Ransom Red Chief sentences

Complete these sentences.

If Dorset had loved his son more, _____.

Had the boy not thrown a rock at Bill, _____.

The more fun the boy had in the cave, _____.

On the one hand Bill and Sam wanted 1500 dollars, _____.

"If you don't behave, _____."

"If you pay us the money, _____."

"If you want me to take back my son, _____."

Old Dorset could hold Johnny for only ten minutes, since he was not _____.

Re-write these sentences using a form of the verb in italics. Each sentence is started for you.

The new sentence should mean more or less the same as the first one.

Bill Driscoll and Sam thought of kidnapping someone. They . . . [decide]

We talked it over on the front steps of the hotel. The problem . . . [discuss]

The love of children, we reasoned, was very strong in farm families. Farm families . . . [love]

We selected for our victim the only child of Ebenezer Dorset. The only child . . . [choose]

Let me I tell you what happened. I . . . [explain]

A cave in the mountains was a convenient place to put our food. Our food . . . [hide]

We drove near old Dorset's house. We . . . [was able]

"Would you like to have a bag of candy, little boy?" They . . . [ask]

The boy threw a rock at Bill. Bill . . . [hit]

"Ha, hated paleface, do you dare to come into the camp of Red Chief?" Johnny . . . [warn]

The man and boy were fighting. Both . . . [try to hurt]

Red Chief' wanted to scalp Bill in the morning. Bill . . . [is]

Bill called Sam a liar for the first time in his life. Never before . . . [tell]

Johnny was ten years old. On his next birthday, . . . [be]

The boy had two feathers in his red hair. Two feathers . . . [place]

The kid was a little devil. Bill called . . . [call]

Johnny put a hot potato down Bill's back and mashed it with his foot. Johnny shouldn't . . . [put]

Sam hid behind some trees and looked out for the messenger. Hiding . . . [wait]

Complete these sentences.

If Dorset had loved his son more, _____.

Had the boy not thrown a rock at Bill, _____.

The more fun the boy had in the cave, _____.

On the one hand Bill and Sam wanted 1500 dollars, _____.

"If you don't behave, _____."

"If you pay us the money, _____."

"If you want me to take back my son, _____."

Old Dorset could hold Johnny for only ten minutes, since he was not _____.

Re-write these sentences using a form of the verb in italics. Each sentence is started for you.

The new sentence should mean more or less the same as the first one.

Bill Driscoll and Sam thought of kidnapping someone. They . . . [decide]

We talked it over on the front steps of the hotel. The problem . . . [discuss]

The love of children, we reasoned, was very strong in farm families. Farm families . . . [love]

We selected for our victim the only child of Ebenezer Dorset. The only child . . . [choose]

Let me I tell you what happened. I . . . [explain]

A cave in the mountains was a convenient place to put our food. Our food . . . [hide]

We drove near old Dorset's house. We . . . [was able]

"Would you like to have a bag of candy, little boy?" They . . . [ask]

The boy threw a rock at Bill. Bill . . . [hit]

"Ha, hated paleface, do you dare to come into the camp of Red Chief?" Johnny . . . [warn]

The man and boy were fighting. Both . . . [try to hurt]

Red Chief' wanted to scalp Bill in the morning. Bill . . . [is]

Bill called Sam a liar for the first time in his life. Never before . . . [tell]

Johnny was ten years old. On his next birthday, . . . [be]

The boy had two feathers in his red hair. Two feathers . . . [place]

The kid was a little devil. Bill called . . . [call]

Johnny put a hot potato down Bill's back and mashed it with his foot. Johnny shouldn't . . . [put]

Sam hid behind some trees and looked out for the messenger. Hiding . . . [wait]


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