1) For each grade find number of people who earn salary in this grade.
1) select count(ename),grade from emp,salgrade where sal>=losal and
sal<=hisal group by grade;
2) Find people who earn the highest salary for their job and grade.
2) select distinct E1.empno,E1.ename,E1.sal,E1.job from EMP E1, SALGRADE S1
where E1.sal=(select max(E2.sal) from EMP E2
where E1.job=E2.job) order by E1.sal;
3) Show names, jobs and hire dates for all people employed in NEW YORK in 1984.
3) select ename, job, hiredate from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.hiredate like('1984')
and d.loc='NEW YORK';
4) Find all employees (personal number, name, profession and salary), who
earn more than the average salary for people with salaries in the second
grade. Display results order by salaries descending.
4) select empno,ename,job,sal from emp e where e.sal>(select avg(sal) from emp a, salgrade where grade=2 and a.sal>=losal and a.sal<=hisal) order by sal desc;
5) How many people earn more than the minimal salary for the department
located in DALLAS.
5) select count(empno) from EMP where sal>(select min(sal) from EMP where
deptno=(select D.deptno from DEPT D where D.loc='DALLAS'));
6) Find the number of people who don't supervises the others.
6) select count(*) from EMP M
where not exists ( select null from EMP E where E.mgr = M.empno );
7) For each manager find the total monthly income earned by his
subordinates. Display name of manager and the sum.
7) select A.ename, sum(B.sal) from EMP A, EMP B
where B.mgr=A.empno group by A.ename;
8) Find all people working as ANALISTS and employed before FORD.
8) select ename from emp where job='ANALYST'
and hiredate < (select hiredate from emp where ename='FORD');
9) Find all jobs which appear in department 10 but not in department 20.
9) select job from emp where deptno=10 MINUS
(select job from EMP where deptno=20) order by job;
10) For each job in each grade find the minimal yearly income.
Order results by incomes descending.
10) select min(12*E.sal+NVL(comm,0)),job,grade from EMP E, SALGRADE S where E.sal between S.losal and S.hisal group by E.job, S.grade
order by min(12*E.sal+NVL(E.comm,0)) desc;
1) Find all people working as CLERK and employed after ADAMS.
Display results ordered by hire dates.
1) select ename from EMP where job='CLERK' and hiredate>(select hiredate from EMP where ename='ADAMS');
2) Find all jobs which appear both in department 10 and in department 20.
2) select job from EMP where deptno=10 INTERSECT select job from EMP where deptno=20;
3) Find people who earn the lowest salary for their job and grade.
3) select distinct E1.empno,E1.ename,E1.sal,E1.job from EMP E1, SALGRADE S1
where E1.sal=(select min(E2.sal) from EMP E2
where E1.job=E2.job) order by E1.sal;
4) How many people earn less than the maximal salary for the department
located in NEW YORK
4) select count(empno) from EMP where sal<(select max(sal) from EMP where
deptno=(select D.deptno from DEPT D where D.loc='NEW YORK'));
5) For each manager find the number of his subordinate. Display name of
the manager and the number of people working under his supervision.
6) Find all employees (personal number, name, profession and salary),
who earn less than the average salary for people with salaries in the third
grade. Display results order by salaries ascending.
6) select empno,ename,job,sal from EMP where
sal<(select avg(sal) from EMP,SALGRADE where sal between losal and hisal
and grade=3) order by sal asc;
7) For each job in each grade find the average yearly incomes.
Order result by jobs.
7) select distinct job,avg(sal*12+NVL(comm,0)),grade from EMP,SALGRADE
where sal between losal and hisal
group by job,grade;
8) Display names, jobs and hire dates for all employees working in DALLAS.
Order results by names.
8) select ename,job,hiredate from EMP,DEPT where EMP.deptno=DEPT.deptno
and DEPT.loc='DALLAS' order by ename;
9) Show all values of salaries from the 3-rd grade earned by people from
Dallas (don't repeat the same values)
9) select distinct sal from EMP,DEPT,SALGRADE where sal between losal and hisal
and EMP.deptno=DEPT.deptno
and DEPT.loc='DALLAS'
and SALGRADE.grade>=3;
10) Find the number of people who don't supervise the others.
10) select count(*) from EMP M
where not exists ( select null from EMP E where E.mgr = M.empno );
1) Display all employees (personal number, name, profession and salary),
who earn more than the average salary for people with salaries in the grade 2.
1) select empno,ename,job,sal from EMP where
sal>(select avg(sal) from EMP,SALGRADE where sal between losal and hisal
and grade=2) order by sal;
2) How many people earn more than the minimal salary for the department located
2) select count(empno) from EMP where sal>(select min(sal) from EMP where
deptno=(select D.deptno from DEPT D where D.loc='DALLAS'));
3) For each grade find the number of people with salaries in this grade
(display the grade and the adequate number of people).
3) select grade, count(empno) from SALGRADE, EMP where
EMP.sal between SALGRADE.losal and SALGRADE.hisal group by grade;
4) Find people who earn the highest salary for their job and grade.
4) select distinct E1.empno,E1.ename,E1.sal,E1.job from EMP E1, SALGRADE S1
where E1.sal=(select max(E2.sal) from EMP E2
where E1.job=E2.job) order by E1.sal;
5) For each job find the person employed as the last one.
5) select A.job, A.ename from EMP A where A.hiredate=(select max(B.hiredate) from EMP B where A.job=B.job);
6) For each manager find his subordinates earning the lowest salary.
Show name of manager, name and salary of subordinate.
6) select distinct A.ename, B.sal, B.ename from EMP A, EMP B
where B.mgr=A.empno order by A.ename, B.sal;
7) Find minimal yearly income for each job in each department.
8) For each manager find the total yearly income earned by his subordinate.
Display name of manager and the sum.
8) select A.ename, sum(12*B.sal+NVL(B.comm,0)) from EMP A, EMP B
where B.mgr=A.empno group by A.ename;
9) Find all people working as ANALISTS and employed before FORD.
9) select ename from EMP where job='ANALYST' and hiredate<(select hiredate from EMP where ename='FORD');
10) Find number of people who don't supervise the others.
10) select count(*) from EMP M
where not exists ( select null from EMP E where E.mgr = M.empno );
1) Find all jobs which appear both in department 10 and in department 20.
Order results by jobs.
1) select job from EMP where deptno=10 INTERSECT
(select job from EMP where deptno=20) order by job;
2) Find people who earn the lowest salary for their job and grade.
2) select distinct E1.empno,E1.ename,E1.sal,E1.job from EMP E1, SALGRADE S1
where E1.sal=(select min(E2.sal) from EMP E2
where E1.job=E2.job) order by E1.sal;
3) How many people have been employed earlier than the one employed
as the last one in ACCOUNTING
3) select count(ename) from EMP where
hiredate<(select max(hiredate) from EMP where
deptno=(select deptno from DEPT where dname='ACCOUNTING'));
4) For each manager find the number of his subordinates. Display
name of the manager and the number of people working under his
supervision. Order by the number of subordinates descending.
5) Find all people working as CLERK and employed after ADAMS. Display
results ordered by hire dates.
5) select * from EMP where job='CLERK' and hiredate>(select hiredate from EMP
where ename='ADAMS') order by hiredate;
6) Display names, jobs and hire dates for all employees working in
DALLAS. Order results by names.
6) select ename,job,hiredate from EMP
where deptno=(select deptno from DEPT where loc='DALLAS') order by ename;
7) How many people earn less than the maximal salary for the department
located in NEW YORK.
7) select count(empno) from EMP where sal<(select max(sal) from EMP where
deptno=(select deptno from DEPT where loc='NEW YORK'));
8) Find the number of people who supervise the others.
8) select count(M.empno) from EMP M where exists
(select E.empno from EMP E where M.empno=E.mgr);
9) Find all employees (personal number name, profession and salary),
who earn less than the average salary for people with salaries in the
third grade. Display results order by salaries ascending.
9) select empno,ename,job,sal from EMP where sal<=(select AVG(sal)
from EMP where sal between(select losal from SALGRADE where grade=3) and
(select hisal from SALGRADE where grade=3)) order by sal;
10) For each job in each grade find the average yearly income. Order results by jobs.
10) select avg(12*E.sal+NVL(comm,0)),job,grade from EMP E, SALGRADE S where E.sal between S.losal and S.hisal group by E.job, S.grade
order by job;