Da Vinci Robot

Generally medical robots are devices supporting medical procedures, surgeries, rehabilitations and treatments. In most cases those are telemanipulators transmitting hand and finger movements to a remote robotic device, allowing the manipulation of objects that are too small, or otherwise difficult to handle directly by the doctor.

Robotic surgical system called Da Vinci is currently the one of the most technologically advanced robotic medical systems in the world. Da Vinci was firstly introduced in 1999, California and is the property of American establishment called Intuitive Surgical. Its main advantages are low invasiveness , high precision and innovative, technological solutions as well as its fairly simple, intuitional interface.

The device consists of ergonomic steering console with four interactive robotic arms controlled from the console and efficient stereoscopic vision InSite as well as patent surgical instruments called EndoWrist

Da Vinci System components:.

-surgical console

Surgeon performing a surgery uses the console equipped with a screen and ergonomic steering tools. During the surgery the surgeon is able to observe the whole process thanks to a video cameras placed in one of the robot’s arms, which are displaying three- dimensional image. The whole systems detects, scales and filters the movement of the surgeon’s arm and translates it into more precise micro- movements of surgical tools in robot’s arm, all happening real- time.

- patient- side arms’ cart

Patient- side arms’ cart is equipped with 3-4 robotic electro- mechanical arms from which three are securing the instruments and a high-resolution endoscopic camera. Thanks to minimal diametral size of laparoscope’ arms, there is a possibility of operating with only a small, shallow incisions of patient’s body, which minimizes the opportunity for human error when compared with traditional approaches.

Thanks to endoscopic camera, it’s possible to manipulate the view from the surgical console which eliminates the necessity of surgeon’s assistant responsible for holding camera during traditional surgeries.

The optional, fourth arm extends the system’s capacity providing surgeon with the use of extra EndoWrist tools, improving the robot’s performance.

-EndoWrist tools

Full package of patent EndoWrist tools supports surgeon’s work during the surgery. Those tools were designed to perfectly imitate skillfulness of human hand and wrist, to perform the task it needs 7 degrees of freedom and it can be bend by 90 degrees. Each one of EndoWrist tools features specific characteristics, such as clasping or tissue manipulation. The layout is equipped with hand shaking and rapid movements reduction.

-InSite stereoscopic vision

InSite stereoscopic vision consists of an efficient endoscope providing three- dimensional image and image processing layout. It generates highly realistic image from the nearest surgery environment. The image is also enhanced and optimized using synchronizers, high- amplified illuminators and specialized camera control tools.

InSite stereoscopic vision provides the real 3D image received thanks to the use of laparoscope with two separated 5 mm telescopes which are transferring phase’ synchronized image from 3-chip cameras straight to monitors and steering console’ binoculars.

That is why the surgeon’s right eye sees the image from the right camera and in order the left one sees the image from the left camera, effectively creating a 3D effect.

Features and advantages of Da Vinci System:

While all surgeries carry a certain risk, traditional open surgery with a large incision has its specific drawbacks – pain, trauma, long recovery time and risk of infection. Thanks to technological advances, doctors now have an effective alternative to traditional open and laparoscopic surgery, by providing surgeons with superior visualization, enhanced dexterity, greater precision and ergonomic comfort which is warranted by Da Vinci Surgical System. It’s also advantageous for the patient as it can offer all the potential benefits of a minimally invasive procedure, including less pain, less blood loss and less need for blood transfusions. Using the Da Vinci System the surgeon is able to operate the patient on his/her own without the help of an assistant.

On the other hand, there are certain diseases that cannot be operated using Da Vinci System and a lot of hospitals cannot purchase the device because of its price. Another disadvantage of using the device is the prolonged time of the surgery comparing to the traditional one. Despite it Da Vinci Surgical System is the great step in modern medicine and through the years it will receive even bigger popularity which will bring on more and more needed improvements.

Generally Da Vinci Surgical System is used to treat the following surgery conditions:


-stomach cancer


-gallbladder disease and stones

-pancreatic disease


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