Module3 IIIL, szkolne, Naftówka

Matura Upload 2 - Module 3 - test

III L Name: ………………………………………

Points: ……………… Mark: ……………

I Przetłumacz słówka: (10p)

dym - ……………………

chwycić - ……………………

siekać - ……………………

bose stopy - ……………………

palić się - ……………………

żelazo - ……………………

kamień - ……………………

gwałtowny - ……………………

trząść - ……………………

złamane kości - ……………………

II Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą odpowiedniego czasu przeszłego: (10p)

  1. When John came home, he found out that somebody ……………… (break into) his flat.

a) had broken b) breaked c) had breaked

  1. I went out for coffee after I ……………… (write) a letter to my grandparents.

a) written b) had written c) wrote

  1. They were tired because they ……………… (play) football.

a) had play b) played c) had played

  1. Did you like the cake she ……………… (bake)?

a) baken b) had baken c) had baked

  1. She was excited because she ……………… (not/see) a play before.

a) not had seen b) hadn't seen c) had not see

  1. By the time Wendy visited me, we ……………… (speak) on the phone many times.

a) had speaked b) had spoken c) had speaken

  1. They ……………… (watch) TV after they ……………… (finish) their homework.

a) watched b) had watched c) watching / a) had finished b) finished c) finishing

  1. The streets ……………… (be) wet after it ……………… (rain) all morning.

a) was b) were c) had been / a) rained b) raining c) had rained

III Podkreśl poprawne zdania: (6p)

  1. Kevin said, “I have lost my favourite sweater.”

Kevin said that he had lost his favourite sweater. / Kevin said that he lost his favourite sweater.

  1. She said, “I always wake up early on Mondays.

She said that she had always woken up early on Mondays. / She said that she always woke up early on Mondays.

  1. Dad asked, “Where are you going?

Dad asked them where they were going. / Dad asked them if where they are going.

  1. Steve asked Mary, “Will you call me tomorrow?

Steve asked Mary whether she would call me tomorrow. / Steve asked Mary if she would call him tomorrow.

  1. The teacher said, “Open the books at page 11.”

The teacher told us opened the books at page 11. / The teacher told us to open the books at page 11.

  1. Mum said to Jack, “Don't forget to wash your hands!”

Mum told Jack to not forgot wash his hands. / Mum told Jack not to forget wash his hands.

Matura Upload 2 - Module 3 - test

III L Name: ………………………………………

Points: ……………… Mark: ……………

I Przetłumacz słówka: (10p)

kuchenka - ……………………

krzyczeć - ……………………

patelnia - ……………………

zwichnięty nadgarstek - …………………………

upuścić - ……………………

podnieść - ……………………

niezwykle - ……………………

zawalić się - ………………………

marmur- ……………………

cegła - ……………………

II Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą odpowiedniego czasu przeszłego: (10p)

  1. I ……………… (not/finish) cooking dinner when my parents came to visit.

a) hadn't finish b) hadn't finished c) didn't finished

  1. They left the cinema after the film ……………… (end).

a) has ended b) had end c) had ended

  1. Mike was happy because he ……………… (win) a competition.

a) had winned b) had won c) won

  1. Tim ……………… (live) in France before he moved to Germany.

a) lived b) living c) had lived

  1. She went to work after she ……………… (have) breakfast.

a) had b) has had c) had had

  1. By the time Gary bought the CD he ……………… (hear) the song on the radio many times.

a) had heared b) has heared c) had heard

  1. Susan ……………… (try) many dresses before she ……………… (buy) the green one.

a) tried b) has tried c) had tried / a) buyed b) bought c) had bought

  1. Jeff ……………… (get) married before he ……………… (change) his job.

a) got b) gotten c) had got / a) changed b) had changed c) has changed

III Podkreśl poprawne zdania: (6p)

  1. Jack said, “I want to go out.

Jack said that he wants to go home. / Jack said that he wanted to go home.

  1. Mary said, “My boyfriend has sent me flowers.

Mary said that her boyfriend had sent her flowers. / Mary said that her boyfriend sent her flowers.

  1. He asked, “What are you looking for?

He asked me what was I looking for. / He asked me what I was looking for.

  1. Aunt Anne asked, “Did you see the news yesterday?”

Aunt Anne asked John had he seen the news yesterday. / Aunt Anne asked John if he had seen the news the previous day.

  1. Mum said to children, “Tidy the kitchen!”

Mum told children to tidy the kitchen. / Mum told children tidy the kitchen.

  1. The guide said to us, “Don't touch the painting!”

The guide told us not to touch the painting. / The guide told us to don't touch the painting.


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