Advanced Oral Communication SKills Słówka, nowy semestr Słówka z glossary

Word English-English English-Polish
Types of tourism
Extreme tourism travel to dangerous places or participation in dangerous events Turystyka ekstremalna
War tourism Recreational travel to war zones for purposes of sightseeing and superficial voyeurism Turystyka militarna
Disaster tourism The act of traveling to a disaster area as a matter of curiosity Turystyka katastroficzna
Dark tourism Tourism involving travel to sites historically associated with death and tragedy Czarna turystyka
Archaeological tourism Form of cultural tourism, which aims to promote public interest in archaeology and the conservation of historical sites Turystyka archeologiczna
Package holiday Consists of transport and accommodation advertised and sold together by a vendor known as a tour operator Wakacje zorganizowane
Tour Travel for pleasure Wycieczka
Guided tour A tour with a guide who provides any necessary information Wycieczka z przewodnikiem
Luxury tour A tour adapted to the needs of its customer Luksusowa wycieczka
Luxury cruise A tour adapted to the needs of its customer Luksusowy rejs
Fly-cruise package --- Przelot wycieczkowy ( z pełnym pakietem świadczeń)
Mass tourism The transport of large numbers of people in a short space of time to places of leisure interest, so that greater numbers of people could begin to enjoy the benefits of leisure time Turystyka masowa
Low budget tourism ---- Turystyka niskobudżetowa
Backpacking A form of low-cost, independent international travel. It includes the use of a backpack or other luggage that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time Wycieczka z plecakiem
Couch surfing A specific type of tourism where a member registers on a site, gives some basic information and he/she can "surf" on couches by staying as a guest at a host's home, host travelers, or join an event Couchsurfing
Canyoning Traveling in canyons using a variety of techniques that may include other outdoor activities Canyoning
River trekking A combination of trekking and climbing and sometimes swimming along the river. It is usually connected with tough climate and terrain conditions Wędrówka przez rzekę
Mountain trekking Wędrówka w góry
Dessert trekking Wędrówka przez pustynię
Hiking The preferred term for a long, vigorous walk in the countryside, often on hiking trails, while the word walking is used for shorter, particularly urban walks Piesza wycieczka
Urban exploration The exploration of man-made structures, usually abandoned ruins or not usually seen components of the man-made environment Eksploracja miejska
Urban climbing The act of climbing on the outside of buildings and other artificial structures Urban climbing / buildering
White-water rafting The challenging recreational outdoor activity of using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water Rafting (spływ górską rzeką)
Caving The recreational pastime of exploring wild cave systems Alpinizm jaskiniowy
Storm chasing The pursuit of any severe weather condition, regardless of motive, which can be curiosity, adventure, scientific investigation, or for news or media coverage Łowcy burz
Base jumping An activity where participants jump from fixed objects and use a parachute to break their fall Skoki spadochronowe z wieży, klifów itp.
Traveller One who travels, especially to distant lands Podróżnik
Backpacker The one who travels with a backpack Turysta podróżujący z plecakiem
Hiker The one who follows specific hiking trails Turysta
Trekker A person who does trekking Osoba uprawiające trekking
Adventurer A person who has, enjoys, or seeks adventures Podróżnik
Explorer A person who investigates unknown regions Badacz
Thrill-seeker A person who enjoys taking part in extreme sports and other activities involving physical risk Poszukiwacz wrażeń
Adrenaline chaser Someone who seeks for thrilling experiences Poszukiwacz wrażeń
Photography buff A fan of taking pictures Maniak robienia zdjęć
Seasoned tourist Someone who have visited plenty of places Turysta zaprawiony w boju
Hitchhiker The one who travels asking people to for a ride in their vehicles Autostopowicz
Vandal A person who deliberately destroys or damages property Wandal
Barbarian Refers to a person who is perceived to be uncivilized Barbarzyńca
Souvenir hunter Someone who steals something from a famous place that they visit Kolekcjoner pamiątek
Some other expressions
A change of air A different climate, typically as a means of improving one’s health. Zmiana klimatu
To feel restless To feel nervous Być zdenerwowanym
To itch to go ? Palić się do zrobienia czegoś?
To have a thirst for adventure To have a strong feeling about an adventure Poczuć żądzę przygód
To stray off the beaten track To leave a trail Zejść z utartego szlaku
To sleep rough To spend the night in the open Spać pod gołym niebem
To suffer from jet lag A physiological condition which results from alterations to the body's circadian rhythms resulting from rapid long-distance transmeridian travel on high-speed aircraft Cierpieć na zespół nagłej zmiany czasowej
To steal artefacts To steal objects of high cultural value Kraść pamiątki
To care about cultural heritage -- Dbać o dziedzictwo kulturowe
Why sports is a drag
Adjectives connected with sports:
Mainstream The prevailing current of thought Główny
Popular Widely or likely accepted Popularny
Recreational Relating to occasional use Rekreacyjny
Extreme Most remote in any direction Ekstremalny
Minor Lesser in importance Drugorzędny
Competitive Determined by rivalry Wyczynowy
Contact Requiring physical contact Kontaktowy
Non-contact Not requiring physical contact Nie wymagający kontaktu
Gruelling Physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion Wyczerpujący
Exciting Stimulating Ekscytujący
Indoor Situated in, or appropriate to the inside of a house or other building Halowy
Outdoor Located in, done in, or suited to the open air Odkryty
Summer Taking place in summer Letni
Winter Taking place in winter Zimowy
Individual Done separate Indywidualny
Team Performed by a group of people on the same side of the game Drużynowy
Field An area in which an athletic event takes place, especially the area inside or near to a running track, where field events are held Boisko
Water Located or occurring on or by water Wodny
Combat Relating to battle Bojowy
Cruel Causing suffering Okrutny
People and sports:
Amateur An athlete who has never accepted money, or who accepts money under restrictions specified by a regulatory body, for participating in a competition Amator
Professional Engaged in for competitive gain Profesjonalista
Semi-professional One who is paid to play and is not an amateur, but for whom sport is not a full-time occupation Półzawodowiec
Enthusiast One who is ardently absorbed in an interest or pursuit Miłośnik
Fan An ardent devotee Fan, kibic
Follower A fan; an enthusiast Kibic
Dedicated/keen sportsman A person who shows interest in sportsmanship Zapalony sportowiec
Outstanding Having a quality that thrusts itself into attention Wybitny
All-round Efficient in all respects, esp in sport Wszechstronny
Sports venues
Arena An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events Arena
Baseball park A stadium used for baseball games Boisko do gry w baseball
Bullring A circular arena for bullfights Arena na której odbywają się walki byków
Gym Of, pertaining to, or used for athletics or physical education Sala gimnastyczna
Ice hockey arena A place where ice hockey is done Lodowisko do hokeja
Motorsport venues (autodrome) A type of venue where competition of racing cars take place Autodrom (tor do trenowania jazdy w poślizgu lub omijania przeszkód w trudnych warunkach)
Horse racing venues (hippodrome) A stadium for horse racing and chariot racing Hipodrom
Shooting range An enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice Strzelnica
(Speed) skating rink Building that contains a surface for ice skating or roller skating Tor łyżwiarski
Stadium A large, usually open structure for sports events with tiered seating for spectators Stadion
Swimming pool A structure, often a concrete-lined excavation of rectangular shape, that is filled with water and used for swimming Basen
velodrome A sports arena with a banked oval track for bicycle and motorcycle racing Welodrom
A short list of sports
Road running The sport of running on a measured course over an established road Uliczny bieg
Marathon A long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres ( road race) Maraton
Half-marathon A road running event of 21.0975 kilometres (road race as well) Pół-maraton
Middle-distance Form of continuous running over distances of up to three kilometres Bieg średniodystansowy
Long-distance Form of continuous running over distances of at least five kilometres Bieg długodystansowy
Race walking A long-distance athletic event Chód sportowy
Cross country running A sport in which teams and individuals run a race on open-air courses over natural terrain Bieg przełajowy
Mountain running The sport of running and racing, off road, over upland country where the gradient climbed is a significant component of the difficulty ?
Shot put A track and field event involving "throwing"/"putting" (throwing in a pushing motion) a heavy spherical object Pchnięcie kulą
Discus A track and field event in which an athlete throws a heavy disc Rzut dyskiem
Javelin throw A track and field event where the javelin, a spear about 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) in length, is thrown Rzut oszczepem
Hammer throw As above using a hammer Rzut młotem
High jump Track and field event in which competitors must jump over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without the aid of certain devices Skok wzwyż
Pole vault A track and field event in which a person uses a long, flexible pole Skok o tyczce
Hurdles The act of running and jumping over an obstacle at speed Bieg przez płotki
Relays During a relay race, members of a team take turns running, orienteering, swimming, cross-country skiing, biathlon, or ice skating Sztafeta
Rock climbing An activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls Wspinaczka skalna
Hiking A vigorous walk on foot Wycieczka
Rope climbing A sport in which competitors attempt to climb up a suspended vertical rope using only their hands Wspinanie po linie
Ice climbing The activity of ascending inclined ice formations Wspinaczka lodowa
Cycling The use of bicycles for transport, recreation, or for sport Kolarstwo
Track cycling A bicycle racing sport usually held on specially built banked tracks or velodromes Kolarstwo torowe
Downhill mountain biking A time trial event held on a steep, rough terrain that often features jumps, rock gardens and other obstacles Downhill
Freeride mountain biking Discipline of mountain biking closely related to downhill biking and dirt jumping focused on tricks, style, and technical trail features Freeride
Road bicycle racing A bicycle racing sport held on paved roads Kolarstwo szosowe
Show jumping A member of a family of English riding equestrian Skoki przez przeszkody (na koniach)
Polo A team sport played on horseback in which the objective is to score goals against an opposing team Polo
Rodeo A competitive sport which arose out of the working practices of cattle herding Rodeo
Rhythmic gymnastics (ball, hoop, club, ribbon) An activity in which individuals or teams of 5 manipulate one or two pieces of apparatus Gimnastyka artystyczna
Artistic gymnastics A discipline of gymnastics where gymnasts perform short routines on different apparatus Gimnastyka sportowa
Balance beam An artistic gymnastics apparatus, as well as the event performed using the apparatus Równoważnia
Floor A specially prepared exercise surface, which is considered an apparatus (Bieżnia do dyscypliny ćwiczenia wolne)
High bar An apparatus used by male gymnasts in Artistic Gymnastics. Drążek
Parallel bars An apparatus used by male gymnasts in artistic gymnastics Poręcze
Pommel horse An artistic gymnastics apparatus Koń z łękami
Still rings An artistic gymnastics apparatus and the event that uses Obręcze
Uneven bars An artistic gymnastics apparatus. It is used only by female gymnasts Poręcze asymetryczne
Vault An artistic gymnastics apparatus, as well as the skill performed using that apparatus. Vaulting is also the action of performing a vault Skok (przez kozła z wykonaniem figur artystycznych)
Sailing The propulsion of a vehicle and the control of its movement with large (usually fabric) foils called sails Żeglarstwo
Windsurfing A surface water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing Windsurfing
Kiteboarding An outdoor winter sport where people use kite power to glide on snow or ice Snowkiting
Alpine skiing The sport of sliding down snow-covered hills on skis with fixed-heel bindings Narciarstwo alpejskie
Cross-country skiing A form of ski touring in which participants propel themselves across snow-covered terrain using skis and poles Biegi narciarskie
Ski jumping A sport in which skiers go down a take-off ramp, jump, and attempt to fly as far as possible Skoki narciarskie
Ski touring An activity where long distances are covered on skis Turystyka narciarska
Speed skiing The sport of skiing downhill in a straight line as quickly as possible. It is one of the fastest non-motorized sports on land Narciarstwo szybkie
Bobsleigh A winter sport in which teams of two or four make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sled Bobsleje
Luge A small one- or two-person sled on which one sleds supine (face up) and feet-first Sanki (saneczkarstwo)
Skeleton A fast winter sliding sport in which a person rides a small sled down a frozen track while lying face down Skeleton
Free running The art of expressing oneself in his or her environment without limitation of movement Freerun
Hiking j/w Wycieczka
Backpacking (wilderness) j/w Wycieczka z plecakiem
Race walking j/w Chód sportowy
Kayaking The use of a kayak for moving across water Kajakarstwo
Rafting j/w Rafting (spływ)
Rowing It is based on propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars. By pushing against the water with an oar, a force is generated to move the boat Wioślarstwo
Swimming A water based sport Pływanie
Backstroke One of the four swimming styles regulated by FINA, and the only regulated style swum on the back Styl grzbietowy
Breaststroke A swimming style in which the swimmer is on his or her chest and the torso does not rotate Żabka
Butterfly stroke A swimming stroke swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously, accompanied by the butterfly kick Styl motylkowy
Freestyle swimming A category of swimming competition, defined by the rules of the International Swimming Federation (FINA), in which competitors are subject to only limited restrictions on their swimming stroke Styl dowolny
Why fiction is good for you
Bestseller An article (as a book) whose sales are among the highest of its class Bestseller
Thriller A story full of exciting action Thriller
Paperback A book that has a thick paper cover Książka w miękkiej oprawie
Whodunit A novel, play, or movie about a murder where you do not know who committed the murder until the end Kryminał
Skip through To go through a book or a stack of papers without dealing with every page Przelecieć wzrokiem
Skim through To go through something hastily; to read through something hastily Przejrzeć coś
Flip through To go quickly through the leaves of a book, etc., page by page Przelecieć coś wzrokiem
Look up To seek information about someone or something in a book or listing Sprawdzić coś
Dip into To read small amounts of something such as a piece of writing Zajrzeć do czegoś
Refer to To look at a book, map etc for information Sprawdzić coś w książce (formalne)
Browse through To glance through written or printed material quickly or curiously Przekartkować
Wade through To struggle through something with difficulty Przebrnąć przez coś (np. Trudną lekturę)
Peruse To read or examine, typically with great care Przestudiować
Read from cover to cover To read something from the beginning to the end Przeczytać od deski do deski
Acknowledgements Statement of gratitude for assistance in producing a work Podziękowania
Appendix A collection of supplementary material, usually at the end of a book Aneks
Blurb A brief publicity notice Notka wydawnicza
Contents The material, including text and images, that constitutes a publication or document Spis treści
Dedication A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem Dedykacja
Footnotes A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text Przypis
Glossary A list of often difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book Glosariusz
Frontispiece An illustration that faces or immediately precedes the title page of a book, book section, or magazine Frontyspis
Character A person portrayed in an artistic piece, such as a drama or novel Postać
Character traits A distinctive but not necessarily invariable feature exhibited by all individuals of a group and capable of being described or measured Cechy charakteru
Plot Main story of a literary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story. Fabuła
Exposition A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material Ekspozycja
Foreshadowing To present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand Zwiastun
Setting The time, place, and circumstances in which a narrative, drama, or film takes place Sceneria
Rising action The events of a dramatic or narrative plot preceding the climax Rosnące napięcie akcji
Climax The point of culmination Klimaks
Theme A subject of artistic representation Temat
Point of view A manner of viewing things Punkt widzenia
Internal conflict The struggle occurring within a character’s mind Konflikt wewnętrzny
External conflict In this conflict a character is grappling some force outside of him or herself Konflikt zewnętrzny
Static character A literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change Bohater statyczny
Dynamic character A literary or dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, as a change in personality or attitude Bohater dynamiczny
Fiction film A film that tells a fictional or fictionalized story, event or narrative Film fabularny
Documentary A film intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record Film dokumentalny
Docufition The cinematographic combination of documentary and fiction Film z pogranicza dokumentu i fikcji
Shot A part of a film between two cuts Ujęcie
Cut A transition from one sequence to another Cięcie
Editing The process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film media used to convey information Montaż
Framing A technique used to bring the focus to the subject Kadrowanie
Lighting Contributes considerably to the emotional response an audience has watching a motion picture Oświetlenie
Close-up A type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object Zbliżenie
Scene A part of action in a single location in a TV or movie, composed of a series of shots Scena
Voice-over A production technique where a voice —that is not part of the narrative — used in a radio, television production etc. Głos lektora
Camera angle The specific location at which a movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot Kąt obrazu
Special effects The illusions or tricks of the eye used in the film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a story Efekty specjalne
Sound effects Artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of films Efekty dźwiękowe
Pre-production The process of preparing all the elements involved in a film, play, or other performance Przed produkcja
Post-production Part of filmmaking, video production and photography process. It occurs in the making of motion pictures, television programs Post produkcja
Film crew A group of people hired by a production company for the purpose of producing a film or motion picture Ekipa filmowa
Living with a savant syndrome
Syndrome The association of several clinically recognizable features, signs, symbols, phenomena, or characteristics that often occur together Syndrom, zespół
Asperger’s Characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests Zespół Aspergera
High-functioning Autism A term applied to people with autism who are deemed to be cognitively "higher functioning" (IQ>70) than other people with autism Autyzm wysokofunkcjonujący
Autism Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted and repetitive behaviour Autyzm
Prodigious Amazing Wspaniały
Profound Having or showing great knowledge Wnikliwy
Synaesthesia A neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway Synestezja
(Neuro)developmental disorders Impairments of the growth and development of the brain or central nervous system Zaburzenia neurologiczne
Mental disability A diverse group of severe chronic conditions that are due to mental and/or physical impairments Choroby psychiczne
Emotional disability A broad category which is used commonly in educational settings, to group a range of more specific perceived difficulties of children and adolescents Zaburzenia związane z emocjami
Cognitive development A field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child's development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources Rozwój poznawczy
Hyperlexia The precocious ability to read words without prior training in learning to read typically before the age of 5 Hiperleksja
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) A range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders Spektrum autystyczne
Photographic memory The ability to recall images, sounds or objects in memory with great precision, and is not acquired through mnemonics Pamięć fotograficzna
Eidetic memory j/w (synonymy) Pamięć ejdecyjna
Obsessive-Compulsive Relating to or characterized by a tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts or ideas or perform certain repetitious rituals, especially as a defence against anxiety from unconscious conflicts Zaburzenia maniakalno – kompulsywne
Nonverbal The process of communication through sending and receiving wordless cues between people Komunikacja niewerbalna
Social anxiety A type of anxiety disorder characterized by shyness and heightened self-consciousness in particular social situations Lęk społeczny
Selective mutism An anxiety disorder in which a person who is normally capable of speech does not speak in specific situations or to specific people Mutyzm wybiórczy
Stereotypic movement A motor disorder with onset in childhood involving repetitive, nonfunctional motor behavior Zaburzenie ruchów stereotypowych
Congenital savant syndrome Gained from the birth Syndrom sawanta od urodzenia
Acquired savant syndrome Occurred during some period Nabyty
The Philosopher and the Wolf
Personal characteristics
Imaginative Having a lively imagination, especially a creative imagination Obdarzony wyobraźnią
Charming To be alluring or pleasing Czarujący
Generous Willing and liberal in giving away one's money, time, etc Hojny
Quick-tempered Easily aroused to anger Porywczy
Opportunistic Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit Oportunistyczny
Conservative Favoring traditional views and values Konserwatywny
Methodical Arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order Metodyczny
Conscientious Guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience Sumienny
Chauvinistic Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender Szowinistyczny
Sensitive Susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others. Wrażliwy
Tend to get carried away To be overcome by emotion or enthusiasm Mający tendencję do poddawania się emocjom
Affectionate Having or showing fond feelings or affection Tkliwy
Obliging Ready to do favors for others Uczynny
Gallant Unflinching in battle or action Mężny
Superficial Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious Płytki
Sagacious Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment Roztropny
Intuitive Known or perceived through intuition Intuicyjny
Stingy Giving or spending reluctantly Skąpy
Inclined to procrastinate To put off doing something Skłonny do zwłoki
Diligent Marked by persevering, painstaking effort Pracowity
Placid Undisturbed by tumult or disorder Spokojny
Cunning Marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness Przebiegły
Plagued by worry To be tormented by thoughts [?] Dręczony niepokojem
Self-seeking Pursuing only one's own ends or interests Egoistyczny
Witty Characterized by or having the nature of wit Dowcipny
Distrustful Feeling or showing doubt Nieufny
Shrewd Characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical Sprytny
Down-to-earth Not pretentious or affected Praktyczny
Morose Sullenly melancholy Ponury
A fault-finder One who makes a practice of discovering others' faults and censuring them Krytykancki
Unstinting Not frugal or miserly; Niezmordowany
Dogged Stubbornly persevering; tenacious Uparty
Thrifty Wisely economical Gospodarny
Frugal Living without waste Oszczędny
Industrious Assiduous in work or study Pracowity
Parsimonious Excessively sparing or frugal Chciwy
Astute Having insight or acumen Bystry
Work-obsessed A person who is addicted to work Pracoholik
Broad-minded Having or characterized by tolerant or liberal views Tolerancyjny
Unprincipled Lacking principles or moral scruples Bez zasad
Naïve Simple and straightforward in one's way of thinking Naiwny
Gullible Easily deceived Łatwowierny
Obstinate Stubbornly adhering to an attitude Zawzięty
Pig-headed Stupidly stubborn Uparty jak osioł
Unscrupulous Oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honourable. Bez skrupułów
Facetious Playfully jocular Niepoważny
Lackadaisical Lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest Bujający w obłokach
Apologetic Offering or expressing an apology or excuse Skruszony
Fractious Inclined to make trouble Wichrzycielski
Irascible Prone to outbursts of temper Wybuchowy
Ornery Mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition Wredny
Glum Moody and melancholy Przygnębiony
Insolent Presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech Ohydny
Obnoxious Very annoying or objectionable Bezczelny
Resourceful Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations Zaradny
Secretive Having or marked by an inclination to secrecy Skryty
Studious Given to diligent study Pracowity
Timid Lacking self-confidence Nieśmiały
Valiant Possessing valor Dzielny
Worrier Thinks about unfortunate things that might happen Zamartwiający się
Impetuous Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion Porywczy
Impulsive Inclined to act on impulse rather than thought Impulsywny
Effusive Unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression Wylewny
Excitable Capable of responding to stimuli Pobudliwy
Pushy Disagreeably aggressive or forward Arogancki
Garrulous Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk Gadatliwy
Taciturn Habitually untalkative Małomówny
Diffident Lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence Nie pewny siebie
Aloof Distant physically or emotionally Powściągliwy
Haughty Scornfully and condescendingly proud Wyniosły
Disdainful Showing or feeling disdain Pogardliwy
(un)approachable Not friendly Nieprzystępny
Self-important Having or showing an unduly high opinion of one's own abilities Zarozumiały
Modest Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents Skromny
A flirt A person who acts flirtatiously Flirciarz
People, feelings and emotions
Joyous Feeling or causing joy Radosny
Overjoyed Excessively happy Niezmiernie uradowany
Gleeful Full of jubilant delight Radosny
Elated Exultantly proud and joyful Uszczęśliwiony
Festive Merry; joyous Świąteczny (nastrój)
Ecstatic Marked by or expressing ecstasy Zachwycony
Playful Full of fun and high spirits Rozbrykany
Courageous Having or characterized by courage; valiant Dzielny
Frisky Energetic, lively, and playful Rozbrykany
Spirited Full of or characterized by animation, vigor, or courage Pełen życia
At ease In a relaxed position, especially standing silently at rest Spokojny
Serene Unaffected by disturbance Pogodny
Free and easy Casual, relaxed Swobodny
Indignant Characterized by or filled with indignation Oburzony
Miserable Very uncomfortable or unhappy Nieszczęśliwy
Sulky Gloomy; dismal Nadąsany
Stupefied To dull the senses or faculties of Oszołomiony
Woeful Deplorably bad or wretched Zgnębiony
Tormented Experiencing intense pain especially mental pain Udręczony
Dejected Being in low spirits; depressed Przybity
Desolate Bereft of friends or hope; sad and forlorn Pogrążony w smutku
Irate Extremely angry Wzburzony
Ebullient Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement Tryskający energią
Buoyant Having or marked by buoyancy Pełen życia
Genial Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner Miły
Elevated Morally or intellectually superior Wzniosły
Crestfallen Dispirited and depressed Zawiedziony
Downcast Low in spirits; depressed Przybity
Subdued quiet; repressed; controlled Przygaszony
Belligerent Inclined or eager to fight Agresywny
Abashed To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert Speszony
Contrite Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses Skruszony
Zealous Filled with or inspired by intense enthusiasm Zagorzały
Rueful Inspiring pity or compassion Żałosny
Shaky Liable to prove defective; unreliable Słaby, chybotliwy


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