1.Test luk sterowanych-ćwiczenia, MATURA - TEKSTY ZE ZROZUMIENIEM + odpowiedzi z podkreślonymi częściami zdania do każdej odpowiedzi

Rozpoznawanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych

Test luk sterowanych

Wskazówki dotyczące rozwiązywania zadań testu luk sterowanych

Zadanie sprawdzające umiejętność rozpoznawania struktur leksykalno--gramatycznych polega na wyborze odpowiedzi, dzięki której towarzyszący mu tekst stanie się spójny i gramatycznie poprawny. Tylko jedna z podanych możliwości może zostać użyta w wyznaczonym kontekście. Element, którym należy uzupełnić luki, to najczęściej fragment związku frazeologicznego lub idiomu, czasownika złożonego, przyimek, brakujący element leksykalny lub gramatyczny, krótka fraza uzupełniająca znaczenie tekstu lub słowo wskazujące na związki między informacjami w tekście, np. relację przyczyny, skutku lub kontrast.

czasowniki i ich składnię

np. ask sb to do sth, deny doing sth, let sb do sth wyrażenia przyimkowe oraz połączenia różnych części mowy z przyimkami

np. as a result, under pressure, contrary to, to identify with wyrażenia idiomatyczne

np. the key to success, to stand a chance, with the naked eye czasowniki złożone

np. to give in, to let down, to put up with spójniki, wyrażające relacje między informacjami

np. but, however, although, nevertheless

> Po wykonaniu zadania, przeczytaj cały tekst jeszcze raz i sprawdź, czy jest on
spójny i poprawny pod względem językowym.

Prześledźmy na następującym przykładzie, jakich umiejętności może wymagać
od Ciebie rozwiązanie zadania maturalnego typu test luk sterowanych.


Przeczytaj poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.


Twenty-five years to the day since she entered Downing Street, Margaret Thatcher

1. a controversial figure. To her supporters, she was a revolutionary

figure 2. transformed Britain's stagnant economy, tamed the trade

unions, 3. a stop to strikes. She established the country as a world

power. Together with US presidents Reagan and Bush, she helped bring

4. the end of the Cold War. 5. her 11-year

premiership was also marked by social unrest, industrial strife and high unemployment. Her critics claim British society is still feeling the effect of her divisive economic policies and the culture of greed and selfishness they allegedly promoted.

  1. a insists b sustains c remains d lasts

  2. a which b whose c who d whom

  3. a making b giving c setting d putting


  1. Prawidłowa odpowiedź: c. Tylko czasownik remains prawidłowo uzupełnia sens całego zdania. Czasownik insist oznacza „obstawać przy czymś, nalegać na coś", więc nie może zostać użyty w podanym kontekście. Ponadto czasownik ten jest często używany z przyimkiem on bądź w konstrukcji to insist that somebody should do something, które tutaj się nie pojawiają. Czasownik sustain oznacza „doznać, ponieść np. porażkę, stratę" bądź „utrzymywać, podtrzymywać, trwać". Czasownik last oznacza „trwać" i zwykle pojawia się z okolicznikiem czasu, np. How long did the play last? Odpowiedź ta także nie pasuje do podanego kontekstu.

  2. Prawidłowa odpowiedź: c. Zaimek who wprowadza zdanie względne definiujące rzeczownik figure ze zdania głównego. Spośród podanych zaimków względnych, which nie może zostać użyty w odniesieniu do osób. Whose odnosi się zarówno do osób, jak i rzeczy i wyraża przynależność, np. Mr Barry, whose hotel is the best in town, has just got married. The house whose windows have been painted recently has been sold at a very high price. Whom może być użyty zamiennie z who tylko wtedy, kiedy odnosi się do dopełnienia czasownika w zdaniu względnym np. The professor whom I asked for help kindly agreed.

  3. Prawidłowa odpowiedź: d. Tylko czasownik put tworzy wyrażenie idiomatyczne to put a stop to something.

  1. a on b round c up d about

  2. a But b Despite c Regardless d Although


  1. Prawidłowa odpowiedź: d. Wszystkie podane partykuły mogą zostać użyte w połączeniu z czasownikiem bring, tworząc czasownik złożony. Jednak w każdym przypadku czasownik ten ma inne znaczenie. Bring on oznacza „spowodować coś negatywnego, ściągnąć, wywołać"; bring round - „cucić, pomóc komuś odzyskać przytomność", bring up - „wychowywać dzieci", „poruszyć temat". Żadna z tych możliwości nie jest logiczna w podanym kontekście. Czasownik bring about oznacza „spowodować, dokonać" i jako jedyny stanowi poprawne uzupełnienie zdania.

  2. Prawidłowa odpowiedź: a. Zdanie, w którym występuje luka nr 5, wprowadza do tekstu elementy nega­tywnej oceny rządów Margaret Thatcher i kontrastuje z myślą wyrażoną w poprzednich dwóch zdaniach, wyliczających jej zasługi, jako szefa rządu. Wszystkie wymienione w zadaniu spójniki wyrażają ideę kontrastu/przeciwieństwa, ale ze względu na składnię, tylko but może zostać użyty w tym zdaniu. Despite może poprzedzać rzeczownik, rzeczownik odczasownikowy, albo wyrażenie the fact that. np. Despite the reviewer's disapproval, the book enjoyed widespread popularity. Despite being ill, she went to work. Despite the fact that it was raining, the children continued to play tennis. Regardless wymaga użycia przyimka of, jak w zdaniu: Regardless of her father's opposition, Mary decided to marry Tony. Przyimek of nie pojawia się jednak w zamieszczonym tekście. Z kolei although wymaga użycia dwóch zdań złożonych podrzędnie: Although she was ill, she went to work. W podanym tekście zaś występuje tylko jedno zdanie.


Zadanie 1.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1.I read poetry than prose because I do not like long texts.

a would prefer c would rather

b had better d prefer

2. You your sleeping bag because we have many

blankets and duvets and I'm sure you'll feel comfortable.

a may not have brought c couldn't have brought

b can't have brought d needn't have brought.

3. A: I'd really like to read her latest novel.

B: . Critics say it is a literary masterpiece.

a So do I c Neither would

b So would I d And I don't either

4. Since the book isn't on the shelf, somebody else it.

a must have been taken c must have taken

b must take d must have been taking

5. Sarah Waters is a writer novel Fingersmith has just

been translated into Polish.

a who's c whose

b who d which

6. I'll lend you some money if you have rehearsals in the attic.

a had let me c have let me

b let me d should let me

7. Henry and Joan come from a small town in southeast England.

a Neither c Both

b Nor d All

8. There's no point in asking them for money. They everything

by now.

a will have spent c will spent

b will be spending d will have been spent

9. When we were small kids our father address our

aunts and uncles as "Madam" and "Sir".

a made us c had made us

b is made to d has made us

10. he earns much, he can't afford to take his family to the seaside.

a However c Although

b Despite d In spite of

11. If you knew your blood pressure was high, you the doctor.

a had to call c should have called

b must have called d would have called

12. Chris did use my computer but he denies any e-mails

from my account.

a to have sent c to send

b having sent d to having sent

13. Mark was clever boy that he managed

to solve all tasks in five minutes.

a such c such a

b so d that

14. to have hidden all the letters that she received from her lover.

a She is believed c People believe

b It is believed d She believes


Zadanie 2.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. After a long period of unemployment, Mark found a job a dustman.

a of c as

b like d as if

2. I'd rather you little Cathy watch such violent


a you won't let c not to let

b wouldn't let d didn't let

3. Is it worth so much money on second­
hand clothes if new ones are cheaper?

a to spend c to have spent

b spending d spend

4.I regret you that your contract has not been


a informing c to inform

b having informed d to have informed

5. Her son objects abroad to study.

a to being sent c being sent

b to be sent d to send

6. The house was bigger than I had expected.

a very c even

b any d farther

7. The more time you spend on watching television, .

a weaker your eyes will get c your eyes will get weaker

b the weaker your eyes will get d you will get your eyes weakened

8. Sheila would rather buy a pink frilly dress a see-through dress.

a to c from

b over d than

9. It's almost April but Mark hasn't filled in his tax return .

a yet c already

b still d until

10. Do you know when ?

a will your father arrive c your father arrives

b your father will arrive d your father has arrived

11.I wish I the grant; I might be studying in New York now.

a hadn't accepted c had accepted

b accepted d didn't accept

12. If she was more outgoing, she more friends.

a would have had c will have

b had d would have

13. The presenter introduced the subject of the seminar and then went on

the speakers.

a introducing c introduce

b to have introduced d to introduce

14. Mark is as stubborn as his father but he doesn't look his

father at all.

a similar c alike

b like d similar


Zadanie 3.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. Suppose your horse would you have decided

to give up horse racing?

a has won c had won

b would win d won
2.1 my car serviced already.

a have had c would have had

b had had d will have

3. This is the building Karen was born.

a which c what

b that d where

4. Let's have some tea, ?

a will we c are we going to

b shall we d do we

5. No one mentioned Henry's disgraceful behaviour at the reception, ?

a they did c hadn't they

b had they d did they

6. All the students failed the exam because had studied

hard enough.

a each of them c none of them

b neither of them d both of them

7.I do not like reading aloud in front of a large group of people and

does Henry.

a nor c either

b so d not

8. You should call the box office because there are very tickets left.

a little c a few

b few d a little
9.I prefer watching football on television watching it live.

a than c than

b from d to

10. No sooner home than he received an urgent

phone call from one of his patients.

a had he come c does he come

b has he come d would he come

11. When I lived in the country I used organic

vegetables every day.

a to eating c to eat

b eat d eating

12. They suggested that the government should pay for the National Health Service,
I found absolutely impracticable.

a that c which

b what d when

13. Before he got married he had a servant, so he wasn't used .

a to clean c to cleaning

b cleaning d to have been cleaning

14. Jim seems to love his wife but he is thought her for money.

a to marry c he got married

b to have married d to have been married


Zadanie 4.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lubd.

1. Harry back home when his neighbour popped in for a chat.

a has just come c was just coming

b had just come d came

2. A: How long have you been dating Steve?

B: we met at our friends'wedding.

a For c Since

b When d After

3. There is a stain on my trousers. Somebody them!

a was wearing c wore

b had been wearing d has been wearing

4.I my glasses to the cinema, so I couldn't follow the subtitles.

a have forgotten to take c have forgotten taking

b forgot to take d forgot taking

5.I congratulated the man son won first prize in the drama


a which c who

b that d whose
6.I am afraid Mr Brown cannot answer your questions now because he
to a foreign investor now.

a is talking c has been talking

b is being talked d was talking

7. The most annoying thing about Alex is that he me at night.

a has always phoned c is always phoning

b has always been phoning d has phoned

8. By the time the police arrived the burglars away.

a have driven c drove

b would have driven d had driven

9. There are two solutions to this problem, but is an easy one.

a neither of them c each of them

b none of them d both of them

10. My father suggested a sandwich course at the

university to supplement theory with practice.

a me to take c to take

b that I should take d not to take

11. Celia has just phoned to ask if your part of the

project yet.

a have you finished c you had finished

b you have finished d you finished

12.I doubt he has to accept the challenge

of restructuring our company.

a enough courage c much courage

b little courage d too much courage
13.I wish my daughter going out with that suspicious man.

a would stop c has stopped

b had stopped d were stopped

14. I'll let you drive as as you promise to be very


a much c so

b if d long


Zadanie 5.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybier; właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznać; jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. Martha didn't know that the brakes were and she had

a head-on collision with a heavy vehicle.

a wrong c faulty

b deficient d incorrect

2. This substance must be kept out of the of children.

a pull c touch

b order d reach

3. Let's check our route once again to make we included

all places of historical interest in this area.

a evident c right

b clear d sure

4. In technological societies the value of information is .

a increasing c enlarging

b expanding d magnifying

5. You are welcome to use our attic but you will have to clean it first; it's

with old boxes.

a occupied c packed

b full d populated

6. It is not necessary to print all these documents, as they may be on

this computer for later use.

a placed c withheld

b stored d recorded

7. The dishwasher the amount of time needed to

keep a household in order.

a lessens c shrinks

b shortens d cuts off

8. When Ian was young he neverthought about his future but now he is deeply _____
with his career and family life.

a cared c concerned

b interested d concentrated

9. All the volunteers were then into three groups,

which were sent to various areas of the city.

a broken c turned

b divided d parted

10. The wedding ceremony will be in the Main Hall, so it will

not be difficult for you to find us.

a made c occurred

b had d held

11. And a few days we found out that Harriet was

going to sue her manager for sexual harassment.

a next c later

b further d after

12. All employees were the same range of responsibilities.

a granted c assigned

b named d given

13. There were no job offers for engineers, so he set up his own workshop where he
sewing machines.

a remedied c mended

b revised d corrected

14. Fluoride is known to teeth and gums.

a cover c save

b prevent d protect


Zadanie 6.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. Shakespeare's works have many generations of playwrights.

a shaped c directed

b influenced d moved

2.I had prepared many exotic refreshments but most visitors

for simple lemonade.

a sought c went

b strived d tried

3. In the Gianni family spaghetti recipes are down from

generation to generation.

a handed c given

b passed d delivered

4. Joseph likes working in the field but when it comes to potatoes,

he refuses to help.

a picking c collecting

b gathering d grouping

5. Because it was late I found it difficult to which berries

were rotten and which were not.

a see c attend

b watch d discern

6. Before you decide to climb in winter, you must check your equipment
and listen to weather forecasts.

a cautiously c carefully

b carelessly d exactly

7.I asked the professor to the exam until

the following week because I was not prepared.
a put on c put off

b put down d put up with

8. Making sure that the engine works properly is absolutely before

entering the race.

a in need c essential

b wanted d needy

9. If my son was more he wouldn't have connived

with the manager to steal money from the company.

a senseless c sensual

b sensitive d sensible

10. As to previous applicants, Mark Johnston is

much more suitable forthis job.

a different c opposed

b contrasted d unlike

11. This museum displays a collection of household

objects, so all generations of residents of this area have seen it.

a stable c constant

b continual d permanent

12. After many hours of futile attempts, the police decided to stop

forthe missing child.

a viewing c investigate

b searching d exploring

13. Do you happen to know who the Jagiellonian University?

a opened c based

b formed d founded

14. The novel was to all readers who can see beauty

in everyday life situations.

a devoted c dedicated

b offered d given


Zadanie 7.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. This charity was established by my grandmother and it one

of the most influential organisations for 10 years.

a lasted c endured

b continued d remained

2. My new shoes are so expensive because they are made of leather.

a genuine c true

b pure d real

3. Maria has an impressive collection of CDs from Mozart

to heavy metal.

a extending c ranging

b varying d stretching

4. His interests are to sports cars; he does not care about

anything else in the world.

a bounded c limited

b diminished d fixed

5. A new brand of toothpaste will be onto the market this year.

a introduced c entered

b brought d commenced

6. The treasure laid for almost two centuries until it

was unearthed by a group of explorers it the 16th century.

a immersed c concealed

b covered d buried

7. This cream leaves a film on your skin, so it won't be

affected by cold.

a defensive c caring

b protective d healthy

8. Many priceless manuscripts have not the fire in the library.

a lasted c endured

b retrained d survived

9. I'm sorry, but I cannot sell you this medicine without a .

a receipt c prescription

b recipe d formula

10. After he went out of prison, he decided to turn over a new ' and went to become a community worker.

a leaf c page

b chapter d start

11. Financial problems him from completing his education.

a avoided c obstructed

b prevented d hindered

12. Mark is on for being an accomplice to the crime.

a verdict c evidence

b court d trial

13. This is under repair so you had better take the bypass.

a way c path

b direction d route

14. Even though their mother didn't say a word, the children knew that she was upset
because of the on her face.

a blink c blush

b frown d wink


Zadanie 8.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. She was taken by when she found out

her son had married a girl in Rio de Janeiro.

a amazement c surprise

b shock d wonder

2.I several skirts but all of them were too large.

a put up c tried out

b dressed up d tried on

3. We will never an agreement if you are not

willing to negotiate and work towards compromise!

a obtain c reach

b get d come

4. Mrs Desmoulins was a tall woman in a starchy dress with a

of keys clanking at her waist.

a bunch c pile

b stack d set

5. Due to a of water, the tenants were asked to use it sparingly.

a drop c shortage

b decrease d drain

6. So a child is he that he will cry for hours if he doesn't get

what he wants.

a damaged c hurt

b destroyed d spoilt

7. When I least expected it, a thief my bag and disappeared

in the crowd.

a clasped c grabbed

b gripped d clenched

8. The boy's parents were to find out whether the surgery

was successful.

a worried c upset

b anxious d nervous

9. Who would have expected that we would have our house burgled in


a wide c pure

b broad d high

10. The of paper in the classroom distracted my attention and

I failed a listening comprehension task.

a crackle c swish

b rustle d cackle

11.I am afraid that your green top does not your pink skirt

and yellow shoes.

a suit c match

b fit d put

12. The sight of embers, just before the fire goes out, is very comforting.

a sparkling c shining

b flashing d glowing

13. Helen lay all night waiting for her son to come back home.

a woken c wakened

b awake d woke

14. This tatty old chair, which we had almost forgotten about, turned out to be

a part of a three-piece suite from the 17th century.

a worthless c valueless

b priceless d useless


Zadanie 9.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. This book is a real . I paid $5 for the first edition of Joyce's Ulysses.

a sale c bargain

b occasion d price

2. Do you know that Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose poems are obligatory in almost all
schools, was from Oxford?

a evicted c dismissed

b expelled d thrown

3. Demand for furniture of this type has after a report

revealed it can lead to problems with the spine.

a lowered c sunk

b deepened d dropped

4. When we came back from our holidays, we found nothing in our flat apart from

walls and a message from the burglars apologizing for what

they had done.

a bald c bare

b naked d nude

5. They spent a great of time rehearsing but the play

tu rned out to be a flop anyway.

a deal c number

b period d quantity

6. Traces of lipstick on cigarette butts were major forthe police.

a hints c bases

b sings d clues

7. George decided to ___ from the campaign when one of his

opponents accused him of taking bribes.

a resign c withdraw

b quit d release

8. She has such a charming that people cannot resist liking her.

a way, c attitude

b manner d behaviour

9. One of the major advantages of mobile phones is that even if you call long­
distance, the quality of the is very good.

a link c contact

b joint d connection

10. It is said that masters and their dogs frequently look

a like c same

b alike d equal

11. The boy tried to lick an icicle and his tongue froze solid contact.

a on c over

b at d through

12. Although she never got a leading role, she was quite successful as a(n)


a secondary c supporting

b extra d background

13. Scenes of carnage in horror films send a down my spine.

a tremble c shake

b sweat d shiver

14. Teachers hate it when their students feeble excuses

for not turning in their homework.

a makeup c make off

b make out d make for


Zadanie 10.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. Helen spent all morning looking at the clouds scudding across the sky and when it
finally became she enjoyed the view even more.

a clean c pure

b clear d transparent

2. If you want to work here you have to all your worries

and problems behind.

a let c forget

b leave d miss

3. The word "fauna" means "all animals".

a alive c living

b in live d live

4. When the present President came to he promised not

to increase taxes, but recently he's gone back on his promises.

a force c rule

b power d control

5. If the police hadn't offered a(n) of $5,000, they wouldn't

have received so many phone calls with false information fr«m people who claimed to have seen the murderer.

a reward c prize

b award d profit

6. If it is cold outside the best thing you can do is to have a cup of tea to

you up.

a heat c fry

b warm d grill

7. It is commonly known that each animal from extinction will

contribute to a genetic variety of our planet.

a reserved c deserved

b preserved d assured

8. The Minister with a ridiculous idea that taxpayers should

simply pay more money if they want to have a better health service.

a came up c put up

b made up d turned up

9. It will more than your enthusiasm to complete the scheme.

a ask c take

b want d use

10. Sheila's perfume is Chanel No 5 but she cannot afford it.

a choice c loved

b favourite d best

11. Despite numerous complaints about unpleasant smells, the residents seem to be
their battle against the management of the dumping ground.

a fighting c defeating

b losing d missing

12. Our tour guide informed us that detailed information about the city was

at the reception desk.

a accessible c given

b convenient d available

13. Because he is an ornithologist, he wants to learn to bird


a follow c repeat

b imitate d impersonate

14. Winning a lottery would be a dream come for most citizens

of that poor country.

a real c true

b realistic d alive


Zadanie 11.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. If she is by children all day long, no wonder she doesn't

have kids of her own.

a enclosed c framed

b circled d surrounded

2. Money is a poor _________for parental love and care.

a replacement c change

b substitute d alteration

3. The latest report of five sections divided into three

chapters each.

a composes c constructs

b combines d consists

4. The government was alarmed by the fact that a(n) number

of teenagers has opted out of college education.

a raising c enlarging

b increasing d heightening

5. The wound looked terrible but eventually it very quickly.

a healed c cured

b recovered d developed

6. One of his recent publications the subject of child abuse.

a covers c manages

b fulfills d deals

7. His invention builds on an ingenious of wind power.

a use c application

b appliance d employment

8. There is a need for further improvement in the

treatment of cancer, since there are few cases of total recovery.

a strongly c securely

b definitely d especially

9. The label will not come off the bottle unless you scrub

it hard under hot running water.

a brand c make

b tag d notice

10. People in environmentally households separate

rubbish and use recycled paper.

a awake c learned

b aware d wise

11. The documentary the history of two sisters who were

separated by war, grew up in different parts of the world and met only before one of them died.

a discovers c detects

b finds out d traces

12. This fantastic exhibition of jewellery shows us what was in

the 18th century.

a likeable c beloved

b fashionable d favourite

13. Would you like to take a look at William Blake's Collected

which I bought recently?

a Artifacts c Work

b Works d Jobs

14. It is that 50 hotel guests were killed in the explosion.

a assessed c valued

b estimated d approximated


Zadanie 12.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. other parents, Daria hopes that her daughter will

enjoy life when she grows up.

a As c Such

b Like d Similarly

2. These days individual discoveries are rarely made, because scientists prefer
working in .

a bands c personnel

b groups d teams

3. Our company had to step up production in order to demand.

a reach c confront

b face d meet

4. Although some art critics disapprove of computer design, others consider it to be
a unique of art and technology.

a connection c combination

b link d bond

5. Her nose didn't come out well, so Helen had the photograph .

a retouched c altered

b improved d developed

6. Computers are not very complex and they can be easily.

a recovered c repaired

b healed d composed

7. Margaret's company is as a symbol of prosperity and


a held c supported

b seen d faced

8. Living on state benefits and having two little babies, they found it difficult to make
both ends .

a meet c tie

b join d stick

9. It took Henry many years to come to with his sister's

premature death.

a conclusion c terms

b peace d face

10. The manager suggested that the staff should hold meetings on a


a proper c right

b normal d regular

11. Many lives have been in this war so far and many more

will follow.

a terminated c lost

b expired d missed

12.1 doubt Michael stands a(n) of winning the elections.

a opportunity c occasion

b possibility d chance

13. There are many scratches on the record because my guests did not put it back
into the after the party.

a cover c packaging

b package d sleeve

14. If it gets too dark, the blinds up.

a pull c lift

b push d move


Zadanie 13.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe przykłady. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d.

1. Mark was bitterly disappointed when his road improvement scheme was .

a abstained c denied

b turned down d turned out

2. The Town Council was finally into spending

additional sums of money on renovating the cathedral.

a persuaded c proposed

b convinced d suggested

3. We can avoid going bankrupt if we down production.

a decrease c slow

b diminish d make

4. Turtles frequently fall prey to predators because their

assailants they cannot move very fast.

a dissimilar c like

b unlike d comparable

5. If you want to find an extinguisher, watch out for a coloured

sign on the wall.

a fairly c brightly

b keenly d clearly

6. There are so many visitors to the Zoo that if they donated a pound ,

we wouldn't have to worry at all.

a every c all

b each d one

7. According to some commercials, toothpaste is due to very

high costs of packaging.

a worthy c wealthy

b worth d expensive

8. The shop assistant offered a(n) because I paid in cash.

a discount c amount

b cut d sale

9. Strict teachers believe that they need to keep control over

theirstudents' progress.

a stiff c hard

b narrow d tight

10. It has been announced that the new anti-drug campaign will be by


a presided c escorted

b caused d led

11. It is difficult to say exactly who we are because the world around us is


a persistently c intermittently

b permanently d constantly

12. Barry had a long discussion with the lecturer while the of

the class was waiting forthe bell to ring and save them.

a remains c remaining

b rest d reminder

13. If you should receive any letters addressed to us, could you please

them to us in Brighton?

a transmit c forward

b send d broadcast

14.I prefer having my meals prepared in a(n) way to eating

instant foods.

a accustomed c usual

b traditional d customary

0x08 graphic
Rozdział I

Rozpoznawanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych

Test luk sterowanych

Zadanie 1. str. 13

  1. c 6. b 11. c

  2. d 7. c 12. b

  3. b 8. a 13. c

  4. c 9. a 14. a

  5. c 10. c

Zadanie 2. str. u

  1. c 6. c 11. c

  2. d 7. b 12. d

  3. b 8. d 13. d

  4. c 9. a 14. b

  5. a 10. b

Zadanie 3. str. 15

  1. c 6. c 11. c

  2. a 7. a 12. c

  1. d 8. b 13. c

  2. b 9. d 14. b

  3. d 10. a

Zadanie 4. str. 16

  1. b 6. a 11. b

  2. c 7. c 12. a

  3. d 8. d 13. a

  4. b 9. a 14. d

  5. d 10. b 15. b

Zadanie 5. str. 17

  1. c 6. b 11. c

  2. d 7. b 12. c

  3. d 8. c 13. c

  4. a 9. b 14. d

  5. c 10. d

Zadanie 6. str. 18

  1. b 6. c 11- d

  2. c 7. c 12. b

  3. a 4 8. c 13. d

  4. a 9. d 14. c

  5. d 10. c

Zadanie 7. str. 19

  1. d 6. d 11. b

  2. a 7. b 12. d

  3. c 8. d 13. d

  4. c 9. c 14. b

  1. a 10. a

Zadanie 8. str. 20

  1. c 6. d 11. c

  2. d 7. c 12. d

  3. c 8. b 13. b

  4. a 9. b 14. b

  5. c 10. b

Zadanie 9. str. 21

  1. c 6. d 11- a

  2. b 7. c 12. c

  3. d 8. b 13. d

  4. c 9. d 14. a

  5. a 10. b

Zadanie 10. str. 22

  1. b 6. b 11. b

  2. b . 7. b 12. d

  3. c 8. a 13. b

  4. b 9. c 14. c

  5. a 10. b

Zadanie 11. str. 23

  1. d 6. a 11. d

  2. b 7. a 12. b

  3. d 8. b 13. b

  4. b 9. a 14. b

  5. a 10. b

Zadanie 12. str. 24

  1. b 6. c 11. c

  2. d 7. b 12. d

  3. d 8. a 13. d

  1. c 9. c 14. a

  1. a 10. d

Zadanie 13. str. 25

  1. b 6. b 11. d

  2. a 7. d 12. b

  1. c 8. a 13. c

  1. b 9. d 14. b

  2. c 10. H


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