05. School
school - szkoła elementary / primary school - podstawówka grammar school - gimnazjum secondary / high school - liceum college, university - uniwersytet kindergarten - przedszkole learn, study - uczyć się teach - uczyć kogoś, nauczać teacher - nauczyciel students - studenci, uczniowie schoolgirl - uczennica schoolboy - uczeń academy - akademia academic - akademicki student hostell, hall of, residence - akademik dla studentów academician - członek akademii lecture - wykład
class - klasa (uczniowie / sala) library - biblioteka librarian - bibliotekarz girls / boys room - łazienka w szkole principial - dyrektor assistent lecturer - asystent post - graduate, student - doktorant doctorate, doctor's degree - doktorat to obtain a doctors degree - doktoryzować się to deliver / to give a lecture - wy kładać lecturer - wykładowca professor - profesor vice-chancellor, president of a university - rektor vice-chancellor's office - rektorat
exam - egzamin test - sprawdzian exercise - ćwiczenia book - książka notebook - zeszyt page - stronica piece of paper - kartka papieru paper - papier pen - długopis pencil - ołówek ruler - linijka rubber - gumka scissors - nożyczki sponge <sponcz> - gąbka blackboard - tablica glue - klej paints - farby creyons - kredki write - pisać paint - malować draw - rysować study at - uczyć się na break - przerwa lunch - drugie śniadanie
faculty - wydział office - biuro office, study - gabinet school paper - gazetka szkolna gym <dżym> - siłownia room, hall - sala lecture hall - sala wykładowa learning, scence, scholarship - nauka / wiedza teaching, education - nauka / nauczanie scholarship - stypendium the humanisties - nauki humanistyczne the sciences <sajensis> - nauki ścisłe scholar - uczony, badacz scholastic - nauczycielski, uczony grade, note, mark - ocena to mark - oceniać (np. kartkówki) reading - lektura reading list - lista lektur homework - zadanie domowe subject - przedmiot
P.E. (phisycal education) - wf lanquage - język biology - biologia art - sztuka (muzyka i plastyka) math - matematyka physics - fizyka chemistry <chemistry> - chemia geography - geografia anatomy - anatomia history - historia favorite subcject - ulubiony przedmiot least favorite subcject - najmniej ulubiony nuclar physics - fizyka jądrowa Netherlands - niderlandzki Dutch - holenderski German - niemiecki Polish - polski English - angielski
Russian - rosyjski Ukrainian - ukraiński Italian - włoski Latin - łaciński Lithuanian <litułanian> - litewski British - brytyjski American - amerykański Peruwian - peruwiański Spanish - hiszpański French - francuski Scottish - szkocki Iragi - irakijski Iranian - irański Irish - irlandzki Japanese - japoński Canadian - kanadyjski Chinese <czajnisz> - chiński
My school
My first school was primary school. I didn't go to kindergarten. My elementary school was sportschool. It was super, because I had physical education every day. This school last eight years. Later I went to high school, it last four years. I was going to languages class. I learned German, French and English, but my favourite subjects were German and physical education. My homeroom teacher teached German and she was terrible. All our teachers were awful and unfair. Only biology teacher was nice and intelligent, and first of all ok with us. We could bribe the rest. Later I went to collage. This school last two years and I could to learn skins for my job. This scholl was the best in my life. Here I had super class, the people in this class were very friendly. Teachers were here nice and fair with us, too. Later I began to learn in university in Cracow. University is an university, so combination first of all. But I love to learn and I haven't a least favourite subjects.
homeroom teacher - wychowawca
first of all - przede wszystkim
(to) bribe - przekupić