ModuleI-IAV, szkolne, Naftówka

Matura Prime Time - Module 1 - test

I av Name: ………………………………………

Points: ………… / 35 Mark: ……………

I Przetłumacz słówka: (8p)

chodnik - ……………………

most - ……………………

siłownia - …………………

prom - ……………………

tani - ………………………

dom wolnostojący - ………………………

ścielić łóżko - …………………

nakrywać do stołu - ……………………

II Wyraź poniższe kwestie po angielsku: (4p)

Poproś o bilet powrotny do Leeds.


Powiedz, że wolisz podróżować samolotem.


Zapytaj, czy możesz popływać w basenie.


Poproś kolegę, by wyrzucił śmieci.


III Wybierz jedną opcję, która najlepiej pasuje do zdania: (6p)

  1. You ……………… park here. It's not allowed.

a) don't have to b) can't c) must

  1. I ……………… the furniture twice a week.

a) dust b) make c) iron

  1. A: That's £25, please.
    B: a) Single, please. b) Hello. Can I help you? c) Here you are.

  2. Helen ……………… the floor at the moment.

a) mops b) is mopping c) are mopping

  1. What's the ……………… street in your town?

a) noisiest b) noisier c) noisy

  1. To keep ……………… away you need to put a lot of insect repellent.
    a) snakes b) alligators c) mosquitoes

IV Wybierz właściwe słówko: (3p)

1. The streets are quiet / crowded and there's a lot of traffic.

2. The streets in this town are really clean / dirty. There's a lot of rubbish everywhere.

3. You can go to a post office / library to buy a stamp.

V Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą przymiotnika z nawiasu: (5p)

1. Sue's kitchen is ………………… (messy) than Tom's kitchen

2. Lisa's room is …………………… (comfortable) of all the rooms in this house.

3. Krosno isn't as …………………… (big) as London.

4. My car is ……………………… (good) than your car.

5. My bedroom is ……………………… (dark) than my kitchen.

VI Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź: (3p)

1. A: Could you help me?
B: a) It's OK. b) Yes, of course.

2. A: Here are your tickets.
B: a) Thank you. b) You're welcome.

3. A: Enjoy yourself.
B: a) That's OK. b) Thanks, you too.

VII Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z listy: (6p)

skyscrapers survive get lost escape poisonous coastline shakes

  1. Take a map with you so you don't ……………… .

  2. We often drive to the countryside to ……………… from the big city.

  3. The ground ……………… during an earthquake.

  4. We enjoy driving along the beautiful ……………… and seeing the sandy beaches.

  5. New York City has got some of the tallest ………………… in the world.

  6. There are many ………………… spiders in the swamps.

Matura Prime Time - Module 1 - test

I av Name: ………………………………………

Points: ……………… Mark: ……………

I Przetłumacz słówka: (8p)

znak drogowy - ……………………

tunel - ……………………

lodowisko - …………………

autokar - ……………………

wygodny - ………………………

dom bliźniak - ………………………

odkurzać dywan - …………………

zmywać naczynia - ……………………

II Wyraź poniższe kwestie po angielsku: (4p)

Poproś o bilet w jedną stronę do Oxfordu.


Powiedz, że nie lubisz podróżować metrem.


Powiedz, że nie wolno palić w szkole.


Poradź koledze, by porozmawiał ze swoimi współlokatorami.


III Wybierz jedną opcję, która najlepiej pasuje do zdania: (6p)

  1. You ……………… return these books to the library today.

a) doesn't have to b) can't c) must

  1. Nina ……………… the floors once a week.

a) irons b) mops c) dusts

  1. A: Here are your tickets.
    B: a) Thank you. b) That's fine. c) You're welcome.

  2. Simon and Hugh ……………… the this summer at their grandparents' cottage in the countryside.

a) spend b) is spending c) are spending

  1. John is ………………than Adam.

a) polite b) politer c) more polite

  1. Ride up the streets of San Francisco on a ……………… car.
    a) road b) cable c) motor

IV Wybierz właściwe słówko: (3p)

1. There are some dangerous / safe areas in the city where you shouldn't go at night.

2. We need a(n) cheap / expensive hotel. We don't have much money.

3. You can go to a community centre / library to borrow a book.

V Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą przymiotnika z nawiasu: (5p)

1. Lisa is ………………… (attractive) girl in our class.

2. Which European city is …………………… (populated) than London?

3. Jason's car isn't as …………………… (fast) as Ethan's.

4. A plane is ……………………… (good) means of transport in the world.

5. Germany is ……………………… (big) than Poland.

VI Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź: (3p)

1. A: Could you lay the table, please?
B: a) It looks great. b) Yes, of course.

2. A: That's £40, please.
B: a) That's right. b) Here you are.

3. A: When do you want to go?
B: a) At 11 o'clock. b) It's number 11.

VII Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z listy: (6p)

pedestrians ground mansion crowded repellent hospital spectacular

  1. The view from the top of the building is ……………… .

  2. Use insect ……………… so you don't get stung by bugs.

  3. ……………… should use the zebra crossing when they cross the road.

  4. The streets are really ……………… and there's lots of traffic .

  5. People go to a ……………… when they are ill.

  6. This fairytale ……………… has over 200 rooms!.

Matura Prime Time - Module 1 - test resit

I av Name: ………………………………………

Points: …………/35 Mark: ……………

I Przetłumacz słówka: (8p)

chodnik - ……………………

most - ……………………

siłownia - …………………

pociąg - ……………………

tani - ………………………

dom wolnostojący - ………………………

ścielić łóżko - …………………

nakrywać do stołu - ……………………

II Wyraź poniższe kwestie po angielsku: (4p)

Poproś o 2 bilety powrotne do Whitby.


Powiedz, że wolisz podróżować samolotem.


Zapytaj, czy możesz popływać w basenie.


Poproś kolegę, by wyrzucił śmieci.


III Wybierz jedną opcję, która najlepiej pasuje do zdania: (6p)

  1. You ……………… park here. It's not allowed.

a) don't have to b) can c) mustn't

  1. I ……………… the furniture twice a week.

a) wash b) dust c) iron

  1. A: That's £25, please.
    B: a) Single, please. b) Thank you. c) Here you are.

  2. Helen ……………… the carpet at the moment.

a) hoover b) is hoovering c) hoovers

  1. What's the ……………… street in your town?

a) crowded b) more crowded c) most crowded

  1. To keep ……………… away you need to put a lot of insect repellent.
    a) reptiles b) mud c) mosquitoes

IV Wybierz właściwe słówko: (3p)

1. The streets are quiet / crowded and there's a lot of traffic.

2. The streets in this town are really clean / dirty. There's a lot of rubbish everywhere.

3. You can go to a post office / library to buy a stamp.

V Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą przymiotnika z nawiasu: (5p)

1. Sue's kitchen is …………………………… (bright) than Tom's kitchen

2. Lisa's room is ……………………………… (pleasant) of all the rooms in this house.

3. Krosno isn't as ……………………………… (noisy) as London.

4. My car is ………………………………… (bad) than your car.

5. My bedroom is ………………………………… (small) than my kitchen.

VI Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź: (3p)

1. A: Could you help me?
B: a) It's OK. b) Yes, of course.

2. A: Here are your tickets.
B: a) Thank you. b) You're welcome.

3. A: Enjoy yourself.
B: a) That's OK. b) Thanks, you too.

VII Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z listy: (6p)

skyscrapers survive get lost escape poisonous mansion spectacular

  1. Take a map with you so you don't ……………… .

  2. We often drive to the countryside to ……………… from the big city.

  3. The view from the top of the building is ……………… .

  4. This fairytale ……………… has over 200 rooms!

  5. New York City has got some of the tallest ………………… in the world.

  6. There are many ………………… spiders in the swamps.


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