06. Working long hours - pracując długimi godzinami
job, work - praca proffesion, occupation - zawód activity - czynność (to) work - pracować / nie mogę powiedzieć - I have a work (to) have a job - mieć pracę working conditions - warunki pracy duty, duties - obowiązek worker, employee <emploli> - pracownik employer - zatrudniający (to) give a job - dawać pracę (to) find a job - znaleźć pracę (to) look for a job - szukać pracy employment - zatrudnienie pay, earnings - płaca tygodniowa salery - płaca miesięczna not to high, not to small - nie za wysoka, nie za niska medium - średnia (to) earn - zarabiać (to) have got, own, possess - posiadać ownership - posiadanie (to) fire somebody, (to) let go, (to) dissmiss - zwolnić kogoś (to) give up, (to) resing (from) - zwolnić się z dissmissal - zwolnienie z pracy sick leave - zwolnienie chorobowe medical certificate - zwolnienie medyczne market - rynek pracy bussines - biznes contract of employment, work deal, job deal - umowa o pracę to sign a deal, a contract - podpisywać umowę to agree on working conditions - zgadzać się na warunki pracy
subordinate - podwładny race - podwyżka, wyścig bonus - premia holiday, leave - urlop notice - wypowiedzenie promotion - awans (to) promote, (to) give a ... - awansować kogoś regulations, statue <statju> - regulamin substitution - zastępstwo tymczasowe replecement <replejsment> - zastępstwo całkowite working space - miejsce pracy easy - łatwa, prosta difficult - trudna difficulties - trudności (to) oversome - pokonywać expectations - oczekiwania demands - wymagania room - pokój office - biuro computer - komputer telephone - telefon fax - machine - fax screen - ekran keyboard - klawiatura (to) quard - bronić, strzec working time, time of work - czas pracy days off - dni wolne commision - praca zlecona work, job - praca na stałe odd job - praca dorywcza contract of work - umowa o dzieło violence - przemoc |
manager - kierownik secretary - sekretarka assistant manager - zastępca kierownika boss - szef politician - polityk president - prezydent Prime Minister - minister writer, novelist - pisarz carpenter - stolarz shoemaker - szewc dressmaker - krawiec doctor, physician - lekarz optician - optyk veterinarian - weteryniarz dentist - dentysta plastic surgeon <sy:rdżyn> - chirurg plastyczny hair - dresser - fryzjer cosmetician - kosmetyczka designer - projektant waiter / waitress <wejtresses> - kelner scientist - naukowiec technician - technik inventor - wynalazca discoverer - odkrywca
teacher - nauczyciel clerk, official - urzędnik housewife - gospodyni domowa chemist - aptekarz, chemik model - modelka electrician - elektryk artist - artysta engineer - inżynier buisnessman - biznesmen |
poet - poeta painter - malarz drawer - rysownik policeman - policjant fireman, firefighter - strażak soldier - żołnierz farmer - rolnik sprotsman - sportowiec actor - aktor director - reżyser photographer - fotograf cheif <szif> - szef kuchni cook - kucharz priest - ksiądz nun <nan>, sister - zakonnica seller - sprzedawca shopassistant, clerk, salesman - ekspedient merchant <merczant> - kupiec driver - kierowca busdriver - kierowca autobusu receptionist - recepcjonista publisher - wydawca mechanic - mechanik pilot, flyier - pilot guide - przewodnik bookseller - księgarz librarian - bibliotekarz translator - tłumacz to translate, to make translations - tłumaczyć actress - aktorka author - autor accountant - księgowy
Tworzenie zawodów przez dodanie końcówek:
-er - teacher, driver -or - translator , actor (actress) -man - postman, buisnessman, fireman |
How do you get to work? by car, by train, by bus, by bicycle / on foot
(At) what time do you get up? - O której godzinie wstajesz? at six o'clock
(At) What time have you got breakfest? at eight o'clock
What time do you star / stop work?
What do you do in the evenings / weekend?
What sort of books / food do you like?
Where do you go / travel on holiday?
Are you interested in politics / sport / music?
My Working Day
Every Day I wake up at 6 o'clock a.m. I like getting up that early. I get dressed and wash my face and brush my teeth. I comb my hair and I wear y hair always loose. Then I put make-up on my face. I like a fine (delikatny) make -up - it must by blue. Later, I eat my breakfest. Usually it is cornflakes with milk. I like to drink two cups of koffie with milk without sugar. Eating takes me half an hour, after that I leave my home. But I go at first with my dog then to work.
Getting to work takes my half an hour, too. I'm going with bus (line 163, 173) or by tram (line 3,9,13). At the work I spend 4 or 5 hours. I am a teacher and I teach German language. I like my job with children, because it's funny. Two things I don't like in my work - some parents and documents. They hamper (zawadzać) in my job, because parents don't know, what sees my work and when I must write a lote of documents. I don't have got a time to teach. After school I go to another work. I work as a tutor. I teach a German, Polish and Nederlands, too. I love working as a tutor and a teacher, because I work with children. I can get to know a people. I think, it is a big experience in my life. This job has a bad sides too. Mainly I must sometimes solve problems in a family, where I teach a child. There are a difference difficulties, they we my must oversome, because children with many problems cannot learn. They think about this difficulties, instead (zamiast) think about my subject. That is not funny. The problems are easy sometimes, but it is a tragedy in family, too (for example alkoholism, depression).
After work I spend my time mainly at home. At about eight or nine I come back. I eat my supper, and after my eating I learn languages, I see films or I read a books and agazines in another languages. This is my hobby. Sometimes I watch TV for a little, but there aren't usually good - looking mans. Every evening I must listen to musik, because I rest at it best. When I have got a time, I clean in my room and I wash the dishes. I cannot fight with my dog, who's turn it is to clean anything. Last think, what I must to do, it is a walk with my dog. When I finish all, I am going to sleep.
Vocabulary - słownictwo
Wake up - budzić się Get up - wstawać Early - wcześnie Until - aż do (którejś godziny) To dress / get dressed - ubrać się Wash - myć Brush teeth - myć, szczotkować żeby Comb - czesać Pull - ściągać Loose - swobodnie Lipstick - szminka Fragrance - zapach perfum Mauve - liliowy <małwe> foreign - obcy to last - trwać led by - prowadzone przez horrible - straszny mean - wredny most important - najważniejsze to amaze - zaskakiwać Fast - szybko how - jak to look forward - cieszyć się na to enjoy - cieszyć się plot - wątek awful - okropny don't care - nie obchodzi finish - zakończyć ready - gotowy goodnight - dobranoc |
Usually - zazwyczaj cornflakes - płatki śniadaniowe boil, cook - gotować egg - jajko drink - pić / napój do picia lemon - cytryna takes time, hour - zajmować czas, godzinę Go out, leave - wychodzić get to - udać się spend - spędzać carry - nosić all over - wszędzie tutor - korepetytor to tutor - udzielać korepetycji bad sides - złe strony mainly, especially - głównie scratch - drapać bite - gryźć smell - pachnąć aunt - ciotka smart - madry bright - bystry cinema - kino blockbuster - hit kinowy to fight with - kłócić się z who's turn - czyja kolej for some time - przez jakiś czas show - program surgeon - chirurg sweet dreams - słodkich snów |
An Occupation - Zawód
painter - malarz
passenger - pasażer
reporter - reporter
singer - pioenkarz
tourist - turysta
writer - pisarz
journalist - dziennikarz
dancer - tancerz
cook - kucharz
friend - przyjaciel
neighbour - sąsiad
pupil - uczeń
student - student
accounts clerk - urzędnik księgowy
nurse - pielęgniarka
klerk - urzędnik
hairdresser - fryzjer
sailor - marynarz
shopkeeper - sprzedawczyni
clergyman - ksiądz
labourer - robotnik
cashier - kasjer
lawyer - prawnik
dustman - śmieciarz
referee - sędzia
headmaster - dyrektor szkoły