Inspiration 2 unit 7

Test no.1 /66

  1. Zakreśl w kółko poprawny wyraz. (5p)

  1. You must / mustn’t stay in bed when you are sick

  2. You must / mustn’t drink anything cold when you are sick

  3. You must / mustn’t be quiet in a museum

  4. You must / mustn’t drop litter on the ground

  5. You must / mustn’t use a mobile phone at school.

  1. Uzupełnij dialog odpowiednią formą czasownika have to (6p)

Ivan: ................................. (you/wear) a uniform at school?

Dolores: Yeah, I do. But it’s not so bad. We feel like a united group of Smurfs.

Ivan: We ……………………………….. (not/wear) it. Our school gives us a free hand in our behavior.

Dolores: I ……………………………….. (study) a lot vocabulary for my English lessons, and it’s tiring but our poor teacher ………………………………. (check) it all!

Ivan: ………………………………. (she/correct) it for the next lesson?

Dolores: Fortunately – not. And she ………………………………. (not/cry) because of them . We are the best of the best, study hard and we get the highest marks.

  1. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednia formą czasownika have to w czasie przeszłym (4p)

  1. We ......................................... (write) very clearly

  2. My parents ......................................... (not/come) to school for three days.

  3. He ……………………………………. (do) the ironing himself, because his wife was angry with him.

  4. …………………………………………… (Ms Jackson/know) about the song the wrote?

  1. Wpisz podane słowa w odpowiednie zdanie jako present lub past participle (10p)

frighten tire interest bore amaze

  1. I’ve never been ............................................ in living in the forest

  2. People think it is ……………………………………. how the human brain works.

  3. My boyfriend is …………………………………………….. of dark that is why I always have to hold his hand on our way back home in the evenings.

  4. This film was really ………………………………………….. No wonder we fell asleep at the cinema.

  5. Swimming for five hours can be quite……………………………. That is why he looks so exhausted and half dead.

  1. Napisz krótki dialog korzystając z poniższych podpowiedzi (8p)

A: Suggest an activity


B: Say no and why not


A: Suggest something different


B: Agree


  1. Dopasuj do siebie słówka (10p)

  1. amongst ……….. stopić się

  2. bite ……….. na szczęście

  3. complain ……….. pomiędzy

  4. develop ……….. dostarczać

  5. exhausting ……….. rozwijać

  6. fortunately ……….. śmieci

  7. hide ……….. gryżć

  8. litter ……….. wyczerpujący

  9. melt ……….. narzekać

  10. provide ……….. chować

  1. Wstaw słówka w odpowiednie zdanie (6p)

log poisonous raise wedding mammal on time

  1. Both humans and monkeys are an example of ……………………………….

  2. You should use a ………………………………. to make a big fire.

  3. We always hope to ………………………………. a lot of money for charity.

  4. Some snakes and spiders are extremely ……………………………….

  5. Tomorrow is my sister's ……………………………….. She will be an 80-year-old bride!

  6. If all buses were ………………………………., we would never be late.

  1. Napisz zdania z podanymi wyrazami (8p)

reptile viewer freeze common

a) ...............................................................................................................................................................

b) ...............................................................................................................................................................

c) ...............................................................................................................................................................

d) ...............................................................................................................................................................

  1. Zdecyduj czy zdania są prawdziwe (V) czy fałszywe (X) (9p)

Little Diomede is an island between Alaska and Russia. It is near the Arctic Circle, so it is very cold. In winter the days are short, but in summer they are very long. Only about eighty people live on Little Diomede. They are Inuits – the original people from the far north of America. Today they have electricity and even a modern school, but their lifestyle is traditional. The only industry is fishing. Little Diomede is part of the United States of America. Just three kilometres away there is another island, Big Diomede (also called Ratmanova). It is bigger than Little Diomede, but nobody lives there. It belongs to Russia. So when people from Little Diomede look across the water they are looking at another continent – Asia. They are also looking at another day, because the International Date Line runs between the two islands. When it is Monday on Little Diomede, it is already Tuesday on Big Diomede. Life is hard on Little Diomede, but people are happy there. The nearest town is called Nome, in Alaska. To get there from Little Diomede you must go by boat. People from Little Diomede don’t often go there. Like Little Diomede, it is a lonely place. There are no roads to Nome from the rest of America. The only way in – and out – is by plane.

10*. Translate these sentences into Polish or English (6p)

a) We had the worst holiday we could imagine last year.

b) A I’m late for my train.

B Podwiozę cię na stację.

c) Thomas podniósł gazetę i wrócił do domu.


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