PISANIE, szkolne, Naftówka

PISANIE - opisywanie miejsca (e-mail)

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To: patgordon15@hotmail.com

Subject: Greetings from a special place

Hi Pat,

Greetings from a very beautiful place!

I'm in Lake District National Park, the largest national park in England. It lies in the north of the country, close to the border with Scotland.

The scenery is spectacular. One special thing about the Lake District is that the lakes are surrounded by hills. England's deepest lake, Wastwater, lies just next to its highest mountain, Scafell Pike.

Yesterday we climbed a hill called Loughrigg Fell. On our way down, hot and tired, we went for a swim in Grasmere (the small lake you can see in the photo). Then we had a picnic.

Tomorrow we're going kayaking on the Derwent - that's one of the many rivers here. And then we hope to have another picnic if the weather is good.

It's perfect. Wish you could see it!



1. Zakreśl fragmenty, które realizują punkty z polecenia.

2. Wypisz przydatne zwroty i wyrażenia.

It ……… in the (north) of (the country).

The ……… is (spectacular).

One ……… thing about (the Lake District) is that …

It is well-known for (its mountains and lakes).

The most interesting part/place is …

(The lakes) are ……… ……… hills.

It's one of (the most beautiful) places in the world.

It's the kind of place where (you can really relax).

Gramatyka: Przedimki.

Do poniższych kategorii dopasuj nazwy geograficzne z ramki oraz nazwy własne z modelowego listu.

Easter Island

the Baltic

the Cayman Islands


the Rocky Mountains

Countries: Poland, …………., ………….

Cities, towns and villages: Edinburgh, ………….

Lakes: Ontario, ………….

Seas and oceans: the Indian Ocean, the North Sea, ………….

Rivers: the Thames, ………….

Individual mountains and hills: Mount McKinley, …………., ………….

Groups of mountains and hills: the Alps, ………….

Individual islands: Majorca, ………….

Groups of islands: the British Isles, ………….

1. Nie używamy przedimków przed …

2. Używamy przedimka the przed …

a) nazwami rzek, mórz i oceanów, grup gór i grup wysp.

b) nazwami większości krajów, miast, wsi, jezior, szczytów górskich i pojedynczych wysp.

Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując przed nazwami geograficznymi the lub znak - (brak przedimka).

1. ……… Dublin is the capital of ……… Ireland.

2. At 3,770 kilometres, ……… Mississippi is the longest river in North America.

3. Sixty years ago people climbed ……… Mount Everest for the first time. Today trekking in ……… Himalayas has become a popular tourist activity.

4. ……… Windermere is the largest lake in the Lake District.

5. ……… Galapagos Islands are especially famous for the unique animal species discovered and studied by Charles Darwin.

6. ……… Saint Helena is a volcanic island in the middle of ……… Atlantic, where Napoleon was kept prisoner.

Spędzasz wakacje na łonie przyrody. Napisz email do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii.

Hi Alex,

Greetings from a very special place.


Wish you were here!



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