Wróciłaś/łeś właśnie z wycieczki objazdowej po Francji, organizowanej przez brytyjskie biuro podróży. Nie jesteś zadowolony z wyjazdu, napisz LIST Z REKLAMACJĄ do zarządu biura, w liście:
- wyjaśnij, kim jesteś i podaj przyczynę napisania listu,
- opowiedz, co nie spełniło twoich oczekiwań i dlaczego,
- zasugeruj zmiany w programie wycieczki i dowiedz się o możliwości rekompensaty,
- wyraź nadzieję na szybkie działanie i poproś o odpowiedź.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I have returned from a trip around France and I would like to complain about your service.
I would like to inform you that I am dissatisfied because of following matters. First of all, although I have paid for a tour of twelve days, the journey was only ten days long. What is more, despite the information included in your advertisement, the bus was not air-conditioned. Moreover, conditions in most of the hotels we stayed were unacceptable. I was also concerned that I had to pay extra money for sight-seeing and on four occasions we were visiting other places than it was stated in the plan. On the top of everything, your representative was rude and unhelpful.
In conclusion, your service does not correspond with my expectations. Therefore, I would like to ask for a refund. I would also like to suggest some basic changes to the program so that it would be in accordance with the trip brochure and also I recommend that you find better accommodation.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please treat the matter as urgent.
Yours faithfully,