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Początek formularza

A. Restriction and limitation
B. Prizes for users
C. What is Youtube?
D. Penalties for breaking the law
E. Users’ capacity
F. Enormous number of data
1. …………………YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. YouTube was created in mid-February 2005 by three former PayPal employees.The San Bruno-based service uses Adobe Flash technology to display a wide variety of video content, including movie clips, TV clips and music videos, as well as amateur content such as videoblogging and short original videos.
2. …………………Unregistered users can watch most videos on the site, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Some videos are available only to users of age 18 or older (e.g. videos containing potentially offensive content). The uploading of videos containing pornography, nudity, defamation, harassment, commercial advertisements and material encouraging criminal conduct is prohibited. Related videos, determined by title and tags, appear onscreen to the right of a given video. In YouTube's second year, functions were added to enhance user ability to post video 'responses' and subscribe to content feeds.
3. ……………….Few statistics are publicly available regarding the number of videos on YouTube. However, in July 2006, the company revealed that more than 100 million videos were being watched every day, and 2.5 billion videos were watched in June 2006. 50,000 videos were being added per day in May 2006, and this increased to 65,000 by July.In August 2006, The Wall Street Journal published an article revealing that YouTube was hosting about 6.1 million videos (requiring about 45 terabytes of storage space), and had about 500,000 user accounts.As of March 22, 2008, a YouTube search returns about 77.3 million videos and 2.89 million user channels.
4. ……………..YouTube has been blocked in several countries since its inception, including Thailand (which has since been lifted) and Iran. Certain video pages were banned as of October 1, 2007 in Turkey, but this was lifted two days later. More recently on January 22, 2008 Turkey banned YouTube once again but this ban was lifted after three days. Certain pages are also banned in United Arab Emirates. On February 23, 2008, Pakistan blocked YouTube due to "offensive material" towards the Islamic faith, including the display of pictures of the prophet Muhammad. This action by the Pakistani authorities led to a near global blackout of the YouTube site for at least two hours. Thousands of Pakistanis undermined the 3-day block using a VPN software called Hotspot Shield. The YouTube ban was lifted on February 26, 2008 after the "offensive material" were removed from the site.
5. ………………..In 2006, YouTube presented the annual YouTube Video Awards. Categories include "'most adorable video ever" and "most creative." YouTube nominates the contenders, and users decide the winners. Only original, user created videos are nominated. Nominees for the 2006 awards included Peter Oakley (geriatric1927), LonelyGirl15, thewinekone, Renetto and Chad Vader.
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The Astrology of Bad Habits
Astrology is a complex subject, and when it comes to bad habits it is no different. There are many details to consider about any person when discussing their astrological sign. Birth date is just one of them. However, it is fun to dabble in astrology and find out the general rules for the astrology of bad habits.
a. Capricorns are said to be persistent, hard workers. Perhaps this is why they are thought to be workaholics. They are driven to get the job done no matter how long it takes. In fact, they may not stop with the job at hand, but go on to other jobs instead of going home and relaxing at the end of the day. They can help curb these bad habits by keeping a gratitude journal.
b. Aquarius is a sign given to independent people. In many ways this is a good thing. However, they have the bad habits of shutting people out of their lives. They do like novelty, though. Close relationships that involve a creative aspect are for them.
c. Alcoholism is one of the major bad habits of people born under the Pisces sign. The usual treatments for alcoholism apply to them, just as they do for anyone else. Bad habits like this are hard to overcome.
d. Aries is a sign of selfish people. The best way for them to combat this is to care for another living being.
e. Taurus people thrive on clutter. All they need is a little direction in how to get organized. These are both fairly innocuous bad habits.
f. If you live with a Gemini, then you probably find yourself talking to the air at times. A Gemini has bad habits when it comes to paying attention to people talking to them. If you do not talk to them, they will eventually beg you to do so.
g. Cancer peoples' sugar addictions can only be aided by substituting sweets like dried fruits, for example. Their bad habits are based on oral gratification.
h. Leos are all full of themselves. They will keep up their bad habits of bragging on themselves until they learn to be different. They can do this by practising complimenting people.
i. Virgos have more habits that can be good or bad habits. It depends upon how you look at them. Virgos are bent on perfection. Nothing is ever good enough for them. If you encourage them to lighten up and have some fun, they can reduce these bad habits.
j. Libras love to look at pretty things. It would be nice if they would spend their time taking walks in the garden, or going to fine arts museums. However, many Libras go to another extreme. They become shopaholics to gratify the urge to be around beautiful things. These are costly bad habits to have.
k. Scorpio people can have the bad habits of getting very angry and holding onto that anger for a long time. Doing relaxing things like getting a massage will help them ease away their anger.
l. Finally, there are the Sagittarians. These people have the bad habits of going overboard with honesty. They just need to learn a little compassion and tact.
While these descriptions might not apply to you, a detailed analysis of your horoscope may reveal something more telling. Or, you may not believe them at all. In any case, find your bad habits by whatever means it takes and eradicate them.

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Which sign(s) …
Gets easily mad 1………………
Prefer being alone. 2……………..
Can’t focus on things easily 3………………
Always find things too bad for them 4. ……………….
Has an addiction 5. ………6. ………7………….
Is likely to tell truth 8. …………………
Like admiring things 9. ……………….
Like praising others 10………………

The Question Many Parents Ask: Why Do People Home School?

All parents love their children dearly but many breathe a sigh of relief when they see them hopping on the school bus every morning. New moms are often counting the days till their child begins preschool so that she can get some more time, so the question that arises time and time again is why home school?
1. ………………………..
Many parents decide to home school as they are just fed up with the public school system which focuses on the average child in large classrooms with few resources. The gifted child or one with a learning disability is often sidetracked in regular public schools and parents have to step up and take the responsibility themselves to impart an education more in tune with their child’s abilities.
2. ……………………
Another reason why home schooling parents are happy with their decision is that they can be in charge of their child’s education and environment when they are home schooled. Even when they do go for extra curricular activities at the park district or YMCA, they are under the supervision of their parents as opposed to a teacher who has to keep an eye on 30 plus kids. Parents feel in home schooling they can better keep track of the company their kids are keeping and perhaps have a more influential role in keeping them away from drugs, premarital sex and guns.
3. ………………………
Many parents are unhappy with what their school district has to offer, yet they cannot afford expensive private schools. This is why they home school; to get the best of both worlds. They can provide a safer and more customized education environment plus not have to take out a second mortgage just to send the kids to a private school.
4. …………………
And as strange as it may seem to some parents, others just love to be able to spend one on one time with their child and learn and re-learn things together. They like the flexibility to be able to go to the park on a weekday or make a trip downtown to a museum for an impromptu field trip and not having to bother about permission slips, car pools and lunch money. They enjoy being such an important part of their child’s life and that is simply why they home school.

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Przyporządkuj tytuły akapitom.
A. More Control
B. Cost
C. Protection
D. Dissatisfaction with Public Schools
E. Love for Learning and Children

Healthy Living Encompasses Mind And Body

With a renewed focus on nutrition and appropriate exercise, the idea of healthy living requires for than a two-prong approach. While eating right and exercising are important aspects of daily life that help promote health, there is more to healthy living than what a person eats, how much they eat and the type of exercises they do to burn off the excess calories. It also encompasses such areas as mental health and safety and injury prevention.
1 ………………………..
Too often, people place all of their focus on their diet, forgetting about the need for the proper nutrition to keep the body functioning as it was designed. Exercise, practically everyone knows, is part of healthy living that helps keep the weight down, the muscles strong and the heart pumping. Exercise is also important to help the body metabolize the food consumed into nutrients useful for all body functions.
2 ……………………….
Controlling stress is a major part of healthy living that many people seem to forget plays a role in their overall health. When stress causes a person to lose sleep or fail to eat properly, it can affect many of their systems, throwing some of them out of control and making them a prime target to illnesses.
3 …………………..
The concept of healthy living does not end when a person leaves the kitchen. While nutrition is a major part of a person’s health, they can jeopardize everything they have accomplished by not paying attention to safety in the home. Slips and falls are one of the most common home accidents and by not paying attention to home safety can jeopardize their health far worse than not eating right.
4 ……………………
Emotional stress, especially due to outside influences can take a toll on everyone’s mental health and dealing with problems as the arise instead of hoping they go away if ignored, generally makes them come back much worse. An overall part of healthy living is knowing how to handle the occasional crisis that will come up, or at least know who to call for help in handling the problem. A large piece of the healthy living puzzle relates to prevention, such as making sure vaccinations for the children are up to date as well as preventative shots against the winter flu are received if needed. However, many illnesses and serious medical problems can be resisted through proper nutrition and appropriate exercise. The bottom line concept of healthy living, and insuring all family members share in the need to remain healthy.

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Dopasuj nagłówki do akapitów
A. Living Healthy Beyond The Kitchen
B. Don’t eat fattening foods.
C. Take it easy
D. Importance of physical activities.
E. Protect yourself from illnesses

A Guide to Weight Loss Motivation

There are a lot of individuals who are trying to lose weight and keep it off. The key to weight loss management is not only losing the weight, but also staying healthy. Weight loss motivation will help you to reach your goal.
1. ……………………………
There are some relatively easy steps that will help you to succeed. One of the most prominent steps that are mostly ignored is the concept of visualization. If you visualize that you are a certain weight or how you desire to look and believe that you can, your weight loss motivation will become stronger.
You can imagine yourself in a particular dress or bathing suite and enjoy the emotions that come with those thoughts and this will inspire you to your success. Keep a visible picture of yourself showing what your currently weigh. Cut a picture out of a magazine of what you would like to look like. Put both of them together for contrast.
2. ……………………………
Trying on clothes that could not fit is a great weight loss motivation. Weighing yourself once a week is also another good weight loss motivation. It allows you to see if you are making progress. If you see any type of weight loss progress, it gives you the zeal to continue, so reward yourself with something nice when that happens.
3. ……………………………
Being healthy and looking good is enough reason for weight loss motivation. Never lose your momentum because if you do, you may never get it back or then you have to start all over again. Your health should be your primary focus in your weight loss program. This is what should really inspire you. When you set out with your weight loss goals, do have your health as the prime focus. You will be disappointed and ready to quit if you don’t have a very important reason for losing weight. When obstacles come your way, you will still continue your road to health. It is when you have that mindset that you will experience success.
4. ………………………..
Find a weight loss partner to work out with you so that you can be accountable. This will also be an inspiration for you to continue with your weight loss program. You will have someone in your corner. Set realistic goals that you both can experience together. Going through a program on your own can become lonely.
If you have someone to share your misgivings, triumphs, insecurity and ups and downs, it will help your ego and keep you motivated.

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Dopasuj tytuły akapitów
A. Create a positive picture.

B. Stay on a good diet.

C. Check out how many kilos you have lost

D. Search for an exercise buddy.

E. Make health your main target.

At What Age Wrinkles Appear?

Although wrinkles are common symptoms that become prevalent with ageing, no one can exactly define at what age wrinkles appear. Many of us experience premature wrinkles and desperately want to get rid off it. Considering this fact, a huge number of products and procedures are available in the market. But in rare occasions, most of these options offer anything beneficial in practical sense, while a few numbers provide a fair amount of success. Truly there is no definite age during which wrinkles appear, however, in majority of the cases the appearance is directly associated with the age.
1. ……………………..
Irrespective of what age you are, wrinkles may appear on your skin if you are excessively exposed to day light. In fact, it is considered to be one of the most significant causes of wrinkle formation. If you stay long hours in the sun light, you can not possibly avoid wrinkles on your skin. Research shows that excessive contact with sunrails may lead to premature wrinkles development even at a very early age. Skins that produce less melanin get more affected due to sunrails. In such cases, wrinkles may come out even at the age of 14-15 years. So, the bottom line is, it does not really matter at what age wrinkles appear normally, the more you are exposed to sun, the more you are susceptible to wrinkles formation.
2. …………………….
Sleep helps in strengthening skin and aids in restoring skin elasticity. Lack of sleep contributes to inevitable premature wrinkles formation. When you sleep adequately, your body produces human growth hormone that promotes skin elasticity and cellular structuring. If we focus on at what age premature wrinkles appear, it is more common to see that adolescents are at high risk for developing wrinkles compared to adult populations. It is mainly because of their inadequate sleeping hours resulting from newly adopted lifestyles, night-outs, and educational pressure.
We all experience stress in our lives. However, an excessive experience of stress or prolonged stressful condition may lead to wrinkles formation. It doesn’t really depend on the ageing process as such, however in case of adults, wrinkles appear faster compared to children or adolescents. Apart from that, anxiety, depression, frustration may also contribute significantly. Young adults suffering from complicated and prolonged bereavement are at high risk for the onset of premature wrinkles.
4. …………………….
Wrinkles may also appear because of body weakness. We may sometimes experience them when we are ill, because our body is weaker and can not control what is going on with our face at that moment.

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Dopasuj tytuły akapitów

A. Health condition

B. Sun Exposure

C. Being under pressure

D. Not enough sleep

E. Life Style


Many people shy away from computers and all computer-related issues, thinking it's all part of some complicated world they can't possibly master. Older people are especially prone to this misinformation, because they didn't grow up with all of the modern technology the younger set is absolutely immersed in today. You hear about text-messaging, instant messaging and email attachments. Soon it becomes a blur and you don't know the difference between a blackberry and a portable drive. Oh my, no, it's all too complicated for me! Does this sound like you? Well, take heart. Let's start you off with one of the best and easiest technologies in computers, email. You'll soon be convinced of the many advantages of email. Before long, you'll wonder how you did without it!
1. ………………………….
Email is the acronym used for Electronic Mail. Although there are many email programs, the basic presentation is the same. You start with a blank page, in which there are spaces, called fields, to type in your addressee and the subject of your message. The main part of the page is used to type your message. Use the tab key to move from one field to another. So the first advantage of email is that using it is simplicity itself.
2. ………………………..
When you've finished typing your message, there's no addressing an envelope or looking for a stamp. No trip to the post office. You simply point the arrow cursor on the 'send' button, and off it goes. Your message is usually received within minutes!
3. ………………………..
Unlike an ordinary paper letter, with email a copy of everything you send is automatically stored in your email box. Look at the left hand menu, where categories of message items are listed. Click on the 'sent' button in this menu to see a copy of every message you've sent, with date and time-stamps. Record-keeping and archiving are another important advantage of email you don't get with paper letter writing.
4. ………………………
So, the advantages to using email don't stop here. Along with your letter, you can electronically attach digital photos and documents. Send pictures from your 30th anniversary party to friends across the country. Send a copy of a legal agreement you'd like your lawyer son to review before you sign.
5. …………………..
Did you forget to buy a card for your niece's graduation? There are hundreds of greeting card websites with thousands of choices for any occasion and theme. Most are free! Off they go with a simple click. You can personalize your greeting with your own message and even insert special effects and animations!
Surely you're itching to try this wonderful technology. Believe me, once you start using email, you'll be hooked. The final kicker: if you're plagued with arthritis, your hands will not be hurting after a single letter - you'll keep going and going, painlessly!

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Wstaw tytuły paragrafów.
A. No need to visit the post office
B. You may always read your letter after you send it
C. You may write as much as you like
D. It has such a simple look
E. Ready made cards out of charge
F. Its not only text

Learning About How Does Solar Power Work

Solar power is energy from the sun’s radiation that is converted into heat or electricity, and is quickly becoming incredibly popular around the world. There are basically two different ways that you can use solar power: as a heat source and as an energy source. It is important to learn about how solar power works so that you can reap all the benefits of it.
2. ………………….
When it comes to the matter of how solar power works, the process involved here is actually quite simple. Solar energy works by converting the sun’s rays into heat with the use of solar thermal collectors for warming water, and more specifically it works by converting the sun’s rays into electricity with the use of solar panels to supply power to the appliances in your home.
3. ………………….
Solar panels are used in order to retrieve and collect the radiation from the sun, and the rays of sunlight hit the solar panels and are then absorbed by semi-conducting materials such as silicone, which the panels are made out of. Electrons are knocked loose from their atoms and this allows them to be able to flow through the material in order to produce electricity.
4. ………………………
When it comes to learning about how solar power works, it is important to realize that solar power is recognized as being the cleanest and most viable form of renewable energy available in the world today. The technology involved with solar power is quickly becoming incredibly popular and in fact universal, and the solar power systems that are being used are becoming smaller and more compact.
5. …………………..
Also in terms of how solar power works, there are several different methods that you can use in order to use solar power around your home, and for instance you can use it to heat water, your pool, or even with your central heating. You do have to spend some money upfront in order to get the necessary equipment, but even within as little as a few months after that you will have made your money back and will only be saving from then on.

Solar power has been used since almost the beginning of man, but only recently has it really become recognized as being the remarkable resource that it is. Also, by using solar power you will not only be saving yourself as much money as possible but you will also be saving the environment from toxins and pollutants, which most other sources of energy do.

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Wstaw tytuły paragrafów
A. The physics.
B. Two reasons for using Sun rays,
C. Environmentally-friendly
D. The easy mechanism
E. The history
F. It will pay off

Dół formularza


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