ang sluchanie




NAME: ..................................................................................................................................

Task 1

Which of these statements are true and which are false?

1. Henry VIII had two wives. T F

2. Ann Boleyn was his second wife. T F

3. Ann Boleyn could not have any children. T F

4. She was arrested on 2 May 1546. T F

5. She had to die because the king wanted to marry again. T F

6. Her head was cut off. T F

7. Henry VIII kept Ann in the Bloody Tower for 80 days. T F

8. Sometimes you can see the ghost of Ann Boleyn wearing
a long white dress and a hat. T F

9. She sometimes appears without her head. T F

10. People think that she was innocent. T F

Task 2

Listen to the recording and circle the correct answers. Each recording will be played twice:

1. At weekends Adela:

a/ gets up at 8 o'clock.

b/ reads in bed until about 9 o'clock.

c/ starts her day fairly early.

2. Adela:

a/ always does a lot of housework.

b/ always does some washing and ironing.

c/ has a lot of housework when the quests arrive.

3. In her free time she:

a/ works for the local sport club.

b/ takes the dog for a walk.

c/ goes skiing.

4. In the evening Adela:

a/ visits her close friends.

b/ does what she wants.

c/ meets her sister.

5. Rufus's office:

a/ is 6 miles away.

b/ is close to the bedroom.

c/ opens at 6 a.m.

6. In the morning Rufus brings his wife:

a/ breakfast.

b/ a cup of tea and a cup of coffee.

c/ a cup of coffee.

7. At weekends the couple:

a/ never have breakfast.

b/ sometimes have Saturday lunch.

c/ do not eat lunch.

8. Rufus:

a/ finishes work early.

b/ likes reading and doing crossword puzzles.

c/ never reads.

9. On Sunday morning Rufus:

a/ stays in bed until 12.

b/ gets up and takes his dog for a walk.

c/ watches TV.

10. In the afternoon Rufus and Adela:

a/ never leave the house.

b/ sometimes go out.

c/ stay in and work.


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