Inspiration 3 unit 2 (zielony)

Test no. 4 /66

  1. Posegreguj podane wyrazy wpisując je do odpowiedniej kolumny. (6p)

enjoy hate know how need can't help pretend keep good at

expect risk promise mind

  1. Zakreśl poprawną formę czasownika (6p)

  1. Could you please stop to make / making so much noise?

  2. I don't mind you to use / using the phone, as long as you pay for your calls.

  3. Sarah gave up to try / trying to find a job in this town and she is moving out.

  4. They decided to get / getting married.

  5. She hopes to find / finding a new home for rent soon.

  6. They seem to earn / earning a lot of money.

  1. Wstaw czasownik w formie full infinitive or gerund (6p)

  1. I agreed …………..………… (be) home early.

  2. I'm fed up with ………………………… (go) to work on foot every day.

  3. I feel like ……………………………. (listen) to calm music now.

  4. We will try to avoid ………………………… (be) late on EVERY LESSON.

  5. Would you like …………………………… (wear) pink uniforms instead of blue?

  6. It was very easy to learn …………………………. (drive) a tractor.

  1. Zgódź się z podanymi zdaniami (8p)

    1. I can play chess very well. …………………………………………….

    2. We didn't have much free time. …………………………………………….

    3. Mike is going to study biology. …………………………………………….

    4. Jake likes comedies …………………………………………….

    5. Thomas hasn't broken the window …………………………………………….

    6. Jane ate dinner at five. …………………………………………….

    7. I was very cold. …………………………………………….

    8. They won't arrive early. …………………………………………….

  2. Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w stronie czynnej lub biernej (12p)

When you ..........................(buy) a notebook computer, you are buying something which .......................... (design) in one country and .......................... (build) in another country with parts which .......................... (come) from All over the Word. Workers in Malaysia .......................... (build) notebooks with hard drives which .......................... (make) in Singapore, microprocessors which .......................... (make) in Costa Rica and batteries which .......................... (come) from Mexico. The notebook .......................... (fly) to the USA, it .......................... (put) in a bag which .......................... (make) in China, and then it .......................... (sell) on the Internet.

  1. Zamień zdania ze strony czynnej na bierną (10p)

a) Rich countries cause many environmental problems.


b) Multinational companies cut down trees.


c) Chemicals pollute the rivers


  1. Asian people eat a lot of rice


  1. She cooks this special dinner every Sunday


  1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę (10p)

1 2
3 4
6 5
  1. Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj czy zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe. (8p)


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