwell. He got up, showered, dressed, and came downstairs. He stopped to admire the tree then went into the kitchen. "Good morning, Mum." He gave her a hug and sat down at the table. He pulled the Daily Prophet over to him and scanned the front page. "I don't know how this paper stays in business. Most times the news is more gossip than anything else." He got up and started making toast.

"For some reason which I don't understand; Rita Skeeter seems to have a great many fans who think the ground she walks on is sacred." Eileen said setting a plate of bacon, eggs, and bangers in front of him. She sat down opposite him and began to eat.

"And the rest of us think the ground she walks on is cursed," Severus joked, digging into his breakfast.

"Are you ready for today, Sev?" Eileen asked.

"I hope I can remember the entire sequence of events so Potter and Pettigrew can be expelled."

"I hope they're sent to Azkaban and their families disgraced!" Eileen said vehemently.

Severus finished breakfast then walked over to pick up Lily. She was ready and opened the door when he knocked. They walked back to his house where his mum was waiting.

"What a pretty tree!" Lily exclaimed when she saw their Christmas tree. She also noticed the red and gold Christmas ornaments and gave Severus a questioning look.

He shrugged, looking embarrassed. "I just thought you might like them."

"That was so sweet of you, Sev," Lily said squeezing his hand.

Eileen threw floo powder into the fireplace and said clearly, St. Mungo's." They stepped in and were quickly whisked to St. Mungo's. Eileen found Robert who volunteered to escort Severus and Lily to the fourth floor so she could go the Potions Lab. Eileen gave Severus a hug. "Good luck, Sev. I'll see you when I get home tonight."

"Thanks Mum." He took hold of Lily's hand and they followed Robert to the fourth floor where a sign over double doors read Spell Damage Ward. Robert knocked on the door of an office next door with a plaque beside it that read Heathcote Cromwell, Master Mind Healer. He went inside and spoke to somebody briefly then opened the door and invited Severus and Lily in. Healer Cromwell was short, stocky and had a cheerful expression. He got up from his desk as they came in.

"Heathcote, this Severus Snape, and his girlfriend, Miss Lily Evans. They're both sixth year students at Hogwarts and both at the top of their class. Sev, Lily, this is Master Healer Heathcote Cromwell." He smiled and said to Cromwell, "I'll be getting back to work and leave Sev in your capable hands.

Cromwell smiled at Severus and Lily then asked them to take a seat. They settled in chairs in front of his desk. "I understand, Severus, that you were attacked by an assailant a few days ago and received serious injuries as a result, but you're unable to remember the attack."

Severus nodded. "I can't remember anything about the attack at all."

Cromwell nodded. "Robert told me he performed Ligilimency on you last night and found some kind of a barrier that prevented him from seeing that memory. Is that correct, Severus?"

Severus nodded. "He said he thinks the person who attacked me tried to obliviate my memory." Severus knew better than to mention outside his family who had attacked him

Healer Cromwell got up. "Would you follow me, Severus?" He turned to Lily. "Would you like me to have some refreshment sent up for you while you wait, Miss Evans?"

Lily shook her head. "I'm fine. Thank you."

Cromwell escorted Severus to an inner room that was painted a pale blue and had comfortable furniture. He threw a silencing charm over the door then had Severus sit down in an armchair and he sat down in one directly across from him. "Robert tells me you've been studying Occlumency with him and he says you're a natural Occlumens."

Severus smiled. "It came fairly easy for me and I've found I can do transfiguration easier after learning it. I'm studying Legilimency, too, but I'm not as good at that yet."

"I'm going to be using Legilimency on you as Robert did last night so I can get a look at that barrier. I'll need you to lower your shield completely, Severus, and look straight into my eyes."

He nodded and did as Cromwell requested. Suddenly he could feel Cromwell penetrating his mind and gripped the arms of the chair to to keep him from looking away.

Cromwell quickly went past Severus' memories until he came upon the barrier described by Robert. He studied it carefully. Whoever had tried to obliviate the memories had done a poor job of it and he would be able to easily take it down. He pulled himself out of Severus' mind and Severus sunk back into the chair. Cromwell gave him a few minutes to recover. "I found the barrier Robert described and I can take it down. I suspect whoever tried to obliviate you was unfamiliar with the spell because it was poorly done. This is usually the case with this spell because very few people, Obliviators mainly, are trained to use it."

"What will happen when you take down the barrier?" Severus asked uneasily.

"The memory will fill your mind entirely. It will be as if you're reliving it. You may even feel some physical pain. Do you want to do this now or would you prefer to wait?"

Severus shook his head. "I want to get it over with today."

"Okay. Lower your shield and look directly into my eyes again," He instructed. He was able to get back into Severus' mind without any trouble. He came upon the barrier and with one good pull the entire barrier collapsed, and he watched as the memories flowed past him. He pulled out of Severus' mind and watched him carefully as he relived the memories. It was obviously a very traumatic for him and when it was finally through, Severus slumped weakly in his chair, tears running down his face.

Cromwell sat silently until he recovered his composure. "Severus?"

Severus looked up. His face was extremely pale and his eyes were red.

"Can you tell me what you saw?"

Severus shook his head and wiped his face. "I'm pretty sure I know who did this to me, but I can't see him. I think he and his friend used a Disillusionment Charm and they didn't talk. I came out of the kitchen, heard something, and I threw up my arm to protect my face. I felt something heavy hit it, and break it. The pain was a sickening shock and I fell to my knees. That's when they clubbed the back of my head."

"You're sure there was more than one assailant?"

"Yes because I was still conscious when they were kicking both sides of me and breaking my ribs." Severus shook his head. "I don't remember them leaving, but I remember trying to get up but I felt too weak and my ribs hurt too bad. I ended up collapsing on my back." Tears ran down Severus' face again as he whispered, "I knew I'd die if somebody didn't find me, but who would know I was there?"

"You said you think you know who did this to you. Were they students?

Severus nodded. "Yes, but I don't want to mention any names since I have no proof. I had an encounter with one of them yesterday in Diagon Alley and he all but admitted he'd done it. He knows I won't be able to accuse him and claimed Dumbledore would take his side anyway."

Cromwell frowned. "Things must have changed quite a bit since I was at Hogwarts."

Severus shrugged. "It is a fact that Dumbledore tends to favor his former house."

"You've had a big shock today so I want you to take a dreamless sleep potion tonight and see me tomorrow." Cromwell ordered.

Severus nodded. He felt battered and bruised mentally. It was a terrible shock to realize how much Potter really hated him.

Cromwell escorted Severus back to his office and to Lily. She hurried over to him when she saw how pale he was. "Sev, are you all right?" Lily asked anxiously.

He nodded, smiled slightly, and said softly, "I'm fine, just a bit tired is all."

They left Healer Cromwell's office and walked downstairs to the floo to Severus' home. "You aren't going to stop and see your mum before we leave?" Lily asked.

"No. She'll be busy brewing so I'll tell her about it tonight." When they stepped out of the fireplace in Severus' house, Lily took his arm. "Mum said to bring you over when we got back."

"Okay, but let me go upstairs and get my books so I can do my homework. I'm almost done with it. I've just got Ancient Runes, Transfiguration, and Herbology left."

Lily waited while Severus went upstairs and when he came back down carrying his book bag, they left for Lily's home. "I'm stuck on Arithmancy," Lily complained.

"I can take a look at it if you'd like me to," Severus offered.

"That would be great, Sev. Maybe you can see where I went wrong."

They arrived at Lily's home and went in. "Mum, we're home," Lily called. "I'm going upstairs and get my books, Sev." Rose came out of the kitchen. From the delicious smells issuing from there, it was obvious she was baking. She gave Severus a hug. "How are you feeling, Sev?"

Severus shook his head. "It's really a shock to suddenly find out Potter hates me that much."

"Do you remember what happened now?" Rose asked, sitting down beside him.

"I remember what happened that night, but it does me no good because neither of them spoke and they stayed just out of range of my sight."

"I suppose Potter is smart enough not to get caught for his dirty deeds," Rose remarked.

"Unfortunately, he'll probably get away with it," Severus agreed. "I can't prove anything."

Lily came back down the stairs with her book bag and sat down on the couch next to Severus. She pulled out her Arithmancy homework and handed it to him. "There's where I'm stuck, Sev."

Rose smiled, went back into the kitchen. Lily knew how to distract Severus and take his mind off of what had happened to him for a while at least. She soon came back out carrying a tray on which there were two glasses of milk and a plate of cookies. She set it down on the coffee table. "If you kids are going to be studying you'll need some extra energy."

"Thanks Mum," Lily said.

Severus looked up from the Arithmancy chart he was studying and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Evans."

"You're welcome," Rose replied to both of them.

Severus leaned over to Lily and pointed out something on the Arithmancy chart. "There's where you went wrong, Lily. You just need to re-calculate this is all," Severus explained.

"Thanks, Sev," Lily said with a sigh.

"Is your dad home today? I haven't heard or seen him yet this morning."

"No. He had a meeting of some sort at the Uni, I guess."

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Hal Evans entered the diner near campus and looked around. He spotted Charles Potter immediately. He was surprised as hell to get an owl from him yesterday asking for them to meet and even agreeing to meet where it was convenient for him. He didn't know why he had agreed to it except he was curious. But if Potter was just going to badmouth Sev, it was going to be awfully hard to hang on to his temper, knowing what his bully of a son had done to Sev. "Mr. Potter."

Charles Potter looked up, extended his hand, and said, "Professor Evans, it's nice to see you again."

Hal shook his hand and sat down at the table. A waitress came over immediately. "Professor Evans, what can I bring you?"

"Good morning, Gina. Please bring me a cup of Earl Grey tea and one of your wonderful raspberry Danishes."

"Right away Professor."

"Thank you Gina," Hal replied. He looked back at Mr. Potter. "What did you wish to discuss with me?"

"It concerns our children."

"Mr. Potter, there is no our children. There's just my daughter and your son." Hal had to bite his tongue to keep from saying and your thug of a son.

"What I'm proposing, Professor Evans is that you betroth your daughter, Lily to my son, James. There would of course be a reasonable exchange of gold to seal the betrothal."

Hal could not believe he was hearing. Betroth Lily to that brute! Despite his feelings, Hal managed to ask calmly. "And what, in your opinion, Mr. Potter, is a reasonable amount of gold to pay for my daughter's happiness?"

"I believe one thousand Galleons should suffice. I am very wealthy, Professor Evans and James is my only heir. Your daughter would be very well taken care of and would never have to worry about being without as she would with that Snape boy." He wrinkled his nose distastefully. "Although his mother was a Prince she was disowned and I don't believe he has even the slightest chance of inheriting the Prince fortune which I have heard is considerable."

"What about my daughter's happiness?" Hal demanded. "How is she supposed to be happy married to a man she doesn't love and a career she wants, but won't be allowed to pursue?"

"She'll come to love James over time. Her first priority of course will be to provide an heir and that has to take precedence over anything else. She won't need a career, but she may do volunteer work, I suppose, if she wanted too, as long as she remembers her first duty is to James as his wife."

Hal got up just as Gina came over with his order. "I'll take that to go please, Gina." He gave her the money. "The answer is no, Mr. Potter. I will not subject my daughter to a loveless marriage with a spoiled brat who can't accept that Lily loves someone else." Gina came back and gave him a paper bag. "Thank you, Gina, and since I won't see you before Christmas, have a very happy Christmas."

"Thank you, Professor. You have a good one, too." She replied, casting a curious glance at Mr. Potter as she left.

"If you mean Snape," Charles shrugged. "He's of little or no consequence. I could probably buy him off with a hundred Galleons. He's probably never seen that many Galleons at one time in his entire life." Mr. Potter rose, too. "I am a very powerful wizard, Professor Evans. I have a great deal of influence I can use it in whatever way I see fit. I always get what I want."

"You may or may not have influence in your world, but you have none in mine, Sir," Hal replied curtly. He left the diner and got in his car. The drive home was only ten minutes, but as he pulled into his driveway his anger had began to give way to concern.

Chapter 22

Rose opened the door for her husband. "How did your meeting go, dear?"

Hal took off his coat and threw it over the stair banister. "We need to talk, Rose." Hal said and started upstairs. Rose glanced over at Lily and Severus. They were both still working on their homework, their heads together. She followed her husband upstairs and into their bedroom closing the door behind her.

"I take it your meeting with Mr. Potter didn't go very well."

"The man's a complete bastard!" Hal spat then apologized, "Sorry, Rose."

"What on earth happened, Hal?" Rose asked sitting down on their bed.

"He apparently expected me to agreeably betroth Lily to his brute of a son for a thousand Galleons. Her first priority would be to provide an heir and She doesn't need a career, but she could do volunteer work as long as it doesn't interfere with her duties as James' wife. He bragged he could buy Sev off with a hundred Galleons because he probably never seen that many in his entire life."

"How dare he!" Rose exclaimed angrily. "After his son beat Sev so badly he expects us to betroth Lily to him!"

"To be fair, Rose, I'm sure Mr. Potter knows nothing about what his son did to Sev."

"Would he even care if he did know?"

"Probably not." Hal looked worried. "Mr. Potter also claimed he was very influential and could use his influence in whatever manner he chose and stated he always gets what he wants. I told him he may or may not have influence in his world but he has none in ours."

"Was he making threats against Lily and Sev, Hal?" Rose asked worriedly. "Is there a way he could force Lily into marrying his son?"

"I don't know, Rose." Hal shook his head. "There is one definite way to prevent that however."

"You mean if Lily and Sev were already married?"

Hal nodded. "Of course it would be up to them, and I don't know about their schooling; if they would be allowed to continue."

"They would have to be married in a wizarding ceremony because there's not enough time to post the bans before they return to school," Rose pointed out then added, "Mr. Potter probably wouldn't recognize a civil marriage as having any legality in the wizarding world anyway.

"They can always have a civil ceremony after they graduate so they're marriage will be legal in both societies."

"We'd best talk to them first and see what they think before we start making any marriage plans, Hal," Rose said with a smile.

Hal and Rose left their bedroom to go back downstairs. Hal stopped first and knocked on Petunia's door. "Petunia, would you please come downstairs? Your mother and I have something we need to talk over with Lily and Sev and we'd like your input, too."

"Certainly Dad," Petunia said nodding and followed them downstairs.

Severus and Lily looked up as Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and Petunia walked into the room. "Lily, Sev, may we talk to you?"

Severus shut the book he was reading and nodded. "Of course, Sir."

"What is it, Dad?" Lily asked.

Hal looked uneasy and rubbed his hands together. "I got an owl from Charles Potter yesterday afternoon, requesting a meeting. He even offered to meet me at my convenience."

"What did he want?" Severus asked warily.

"He expected me to agree to betroth Lily to his son in exchange for one thousand Galleons."

"What!" Lily shouted angrily, surging to her feet. Her face was red in anger and her eyes looked like chips of green ice.

Hal held up his hands. "I told him no, Lily. I told him I wouldn't subject you to a loveless marriage with a spoiled brat who couldn't accept you were already in love with Sev."

"What happened then?" Severus asked softly.

"He said he was a very powerful and had a great deal of influence and could choose to use it whatever way he saw fit and emphatically stated he always gets what he wants."

"If he means he'd try to ruin me, he's already tried that and didn't succeed," Severus said.

"He could do that, yes. Rose and I are worried that he might try to force Lily to marry James."

"Could he do that?" Rose asked worriedly.

Lily and Severus looked at each other. "He could confund me, but I don't think anybody would agree to marry somebody who's been confounded," She explained. "It's a charm when cast causes a person to be confused."

"If he wants to go to Azkaban he can use Imperius Curse, but again, I don't think he could find anybody who would agree to marry someone who's been Imperiused," Severus said.

"He could use a love potion, but I wouldn't drink anything Potter offered me anyway."

"He could slip it in your drink when you weren't looking," Severus pointed out. "We might have to get you a flask to drink out of like Mad-Eye Moody," He joked then sobered. "I suppose he could resort to the tried and true blackmail method."

"Rose and I figured there's one sure way to head off any attempts by Potter to marry you to his son and that's if you and Sev are already married."

Severus and Lily looked at each other then Lily asked, "Tuney, what do you think?"

"Well I agree with dad and mum. I didn't like the way that Potter boy behaved at the Ball. He seems to be obsessed by you, Lily. After finding out what he did to Severus, I wouldn't put anything past the little creep!"

"Can Lily and I discuss this for few minutes?" Severus asked.

"Certainly, use my study," Hal said.

Severus and Lily got up and went into Hal's study. Lily shut the door and leaned against it. Severus sat down at Hal's desk. He looked up at Lily. "What do you think about their idea?"

Lily went over and sat down in Severus' lap and put her arms around Severus' neck. "I'm all for it, Sev. I've been in love with you since I was fourteen and I always knew we'd get married someday so what's wrong with getting married earlier?" Lily asked.

"There's nothing wrong with it that I can see either, Lily."

"How do you think Eileen will feel about it?"

"I think she'll be okay with us getting married. She has said more than once that she thinks we're meant for each other."

"Who's going to marry us though, Sev?"

"I imagine Dumbledore could do it as he's Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. We'll have to keep it secret. I don't want us to end up getting expelled if the Board of Governors finds out."

"And we'll have to stay in our houses, too." Lily added. "That's going to be tough."

"Well, we can meet in our special place and do other things besides studying now," Severus soothed. "I imagine it wouldn't be a problem to request a renovation." They both got up and walked back into the living room. Severus put his arm around Lily. "We've decided we want to get married."

Petunia squealed and threw her arms around Lily then turned to her mother. "Mum, we have to go shopping for a wedding dress for Lily tomorrow."

"Okay, Tuney, but I just want something simple. I do not want a wedding dress that looks as if I'm wearing a circus tent."

"Bugger!" Severus exclaimed suddenly. "I think my dress robes are still at Hogwarts."

Lily shook her head. "No, I packed them when I went down with Professor Slughorn to get your trunk."

"Do either of you know what kind of wizarding authority we'll need to marry you?" Rose asked

"I think Dumbledore has the authority to do it since he is Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot." Severus answered. "I'll have mum fire-call him after we tell her what we've decided."

"When do you want to get married, Lily, Sev?" Hal asked.

Lily looked at Severus, "Is Christmas Eve okay, Sev, in the evening at eight o'clock? I think it would be really romantic."

"Sure, it's a nice time of year to get married," Severus agreed.

"Tuney, you're going to be my maid of honor, aren't you?" Lily asked.

"Of course, Lily," Petunia agreed. "Liam's coming over on Christmas Eve and he can be Severus' best man."

"Good," Severus replied nodding. Since they had to keep it secret, he couldn't ask Frank or Remus. Liam was Head Boy and they could trust him to keep their secret.

When Eileen and Robert came home, Severus, Lily, and Lily's parents were waiting to speak with her. "What's going on, Sev?" Eileen asked warily. "What did you find out from Healer Cromwell today?"

"I'll tell you about that later," Severus promised. "Mum, Lily and I want to get married and it's not because Lily's pregnant." Severus said. He nodded towards Hal. "I'll let Mr. Evans explain."

Hal explained about his meeting with Charles Potter. "He struck me as somebody who thinks his wants come first no matter what and everybody else's come second if at all. I'm just afraid he'll force Lily into marrying his son then tie it up magically some way so she'll be unable to get out of it. In spite of his benign appearance he struck me as quite ruthless."

"Yes." Eileen nodded. "I've heard Mr. Potter can, on occasion, be as ruthless as Abraxas Malfoy. I've heard his health isn't good so he's probably worried about an heir and in a hurry to make that happen. That might make him more inclined towards not doing things properly. I know the Potters were despised by my father and grandfather. They thought they were upstarts who claimed to have roots dating back to Merlin where there were none."

"As ruthless as his son is, he'd have to have learned it somewhere," Rose remarked.

"Then you're okay with Lily and I getting married, Mum?"

"Yes, Sev, I am. I've always felt you and Lily were meant to be together." She said giving both him and Lily a hug and a kiss.

"The next problem is we need a wizard or witch who has the authority to perform marriages. Sev suggested Headmaster Dumbledore." Hal said

"Yes, he does have the authority," Eileen stated. "When are you planning to have the ceremony?"

Lily spoke up. "Sev and I decided on Christmas Eve, Eileen."

"I'll fire-call him and see if he can do it then."

"Why don't you allow me to do that, Eileen," Robert suggested. When she nodded Robert went over to the fireplace, threw in some of the green powder and said, "Albus Dumbledore's office, Hogwarts."

Dumbledore's face appeared in the fireplace, smiling merrily and his blue eyes twinkling. "Robert, wonderful to see you again. What may I do for you?"

"Albus, can you come through and we'll explain?" Robert asked.

Dumbledore nodded and came through the fireplace into the living room. He was surprised to see everybody else. "Severus, how are you feeling?"

"Much better, Professor. Thank you." Severus answered politely. There was no point in saying anything else.

"Good to hear, my boy." He directed his attention to Robert. "What can I do for you, Robert?"

"Albus, Sev, and Lily have decided they want to marry on Christmas Eve and they'd like you to perform the ceremony."

"I see. Any particular reason for this sudden decision?"

"I'm not pregnant, Professor, if that's what you're thinking," Lily said coolly.

"Lily and I were planning to be married after we graduated from Hogwarts, but with Riddle growing stronger and a war on the horizon we want to be married now," Severus explained.

"I can perform the ceremony and the marriage will be duly registered at the Ministry, but it has to be kept secret and you'll have to stay in your own houses while at school." He explained.

"Sev and I know that, Professor, and we agree to those terms." Lily said.

"All right then. What time is the ceremony on Christmas Eve and do you want to be bonded?"

Both Lily and Severus looked confused and Severus asked uncertainly, "Is that anything like an unbreakable vow, Professor?"

"Somewhat, Severus. You would be bound by love and magic, but you wouldn't die if one of you decided to leave your marriage voluntarily. However, you would never feel the same kind of love for anybody else, but it would not apply if one of you were to die."

Severus looked at Lily. "It's fine with me because I've always felt that way about you."

"And I about you. Our wedding is going to be held at eight o'clock, Christmas Eve night," Lily said, smiling happily. "Mum's been baking for the last two weeks so there will be all kinds of sweets to be sampled."

"Excellent!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "I will see you two nights from now." He went back through the Floo.

"Well, everything's coming together a lot easier than I thought it would," Rose sighed. "We'd better get back home. Lily, there's still some things we need to discuss."

"Okay, Mum, I'll be right there." Lily replied. She gave Severus a quick kiss then followed her parents out the door.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I took this to that goblin jeweler and had it cleaned." Eileen said taking a velvet box out of her bag and handing it to Severus.

He opened it and found a gold ring with a square cut emerald surrounded by ten diamonds plus another gold ring with diamonds set around the entire band. "Mum, they're beautiful."

"It was given to me when my betrothal became official. Those rings have been in the family for centuries and every Prince bride has been married with them. I kept them hidden all the years your father was living here because he would have sold or pawned the set if he'd found it."

"Thanks Mum. They're really gorgeous and I know Lily will love it." Severus frowned. "Will it fit her though? She has pretty small fingers."

"It's been magically enchanted so that it will automatically fit Lily's finger." Eileen looked a bit teary eyed as she hugged Severus. "I can't believe my son's getting married." She let go of him and started towards the kitchen.

"Mum, do you need help with dinner?"

"No, Sev, I've got it under control. Thanks though." Eileen had supper ready in within an hour. She had made Coq-Au-Vin, serving it with a fresh salad and rolls. Dessert was an apple crumble.

"How did it go today with Healer Cromwell, Sev?" Robert asked.

"He was able to get rid of that barrier without any problem. My memory came back vividly all at once and that wasn't pleasant." Severus shook his head. "But I couldn't see Potter; he and whoever helped him, and I'm assuming it was Pettigrew, stayed on my peripheral vision, and never spoke."

"So, we still have no definitive proof that Potter did it," Eileen said angrily. "And as usual he gets away with hurting you."

"Pettigrew's the weak link. He'd spill his guts if anybody could put pressure on him, but Potter's smart enough to keep him by his side," Severus remarked. "If I could get him alone …" He shrugged. "That probably wouldn't work. Even if I got him to admit it, he probably just recant it later, probably saying I forced him to admit it and he lied because he was afraid of me."

"It isn't all lost, Eileen. Healer Cromwell may be able to help you discover something you missed. You might have heard or smelled something that you might not realize you remember," Robert said.

"I guess there's always a possibility," Severus conceded. "I'm just thankful they didn't hit me in my face and break my nose. I don't know how I would have faced Dr. Lockwood."

They finished dinner and started on dessert. Eileen suddenly appeared uncomfortable and looked over at Severus. "Sev, where are you and Lily going to stay Christmas Eve night?"

Severus appeared confused briefly then flushed bright red as he realized as to what his mum referred. "Merlin! Mum, I haven't thought that far ahead."

Robert smiled and offered, "Eileen, you can stay over at my place if you'd like and Sev and Lily can stay here."

Eileen smiled at Robert. "Thank you, Robert that should work out fine."

Severus excused himself and went upstairs. He put the emerald ring in his pocket, put on his coat and scarf, and came back downstairs. "Mum, I'm going over to Lily's, but I'll be back in a half-hour." He went out the door and walked quickly over to Lily's house. He knocked on the door and Rose answered. "Sev, come on in."

"Is Mr. Evans busy?" Severus asked.

"No. He's in his study. Go ahead in, Sev."

Severus knocked on the door. "Come in," Hal called. He opened the door and went in. Hal looked up and smiled. "Sev, come on in and sit down." Severus came in and sat down uneasily in a chair next to Hal's desk. "What can I do for you, Sev?"

"I know technically you've already given us your permission, but I still want to ask you for yours and Mrs. Evans blessing on our marriage. Will you give it to us?"

"You have it, Sev. I know how much you love Lily and I'll never worry because I know she'll always come first with you."

Thank you, sir." Severus said, getting up. He left Hal's study and went into the kitchen. "Mrs. Evans, is Lily upstairs?"

"Yes. Just go on up," Rose directed.

Severus went upstairs and knocked on Lily's door. She opened it. "Sev!" She pulled him into her room and threw herself into his arms, kissing him passionately. After returning her kisses, Severus stepped back and said breathlessly, "You're going to make me forget why I came here." He took the ring out of his pocket and took her left hand. "Lily, I loved you the first time I ever saw you. I'm even more in love with you now and I always will be. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He slipped the emerald ring on her finger.

Lily caught her breath when she saw the ring then cried, "Yes! I will!" She threw her arms around Severus' neck and kissed him.

"I hope you don't mind it's an emerald instead of a ruby. It's an heirloom of my mum's family and the Prince's have all been Slytherins with the exception of a Ravenclaw here and there. Mum said all the Prince brides before her have been married with this ring."

"No. Sev, it's beautiful and I'll treasure it forever," Lily declared. Severus pulled her to him, kissing her passionately, and then holding her close to him. "I can't wait for our wedding night, Sev," Lily whispered.

Me either, which reminds me. Mum's going to stay with Robert so we'll have the house to ourselves." Severus let go of Lily. "I've got to get back home and finish up the last of my homework."

"I want to show mum and Tuney my ring," She followed Severus downstairs. "I'll see you tomorrow night, Lily." He said at the door. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I love you, Sev."

"I love you so much, Lily." Severus walked home slowly. He couldn't believe Lily was actually going to be his wife in two days; something he had dreamt about since he was nine." He walked

in the door and called, "Mum, I'm back." He went upstairs and pulled out his Transfiguration essay. He read it through, deciding he had more than sufficiently made the points he wanted to make. He hoped they would get their semester grades soon, but assumed it probably wouldn't be until next week. Severus looked around his room, wondering if he should do some redecorating. It did look a bit austere. He waved his wand and changed the walls to a pale sky blue color then his comforter to a patchwork of cream and sky blue. He grabbed eight handkerchiefs out of his drawer and transfigured four of them into drapes that matched his comforter then transfigured the other four into sheers and hung them all. He changed his bedroom furniture from ebony to oak then transfigured a match into an oak bookcase and shelved all his loose books in it. He went over to his closet and re-hung his Cher poster on the inside of the door. He pointed his wand at the poster of Marilyn Monroe and said, "Accio!" The poster flew off the wall and down to him. He rolled it up and stuck it inside his closet.

"Sev …" Eileen stopped short in the doorway of his room looking around in surprise.

"Hi Mum. I just did a bit of redecorating. What do you think? Do you think Lily will like it?" Severus blushed a bit and said, "I mean I want her to feel comfortable."

Eileen looked around the room and smiled. "It has a warm and welcoming feeling now, Sev. I'm sure Lily will love it."

Severus nodded. "That's what I'm hoping."

"Are you nervous, Sev?"

"A little, Mum, but Lily's the only one I've ever wanted to marry."

Eileen gave Severus a hug and a kiss. "I'm so happy for you both, Sev. I know you two were meant for each other and you're so in love; I know you're going to be very happy."

"Mum, you aren't going to start crying are you?" Severus asked alarmed.

"No." Eileen sniffed. "I'm saving it for your wedding."

Severus laughed, but his eyes were feeling a bit moist, too. "The hard part's going to be when we go back to school, finding time to be alone."

Eileen thought for a moment then said, "When I was at Hogwarts I remember hearing about a magical room on the seventh floor I think, but I don't recall hearing where exactly it was. I remember people saying it only appeared when you had need of it."

"Really?" Severus said. He, of course, already knew what room she was describing. "I could ask the elves. They know more about Hogwarts than even Dumbledore I'll bet."

Eileen looked alarmed and Severus held up his hand. "Mum, I'll go during the day sometime. Believe me I'm not planning another midnight rendezvous with Potter."

"Promise me, Sev?"

"I promise Mum because I've got you and Lily to consider now." Severus got ready for bed. He took the dreamless sleep potion Cromwell had prescribed and he felt tired, but wasn't yet ready to fall asleep. He lay on his back with his arms folded under his head. He was feeling a bit nervous, not about getting married, but about their wedding night. Neither he nor Lily had any previous sexual experience aside from some heavy snogging. That could work in their favor or work against them, too. Maybe it was better to quit analyzing and just let nature take its course; he reasoned thinking about the night of Slughorn's party. He made a mental note to brew the 30-day contraceptive potion tomorrow when he got home from seeing Healer Cromwell. It had to sit for 24 hours before being used. He turned over and went to sleep, dreaming about being married to Lily.

Severus' alarm went off at six a.m. and he willingly got out of bed, took a shower, and got dressed. Before he left his bedroom he got his formal sapphire blue dress robe out of his trunk and hung it on his closet door. He used a steam charm on it to get rid of any wrinkles. He came downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Mum."

She looked up from The Daily Prophet. "Good morning, Sev. How did you sleep?"

"Okay. Healer Cromwell had me take a dreamless sleep potion last night so I slept really well."

"Is Lily coming with you today?"

"No. She, her mum, and Tuney are going shopping for a wedding dress." Severus grinned.

"Well, that should be enjoyable for them."

"Tuney's got good taste in fashion. She helped Lily pick out her dress she wore to the Yule Ball and she looked gorgeous in that."

"Are you going to tell Healer Cromwell about your wedding?"

"I guess." Severus shrugged. "No matter what the reason we're getting married I love Lily and that's not going to change." Severus finished his breakfast and went upstairs to get his coat and scarf then came back down. He buttoned his coat and wrapped his scarf around his throat. Eileen threw some floo powder into the fireplace. The flames turned green; she and Severus stepped into it and she said. "St Mungo's." They stepped out of the Floo point at St. Mungo's and Eileen gave Severus a hug and said, "Have a good day, Sev."

"I will, Mum, I definitely will." He watched his mum disappear down the corridor then turned to go upstairs to the Spell Damage ward.

"A moment of your time, Snape." A voice behind him said.

He turned around and found himself face-to-face with Charles Potter.

"Mr. Potter," Severus replied, nodding politely. Although he was boiling inside, he kept his face smooth and emotionless, giving no sign that he knew what Mr. Potter had tried to do.

"Snape, I assume you know my son is in love with Miss Evans. We Potters are very wealthy and Miss Evans will have anything she could possibly wants married to my son. She has nothing more to look forward with you then a future of extreme poverty and constant struggle. If you have some fantasy about inheriting the Prince trust, I can tell you right now you won't inherit even a Galleon of it. I knew your grandfather and he never forgave your mother for embarrassing the Prince family right up to the day he died. He'd rather trust go out of the Prince family completely than let the off-spring of an illegal marriage inherit it."

"Lily will have all the love I can give her." Severus replied quietly. "I think your son just wants Lily as a trophy to hold over my head."

"You're not worth James' holding a trophy or anything else over your head, Snape!" Mr. Potter snorted. "You think love's going to last when you're both struggling to provide the bare necessities? I'll make you a one-time offer, Snape and you'd best snatch it up quickly because I won't offer it again. I'll pay you a hundred Galleons if you'll break up with Miss Evans. If you oppose me, you will not be able to find work at the lowliest apothecary. I am very powerful and I have a lot of influence which I can use for the good or the bad."

Severus looked at him in sheer disgust. "You know, there's an old Muggle saying about money being the root of all evil and I can see in your case, it's definitely true. Lily hates your son and she isn't the least bit interested in how many Galleons he has nor does she care how many Galleons I have or don't have. I am not the least bit impressed with or worried about your supposed power or influence. In less respectable terms, Mr. Potter, you can take your bloody offer and shove it!" Severus managed to walk calmly away from Mr. Potter, but once out of sight, he stormed up the stairs to the Spell Damage Ward and entered Healer Cromwell's office, slamming the door behind him. He was cursing under his breath, breathing hard, his heart was beating rapidly, and he was clenching and unclenching his fists.

Healer Cromwell saw immediately that Severus was angry and extremely agitated so he said calmly, "Severus, please sit down. Would you like a Calming Draught and then we can talk about what's upset you?"

Severus nodded and Healer Cromwell left the room for a few minutes and came back holding a vial containing a bluish potion. Severus drank it down and immediately began feeling calmer.

"Now, would you like to tell me what happened that made you so angry?"

"First, I want to tell you that Lily and I are going to be married tomorrow night, but it's not because she pregnant or because I'm having some weird reaction to what happened to me.

"Then I take it there's another reason."

"Yes, there is and it involves why I'm so angry," Severus said then went on to explain about him and Lily being friends since they were nine and going together since their fourth year. He explained about James Potter rivalry for Lily and his jealousy that she preferred him to James. He explained about Mr. Evans visit with Charles Potter and the threats he made. "He approached me downstairs, made insulting remarks about my lack of Galleons, offered me a hundred Galleons to break up with Lily, claimed he was powerful with a lot of influence, and told me I wouldn't be able to find work at the lowliest apothecary if I opposed him." Severus smiled briefly. "I told him to shove his bloody offer."

"I know his name, but I've never met the man. I believe he's made some large contributions to this hospital though." Healer Cromwell stated. "Do you believe Mr. Potter will try to ruin your reputation and make it impossible for you to find employment and he'll force Miss Evans into marrying his son?"

"I wouldn't put it past him." Severus hesitated then said. "I pretty sure it was James Potter and one of his friends who beat me up, but since I have no proof, he'll probably get away with it." He went on to explain what James had said to him in Flourish & Blotts. "Lily is the only one who knows I always visit the elves after a special occasion like this. I suppose Potter could have been under his invisibility cloak at some point and overheard me talking about it. He's wanted to get even with me for "stealing" Lily away from him and he blames me for him having to serve detention the entire summer. That was after they hung me upside down, and dropped me on my head last spring."

"So you believe James' inherited his ruthlessness from his father and he or his father may somehow force Lily to marry James?"

Severus shrugged. "I've heard stories that Mr. Potter usually gets what he wants and doesn't care who he stomps on to get it. I suppose if that's the only example you've seen all your life, you wouldn't give clubbing somebody in a dark hallway a second thought nor forcing a girl who didn't love you to marry you." Severus narrowed his eyes. "He's not getting rid of me no matter what he's threatening to do!"

"How do you feel about marrying Lily under these circumstances, Severus?"

"I don't feel any different about it now than I would if we were still going to married after Hogwarts. I love Lily and that's not going to change no matter what. I realize it might be harder because we'll have to keep our marriage a secret and there are two of us I've got to think about financially now."

"It sounds like you've thought this pretty well through even with the threats from Mr. Potter, but you know both you and Lily are welcome to come and talk with me should you feel the need. I think you should continue seeing me, Severus, if you're comfortable with that. There are some other issues you might want my help with besides the ones you're dealing with now."

Severus ducked his head, letting his hair fall over his face. "I take it you saw some of my other less pleasant memories when you were inside my mind?"

"The ones of your father's beatings? Yes. I did see those."

"Lily thinks I should get help with that and I'm in agreement." Severus shook his head. "I want you to know I would never do that to Lily or our children no matter what."

"I believe you, Severus, but I think it would be better for you if we get these memories out in the open and talk about them. Lily is welcome to come with you because she's going to be your main support now."

Severus smiled. "Other than mum, she's always been my main support and I've always been hers."

Healer Cromwell wanted him to come back a couple of times more before he went back to Hogwarts then a couple of times a month while school was still in. Severus agreed as long as he could come early so he wouldn't have to miss class. He didn't mind getting up early. When he got home he immediately started brewing the 30-day contraceptive potion. He had the book his mum had given him propped up in front of him. As he was chopping up the ingredients and putting them into the cauldron, Severus wrinkled his nose at the smell issuing from the cauldron and, in spite of the cold, cracked open a window. He suspected it was going to taste as horrible as it smelled. He followed the brewing directions exactly as he didn't want to risk making the potion ineffective. Once he had given it a finally stir, he put out the fire underneath the cauldron and spelled a stasis charm over it. He wrote out a quick note and whistled for Aesculapius. He gave him the note to him. "Take this to Mr. Evans, please. You needn't wait for a reply."

He closed the window and was heading into the kitchen when there was a knock on the front door. He went glanced out the front window and saw Hal and let him in.

"Sev, what's wrong?" Hal and Severus sat down on the couch.

"Mr. Potter saw me at St. Mungo's this morning. He was very insulting; he said all Lily would have to look forward with me would be extreme poverty and constant struggle. He claimed he knew my grandfather and said I had no chance of inheriting the Prince trust. I told him Lily didn't care how many Galleons Potter had, or I had or didn't have." Severus made a face. "The thing is, finances will probably be tight while we're both in school and we're both going to be in a four-year program."

"I know when Rose and I got married I was still in school and most times I doubt we had more than ten pounds between us, but what I want to say is while I know you'll take care of Lily to the best of your ability, if you should need help, there's no shame is asking for it. Rose and I have already told Petunia and Lily that once they're on their own, if they should need help, we can provide it." Hal looked at Severus severely. "And I don't want your pride to get in the way of asking for our help, Sev, should you and Lily need it."

"It won't, sir," Severus promised. "Mr. Potter also said if I didn't break up with Lily, he make sure I couldn't find work at the lowliest apothecary. He claimed he was very powerful and influential."

"Basically the same crap he said to me, the bastard," Hal swore. "I suspect that in spite of his wealth, he's not happy and I'm beginning to wonder also if he's as powerful or influential as he keeps claiming."

"I'm not going to let either him or his son break Lily and me up no matter what." Severus promised.

"If Mr. Potter wants to cause any problems, he's going to have to deal with not only Eileen, but with Rose, Lily, Petunia and me, too. We're going to be your family as of tomorrow night and family sticks together." Hal said firmly. "Speaking of which, why don't you call me either dad or Hal."

"Thank you for saying that, Hal. I appreciate all you, Rose and Petunia are doing for us."

Shortly after Hal left, there was another knock at the front door. Severus peeked out the front window and was surprised to see Lily and her mum. Mrs. Evans was carrying their picnic hamper over one arm. He opened the door for them. "Hi Lily and Mrs. Evans, I thought you'd still be shopping."

"Sev, since you're going to be my son-in-law so why don't you start calling me mum or Rose; you can decide."

Severus nodded. "Okay Rose."

Lily stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss. "I was lucky and found a dress I liked in the first store we visited." She didn't mention that Tuney had also dragged her into a lingerie shop insisting she needed fancy underwear and a nightgown for her wedding night.

"I brought you lunch as I know you probably haven't eaten," Rose said setting the basket down on the table and unpacking sandwiches, crisps, sliced vegetables, and dip plus a plate of Christmas cookies.

"I was just going to make something when you knocked on the door, but this is definitely better."

"Well, I'll leave you and Sev to finish lunch," Rose announced. "Lily, you can bring the hamper home with you."

"Okay Mum," Lily replied.

Severus looked at Rose's retreating figure in surprise. "Your mum's actually letting us be alone."

"I guess she thinks it's okay since we're going to be married tomorrow night."

"Speaking of which," Severus said. "I've brewed that contraceptive potion we chose, but I've got to say the smell is awful and the taste is probably worst than the smell."

Lily smiled and joked, "We'll just have to hold our noses and gulp it down fast."

"I've got to figure out a way to remind us to take it again because we'll need to take it on the 24th of every month."

"I could charm your watch so it reminds you," Lily suggested.

"Do you mean like a verbal reminder? Like a voice coming out of my watch saying, 'remember to take your contraceptive potion?" He chuckled. "I can just see it accidently going off in the middle of McGonagall's class."

Lily giggled. "She'd probably put us both in detention for the rest of the year once she recovered from fainting! No. I was thinking I could charm your watch to chime in a certain way on the 24th to remind us."

Severus nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

Lily sighed. "I wish I could tell Alice we're getting married."

"Well, you can tell her we're engaged." Severus said then motioned to the couch. "Let's sit. There's something I want to talk with you about."

"Okay," Lily replied nodding. "You sound very serious."

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know I'm not rich and once I'm a certified Potions Master, I'll make a good salary, but I'm never going to be as wealthy as Potter or Black?"

"Sev, what exactly is this little speech of yours about?" Lily demanded. "Do you think I really care about how many Galleons anybody has?"

"No, I know you don't, Lily, but I just want you to realize our finances might get tight while I'm studying to be a Potion Master and you're studying to be a Master Healer." Severus was silent a moment then said. "The owners of Slug and Jiggers have offered me a job on more than one occasion. I could work for them part-time and that would help."

"Flourish & Blotts have offered me a part-time job several times also so I could work there and help out, too." She stood up, put her hands on her hips, and glared at Severus. "You're not going to be like Potter and tell me I can't work, are you?"

"Merlin forbade!" Severus said, raising his eyes upwards. He pulled her down next to him and gave her a kiss. "I love you exactly the way you are!"

"I so wish it was Christmas Eve tonight, Sev."

"Me too, but it'll go fast. Dumbledore will be thrilled when he sees all the sweets Rose baked. Merlin! It's really a wonder that man has any teeth left!"

Lily giggled again. "Just so he has enough teeth left to pronounce our marriage vows, Sev."

"I wonder how he's going to be dressed. Probably in the most blinding, clashing colored robe he owns." Severus shook his head. "It's a good thing it'll be fully dark when were walking over to your house."

"Are you nervous about tomorrow night ... I mean about our wedding night?" Lily asked blushing deeply.

"A little bit," Severus admitted, letting his long hair fall over his face. "I don't want you to be disappointed."

"This book I've got says the people are often disappointed because their expectations are so high. They think lovemaking should be like in a romance novel."

Severus looked up surprised. "You've got a book on that subject, Lily?"

"Yes," She giggled at Severus' expression. "Unlike wizarding bookstores, Muggle bookstores have entire sections devoted to just that subject. I bought one because I had questions that I didn't feel comfortable asking mum, but the book did answer most of them."

"I never cease to be amazed by you, Lily," Severus smiled shaking his head.

Lily pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. "It's seems like such a long time since I've had a chance to snog you," She murmured between kisses.

Severus lay back pulling Lily on top of him. He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue and slipped inside her mouth. His hands caressed her bottom then slid under her jumper, stroking her nipples with his thumbs. He heard her gasp then said, "Wait a minute, Sev." She sat up and pulled her jumper over her head tossing it aside. He unfastened her bra freeing her breasts from their confinement. He thought Lily's breasts were perfect, satisfyingly full, but not overflowing. Her pink nipples hardened as he stroked his thumbs over them. Lily moaned and squirmed. She tugged at Severus' jumper. He struggled to sit up as she helped him pull it over his head, and toss it aside. He still was a bit self-conscious about the scarring on his back, but it didn't bother him in the way it had previously. Lily ran her hand over his chest then bent lower and flicked the tip of her tongue over his nipples, kissed the spot where his neck met his shoulder then moved her mouth up to kiss the spot underneath his ear that she knew he liked. She smiled as she heard Severus groan and she could feel him getting hard underneath her. He unfastened her jeans and pushed them and her panties down below her hips and began caressing her bottom. He loved the feel of her soft skin. He maneuvered his hands around to her front, down between her legs where he could feel her warm wetness. As he touched the area between her legs, she jerked and cried out. Stroking another area caused her cries to become even louder.

"Sev," Lily said breathlessly in his ear, "Whatever you're doing … keep doing."

Strangely enough he had learned about this from Sirius Black. One time in fifth year when he was trying to avoid being hexed by Potter and Black, but was unable to get around them without being seen he'd been forced to listen to Black telling Potter about his latest sex-capade. He always figured it was mostly just bullshit bragging, but he remembered how Black did talk about a special spot between girls legs when stroked sent them, as Black had phrased it, over the moon.

Severus continued stroking the area gently at first then harder until Lily suddenly gave a strangled gasp and he felt her body shudder and felt her dig her fingernails painfully into his shoulders. She collapsed on top of him, panting slightly.

Severus kissed the top of her head. "Are you okay, Lily?"

Lily sighed and whispered, "I feel wonderful, Sev."

Severus smiled to himself. Apparently not all of Black's sex talk was bullshit. He put his arms around Lily and she lay with her head on his chest. "I don't think I want to move," She murmured.

"That's fine with me," Severus replied. "I like you right where you are now."

Lily sighed again and lifted her head up. "I suppose I should get back home though. I've still got things to do before tomorrow night." She sat up and Severus leaned over to snag her lacy bra from the floor where she'd tossed it and gave it to her. Lily looked around and spotted her jumper on the coffee table where it landed when she pulled it off. "Can you reach that for me, Sev?"

"Sure." He reached over and grabbed her jumper and handed it to her.

She pulled it over her head then stood up pulling up her panties and jeans and fastening her jeans again.

"Are you going to bring your trunk over?" Severus asked as he helped Lily into her coat. He also got the picnic basket from the kitchen for her.

"Yes. I'll bring it over tonight after it gets dark if that's okay?"

"That'll work," Severus said looking carefully to make sure there was nothing incriminating left lying around. He grabbed his coat from the banister where he tossed it earlier. "I'll walk you home then."

"Thanks, Sev." Lily smiled up at him. Her green eyes were glowing. She took hold of his hand as they walked to the Evans home. Severus shivered. It was definitely colder than it had been this morning and the sky was completely white and looked as if it really might snow. "Maybe we're going to have some snow for Christmas after all. Sure looks and feels like it." Severus commented.

Lily squeezed his hand. "I wish it would snow tomorrow night, Sev. Wouldn't that be romantic?"

Severus nodded. "We haven't had a white Christmas in a long time." He reached Lily's porch and gave her one last passionate kiss. "I'll see you later." He went home and as he came through the door, glanced at the Grandfather clock, and noted that his mother would be home in less than an hour. He decided to surprise his mum and cook supper tonight. Severus went into the kitchen, deciding to make spaghetti and meatballs for supper. His mum had taught him to cook, but he only knew how to cook in the Muggle way. He didn't mind doing it. True, it took longer than cooking with magic, but he found it was relaxing like brewing a potion was. He was just taking the garlic bread out of the oven when Eileen and Robert came in the back door. "Hi Mum, Robert," His face appeared flushed from the cooking. "Go ahead and be seated. Everything's ready and I'm just getting the bread out of the oven."

"Sev, this is so nice of you," Eileen said hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"You deserve an evening off, Mum." He shrugged. "I enjoy cooking so I don't mind doing it."

"Does Lily know how to cook?" Robert asked.

Severus shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but I suspect she doesn't. I've never heard Lily express any interest in cooking even when Tuney has, but that's okay since I can."

"Sev, what happened with Healer Cromwell today?" Eileen asked.

"He wants me to come back next week and he said at least twice a month while I'm in school. He's going to let me come early so I won't have to miss classes. I told him Lily and I am getting married tomorrow night. He said if we had any problems we're welcome to come and see him."

"Why does he want you to see him so much, Sev?" Eileen asked concernedly.

"Because he saw some of the other memories I have and he thinks it's best I deal with them and I agree." Severus frowned. "I can't say I'm looking forward to it though."

Eileen knew he was referring to the memories of the beatings Tobias had given him. She'd always felt guilty for not being able to stop Tobias from hurting Sev, for not throwing him out long before she did, and for not being able to protect her only child. Sev should hate her for that, but he never had. She reached over and gently brushed his hair out of his face. "I'm sorry, Sev."

"Mum, there's nothing you could have done differently," Sev said shaking his head. "He could have killed you, or both of us, but you were able to keep him from doing that."

Robert remained quiet. He understood that Eileen and Severus were speaking about their lives at the hands of Eileen's ex-husband. Robert had seen some of the memories of the beatings Sev had received from his father and thought it a wise decision to accept Healer Cromwell's help in dealing with them.

"Lily's going to bring her trunk over tonight so I was going to walk over and help her with it." Severus said.

"Since you made dinner, Sev, I'll clean up," Eileen said. "Thank you again for making it. It was delicious.'

"And I'll give her a hand," Robert levitating the plates and silverware and steering them into the kitchen behind Eileen.

Severus walked over to Lily's house and knocked on the door. Rose opened the door and invited him in. "Lily was going to bring her trunk over tonight and I'm going to help her," Severus explained.

Mr. Evans heard Severus' voice and came out of his study. "Hi, Sev," He called.

"Hi, Mr. Evans. Are you still working on correcting those tests?"

"Yes, but the good thing is I'm almost done with them." He smiled at Severus.

"I'm going to go upstairs and help Lily bring down her trunk. Knowing her she's probably got it stuffed so full I'll probably need to sit on it to get it closed."

Hal smiled. "I can almost assure you that will be the case, Sev. It's what I've had to do since fourth year."

Severus hurried up the stairs and knocked on Lily's bedroom door. She opened it. "Sev! Good. I was going to ask dad, but as long as you are here." She led him over to her trunk which was, as he suspected, overflowing. "I can't get the darn thing closed and locked."

"Are you sure you've got everything? You don't want to add the kitchen sink maybe?" Severus teased.

Lily stuck her tongue out at him and replied. "If you could just please sit on it while I lock it."

"Okay," Severus sat down on the lid and Lily bent down and locked it. "There!" She grabbed her coat off her bed and opened her door so they could carry her trunk out. Severus picked up one end of it and Lily the other. Severus groaned and asked, "Are you sure you didn't accidently pack the kitchen sink, too?"

"Funny, Sev! Originally I wasn't planning on it being so heavy," Lily said. "But I had to pack my spring and summer clothes and shoes, too."

Severus and Lily finally got the trunk to the bottom of the stairs. Severus opened the front door and they hauled it out on the porch. "Ready?" He asked Lily.

She nodded and picked up her end while Severus hauled up the other end. By the time they got to his house he swore his arm would never be the same. "Just leave it here, Lily," Severus directed when they set it down by the stairs. "I'll use a spell to get it the rest of the way upstairs." He led her outside again, walked her back to her house, and gave her a kiss. "See you tomorrow night."

"I'm looking forward to it!" Lily whispered. She waved to him and went inside.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

James was lying across the sofa in the guest room while Sirius occupied the bed. "So Lily's dad refused your dad's offer?"

"Yeah, I couldn't believe he'd turn down a thousand Galleons. Dad said he got really insulted when he said he could easily buy Snivellus off for a hundred Galleons."

"Well, I guess you'll just have win Evans the old-fashioned way, Prongs."

"Maybe I should visit her at home, Padfoot. If I could just talk to her without Snivy being around all the time I know I could convince her of the advantages she'd have being my girlfriend."

"Only one problem, Prongs, you don't know where she lives." Sirius pointed out.

"Her dad's a professor at a Muggle school in Manchester."

"So? That doesn't mean she lives in Manchester. He could travel, by whatever ways Muggles do travel, to this school from another city or town. Besides wherever it is she lives, Snape lives there, too. I think they only live a couple of blocks from each other. He's definitely got the home advantage when it comes to Evans."

"What do you mean home advantage?"

"I mean he's got her complete and undivided attention until we go back to school."

"What in Merlin's bloody underwear does she see in that wanking Death Eater?"

"Don't know, Prongs. Something the majority of people don't see, I guess." Sirius replied. He was frankly getting bored talking about Evans and Snape all the time, but she was all James seemed to want to talk about anymore.

"It's too bad whoever beat the shit out of him after the Yule Ball didn't do a better job of it!" James snarled.

"Forget about Snape and Evans, Prongs!" Sirius growled. He was sick of the subject! "So what do you think of the Wimbourne Wasps' new beater Ludo Bagman?"

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

After Severus had taken Lily's trunk upstairs to his room, he transfigured the pouch with Aesculapius's Christmas gift into green velvet with silver snowflakes on it. He placed it back in his desk drawer then decided to get ready for bed. After all tomorrow was his and Lily's wedding day and he wanted to be at his best. He slept well even without a dreamless sleep potion and the first thing he did after he got up was to change his sheets from cotton to silk and put a charm on them so they would smell like lilacs which he knew were Lily's favorite flower. He quickly made his bed and straightened up his room then took a shower, dried himself with a drying charm and got dressed. He went downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Mum," He said giving her a kiss. "How come you're not sleeping in since you don't have to work today?"

Eileen looked up from the Daily Prophet in amusement. "Sev, when have you ever known me to sleep in?"

Severus thought for a moment. "Okay, no I can't ever recall it, but you know you should try it sometime."

Eileen shook her head in amusement as she got up to get his breakfast. "Why? Do you think I'm getting too old to get up early, Sev?" She teased.

"No. I just think you work hard and you ought to take advantage of it when you can, Mum," Severus said as she set his plate of rashers, bangers, eggs and toast in front of him.

"Maybe after the holidays are over I'll try it," Eileen replied as she sat down opposite him and poured herself another cup of tea. "I did take your advice about taking Robert to the cinema. I don't think either of us understood what the movie was about, but he enjoyed the Muggle technology. He wondered how they could do this, but they can't make their pictures, and paintings move."

"What movie did you see, Mum?"

"It was called All the President's Men and it was about some scandal that happened in the Muggle American government in 1973 or 1974. I guess their President had to resign because of it."

"Yeah, that does sound confusing especially since the British Muggle government is confusing enough for wizards and witches to understand let alone trying understand another country's Muggle government," Severus agreed.

"What are you going to do today, Sev?"

"I got a few things I need to do. Do you have anything you need me to do, Mum?"

"No, Sev, but thank you for asking."

"Okay if you're sure, Mum." He finished up his breakfast and went back upstairs. He decided to repack his trunk as it had gotten rather messy. He took everything out and started from the bottom up. Once he'd gotten it reorganized to his satisfaction, he checked the Amaryllis plant and decided it needed water so he took it into the bathroom to get it a drink. Once he was done with that he went back downstairs into the lab and checked the contraceptive potion he brewed yesterday and checked the book, relieved to see that the color was exactly as the book described it should be after 24 hours. He began ladling it into vials and capping them. He ended up with 14 vials which meant they had a six-month supply and he wouldn't need to brew anymore until July. He stashed two of the vials in his nightstand drawer for tonight and the rest he cast a charm over them to make the rest of the vials unbreakable then put them in his trunk. He also stashed his cleaned cauldron and stirring stick inside his trunk. He grinned and shook his head in amusement. Even with all the stuff he'd added to his trunk, it still wasn't as heavy as Lily's. As Severus was coming downstairs he heard what sounded like a car backfiring out in the street. He peered out a living room window and saw a dirty, beat-up looking, non-descript color car pulling away from the curb. He shrugged. Muggle clunkers weren't exactly unknown in his part of the neighborhood. It was probably somebody's relatives coming for Christmas and couldn't find the correct address.

"What are you looking at Sev?" Eileen asked coming into the room.

Severus shrugged. "There was an old clunker parked by the curb. Apparently somebody's lost. I hope they make in time for Christmas dinner."

Eileen glanced out the window but saw nothing. "Lunch is ready if you're hungry, Sev."

"I am, Mum. Thanks." He started out to the kitchen then turned and said, "Mum, would you be sure and remind me to take Rose's plant with me tonight?"

"Yes." Eileen replied. She followed Severus out into the kitchen.

"What time is Robert coming?" He asked then took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Hopefully at 7:00 if he doesn't have to sort out any emergencies. St. Mungo's gets very busy at this time of year; a lot of spell damage from inappropriate gifts or gifts that were thought not to be expensive enough. We get all kinds of hexes and jinxes thrown during family arguments. It's quite amazing what wizards and witches can do to each other when they get angry. I've seen some really strange injuries sitting in the waiting room."

Severus finished his lunch and went back upstairs. He spent the rest of the afternoon reading his mum's potion journals. He liked keeping up with the newest discoveries. He read an article written by Damocles Belby who was working on a potion to help Werewolves. The potion would allow them to keep more of their human qualities when they transformed, but so far it had failed on volunteer subjects. Severus sighed. He wished the electron microscopes he'd read about in the Muggle science magazines could be used in a magical environment or wished some enterprising wizard could invent one that could. He felt Healers and Potion Masters could make greater strides in treating diseases like Lycanthropy if they had one. He figured Belby had to do research using his own money because the Ministry would probably refuse him any funding and that was probably another factor slowing his research down. He was certain anybody who was attempting to help werewolves got the Ministry's cold shoulder courtesy of Delores Umbridge. According to Remus she was trying to get laws passed that would close off any employment opportunities and housing to the people afflicted with this terrible condition. Umbridge obviously believed that people became werewolves by choice. She was an even bigger moron than Potter was and he hadn't thought that was possible.

By seven o'clock Severus was attired in his dress robes except his tie was still untied. He patted his pocket to make sure he had Lily's wedding ring and stuck her present into another pocket. He grabbed his coat out of the closet, picked up the Amaryllis and went downstairs. "Mum?"

"What, Sev?" Eileen called from the kitchen.

Severus walked out into the kitchen. "Mum can you tie this for me? I'm really fumble fingered right now." He stopped short when he saw her. "Wow! Mum, you look gorgeous!"

"Thank you, Sev." Eileen was wearing a sky blue dress robe with matching heels. Her hair was done up in an elaborate French twist. She quickly tied his tie for him. She stepped back and gave him one of those piercing glances that mothers seem to specialize in. "You look very handsome, Sev."

"Thanks Mum." Severus smiled. His mum had always said he'd looked handsome even when he still had a nose that could have given the bow of the Titanic a run for its Galleons, but she'd always meant it, too. He went back into the living room and glanced out the front window. He saw a car parked in front of the Cudneys, their neighbors across the street. It looked like the car he'd seen earlier so it must be their company.

He heard the floo and Robert stepped out. "Good evening, Sev." His dress robes were black and he wore a Master Healer emblem pin on the lapel. He looked Severus over and nodded approvingly. He thought Severus hair was a bit too long; it was almost shoulder-length, but that was a minor thing.

Good evening, Robert. So, was St. Mungo's a zoo today?"

"No, not so much today, but I'm sure tomorrow we'll being seeing all kinds of problems," He said. "You look very handsome, Sev."

"Thanks Robert." He rubbed his hands together nervously. "I wonder what time Professor Dumbledore is coming."

"Well I owled him earlier and advised him he should be here no later than 7:15. I feel it would be impolite to arrive on the stroke of eight."

Severus grinned. "Yes. Rose and Tuney would have had a breakdown long before then."

Eileen came into the living room and smiled when she saw Robert. He kissed her on her cheek. "You look beautiful, Eileen."

Severus grinned again as he noticed him mum was blushing. The fireplace flooed and Dumbledore's face appeared in the fireplace. "May I come through, Eileen?"

"By all means, Headmaster," Eileen replied courteously.

Dumbledore came through and as Severus had predicted to Lily he wore a bright red robe with flashing gold stars on it and wore a matching pointed hat. Maybe, I should go upstairs and find my sunglasses, Severus thought irreverently.

"Isn't there some rule about not overshadowing the bride, Albus?" Robert joked.

Dumbledore looked down at himself. "This is a happy occasion, Robert, so I thought I would wear something warm and cheerful."

"Well, it's certainly fits the bill, Albus," Robert admitted.

"Shall we go?" Severus asked, putting on his coat. It mostly covered his dress robes. He picked up Rose's plant, Robert's gift, and Hal's and Petunia's gifts. Robert helped Eileen into her coat. Dumbledore cast a warming spell over himself and Robert and they went outside. As soon as they stepped out on the porch Severus saw it was snowing. Lily would be thrilled. He looked across the street and noticed the car was no longer parked in front of the Cudneys home. He didn't know why that particular car disturbed him, but it did.

Chapter 24

Severus knocked on the front door of the Evans home. The door was opened by Hal who invited them in. He was attired in a formal suit, tie, and wore a white rose on his lapel. "The women are still upstairs fussing with Lily so I'm the appointed doorkeeper," He joked.

Eileen laughed and said, "Well, Hal, I think I'll join Rose, Petunia, and Lily upstairs."

Severus did the introductions. "Professor Evans, this is Hogwarts' Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and Master Healer Robert Saxon. Professor Dumbledore and Robert, this is Lily's dad, Professor Hal Evans. Professor Evans teaches Economics at the University of Manchester." He nodded at another wizard standing next to Hal. "Robert, this is Liam Hollywell. He's from your house and he's our Head Boy this year. Liam, this is Master Healer Robert Saxon."

Liam smiled and nodded. "Hello." Severus took him aside and gave him Lily's wedding band.

Dumbledore looked at Hal, intrigued by his title. "Would you please explain to me, Professor Evans, what kind of a subject Economics is?"

Hal laughed. "Well, Headmaster, I'll give you the simplified explanation I give my students at the start of term. Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services."

Dumbledore laughed. "I'm afraid it's Greek to me, Professor."

Hal sighed. "And so it appears to be to some of my students if their last exams are anything to judge by."

Rose came down the stairs with Eileen following. They both wore corsages of white roses. "Hal, we're ready." Hal nodded and went upstairs. Rose winced at Albus' robe as she positioned him in front of the Christmas tree, Severus to one side of him and Liam next to Severus. She gave them their boutonnieres, white roses, and helped them pin them on. She sat down at the piano and began playing the wedding march.

Petunia came down first. She was dressed in a gown of pale blue silk with a slightly full skirt with straps that came off her shoulders and were decorated with small roses. Her hair was done up on top of her head and she carried a small bouquet of white roses tied with pale blue and dark blue ribbons. She walked over and stood by Liam who looked a little dazed.

Lily, arm in arm with her father, came down the stairs. Her dress was the same style and material as Petunia's only it was ivory silk. Her hair, like Petunia's was done up in curls on top of her head and decorated with baby's breath. Tendrils floated around her face. She also carried a small bouquet of white roses, but hers were tied with red, gold, green, and silver ribbons. She was beautiful and appeared so radiant she literally took Severus' breath away. Hal smiled as he placed Lily's hand in Severus' and stepped back.

Dumbledore nodded then asked, "Do you have rings?"

Liam gave Severus his ring for Lily and Petunia handed Lily her ring for Severus.

"Please put them on each other," Dumbledore requested.

Lily handed her bouquet to Petunia to hold. Severus slid the wedding band on Lily's left hand and Lily slid his wedding band on his left hand.

"Now will you please face each other, join hands, and say your vows. Severus, why don't you speak first?"

Severus looked into Lily's eyes and said, "Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, loving and caring for you, nurturing you, being there for you in all life has for us, and I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we both shall live."

Dumbledore pointed his wand and a narrow rope of what looked like golden flames issued from it and wrapped around Severus and Lily's hands. Severus heard Tuney gasp then heard Liam murmur something to her. Dumbledore looked at Lily and nodded.

Lily looked into Severus' eyes and said, "I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life."

Once again Dumbledore pointed his wand and another thin rope of golden flames issued and wrapped around their hands. He then said, "By the power vested in me as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and as your Bonder, I hereby declare you legally married and bonded in love and magic." A third rope of golden flames issued from his wand and joined the other two already wrapped around Severus' and Lily's hands. He smiled at Severus, his bright blue eyes twinkling. "You may kiss your bride, Severus."

Severus gave Lily a kiss, not passionate enough to raise any eyebrows, but by no means a chaste one either. He saw a flash out of the corner of his eyes and knew somebody had taken a picture of it. He and Lily broke apart and accepted congratulations, hugs and kisses from their families. Rose invited everyone into the dining room where she was lying out a supper buffet. Everybody helped her get the food on the table. There were two kinds of meats, ham, and chicken. Hal quickly sliced them while Rose brought in two kinds of vegetables, Eileen brought in the potatoes while Severus grabbed the rolls. There was also an array of homemade cookies and candy.

"Now don't forget there's wedding cake, too, so leave some room for that," Rose called as they filled their plates.

"You look so beautiful, Lily, that when I saw you coming down the stairs I just about stopped breathing." Severus said as they sat down on the couch with their plates.

She blushed and lowered her eyes. "Thanks, Sev. You look very handsome."

"Mum agrees with you," He teased her then shook his head in amazement. "Rose must have been working like a house elf the last two or three days. She's absolutely amazing."

Lily nodded. "Tuney helped her with a lot of it and I'll always be grateful to them because they made such an effort so our wedding could be perfect."

Severus held his left hand up to the light and admired his wedding band. It was antique gold with runes around the entire band. He knew they were some of the strongest runes of protection.

"I love this ring. Wherever did you find it?"

"I found it in that goblin jewelry store in Diagon Alley, but I had to chivvy the owner constantly about carving those runes on the ring. He kept claiming he couldn't possibly do it in three days."

"Obviously he could," Severus remarked with a smirk.

"No." Lily shook her head. "I think he just got tired of seeing me in his store every day." She lifted her rings to the light. "This is a beautiful set, Sev, but I shudder to think how many Galleons it must be worth."

"Probably worth at least one vault full of gold at Gringotts, I would think, but don't worry about it, okay? You can't lose it because it's always going to be the right size for your finger. It's charmed to adjust to whatever your current ring size is."

"Okay," She leaned her head against Severus' shoulder and he put his arm around her. She laughed suddenly. Severus looked down at her with a smile. "May I inquire as to what you find so humorous?"

"Just Tuney," Lily said "She made sure I had all the traditional wedding customs fulfilled."

Severus knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "Such as?"

"You know something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

"I guess I'm not familiar with those particular customs."

"They're Muggle customs. Something old is my engagement ring, something new is my dress, and something borrowed and blue are my earrings. They're sapphires and I borrowed them from Tuney."

"Well, I'm happy to know Tuney's on top of things," Severus said.

They were just finishing up eating when Rose came into the room and asked, "Are you two ready to cut your wedding cake?"

"We have to cut the cake?" Severus asked Lily. "Is that another wedding tradition?"

"Yes to both, Sev," Lily answered picking up their empty plates

"Is there a special way we have to cut it?"

"Yes, but I'll guide you through it." They walked into the dining room where everybody was waiting for them. The cake was sitting on the table. It was three layers with butter cream icing and decorated with carnations made from frosting, but all different colors. Rose had chosen carnations because they were both Lily's and Severus' birth flower.

"This fantastic, Rose. However did you ever manage to do all of this?" Severus asked.

"I had a lot of help with it, Sev," Rose replied modestly.

Lily came over to Severus and picked up the cake knife and motioned for Severus to put his hand over hers. With their hands joined they cut the first piece of cake and put it on a plate and then Lily fed Severus a bite of the cake and he fed her one. Everybody clapped then Rose and Petunia took over cutting the rest of the cake.

"You know, Sev, if you were Potter you would probably have smashed this cake in my face and thought it was hilarious." Lily murmured.

"And not understood what you and everybody else would be so mad about. After all it's just a harmless joke."

Once the cake was eaten Dumbledore announced he had to get back to Hogwarts. "I suspect there will be students out of bed, taking advantage of the staff's absence to explore the castle." He looked directly at Severus who flushed because it was always what he'd done when he'd stayed over for Christmas.

"Headmaster, here are some cookies and candy to take back with you," Rose said giving him a box.

"Why thank you, Mrs. Evans. Might I say I've enjoyed myself tremendously tonight," Dumbledore said with a courtly bow. He turned to Severus and Lily. "Congratulations again and I will see you two back at Hogwarts on the third." He went outside and they heard a crack as he apparated.

"Who wants to open presents?" Hal called from the living room. It was an Evans Christmas Eve tradition.

"We do, Dad," Both Petunia and Lily called back.

"Better come and get them then before they mysteriously disappear," Hal warned.

Everybody went into the living room and the presents were handed out. Severus took Lily's present out of the pocket of his dress robe and handed it to her. "Hmm … look what I found in my pocket."

"Oh Sev!" Lily exclaimed taking the package. She hurriedly tore the wrapping paper off her gift, opened the box, and gave a cry of delight when she saw what was inside. She detached it and held it up to the light. "Oh Sev, it's beautiful! Look how it sparkles in the light." She gave him a kiss. "Thank you!"

"The lady at the jewelry shop said it was diamond cut, but I don't know what that means. She also assured me it was chic and all the high fashion models wear them." He leaned over and whispered in Lily's ear, "You can model it for me tonight."

She blushed then handed him her gift. "Open yours now."

"Now whatever could this be?" He asked shaking the package. He carefully undid the silver ribbons and the wrapping paper that had a green background with silver snakes wearing silly Christmas hats and scarves. Lily gave an impatient sigh, but didn't say anything. It was one of Severus little quirks. He finally got undone and pulled out Moste Ancient Potions. "Lily, thank you!" He leaned over and kissed her.

Lily giggled. "You have no idea how frantic I was that you might buy it for yourself before Christmas, Sev."

Severus smiled and started to open it but Lily's hand shut it again. "You can look at it later," She said firmly.

"There's only one thing I intend looking at later and it's definitely not this book," Severus murmured making Lily blush again.

Rose came over to Severus giving him a hug and a kiss. "Thank you for this beautiful and unusual plant, Sev."

"I can ask Professor Sprout to owl instructions to you about how to take care of it if you like."

"That would be very helpful, Sev." She also gave Lily a hug and a kiss. "Thank you for the beautiful scarf, sweetheart. I'll be able to wear it with several of my dresses."

Hal was pleased with the two books, Dragons of Britain and Ireland and Gringotts: A History; he'd gotten from Lily and Severus. "It will be interesting to learn about both of these subjects. Lily knows how excited I get whenever we go into Gringotts to exchange our money."

Lily laughed. "He's like me in Gladrags Wizardwear."

"I might borrow it from you when you're done reading it, Hal. I've always wondered how goblins came in control of Gringotts when they're generally shunned by wizarding society otherwise."

Petunia came over to Severus. "Thank you for the lovely scarf, Severus. I'll look really chic when I return to work next Monday." She turned to Lily and gave her a hug. "Thank you for the charm, Lily." Lily had bought her a 14-karat gold witch's hat for her charm bracelet.

Robert held up a tea mug with 'World's Greatest Healer' printed on it. "Thank you for my new tea mug, Sev."

Severus smiled. "The witch who sold it to me assured me it would always keep your tea hot without having to constantly use your wand to warm it up." Severus opened his gifts from Rose, Hal, and Petunia. Rose's present was a cable knit jumper in a sky blue color, Hal's gift was a Sneak-o-scope, and Petunia was a wizard's chess set. "These are all wonderful. Thank you so much," Severus said.

At ten o'clock Eileen with Robert decided to go home where they would floo to Robert's home. Severus nodded at Lily and raised his eyebrows. Lily nodded in return.

Rose gave them a bag to carry their gifts in so they wouldn't drop anything on the way back to Severus' home. After bidding everyone goodbye Severus and Lily followed his mother and Robert out the front door. It was still snowing and there was at least an inch of snow on the ground. "Better hold the hem of your dress up so it doesn't get soiled," Severus advised taking hold of Lily's arm so she wouldn't slip and fall. As he passed the Cudney house Severus glanced over, but did not see any cars parked out in front of their house.

"It's okay, Sev, I cast a anti-soiling charm over it right after I bought it."

Eileen gave both Severus and Lily a hug and a kiss once they were inside the house. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Do you want me to start anything for you, Mum? I can make the chestnut dressing if you like."

"I appreciate your offer Sev, but it won't take me that long to do it up and stuff the goose."

She and Robert waved to them and they disappeared in the green flames. Severus sank down on the couch. "Somebody ought to write a book on that."

"On what?" Lily asked.

"How to leave your parents when they know and you know they know that you're going off to make love. That was almost as embarrassing as being hung upside down by Potter in front of half the school."

Lily giggled and took Severus hand pulling him up from the couch and up the stairs. She stopped short in the doorway of his bedroom and he almost bumped into her. "Sev, what did you do to your bedroom?"

"Do you like it, Lily?"

"I love it, Sev," Lily said giving him a hug. "Not that I didn't like your room before but it was a bit …"

"Austere?" Severus offered.

"No. I was thinking masculine."

"Oh, and before I forget …" He went over to his nightstand drawer and pulled out the two vials he'd placed in there earlier. He gave one to Lily and held the other up. "Down the hatch," He drank it then made an awful face and sat down on his bed. "Merlin! That's horrible!"

Lily almost gagged getting hers down. "Are you sure we didn't mistakenly choose an abstinence potion?"

"I'm sure," Severus answered. He looked at Lily. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, but my mouth probably has a horrible taste to it now."

"Let's find out shall we?" He kissed her. "Hmm …not too bad, but I'd better do another check." He kissed her again. Lily giggled and stepped back then turned around. "Would you mind unzipping my dress, Sev?"

Severus fumbled a bit with a clip, but got it undone then unzipped her dress. Lily stepped out of it then hung it on a hanger. She cast a freshening charm and a stasis charm over it and hung it in Severus' closet.

Severus untied his tie, took it off, and stuck it in the pocket of his dress robes. He slid off his dress robe and hung it in the closet then pulled his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned it. He turned the bedcovers down.

Lily sat down on the bed and slid her stockings off. She got up and rummaged through the bag that contained their Christmas gifts and found the box containing her ankle bracelet and put it on. "What do you think, Sev?" She asked holding out her right ankle to him.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows. "It looks sexy."

Lily smiled and stripped off the long slip she'd worn and tossed it over the desk chair. She stood dressed only in her bra and panties now. She wore a pair of lacy bikini panties and matching bra. She began pulling the pins out of her hair. She unlocked her trunk and said, "Accio hairbrush." Her hairbrush flew out of her trunk into her hand.

"Here let me do that, Lily" Severus said. He pulled the chair over and she sat down. He began brushing it slowly and carefully. He loved Lily's deep red hair. Lily leaned back against Severus enjoying the feel of him brushing her hair. It was almost an erotic sensation. Severus was acutely aware of exactly where Lily's head was resting and the effect it was having on him. Lily smiled as she felt Severus' erection. She could feel herself getting wet in anticipation. Severus laid the brush on his dresser and scooped Lily up into his arms. He gently laid her on the bed and stripped off her bra and panties. She blushed as his eyes swept over her nakedness

Lily noticed immediately how soft the sheets were and the lilac scent. She tugged at his belt and murmured, "No fair, Sev."

Severus unfastened his belt and unzipped his slacks and shoved them down. He saw Lily's eyes widen in anticipation at the sight of his erection.

Lily didn't have any experience with them, but she was certain Severus' was longer than normal and erect it was very sexy and appealing to her. She scooted over in the bed. "Come here, Sev."

He slid into bed beside her and took her into his arms, kissing her deeply. Lily put her arms around him pulling him close to her so his erection rested in the hollow between her legs. Severus kissed her neck, the hollow of her throat and then her breasts. Lily moaned and her hands clutched his thick hair as his tongue circled each of her nipples, sucking on each gently. He kissed his way down her stomach and buried his mouth in the warm, wet area between her legs.

"Oh!" Lily gasped. "Sev!"

Severus concentrated his mouth and tongue on the swollen nub of her clitoris. He heard Lily gasp louder and spread her legs. He circled her clit with his tongue then sucked on it gently. Lily cried out suddenly and arched her body as a warm wave of pleasure swept through her causing her toes to curl. Severus slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her so he could better control his entry. She was wet and somewhat relaxed making his entry easier and he groaned loudly as her warm, wet walls closed around him. He encountered a barrier and with one quick thrust broke through it. Lily gave a sharp cry of pain. "It's okay, Lily," Severus soothed her. He remained unmoving, giving her time to adjust to him being inside of her. When he felt her relaxing a bit he began to thrust gently at first then a harder. The only thing her heard from Lily now were cries of pleasure; her green eye were flooded with bliss. He tried to hold back but was unable to, and climaxed with a loud groan of pleasure. He lay limply with Lily underneath him. He was still partially inside of her and he was concerned his weight might become too uncomfortable for her. He rolled off her and pulled her into his arms. The bedclothes had become disarrayed and he was adjusting them when he spotted a bloodstain underneath Lily. "Crap! I was trying so hard not to hurt you and I did anyway."

"You didn't, Sev. I just felt one sharp pain and it was momentary," Lily assured him.

"But there's blood on the sheet and I certainly didn't want to cause that to happen." Severus protested.

"That book I read said that happens sometimes the first time. It's okay; I'm not hurt." She lay curled up next to him. "Will it always be like this, Sev?"

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Hopefully even better once we get our body rhythms in conjunction, but it will probably take awhile."

"Hmm," Lily said then giggled. "I guess it's a case of practice makes perfect."

"Exactly," Severus agreed. He picked up his wand from the nightstand where always placed it at night, waved it at the lamp and said "Nox."

Severus woke a short time later when he felt Lily exploring him. He felt her fingers retracting his foreskin and stroking the sensitive area beneath it. Apparently she was taking practice makes perfect seriously. He quickly became erect, rolled Lily over and entered her. She wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper into her. She moved with him this time, but he still climaxed before her. "Sev!" Lily cried his name out, gasped, and squirmed as used his fingers and tongue to bring her to orgasm.

They fell apart feeling tired, limp, and drained. Severus put his arm around Lily and pulled the covers up around them. Lily murmured something he didn't hear. "What did you say, Lily?"

"I said isn't it amazing how we fit together?" Lily blushed a bit as she added, "And when we're making love, too."

"I think we're just meant to be together," Severus speculated tiredly. Lily lay with her head resting against his chest; his right arm was around her shoulders, and his left arm lay around her waist. Lily fell asleep, Severus was just drifting off when lights from a car swept the room, and he heard a loud backfire. He wondered if the Cudneys relations were back then fell into a sound sleep.

Chapter 25

Severus woke up in the grey dawn. He was cold and he couldn't figure out why until he looked over at Lily who was rolled up in the covers on her side of the bed. "Cover hog!" He teased, kissing her under her ear. She stirred slightly, but didn't wake. He got out of bed quietly and went into the bathroom smiling. He yawned and rubbed his eyes which felt gritty. He and Lily had made love three times last night, did a lot of snogging in between, and sometime they lay quietly watching the snowfall. He took a quick shower, used a drying charm to dry himself and his hair. He came back into the bedroom dressing in jeans and a T-shirt, and thick socks but not bothering with shoes. He went quietly downstairs and glanced out the living room window, but saw nothing of interest except there was at least two inches of snow on the ground. He went into the kitchen stopping first to throw a warming charm over the floor then turned on the light. The first thing he did was to conjure a tablecloth, and then said, "Ochideouslilacmagenta." A stem of cherry-purple lilacs appeared at the end of his wand. He found a vase under the sink, filled it with water, and added the lilacs, setting it in the middle of the table. He had decided to make a full English breakfast and quickly went about gathering his ingredients. He went down to the basement to get a tomato, some mushrooms, and potatoes, setting them on the counter. He grabbed his mum's cast iron skillet from the rack hanging over the stove and got out a rasher of bacon, bangers, and eggs from the refrigerator. He got a tin of baked beans out of the cupboard and cut two thick slices of bread from a loaf his mum had baked. He lit a fire under the skillet and waited until it warmed then added the rashers and bangers. He heard a tapping at the window, went over and opened the window enough to allow the owl delivering the Daily Prophet to fly in, drop it on the kitchen table, and fly back out. He closed the window again shivering a bit from the cold air. He went back over to the stove, turned the bacon and bangers, and then picked up the paper. He expected the Christmas edition to be worthless and he wasn't disappointed. Who the hell cared how the wealthy Malfoy, Potter, or Black families were planning to spend Christmas? He didn't give a crap that Potter had gotten a fancy, new, racing broom. He frankly hoped he had an accident with it and he'd have to spend the entire day at St. Mungo's, waiting to have it removed from halfway up his arse. Suddenly he felt somebody's arms wrap around him from behind. "Good morning, Sev."

"Good morning, Mrs. Snape," Severus said giving her a quick kiss. He turned his attention briefly back to the frying pan as he didn't want anything to burn.

"I like the sound of that," Lily replied. She wore a colorful Christmas jumper, brown corduroy slacks, and trainers.

Severus lifted his eyebrows and commented, "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you, Sev," She picked up the paper, glanced over the contents and made a disgusted face as she scanned the front page. "I'm surprised Potter didn't give the paper a detailed description of all the expensive gifts he received from mummy and daddy."

"He just wanted to make sure everybody knew he got the new Phoenix 300 racing broom and that it cost 500 Galleons." Severus smirked then added, "Maybe he can fuck that instead of a fence post."

Lily giggled then made a face. "Eww! That's not a picture I want in my head, Sev; Potter humping his broom."

"Yes, that is quite revolting," Severus agreed.

"What are you making?" Lily asked. She was frankly hopeless in the kitchen. Her mum and Tuney swore she couldn't even boil water without burning it.

"A full English breakfast as I thought we deserved something special this morning," He teased.

Lily blushed, smiled, and then asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

"You can slice the tomato, cut up the potatoes and mushrooms if you want," Severus said as he magically opened the tin of baked beans and dumped it in a pan.

"Okay," Lily nodded and set about slicing the tomato, cutting up the potato and mushrooms. "This just like in Potions. I chop and you stir." After she was done with that, she got silverware, napkins, teacups, plates, and glasses, and set the table. She stopped to smell the lilacs and smiled at Severus' back. He was incredibly romantic, but many people at Hogwarts would never believe it. They chose to believe he was just some scummy Death Eater wanabee. She finished setting the table and Severus set the plates of food on the table. He took a pitcher of orange juice out of the refrigerator and brought the teapot to the table. Lily poured herself and Severus each a cup of tea and a glass of orange juice. Just then they heard Eileen calling from the floo. "Sev, Lily? Can I come through?"

Severus grinned at Lily, who blushed again, and called, "Sure, Mum, come on through."

Eileen came out into the kitchen. She was still attired in her dress robe from the night before. She bent and gave both Severus and Lily a kiss. "Good morning."

"Would you like some breakfast, Mum?" Severus asked putting down the paper he'd been glancing through.

"Thank you, Sev, but I had an early breakfast with Robert. He's on early duty today. I will have a cup of tea though."

Severus got up and got another cup and saucer from the cupboard, poured his mum some tea and set it in front of her. He picked up the Prophet again. "I wonder why they don't ask the ordinary witches and wizard how they're celebrating Christmas."

"I expect they're too ordinary and their gifts are too ordinary. No five hundred-Galleon racing brooms there, Sev.

"Are you talking about the front page of the paper this morning?" Eileen asked. "I liked to tell them a few other things about the Potters!"

"They wouldn't believe you, Mum. The St. Potter's never would do anything like that," Severus said bitterly then remarked, "Sometimes, I think this paper exists exclusively for the wealthy."

"Charles Potter obviously thinks it does. I'll bet he told Rita Skeeter about you last fall. I'm surprised he didn't go and complain to the paper when dad refused to sell me to him for a thousand Galleons," Lily said indignantly.

Severus could tell Lily was still pretty steamed about that. "Only because he'd look like an arse and his beloved son would look like a complete doofus who has to have daddy buy him a wife."

They were interrupted by another owl tapping at the window. Severus got up to let it in. The owl flew in and dropped the crčme-colored envelope in front of Severus then took off back out the window not even stopping for a treat. Severus shut the window again and picked up the envelope. It was addressed to him, but he didn't recognize the handwriting.

"It's a letter from Gringotts," Eileen said, recognizing the distinctive crčme-colored parchment.

Severus unsealed it, took out the note, and unfolded it. He quickly read the note then slowly sat down again almost missing his chair.

"Be careful, Sev," Lily warned catching his arm. "Is it bad news?"

Severus looked bemused as he handed Lily the note. She read it quickly then handed it to Eileen.

"It says you're supposed to come in to discuss your inheritance with Skaar who's head of the Inheritance Trust at Gringotts. My father must have left you the Prince Trust, Sev." Eileen said in shock. "I always assumed since he disowned me, any heirs I had would be automatically disowned, too. That's always the way it's been in the past."

"Mum, we don't know what he left me. He could have left me just one Galleon of it," Severus argued.

"Of course he left you the entire estate, Sev. He would have had to unless he wanted it to pass out of the Prince family entirely and I'm sure he didn't want that. You and I are the only Princes left."

"Mum, look …" Severus frowned. "I'm sorry you never got a chance to sort things out with your parents."

Eileen gave him a hug. Her eyes did look a bit moist. "Sev, I'm sorry they deliberately cut themselves off from ever knowing what a wonderful grandson they have."

"Thanks Mum," Severus said. "Maybe we can go to Gringotts tomorrow and see what this is about."

"We can go today actually, Sev. I'll get the goose in the oven and then we can go."

"Gringotts is open on Christmas day?" Lily asked. She had been listening to their discussion, but had not spoken until now.

"Gringotts is always open, Lily" Eileen replied. "You can go there at midnight and make a deposit or withdraw money if you need to do so."

"I can't imagine doing my banking at midnight," Lily said shaking her head. "But it's good to know I could if I needed to."

Eileen went upstairs to change out of her dress robe while Severus and Lily went back out into the kitchen.

Severus pointed his wand at the dishes and said, "Scourgify." The dishes began washing themselves and he ran upstairs to get his trainers on, tying them hurriedly. He came back downstairs, went into his mum's lab, and grabbed a basket. He went down into the cellar and collected chestnuts, an onion, celery and an apple then came back upstairs.

"What are you making now, Sev?" Lily asked standing beside him.

"Chestnut dressing for the goose."

"Can I help you with it?"

"You can chop up the onion, the apple, and celery while I deal with the chestnuts and bread cubes."

"Okay," Lily said. She got a knife and began chopping. "Maybe you can teach me how to cook, Sev." Lily sighed. "Mum and Petunia always say I can't boil water with burning it."

"Sure, it's not hard. You excel at Potions and cooking's a lot like Potions."

Eileen came back into the kitchen where Severus, with Lily's help, was preparing the chestnut dressing. She wore a more formal robe of navy blue. She threw a full-length apron over her head and started preparing the goose. Once it was stuffed with the chestnut dressing and in the oven, she put the remainder of the dressing in the refrigerator to cook separately later.

"I can owl mum and ask her if she can come over and keep an eye on the goose while we're gone, Eileen, if you like?" Lily said.

"That would be wonderful, Lily."

Lily nodded and went upstairs to send Morgana off with the request to Rose. Morgana was back in a few minutes with a note from Rose saying she would be glad to keep an eye on things while they were gone. Severus went upstairs to change. Lily was just letting her parents in the door when he came back downstairs. He wore his normal black jeans and the sky blue cable-knit jumper Rose had given him. He also wore his dragon skin boots and carried his coat over his arm.

"Lily, Sev," Rose said giving them a hug and a kiss. Hal stood behind her and smiled. Lily looked radiantly happy this morning and that gave him great pleasure.

Eileen greeted them warmly. "Thank you for coming Rose and Hal. The goose is cooking and you might need to baste it, but otherwise it should be fine until we return. I wouldn't think we'll be gone more than an hour; two at the most."

"Don't worry about it, Eileen. We're happy to do it," Rose said.

They flooed to the Leaky Cauldron and walked out into the courtyard where Severus taped the correct bricks with his wand and opened the passageway to Diagon Alley. They walked down the street to the tall white building at the end of the street. As usual, two goblins in uniforms stood on either side of the doors. Severus opened one of the doors for Lily and his mum then followed them in. He stepped up to the first goblin that didn't look busy and said, "I'm Severus Snape and I'm here to see Skaar about this." He handed the goblin the letter he'd received that morning.

The goblin read the letter. "Very well." He turned away from Severus and called to another goblin behind him. "Rogness, fetch Skaar." The goblin nodded and disappeared somewhere. In a few minutes another goblin appeared and opened a gate. "Mr. Snape, if you'll come through and follow me." Severus, Lily, and Eileen followed Skaar to his office. They were seated and Skaar called to another goblin to bring refreshments.

"I'm Severus Tiberius Snape; this is my mum, Eileen Isabella Prince Snape and my wife, Lily Elizabeth Snape."

"The main stipulation your grandfather set for inheritance was that you be married. He felt marriage would be more of a stabilizing influence. It was quite surprising to us when the alarm we set on the inheritance, to let us know when the stipulation had been met, went off last night." He looked at Severus skeptically. "You're what age now, Mr. Snape?"

"I'm sixteen, but both my wife and I will be legal adults next month."

'I will need to test you to legally verify you're of the Prince line.

Severus nodded and held out his hand, figuring it was some type of blood test. "Do whatever you need to do to do."

Skaar nodded, pulled out a piece of parchment, made a small cut on Severus' hand, and held his hand over the parchment so the blood dripped directly on it. They watched as the parchment absorbed the blood and suddenly the Prince family tree appeared. "Very well then." He opened his drawer and took out a roll of parchment tied with a blue ribbon. He unrolled it. "The trust includes fifteen vaults total; four of the vaults originally belonged to two other families by the name of Scarborough and Whichcombe, who have since died out, but their last traceable heirs were married to a Prince. The trust also includes two manors, Prince Manor and Petit Manoir outside of Paris that originally belonged to the Whichcombe family. He handed Severus a pendant of gold and moonstone on a gold chain. "You will need this to get into Prince Manor. Further instructions are contained in this letter." Severus took the letter and put it into his pocket, deciding to read it when he returned home.

"Other than that the trust includes overseas businesses which we do not handle. You will need to contact a firm of solicitors, Berkeley and Howell, to find out about those. Would you care to visit your vaults now, Mr. Snape?" Skaar asked

"I guess," Severus replied. After all he didn't know what was in them. Could be cobwebs and doxies for all he knew. Skaar, rather than calling for another goblin, took them to the track himself and summoned a cart. Severus knew the Gringotts carts were completely open and knew it would never do for Lily. "Is there any way this can be enclosed?" Severus requested. "My wife isn't good with heights and might get sick."

"Certainly, Mr. Snape." Skaar waved his hand and the back part of the cart became fully enclosed.

"Thank you," Severus said nodding. His grandfather must have been a very important customer if the goblin was willing to go to this extent. He helped his mother then Lily into the cart and got in last. "Close your eyes and hang on to me, Lily," Severus instructed softly.

Skaar got in and the cart took off. The ride down to the vaults reminded Severus strongly of one of those Muggle roller coasters. He could tell how frightened Lily was by how tightly she was holding his arm. At last the cart stopped and Skaar called out, "Vaults 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, and 725."

Everybody got out and went over to Vault 715. Skaar ran one long fingernail down the door of the vault. "Stand back, please" He called. The door opened and Severus' eyes widened. He estimated that if he walked into it he would be up to his arse in Galleons and Sickles. He shook his head. They followed the goblin to ten other vaults; all contained uncountable amounts of Galleons and Sickles. One of them, in addition to the Galleons and Sickles, contained jewelry. Severus spotted a pendant and earrings that matched Lily's engagement ring so he slipped that in his pocket to give to Lily on her birthday. When they arrived at Vault 725, Eileen sighed. "This was my vault at one time." When Skaar opened it, they saw it contained as many Galleons and Sickles as the other vaults.

They got back into the cart and Skaar took them to Vault 610 and 611 which had been the Scarborough vaults and Vault 625 and 626 which had been the Whichcombe vaults. They both contained Galleons, Sickles, and some jewelry. In the Whichcombe vault Severus found a small, gold pendant in the shape of a heart on a gold chain. It was set with a deep, red ruby in the center and diamonds surrounding it. He smiled wondering if the Whichcombes might have been Gryffindors. He pocketed that to give to Lily for Valentine's Day. When they reached the top again Severus said to Skaar, "They're a couple of changes I'd like to make. Can we go back into your office?"

Skaar nodded. "Certainly, Mr. Snape." He led them back into his office.

"The first change is I want to add my wife, Lily Elizabeth Snape, to the Trust so she has full access to it. The second change I want is to deed Vault 725 back to my mum, Eileen Isabella Prince Snape."

"Sev, no," Eileen protested. "I don't need it."

"Mum, your parents never should have disowned you for refusing to marry a Malfoy. That was wrong and I'm correcting it."

"But what about the children you and Lily might have?"

"Mum, there's enough gold in all those other vaults to send all our kids to Hogwarts and pay for their apprenticeships, too. Vault 725 is yours again and if you don't want to use it, that's fine, but if you should need it, it's yours."

Eileen smiled and gave him a kiss. "Thank you, Sev."

Severus smiled back. "You're welcome, Mum."

Skaar nodded. "The changes you've requested have been made, Mr. Snape." He gave Severus the parchment of his family tree. "This is proof of your Prince bloodline. You may need it for the solicitors. If I can be of any other assistance please let me know."

"I will and thank you." As they left the bank Severus commented. "Grandfather must have had a good relationship with the goblins. I can tell Skaar respected him."

"Yes, as I recall he was quite complimentary about the goblin ability to manage Gringotts over the centuries in good times and bad."

They had just entered the Leaky Cauldron to floo back home when they heard a familiar cry of, "Hey, Evans!" James strutted over wearing the latest in wizarding fashion.

Lily saw red. She wanted to strangle the arrogant prick bare handed!

Severus had to clench his fists to keep from pulling out his wand and hexing Potter's sorry arse into the next century. He absolutely despised the empty-headed braggart. But, Mr. Potter would probably have him arrested for it and he didn't really didn't want to spend the rest of his honeymoon in jail.

Eileen narrowed her eyes and glared at James. How dare he act like he'd done nothing!

"Did you see the article in the Prophet about me today, Evans?" Potter bragged. "Everybody will be so jealous of me when they read about my new racing broom!" He sneered at Severus. "Your house better kiss the House Cup goodbye, Snivvy!"

Lily remained silent. She'd had loved to cast the Comburoirrito spell on him, but it would be a shame to spoil the Christmas celebrations of the other families there. "Get lost, Potter!" Lily snapped.

"Why don't you stay and have Christmas dinner with my family. We have a private dining room with all the best food, drink, and dessert."

"Let's go home," She said, turning to the Floo.

"Give me one good reason why you won't stay, Evans," James whined.

Lily yelled loudly. "I'll give you three reasons, Potter. I hate your guts; your stupid father tried to buy me, and Sev and I are engaged!" There was a sudden drop in conversation as everyone looked up.

Severus had to bite his tongue as he looked somewhere else so he didn't start laughing. Potter looked as if somebody had just told him his precious racing broom was a fake.

Lily took Severus' arm. Eileen waited until James had gone back to his family before she threw the green powder into the fireplace and said, "Snape house." They stepped out into the living room. Severus couldn't hold back his laughter any longer and laughed so hard, he had sit down on the coffee table to catch his breath. "What an arse!"

Eileen was still angry. "He acted as if nothing was wrong at all!"

Who's this?" Hal asked.

"We ran into that creep, Potter at the Leaky Cauldron," Lily replied in a disgusted tone. "He had the nerve to invite me to Christmas dinner with his family."

"You should have seen his face, Hal, when Lily told him we're engaged. He looked as if somebody just told him his precious racing broom was a fake!" Severus said.

"I'd say he has a lot of nerve even speaking to you, Lily." Hal said. He looked at Eileen. "You really didn't expect him to act contrite."

"No, I didn't, but his insolence and arrogance still makes me want to strangle him."

"Well, I have a suspicion he isn't going to change for the better anytime soon," Rose commented.

After the Evans had left she asked Severus about the letter concerning Prince Manor. "What does it say, Sev?"

He pulled it out of his inside coat pocket and opened it. "It instructions for getting there. It says we have to floo to an inn called the Dragon's Tail in Yorkshire then from there we have to apparate the rest of the way. When we get there I need to use this," He held up the pendant. "To unlock the gates. The wards recognize it as belonging to the heir, but won't let me through if I don't have it."

"Yes, I remember now. When I was in school I'd have to floo there and father would be waiting to apparate me the rest of the way and he always had that pendant with him."

"It also says Prince Manor is unplottable, there's no Floo connection, and the entrance gates can only be seen by people of the Prince bloodline." He made a face. "Crap! It says I have to add my own wards to the manor and around the perimeters."

Eileen nodded. "I recall my father telling me wards have been added by every heir since it was built during the reign of Henry VIII."

"Maybe we could go there tomorrow or Sunday so you can see how much time and magical energy it's going to take," Lily suggested.

"Eileen nodded. "I'm rather anxious to see it again. It's been close to eighteen years since I last saw it."

Severus put the pendant over his head and tucked it under his jumper. "I guess I'd better get used to wearing this, too. He looked up suddenly. "Merlin, Mum, we forgot about Christmas presents," Severus exclaimed. He pulled two packages from under the tree. "These are for you from Lily and me."

Eileen opened it to find a copy of Moste Ancient Potions. "Thank you so much, Sev!" She opened Lily gift which was a small wooden chest that contained different kinds of commonly used potion ingredients. Eileen gave her a hug. "Thank you so much, Lily,"

Christmas dinner was pronounced a success by the guests. The goose was crispy on the outside, moist and tender on the inside. The chestnut stuffing was declared delicious as were the carrots in a buttery sauce and the broccoli with Hollandaise sauce, roasted potatoes, and rolls. Eileen went into the kitchen and came back shortly with the Christmas pudding, blue flames surrounding it. She set it down by Robert who waited until the flames had died out before pulling the skimmia from the center of it. He cut pieces for everyone and ladled brandy butter over it before handing the plates round.

"Eileen, this is delicious!" Lily declared.

Severus stopped eating suddenly and cocked his head towards the front window. "Mum, do you hear anything?"

"No, Sev, what do you hear?"

"I heard a car backfire a while ago," Hal offered.

Severus got up from the table. "I think I hear somebody yelling out front." He walked into the living room and peered out between the slats of the blind. Somebody was yelling and cursing because he was unable to get through the wards. It was Tobias Snape. He noticed the car parked across the street was the same one he'd been seeing since yesterday and assumed it belonged to him. If so, he must have been watching the house.

"Mum, you better come here," Severus called.

Eileen got up from the table and hurried over to the window. She glanced outside and exclaimed, "Oh dear Merlin!"

"Always knew the arsehole would turn up again like a bad Knut!" Severus growled.

"I'm going to go out and see if I can get him to leave peacefully." She started towards the front door, but Severus stopped her. "Mum, he sounds totally shit-faced so he isn't going to listen to anything you say or leave peacefully. You've got an order of protection against him, haven't you? Let the Muggle police sort him." He turned to Lily who had come to stand by his side. "Lily, can you phone the police for us? I would, but I don't know how to do it."

Lily nodded and picked up the phone, dialed it then spoke softly to the person on the other end. She put down the phone again. "The dispatcher said she sending a car right away."

"But what if he tells the police about us, Sev?" Eileen said trying to convince Severus to let her go outside.

"He's drunk, Mum. It's not going to matter if he tells them you're a witch and I'm a wizard. Do you think anybody's going to believe him?"

"The police are here now," Lily said. She watched as two Constables subdued Tobias and placed him in the back of the patrol car. One of them waited by the patrol car while the other one started towards the house. He passed through the wards without a problem and knocked on the door. Eileen opened it.

"Mrs. Snape? Would you step out on the porch, please?"

Eileen followed the Constable outside. Severus followed her. Eileen nodded at Severus. "This is my son, Severus."

"Pleasure," The Constable nodded at Severus. "Tobias Snape is your ex-husband?"

Eileen nodded. "Yes, I divorced him three years ago. He drank constantly and was very violent and that's why I have an order of protection."

"Were you aware he owned a gun, Mrs. Snape?"

"I knew he had a gun from his time as a Royal Marine, but that's still up in the closet in my bedroom."

"He had one with him tonight so it's very lucky you called us and didn't try to resolve this yourself."

Severus dropped his head, allowing his hair to cover his face. The bloody blighter was probably planning to come here and murder them both. After talking to the constable for a few minutes more, Eileen and Severus came back into the house. Eileen looked pale and Severus even more so than he usually did.

"Are they going to charge him?" Lily asked.

Severus shrugged. "I don't know, but I suspect he's probably not going to be back tonight at least." He turned to his mum. "That was his car I saw yesterday. It's parked across the street again."

"Eileen, maybe you, Sev and Lily should stay with us tonight. We have a guest room so it's no problem." Hal suggested.

"Thank you, Hal, but he probably won't be back tonight, and we'll be gone for a least a couple of days to Prince Manor."

"Prince Manor?" Hal asked in confusion.

"Why don't we all go back in and sit down. I think we could all use another cup of tea." Eileen suggested. "Sev can tell you his news." She tapped the teapot with her wand to warm it up then poured tea for everyone. "There's more Christmas pudding if anybody would like another slice." Severus watched her as she talked. To everybody else his mum seemed calm, but he noticed her hands were shaking a bit as she poured the tea.

"What's your news, Sev?" Hal asked.

"I got an owl this morning from Gringotts. It informed me that my grandfather, Tiberius Prince, left me the Prince Trust."

Hal laughed and explained, "I'd love to see the looks on both Mr. Potter's faces when they hear this news. Mr. Potter senior was certain you wouldn't inherit."

Severus smirked. "I confess I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they find out."

"Rose and I will keep an eye on the house while you're gone and if we see Tobias hanging around we'll call the Constables immediately."

"Thank you," Eileen said gratefully.

Lily kissed her parents and Tuney goodbye at the front door and watched them until they were out of sight. Robert and Severus convinced Eileen to take a calming draught. Severus offered to clean up the remains of dinner and wash the dishes for her. "Robert, there's a guest room if you want to stay the night."

"Thank you, Sev; I believe I'll do that." He turned back to Eileen. "And don't bother protesting, Eileen. I know you're a strong witch, but even strong witches need help occasionally."

"You're right, Robert." She touched his face gently then turned to Severus. "I'm going to go to bed because we'll probably want an early start tomorrow."

Severus washed the dishes while Lily dried. She cleared her throat and said, "Sev, you didn't tell me everything that went on with Tobias."

"I was going to tell you. I just didn't want to tell you while your parents and Tuney were here." He paused than continued, "The Constable told us he had a gun with him."

Lily looked frightened. "Do you think he was planning to kill you and Eileen?"

Severus shrugged. "I don't think he would mum, but he's hated me ever since he found out I was magical. He's denied he was my father since then. I don't think he'd think twice about putting a bullet through my heart or between my eyes." He continued washing dishes. "He got medals as a Royal Marine for doing exactly that, but he couldn't get through the wards so I'll never know what his intentions were."

"Can bullets go through the wards?"

Severus shrugged again. "I don't know. I'm going to see Healer Cromwell on Tuesday so maybe I can stop at the Ministry and ask an Auror. They might know."

Lily nodded. She was frightened, but she had faith the wards would always stop Tobias from hurting Severus or Eileen.

Severus and Lily went to bed shortly after Eileen. A silencing charm over their bedroom door allowed them to make love. Severus sighed before he fell asleep. It was definitely going to be hard going back to school and not be able to have Lily next to him every night.

Chapter 26

Severus, Lily, Eileen, and Robert got up early the next morning. Eileen made breakfast and after that Robert flooed to St. Mungo's.

"Mum, do you remember what kind of place this Dragon's Tail is?" He was picturing something like the Hog's Head.

"I remember it as being a small inn, rather like the Three Broomsticks, but a little more upscale. Of course that was eighteen years ago so it may have changed in all that time."

"I guess we'll find out shortly," Severus said as they stepped into the fireplace and Eileen said, "The Dragon's Tail," and tossed down the floo powder. After a dizzying amount of fireplaces flashed past them they finally came to a halt. Severus stepped out of the fireplace and Lily and Eileen stepped out after him.

The owner, a portly white-haired gentleman, came bustling in, wiping his hands on a cloth. "Welcome to the Dragon's Tail …" His eyes widened as they fell on Eileen. "Miss Prince, it's been years since I've seen you here."

"It's Mrs. Snape now, George," Eileen said and smiled sadly. "You probably heard that my father disowned me when I broke my betrothal so I had no reason to come back here."

"Yes. It was quite the gossip round here back then. I frankly thought a lot less of your father for his action, too."

"Thank you, George for saying that." She turned back to Severus and Lily. "Sev, Lily, this is George Abercrombie, owner of the Dragon's Tail. George, this is my son, Severus Snape and my daughter-in-law, Lily."

"Pleasure to meet you," George replied nodding. He shook his head. "I did hear your father had passed on two years ago, but we'd heard nothing since."

"Well, my son just received notification from Gringotts yesterday that he was the inheritor so we're going out to the manor now."

They could hear chatter coming from the dining area and George said, "I must get back to my guests. It will be wonderful to see Princes coming through the Dragon's Tail again." He waved at them and hurried through a door which revealed a glimpse of a kitchen.

"Mum, why don't you apparate me first while Lily waits here." Eileen nodded then she and Severus went out the front door and Lily heard the faint crack of them apparating.

Severus actually didn't like apparating. It was uncomfortable feeling as if you were being shoved through a too small tube. He opened his eyes and found himself in front of an ornate gate and he could see a large mansion beyond that. He scanned the gate, immediately spotting where the pendant would fit.

"Sev, I'm going back to get Lily," Eileen said.

"Severus nodded. "Okay Mum." He took out the pendant from beneath his jumper and put it carefully in an oval shaped hollow on the face of the gate. There was a click and the gates swung open. A crack behind him announced his mum and Lily had arrived. Lily looked a little green so Eileen quickly gave her an anti-nausea potion she'd brought with her.

"Sev," Lily said looking around her in confusion. "Why are we standing in the middle of moorland?"

"We aren't, Lily, we're actually standing in front of the gate to Prince Manor." He took her hand. "Come on. I have to walk you through." He walked her through the wards and Lily gasped in awe as she saw the manor. She grasped hold of his arm. "Sev, it's huge!"

Severus looked over the manor house. It was made of what looked like grey, quarried stone. It had two wings that had been built in the same style as the main house and with the same material. It meshed nicely architecturally and aesthetically without being ostentatious like the Malfoy and Potters mansions. It had many windows and he didn't even want to take a guess at how many rooms it must have. They walked up to the front entrance and Severus looked for some way to open the door.

"You have to use the pendant again, Sev," Eileen said.

Severus chuckled. "Oh yeah, I see it now. Good thing you told me, Mum, or we'd been standing out here all day." He put the pendant into the oval shaped hollow in the door and one click later it opened. Severus stuck his head in and called, "Hello?"

There was a sudden pop and a house elf appeared. When she saw Eileen she gave a scream of joy and firmly attached herself to Eileen's leg. "Miss Eileen, Tita is so glad to see you. She has missed you since your leaving!"

"I missed you, too, Tita." She gently detached the little elf from her leg. "Tita, I'd like you to meet my son, Severus who's the new master of Prince Manor and this is his wife, Lily who's the new mistress."

Tita gave each of them a deep curtsey. "I is Tita. I and the other elves is serving you happily, Master Severus and Mistress Lily."

Severus knew house elves were uncomfortable without formality of some sort, but master was a bit much for his taste as was the curtseying. "Tita, please call me Mr. Severus and my wife can be addressed as Miss Lily and you needn't curtsey. We're not royalty."

"I hears and obeys, Mr. Severus," Tita replied. "Does I have your consent to tell all the elves what you has says, Mr. Severus?"

"Please do, Tita, and thank you." He watched as Tita disappeared with a pop then said to his mum. "Did grandfather really insist the elves call him master and curtsey to him for Merlin's sake?"

"Your grandfather was very strict and old-fashioned, Sev. He treated the elves very well though."

"I guess," Severus muttered. He looked around him. They were in a large entry hall and from here he could the main staircase which he assumed accessed the east and west wings of the manor. He saw a pair of double doors and went over to them.

"That's the library, Sev," Eileen said. She sighed. "I used to spend a great deal of time there."

He opened the door. "Mum, it's huge. It looks almost as big as Hogwarts library." He stepped inside for a closer look with Eileen and Lily following him. They were suddenly interrupted by an imperious voice. "Hello, Eileen."

Severus looked up quickly and saw two portraits above the fireplace in the library. They were obviously his grandparents. He discovered for the first time where he'd gotten his dark hair and eyes. His grandfather had the very same traits. They must have had the portraits done when they were in their forties somewhere. He knew the portraits were magically imbued with the personalities of his grandparents.

"Hello, Father and Mum," Eileen replied politely.

"And this must be Severus. He has the looks of the Princes, Eileen."

"Yes he does, Father." She turned to Lily. "Severus, Lily, these are my parents, Tiberius Maximilian Prince and Audra Isabella Prince. Father, Mother, this is my son, Severus Tiberius Snape and his wife, Lily Elizabeth Snape."

Tiberius turned his attention back to Severus. "How old are you, Severus? You look a bit young to be married."

Severus straightened and lifted his chin. "I'll be seventeen on January 9th and Lily will be seventeen on the 30th. We're both in our sixth year at Hogwarts, sir."

"Is there a specific reason why you chose to marry so early?"

Severus stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "I love Lily and she loves me. Normally we would have gotten married after we graduated next year, but I have a rival in Lily's house …"

"You're not in the same houses?" Tiberius asked.

Severus sighed. He hoped their being in different houses was not going to be an issue. "No sir, Lily's in Gryffindor and I'm in Slytherin, sir." Severus clarified for him. "I have a rival for Lily and he's obsessed with her. He even had his father offer Lily's father a thousand Galleons to betroth her to him. Lily's father turned him down, but her parents were afraid he or his son might try to do something illegal to force Lily into marrying him so we thought the best way to prevent that was for us to be married."

Tiberius smiled. "A true Slytherin would do no less. Who is this bounder that dares force his affections on your lady?"

"His name is James Potter and his father is Charles Potter."

"Potter … I know that name." He sniffed "They are nothing, but upstarts. The Potter family isn't even five hundred years-old."

Severus had to crush his urge to laugh especially when he thought about the way Potter strutted around as if he was the pureblood catch of the year. He didn't dare look at Lily because he knew she was probably doing the same as him and if he looked at her they'd both loose it and start laughing hysterically.

"What is your course of study at Hogwarts, Severus?"

"I'm taking NEWTs in Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Charms, and Transfiguration. I plan to be a Potions Master and do research to discover new potions. I'm also considering becoming a Master Herbologist."

"Excellent," His grandfather said. "What about you, young lady?" He asked addressing Lily.

"I'm taking the same courses as Severus because I want to become a Pediatric Master Healer." Lily replied. She used Severus full name, suspecting that "Sev" would not go over well with his grandfather.

"An excellent ambition, Lily," Tiberius nodded sagely.

"Grandfather, as you know I have to put wards up around the manor and its grounds. Could you suggest the best way to do that? I want to get it done before I have to return to Hogwarts on the third."

While his grandfather instructed Severus on the wards, Lily entertained herself by browsing the library shelves. Potion and Herbology books dominated the shelves. She pulled copies of Moste Potente Potions and Magick Most Evil from the shelves. She knew these two were in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library. She glanced through them and nearly got nauseous and could readily see why they should be restricted.

Severus had apparently finished talking with his grandfather and was now visiting with his grandmother's portrait. Lily decided to go back over to Severus.

"You have a beautiful wife, Severus," Audra's portrait complimented Lily who blushed.

"I agree, Grandmother."

"You will have beautiful children, too." Audra said approvingly.

"They will be brilliant, too, my dear," Tiberius added.

Lily blushed again and Severus said hurriedly, "That's down the road a bit yet." He fervently hoped he wouldn't have them nagging him and Lily about heirs every time they visited.

"Of course, dear, you'll need to finish Hogwarts first." Audra said.

Severus excused himself saying he really needed to start setting up his wards and he would be back later to visit with them. He took Lily's arm and steered her out of the room. "Merlin's pants!" He muttered. "I certainly hope that isn't going to be the first question they ask whenever we visit after graduation."

Lily giggled. "It might be, Sev."

"Mum?" Severus called wondering where she had gone.

"In the conservatory, Sev, straight down the hall," Eileen called.

Severus and Lily walked down the hallway to a room at the end enclosed by double French doors. Through the glass in the doors, he could see all manner of plants. There was also comfortable looking wicker furniture scattered throughout the room and many windows. He opened the door for Lily and they walked in. The room was warm and smelled of the many different kinds of blooming plants. Severus imagined lazing about in this room reading or perhaps having a meal. He wondered around looking at the plants. "Mum, I'll bet there's plants here even Professor Sprout doesn't have in the greenhouses."

"I wouldn't doubt it, Sev. These plants come from all over the world," Eileen replied. She pointed at one. "This is a Tannis Populagoris and comes from Russia. That one next to it is Venomous Kapultula from the same family as the Venomous Tentacula, but comes from South America."

"Wow! Professor Sprout would go nuts in here." Severus said. I should bring her some cutting from some of these plants especially since she was nice enough to give me that Amaryllis bulb for Rose."

He wandered over to the window and surveyed the huge backyard. Further down he could see a smaller house. It was a match to the main house with the grey-quarried stone architecture. "Mum, what that house down there?"

Eileen looked out the window. "That's the guest cottage, Sev."

"It's a guest cottage?" Severus asked bemused. "How many rooms does it have, Mum?"

"It has 22 rooms," Eileen replied.

"I can't believe this place." Severus swore shaking his head. He started back towards the front entrance. "I'd better get started on putting up my wards."

While Severus was doing that, Lily decided to explore the house. Going into both the east and west wings she discovered they were mirror images of each other. There were a lot of rooms and most of them seem to be suites. She supposed things were different in the days of the Kings or Queens progress; when they traveled with their entire court, a nobleman might need this many rooms to house them all and the guest cottage to contain the overflow.

Severus stopped work on the wards for a bite of lunch then went back to putting up the wards. He worked until it was almost dark and had gotten cold. When he finally came in he reckoned he might have a least half the manor and surrounding grounds warded. "From what I can tell there's a forest area that part of manor. I'd like to come back here in the summer and see what herbs and plants we might be able to find." Severus said enjoying the meal the elves had prepared. They had gone all out for the first meal of their new master and mistress. Fish and fowl, plus several kinds of vegetables, potatoes, and breads appeared on the table. He was hungry and ate some of everything. His grandparents had moved into their empty frames in the dining room.

"I was looking around the house, Sev, and it's huge!" Lily said. "Most of the rooms are suites and they're all beautifully furnished."

"Well, I guess we won't have any problems finding somewhere to sleep tonight," Severus joked.

After they finished supper Severus returned to the library to look at some of the Herbology books. He wanted to eventually be able to indentify every plant that was in the conservatory. There were actually many of the same books the library at Hogwarts had, but also ones he had never seen before. Lily came into the library yawning. "What are you doing, Sev?"

"I'm just looking at these Herbology books. There's a lot the Hogwarts library doesn't even have."

"Sev, there's some other books in here that in the restricted section of the library." She pulled him over to another shelf and pulled down the two books she'd looked at earlier. "Like these two."

Severus leafed through Most Potente Potions. "Not all these are evil potions. I mean Polyjuice Potions are used by Aurors. Granted there's some gross stuff in here, but that doesn't necessarily mean its dark."

"I suppose not." She glanced through Magick Most Evile. "I guess this one basically tells you about the different kinds of dark magic, but isn't giving you instructions on how it's done, but it's still nauseating."

"Well, that's what many people refuse to understand. They think so simplistically. Evil is dark and good is white. They refuse to see that some of it might actually be grey."

"I never thought of it that way, Sev," Lily admitted.

"You can't fight against dark magic unless you have a through grounding on what it is and what it does. I mean Potion Masters and Healers have to be aware of what kinds of potions and spells Riddle is using before they can invent potions and spells to help. Sometimes that's going to mean having a close association with dark magic since you can't work in a vacuum."

"I guess sometimes I'm a bit naďve," Lily said ruefully.

"No. I don't think you're naďve. I think you just always want to see the best in people." He kissed the top of her head."

They said goodnight to Tiberius and Audra, left the library, and Severus called, "Tita?"

Tita appeared with a pop. "Yes, Mr. Severus, and Miss Lily?"

"Would you mind showing us to wherever we'll be sleeping tonight?"

"I is had the elves prepare the master suite for you and Mrs. Lily. If you follows Tita she will be happy to show you where you is sleeping."

"Where's mum sleeping tonight?"

"Miss Eileen decided to stay in her old room, Mr. Severus."

Severus nodded as he and Lily followed her to the west wing. She led them to a room with beautifully burnished double doors. "We is here."

"Thank you Tita for all the work you and the other elves have done for us today. You all did a great job."

Tita's ears flapped and she wiggled excitedly. "Thank you, Mr. Severus! We is happy you is pleased with our work." She gave him and a small bow then disappeared with a pop.

Severus opened the door and they walked in. Lily gasped as she looked around the sitting room. "Merlin's beard, Sev, I'll bet even Queen Elizabeth doesn't have a bedroom suite like this."

The suite was done in a light blue with honey oak woodwork and cornices. The fireplace mantle was also of elaborately carved honey oak. Most of the furniture was carved oak.

"Maybe we can do a tour of Buckingham Palace sometime and we can find out." Severus joked.

"You mean disillusion ourselves and have a real tour," Lily grinned in reply.

Severus nodded. "Sounds like fun to me." He opened the doors that led to the actual bedroom. "Lily, if you think this is large, come look at the bedroom."

Lily ducked under Severus' arm and peeked into the room. She giggled suddenly as she saw the heavy oak bed. "That bed looks big enough to sleep eight at least."

Severus looked around him. Like the sitting room the bedroom was painted a light blue with the same honey oak woodwork and cornices. He sat down on the big, Elizabethan style bed. "What I would have given to have a sanctuary like this when I was younger." He said somewhat bitterly. He looked up studying the elaborately carved canopy above him.

Lily sat down next him pulling him close to her and laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sev, that nobody tried to rescue you and Eileen from the hellhole your childhood was."

Severus sighed. "I'm wondering why my grandparents never checked on my mum. I don't think she would have been that hard to find. Even though they disowned her I assume they didn't stop loving her."

"Maybe you should ask them when your mum isn't around."

"Maybe, but I don't want to upset mum and I suspect she would be because she probably doesn't want them to know her choice of a husband wasn't much better than their choice."

Lily didn't say anything, she just held him tighter. They remained like that for a few minutes than Severus said, "I suppose we should get to bed. I want to start on the wards again at first light."

Lily nodded and got up to undress. She wondered if there was a bathroom close by and pulled open the first door she saw. "Sev, come see this bathroom."

Severus walked over and looked over Lily's head. "This is almost as big as the Prefect's bathroom."

Lily giggled and suggested, "Maybe we should take a relaxing bath before we go to bed."

"Hmm …I am a bit sore from putting up those wards," Severus said smirking. "A hot bath may just be the ticket."

The next morning Severus awoke at first light. He had been jarred awake in the middle of the night when a memory had suddenly popped into his head. He recalled how Robert had told him even if he unable to see his attackers there might be others things he would eventually be able to recall such as something he might have heard or smelled. What he had remembered was one of his attacker's had smelled rank, as if either he were really excited by what he was doing or very scared. He knew that probably wouldn't help him in finding the ones responsible, but it meant that his memories of the incident were beginning to come back and something useful might eventually surface.

Severus, Lily, and Eileen had breakfast in the conservatory then Severus went outside to finish the warding.

Lily went to the library to browse to find something to read while Severus was occupied. As she walked in Tiberius opened his eyes. "Good morning, my dear."

"Good morning, Sir," She replied stopping in front of the fireplace.

"I've been wondering ever since Severus told me you were a Gryffindor; how did you meet? As I recall in my days at Hogwarts Gryffindors and Slytherins were quite competitive and never socialized with each other."

"Unfortunately, it's still that way. Sev lives three blocks from me. We've known each other since we were nine. In fact he's the one who first told me I was a witch." She laughed softly. "I got mad at him because I thought he was calling me a nasty name. I'm a Muggleborn, you see. He told me all about magic, Hogwarts and about the wizarding world." She paused then added, "I hope that doesn't matter to you and Mrs. Prince, Sir?"

Tiberius sighed. "No, it doesn't matter in the least, Lily. We've learned the hard way that blood status is unimportant compared to family. We made a bad mistake with Eileen and it cost us not only our only child, but our grandson as well. You are most welcome to our family, Lily."

"Thank you. I'm glad that you feel that way, Sir."

"I'm glad my grandson chose such a smart wife."

Severus came in for lunch then went back to work, finishing finally when the light was beginning to fade. He said goodbye his grandparents and the elves, promising they'd be back at Easter. He waited outside the gate while him mum apparated with Lily to the Dragon's Tail then came back for him. They bade George farewell and flooed home. Severus was happy to be home.

He was tired and looking forward to sleeping in his own bed. He helped his mum prepare a light dinner while Lily sent Morgana off with a note letting her parents know they were back. Severus glanced out the front window and saw Tobias' car wasn't there anymore, but he didn't know whether that meant he was gone or just that his car had been towed. Eileen fire-called Robert and invited him for supper.

"Do you remember, Robert, saying even though I was unable to see my attackers I might remember something else; something I heard or smelled?"

Robert nodded. "You've remembered something, Sev?"

Severus nodded in return. "I woke up suddenly last night remembering that one of them smelled rank; he had a wet, sweaty smell as if what he was doing either excited him or he was really scared." Severus shook his head. "I don't think that's going to be any firm evidence against them though."

"But it does mean you're memory starting to come back."

"I wouldn't let anybody know that, Sev," Eileen cautioned worriedly. She shook her head. "It might panic Potter into doing something worse."

"Mum, I don't plan to let anybody know. Not even Professor Dumbledore."

"It was probably Pettigrew you smelled. He has the worst hygiene!" Lily exclaimed, wrinkling her nose. "I never could understand how Potter could taunt you about your non-existent hygiene problems and not notice how bad Pettigrew smelled."

"Well, I guess it's okay to stink as long as you're a Marauder," Severus replied caustically

Lily helped Eileen clean up after Robert had left. There was a tapping at the kitchen window and Eileen opened it so Morgana could fly in. She flew over to Lily with a note. Lily took the note from her and gave her a treat. She opened it. "It's from mum and dad. They didn't see Tobias anytime in the last two days so they called and had his car towed so he wouldn't have an excuse to come back here."

"That's good," Eileen breathed. "Pray Merlin, he went back to London or wherever he's been staying the last three years."

Lily went upstairs. Severus was stretched out on the bed reading Moste Ancient Potions. She lay down beside him with her head on his chest. He shifted his body to accommodate her. "What are you reading, Sev?"

"This is interesting, Lily. Do you know that Merlin believed that squibs have a magical core, but they aren't able to access it?" He put the book down. "I think most of the wizarding population now believes that squibs are born with no magic, but suppose it's really like Merlin believed? Suppose somebody could discover a potion that gave them access their magical cores?"

"The children could probably go to Hogwarts like any other magical child. Are you thinking of researching this, Sev?" Lily asked.

"I have to admit the idea has me excited," Severus replied. "I suppose it would cause some controversy, too, with the people who believe that things should never change, or people don't have the right to change."

Lily wrinkled her nose. "You mean purebloods like the Malfoy's?"

"I expect some in the Ministry would be upset, too, such as that Umbridge woman."

Lily buried her face in Severus' chest. "I think, Sev, you should do it because it's the right thing to do no matter who has a problem with it."

Riddle would probably have a big problem with it, too, Severus thought. If he wasn't already at the top of his hit parade for refusing to join his club he probably would be if he discovered a potion to help Squibs.

Chapter 27

Severus woke up the next morning when his mother got up at six o'clock. He debated getting up, but then decided to sleep in. He went back to sleep and woke again at eight o'clock. He got up then, took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs to make breakfast for him and Lily. She came down a short while later, yawning, and rubbing her eyes. "Why didn't you wake me when you got up, Sev?" She gave him a kiss then sat down at the table and picked up the paper.

He smiled. "Because Mrs. Snape, I know you like to sleep later when we're not in school."

He set a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts in front of her, a plate of toast and poured tea for them. "Is there anything interesting in the Prophet?" He asked.

"Nothing," Lily said tossing it aside. "Are you going to fire-call those lawyers today?"

"As soon as I get done cleaning up the kitchen."

"What don't you show me how to do it so you don't have to do it all the time," Lily suggested.

"If you don't mind doing it, I'll show you how it's done."

Once they finished eating Severus showed her how to cast the Scourgify charm that set the dishes to washing themselves; she could also use it to do general cleaning. While she did that, he went into the living room and fire-called Berkeley & Howell. A prim looking witch wearing formal robes of dark crimson answered his call. He introduced himself and explained what he needed.

"We can see you at two o'clock this afternoon, Mr. Snape. You'll need to bring proof of your inheritance. The bloodline test performed by Gringotts will be sufficient."

Severus nodded and thanked her. He needed to stop at Gringotts before he saw the lawyers and get some money out of their vault. "Lily?" He called.

"What, Sev?" She called from upstairs. He came upstairs to find Lily had made their bed and straightened up their room. "I've got an appointment with those lawyers at two o'clock. I want to stop at Gringotts, too, and get some money out of my vault." He saw her face at the thought of having to ride the carts again. "I'm sure the goblins won't mind if you wait for me upstairs. I won't be long."

"Okay," Lily nodded. She would be happy if she never had to ride in another Gringotts cart for the rest of her days.

Severus and Lily flooed to the Leaky Cauldron and opened the entrance to Diagon Alley. They both wore gloves to hide their wedding rings in case they ran into anybody from school. They went to Gringotts and Severus informed the goblin at the service counter that he wished to make a withdrawal from Vault 715. Lily watched as Severus and one of the goblins walked off towards the carts. While she waited for him to come back she watched out one of the windows. Diagon Alley was quite busy today. There were a lot of people out and about. She wondered if the stores had after-Christmas sales like the Muggle department stores.

Severus tapped Lily on her shoulder when he came back. "I'm finished. We can go to see the solicitors now." They walked out of Gringotts and up the street to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks. Berkeley & Howell occupied a loft above the store. Severus introduced himself to the witch at the reception desk. She asked him to wait and went over to one of the offices, knocked on the door and spoke to somebody. She was immediately followed out by a portly wizard with grey hair wearing a grey pinstriped robe. He smiled at Severus and Lily. "Mr. and Mrs. Snape, please follow me." They followed him into his office. He closed the door and they sat down in the chairs he indicated. "I am Jonathan Berkeley. Skaar informed me that you had claimed the inheritance and I should expect a visit from you to inquire about Tiberius' businesses. I will first need to see the bloodline verification."

"Severus took out the parchment of the family tree he'd gotten from Skaar and handed it to Mr. Berkeley. He looked it over and said, "Excellent." He handed it back to Severus. "Your grandfather had varied kinds of business. You are currently the owner of four potion labs. One is located in Dublin, Ireland, one in Madrid, Spain, a third in Berlin, Germany and the fourth is in Salem, Massachusetts, United States. They are all extremely profitable and import different kinds of potions all over the world. Your grandfather also owned large tracts of land in Russia, India, China, and Africa, and Argentina on which are grown many rare and in demand potion ingredients that are imported all over the world. These also are extremely profitable. The labs are managed by people chosen personally by your grandfather, as are the people who manage his lands. If you would like a report of profits, you will need to visit the accounting firm Swainston & Keating. They are just down the hall. If you wish, my firm will continue to manage the day-to-day operation of your grandfather's businesses."

"Severus nodded. "That's fine. Neither Lily nor I have time to do it since we're still in school."

"Would you like me to take you down to Swainston & Keating and introduce you?"

"Please," Severus replied, nodding.

They followed Berkeley out of his office. He stopped to speak to the witch at the reception desk then escorted Severus and Lily down the hall and into another office suite. He spoke to the witch at the reception desk there, asking for Kendrick Swainston. She nodded got up and disappeared into the back. She returned followed by a younger man dressed in navy pinstriped robes, but, unlike Mr. Berkeley, his robe was unfastened, his tie was loose, his vest was undone, and he had a quill stuck over one ear. He smiled as Mr. Berkeley introduced Severus and explained what they needed from him. "No problem at all. If you'll follow me I can get you that information." They followed him into his office which was messy with piles of parchment laying over every flat surface. He pulled out a thick folder labeled Prince Financial Statements, opened it and pulled out a thick stack of parchment. He took it into a room next door, laid the parchment out on a long table, and began to explain what was on each sheet. Severus was thankful he was taking Arithmancy so at least the charts of numbers looked somewhat familiar, but by the time Mr. Swainston had gone through all the statements, he was practically cross-eyed. "Do you suppose I could have a copy of those statements?"

"Certainly, Mr. Snape." He tapped the pile of parchment with his wand, muttered the spell and suddenly there were two piles of parchment. He fetched a moleskin folder, shoved the stack of parchment inside it, folded down the flap, rapped it with his wand, and sealed it. "There you are," He said giving the folder to Severus. He nodded his thanks then he and Lily headed back down to the street."

"Is there anything else you wanted to do today, Lily?"

"Actually there is, Sev. I wanted to take out a subscription to the Daily Prophet for mum, dad, and Tuney so they can keep up with what's going on in the wizarding world."

"Okay, their office is right over there," Severus said pointing.

Once Lily had returned, they went back to the Leaky Cauldron to floo home. Severus stepped out of the fireplace and dropped the folder on the dining room table. "Whew! I thought my ears might fall off before Mr. Swainston was through talking." Severus shook his head, "Maybe your dad could look these over, and explain them to me in English."

"You can certainly ask him," Lily said going up the stairs.

Severus followed Lily upstairs to hang up his coat. "By the way," He took two moleskin pouches out of his coat pocket and handed one of them to Lily. "I withdrew some gold for you."

"Sev …" Lily began to protest, but Severus held up his hand. "No arguments. We're married now so this belongs to you, too. There's enough there to pay for apparition lessons, whatever a license might cost and there's still plenty of money to spend on Hogsmeade visits." He grinned. "Besides Lily, this didn't even make a tiny dent in the fortune. If those spreadsheets are any indication, neither of us is ever going to have to worry about Galleons or Sickles again nor our kids, and probably not our grandkids either."

Lily threw her arms around Severus and gave him a lip-locking kiss. "Sev, you are the best husband in the world!"

"So you've had other husbands to compare?" Severus teased her.

"I don't have to have other husbands. I just know."

There was a tapping at the window at that moment and Severus saw Cassiopeia was outside. He opened the window and she flew in and over to Lily with a note for her. She took it from her then gave her a treat while she waited for Lily's reply. She opened the note and said, "Tuney wants to know if I can go to Diagon Alley tomorrow. She wants to buy a Valentine gift for Liam."

"I've got that appointment with Healer Cromwell tomorrow at seven, but I can meet you and Tuney somewhere afterwards."

"That sounds good," Lily nodded. "How about we meet at the Leaky Cauldron for breakfast?"

"Okay, I should be done around eight so I'll meet you there."

"I'll let Tuney know," Lily said taking some parchment from the drawer. Actually she wanted to go earlier than eight because she wanted to buy Severus a Valentine's gift. She thought maybe she would buy him his own copy of Gringotts: A History since he had expressed an interest in reading her dad's copy although she could already hear Tuney moaning how unromantic a gift it was. She asked Tuney to meet her over here at 7:30. She opened the window and the owl took off.

"It's almost 4:00." Severus said looking at his watch. "Do you want to help me with dinner?"

"Okay, I'd be happy to, Sev. Maybe, you can teach me how to cook eventually." Lily said as she started to quarter the potatoes, prior to roasting them.

"It's not really any more difficult than brewing a potion and I know you've brewed complicated potions just fine." Severus said as he got the chicken ready to place in the oven. He added the quartered potatoes to the roasting pan.

While the chicken was baking, Lily made the salad and Severus cut up carrots to put in the steamer. Eileen preferred steamed vegetables to boiled ones. She said boiling them destroyed too many of the vitamins.

They heard a crack and Eileen came in the back door. She stopped and sniffed. "My, that smells delicious. You kids are going to have me totally spoiled by the time school starts again."

"You won't be, Mum; you say the same thing every Christmas holiday." Severus pointed out. "We went to see the solicitor and the accountant today. I'll tell you about it at dinner."

"What's this, Sev?" Eileen came out holding the moleskin folder Severus had left on the dining room table.

"They're the financial statements from all grandfather's companies. Mr. Swainston, his accountant, explained them to me, but I didn't understand a lot of what he said. I thought I'd ask Hal if he could make some sense out of them for me." Severus explained as he took the chicken out of the oven, put it on a platter, and started to slice it.

Eileen made rolls, using her wand to bake them. Lily got the table set and helped get the food on table. After filling their plates, Eileen asked, "What did you find out from the solicitors, Sev?"

"Grandfather owns four potion labs in Dublin, Madrid, Berlin, and Salem, Massachusetts. They brew potions that they ship all over the world. He owns huge tracts of land in Russia, China, India, Africa, and Argentina where they grow rare potion ingredients and those are shipped all over the world. Mr. Berkeley assured me they are all very profitable."

"I would expect them to be, Sev. Your grandfather was a cagey businessman," Eileen said.

"If the amount of gold in those vaults is any indication he certainly was."

"Tuney and I are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow, Eileen. Tuney wants to get Liam a Valentine's Day gift. If you need anything from the Apothecary, I can pick it up for you," Lily offered.

"I am getting low on essence of seaweed. If you could get that for me it would save me a lot of time."

"I'd be happy to, but I'll bet Tuney won't want to go in with me as it does smell pretty bad." Lily giggled.

"I was talking to Liam at your reception. He seems very nice and I suspect he's head over heels about Petunia. I still can't believe how much she's changed. She's like a completely different person," Eileen remarked.

"She hasn't called Lily or I freaks since before we started back to school," Severus remarked.

"Tuney took charge of a lot of our wedding. I know mum couldn't have done it without her help."

"Well, I for one am glad she met Liam and dumped Dursley. I shudder to think what kind of sister-in-law she'd be married to him." Severus said.

"She probably would have refused to come to our wedding. She would have been afraid if poor Vernon saw too much of our freakishness he would have headed for the hills as if his fat arse was on fire." Lily giggled.

Severus started to laugh and laughed so hard he was getting red in the face. He finally had to take a drink of pumpkin juice to calm down. "Sorry," He gasped. "I just had this picture of Dursley with his fat arse on fire running for the hills."

"All that lard would have made quite a show," Lily added.

After they finished dinner Eileen Scourgified the dishes, pots and pans then decided to look at the financial statements of her father's companies.

Severus went upstairs and stretched on the bed with Moste Ancient Potions.

Lily came into the room from the bathroom. "Sev, are you going to read that book all night?"

"Not all night," He answered then got a look at Lily. "Merlin's boxer shorts!" Lily wore a short, sheer chemise of white embroidered tulle with detailed floral straps and it was obvious she was not wearing the matching panties. "Where did you get that?"

"Tuney gave it to me for Christmas. Do you like it?"

"Yes, I definitely like it!" Severus said.

Lily pounced on top of him and began kissing him passionately.

"Wait …" Severus waved his wand, locking the door and cast a silencing charm over it then rolled Lily over. "The games afoot!" He said quoting Sherlock Holmes.

Eileen was getting ready to leave the next morning when Severus came downstairs. He was yawning widely and had his coat and scarf slug over one arm.

"You look as if you can use more sleep, Sev," Eileen remarked.

Severus felt his face flush a bit. He and Lily had gotten to sleep, but rather late. "I'll keep it in mind, Mum." He put on his coat and wrapped his scarf around his neck. He and Eileen stepped into the floo and were gone.

Lily came down about twenty minutes later. There was a knock at the door and Lily peeked out the blind to make sure it was Tuney. Severus had pitched a fit the last time she'd opened the door without checking first. She knew he was still worried about Tobias. It was Tuney standing on the porch so she quickly let her in. "Are you ready to go, Lily?"

"Yes, just let me get my coat and scarf on." She quickly pulled a white knit hat over her hair, and got on her coat and scarf. She and Tuney stepped into the fireplace and Lily threw down the green powder and said, "The Leaky Cauldron." As Lily stepped out of the fireplace, she called to the owner, "Good morning, Tom,"

He nodded and waved as he was taking breakfast to another early morning patron.

"Where would you like to go first, Tuney?"

"I'm not sure because I'm not sure what would be proper to get Liam for Valentine's Day. What are you going to get Severus?"

Lily frowned. "I'm not sure about Valentine's Day. Maybe I'll get him a copy of that book about Gringotts. I noticed he was reading it the last time we were in Flourish & Blotts."

Petunia sniffed. "Well, Lily, if you're going to get him a book for Valentine's Day you're definitely going to need to get him something else, too, and I know just what would be the perfect thing. Come along." She took Lily's arm and steered her out into Charing Cross Road.

Lily had an idea of where they were headed and sighed. When Petunia went into the nearest lingerie store her suspicion was confirmed. Petunia immediately went over to a rack of babydolls, sifted through them, and pulled one out. It was red, sheer with three rows of ruffles around the bottom, ruffled straps and ruffles at the top of the bodice. Ruffled bikini panties completed the set. "What do you think of this, Lily?"

Lily blushed. "Well, Sev really likes the one you gave me for Christmas so I'm sure he'd be thrilled."

Petunia found one in Lily's size, paid for it and had it gift-wrapped they returned to the Leaky Cauldron. Severus wasn't there yet so they went out into the courtyard where Lily opened the passageway to Diagon Ally. "What do you want to get Liam for Valentine's Day, Tuney?"

Petunia frowned. "I'm having a hard time deciding what might be appropriate gift."

"How about a pair of cufflinks?" Lily asked as they turned into the goblin jewelry store where she'd bought Severus' wedding band. "I was thinking of buying Sev another pair for his birthday. He really likes the ones I bought him for Christmas last year." She went over to a case containing cufflinks. She pointed at a pair of blue jade cufflinks. "Those would be perfect because Liam's Head Boy and blue is one of Ravenclaws colors."

Petunia studied them. "They are rather attractive and they would be considered an appropriate gift."

The owner came over to them and Lily pointed at the jade cufflinks. "We'd like to buy those, please." Lily paid for them as Petunia had paid for her lingerie. She pointed at the onyx cufflinks. "I'd like to see those, please." The goblin handed them to her. "Would you be able to add a rune to each of these?"

"Yes." The goblin sighed. "And I suppose you want that done immediately?"

Lily smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, and I'm willing to pay extra for it."

The goblin brightened considerably. "I can do it immediately, Mrs."

"Thank you. I'd like the rune Uruz inscribed in gold on each cufflink, please."

The goblin took the cufflinks into the back room. When he came out again Lily inspected his work. "Excellent work," She complimented him. He smiled widely and bowed. "Thank you, Mrs."

Lily and Petunia went next to Flourish & Blotts where Lily purchased the Gringotts book for Severus then headed to the Leaky Cauldron to meet him for breakfast. He was waiting at a table in the back of the room. Lily gave Severus a kiss and sat down next to him. Petunia sat across from them. "I see you've done some shopping already," He noted nodding at Petunia's bag.

"Yes we decided to leave a bit earlier," Lily replied. She had shrunk and hidden the bag from the lingerie shop inside her Flourish & Blotts bag. "I still need to get the essence of seaweed for Eileen though."

Tom came over and they ordered breakfast. Once it was served and they started to eat, Petunia said, "Lily helped me find the perfect Valentine's Day gift for Liam."

"You could also bake him some cookies, too, Tuney. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

"I hadn't thought of baking him something, but that is a good idea. Thank you, Severus."

Suddenly they heard the nauseatingly familiar call of, "Hey Evans, what are you doing here?" James, along with Peter, strutted over to their booth. Severus saw Sirius roll his eyes and hang back a bit. Both Lily and Severus quickly placed their left hands out of sight and both glared at Potter.

"I'm eating, Potter. Kindly get lost so we can continue eating in peace," Lily snapped.

James didn't take the hint and instead, rudely plopped down in the chair beside Petunia. Peter stood beside him. "Did you hear the good news about me, Evans?" He asked grinning widely.

"No, and I don't want to hear it either."

"The Wimbourne Wasps are looking at me for their Chaser since I'm probably the best Chaser Hogwarts has ever seen."

"Well, unless you want a broken nose and two black eyes to go along with it, I'd move that lump of suet you call an arse real fast!" Petunia said tartly. "I may not be a witch, but I'm quite adept at using my fists."

"He's too gutless to do anything to your face, Petunia. He'd much rather do it in the dark when your back's turned," Severus said.

James whipped out his wand. "You'd better take that back, Snivellus!"

"Why? Isn't that what you did to me, Potter, you gutless wimp!"

Fortunately, Sirius shoved James's wand away just as Tom arrived. "You boys will have to leave. I want no trouble in here. If you don't leave right now I'm going to have to summon Magical Law Enforcement."

"Come on Prongs," Sirius said giving him a shove towards the door that led out into the courtyard. "Peter, get your arse over here now." Peter sneered at Severus and followed Sirius out into the courtyard. As he passed, Severus caught a strong whiff of something rank; a wet sweaty smell.

Tom gave him a smile revealing his crooked teeth. "Sorry about that. I have to keep my eye on that Potter boy whenever he's in here. A born bully he is."

"Damn! I wish we didn't have to go back to the Apothecary," Lily said.

"Well, I can guarantee we won't run into them there. They're probably at Quality Quidditch Supplies so Potter can brag up his new racing broom."

They finished breakfast then went back into Diagon Alley to the Apothecary. Severus quickly bought the essence of seaweed his mum requested and they went back to the Leaky Cauldron and used the floo to go back to Severus' home.

"I certainly feel sorry for the girl who eventually does become his wife," Petunia stated. "He doesn't appear to have the brains God gave a goose!"

"The only thing he can talk about other than himself is Quidditch," Lily added. She looked at Severus. "Do you want to go over and see if dad has time to look over those financial statements?"

"Yes. Let me find where mum left them."

While Severus looked for the statements Lil went upstairs and put her gifts for Severus in her trunk then came back downstairs. Severus came back holding the moleskin folder and they walked over to the Evans house. As he was walking, Severus reflected he was definitely going to have to keep a wary eye on Potter. He had the suspicion he now had a target on his back the size of a Hippogriff.

Chapter 28

The rest of the week passed quickly and Severus and Lily celebrated the new year of 1977 with his mum, Robert, Lily's family, and a bottle of champagne. Severus and Lily got their scores from their end of term exams. They both had received all Outstandings. Soon it was Saturday night and they would be going to King's Cross the next morning. Hal and Rose would be driving them as usual. He knew his mum had already gone over and put an enlarging spell on their car so they could all ride comfortably. He was still feeling uneasy about leaving her. He worried about Tobias reappearing on their doorstep. He'd owled Moody about whether bullets would be stopped by the wards. Moody had replied that since they were meant to harm, the wards would stop them. Severus added stuff to his trunk, but left it unlocked for the last minute stuff in the morning. It was also the last night he and Lily would be be sharing the same bed until Merlin only knew when.

The next morning was crazy. As always, Severus made sure his robe with his Prefect badge was right at the top of his trunk so he could quickly change into them. He talked Lily into doing the same so she wouldn't have to dig through mounds of clothing and shoes trying to find them. He agreeably sat on her trunk while she locked it then they floated their trunks and carried their owls downstairs. Hal and Rose arrived promptly at 7:30 and Severus helped him load their trunks into the boot then climbed in after Lily and Eileen into the car with Aesculapius's on his lap. He looked at Lily's owl Morgana. So far their owls seem to be getting along. He looked down at his left hand and his now bare ring finger. It suddenly felt strange not to be wearing his wedding ring. He had transformed his robes so they had an inside sealed pocket over his heart where he carried his wedding band. Lily had done the same with her wedding band. He also wore the Moonstone pendant under his shirt and jumper.

Kings Cross station wasn't as busy on Sunday so they didn't have to be as careful going through the barrier as they did on a weekday. Severus took his trunk and owl through and Lily followed with hers. They both came back through to escort Lily's parents through to Platform 9 and 3 quarters. Lily went through with her dad and Severus offered his arm to Rose. "Shall we?" She laughed and nodded. Eileen took Petunia through with her. As soon as they were through she went to find Liam.

"Lily and I are going to change into our robes," Severus said. They got on the train. They staked out a compartment and floated their trunks and owl cages up on the rack. They got changed and got back off to say goodbye to their parents. Severus took Eileen aside. "Mum, you have to promise me if he comes back again you'll call the Constables and let them sort him. I'm not getting on that bloody train unless you do."

"All right, Sev, I promise," Eileen said. "And you've got to promise me you won't go wondering around in the dead of night anymore. I'm worried Potter may try something else."

"I promise, Mum." He gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Don't worry, Sev, Rose and I will keep our eyes open and any sign of anybody hanging around we'll call the police right away." Hal assured him.

"Thanks Hal and Rose," He said giving them both a hug.

"Here, before I forget to give these to you," Rose said handing him a large package. "This is cookies and candies. Hal and I can't eat all of what I baked and Petunia's watching her figure so this is to eat on the train and share with your friends."

"Thanks, Rose, that's awfully nice of you," Severus replied. He glanced over to where Petunia was standing talking to Liam.

"Sev!" Paul sprinted over to him. "Did you have a nice Christmas?"

Severus smiled. "Yes. I had a fantastic Christmas actually." He turned back to Eileen, Hal, and Rose. "This is Paul Reisdorph. He a first year and my roommate. Paul, this is my mum, Eileen, and Lily's parents, Hal and Rose Evans."

"Nice to meet you Paul," Hal said. Rose and Eileen both smiled at the overly enthusiastic first year.

"Nice to meet you all, too. Sev's not only my roommate; he's my mentor, too." Paul said proudly.

Liam and Petunia strolled over arm-in-arm. He stopped to talk a few minutes with Hal and Rose then kissed Petunia's cheek and got on the train. Lily came over and gave her parents, Petunia, and Eileen hug and kisses. "Be sure to owl me, Tuney," She called as they got on the train. They waved to their parents until they were out of sight.

Paul went to look for his friends while Severus and Lily went to the first car to get their patrolling assignments from Liam and Julie. After they finished their first patrol they went back to their compartment where Frank, Alice, Remus, and Missy were already seated. Severus sat down and opened the box Rose had given him and said to the others, "Help yourself." He looked at Lily. "Your mum gave it to me just before I got on the train."

"I think my mum thinks they starve us until we get to Hogwarts," Lily laughed.

Everybody took something and only munching sounds could be heard for a few minutes. Frank was the first to speak. "So how are you doing, Sev? We were all shocked when we heard about what happened."

"I'm fine now. I had a few days where I was dizzy, had a constant headache, and felt nauseous, but I back to normal now."

"But you don't have any idea who did it?" Fran asked.

"My memories are noticeably blank there. The mind healer I'm seeing says it might come back or it might not ever."

"That's got to stink," Remus said. "You don't know who did it or why."

"True," Severus said nodding as he nibbled on one of Rose's sour cream chocolate cookies." He looked at Lily. "There is some good news though."

Lily held out her left hand. "Sev and I are engaged!"

Missy and Alice jumped up screaming to hug Lily. "You're the first ones in our class to get engaged!" Alice said then gave Severus a hug. "Congratulations, Sev!"

"Thanks, Alice."

"Does James know, Sev?" Remus asked quietly.

"Yes. We ran into him in the Leaky Cauldron, but I think it just went over his head. He's pretty determined Lily and he are going to be the golden couple no matter what," Severus sneered. "He was bragging that the Wimbourne Wasps were looking at him for a Chaser since he was the greatest Chaser Hogwarts had ever seen. Those were his exact words - swear to Merlin."

Frank snorted and grumbled. "Wish they could take the fool today. Maybe we could actually win a game for a change if all of us didn't have to be constantly watching Potter because we never know when he'll decide to play another position."

Alice plunked down next to Frank again. "So, when are you two getting married?"

"Probably sometime during the summer of '78, I think," Lily answered holding Severus' hand.

"Both of us want to be married before Sev starts at the College of Potions and I start training to be a Healer."

There was a knock on the door and Paul came in. "Sev, there's some sixth years bothering us. They keep hexing us and some of the girls are crying."

Severus hurriedly followed Paul out of the compartment and he was followed by Lily, Remus, and Missy. "How much do you want to bet its Potter," Severus muttered to Lily.

"Who else would be doing this except that stupid git!" Lily snapped.

They could hear the screams of the girls as they approached in the corridor. Sure enough James and Peter had several first years, mostly Slytherin, but a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, also trapped in an open compartment. The two Slytherin fifth year Prefects were standing in front of the door doing their best to deflect the hexes away from the kids. Severus saw Chea and Amos Diggory, the sixth year Hufflepuff Prefect, hurtling down the corridor from the opposite end of the train. He also saw Marc Taylors and Sara Clarke, the seventh year Slytherin Prefects coming down the corridor. "What's going on here?" Taylor demanded

Gwendolyn Ainsworth pointed at Potter and Pettigrew. "Those two though it was funny to attack a bunch of first years with stinging hexes. They can't even defend themselves yet." She had a bright red patch on her knee where at least one stinging hex had gone astray.

"Expelliarmus!" Sev thought, pointing his wand at Potter and Pettigrew. Their wands flew out of their hands, much to their shock. Severus bent, picked them up and pocketed them.

"Is anybody hurt?" Remus asked.

Edward Bathe, the other fifth year Slytherin Prefect shook his head. "They're just scared."

"Potter, you idiot!" Lily yelled. "You've really hit a new low this time attacking eleven year-olds!"

"Oh come on, Evans, most of those Slytherins come in knowing all kinds of dark curses. That's why they get sorted into Slytherin in the first place because they can't fool the Sorting Hat. It knows evil. Like your fiancé over there."

"For your information, Potter, a lot of those kids are Muggleborns," Severus informed him coldly. Merlin! He hated Potter's guts! "They don't know any curses period."

Marc turned to Paul. "Paul, would do me a favor and go up to the first car and ask Liam and Julie to come down here."

"Sure, Marc," Paul replied racing back down the corridor. He came back in a few minutes with Liam and Julie following him. "What's going on here?" Liam asked, looking at the Prefects lining the corridor, for an explanation.

"Potter was hexing some first year Slytherins because he thinks we're all evil and come into Hogwarts knowing a bunch of dark curses." Chea explained angrily. "Fortunately Edward and Gwendolyn were able to deflect many of the hexes."

Severus handed Liam Potter's and Pettigrew's wands. "Here, you might want to hang on to these for the rest of the way."

Liam accepted the wands from Severus. "I'm going send my owl ahead to your head of house, Mr. Potter and Mr. Pettigrew and suggest she give you at least two weeks of detention for this incident," He said coldly. "You may retrieve your wands from Professor McGonagall." He turned to the others in the corridor. "All right the excitement is over. Please go back to your compartments."

As the corridor slowly began emptying Severus looked into the compartment. He could see a few of the girls were still teary and others kids looked scared. "Is anybody hurt?"

They shook their heads. Paul spoke up again; he seemed to be in charge. "Sev, could you stay here with us? Just in case those two haven't learned their lesson."

"Sure," Severus said. He came in with Lily and sat down. Lily transformed a piece of parchment into a handkerchief and gave it to one girl who was sniffling rather badly. "Here, take this," She said in a soothing voice. "Professor McGonagall will make sure those two gits are punished."

"Is it true what that boy said? That we were sorted into Slytherin House because we're evil?" The girl asked, still sniffling a bit.

"Don't listen to anything Potter says. He's a complete arse. Compared to him even Peeves is bloody brilliant. The Hat probably put you in Slytherin because it sensed you were ambitious. You want more out of your life than the average witch or wizard. A great many Healers, Potion Masters and Herbologist have come out of Slytherin. The current head of the Auror Department, Rufus Scrimgeour, is a former Slytherin."

"Why do people think Slytherins are so bad, Sev?" Paul asked.

"Because some thirty years ago a really dark wizard who styles himself as Lord Voldemort and most of his hardcore followers came out of Slytherin. Since then a lot of people believe that we're automatically dark and we're all going to follow Voldemort."

"But that's stupid," One of the girls remarked. "I've heard he doesn't like Muggleborns and that's what I am so why would I follow somebody who believes that?"

"Unfortunately there are a lot of people around like Potter who don't use their brains and are too lazy to question current beliefs."

One of the girls suddenly noticed Lily's ring and asked, "Are you engaged to Severus?"

"Yes," Lily replied with a smile. The girls surrounded Lily and started to ooh and aah over her ring and ask questions about when they were going to get married and if she had picked out her wedding gown yet. That kept the majority occupied until Severus pointed out they had better change into their school robes as they would be arriving in Hogsmeade shortly. When the train pulled into the station, Severus and Lily found their charges an empty carriage they could share. A couple of other frantic looking other first years were looking around for a carriage so Severus suggested they ride with Paul and the other first years. Severus and Lily went to look for a carriage and fortunately Alice was keeping an eye out for them and yelled at them from a carriage parked further up. Severus helped Lily get in then climbed in after her. "Leave it to Potter to be a pain in the arse the first day back," Severus growled. "I wonder if he'll ever grow up."

"Potter isn't growing up, he's actually de-aging. He acts like a third or fourth year." Lily said.

Professor McGonagall was waiting in the Entrance Hall as they came in. Severus walked past with Lily, but turned to see McGonagall grab Potter and Pettigrew and strong-arm them up the main staircase. Presumably they were going to her office.

"I gather Aries must have reached McGonagall," Severus remarked.

"I hope she gives them two weeks' worth of detention cleaning the bathrooms without magic!" Lily snapped. "They're a disgrace to not only Gryffindor house, but to Hogwarts in general."

Severus and Lily walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Underneath the table Lily held tightly to Severus' hand. Shortly after the food appeared on the table, Professor McGonagall entered the room followed by James and Peter. They slouched over to the Gryffindor table and sat down in their usual places next to Sirius. They both glared at Severus.

"Looks like somebody got their heads handed to them on a platter," Alice murmured.

Once the desserts vanished from the table. Dumbledore got up. "I have one announcement to make before we all retire to our warm, cozy beds. Apparition lessons will begin this coming Saturday. Anyone who will be seventeen by August 31 is eligible to take the lessons. The lessons will be held here in the Great Hall. Mr. Wilkie Twycross will be your instructor. There is a notice posted for further details on the bulletin boards of every house. Goodnight and sleep well so you can begin lessons tomorrow bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."

"Not likely," Severus muttered. He definitely was not looking forward to sleeping alone again.

"Sev, I don't want to leave you," Lily said burying her face in Severus' robe.

"Me either, Lily," He said. He got to his feet and helped her up. They walked as slowly as possible to the main staircase and lingered there until everybody else had gone up then Severus gave Lily a passionate kiss. They spent several moments kissing then he reluctantly let go of her. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

She nodded and after one last lingering kiss, started up the stairs towards the seventh floor. Severus reluctantly went down to the Dungeon. He went to his room. Paul was already undressed and in bed. "Goodnight, Sev and thanks for helping us on the train."

"No problem, Paul. Goodnight." He took off his robe and hung it up. He was strongly tempted to put his wedding ring on again at least for the night, but thought he'd better not just in case he had to get up during the night for some reason. There was a knock on the door and he opened it to find Professor Slughorn standing outside. "Oho Severus! I hear we had some unpleasantness on the train; older students hexing first years. I understand you and Miss Evans helped calm the first years afterwards. I want to thank you for helping out your housemates."

"No problem, Professor. I'll see you in class tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my boy."

Severus finished getting undressed and got into bed. He doused the light then cast a silencing charm around his bed suspecting he was going to be tossing and turning and he didn't want to keep Paul awake. He lay awake staring up at the canopy. He missed feeling Lily next him, missed the sound of her soft breathing and most of all missed making love to her. Suddenly there was a flash and a roll of parchment tied with a red ribbon appeared hovering in the air over him. He reached up, grabbed it out of the air, untied, and unrolled it. It was as he suspected from Lily. He shook his head. She was brilliant at Charms. He certainly would never have been able to do something like this. He wrote a quick reply and followed her directions for sending it back to her. They continued communicating by this method for over two hours until Severus suggested that they both should try to get some sleep so they wouldn't be falling asleep in their classes tomorrow. He did sleep for about two hours then woke up at 6:30. Deciding it wasn't worth it to try and get more sleep; he got up, took a shower, and got dressed. He grabbed his book bag and left the dungeon, stopping first in the kitchen to ask if the elves could brew him a pot of the strongest tea they had and bring it to the Great Hall. He stepped out of the kitchen, looked carefully up and down the hallway, listened, and then walking at a hurried pace to the stairs and up to the Entrance Hall. He took a deep, realizing his heart was racing. He walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. He got out his Charms textbook intent on re-reading that day's lesson about the spell Aguamenti. There was a sudden pop and Cissy appeared holding a tray with a teapot, two cups, and a stack of toast. "Here is your tea, Mr. Severus. We elves is glad to see you is back and not hurt anymore."

"Thank you, Cissy, and thank you as always for your always excellent service." Severus smiled.

"You is welcome, Mr. Severus." She replied with a slight bow and a flap of her ears. "We is making breakfast so Cissy must get back to the kitchen now." With a pop she was gone again.

Severus poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and his eyes practically bulged. Now that was strong tea! He took a slice of toast, bit off the corner and took another sip of tea. Suddenly he heard light footsteps hurrying towards him and immediately recognized them as belonging to Lily. He turned and Lily flung herself into his lap. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him passionately. "I missed you so much last night, Sev." She looked at him closely. "How much sleep did you get?"

"About two or three hours, I guess. How did you know where I was?"

Lily grinned, sliding off his lap and onto the bench beside him. "I used the map I snitched from Potter." She snuggled under Severus arm and buried her face in his robe. "I missed you so much last night, Sev. I didn't think it would be this hard."

"Me either, but your messages helped. That was brilliant, by the way."

"Thank you. I've been working on it for awhile, and finally found the right combination of charms last night."

"Do you want a cup of tea or some toast?"

Lily shook her head. "I just want to stay like this."

Severus continued reading the lesson, sipping tea and eating toast while gently rubbing Lily's back as he read. "We need to stop in the hospital and see what medicinals Madam Pomfrey needs." He remarked.

"We can do it after Arithmancy."

"I'm thinking we can do something else after Arithmancy also," Severus said raising an eyebrow at Lily. "Since our free period is before lunch we have more time since it won't matter if we're late for lunch."

She giggled and sat up again. "I'm looking forward to it, Sev. All I could think about last night was making love to you."

"Me, too, Lily," Severus sighed. They heard voices outside the Great Hall and broke apart, straightening up any mussed clothing. The students began wondering in and the house tables began to fill up. Severus was pleased to see Paul and some of his friends from other houses were sitting at the Slytherin table. He looked over the table, but didn't see any of the Idiots for Riddle. He saw Crabbe and Goyle, but he suspected they wouldn't miss a meal no matter what the circumstances.

Frank and Alice came in and sat down. "Remus isn't feeling well and isn't going to come to class today. He asked me to ask if you would take notes for him, Sev. He says you take the best notes in the class."

"Be happy to, Frank." Severus knew the full moon was tomorrow night and Remus needed all the rest he could manage.

"Did you hear what Potter and Pettigrew got for detention?" Alice asked Frank.

"Yes. Potter was complaining all night to whomever would listen how unfair it was and how it was all Sev's fault."

"My fault?" Severus said angrily. "I wasn't the arsehole hexing first years!"

"He blames you for breaking up their fun." Frank said. "McGonagall's assigned them to work in the hospital when Madam Pomfrey needs help and without magic. The catch is the wizard flu season is coming up and you know how many students get sick with it so they're going to be cleaning out a lot of bedpans without magic."

"Serves them right!" Lily retorted.

Alice had grabbed Lily's hand and was studying her engagement ring. "You certainly have good taste in jewelry, Sev," She complimented.

"Thanks, but I can't take credit for it. It was mum's ring. She was given it when she was officially betrothed when she was seventeen. There's also a wedding band. Her parents obviously didn't take it back when she broke the betrothal and they disowned her. She said every Prince bride has worn it, but I don't really know how old it is."

"You'll be seventeen in less than a week, Sev, right?" Frank asked.

Severus nodded and Frank continued, "Mum thinks the chance that you could inherit your grandfather's estate is pretty good. Not much is known about it. She says your grandfather played his cards close to the vest, but it's rumored to be considerable."

Severus shrugged and said, "I suppose anything's possible, but I'm really not expecting it. I mean it'd be great, but I just don't see it happening."

They all got up to go to Charms. Severus and Lily sat in their usual places in the front row. Lily held Severus' hand in her lap. James and Sirius came in and sat down behind them. "Hey Evans?" Potter called. "Want to go to the Quidditch match with me and hopefully watch Slytherin get their arses kicked?"

"No, Potter, I do not," Lily said.

Professor Flitwick came into the classroom cutting off further conversation. He climbed on top of his desk so everybody could see and hear him. "Today we're going to be learning how to cast the Aguamenti charm. If you did the assigned reading this spell should present no problem for you. Everybody has a bucket by their chair so if you would please aim for that rather than the floor. Mr. Snape, would you please start."

Severus stood up without realizing Lily still had hold of his hand. Professor Flitwick glanced over, cleared his throat, and squeaked, "Miss Evans, you'll need to let go of Mr. Snape's wand hand so he can do the charm."

Lily blushed bright red, let go of Severus' hand and muttered an apology, "Sorry, Professor."

Severus picked up his wand, pointed it at the bucket, and said clearly, "Aguamenti!" His bucket filled with water.

"Excellent, Mr. Snape. Ten points to Slytherin," Professor Flitwick said.

'Miss Evans, you're next." Lily stood up, pointed her wand at the bucket, and said, "Aguamenti!" She watched as her bucket filled with water. She sat back down next to Severus.

"Well done, Miss Evans! Ten points to Gryffindor," Professor Flitwick called. He looked over at James and Sirius. "How about you show us what you can do, Mr. Potter."

James stood up, but instead of following directions and pointing his wand at his bucket, he held it up in the air, and yelled, "Aguamenti!" A jet of water came out of his wand drenching Severus who turned around, glared at James and yelled, "You moron!"

Lily angrily jumped to her feet. "You did that on purpose, Potter, you toerag!" She quickly cast a drying spell over Severus.

James put on his best innocent look. "It was an accident, Evans. My magic is so strong sometimes I have trouble controlling it." He looked around the classroom and shrugged. "Hey, everybody will be relieved to know Snivellus has had at least one shower this week."

Nobody laughed and Professor Flitwick said. "Thirty points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter! Ten for not following my instructions, ten for deliberately drenching, Mr. Snape, and ten for not having proper control of your magic."

All the Gryffindors groaned. James was forever losing them points they were unable to gain back. He lost them the ten points Lily had gained for them plus twenty others. The thirty points Alice, Frank and Sirius might gain them only put them back to where they were originally, not ahead.

"Prongs, you need to give up on Evans. It's obvious to me that she and Snape must have shagged over Christmas," Sirius said in a serious tone of voice as they walked to Transfiguration.

"How do you know that, Padfoot?" James demanded.

"You saw the way Evans had hold of Snape's hand so that Flitwick had to ask her to let go of it. When you shag them, girls always get real clingy and they've got to constantly have hold of you."

"I don't believe Evans would shag Snivvy. He'd have to Imperious her and rape her."

"Have it your way, Prongs," Sirius replied shrugging.

James couldn't believe Lily would shag that greasy, You-Know-Who supporter. She had to know she'd be labeled a Slytherin whore by her housemates and lose their trust and support. He knew she wanted to be named Head Girl next year and shagging Snivellus would definitely put a spoke in that wheel! He decided to use his Invisibility cloak and find out what Snivellus was doing. If he could catch him doing something dark and illegal he would be expelled and Lily would want nothing more to do with him, leaving the door open for him.

Chapter 29

Severus woke the morning of his 17th birthday to find a small pile of presents on top of his trunk at the foot of his bed. He opened his mum's gift first. It was a pocket watch, the traditional present for a wizard turning seventeen. He read the note his mum had sent with it. Apparently, she had discovered it in her vault and the documents that accompanied it claimed the watch had once belonged to the American Muggle President, Abraham Lincoln. It had been given to him as a gift by one of one of his trusted advisors who had been a wizard. When Lincoln was assassinated, the watch was returned to the advisor and was passed down in the family until they died out in the early 19th century. The watch was then returned to his British relatives, one of whom had been married to a Prince.

"Wow," Severus said, reverently holding the watch in his cupped palms. He carefully laid it on top of his desk and opened his other presents. He gotten a lunascope from Hal, a warm, mocha-colored cable knit jumper from Rose, a book titled, Water Plants of the Scottish Highlands from Petunia, and another book titled, Advanced Occlumency and Ligilimency from Robert. Severus locked the book on Occlumency and Ligilimency in his trunk, just in case the Idiots for Riddle ever got through his wards. He got up, took a long leisurely shower, washed his hair and completed his other morning ablutions. He dressed in black jeans, the mocha jumper Rose had given him, and his dragonskin boots. Lastly, he attached the chain of his pocket watch securely to his belt loop and slid the watch into his pocket. He made his way upstairs to the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor table.

"Happy Birthday, Sev!" Paul called from the Hufflepuff table where he was seated this morning.

"Thanks, Paul," Severus said, waving at him.

Lily, Alice, Frank, Remus, and Missy were already seated at the table. Liam was there also. Lily jumped up when she saw him and gave him a passionate kiss. Her action was greeted by loud clapping and whistles and a loud gagging sound, presumably from Potter. Lily returned his rudeness with a rude hand gesture of her own. "Toerag!" She muttered.

Severus sat down and showed Lily his watch and told her the story about the watch. "Just think one of the greatest Muggle American presidents checked the time on this watch during one of the most turbulent periods in American history."

Lily smiled. She knew Severus loved history. He'd had their History of Magic textbook finished before they even left for Hogwarts.

Severus grinned and filled his plate with eggs, bacon, bangers and poured himself a cup of tea. "So, is everybody ready to begin apparition lessons today?"

Frank made a face. "I've done side-along with mum and I definitely prefer a broom."

"I've done side-along with my parents and I felt like crap. It felt as if I were being squeezed through a too tight tube," Alice complained. "And I felt nauseous when I landed."

"Eileen took me by side-along for the first time recently and I felt awfully nauseous afterwards, too. She had to give me a potion," Lily said.

"It's not a pleasant feeling at all," Severus agreed.

"Maybe, it gets better the more you do it," Remus speculated.

"It does," Liam confirmed with a nod of his head. "It becomes more comfortable as you do it more."

The sudden screech of owls suddenly filled the hall. An owl flew over to the Gryffindor table and landed in front of Severus, carrying a familiar crčme-colored envelope. Severus took the envelope from it and gave it a strip of bacon before it flew out again. He carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. As he opened the letter, two other envelopes slid out of it. Both were addressed to him. He read the letter, laid it down then opened and read the other two letters. He found it impossible to talk for a few minutes.

"What is it, Sev?" Lily asked softly, seeing his expression.

"You inherited the Prince Trust, didn't you?" Frank asked, recognizing the distinctive Gringotts' envelope.

Severus handed Lily the three letters to read and nodded. "But there were also two letters written by my grandparents to be given to me on my 17th birthday. I didn't think they even knew who I was." It was one thing to talk to their portraits, but quite another to receive letters that were written while they were alive.

At the other end of the table, Sirius leaned back and smirked at James. "Looks as if your old man was wrong, Prongs, because that sure as hell looked like a Gringotts envelope to me."

"So what, Padfoot?" James said. "It could have been a letter telling him his grandfather didn't leave him anything or just left him a Galleon."

"I don't get you, Prongs," Sirius complained. "It's not like Evans suddenly decided to take up with him because he's rich now. She's been with him all along even when he was dirt poor."

"He's not as wealthy as us," James bragged. "After all the Potters have eight vaults and your family has ten."

"Yeah, but the Princes are much older than either our families so they probably have a considerable fortune," Sirius pointed out. He sneered. "My dear old mum once said they could trace their roots clear back to Merlin."

"And they've all been dirty snakes for centuries," James spat.

"Not all," Sirius disagreed. "I think there's been an occasional Ravenclaw, too. I remember mum saying a lot of Potion Masters, Herbologists and Healers came out of the Prince family."

"Yeah, well, Snivellus will be making potions for You-Know-Who. That's really something to be proud of."

Sirius shrugged and went back to eating. "Whatever, Prongs."

Severus, Lily, and Remus spent the morning brewing the most urgently needed potions for Madam Pomfrey. It was four days after the full moon, but Remus was still looking rough. Severus knew that Potter, Black, And Pettigrew were still keeping him company during his transformations even though he no longer hung out with the Marauders. He could respect them for their loyalty to Remus, if for no other reason.

As Severus, Lily and Remus were coming into the Great Hall for lunch, Severus was stopped by Dumbledore. "Severus, may I see you in my office after lunch?"

"Yes, Sir, I'll come up to your office as soon as I finish eating."

"All right, my boy. The password is licorice wands."

Severus continued on and walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Lily.

"What did Dumbledore want, Sev?" Lily asked softly.

Severus shrugged. "I don't know, Lily. He just asked me to come to his office after lunch, but he didn't say what he wanted."

Lily looked a bit worried so he leaned down and said, "If it had anything to with that, he'd ask to see both of us."

Lily nodded, but was still biting her lower lip, something she did when she was worried or fretting.

They finished lunch. "I go up and see Dumbledore and I'll meet you in the library afterwards," Severus said. He, Lily, Remus, and Missy were planning to study Ancient Runes and Arithmancy together as they were all taking the classes.

"Okay, Sev, I'll see you in a bit then," Lily replied, giving him a quick kiss.

Severus gave the Gargoyle the password and it moved aside. He knocked on the Dumbledore's office door a few minutes later. "Come in, Severus," Dumbledore called.

Severus came in and Dumbledore motioned him to one of the chairs in front of the desk. Severus sat down and looked around him. The office was huge and there was a second level that appeared to be built of books. Shelves held all kinds of trinkets whose function he didn't even want to guess at and the walls were covered with the portraits of former headmasters and headmistresses snoozing in their frames, but Severus spotted half open eyes on some of them. The large windows gave a lot of light to the office. Severus glanced at Dumbledore's Phoenix familiar, Fawkes, who was also snoozing on his perch behind Dumbledore's desk.


Severus pulled his attention back to Dumbledore, his face flushing a bit at being caught looking about the office, but Dumbledore chuckled and said, "People always seem to find my office so fascinating." He steepled his fingertips and said, "First, I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Secondly, I'd like to congratulate you on inheriting the Prince Trust."

"It was really a shock when the owl came with the letter from Gringotts on Christmas morning," Severus admitted then shrugged. "I had never given any thought to it because I knew mum had been disowned and usually it includes any heirs."

"Your grandfather did realize he'd done a terrible thing, disowning Eileen," Dumbledore sighed. "I offered many times to broker a rapprochement between Tiberius and your mum, but he felt what he had done was unforgiveable."

"Mum would have forgiven him," Severus stated.

"That's what I told him, more than once, but he clung to his belief that your mum couldn't possibly forgive him for what he'd done," Dumbledore replied. "However, he was always very interested in you and contacted me regularly about you, Severus. He was very pleased and proud when I told him you were at the top of your year and had been since you started Hogwarts."

Severus expression darkened for a moment. He'd bet his last Galleon that Dumbledore hadn't told his grandfather how he'd allowed the Marauders to bully him, but threw off his dark thoughts and asked, "When was that?"

"It was just before the holidays your fourth year. Tiberius passed on after Christmas that year and your grandmother, Audra, followed him shortly afterwards. They were very much in love rather like you and Lily." Dumbledore suddenly gave Severus a piercing look. "Do you recall a couple of months ago, when you asked me if I had put together a group to fight Riddle or was planning to?"

Severus nodded. "Yes. I figured you probably had, but you were keeping it a secret so as not to put the members or their families in danger from Riddle or his goons."

"That's correct, and since you've reached your majority today, I'm offering you membership in the Order of the Phoenix. You're a very powerful and talented wizard, Severus, and you would be of great use in the Order. You would not, however take part in any active missions until after you graduate."

"I can't give you my answer without talking to Lily first," Severus said

"Yes, of course. I will be making the same offer to Lily in a matter of weeks, but please do not say anything to her in the meantime."

Severus agreed and left Dumbledore's office. He went to his room in the Dungeon, got his book bag and went to the library. He found Lily, Remus, and Missy studying at a table in a secluded corner of the library. He slid into the chair next to Lily and opened his Ancient Runes textbook.

"What did Dumbledore want, Sev?" Lily asked. She spoke softly so as not to attract Madam Pince's attention in case she was lurking around somewhere nearby.

"He wished me a happy birthday and congratulated me on inheriting the Prince Trust. He told me about my grandparents …" Severus stopped talking abruptly when he spotted Madam Prince. He waited until she'd moved away again then continued. "I'll tell you more about it later."

They studied until it was time to go to the Great Hall for their first apparition lesson. Missy and Remus walked ahead of Severus and Lily, talking excitedly. Lily swallowed nervously. "I wish I didn't feel so nervous about learning to apparate."

"You'll do fine, Lily. After all, you're the brightest witch in our year," Severus encouraged her.

They walked into the Great Hall to see the house tables were gone and there were rows of hoops laid out, each row about two feet apart and the hoops were about a foot apart from the one on either side of it.

"Please come in and take a position in front of one of the hoops," A small, thin man who looked as if gentle breeze could blow him away. He was oddly colorless as if he left some of himself behind every time he apparated. "I'm Wilkie Twycross and I'll be your apparition instructor for the next twelve weeks. Once everybody was standing in front of a hoop, Twycross lectured for twenty minutes about the three D's, destination, deliberation, and determination. "Headmaster Dumbledore has temporarily lifted the anti-apparition restrictions on this room alone so we may practice apparating. Now, I would like everyone to try to apparate into the hoop in front of you. On the count of three … one, two, three."

Nobody was able to do it on the first try or the second try, but Severus and Missy were able to do it on the third try as did Rosmerta, but unfortunately she left one of her eyebrows behind so Twycross did not consider hers a successful apparition and gave them another lecture about the importance of the three D's. On the fourth try, Lily, Alice, Frank, Remus, Chea and Amos were successful in apparating into their hoops. Twycross dismissed them, advising them to continue practicing the 3 D's.

Lily had said that she and Alice had something they needed to do and she would see him at dinner. Severus decided to spend the time until dinner, finishing up his assignments that were due in the early part of the coming week. He and Lily were planning on spending the entire day tomorrow in the Room of Requirement. He was re-reading his Transfiguration essay before meeting Lily upstairs when he was interrupted by a knock on his door. He opened and was surprised to see Lily and Paul standing in the hallway. "We're here to escort you to dinner, Sev," Paul said.

"But you need to put on this first," Lily added, handing him a blindfold.

Severus hated not being able to see, but tied the blindfold on because Lily asked him to, and set off out of his room with Lily and Paul guiding him. "I hope all the firsties have gone to dinner. I don't want them thinking something weird is going on."

"They've all gone to dinner," Paul assured him.

They led him out of Slytherin's entrance then turned and led him down another corridor into what he guessed was the corridor where the classrooms were located because it was much colder there, for some reason, than the rest of the Dungeon.

Lily opened the door to one of the unused classrooms and they led Severus into it. All their friends and Professor Slughorn were waiting and as Lily quietly shut the door they all yelled, "Surprise!"

Severus pulled off the blindfold, blinking in the light of the room. It was decorated with silver and green streamers and balloons. Lily cast a charm over the door to prevent anybody from ruining the party by throwing dungbombs and stink pellets into the room.

Cissy and Blinky popped in, carrying platters of roast chicken, already sliced. Other of the kitchen elves followed, carrying bowls of roasted potatoes, thick gravy, vegetables, and freshly baked rolls. Severus was glad to see they had brought more than one roast chicken as Professor Slughorn could polish off one all by himself. In addition to Professor Slughorn and Paul, the other guests included Frank, Alice, Remus, Missy, Chea, Amos and Liam. Everybody sat down to eat at the table that was covered by a green tablecloth with silver trimming. Bowls of food were passed up and down the table until everyone had filled their plates. "There's birthday cake, too, so save room for that," Lily said cheekily as she looked at Professor Slughorn who had at least half of one of the chickens on his plate.

He wiped his lips with his napkin and replied, "I always have room for birthday cake, Miss Evans."

Upstairs in the Great Hall, James was sulking as he stared down at the end of the table where Lily, Remus, Frank, and Alice usually sat. "I tried to get Remus to tell me where Snivellus' party was being held, but he claimed he didn't know. He said Lily wasn't going to let him know until right before the party."

"That's probably because she didn't want anybody throwing dungbombs and stink pellets in the door and ruining the party," Sirius commented wryly. "That's what you and Peter were planning to do, wasn't it?"

James shrugged. "Compared to how bad Snivellus normally smells a dungbomb tossed into the room would be a breath of fresh air."

Sirius glanced over at Peter who was busy shoveling food into his mouth and slopping it down the front of him as he ate. He made a face. "Speaking of bad hygiene, I think one of us is gonna to have to forcefully throw Wormtail into the shower. Our dorm's becoming really smelly! I don't think he's showered or put his clothes out for the laundry elves since we've been back. I'm giving serious consideration to putting some sort of clamp on my nose so I can't smell him since his bed is right next to mine and I get it full force."

"Peter never bothered you before, Padfoot so what's your problem with him now?"

"No, it didn't bother me when we were eleven. If you don't want to do it, I'll do it alone or ask Moony to help me. I'm surprised him and Frank haven't complained about it yet."

James shrugged. "Do whatever you want, Padfoot. I'm not the one who has a problem with him."

"Fine!" Sirius muttered. "I'll get Remus to help me then."

When everybody was finished eating dinner, the elves banished the dishes to the kitchen then Cissy and Blinky brought in Severus' birthday cake. It had white frosting with 'Happy 17th Birthday Severus written on it in green frosting and big silver snakes decorated both sides.

Lily handed Severus a knife to cut the cake. He cut the first piece for himself then Lily and Alice took over cutting the rest of the cake. The inside was moist chocolate and tasted delicious.

"Okay," Lily called. "It's time for presents." She took Severus' hand and led him over to the table where a pile of presents awaited him. He sat down and opened Lily's first. When he saw the runic symbol on the cufflinks, he face flushed a bit, but he was secretly thrilled at how Lily thought of him. "Thanks, Lily. I love them," Severus said, giving her a quick kiss. The rest of his gifts consisted of two books on defense from Remus and Frank, a cobalt blue jumper from Missy who grinned and said, "Lily mentioned how she and her mum have been trying to wean you away from wearing black all the time. This is a dark color, but it's bright, too." He also got a bottle of green ink from Paul, a book on Wizard's Chess from Liam who knew Petunia had given him a set for Christmas, Honeydukes chocolate from Chea and Amos, and an unusual plant from Alice who explained, "It's a Siamese Sipapodd. My mum grows them."

"I've read about them, but I've never seen one until now. They're the main ingredient in a lot of nutritive potions as I recall. Thanks, Alice." Severus decided he would ask Professor Sprout if he could keep it in the greenhouse as there was no sunlight to be had in the Dungeon. He looked up from admiring the plant and said, "Thank you all for this fantastic party and all your gifts."

"Do you want us stay and help you clean up?" Alice asked.

'No, go on ahead. Sev and I can handle things," Lily replied. "I'll see you back in the common room."

After everybody had left, Severus and Lily returned the room to its former appearance. Severus suddenly swept Lily into his arms and kissed her. "Thank you for the cufflinks. I really love them and for this wonderful party." After snogging for a few minutes more, they broke apart. Severus shrank his presents and stuck them in his pockets. He escorted Lily upstairs and stopped where the Fat Lady couldn't see them. Severus gave Lily one final passionate kiss and said. "I'll meet you by our secret place tomorrow morning at six."

Lily nodded and whispered. "I can't wait. I probably won't be able to hardly sleep." She waved at him then walked over to the portrait, gave the password and stepped inside. She walked into the common room to find Frank and Alice snogging and screams coming from what sounded like the sixth year boy's dorm. "What in Merlin's name is going on up there? I hope that isn't Potter hexing somebody."

Frank and Alice stopped snogging; Alice was blushing. "That's just Pettigrew. Black finally decided he was getting too smelly and needed a shower. Potter wouldn't help him so he enlisted Remus' help," Frank explained. "Black's bed is right next to Pettigrew's so he gets the full effect. Remus and my bed's are on the other side of the room so while we can still smell him, it's not as bad as what Black probably gets."

"I'm glad they're doing something about him because he does stink!" Lily exclaimed. "I feel sorry for the people who have to sit by him at meals. I don't know how they can eat without getting sick."

"The way he eats too!" Alice replied making a face. "Shoveling food into his mouth and dripping it all down the front of him! Eww!"

"Anything they can do will certainly be a welcome improvement."

Severus hurried down to Slytherin House. He had a few minutes yet before curfew, but he always tried to get in before then in order to set a good example for the younger children. He gave the password to the gargoyle and went inside. Unfortunately, Avery, Wilkes, Rosier, and the Lestranges were seated in the common room. Avery looked at Severus and sneered, "Did your Mudblood whore give you a nice birthday party, Snape?" He got up and moved towards Severus. "The Dark Lord's going to give you an even better one. He ordered us to bring you to him tonight. He doesn't care that you're only a Half-blood. He willing to overlook that for your"

The rest of the Idiots for Riddle got up and Severus found himself surrounded. He pulled out his wand and looked around him, trying to keep his eyes on all of them. "So, who wants to die first?" He glanced at the couch, pointed his wand at it and thought, 'Sectumsempra' then made a slashing motion with his wand. A huge tear suddenly appeared in the couch and the stuffing spilled out.

Avery's eyes practically popped out of his head and the rest of them had their mouths hanging open.

"Severus twirled his wand around then pointed it at Avery. "I could take your hand off or your entire arm …even your head and watch with pleasure while you bleed out. So, who wants to be first?"

"There's five of us and only one of you," Avery growled.

"That doesn't mean I won't kill a couple of you before you get me," Severus said silkily. "Maybe, I can get all five of you. Care to see?"

"I didn't join the Dark Lord to die at sixteen," Severus heard Rodolphus hiss to Avery.

Severus shook his head. "Tommy boy's going to be so disappointed when he hears you aren't willing to die for him, Lestrange. He'll probably want to Crucio you to death."

"This isn't over, Snape," Avery threatened as they left the room.

Chapter 30

Severus rolled off Lily and propped his head up on his arm. "I was thinking last night that maybe we could look for a house this summer."

"Where were you thinking we could look?" Lily asked, sitting up and pushing her damp and by now, very curly hair out of her face.

"I was thinking London since we'll both be working at St. Mungo's eventually unless you want to stay in Manchester or live in one of the wizarding communities."

"While we wouldn't have to be careful about using magic like we do in a Muggle neighborhood, wizarding communities are usually small and I suspect everybody knows or wants to know everybody else's business."

Severus chuckled and pulled her close to him. "I think you've been hanging around me to long, Lily."

"I don't fancy living in Hogsmeade or Ottery St. Catchpole. I know the Weasley's live there and I really liked Arthur and Molly when they were Gryffindor's seventh-year Prefects our first year until they started telling me I shouldn't be friends with you because you'd been sorted into Slytherin and all Slytherins were evil and untrustworthy."

Severus snorted. "The Prewett's and the Weasley's have been in Gryffindor and only Gryffindor as far back as anybody can remember. I suppose those dunderheads don't have any other frame of reference. At least my family has had an occasional Ravenclaw to add a different point of view to things."

Lily made a face. "And I definitely do not want to live in Godric's Hallow because that's where idiot, toerag Potter lives."

"I agree since I don't fancy getting my arse hexed every time I step out to tend my garden," Severus said. "Manchester would be okay, too, since we can floo to St. Mungo's. We can look at houses around Manchester if you like."

"Yes, but I'd love to live in London, Sev. There's so much to see and do!" Lily said, her face alight. "Were you thinking of any place in particular in London?"

Severus grinned. "Actually, I was thinking of Cheyne Walk in Chelsea."

"And of course it doesn't hurt that two of the Rolling Stones live there, too," Lily teased.

Severus lay back with his arms tucked under his head. "Yes, just imagine inviting Mick and Keith over for a cuppa."

Lily snorted. "From what I've heard, Keith would want more than just a cuppa."

"We can look at other sections of London, too. I'd really like to see the Chelsea Physic Garden that was founded by the Society of Apothecaries in 1673 to teach their apprentices how to grow medicinal plants and learn their uses. Of course, they were actually wizards and Potion Masters, but the Muggles didn't know it."

"That fascinating, Sev. I'd love to see it, too."

Severus' stomach suddenly growled loudly and Lily giggled. "Sound as if somebody's hungry."

He smiled as he opened his pocket watch and looked at the time. "Well, it is almost eight o'clock."

"Should we go to the Great Hall for breakfast or stay up here and ask Blinky to bring us some breakfast?"

"I vote for staying up here, but we better get dressed before I call Blinky. I don't want to shock him."

"I imagine he's already been shocked if he's ever had to clean Potter's dorm. All the grubby underwear, jockstraps, and smelly socks laying all over not to mention Black's posters of barely-clad Muggle women," Lily said tartly.

Severus chuckled as quickly got dressed. Lily sounded quite indignant. He noticed that the room had gotten chilly while he and Lily were otherwise involved and levitated a couple more logs into the fireplace and cast an Incendio to get them burning. He sat down on the couch with his bare feet curled underneath him. Lily came around and sat down next to him. She was dressed in jeans, a colorful jumper and wore thick socks on her feet. "I made the bed so it doesn't look like we were doing what we were doing."

"Blinky?" Severus called.

Blinky popped into the room. "What can Blinky do for Mr. Severus?"

"Would you mind bring Miss Lily and me breakfast, Blinky. Whatever you're serving the rest of the students is fine."

"Blinky is happy to get breakfast for Mr. Severus and Miss Lily. He will be right back." A few minutes later he popped back in balancing a tray loaded with food and drink.

Severus took the tray from him. "Thank you very much, Blinky. Your service is always appreciated."

Blinky gave a small bow to acknowledge Severus' compliment then disappeared with another pop.

Lily looked over the tray of food. It held a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, bangers, plus a pitcher of orange juice, two glasses, and a pot of tea and two cups. "How does an elf the size of Blinky carry something this heavy?" Lily wondered aloud.

"I'd guess the elves are endowed with a special magic so they can carry heavy things like that. They're magic is a lot different than ours." Severus said.

Severus poured two glasses of orange juice, they filled their plates, and sat back to enjoy their meal. Lily suddenly started to giggle and Severus looked at her in confusion. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about last night."

"What happened last night?" Severus asked warily.

"Nothing bad, Sev," Lily assured him, putting her hand on his arm. "I walked into the common room and interrupted Alice and Frank snogging. There was all this screaming coming from the boy's dorm so I asked them what was going on. Frank said that Black had finally gotten fed up with Pettigrew's stench and enlisted Remus' help to give him a shower. Potter refused to help him. I guess Black's bed is closest to Pettigrew so he gets the full effect of his stench."

"Pettigrew does stink. I know that from first hand experience," Severus said, remembering their attack on him.

"Well, at least he doesn't stink today, but unless Remus and Black are going to make it a practice to regularly throw him in the shower, it probably won't last." Lily said, attempting to distract Severus.

Severus shook off his bad memories and smiled at Lily. "Probably not."

When they were finished eating, Severus sent the dishes back to the kitchen with a wave of his wand and poured the tea. The teapot was magical so the tea stayed hot and it refilled itself after the tea was poured. Severus fiddled with his tea cup then said, "Lily, there's something I need to tell you about last night."

"Okay," Lily said, taking a sip of her tea in order to calm herself.

"Last night when I returned to the common room, the Idiots for Riddle were waiting for me. Apparently, Riddle is spending the weekend at Malfoy Manor and they were planning to kidnap me and take me to him," Severus heard Lily gasp. "I thwarted their plans though. I showed them a spell I invented and told them I'd use it on them if they bothered me, you, our friends, or our families."

"What this spell, Sev?"

"It's one I invented to use on the three stooges to dissuade them from bullying me, but when I tried it out on a cloth dummy and saw what it did, I decided to use it only if I or somebody I loved was in danger of death."

"Can you show it to me?"

Severus nodded and motioned for Lily to get up from the couch. She got up and went to Severus' side. Severus pointed his wand at the couch and said, "Sectumsempra!" and made a slashing motion with his wand. A huge tear appeared on the couch and the stuffing hung out.

Lily gasped again and her hands went up to her face in shock as she imagined what kind of damage the spell could do to a human being. "Is there a counter-spell for it?"

"Yes, its Vulnera Curatio, but it needs to be chanted in order to heal the wounds and you need to wave your wand over the wound as you chant."

"How do you know all this, Sev?"

"In order for me to make sure the counter-spell worked, I had to cut and heal myself." He grimaced. "It wasn't fun either."

Oh Sev!" Lily exclaimed. "You should have never done that unsupervised. Suppose you hadn't been able to stop the bleeding?"

"I did though and I didn't want anybody to know I invented a spell that could probably be classified as another Unforgiveable." He repaired the couch and sat down. "The Idiots for Riddle don't know what spell I used as I did it non-verbally, but they certainly saw the effect of it. It did scare the crap out of them because they know I will use it. I really don't think they'll be bothering me again anytime soon."

Lily sat down beside him and took his hand. "Sev, I'm glad to know you've invented a spell that can protect you if you're ever surrounded by Death Eaters." She brushed back his hair from his face. "Now, tell me what Dumbledore said about your grandparents."

Severus related to her what Dumbledore had told him. "That does explain some of the thing they wrote in those letter that I didn't understand how they could know." Severus frowned. "I wish Dumbledore had thought to call me to his office so I could meet him, but maybe, it would have been too awkward."

"Are you going to tell Eileen about it?" Lily asked.

Severus sighed. "I haven't decided yet. On one hand, I think she'd want to know that her parents did forgive her, but at the same time I think she'd be upset that her father thought she'd never forgive him."

"I think she would want to know that her parents did forgive her because I don't know that they really gave her any indication of it when she was talking to their portraits and your grandfather did tell me that they learned the hard way that family was much more important than blood status."

"You're probably right. She'd want to know that she was forgiven and that my grandfather seems to have checked up on me fairly regularly."

"In the meantime," Lily said pulling him to his feet and leading him towards the bed. "I can think of something else we can do."

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Missy sat down next to Remus at lunch and across from Alice and Frank. She leaned over and asked, "So where are Lily and Sev? They weren't at breakfast either."

"Black thinks they're shagging, but Potter of course, is in denial," Frank said, rolling his eyes.

"So what if they are?" Alice said. "They are engaged after all."

"James still has his fantasy about Lily and him being the "golden couple." You know, the couple everybody adores, envies, and wants to be," Remus remarked. "No amount of reality can seem to dislodge it."

"I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I appreciate you and Black giving Pettigrew a wash last night. Our room definitely smells better," Frank said to Remus.

"We took all his clothes this morning and gave them to the laundry elves to wash, too." Remus chuckled. "In fact, Sirius had to shrink some of his own clothes to fit Peter so he wouldn't come down to breakfast naked. Sirius told Peter to keep the clothes. He doesn't want them back."

"Eww!" Alice exclaimed. "There's something I want to think about - a naked Pettigrew!"

"I wouldn't want them back either," Missy remarked, watching Peter eating.

Further up the table Sirius and James were arguing. "Will you give it a rest, Prongs? I don't give a bloody hoot what Snape and Evans are doing."

"Well, she's a Gryffindor. She shouldn't be hanging around that wanking Death Eater Slytherin."

"Well, if you want to tell Evans that, go ahead," Sirius snapped. "But don't say I didn't warn you when you can't sit on your broom for the next two weeks!"

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

Lily was sitting cross-legged on her bed when Alice came in after dinner. She plopped down on the bed next to Lily. "Where have you and Sev been hiding all day?"

Lily smiled. "In our special place." She stretched her arms above her head.

"Well, Black thinks you're shagging," Alice replied.

Lily looked around then cast the Muffliato charm around the bed. "We are making love, not shagging. I know a lot of people call it that, but that's not what Sev and I are doing."

Alice moved closer to Lily. "So what's it like?"

Lily blushed. "It's wonderful! Sev's a very good lover. He was so gentle and considerate the first time."

"I heard it hurts …you know, the first time." Alice said.

"It did, but only for an instant and then it replaced by much more intense feelings. What about you and Frank. You've been going together as long as Sev and I have."

Alice shook her head and sighed. "Frank's old-fashioned. He wants to wait until we're married. I hope we'll be engaged by next Christmas then we'll probably get married right after graduation because we both want to be married before we start Auror training."

"Sev wants to start summer classes at the College of Potions once we graduate. He thinks he can get his Mastery within two years."

"Well, he is brilliant. Too bad he didn't want to become an Auror. I'll bet he could've headed the department within ten years."

"I've got a four year program if I get accepted to the Healer program at St. Mungo's."

"If?" Alice scoffed. "You'll be accepted. You're the brightest witch in our year, Lily. They'd be crazy not to accept you."

"That's what Sev says, too, but because of Riddle, there's so much more prejudice against Muggleborns than there used to be."

"Frank heard rumors that Dumbledore's formed or is going to form a group to fight Riddle. His mum is always saying that Dumbledore is the only wizard Riddle is afraid of so why doesn't he go after him?"

"I wish somebody would. Everybody's just sitting back and letting Riddle grow more and more powerful." Lily said as they got ready for bed. "Before long the Ministry will probably offer to sign a peace treaty with him."

"It wouldn't surprise me a bit if that did happen," Alice replied as she noxed the lights.

The next three weeks went fast. Severus and Lily attended the Slytherin/Ravenclaw match and sat with Remus and Missy on the Ravenclaw side. Severus didn't pay much attention to the game as he was busy planning a surprise party for Lily the next weekend. He had asked Alice and Missy to help him with the planning and decorating. It would be held in the same unused Dungeon classroom where his party had been held.

Apparition lessons continued and by now, everyone could successfully apparate into their hoops, pleasing Mr. Twycross immensely. "I've never had a class before that was able to learn to apparate so quickly, but you must not get careless and forget the three D's - destination, determination and deliberation."

Lily came down to breakfast in the morning in a huff. "That idiot Potter keeps sending me flowers, candy and stuffed animals for my birthday. I've asked him to stop, but he just won't listen."

"Lily's gotten so many flowers, so much candy, and stuffed animals from him, we're running out of places to put them," Alice complained. "I mean I love flowers, but this is getting ridiculous."

"Sirius and I can have a word with him if you like," Remus offered.

"Lily shook her head. "It probably wouldn't do any good, but thanks."

"I'd offer to talk to Potter, but we'd probably end up hexing each other into the hospital wing and then detention," Severus said.

At the other end of the table, James was grumbling to Sirius. "Nothing I do impresses Evans. I figured I'd be shagging her by now instead of that wanker Snivellus.

"Maybe you should stop bothering her and move on," Sirius suggested.

James perked up. "Yeah, you're right, Mate. I'll just start ignoring her so she'll get jealous and want to be with me instead of Snivellus. Thanks for the suggestion, Padfoot."

Sirius' answer was to shake his head and roll his eyes.

Page Break ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Page Break

The evening of Lily's birthday party, Severus was adding the final touches to the party. The guests would begin arriving soon and Remus, Alice and Frank would be escorting Lily to the Dungeon shortly after that. He placed a vase of lavender colored flowers in the center of the table. He'd chosen that color because it represented femininity all grown up and sent a message of feminine beauty, grace, refinement and elegance. The rest of the room was decorated with red and gold streamers and balloons with Happy 17th Birthday printed on them. Lily's favorite meal was spaghetti and meatballs, with a fresh salad and garlic bread. Professor Slughorn arrived first, then Missy, Chea, Amos, Liam and Paul who took Severus aside. "I wanted to get something special for Lily because she's helped me so much with charms and Professor Flitwick is ever so pleased at how much I've improved. I asked my mum and she suggested barrettes. I found these unicorn barrettes in Diagon Alley over Christmas."

"Lily will love them, Paul," Severus assured him.

Lily came in blindfolded. "Surprise!" Everybody yelled. Severus took off her blindfold, escorted her to the head of the table and seated her. He threw a charm over the door to keep out anybody whose intent it was to spoil the party.

As at Severus' party, Cissy, Blinky and some of the other elves brought in platters of spaghetti and meatballs, big bowls of salad with Italian dressing, and plates of sliced garlic bread. Everybody dug in and thoroughly enjoyed the meal. Once the dishes were cleared, the elves bought in the cake. It a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting since Severus knew Lily loved chocolate. It had Happy 17th Birthday Lily written on it with red frosting and a real looking lion made out of frosting. Lily cut the first piece for herself then Alice and Missy took over cutting the rest of the cake.

"Okay, time for presents," Severus announced. He gave Lily his present first. She opened it and gasped when she saw the earrings and pendant that matched her engagement ring. "Oh Sev! They're beautiful! Thank you!" She said, giving him a kiss. Alice and Missy had gone together and gotten her different kinds of wizarding make-up. Unlike Muggle make-up, it didn't make your skin break out or age it. Frank and Remus had gotten her a charm bracelet with a lion and a snake charm on it. Liam had gotten her a book on the latest discoveries in healing. Lily opened Paul's gift. "I love them. Thank you, Paul." She gave him a hug that had him turning bright red. "The witch in the store where I bought them said they're charmed to keep your hair in place even if the winds blowing a hundred miles an hour."

"That's good because you know how hard the wind blows up here sometimes, Paul," Lily said.

Chea and Amos gave Lily a selection of Honeydukes chocolate since everyone knew how much Lily loved it.

"What are you going to do with all the stuff Potter gave you?" Alice asked. "All those boxes of chocolate, all the stuffed animals and flowers."

Chea looked upset. "Damn! Amos and I would have given you something else if we known that."

"But you gave me Honeydukes chocolate," Lily pointed out. "The kind Potter gave me is the fancy kind in boxes that cost ten Galleons per box. His inheritance isn't going to last long if he keeps spending it like that."

"I hate it when we have to play Gryffindor because that jerk is all over the pitch," Amos complained. He was Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff team.

"You're lucky you only have to play him once a year," Frank replied sourly. "I don't have that option."

"May I make a suggestion?" Slughorn asked. "I'm sure the Hogsmeade orphanage would be glad to accept these unwanted items."

"We can ask Professor Dumbledore at breakfast if we can take them down there tomorrow," Alice said.

Since it was getting close to curfew, everybody helped return to the classroom to it former state then left the Dungeon. Severus walked Lily back to Gryffindor Tower. They stood off the side where the Fat Lady couldn't see them. "So what did your parents and Tuney give you for your birthday?"

"Mum and Dad gave me a Crockpot and Tuney baked me some cookies. She gave me another gift, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see that," Lily said with a smirk.

"I look forward to it. What's this Crockpot thing?"

"It's a Muggle small appliance. Mum has one and she loves it. You put food in it in the morning and it slow cooks it all day so dinner's ready when you come home. I guess Mum and Dad think even I can't ruin a meal with that."

"Well, it will probably get a lot of use once we're living on our own." Severus leaned back against the wall. "I'm assuming Dumbledore invited you to join the Order of the Phoenix? He told me he was going to when he invited me. I told him I couldn't give him an answer until I talked it over with you."

Lily shook her head and bit her lip. "He did, but I don't know, Sev. It sounds awfully dangerous. We could be killed … or even worse, just one of us could be killed and I don't want to live without you." She said her eyes filling with tears

"I wouldn't want to live without you either …I couldn't." Severus said, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head

"I don't want any children we have end up orphans. What good does it do for them to hear their parents died as heroes?"

"Not a damn thing as far as I'm concerned," Severus replied. "Look, we don't have to make a decision on this right this instant. I think we need to think about it and discuss it more."

"I agree," Lily said, wiping her eyes. She smiled at him. "Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Right after we come back from taking all Potter's gifts to the orphanage."

"Sev, why can't we just spend the night together? We could be wake early and be back in our dorms before anybody realizes we weren't there all night."

"I would, but ever since I've gotten back, Slughorn's been doing a bed check and coming to my room just before curfew. I suppose he doesn't want mum on his arse if anything happens to me."

"Or me!" Lily declared.

Severus glanced at his watch. "I suppose I'd better get going before I'm late and he has all the professors out looking for me."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss. He watched as she gave the Fat Lady the password and disappeared into the common room then started back down to the Dungeon.

As Lily walked in she saw James slouched in one of the cushy chairs in front of the fireplace, reading one of Sirius' Quidditch magazines. He lowered it as Lily walked past. "Hey I hear Snivellus gave you earrings and a pendant to match your engagement ring. I hope you checked to make sure they weren't green glass and crystals since he'd probably already donated most of his fortune to You-Know-Who."

Lily whipped her wand out of the holster Severus had given her which she wore on her left forearm, and stuck it in his face. "You say one more word, Potter, and you won't be able to sit on your broom for a couple of weeks!" She stormed out of the room.

"You'll change your tune, Evans, when Snivellus shows his true colors and expects you to shag You-Know-Who. You'll be begging me to save you!"

"Go to hell, Potter, you arrogant arsehole!" Lily yelled back.

James threw down the magazine and got up. He swore a wizard's oath to himself that he was going to find some Death Eater dirt on Snivellus and make Lily realize what she was getting herself into. It was a good thing he still had his invisibility cloak even if Sirius, Remus or Peter had lost the Marauder's Map.


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