1.Słowotwórstwo-ćwiczenia zad 5-8, MATURA - TEKSTY ZE ZROZUMIENIEM + odpowiedzi z podkreślonymi częściami zdania do każdej odpowiedzi

Zadanie 5.

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst stowem utworzonym od słowa podanego na marginesie, tak aby tekst stał się spójny i gramatycznie poprawny. Wymagana jest pełna popra­wność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

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Playing football two or three times a week can reduce your risk of heart disease. Studies show that people who exercise have more than a fifty percent 0. reduction in the risk of heart attack compared to people who are

1. . Football can help with weight loss too.

Following a 2. diet isn't enough without

exercise. By playing football losing fat will be 3.___________

Playing football can affect you 4. too. It lowers

your stress levels and increases your 5. . What's

more, playing a team sport like football is an 6.

way to stay motivated, as there are other people there to

keep you going. Due to football's growing 7. ,

there are football clubs all over the country where you can

play, no matter what your 8. or level of

9. . It also means that children are more

likely to exercise. This is important because being

overweight in 10. can lead to heart disease

in later life.

Zadanie 6.

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst słowem utworzonym od słowa podanego na marginesie, tak aby tekst stał się spójny i gramatycznie poprawny. Wymagana jest pełna popra­wność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

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Forgetting your passport, traffic 0. congestion or packing the wrong clothes can all spoil a holiday, but these are nothing compared to travel sickness. Travel sickness is

usually caused by 1. , but smells, such as

food and petrol, and 2. can also make us

feel 3. . When treating travel sickness,

4. is better than cure. Avoid eating heavy

meals or anything 5. and take a travel

sickness tablet. Traditional remedies, like ginger or

peppermint, can also be very 6. . However,

once the symptoms begin, there are still things you can do.

If the 7. is old enough, they should

sit in the front seat of the car. If on a boat, find a seat on

a 8. deck. This is where the ship moves

least. If travelling on a plane, ask for a seat over the wings.

9. , some people are going to be ill whatever

they do, 10. when taking off or landing.

If this is the case, then ask for a seat near the toilets! Bon Voyage!

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Zadanie 7.

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst słowem utworzonym od słowa podanego na marginesie, tak aby tekst stał się spójny i gramatycznie poprawny. Wymagana jest pełna popra­wność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

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The rhinoceros is 1. for having passages in

the nose that are larger than its brain! It is also the world's

most 2. large mammal living on land. Unlike

in the case of most large mammals, the 3. of

the environment in which it lives has not been the reason for its reduced number. Rhinos are hunted for their horns due to

a 4. that they will cure everything from

fever to food 5. . There are so few left that

many are kept under 6. guard. They move

during the day, 7. by guards with rifles, and

they are locked up at night. However, rhino horns are so

8. that hunters have killed guards to get at

them. These intelligent and 9. creatures

have been living on Earth for 60 million years. Generally associated with its heavyweight friends, the elephant and

hippopotamus, the rhinoceros is 10. more

closely related to the horse, but under no circumstances should you try to ride one!

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Since prehistoric times, sacred places have been a 1.

attraction for billions of people around the world. Ancient

legends and modern day reports tell of 2.

things that have happened to people while visiting these

places. Different sacred sites have different 3.

powers. They may 4. the mind, increase

creativity, develop psychic abilities, and awaken the soul to

5. about its true purpose in life.

While contemporary science cannot explain - and therefore

6. -the seemingly miraculous phenomena

which occur at these holy places, they continue to be the

most respected and visited 7. on planet

Earth. What is the key to the mystery of the sacred sites and how are we to explain their power?


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