egzamin ang sem II, szkoła

1.Name 3 kind of pollutants

Air pollution, water, soil, landscape

2. Describe platform vehicles

Płaski pojazd do przewożenia towaru z umocowaniami.

3. Insert the missing preposition: It is a good solution to this difficult problem

4. give the main elements of invoices.

Tax, data, seller, price, VAT, purchases, account

5. What is pollution and give examples

Thing than can harm people or natures

6. translate into English: Moja wywrotka jest na sprzedaż.

My tipper is for sale.

7. What are warehouses?

Building which store things for some time.

8. Finish the sentence: Tankers are used for the carriage of petroleum, fuel, gas and milk.

9. Answer the question: how do you commute to work?

I can commute in bus, train or car.

10. what is wrap rage and who suffers from it?

Wrap rage is elevated levels of anger beacuse of the lack the posibilites of opening packing. Customers. ( people who buy products in packing)

11. what are chains, ropes and tarpaulins and where are they used?

Are used in transport

12. Translate: Kierowcy muszą prestrzegać kodeksu drogowego

Driver must obey the Higwary Code.

13. Give Polish equivalent fot term “empty leg”

Pusty przebieg

14. Name the main functions of transport

Carriage of person and thing.

15. Complete the sentence: The production process in based on transport.

16. What is economics concerned with?

17. Transport is an important part of our everyday life. Why? = 14

18. What is the difference between “loss and profit”

Profit- surplus of income on the spending.

Loss- excess of expenditure over income.

19. What are tippers? Explain their role.

Wywrotka. used to transport sand, gravel or earth.

20.Name products for which specific vehicles are a must.

Milk, grass, gas or petroleum.

21. Insert the preposition: She often buys food in bulk.

22. Give the major sources of pollution = 1

23. What is global warming?

Globalne ocieplenie. Increase in average, air temperature.

24. Translate: Sądzę że powinniśmy kupić cysternę i wywrotkę

I think we should buy tank and tipper.

25. What is Trem and what details does it give?

Transport, emergency.

26. Why is the logistics manager concerned with marine pollution?

As transport and storage of waste causes pollution of the seas

27. Give the proper form of the verb in brackets: I sold my firm last year because I needed cash to open a new pub.

28. What are ring-pull cans?

Kluczyk do otwierania puszek.

29. Describe the work In the Warehouse.

30. Insert the suitable preposition: This process is based on transport.

31. Explain the meaning of the term “the bottom line”

ostatniej linii równowagi finansowej, który pokazuje rachunek zysków i strat spółki

32. Why is packaging important ?

Baeacuse it protects the contents against damage or destruction.

33. Translate: Chcę podpisać dobrą umowę I dostać dobrze płatną pracę

I want to sign a good contrach and get a well paid Job.

34. What is the difference between “staff” and “stuff”

Staff->pracownicy, kadra

Stuff-> śmieci, bzdura

35. What is VAT?

Value Added Tax

36. Finish the sentence: Open trucks may be used for goods which do not spoil in during bad weather.

37. What should people do to avoid dangers at work?

Should wear safety helmets, observe safetyrules and regulations.

38. What products are stored in warehouse?

Metal ware, glass ware, cosmetics, clothers, furniture.

39. Translate: supply and demand.

Supply -> podaż demand-> popyt

40. What means of transport do sou know?

Bus, plain, boat, turn

41. How are things stored in warehouses?

In box, palletes and in containers.

42. Answer: How often do you go on business?

From time to time.

43. “Facilities create traffic” - what is the meaning of this rule?

Some kind of management warehouse process.

44. What kind of art is logistics?

Sztuka organizacji transportu, magazynowania, dystrybucji i technologii informacji.

45.Give the missing word: Such cars cannot be filled with fertiliser fot the farms.

46. What duties does a logistician have?

Management, controlling.

47. Safety regulations you know- discuss them.

We should observe the safety rules in warehouses. No smoking, no alcohol, should was safety marks.

48. Name the bus with with two levels, popular in London.

Double decker bus.

49. Make an arrangement with a client.

Can we meet at the Grand Hotel at 6 p.m. on Sunday?

50. Describe multinational companies.

Coca-cola Poland company have brench office's in other.

51. An invoice is a type of tax? Say the true or false.

It is false.

52. Tell your client that first he should pay the money into your account and give him its number.

First you should pay the money into my account. Number is…

53. Advertise the products made in your factory.

We make leather bags which are of best quality. They are functional, comfortable, nice to look at.

54. Answer: Where do you work and how much do you earn?

55. Which vehicles have no sides and tailboards?

56.What cargo is discharged by tipping?

Sand, stones, coal, potatoes, junk, some vegetables.

57. Translate: Proszę to dla mnie zapakować.

Please wrap it for me.

58.Child-proof packaging- what is this?

Opakowanie zabezpieczone przed dziećmi.

59. What are blister packs?

Blister packs are tipes of child-proof packaging, keeps good sterile, they protect products during transport, reduce in shop shrinkage. Used to package pharmacentical products but may be also used to package other small.

60. Insert the prepostition: I intend to invest in bonds and shares.


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