Testy na anglistykę i skandynawistykę, Skandynawistyka

Test z języka angielskiego dla kandydatów na filologię angielską lub skandynawistykę

Section 1 - Gap - filling ( 15 marks )

Fill each of the gaps with a suitable word or phrase.

  1. Should you ever be ........... of assistance, contact this number.

  2. I really don`t care whether they win or lose; it`s all ........... me.

  3. Doctors say the less one smokes, ........... one is likely to live.

  4. It isn`t a perfect repair, but it will do for ........... being.

  5. The whole thing is pure fiction.! You`ve .......... up !

  6. My father prides............ knowing some languages.

  7. The singer didn`t leave his hotel ........... of being mobbed.

  8. How on earth ............. lied to your wife ?

  9. If only I ............ my temper with her. We`d be still together.

  10. In addition .......... a full - time job, she also manages to look after her family.

  11. He was able to get to the airport.......... that the traffic had been very heavy.

  12. I know a lot of people like photography, but ......... concerned, it`s just boring.

  13. We heard the thunder ......... in the distance.

  14. I think he should ........... to Mary for what he said about her.

  15. I am really ........... to seeing you and your family again.

Section 2 - Transformations ( 15 marks )

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

  1. Everyone was exhausted apart from John.


  1. I don`t think it`s possible you saw Mr Brown yesterday because he went to work abroad last week.


  1. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.

All dogs ..............................................................

4. However rich he was, he never donated any money to charity.

Rich .......................................................................

5. Immediately after her arrival things went wrong.

No sooner .............................................................

6. Mark took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.

But for ...................................................................

7. She didn`t let her children out of her sight for a second.

Not .......................................................................

8. We hadn`t been told about the removal until last Monday.

It was not.............................................................

9. No matter how hard I tried I couldn`t start the engine.

Try .......................................................................

10. You shouldn`t forget about your mother`s birthday in any circumstances.

Under no..............................................................

11. They were shocked by the report they read in the newspaper.

It came ................................................................

12. It`s a shame you didn`t keep your promise to Jack.

You ought ............................................................

13. We cannot deny that serious mistakes have been made.

There is ...............................................................

14. You may not be able to find a parking space in the city centre.

I doubt ...................................................................

15. They would rather limit the hours than pay more money to their employees.

Rather than .....................................................

Section 3 - Keyword Transformations ( 15 marks )

1. It`s useless trying to repair the old water heater. POINT


2. My friend smokes a lot of cigarettes. HABITUAL


3. Nobody believed in the excuse the girl gave BEYOND


4. All our efforts to win higher wages didn`t bring any results. VAIN


5. Germans always rent my aunt`s house in winter. LETS


6. They were on the point of cancelling the match when the other team arrived. CALL


7. Nobody ever treats me so badly. ACCUSTOMED


8. Some pupils escape from lessons quite often. TRUANT


9. My younger brother is fond of sweets. LIKING


10. Have you considered all the costs of the operation ? ACCOUNT


11. John says that playing tennis gives him a lot of pleasure. DELIGHT


12. Her role in the enterprise was of secondary importance. FIDDLE


13. It`s very nice of you to be so generous to us. APPRECIATE


14. It would be much better if you stopped using salt at all. REFRAINED


15. Nobody can have survived the crash. ODDS


Section 4 - Cloze test ( 20 marks )

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

Redisigning a garden can be a fascinating experience. Both the first-timer and the /1/ ..........

gardener confronted with /2/ .......... a task are /3/ .......... of bright hopes and grand ideas. Realising them is /4/ ......... matter altogether, but great expectations certainly /5/ .......... the basis of many fine creations.

Inevitably, /6/ .......... person`s idea of what makes a good garden will /7/ ......... from another`s, and the best treatment for a particular piece of ground /8/ ....... also have to take into /9/ .......... regional differences in soil and climate.

Most garden designers are agreed /10/ ......... three requirements : function, appearance and harmony.

A functional garden should /11/ ......... its purpose and meet the /12/.......... of its owner. Appearance involves neatness, effective use of colour and a design /13/ ......... provides points of interest in keeping with their surroundings. Harmony is achieved /14/ ........... the garden is planned in relation to the house and its surroundings. Although an attractive setting /15/ .......... designing easier, gardens of great merit are found /16/ ......... different environments.

In any case, the designer /17/ ........... not be tempted to remove everything in sight and start again.

/18/ ........... from making a lot of unneccessary work, it is almost certain that the existing garden will have at /19/ ............. one good feature which is /20/.......... preserving.

Section 5 - Word - building ( 15 points )

1. In many parts of the country the train service was ............... because it wasn`t used by many people. ( CONTINUE )

2. Why are you so rude to him ? Your behaviour is highly .............. . ( OBJECT )

3. Their notorious .......... was extremely disturbing to their parents. ( OBEY )

4. The runner was so fast and so good that he won the race quite .............. . ( EFFORT )

5. Chocolate is .......... for a lot of people . ( RESISTANCE )

6. We can`t say he is a man of ............ reputation because he has been to prison three times for roberries. ( BLAME )

7. How much longer are we supposed to wait before they ........... the receipt of our mail ? (KNOW )
8. I don`t have any .............. about this cooperation and think it will be successful. ( GIVE )

9. Within the last decade the computer has become the most ........... piece of equipment in the office.


10. Stop .............. about being rich and get down to some real work. ( FANTASY )

11. Martin is going to be ................ when we tell him he hasn`t been admitted to the Academy. (ILLUSION)

12. It was his most .......... appearance that made us let him go unpunished. ( APOLOGIZE )

13. The prize she has won is simply .......... We can`t think what she is going to do with so much money. ( IMAGINE )

14. I can believe he`s been allowed to spread such .............. lies. ( RAGE )

15. Frankly, I`ve been a .............. to my father, he wanted me to be a lawyer. ( POINT )

Section 6 - Multiple choice ( 15 points )

1. It is true that a lot of people find ......... art. very difficult to understand.

  1. actual B. contemporary C. current D. present

2. It looks like rain. I think it would be ........ to take an umbrella.

  1. suitable B. sensitive C. sensible D. sensuous

3. They are paving the garden .......... with flat stones.

  1. path B. lane C. track D. way

4. The cake was so delicious that he had a second ....... .

  1. repeat B. plate C. ration D. helping

5. Needles and safety pins were ........ all over the floor.

  1. dispersed B. sprayed C. seperated D. scattered

6. Be careful lest you ......... fall.

  1. could B. should C. ought D. will

7. My mother .......... that fine blouse by hand. She bought a machine much later.

  1. sowed B. sewn C. sewed D. sown

8. Last June the train ......... went up by 10%.

  1. cost B. fares C. taxes D. fees

9. We could tell at a ........ that nothing had changed between them. They didn`t even look at each other.

A. glance B. blink C. glimpse D. wink

10. Weeks later he had still not found a job and he began to feel .......... .

A. discouraged B. disingaged C. disappointed D. displaced

11. The crisis deepened, yet the government was .......... to act.

A. cautious B. opposed C. contrary D. reluctant

12. Many people believe that wearing an amulet will protect them in the ..... of trouble.

A. event B. accident C. danger D. threat

13. After feeling off .......... for days, Mary finally went to see her doctor.

A. food B. colour C. fitness D. balance

14. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw ........... of tiny, multi-coloured fish.

  1. swarms B.flocks C. shoals D. teams

15. It is difficult to distinguish the difference because both structures ......... .

A. overfly B. overlap C. overthrow D. override

Section 7 - Phrasal verbs ( 15 marks )

In each of the following sentences write the appropriate phrasal verb. In each sentence the first letter of the verb has been included to help you.

  1. He was offered the job of the headmaster but he t........... it ................ .

  2. They had to cancel the performance as the actor had c.......... .......... .......... chickenpox.

  3. I don`t like her and we always f.......... ......... when we meet.

  4. Where can I p.......... .......... my cigarette ?

  5. None of the children would o.......... ........... to breaking the window.

  6. What really g.......... me ............. is this continual wet weather.

  7. We have r....... ........... ......... a slight problem and don`t know how to solve it.

  8. My mother-in-law and Tom have never h........... it ............. .

  9. He was extremely lucky not to be c.......... .......... to fight in the war.

  10. We worry about her because she t........... ........... more work than is good for her.

  11. When she got to know about his illness, she agreed to s.......... ........... .......... him at the monthly meeting.

12. The craze for collecting phone cards has really c......... ........... in some countries.

13. We missed the bus and our teacher t.......... us ........... for being late.

14. Mary said she would d......... .......... soon for a chat and a coffee.

15. It looks as if the shoe manufacturer is going to l.......... .......... a third of its workforce.

Section 8 - Vocabulary ( 15 points )

Complete the following sentences by putting one word connected with money ( Part 1 ) and crime

( Part 2 ).

Part 1 ( Money )

1. When you retire at the age of sixty-five, you receive a/ an .......... from the government.

2. I hate the beginning of each year when all the .......... start coming and I have to pay them all.

3. All the workers in our company get a Christmas ....... of $ 1000.
4. I have just opened a/an ..... in the bank.

5. My friend couldn`t afford to buy a car, so he bought it on hire purchase and paid monthly ....... .

6. Sterling has once again become one of the stronger ............ .

7. In spite of its size his family was quite well off, because every month he brought in a good......'

Part 2 (Crime )

8. The high court ....... will pass sentence next week.

9. Somebody who sets fire to property is a/an .............. .

10. He is well known for having liberal views, like being opposed to capital............ .

11.They listened avidly as .......... to the murder told what they had seen.

12. He was arrested by the police and .......... of killing his friend.

13. A Pan Am aircraft was .......... on its way to Tokyo by a group of terrorists

14. The barman was sacked on account of the fact that he had been ............ from the till .

15. After considering the evidence for a few hours, the Jury came to a unanimous .......... .


Section 1 - Gap - filling

1. in need 2. the same to 3. the longer 4. the time 5. made it 6. himself on

7. for fear / because he was afraid 8. could you have 9. hadn`t lost 10. to having

11. despite the fact / in spite of the fact 12. as far as I am 13. rumbling / rumble

14. apologize / apologise 15. looking forward

Section 2 - Transformations

  1. With the exception of John everyone was exhausted.

  2. You can`t have seen Mr Brown yesterday because he went to work abroad last week.

/ You couldn`t have seen Mr Brown yesterday because he went to work abroad last week

  1. All dogs are thought to have evolved from wolves.

  2. Rich as he was he never donated any money to charity.

/Rich though he was he never donated any money to charity

  1. No sooner had she arrived that things went wrong.

  2. But for his father`s decision to retire early, Mark wouldn`t have taken over the family business.

  3. Not for a second did she let her children out of her sight.

  4. It was not until last Monday that we were told about the removal.

  5. Try as I might I couldn`t start the engine.

  6. Under no circumstances should you forget about your mother`s birthday

  7. It came as a shock to them to read the report in the newspaper.

  8. You ought to have kept your promise to Jack.

  9. There is no denying that serious mistakes have been made.

/ There is no denying the fact that serious mistakes have been made.

  1. I doubt if you will be able to find a parking space in the city centre.

  2. Rather than pay more money to their employees they would limit the hours.

Section 3 - Keyword transformations.

  1. There is no point in repairing the old water heater / There is no point repairing the old water heater

  2. My friend is a habitual cigarette smoker.

  3. The excuse the girl gave was beyond anybody`s belief.

  4. All our efforts to win higher wages were in vain.

  5. My aunt always lets house to Germans in winter.

  6. They were to call the match off when the other team arrived.

  7. I am not accustomed to being treated so badly.

  8. Some pupils play truant quite often.

  9. My younger brother has a liking for sweets.

  10. Have you taken into account all the costs of the operation ?/ Have you taken account of all the costs of the operation ?

  11. John says he takes delight in playing tennis.

  12. She played second fiddle in the enterprise.

  13. We appreciate your being so generous to us. / We appreciate your generosity to us

  14. It would be much better if you refrained from using salt.

  15. The odds are against anybody surviving the crash.

Section 4 - Cloze test

1. experienced/ professional / expert 2. such 3. full 4. another 5. form / constitute

6. one 7. differ / vary 8. will / may 9. account / consideration 10. on / upon 11. serve / fulfil

12. needs / requirements 13. which / that 14. if / when / provided 15. makes 16. in

17. must/ should 18. apart / far 19. least 20. worth / worthwhile

Section 5 - Word - building

1. discontinued 2. objectionable 3. disobedience 4. effortlessly 5. irresistible 6. blameless

7. acknowledge 8. misgivings / misgiving 9. indispensable 10. fantasizing / fantasising

11. disillusioned 12. apologetic 13. unimaginable 14. outrageous 15. disappointment

Section 6 - Multiple choice

1. B contemporary 2. C sensible 3. A path 4. D helping 5. D scattered 6. B should

7. C sewed 8. B fares 9. A glance 10. C disappointed 11. D. reluctant

12. A. event 13. B. colour 14. C. shoals 15. B. overlap

Section 7 - Phrasal verbs

1. turned down 2. come down with 3. fall out 4. put out 5. own up 6. gets down

7. run up against 8. hit off 9. called up 10. takes on 11. stand in for 12. caught on

13. told off 14. drop in 15. lay off

Section 8 - Vacobulary

Part 1

1. pension 2. bills 3. bonus 4. account 5. instalments 6. currencies 7. salary

Part 2

8. judge 9. arsonist 10. punishment 11. witnesses 12. accused 13. hijacked 14. stealing

15. verdict


Studencki Ośrodek Kształcenia “INDEKS”


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