The Trainer

The Trainer

Samantha Jones is a dog trainer from upstate New York who thinks she has it all, including a supportive boyfriend and a great career. On her way to New York City to compete at the famous Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show with her terrier, Alex, Samantha gets a breakup call from her boyfriend who lives in the city. Despite her heartbreak, Samantha decides to stay and try to win the competition in spite of her ex.

In cold mid-February New York, Samantha begins at the dog show with Alex and impresses the judges in the first round. She is riding high on fresh confidence despite the breakup. Her resolve is strong, but she is in a fragile emotional state.

It is at the dog show that Brody Crane, who is scouting for mascot dogs, notices Samantha. He is very impressed by Alex, but also can't take his eyes off the trainer. He makes a pretense of approaching Samantha about her dog and offers to take Samantha out to lunch at a fancy restaurant adjoining the club. Although he says it is strictly business, Samantha doesn't realize that. Surprised by the kindness of this stranger, Samantha goes with him. She finds him far more approachable than her boyfriend. Her fear of getting close to another person so soon begins to mount and she has more doubts about Brody.

Samantha enjoys lunch with Brody. She finds him both funny and genuine. For his part, Brody realizes right away that he can at least work with Samantha. He asks her if she is open to Alex becoming a mascot for the dog food company Brody works for. At this, Samantha becomes irritated with Brody. She thought he actually wanted to talk to her, but is now convinced that Brody only cares about his work. She says some pointed things to him and then leaves to go back to the show. After leaving, she is embarrassed at how she acted, but she tries to avoid Brody for the time being.

Brody resolves to do something to make the disastrous lunch up to Samantha.

Back at the show, Samantha and Alex continue to perform among the frontrunners. Brody watches them carefully, but Samantha thinks he only cares about his work and is still angry with him for what she sees as being misled. At the end of the first day of events, Samantha leaves Alex at the kennel in the contest building.

That evening, Samantha leaves the show and walks the block to her hotel. On the way, she runs into Brody who was waiting to see if she will talk to him. She is not receptive to his initial approach, but then he offers to buy her dinner. Samantha decides he might be more genuine than she'd earlier supposed and takes him up on the offer. They take a cab to one of Brody's favorite places in that part of town.

During dinner, they have a great conversation and Samantha warms up to Brody a lot until she thinks of her ex and how he had also seemed so supportive until his call that morning. Her sudden quietness makes Brody curious, and he tells her they don't need to talk if she doesn't want to talk. Then, very gently, he kisses her goodnight. She kisses him back at first, but her thoughts about her ex are too strong, so she apologizes to him for being so forward and for her standoffishness and asks for a ride back to her hotel.

Samantha meets Brody on the way to the dog show the next day and they walk the rest of the way there together. Samantha finds that she is becoming more and more at ease with Brody.

At the show, Samantha competes well with Alex throughout the day. She is more confident than ever, but she doesn't realize it is because of her time with Brody. She wins the best in show award and can't believe it. Brody approaches her after the show and asks if she has any plans for dinner that night. She is pleased but doesn't want to think she is actually falling so quickly for Brody even though he is so kind.

Samantha calls her sister between the show and dinner and tells her about the show. Her sister asks her about her ex, not knowing that they've broken up and Samantha tells her that the relationship is over and has been for some time, although she wouldn't admit it to herself. Samantha's tone shows that she is more pleased than sad. Her sister calls her on that, and asks who the lucky guy is. Samantha tells her she does not know what she is talking about. Her sister laughs and tells her she sounds like she already has a new guy. Samantha can't admit that she likes Brody.

Samantha and Brody spend more time together over the next week and are almost inseparable. One night, they go out to dinner at an even nicer restaurant than last time. She is impressed and has begun to feel very close to him. During dinner, he tells her that he thinks Alex would make a great mascot and she agrees. After the meal, they go back to Samantha's hotel room and this time they kiss for real. Samantha keeps her plan to go home the next day a secret from Brody. He calls his office and says he has found the perfect mascot.

Brody knows he cares a lot for Samantha and takes her to his office so she can sign Alex on as a mascot for his company. While in the lobby, an executive from the company runs into them and asks if Samantha is the trainer of the mascot. Brody tells him yes, she is, but Samantha begins to think once again that Brody has just been using her. The more she thinks about it, the more she becomes furious as he goes off to his meeting with the executives.

Samantha storms down to the bus stop for the trip home. Brody calls her while waiting for the meeting to start, but she ignores him. He realizes that she must be planning to leave the city, and rushes out of the office to follow her to the bus stop near her hotel. He catches up with her at the bus stop and tells her she needs to hear him out before she leaves. In tears, Samantha tells him it is obvious he only cares about his job. Brody is visibly upset and kisses her deeply in front of other people waiting for the bus. Samantha realizes he is missing his meeting to be here and tells him she is sorry. He says he knows, and that talk is overrated. Brody tells her he cares for her and he doesn't want to lose her and they kiss again.

Samantha calls home and tells her sister she shouldn't wait up for her, and for the best possible reason.


Chapter One

Samantha arrives in New York City for the dog show to compete and her boyfriend in town breaks up with her over the phone. She is heartbroken, but decides to stay in the city and try to win the show to prove the trip was worth making.

Chapter Two

Samantha goes to the dog show and shows very well in the first round. Brody is there to scout for a mascot among the dogs and though he notices Samantha's dog, he is also immediately drawn to Samantha herself. He decides he wants to get to know her and asks her out to lunch that day.

Chapter Three

Samantha and Brody share lunch. She finds him interesting, but is annoyed when she finds out he wants Alex to be a mascot, and wonders if he is just being fake with her so he can use her dog. Samantha goes back to the show and continues to do very well.

Chapter Four

Samantha runs into Brody on the way back to her hotel. He asks her to dinner. She reconsiders how she reacted to him and thinks he might be genuine and decides to go. At the restaurant, Samantha and Brody have a great conversation. Brody and Samantha go to the dog show together the next day. Samantha and Alex win best in show.

Chapter Five

Before dinner, she talks to her sister on the phone and tells her the relationship with her boyfriend is over and that it had been for some time. Her sister notices that she isn't distraught and suspects that she has already met someone. That night over dinner, Brody asks her if she would let Alex be a mascot for his firm. She tells him its fine, but she knows that she is beginning to see him as something more than just a business deal. They spend a lot of time together over the next week or so, growing closer.

Chapter Six

Samantha plans to go back home today, but doesn't tell Brody. He knows he is getting closer to her, but when he goes to tell her a marketing executive shows up and asks him if she's the owner of the mascot. The way Brody responds makes Samantha once again think that he's just been using her. She is furious as he heads off to his meeting with the executive.

Chapter Seven

Samantha tries to push Brody away because she thinks he only cared about her to get the marketing deal, so she heads for the bus stop going home, ignoring one of his phone calls. Brody guesses she is planning to leave the city and he skips out on his marketing meeting to catch her before she can. He drives to the bus stop and catches Samantha there. In tears, she tells him it is obvious he cares more about the money than her. Brody gets upset and kisses her. Samantha realizes he is missing his meeting to be here and tells him she is sorry. Brody tells her he just wants to be with her and they kiss again.


Samantha Jones

Age: 27 Height: 5, 6 Hair: Red Eyes: Brown

Family: Parents, sister, trained terrier Alex Occupation: Dog Trainer

Brody Crane

Age: 29 Height: 6, 1 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue

Family: Father only Occupation: Marketing Director


Samantha's home in upstate New York and New York City, over the time of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show which takes place over two days in mid February


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