środowisko naturalne

Lista słówek i wyrażeń



environment protection/conservation

ochrona środowiska

environmentally friendly

przyjazny dla środowiska, ekologiczny

to protect/to conserve the environment

chronić, ochraniać środowisko


śmiecie, odpadki

a rubbish dump/tip

wysypisko śmieci

to dump/to tip rubbish

wyrzucać śmieci (=to dispose of)

a landfill (site)

wysypisko śmieci

industrial/nuclear waste

odpady przemysłowe/nuklearne

household waste

śmiecie z gospodarstw domowych

to dispose of waste

usuwać odpady (=to get rid of)

waste disposal

usuwanie odpadów

to sort out rubbish

segregować śmieci

to recycle

regenerować (surowce);

recycled products

produkty otrzymane w wyniku wtórnego przetworzenia

a recycling centre

metalowe pojemniki do segregowania śmieci

to contaminate

zanieczyszczać, skażać;

contaminated water / air etc.

skażona woda/powietrze itd.

to pollute

zanieczyszczać; pollution - zanieczyszczenie, zanieczyszczanie

rapidly growing pollution of industrial areas

gwałtownie rosnące zanieczyszczenie obszarów przemysłowych

a rapid rise/increase in the number of cars on the roads

gwałtowny wzrost liczby samochodów na drogach

the number of cars on the roads is rising/increasing considerably

liczba aut na drogach znacznie wzrasta

traffic congestion

zatory na drogach (=traffic jams)

to produce (exhaust) fumes

wytwarzać spaliny (z ruch wydechowych samochodów)

urban sprawl

rozrastanie się miasta w sposób nadmierny i/lub niekontrolowany

to release sewage into rivers

wypuszczać ścieki do rzek

a sewage treatment plant

oczyszczalnia ścieków

fossil fuels

paliwa kopalne (coal, oil, gas)

natural resources are running out

zasoby naturalne się wyczerpują

alternative sources of energy

alternatywne źródła energii (also: alternative resources)

renewable energy

energia odnawialna, pochodząca za źródeł naturalnych (wind, water, sunlight)

solar power/wind power/hydroelectric power

energia słoneczna/wiatrowa/wodna

a wind farm

elektrownia wiatrowa;

to set up wind farms

budować elektrownie wiatrowe


las deszczowy (tropikalny);


wycinanie lasu (=destruction of the rainforest)

acid rain

kwaśny deszcz

the greenhouse effect

efekt cieplarniany;

global warming

globalne ocieplenie

greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide

dwutlenek węgla;



nitrous oxide

tlenek azotu

to cause a gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere

powodować stopniowy wzrost temperatury atmosfery ziemskiej



to cause damage to the ozone layer

uszkadzać warstwę ozonową

to reduce the use of aerosols

ograniczyć używanie aerozoli

endangered species

zagrożone gatunki (zwierząt, roślin)

extinct (species)

wymarły (gatunek biologiczny)

threatened with extinction

zagrożony wyginięciem


naturalne środowisko (w którym żyje dany gatunek zwierzęcia lub rośliny)

a wildlife sanctuary

rezerwat przyrody (=nature reserve)

to preserve (protect) wildlife

ochraniać przyrodę

to affect sth.

mieć wpływ na coś;


dotknięty (czymś), znajdujący się pod oddziaływaniem (czegoś)

to have a harmful influence/effect on

wywierać szkodliwy wpływ na

to upset ecological balance

zaburzać równowagę ekologiczną

steps must be taken to prevent environmental doom

należy podjąć kroki, aby uniknąć zagłady środowiska

possible solutions to the problem might lie in

możliwe rozwiązania tego problemu mogą polegać na

enforcing the law

egzekwowanie prawa, domaganie się przestrzegania prawa

increasing environmental awareness

uświadamnianie (problemów, zagrożeń itd.) środowiska

introducing stricter laws and harsher punishments

wprowadzanie surowszych przepisów i ostrzejszych kar

reducing the emissions of gases into the atmosphere

zmiejszenie ilości gazów wypuszczanych do atmosfery

increasing the number of car-free zones in centres of towns

tworzenie stref wolnych of ruchu w centrach miast

using bicycles instead of cars

korzystanie z rowerów zamiast z zamochodów

harnassing alternative sources of energy

wykorzystywanie alternatywnych źródeł energii

0x01 graphic

In each of the following gaps write one word. The number of dashes corresponds to the number of letters in the word. Do not change any of the letters that have been given.

  1. We aim to increase the public awareness of the need for c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ of the environment.

  2. On Wednesday we are going to clear the beach of l _ _ _ _ r .

  3. They d _ _ p _ _ a load of rubbish in the river.

  4. We live in a street off Soho Road and there's _ _ _ _ _ sh tipped everywhere.

  5. The cost of tipping rubbish in l _ _ d _ _ _ _ s is enormous.

  6. … the problem of safe d _ _ _ _ _ _ l of radioactive waste from power stations.

  7. Tthe cost of disposing of refuse in landfill s _ _ _ s is enormous.

  8. When will the Parliament pass a law that will regulate the d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of w _ _ _ _ ?

  9. These chemicals c _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ water and poison animals.

  10. Many had died from _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d water.

  11. Heavy industry p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ our rivers with noxious chemicals.

  12. The level of pollution in the river is r _ s _ _ _ g considerably.

  13. All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

  14. Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste d _ _ _ s .

  15. Will there be any changes in the climate due to pollution of the atmosphere by i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l waste?

  16. It is estimated that by 2050 the number of cars on Polish roads will have i _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ by 50 %.

  17. The problems of traffic c _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ _ will not disappear in a hurry.

  18. The whole urban s _ _ _ _ _ of Ankara contains over 2.6 m people.

  19. A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by s _ _ _ g _ pumped into the Irish Sea.

  20. The government has made it a priority to increase the t _ _ _ _ m _ _ t of sewage.

  21. F _ _ _ _ _ fuel is fuel such as coal, or oil that is formed from the decayed remains of plants or animals.

  22. A country's r _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ are the things that it has and can use to increase its wealth.

  23. Solar power is obtained from the sun's light and h _ _ _ .

  24. The greenhouse effect is the problem caused by increased quantities of gases such as c _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ in the air. These gases trap the heat from the sun, and cause a g _ _ _ _ _ _ rise in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

  25. Acid rain is rain polluted by acid that has been r _ _ _ _ s _d into the atmosphere from factories and other industrial processes.

  26. There is worldwide concern about the destruction of the Amazon r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

  27. The ozone layer is the part of the Earth' s atmosphere that has the most ozone in it. The ozone layer protects living things from the h _ _ _ _ _ _ radiation of the sun.

  28. 400, 000 square kilometers of the Amazon basis have already been d _ _ _ _ _ _ ted.

  29. CFCs are gases that are used in things such as aerosols and refrigerators and can cause d _ _ _ _ _ to the ozone layer.

  30. Acid rain forms when gases produced by burning coal and oil are d _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ in the atmosphere.

  31. The h _ _ _ _ _ _ of an animal or plant is the natural environment in which it normally lives or grows.

  32. Pandas are an e _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ species.

  33. Many species have been shot to the verge of _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n .

  34. It is 250 years since the wolf became e _ _ _ _ _ _ in Britain

  35. A place where animals or birds are protected and allowed to live freely is called a s _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ .

  36. Radical steps must be taken to p _ _ _ _ _ t environmental doom.


1. Explain how these problems affect our lives: lack of resources and energy crisis, greenhouse effect, deforestation, endangered species, overpopulation.
How is energy produced?
What sources of energy other than fossil fuels can be used?
What parts of the environment are being polluted?
What is global warming caused by?
Why do species of plants and animals die out? Who is responsible for this? etc.
2. What can be done to prevent our environment from complete devastation?


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