Adjectives -adverbs, Filologia Angielska


The + comparative + the

The more Money you make, the more you spęnd.


It's much / far / a lot / a little colder today than it was yesterday

Much / far less interesting


far fewer books (* many fewer books)

More than / less than / worse than + adjective

I was more than pleased

It's worse than useless

You're more than welcome

The same / different from

His marks are the same as hers.

Butterflies come from caterpillars. It's the same with moths.

Yours is different from mine / to mine

different than + clause

LESSER ( not followed by THAN) - in fixed phrases only

older / elder

elder, eldest + brother, sister, son, etc.

My elder son ( older of my 2 sons )

My eldest son ( I have at least 3 sons )


Farther / further - distance

Further - extra, additional ( e.g. further education, further questions)

the most interesting book


a most interesting book

You are twice as old as I am.

You're every bit as pretty as your sister.

You're nothing like as pretty as you used to be.

The best …… in the world / on earth / under the sun


Both boys are tall

Both the boys are tall

Both of the boys are tall

The boys are both tall.

Both of us were unaware of the problem.

He sent it to us both / both of us

She got blisters on both feet

She has two maids - both object to cleaning the house
