PPA Model:
Game Percepts
Knowledge base
Schedule unit<=> Role – Passing unit > u – SIC System
Game actions
Schedule unit:
Making illusion that characters have lives beyond their involvement with players
each NPC is given a schedule which divides a simulation day into a set of time periods, for each of which it is indicated where the character should be and how they should behave
it endows agents’ behaviour with a large degree of believability
Role passing unit:
allow NPCs to behave believably in a range of diverse situations
The behavioural requirements of the NPC in each of these situations are extremely different
A role can be considered an agent control system suitable to a given situation
creating agents which can behave believably in any number of situations
is related to scripts in that the behaviour of each agent within a simulation is contextualised by the situation
PPA fuzzy cognitive control system:
input of activation to the system agents’ personal motivations and perceptions of events in the game world
the extra nodes represent motivations, event occurrences, rules, persistent flags and actions
Motivations, rules and persistent flags always link exclusively to concept nodes and never amongst each other
Action nodes take input only from concept nodes
Each concept is labelled and has a set of input links the activations
Motivation nodes allow the simulation of an agent’s internal motivations (two curves – the manner in
which a motivation rises, and another for the manner in which a motivation falls)
These motivations can rise and fall regularly over time or be affected by external events