Crowdfund Olympics, or the New Story of Jamaican Bobsledders
In „Cool Runnings”, the brilliant and light-hearted comedy from the 1990s, a group of Jamaican athletes decide tocompete in the Calgary Winter Olympics' bobsleddingtournament, and hit a snag due to not having enough cash to buy gear. The twist, of course, being that Jamaica is not particularly known for its winter sports nor its bobsledders (or, at least, it was not until that movie). You may be forgiven for thinking that Jamaica isn't really well suited to send its athletes to compete in winter disciplines, but this year, at the upcoming Sochi Olympic games in Russia, another Jamaican bobsledding team is going to try and get the gold. And unlike the four guys from the 1993 Disney film, they don't have to sing on the streets, hold a kissing booth, arm wrestle or even sell their car. It is, after all, the 21st century - their Olympicperformance will be… crowdfunded!
This is the first time since 2002 that the Jamaican bobsledding team has qualified forthe big event. This year, though, seems as impressive as the original (unsuccessful) first outing of the Carribean team in Calgary in 1988, the events of which were shown in the Disney picture.
The two Jamaican athletes, Winston Watts and Marvin Dixon, have just been allowed to compete by the Sochi Organizing Committee on January 18. First order of business? Getting money to actually fly to Sochi, since the team has no sponsor and no government backing. To that end, the fans of dynamic duo have spontaneously held several crowdfunding efforts, all extremely successful. And then, just a few hours ago as of this writing, the Jamaican and Sochi committee agreed to cover any travelexpenses on top of that, making the Jamaican team's dreams come true.
„In truth, we still don't really know at the moment if we'd even have enough funds or sponsorship to fly to Sochi itself for the Games itself. It all depends,” said Watts of the financial woes of the team just hours before scoring massive influx of cash viafan-driven crowdfunding channels. It wouldn't have been possible in the 1980s. More than that: even as recently as five years ago it would have been unthinkable for them to gather that much money without corporate sponsors, angel investors or governmentgrants just weeks before the actual sporting event. It all takes time, red tape, many meetings with potential sponsors… And it may ultimately not yield any endorsementdeals. Enter crowdfunding - the new and incredibly popular method of garneringtraction with actual fans, backers and sponsors, the social-media age answer to a formal black-tie fund-raising dinner.
What is crowdfunding, exactly?
You may or may not have heard about Kickstarter - a web service and site launched in 2009 to help various private projects get off the ground. It's definitely not the only one, and not the first one of its kind, but so far it caused the biggest stir in the media. With more than 100 000 projects started and a success ratio of four out of 10, people use Kickstarter to launch original and wonderful new ideas that big business might have scoffed at. Yes, that would likely include sponsoring a Jamaican bobsledding team, too.
Over the years, Kickstarter cemented its position as a „hip” and trendy platform by getting a lot of traction in the media with various „firsts„. One of those was the first fully-crowdfunded computer adventure game called Broken Age, which will have its premiere to non-backers (i.e. folk that haven't supported it via Kickstarter) in just a few days. It's made by Double Fine Productions, the development studio headed byone of the computer gaming greatest, Tim Schafer. It's also Tim's first game in the adventure genre since Grim Fandango, a massively successful and lovable videogame published by the now defunct LucasArts gaming studio back in 1998. Schafer did put out a few „stinkers” since then, notably a 2009 flop Brutal Legend, but is generallyconsidered to be one of the most imaginative videogame creators out there. The game wouldn't have ever seen the light of day, had it not been for the fans' hugeoutpouring of support via Kickstarter. Tens of thousands of fans have promised to invest more than USD 3.4 mln into the game that at the time only existed on paper, and apparently, this was not money thrown away - already big gaming portals like IGN give the game glowing reviews (9.5/10). It wasn't all smooth sailing, either: at one point, Schafer run out of those 3.4 mil and had to start selling an incomplete game via Steam (another online success story, but for another time, perhaps!) to finish it with money made from sales.
Another fine example of how Kickstarter could make some superb and unique idea into reality is Pebble Smartwatch. You've likely heard of Samsung's or Sony's smartwatches — shiny gadgets with sleek screens and numerous functions out of a sci-fi flick, capable of email, voice navigation, video and audio playback, in short all of that which now is done by smartphones. Wearing your tech is the trendy new thing, unsuccessfully attempted since the late 1960s, but only just now becoming commercially viable (e.g. Google Glass glasses).
While the big corporations are still trying to impress with colorful graphics and make a watch replace a phone, Pebble quietly revolutionized the whole idea. They wanted a watch that could show time and perhaps display an email, nothing more. Except they wanted it to also last longer on a battery (like a normal watch should) and be as easy to read in daylight as in artificial lighting. Pebble Smartwatch used E-ink tech, the same one that powers e-book readers like Kindle. It's an artificial paper-white screen that draws actual image and not a fast-refreshing set of pixels and doesn't requirebacklighting to be readable. This makes it last a good few days longer than the giants' competing products, and costs only around USD 150 (USD 115 to backers). Already around 300 000 of these marvels have been sold, and the Kickstarting funding provided a whopping USD 10 mln pledged by almost 70 000 people between just April and May 2012.
So much like its name suggests, Kickstarter's aim is to kick-start the development of a fresh new idea, perhaps a small company or a cool gadget, or maybe even a whole movie (check Veronica Mars the Movie), all with the aid of actual regular folk like you or I. Ideally, when enough people invest small sums of money (like 5 or 10 dollars per person) the project can be paid for without the need for big companies, the suits or other corporate-related voodoo to be involved.
Why crowdfund anything at all?
People who give their money, and more importantly - trust, are rewarded with specificpackages set by the project organizer depending on the amount they've donated. For instance, by giving 5 dollars you get a T-shirt, by giving 50 you get a collector's edition of the item (if it's not too expensive to make), and by giving 500 you become one of the item's co-creators — keep in mind, those are just the examples. Some projects, like the above-mentioned Pebble, essentially offer a discounted pre-order of the item - just by donating something, they could later buy Pebble for USD 115, as opposed to a USD 150 full price tag. And Kickstarter itself is also earning in the process: around 5% of the amount collected is taken by Kickstarter, with further 5%going towards using Amazon payment infrastructure to transfer and collect donations.
In essence, KS is the most democratic way of supporting a product or idea that you like. But going back to our „big story” - the Jamaican team. They haven't even used Kickstarter in their attempt! They used a combination of digital currency pledging and two other platforms: IndieGoGo and CrowdTilt.
Digital Currency Pledging: DogeCoin
Following the BitCoin scandal from a while back, in which some people used online currency to buy drugs and other illegal things, the trust put into this new phenomenon has been gradually dropping. Digital currency — or cryptocurrency — is exactly what its name suggests: its a piece of data that serves as a currency without fixed exchange rate to gold or any other physical equivalent. It is secured with special algorithms and stored and distributed fully online, and only created within special networks.
BitCoin used to be the pioneer in this; it has been created anonymously and served well until the Silk Road (an online black market) involvement that caused some peoplequestion its legality. This is why some people prefer to use different cryptocurrencies, notably the DogeCoin - its name a play on the Internet meme by the same name, it was originally just a proof of concept, though the name stuck since it became an „official” currency.
And so, using various social networks (e.g. Twitter), fans of the Jamaican athletes in the bobsledding team were able to collect USD 30 000 worth of DogeCoin out of theirinitial goal of 80 000 in mere hours. DogeCoin is gaining in popularity very fast, and isspeculated by traders much like any other currency, except any rate fluctuations take seconds and minutes, and not days or weeks, so potential for quick gain - or loss - istremendous.
Apart from trying out the cryptocurrency route, fans opened up a campaign on IndieGoGo, one of the oldest and most trusted crowdfunding platforms. Perhaps not as hip and well known as Kickstarter, the platform has been in operation since 2008 and was originally devoted to making independent movies a reality outside of the big studios and without the Hollywood money.
IndieGoGo first debuted at the Sundance film festival, which in itself is also acelebration of artistic, independent (hence „indie„) titles on a shoestring budget. Its most successful project so far has not been in the movies, though; since it opened up to all kinds of projects, not just movie-related ones, projects like Canary could take off the ground in a big way. Canary is a unique type of cyber home security and gained almost USD 2 million between July and August last year. And fans of the Jamaican team were able to raise a reported USD 40 000 via IndieGoGo earlier on the day of writing this post, before merging the campaigns into CrowdTilt.
CrowdTilt is the youngest of the three, having only been launched in 2012. It's main difference from the other platforms lies in its versatility: it can gather all of your crowdfunding channels into one. In addition, it's cheaper: CT takes a modest 2.5% from the project organizer'spocket and 2.5% from each donation, amounting to a total of 5%. It also uses PayPal, arguably a little more user-friendly and common method ofinstant online payments around the globe.
But perhaps most importantly, CrowdTilt is fully charity-friendly. Whereas Kickstarter and similar services operate too commercially to allow for tax-free receipts of donations to charitable causes, CrowdTilt can do that and more. It actually helps those in need, and you can organize a charity funding campaign all on your own, without the need to invite famous celebs or throw a star-studded gala.
In addition, CT offers more flexible donation goals - you set some low amount as „tilting point”, or simply „tilt”, but once the project „tilts”, the sky is the limit - you can continue to reward your backers with more and more functions or extras added to your product to sweeten the deal while gaining more financial support.
As of the time of writing, one Lincoln Wheeler was able to gather more than 127 000 dollars with 1 day to spare on Crowdtilt's campaign page. Lincoln is just an avid fan of the Winter Sports that started the CT campaign, and interestingly enough has no connection to the Jamaican team whatsoever, doing it all out of the kindness of his heart.
But the most uplifting part of that quite phenomenal story lies in something else. Watts is now 46 years old, so this is likely his last performance as an Olympic athlete. He has competed in Olympics in 1994, 1998 and 2002, with an original 4-man Jamaican team, which he had to finance himself. Inevitably, because of the lack of funding, Watts had to cut two men out of his four. Perhaps with more crowdfunding campaigns like these, he may be able to rehire the two men or even help define a whole new way of thinking about sporting sponsorships.
And at the end of the day, Jamaican bobsledders will definitely go to Sochi, which is what really matters; best of luck, mon!
brilliant - doskonały
light-hearted - radosny
to compete - współzawodniczyć, brać udział w zawodach
bobsledding - bobslejowy
tournament - turniej
to hit a snag - napotkać przeszkodę
due to - z powodu
gear - wyposażenie
twist - niespodziewany zwrot akcji
well suited to doing sth - dobrze nadający się do czegoś/dopasowany do czegoś
upcoming - nadchodzący
kissing booth - budka z całusami za drobną opłatą (zabawa dziecięca)
to arm wrestle - siłować się na ręce
performance - występ
to crowdfund sth - fundować coś społecznie/za pośrednictwem serwisów finansowania społecznego
to qualify for sth - zakwalifikować się na coś/do czegoś
event - wydarzenie
impressive - robiący wrażenie
unsuccessful - nieudany
outing - wyjazd
first order of business - pierwsza rzecz do zrobienia
backing - wsparcia
to that end - w tym celu
dynamic duo - dynamiczny duet, przebojowa dwójka
extremely - niezwykle
to cover - pokryć
expenses - koszty
on top of that - powyżej tego, ponad to
to make sb's dreams come true - spełnić czyjeś marzenia
to depend - zależeć
woes - niedola, kłopoty
to score sth - zyskać coś, zdobyć
influx - napływ
via - za pośrednictwem
X-driven - napędzany/motywowany przez X
unthinkable - nie do pomyślenia
angel investor - anioł biznesu
grant - dotacja, grant
red tape - biurokracja (pot.)
ultimately - ostatecznie
to yield sth - przynieść coś, zyskać coś (dla kogoś)
endorsement - lansowanie, sponsorowanie
enter X - i oto X
to garner - zdobyć, pozyskać
traction with sb - poklask u kogoś, popularność w jakimś gronie
black-tie - w stroju formalnym/wyjściowym, na galowo
fund-raising - zbieranie funduszy, zbiórka (na rzecz czegoś)
to launch - rozpocząć, wystartować
various - rozmaity
to get off the ground - wystartować, zyskać na popularności
definitely - z całą pewnością
to cause a stir - wywołać poruszenie
ratio - stosunek, proporcja
to scoff at sth - wzgardzić czymś
to cement one's position as sth - przypieczętować swoją pozycję jako kogoś/coś
hip - modny (pot.)
first - coś, co jest robione po raz pierwszy, coś rekordowego
adventure game - gra przygodowa
folk - ludzie
headed by sb - pod czyimś przewodnictwem, kierowany przez kogoś
one of the greats/greatest - jeden z luminarzy/gigantów (jakiejś dziedziny)
genre - gatunek (filmu, muzyki itp)
lovable - ukochany, uroczy
now defunct - obecnie nieistniejący
stinker - klapa, gniot (pot.)
notably - zwłaszcza, w szczególności
flop - gniot
to be considered sth - być uznawanym za jakiegoś
imaginative - kreatywny
to see the light of day - ujrzeć światło dzienne
outpouring of support - fala poparcia, wyraz ogromnego poparcia (wobec czegoś)
to exist - istnieć
to throw away - wyrzucić
glowing review - pochlebna recenzja
smooth sailing - rozwój bez przeszkód, pójście jak po maśle
to run out of sth - skończyć się (o czymś), nie mieć już czegoś
incomplete - niepełny
superb - świetny
unique - unikalny
sleek - gładki, wymuskany
numerous - liczny
flick - film (pot.)
capable of sth - zdolny do czegoś, mający jakąś funkcję
playback - odtwarzanie
to attempt - usiłować
viable - realny, wykonalny
to impress with sth - zaimponować czymś
to replace - zastąpić
quietly - po cichu
to display - wyświetlić
to last longer - trwać dłużej, wytrzymać dłużej
daylight - światło dzienne
artificial - sztuczny
e-book reader - czytnik ebooków
fast-refreshing - szybko odświeżany
to require - wymagać
backlighting - podświetlenie
marvel - cudeńko
whopping - gigantyczny
to pledge - zaoferować (dotację), przyrzec (wsparcie)
to kick-start sth - uruchomić z kopa (silnik motoru), nadać czemuś pęd/rozpęd
per person - na osobę
the suits - sztywniaki w garniakach (o pracownikach wielkich korporacji, pot.)
voodoo - tu: czary-mary, wydziwiania (pot.)
to reward sb with sth - nagrodzić kogoś czymś
package - pakiet
depending on - w zależności od
collector's edition - wydanie kolekcjonerskie
co-creator - współtwórca
above-mentioned - wyżej wspomniany (tylko przed rzeczownikiem)
essentially - w gruncie rzeczy
discounted - po obniżonej cenie
pre-order - zamówienie przedpremierowe
as opposed to sth - w przeciwieństwie do czegoś, w odróżnieniu od czegoś
price tag - etykietka z ceną, cena
collected - zebrany
to go towards sth - pójść na coś, zostać przeznaczonym na jakiś cel
payment - płatność
currency - waluta
to tilt - przechylić, pochylić
drugs - narkotyki
illegal - nielegalny
put trust into sth - pokładać w czymś zaufanie, ufać czemuś
gradually - stopniowo
data - dane
to serve as sth - służyć jako coś
fixed - ustalony
exchange rate - kurs wymiany (waluty)
secured - zabezpieczony
pioneer - pionier, ktoś, kto coś zapoczątkowuje
anonymously - anonimowo
silk - jedwab
to question sth - zakwestionować coś, podać w wątpliwość
a play on name/word - gra słów, nazwa-kalambur
proof of concept - prototyp, wzór użycia
to stick - przyjąć się (np. o imieniu)
an X worth of sth - coś o (łącznej) wartości X
initial - wstępny
mere - ledwie, zaledwie
to speculate - spekulować (walutą)
fluctuations - wahania, fluktuacje
tremendous - ogromny
apart from - poza (czymś)
route - droga, ścieżka
well known - dobrze znany (nie przed rzeczownikiem)
to be in operation - działać, funkcjonować
devoted to sth - poświęcony czemuś
to make sth a reality - urzeczywistnić coś
celebration of sth - celebracja, uczczenie czegoś
hence - stąd
indie - niezależny, niezwiązany z wielkimi wytwórniami/firmami (o kapeli, filmie, grze komputerowej itp.)
on a shoestring budget - za bardzo małe pieniądze (pot.)
in a big way - potężnie, na wielką skalę
to merge - połączyć
versatility - wszechstronność
in addition - co więcej, ponadto
modest - skromny
from/out of sb's pocket - z czyichś pieniędzy
to amount to X - wynosić X
arguably - możliwe, zapewne
user-friendly - przyjazny dla użytkownika
instant - natychmiastowy
charity - akcja dobroczynna, organizacja charytatywna
whereas - podczas gdy
tax-free - wolny od podatku
receipt - dowód (nadania, wpłaty)
celeb - gwiazda, celebryta (pot.)
star-studded - pełen gwiazd
flexible - elastyczny
the sky is the limit - nie ma ograniczeń
extra - dodatek
to sweeten the deal - uatrakcyjnić propozycję/warunki czegoś
with X to spare - mając w zapasie/zanadrzu X
avid - zagorzały
interestingly enough - co bardzo interesujące, co ciekawsze
whatsoever - ani trochę, wcale
out of the kindness of sb's heart - z dobroci serca (czyjegoś)
uplifting - podnoszący na duchu
inevitably - nieuchronnie
lack - brak, niedostatek
to rehire - ponownie zatrudnić