Ultimate Online Resources For Bible Scholars

Web Directory For Bible Scholars

. Hebrew Tanakh -Torah, Ketubhlm. Nebhllm (Torah. Writings, Prophets better known as The Old Testament) - Forum for students of the Bible and Biblical Scholars - The Hebrew Old Testament - Torah, Ketuvim, Nevi'im. - The Hebrew Tanakh - Torah, Ketubhim, Nebhiim. - The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) in four editions in Hebrew (including one with cantillation marks), one in Aramaic (Targum Onqelos), one in English (JPS 1917), and one in parallel Hebrew and English (voweled Hebrew and JPS English) - FREE audio Hebrew Old Testament in MP3 format for downloading. Total size: 683MB divided into 39 books - Hebrew Bible Audio. Only a portion of the Old Testament has been included - Hebrew Bible: Audio Tracks. This site also offers courses in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Akkadian for US$295 for one course per quarter

http://kodesh.snunit.kl2.i1/i/t/t0.htm - The Tanakh in Hebrew with the ability to listen to the audio recitation of the Tanakh. Site is completely in Hebrew - The Torah in Hebrew with English translation and transliteration and also the ability to listen to the recitation of the Torah in Hebrew - The Hebrew Bible Explorer - TanakhML Project website provides you with an Hebrew text browser that enables you to travel over the whole Tanakh in its fully vocalised and cantillated version. King James Version is also included - either as a stand-alone text or as a parallel one - to support your readings. TanakhML Project aims at providing scholars with efficient tools for travelling over the Bible in Hebrew, as well as with a common descriptive language for describing the structure of the Bible according to the Jewish masoretic tradition. - Hebrew Tanakh & Greek Septuagint - Pentateuchus: Diligenter Revisus Juxta Massorah Atque Editiones Principes Cum Variss Lectionibus Ε Mss Atque Antiquis Versionibus Collectis A C.D. Ginsburg, LL.D. - Torah Hebrew text of The British British & Foreign Bible Society edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg

Neviim Rishonim : Hebrew text of The British British & Foreign Bible Society edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg, Neviim Akharonim : Hebrew

text of The British British & Foreign Bible Society edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg, Retuvim : Hebrew text of The British British & Foreign Bible Society edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg

« http;//www.hihlg> Samaritan Pentateuch

http; ,, bible, peshitta - Interlinear of the Aramaic New Testament with English translation & commentary. Currently available the

-The Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text

http:.'.''1 - Creek New Testament (With Morphological Data)

httρ:.V - Greek New Testament (W ith Morphological Data)

http:.'.''' - The Greek New Testament - Stephanus 1550 Received Text with 6360 textual notes, containing the complete collation of the four major recensions

http:.''.'www.hiMcs.orp.. nk - Greek New Testament - Tischendorf 8th edition with critical apparatus and without critical apparatus

h tt ρ :.'.■' www.bibles.oig· u k' - The New Testament In The Original Greek Text - The Text established by Ivan Panin by means of Bible numerics http: ''www.scripture4all.orp'()nlinelnteiiinear C.'reek lndex.htm - Online Greek-English Interlinear of the NT

http:.'.'' & h tt ρ:.'.''www-''~fisher.'pnt'search.html - This is a browsable. Web-based interface to the Greek Nov Testament

Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graccc 27th edition - Every New Testament scholar must own a copy. Edited by Barbara & Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce Manning Metzger The Greek New Testament - Fourth Revised Edition with Dictionary - edited by Kurt Aland, Bruce M. Metzger, etc for United Bible Society - The Bible in Modern Greek

augsbii^le/ hai sch Chronologia L^

Vulgata - Hieronymiana Versio. Vetus Testamentum, Novum Testamentum, et Apogryphi

ARTFL Project: Latin Vulgate Bible Search Engine


the Old Testament & related literature in classical Hebrew & Aramaic. The complete & unabridged translation is being prepared in 4 volumes by an international team of Hebrew & Old Testament scholars, & will undoubtedly become the standard modern English dictionary for Biblical Hebrew. The dictionary contains the complete vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible, extended with variants from the Oriental & Samaritan textual traditions, the Ben Sira fragments, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and Knglish Lexicon - by Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, Charles Briggs. Since it first appeared in the early part of the 20th century, BDB has been considered the finest & most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student. Based upon the classic work of Wilhelm Gesenius, the "father of modem Hebrew lexicography," BDB gives not only dictionary definitions for each word, but relates each word to its Old Testament usage & categorizes its nuances of meaning. BDB's exhaustive coverage of Old Testament Hebrew words, as well as its unparalleled usage of cognate languages & the wealth of background sources consulted & quoted, render BDB & invaluable resource for all students of the Bible

http:,,'www.adath-shatom.cagk_cont.htm - Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar As Edited And Enlarged By The Late Ε kaut/seh Professor of Theology In The University of Halle, Second English Edition. Revised In Accordance With The Twenty-Eighth German Edition (1909) By A. E. Cowley, Oxford at The Clarendon Press, 1910

Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar - by William Gesenius. This second English edition of Gesenius' Grammar, edited and enlarged by the late E. Kautzsch, stands alone as the definitive reference work on Hebrew grammar. It is revised in accordance with the 28th German edition by A.E. Cowley, and includes a facsimile of the Siloam inscription

A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew: v. 1, pt. 1. Orthography and phonetics: v. 1, pt. 2. Morphology; v. 2. pt. 3. Syntax (Snbsidia Bihlica. 141-14,2) - by Paul rtant as William Gesenius' Hebrew grammar

httρ'-lexicon; - Aramaic Lexicon and Concordance http;,''>carcliinr;'outlincJcxic(m_%carch.htnil - Type a word in the "lemma" box and select one of the currently available dialects (General, Babylonian Talmudic, Christian Palestinian Aramaic) http:;;·'searchingengoutlex.html- Outline Lexicon Search. ENGLISH - ARAMAIC

http:;;wv\w.c\;univlib;prese»Te;EtanaulAST.DICvi;J AST.DICvl.html

Syriac Dictionary (based on the Syriac Electronic Data Retrieval Archive (SEDRA) by George A. Kiraz, distributed by the Syriac Computing Institute)

also available to check your work. In the appendix the Greek student will find useful tables of verb stems, prepositions and particles. This book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate learners.

english, indcxl24.html - Greek English Dictionary. 'Ελληνας - Αγγλος, λεξικό & μετάφραση

manuscripts fragments, mainly in Hebrew and Arabic, shed light on the mundane as well as the religious and cultural activities of that world

fak'ifa· ΝR\\ akademie/papvrologie·' PI heoI2.htmI - Scan images of Papyrus 967 (200 A.D.). It covers the Books of Daniel (including Bel & the Dragon and Susannah) and Esther of the Septuagint.

iiiuenstei .de. Ν ITextforschungllandschriften Biheliiiuseum.html - Digital collection of Nov Testament manuscripts atlnstitut fiir neutestamentliche Textforschung

fakifa'ΝRNVakademie/papvrologi&'Kartclll)80.htmI - p*4- Evangelium nach Vlatthaus 5, 13-16; 22-25

fak i fa Ν R\\ a kadeni ic pupy rolog.ic/ K;> rtc/l \ _ 170. Ill ml - p"' - Philemonbrief 13-15; 24-25




the first 3 centuries of the Christian church in such a way as to record a vast number of vital facts about early Christianity that can be learned from no other ancient source. When Eusebius wrote his Ecclesiastical History, his vital concern was to record facts before they disappeared, & before eye-witnesses were killed & libraries were burned & destroyed in persecutions by Rome. He faithfully transcribed the most important existing documents of his day so that future generations would have a collection of factual data to interpret. Thus Eusebius (c. A.D. 260-340) richly deserves the title "father of Church history"

Kiiscbius Ecclesiastical History: Books l-Y (Loch Classical Library) - Greek text of Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius of Caesarea with translation by Kirsopp Lake


http:'.''bible'josephiis - The complete works ofJosephus. Translated by William Whiston

http;,, cr>hin,ptext?doc=Pcrsens%.\\abo%3Atlg %2C0?2ft%2C004&<nico-=init.&vcrs=orip.inal - Greek edition of Ravi us Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii (ed. B. Niese)

http:.'.''wvvw.perseus.·' eg i-bin.'ptext?doc=Perseus%3Aabo%3Atlp %2C0526%2C001 &q ue rv=in i t .&ν e r s= oriizinaI - Greek edition of Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae (ed. B. Niese)

http:/'.''www.perseus.·' cgi-bin.''ptext?doc=Perseus%3Aabo%3Atlg %2C0526%2C002&query=init.&vcr s= originaI - Greek edition of Flavius Josephus, Josephi vita (ed. B. Niese)

http:/.''\\'ars-of-.levvv-C.'reek'Belli-bl-(KIO.html - Greek edition of LOEB Classical Library. Josephus3 War of The Jews. Book 1

The Works ofJosephus: Complete and I'nahridged, .New I'pdated Edition - Translated by William Whiston. This renowned reference book has served scholars, pastors, students, and those interested in the background of the NT for years. The insight given into the Essene community, the destruction of Jerusalem & the inteipretations & traditions of the OT in first century Judaism is invaluable. The outlook ofJosephus, a late first century Pharisee & historian, on Jesus & the NT documents Is enlightening & provocative. As an original reference. The Works ofJosephus is essential to a full

http:.·'.·'·'MishnahT'he.Mishnah.htm - The structured color coded

edition of Mishnah , Hamishnah C'Darchah . All six orders of the Mishnah

are now freely available here in Hebrew (iso-8859-K-i) HTML

Mishnah - English translation by Herbert Damby

The Misnah: A New Translation - English translation by Jacob Neusner

http;,, bible, pirkeavot - Pirkei Avoth (Hebrew : Chapters of the Fathers, jraK 'pr) or simply Avoth is a tractate of the Mishna

composed of ethical maxims of the Rabbis of the Mishnaic period. It is the second-last tractate in the .Vlishnaic order Ne/ikin

• •

http:/Annv.Mwordne»/ - Free download of Hebrew Tanakh. Septuagint. Creek New Testament, Latin vulgate, dictionaries, and commentaries (Pocket PC version is also available for downloading) - Free download of Hebrew Tanakh, Greek Nov Testament, Septuagint, and Latin Vulgate'international/bvlan<>iiageysvriac.html - This script was developed for Aramaic (which is also called Syriac or Assyrian). Like Arabic and Hebrew, this script is written right to left and has consonants only. This script is particuariy associated with the Assyrian Christian, Chaldean Christian, or Syrian Christian church. - King James Bible with Apocrypha. Translated in 1611

http://wvv^\hibitions/rambam/eng/f oreword.html - Mishnah, Avot, Talmud, .\lishneh Torah, Responsa, Commandment, Guide For The Perplexed (\loreh ha-Noukhim), Epistle to the Yemenite Jews (Iggeret Teman), Resurrection, Letter on Forced Conversions, Perek Helek, Treatise on Logic, Medical Writings, Epistles - Take a Bible test to see whether vou are a Bible scholar!

http://www.biWecodedlgest.conv - Bible Code Digest: Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Sockty- Presenting compelling empirical o idence that the Bible was written by an intelligence far bey ond the abilities of mankind>wie/TCGAndex.html - An Online Textual Commentary on the Greek Gospels by Wkland Willker. This commentary discusses the 1000 most important textual variants of the Gospels, plus about 500 minor ones, on about 2200 pages - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Ro elation of St. John by R.H. Charks. Volume 1 id=2439 - Textual Criticisim Serks (Real Audio Video). Dr. Daniel B. Wallace has been visiting churches for the past few years, giving a short series on the history of the transmission of the Nov Testament—from the pens of the apostles to the printed page. The first part of the series shows how textual critics go about determining the original text from the 5,500 existing Greek manuscripts. It's an interactive exercise: The audience first takes on the role of ancient scribes, then modem textual critics: they actually create manuscripts that they later need to sift through, trying to

get back to the original wording of the text. In two hours, lay folks get a very- good feel for what textual criticism is all about

http: '\^Λ^Λ^■cccl■org'hihlc;hrcnton ' - English translation of the Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1807-1862) originally published by Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd., London, 18511

Gospel of Matthew, Marie, & John.

http://www.heldinp.nel·'preeklatinaudio' &

http:. www.p,,index.html - Internet Nov Testament Audio Recording Project - A matter of interest to students of NT Greek & Latin. This web site offers free MP3 audio-files of high-quality recorded readings of the NT in fluid koine Greek & vulgate Latin

http://www, - A Hebrew- Word a Day. The free daily "word" edition is usually an entire vocabulary lesson on a certain concept. It includes a main word, related words, terms, expressions and examples, which introduce many more words

Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the .New Testament: Coded with Strong's Concordance Numbers - by Joseph Thayer. For over a century, Thayer's has been lauded as one of the best NT lexicons available. Both accessible & thorough, it Is a work suited for the student of New Testament Greek. Thayer's provides dictionary definitions for each word and relates each word to its Nov Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. Its exhaustive coverage of Nov Testament Greek words, as well as its extensive quotation of extra-biblical word usage and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render Thayer's an invaluable resource together with Walter Bauer's Lexicon

http:.'/'''cgi-bin■'Ehind2html·TC■'.'Field()ι·^genv2 - Origen's Hexapla. Oiigenis Hexaplorum : quae supersunt she veterum interpretum graecorum in totus Vet us Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 2 by Fridericus Field

  1. http:/' Default.asp\?lan«'=cn«' - Dolabani's Syriac Lexicon

    nlihtlhi-fnt ^Μ

  2. http:,, baser,schftycn,4 4.1 ,'411 .html - The Hebrew and Aramaic Bible

    http:'.'oi·■'()I 'PR(XI.'SC'R·'Scrolls.html - The Dead Sea Scrolls Project was established by the Oriental Institute during the months that followed the freeing of the scrolls (autumn 1991). The project w as originally staffed by Dr. Norman Golb, Professor of Jewish History and Civilization, Dr. Michael Wise, Assistant Professor of Aramaic

  3. http: indc\.php?l=71 - Biblica, published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome is a research journal and appears four times a year. It is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, and covers fields of reseach, such as exegesis, philology, and history

    . http: 7www.bsw.ortL index.php?t=72 - The FILOLOGIA

    NEOTESTAMENTARIA journal is the result of initiative taken by the Area de Filologia Griega of the Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigiiedad y de la Edad Media, University of Cordoba. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, that is, textual criticism, grammar, semantics, lexicography and eventually semiotics, and its relationship with Classical or Hellenistic Greek.

    http:.7w w w. i h i h li ο. ο r g' h h eh rew/ - B-Hebrew is an e-mail conference of academic professionals, teachers, students, clergy and laity, people of any faith, devoted to a better understanding of the Hebrew Bible.

    http:.'7www-.ihihlio.orp,'hpreck' - B-Greek is a mailing list for scholars and students of Biblical Greek.'JHS/jhs-article.html - Journal of Hebrew Scriptures


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